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马骥  陈文  兰晓青 《大气科学》2020,44(4):726-747
利用1958~2017年逐日的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料对北半球冬季平流层强、弱极涡事件的演变过程进行了对比分析,同时比较了有平流层爆发性增温(SSW)和无SSW发生的两类弱极涡事件的环流演变和动力学特征。结果表明,强极涡的形成存在着缓慢发展和快速增强的过程,而弱极涡事件的建立非常迅速;和强极涡事件相比,弱极涡事件的峰值强度更强,异常中心的位置更高。此外,强、弱极涡事件的产生与波流相互作用的正反馈过程密切相关。对于强极涡事件,发展阶段的太平洋—北美(PNA)型异常削弱了行星波一波;当平流层西风达到一定强度,上传的行星波受到强烈抑制,使得极涡迅速增强达到峰值。而对于弱极涡事件,发展阶段一波型的异常增强了行星波上传,通过对纬向流的拖曳作用使得平流层很快处于弱西风状态,更多行星波进入平流层导致极涡急剧减弱甚至崩溃。针对有、无SSW发生的两类弱极涡事件的对比分析表明,有SSW发生的弱极涡事件发展阶段,平流层出现强的向上的一波Eliassen-Palm(EP)通量异常,通过正反馈过程使得一波和二波上传同时增强而导致极涡崩溃;无SSW发生的弱极涡事件发展阶段,平流层缺乏向上的一波通量,二波活动起到重要作用,其总的行星波上传远弱于有SSW发生的弱极涡事件。对于无SSW发生的弱极涡事件,其发展和成熟阶段对流层上部出现类似欧亚(EU)型的高度异常,伴随着强的向极的EP通量异常,导致对流层有极强的负北极涛动(AO)型异常。而有SSW发生的弱极涡事件发展阶段对流层上部主要表现为北太平洋上空来自低纬的波列异常,其后期的对流层效应更加滞后也不连续,对流层AO异常的强度明显弱于无SSW发生的弱极涡事件。  相似文献   

The impact of La Ni?a on the winter Arctic stratosphere has thus far been an ambiguous topic of research. Contradictory results have been reported depending on the La Ni?a events considered. This study shows that this is mainly due to the decadal variation of La Ni?a's impact on the winter Arctic stratosphere since the late 1970 s. Specifically,during the period1951–78,the tropospheric La Ni?a teleconnection exhibits a typical negative Pacific–North America pattern,which strongly inhibits the propagation of the planetary waves from the extratropical troposphere to the stratosphere,and leads to a significantly strengthened stratospheric polar vortex. In contrast,during 1979–2015,the La Ni?a teleconnection shifts eastwards,with an anomalous high concentrated in the northeastern Pacific. The destructive interference of the La Ni?a teleconnection with climatological stationary waves seen in the earlier period reduces greatly,which prevents the drastic reduction of planetary wave activities in the extratropical stratosphere. Correspondingly,the stratospheric response shows a less disturbed stratospheric polar vortex in winter.  相似文献   

ACE-FTS(加拿大“大气化学实验”的傅里叶变换光谱仪)和Aura-MLS(美国Aura卫星的微波临边探测器)卫星CO观测资料的分析结果显示,南北半球极区大气平流层中部,于当地冬末春初季节存在明显的CO浓度垂直分布次峰值现象。应用观测密度较大、范围覆盖较广的Aura-MLS卫星资料,通过对冬春季节极区CO浓度的季节内变化进行分析后发现,冬季来自大气中间层富含CO的空气能够逐渐下沉并进入到平流层中部,在冬末春初时节,平流层上部的CO浓度快速下降,而平流层中部的CO浓度变化则较慢,从而使大气平流层中CO浓度呈现悬球状的空间分布结构,卫星观测廓线资料分析结果则呈现出次峰值现象。相应的同化气象数据MERRA的风场资料和Aura-MLS卫星观测OH资料分析结果表明,垂直输送的减弱、水平交换的加强和OH浓度的回升可能是导致平流层上部CO浓度快速减少的原因,而在平流层中部极低的OH浓度以及极弱的水平交换使CO保持较长的化学寿命,并使这一现象得以从晚冬维持到春季。  相似文献   

In the winter of 1994/95 the German Transall research aircraft performed 5 campaigns in the European Arctic with 22 flights altogether. An extensive dataset of HNO3, ClONO2 and O3 column amounts was obtained by MIPAS-FT (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Flugzeug Transall) onboard the aircraft. In this paper we present the variability of the ClONO2 reservoir gas in the course of the winter. We include groundbased FTIR measurements of HF, HCl and ClONO2 to discuss the airborne observations with regard to the partitioning of inorganic chlorine.From mid-December until the end of January, MIPAS measured a stable ClONO2 collar with constantly low column amounts inside the polar vortex and maxima at the edge. This observation reflected widespread conversion of ClONO2 to reactive chlorine inside the vortex for at least six weeks. In good accordance, the ground stations measured low in-vortex HCl and ClONO2 column amounts and conversion of HCl into ClONO2 in the region of the ClONO2 maxima. In the first week of February the ClONO2 amounts started to increase in the edge region as well as inside the vortex. Between March 21 and 27, just one week after the last cold period, MIPAS observed exclusively high ClONO2 column amounts inside the vortex, indicating fast deactivation of active chlorine. In the same period the ground stations measured an excess of ClONO2 over HCl. Further, the high ClONO2 implies that the polar vortex was renoxified in March. Lower ClONO2 values, observed inside the vortex on the flights of April 5 and 8, and an increased HCl/ClONO2 ratio, measured from ground, marked the starting redistribution within the chlorine reservoir species to the photochemically more stable HCl.In February, March and April, MIPAS observed mixing of ClONO2-rich air masses with midlatitude air at the vortex edge. A very clear event happened on March 27. On this flight a distinct ClONO2 minimum was measured at the vortex edge, which was closely correlated with a filament of midlatitude air observed by OLEX (Ozone Lidar EXperiment) onboard the Transall.  相似文献   

A new lightweight in situ instrument designed to measure ClO was flown on a balloon launched into the arctic vortex at dawn on February 3, 1995 at Kiruna, Sweden during the Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Mid-latitude Experiment (SESAME), together with instruments to measure ozone and long-lived tracers. Observations on ascent and descent at different solar zenith angles are compared to results from Lagrangian and box model calculations that assume the airmasses at similar potential temperatures had comparable photochemical histories. Between 20 and 22 km, in a region where ClO was significantly enhanced, a model constrained by currently recommended rate parameters significantly underestimates the abundances of ClO that were observed on ascent at high solar zenith angles, whereas the agreement is much better if a smaller ClO-Cl2O2 equilibrium constant, one inferred from previous ER-2 aircraft observations of ClO in the Arctic during nighttime, is assumed. On ascent, ClO is additionally enhanced in a narrow region between 20 and 21 km. We believe the most plausible explanation for this feature is rapid photolysis of OClO produced by the slow bimolecular reaction ClO + ClO over the 48 hours prior to the observations when the airmass was warmed to 225 K by adiabatic compression while in polar darkness. These results suggest that under special circumstances, OClO can be produced by a reaction other than one involving BrO, and, hence, OClO is not necessarily a universal proxy for BrO abundances in the perturbed polar vortex.  相似文献   

基于CALIPSO卫星2007-2018年的三级平流层气溶胶廓线资料,本文分析西南地区平流层气溶胶的光学特性。结果表明:首先,在地理和季节上西南地区平流层气溶胶浓度较低。在夏季,西南地区平流层气溶胶光学厚度的均值出现最大值0.0007。其次,平流层气溶胶总衰减后向散射值的廓线分布随着高度的增加而减小,在10~11千米高度处出现最大值。这可能是由于对流层顶部和平流层底部之间气溶胶的相互交换。同时,平流层气溶胶总衰减后向散射值的纬向(北纬22.5°-32.5°)分布在七月出现均值最大值为0.0006×10-3 km-1sr-1,而径向分布(东经90°-110°)在一月出现最大值为0.0018×10-3 km-1sr-1。  相似文献   

平流层下部气温年际异常的旋转主成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用旋转主成分方法分析了北半球冬季平流层下部月平均气温距平,得到的4个主要的空间分布型,分别表示中纬、低纬的纬向对称异常、太平洋北部暖中心和极区冷中心的异常。还指出中纬异常的时间演变最单调,整个冬季有持续性,年际变化呈现明显的准两年振荡周期(QBD)。  相似文献   

冬季北极涛动与极涡的变化分析   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
利用NCEP/NCAR资料计算出冬季极涡面积(PVA)指数和极涡强度(PVI)指数,对冬季北极涛动(AO)和北半球500hPa极涡指数进行周期分析,讨论了冬季AO与极涡的年际、年代际变化。结果表明:冬季AO指数与PVA指数呈反相关关系,与PVI指数呈正相关关系,且AO指数呈上升趋势,PVA指数呈下降趋势。冬季AO指数、PVA指数以及PVI指数均具有多重周期。强(弱)AO指数年,极地500hPa高度场降低(升高),PVI指数偏大(偏小),PVA指数偏小(偏大)。500hPa高度场上亚洲大槽、北美大槽均减弱(加强)。AO可激发出类似EU遥相关型的异常,从而影响到东亚地区的气候。冬季AO指数在1982年发生突变,且突变后北太平洋地区的正中心位置更靠东,强度更大。此外,AO突变前后极涡变化不是很显著。  相似文献   

This study applied the modified spatial simi- larity coefficient method to define the seasonal transition (ST) from winter to summer in the extratropical strato- sphere of the Northern Hemisphere. The features of the ST were examined using European Centre for Medium- Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Interim reanalysis data; and the results showed that the time and duration of the ST, which is affected by the activity of planetary waves (PW) in the stratosphere, largely depended on the geophysical locations. This study also investigated the interannual variability of the ST and its relationship with stratospheric sudden warming (SSW) and the qua- si-biennial oscillation (QBO). It was shown that the late-onset SSW events (after 22 January) are close to the start of the ST. An easterly (westerly) QBO hastens (de- lays) the onset of the ST in high and low latitudes, whereas it delays (hastens) the ST in midlatitudes. The duration of the ST is significantly affected by the QBO. The influence of SSW and the QBO have different sig- nificance in different latitudes, so they are both important and irreplaceable factors.  相似文献   

兰晓青  陈文 《大气科学》2013,37(4):863-872
利用NCEP-NCAR 再分析资料分析了2011~2012 年冬季发生在欧亚大陆的一次异常低温严寒事件的大气环流演变过程以及可能的成因。这次低温事件,主要出现在2012 年1 月下旬至2 月上旬,持续大约3 周左右,非常强的低温异常覆盖了几乎整个欧洲以及东亚的西伯利亚、蒙古国和我国东北、华北等地。这次低温事件的演变与对流层北极涛动(AO)由正位相转变为负位相的时间相匹配,意味着AO 可能发挥重要作用。进一步分析表明,前期行星波的异常上传导致平流层发生爆发性增温现象,极夜急流减弱,AO 位相首先在平流层由正变负;在2~3 周左右的时间内,平流层AO 异常信号逐渐下传,使得对流层AO 也转为负位相;随后,乌拉尔山阻塞高压异常发展,极区的冷空气不断向南爆发,先后在东亚和欧洲造成剧烈的降温,导致低温严寒事件。因此,考虑平流层环流的异常可能有助于提高欧亚大陆冬季低温严寒事件的预测能力。  相似文献   

Gaseous nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrogene fluoride (HF) have been measured in the winter Arctic stratosphere using balloon- and aircraft-based Ion Molecule Reaction Mass Spectrometry (IMRMS) instruments. Strong HNO3 perturbations were found in 1993 and 1995 which may indicate nitrification around 11-13 km and denitrification around 20 km altitude. Most likely these perturbations were caused by sedimentation of HNO3 containing aerosols followed by aerosol evaporation at lower altitudes.  相似文献   

冬季北半球平流层季节内振荡与对流层季节内振荡的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李崇银  程胜  潘静 《大气科学》2006,30(5):744-752
通过平流层大气ISO与对流层大气ISO的比较分析,发现在中高纬地区平流层大气ISO与对流层大气ISO有着许多相同点.北半球冬半年平流层大气环流主要低频模态也可认为是北极涛动(AO),其空间分布的主要特征为; 高纬度地区与中低纬度地区为反位相变化,北极地区附近具有最大的变化值; 其季节内振荡的正位相对应于AO增强,负位相对应于AO减弱.北半球冬半年平流层100 hPa 和70 hPa 位势高度场的低频遥相关分析表明,北极地区(概指北纬60°N以北)和北半球其他大部分地区呈负相关,北极涛动扮演了非常重要的角色.同时,北半球冬半年平流层的主要低频波列是从欧亚大陆中部到西北太平洋,并且由纬向型低频波列(欧亚大陆-西伯利亚-太平洋)和经向型低频波列(欧亚大陆-北极-太平洋)共同构成.平流层30 hPa 和对流层500 hPa 上经过带通滤波(15~90 d)位势高度场的EOF第一主分量的形势有十分类似的特征,它们对应的时间系数序列有显著的延迟相关关系.因此可以认为,北半球平流层大气ISO的变化要先于对流层大气,在滞后35 d 左右其相关系数达到最大.大气环流模式(SAMIL)的数值模拟试验结果也表明,平流层的低频扰动可以在14 d 之后便在对流层500 hPa上激发出低频响应,其谱峰在30 d 左右.这进一步表明,通过大气季节内振荡,平流层的异常可以影响到对流层.  相似文献   

利用欧洲中心ERA-Interim再分析资料,对"05·6"华南持续性暴雨发生前上对流层及平流层信号进行分析。分析结果表明,暴雨发生前一周,暴雨区域上空对流层顶高度出现先降低后升高再降低的变化,这种变化与日本南部的位涡异常存在较好的对应关系,即我国中纬度沿海一带至日本的高位涡带向华南延伸,使得华南地区上空的位涡升高,对流层顶下降。在环流场中,本次暴雨发生前低纬地区上对流层下平流层(UTLS)区域的东风与1991~2010年平均值相比偏强偏北,华南地区上空平流层东风场也偏强,平流层低层东风在暴雨发生前第9天提早向下传播;位势高度场中,"05·6"华南暴雨发生前中低纬度100 hPa上的南亚高压中心位置偏东偏南;华南地区UTLS区域有较强的位势高度场正异常,在暴雨发生前随时间出现两次明显的加强,但在暴雨发生后减弱。南亚高压中心位置的偏移、东风信号的提早下传、高位涡空气入侵华南均有利于降水的发生。  相似文献   

We describe here a DIAL lidar system for atmospheric ozone measurements atAberystwyth, Wales, together witha method for deriving a stratospheric ozone profile from a single laserwavelength. Lidar measurements are used todepict the passage of three mesoscale ozone disturbances in the troposphereand stratosphere. In the troposphere, twosmall fold-like structures are shown beneath and at the edge of streamers ofhigh potential vorticity in ECMWFanalyses. MST radar measurements at the same time show that one of these foldswas actively turbulent, causingmixing of stratospheric and tropospheric air. In the stratosphere, a streamerof low-latitude air drawn into a filamentby a breaking Rossby wave event was observed crossing the lidar site.  相似文献   

东亚冬季风气候变异和机理以及平流层过程的影响   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
陈文  魏科  王林  周群 《大气科学》2013,37(2):425-438
本文综述了近几年来关于东亚冬季风变异特征和机理方面的研究,特别对平流层过程对东亚冬季风和气候异常的可能影响作了回顾和进一步分析.东亚冬季风的变异除了季风强弱变化外,还有东亚冬季风的路径变化;研究表明,前者往往对应全国气温一致的变化,而后者可以引起我国气温的南北反相振荡,并导致东亚冬季风变异存在南北两个子系统.此外,进入本世纪后,东亚冬季风的建立推迟,并且东亚冬季风在盛期明显减弱,但冬季风活动在早春比以往要更为活跃,这些变化与冬季气温南北反相变化也有密切的联系.进一步的分析揭示出东亚气温的南北反相变化是东亚冬季风变异的主要模态之一,而且它与平流层极涡强度密切相关.当异常的平流层极涡向下传播时,可以引起对流层低层北极涛动(AO)的异常以及西伯利亚高压的异常,并在东亚地区出现南北反相的温度变化.有关东亚冬季风变异的成因研究表明,上世纪70年代中后期以后,热带厄尔尼诺—南方涛动(ENSO)的影响变弱,而中高纬的北太平洋涛动(NPO)和乌拉尔地区阻塞强度的影响显著增强,相关研究还揭示了这些变化的原因.此外,东亚冬季风在1987年以后的持续减弱主要与准定常行星波活动年代际变化有关,行星波活动通过波流相互作用可以影响AO以及西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压,从而导致冬季风异常.最后,本文还讨论了太阳活动11年周期变化对东亚冬季气候异常的可能影响和过程.  相似文献   

Ozone evolution and diabatic descent in the Arctic polar vortex in winter 1995/1996 was studied with a newly developed diabatic trajectory–chemistry model (DTCM). To study the chemical and dynamic evolution of the species in the polar vortex, 400 diabatic trajectories were calculated in the vortex core and edge region by using three-dimensional (3-D) wind data provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The averaged diabatic descending motion and ozone behavior were obtained for particles started from the core and from the edge region of the vortex. The difference in ozone-loss rates as well as the difference in descending rates between the vortex core and the vortex-edge region was not statistically significant. The average cumulative ozone loss of 65 ± 16% in the vortex core obtained from the model calculations was consistent with the estimates obtained with a different method (Match experiment). The model results for the vortex core were compared with those obtained using trajectories with the vertical winds calculated on the basis of radiative cooling rates as used by the SLIMCAT 3-D chemical transport model. Although the trajectories based on cooling rates exhibited lower descending rates than those based on 3-D analyzed wind data, the ozone behavior was similar for both types of trajectory. Ozonesonde data from two stations (Ny-Alesund in the vortex core and Yakutsk in the vortex edge) were compared with the model results. For Lagrangian estimation of the ozone loss at these stations, the descending rates obtained by the diabatic trajectory calculations were used. Good agreements were obtained between the model results and observations for both the vortex core and edge region. These results suggest that strong ozone depletion occurred not only in the core, but also in the edge region of the vortex, and that air masses from the mid-latitudes did not appreciably affect the degree of ozone depletion in this winter–spring period. The sensitivity of the model to different descending rates and to the presence of large nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) particles was also examined.  相似文献   

Vertical columns of HF, HCl, HNO3, ClONO2, N2O, ClO and COF2 were measured at Harestua, Norway (60.22° N, 10.75° E, Elevation 600 a.s.l.) beginning on 24 November 1994 and concluding on 1 May 1995 during Phase-III of the SESAME (Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Mid-latitude Experiment) measurement campaign. The vertical columns of HCl, HNO3 and ClONO2 measured on 81 days were compared with columns calculated by the 3-D Cambridge model SLIMCAT. In addition the results were also interpreted by comparison with a photochemical trajectory model. Good agreement was seen for HCl while the nitrogen compounds showed larger discrepancies, especially for ClONO2. Evidence for chlorine activation was seen with 65% reduction of the chlorine reservoirs (HCl + ClONO2) while the levels of ClO were greatly enhanced. Interpretation of the loss with the trajectory model indicated condensation of chlorine on PSCs. The vertical column ratio of COF2 and HF was measured to 0.21 outside the vortex and a factor of two lower inside. The recovery of ClONO2 was seen to be much faster than that of HCl in the early spring.  相似文献   

Surface energy balance and the partitioning of sensible heat flux(SHF) and latent heat flux(LHF) play key roles in land–atmosphere feedback. However,the lack of long-term observations of surface energy fluxes,not to mention spatially extensive ones,limits our understanding of how the surface energy distribution has responded to a warming climate over recent decades(1979–2009) at the national scale in China. Using four state-of-the-art reanalysis products with long-term surface energy outputs,we identified robust changes in surface energy partitioning,defined by the Bowen ratio(BR = SHF/LHF),over different climate regimes in China. Over the past three decades,the net radiation showed an increasing trend over almost the whole of China. The increase in available radiative energy flux,however,was balanced by differential partitioning of surface turbulent fluxes,determined by local hydrological conditions. In semi-arid areas,such as Northeast China,the radiative energy was transferred largely into SHF. A severe deficiency in near-surface and soil moistures led to a significant decreasing trend in LHF. The combined effect of increased SHF and decreased LHF resulted in significant upward trends in the BR and surface warming over Northeast China. In contrast,in the wet monsoon regions,such as southern China,increased downward net radiation favored a rise in LHF rather than in SHF,leading to a significant decreasing trend in the BR. Meanwhile,the increased LHF partly cancelled out the surface warming. The warming trend in southern China was smaller than that in Northeast China. In addition to impacts on heat-related events,the changes in the BR also reflected recent cases of extreme drought in China. Our results indicate that information regarding the BR may be valuable for drought monitoring,especially in regions prone to such conditions.  相似文献   

Through multi-order structure function analysis and singularity measurement,the Hurst index and intermittent parameter are obtained to quantitatively describe the characteristics of atmospheric disturbance based on the round-trip intelligent sounding system(RTISS)in the lower-middle stratosphere.According to the third-order structure function,small-scale gravity waves are classified into three states:stable,unstable,and accompanied by turbulence.The evolution of gravity waves is reflected by the variation of the third-order structure function over time,and the generation of turbulence is also observed.The atmospheric disturbance intensity parameter RT is defined in this paper and contains both wave disturbance(H1)and random intermittency(C1).RT is considered to reflect the characteristics of atmospheric disturbance more reasonably than either of the above two alone.In addition,by obtaining the horizontal wavenumber spectrum from the flat-floating stage and the vertical wavenumber spectrum from the ascending and descending stages at the height range of18-24 km,we found that when the gravity wave activity is significantly enhanced in the horizontal direction,the amplitude of the vertical wavenumber spectrum below is significantly larger,which shows a significant impact of gravity wave activity on the atmospheric environment below.  相似文献   

胡永云  姜天宇 《大气科学》2009,33(5):1058-1070
观测表明北极平流层自20世纪70年代末以来在冬季早期 (11~12月) 存在变暖的趋势。为了验证该趋势是否是由于海面温度 (SST) 升高造成的, 我们使用观测的全球SST强迫一个全球大气环流模式 (AGCM)。集合模拟的结果表明, 在SST强迫下, 北极平流层呈现统计显著的变暖趋势, 极地对流层也有相对较弱的变暖趋势, 但统计显著性较低。通过对模拟的位势高度进行经验正交函数 (EOF) 分析, 我们发现北半球位势高度第一模态 (EOF1) 的空间结构非常类似于北极涛动 (AO) 或北半球环状模 (NAM), 其平流层主分量时间序列在冬季早期呈现统计显著的负趋势。与负的AO趋势相对应的是, 对流层高纬度和平流层中高纬度波动增强, 说明极区变暖是由于波动增强产生的极区绝热加热增强造成的。另外, 模拟的结果还表明北极平流层不仅在冬季早期出现变暖的趋势, 在冬季晚期 (2~3月) 北极平流层低层也出现弱的变暖趋势。SST强迫导致北极平流层冬季变暖不利于异相臭氧化学反应的发生, 这对极地平流层臭氧恢复有着重要意义。  相似文献   

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