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With pending regulation of mercury emissions in United States power plants, its control at every step of the combustion process is important. An understanding of the amount of mercury in coal at the mine is the first step in this process. The Springfield coal (Middle Pennsylvanian) is one of the most important coal resources in the Illinois Basin. In Indiana and western Kentucky, Hg contents range from 0.02 to 0.55 ppm. The variation within small areas is comparable to the variation on a basin basis. Considerable variation also exists within the coal column, ranging from 0.04 to 0.224 ppm at one Kentucky site. Larger variations likely exist, since that site does not represent the highest whole-seam Hg nor was the collection of samples done with optimization of trace element variations in mind. Estimates of Hg capture by currently installed pollution control equipment range from 9–53% capture by cold-side electrostatic precipitators (ESP) and 47–81% Hg capture for ESP + flue-gas desulfurization (FGD). The high Cl content of many Illinois basin coals and the installation of Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx enhances the oxidation of Hg species, improving the ability of ESPs and FGDs to capture Hg.  相似文献   

The Springfield (Western Kentucky No. 9) coal of the Carbondale Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) in the Western Kentucky Coal Field of the Illinois Basin was sampled in eleven mines from one to three channels of three equal benches. The rank of the coal is high-volatile C bituminous in the Moorman Syncline and in the Henderson Basin and high-volatile B bituminous in the Webster Syncline. The percentage of total vitrinite macerals and of total vitrinite plus liptinite was found to decrease significantly from the bottom bench through to the top bench. In a comparison of the sources of variation within the set of maceral data it was found that the only significant variation in the vitrinite and vitrinite plus liptinite percentages was between the benches. Both the rank of the coal and the maceral percentages are varying in a predictable manner.  相似文献   

Coal balls were collected from four coal beds in the southeastern part of the Illinois Basin. Collections were made from the Springfield, Herrin, and Baker coals in western Kentucky, and from the Danville Coal in southwestern Indiana. These four coal beds are among the principal mineable coals of the Illinois Basin and belong to the Carbondale and Shelburn Formations of late Middle Pennsylvanian age. Vegetational composition was analyzed quantitatively. Coal-ball samples from the Springfield, Herrin, and Baker are dominated by the lycopsid tree Lepidophloios, with lesser numbers of Psaronius tree ferns, medullosan pteridosperms, and the lycopsid trees Synchysidendron and Diaphorodendron. This vegetation is similar to that found in the Springfield and Herrin coals elsewhere in the Illinois Basin, as reported in previous studies. The Danville coal sample, which is considerably smaller than the others, is dominated by Psaronius with the lycopsids Sigillaria and Synchysidendron as subdominants.Coal balls from the Springfield coal were collected in zones directly from the coal bed and their zone-by-zone composition indicates three to four distinct plant assemblages. The other coals were analyzed as whole-seam random samples, averaging the landscape composition of the parent mire environments. This analysis indicates that these coals, separated from each other by marine and terrestrial-clastic deposits, have essentially the same floristic composition and, thus, appear to represent a common species pool that persisted throughout the late Middle Pennsylvanian, despite changes in baselevel and climate attendant the glacial–interglacial cyclicity of the Pennsylvanian ice age. Patterns of species abundance and diversity are much the same for the Springfield, Herrin, and Baker, although each coal, both in the local area sampled, and regionally, has its own paleobotanical peculiarities. Despite minor differences, these coals indicate a high degree of recurrence of assemblage and landscape organization. The Danville departs dramatically from the dominance–diversity composition of the older coals, presaging patterns of tree–fern and Sigillaria dominance of Late Pennsylvanian coals of the eastern United States, but, nonetheless, built on a species pool shared with the older coals.  相似文献   

This is the fourth installment in a series of papers on the Asturian (Westphalian D) disrupted mire margins, termed the “ragged edge” in previous papers, and limestone distributions in the Herrin–Baker coal interval in the Western Kentucky extension of the Illinois Basin. New data, indicating in-situ peat development and marine influence, collected from the first in-mine exposure of this interval are presented. Borehole data from the region are examined in the context of “ragged edge” exposures and a carbonate platform depositional model for this portion of the Illinois Basin is presented. This shows that deposition of the sequence was influenced both by the underlying sediments and by a marine transgression. The former influence is seen in variations in coal and limestone thickness over sandstone-filled channels versus over shale bayfill deposits. The latter is marked by the progressive upwards loss of coal benches (i.e., the bottom bench of both coals is the most extensive and the Herrin coal is more extensive than the overlying Paradise coal) and by marine partings in both coals. Further, the brecciated margins seen in both coal seams are similar to brecciated peats encountered along the Everglades margins of Southwest Florida. Overall coal distributions are similar to both those along the Everglades margins and those along a transect from the Belize coast to Ambergis Caye.  相似文献   

Summary A mathematical model has been developed utilizing the relative flexural strength of the strata overlying a coal seam to predict the vulnerability of shallow room and pillar mined areas to subsidence. The model assumes the failure of the immediate roof as the precursor of a subsidence event in shallow room and pillar mines. After the roof fails, either a sink hole subsidence event develops if the unconsolidated material is thin and dry; or a subsidence trough forms if the unconsolidated material is thick and wet. The model relates the Missavage number (Mn), which is dependent only on the stratigraphy and rock strength, to the extraction number, which is dependent only on the extraction ratio and maximum span of the opening. A high correlation coefficient (r=0.78) betweenMn and the extraction number for 27 subsidence events in a southern Illinois mine showed potential for using this model to delineate areas more vulnerable to subsidence. The developed and validated model was then subjected to a blind test on a 12.9 square kilometer area of an Illinois Coal Basin mine. The model successfully predicted 10 out of 12 subsidence events in the blind half of the study area and two of three additional subsidence events in the known half of the study area.  相似文献   

Cyclic sedimentation and lateral facies changes make coal bed correlations inconclusive and difficult. This uncertainty can be further complicated if a coal basin has been structurally deformed.Coal macerals can be studied to indicate the nature and degree of coalification. Their use in coal bed correlation, however, is limited. Most of the trace elements and their ratios that have been studied show significant within-bed lateral and stratigraphic variations, and thus are not effective in correlating coal beds regionally.Geochemically coherent groups of elements, such as rare earth elements (REE) and platinum group elements (PGE), appear to be highly differentiated in coal-forming environments. Geochemical coherent elemental triads appear to be useful for coal bed identification or fingerprinting. The best triad which was demonstrated to be effective in coal bed characterization in western Kentucky, is that of Al, La and Sc. These three elements are highly correlated with one another and they can be determined accurately and simultaneously with instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA).The elemental triad AlLaSc is used to identify and fingerprint three key coal beds in western Kentucky: the Springfield (western Kentucky No. 9), the Davis (western Kentucky No. 6), and the Mining City and Dawson Springs are both considered to be the No. 4 coal bed in western Kentucky). Four distinct groupings can be recognized by use of the AlLaSc triad. The Dawson Springs coals have the highest Al/(La + Sc) ratios, followed by the Springfield, the Davis and the Mining City. The Mining City coal bed generally has the highest La/Sc ratio. However, the Dawson Springs is not correlated with the Mining City using the triad analysis, even though they have reportedly similar stratigraphic positions in the western Kentucky coal basin.The AlLaSe triad appears to be effective in discriminating between the Springfield and the Davis coal beds throughout the entire Illinois Basin. Furthermore, the range of concentration variation of the ALLaSc triad suggests individual groupings of the No. 4 coal in western Kentucky. In addition to characterizing these coal beds, the AlLaSc triad may be used to confirm stratigraphic correlations.  相似文献   

The vegetational history of the Springfield (No. 5) Coal Member in the southwestern and southeasternmost portion of the Illinois Basin is reconstructed from palynological profiles of the coal seam. In most parts of the swamp dominance was shared by arborescent lycopods that produced Lycospora granulata, and two tree ferns that produced Thymospora pseudothiessenii and Laevigatosporites globosus. The profiles suggest that populations of the Thymospora producing tree fern occupied sites for long periods. In the Southwestern portion of the basin vegetation changes can be correlated to the splitting of a coal in the proximity to a paleochannel. A greater understanding of the ecological requirements of some of the spore taxa of the Springfield Coal is seen by the patterns of the same taxa in surrounding Spoon and Carbondale Coals. Some taxa appear to be more generalists and other more specialists that are more restricted to a certain type of coal.  相似文献   

Abstract In mid‐Middle Cambrian time, shallow‐water sedimentation along the Cordilleran passive margin was abruptly interrupted by the development of the deep‐water House Range embayment across Nevada and Utah. The Marjum Formation (330 m) in the central House Range represents deposition in the deepest part of the embayment and is composed of five deep‐water facies: limestone–argillaceous limestone rhythmites; shale; thin carbonate mud mounds; bioturbated limestone; and cross‐bedded limestone. These facies are cyclically arranged into 1·5 to 30 m thick parasequences that include rhythmite–mound, rhythmite–shale, rhythmite–bioturbated limestone and rhythmite–cross‐bedded limestone parasequences. Using biostratigraphically constrained sediment accumulation rates, the parasequences range in duration from ≈14 to 270 kyr. The mud mounds are thin (<2 m), closely spaced, laterally linked, symmetrical domes composed of massive, fenestral, peloidal to clotted microspar with sparse unoriented, poorly sorted skeletal material, calcitized bacterial(?) filaments/tubes and abundant fenestrae and stroma‐ tactoid structures. These petrographic and sedimentological features suggest that the microspar, peloids/clots and syndepositional micritic cement were precipitated in situ from the activity of benthic microbial communities. Concentrated growth of the microbial communities occurred during periods of decreased input of fine detrital carbonate transported offshore from the adjacent shallow‐water carbonate platform. In the neighbouring Wah Wah Range and throughout the southern Great Basin, coeval mid‐Middle Cambrian shallow‐water carbonates are composed of abundant metre‐scale, upward‐shallowing parasequences that record high‐frequency (104?105 years) eustatic sea‐level changes. Given this regional stratigraphic relationship, the Marjum Formation parasequences probably formed in response to high‐frequency sea‐level fluctuations that controlled the amount of detrital carbonate input into the deeper water embayment. During high‐frequency sea‐level rise and early highstand, detrital carbonate input into the embayment decreased as a result of carbonate factory retrogradation, resulting in the deposition of shale (base of rhythmite–shale parasequences) or thin nodular rhythmites, followed by in situ precipitated mud mounds (lower portion of rhythmite–mound parasequences). During the ensuing high‐frequency sea‐level fall/lowstand, detrital carbonate influx into the embayment increased on account of carbonate factory pro‐ gradation towards the embayment, resulting in deposition of rhythmites (upper part of rhythmite–mound parasequences), reworking of rhythmites by a lowered storm wave base (cross‐bedded limestone deposition) or bioturbation of rhythmites by a weakened/lowered O2‐minimum zone (bioturbated lime‐ stone deposition). This interpreted sea‐level control on offshore carbonate sedimentation patterns is unique to Palaeozoic and earliest Mesozoic deep‐water sediments. After the evolution of calcareous plankton in the Jurassic, the presence or absence of deeper water carbonates was influenced by a variety of chemical and physical oceanographic factors, rather than just physical transport of carbonate muds.  相似文献   

The Western Kentucky Coal Field is the southern tip of the Eastern Interior, or Illinois Basin. Pennsylvanian rocks in this area, which include conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, shale, limestone and coal, were deposited primarily in coastal-deltaic settings at a time when western Kentucky was located close to the equator. This paper discusses temporal changes in regional sedimentation patterns and coal-forming floras of Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian strata in the Western Kentucky Coal Field.Lower Pennsylvanian strata of the Caseyville Formation are characterized by paleovalley-filling sedimentation patterns and extabasinal quartz pebbles. Caseyville Formation coals are characteristically thin and discontinuous and were strongly influenced by subsidence within underlying paleovalleys, and the dissected lower Pennsylvanian paleotopography. Caseyville coals are commonly dominated by Lycospora, but can also have variable palynofloras, which probably reflects variable edaphic conditions and edge effects within small, patchy paleomires. Tradewater Formation strata show increased marine influences and tidal-estuarine sedimentation, especially in the middle and upper parts. Coal beds in the lower part of the Tradewater typically are thin and discontinuous, although some economically important beds are present. Coals become thicker, more abundant and more laterally persistent towards the top of the formation. Palynologically, lower and middle Tradewater Formation coals are dominated by Lycospora, but begin to show increased amounts of tree fern spores. Middle and upper Tradewater coals are thicker and more continuous, and contain high percentages of tree fern spores. In addition, cordaite pollen is locally abundant in this interval.Carbondale and Shelburn (Desmoinesian) strata are much more laterally continuous, and occur within classic cyclothems that can be traced across the coal field. Cyclothems have long been interpreted as being eustatically driven, and glacio-eustacy controlled not only sedimentation but also the formation of Desmoinesian paleomires. Palynologically, Carbondale and Shelburn coals are either dominated by Lycospora or have heterogeneous palynofloras. Palynologic and coal-quality data suggest that hydrologic base level may have been the primary control on Desmoinesian paleomires, rather than paleoclimate, as the coals display rheotrophic, rather than ombrotrophic characteristics.  相似文献   

Coal and gas outburst disasters in coal seams are becoming more serious as coal mines extend deeper underground in China. To aid gas control in high-gas outburst coal seam group, this study performed research based on the geological conditions of the Xinzhuangzi coal mine in the Huainan coalfield. The laws of gas occurrence, the strength of the coal outburst, and the regional partition were studied. Simultaneously, we introduced the key protective seam mining technology and confirmed the mining sequence of coal seam groups. The results indicate that (1) each seam absorbs gas well, and the currently measured gas content is up to 15.0 m3/t. (2) Although some differences about coal seams outburst intensity remain, the differences in the same group are very small. (3) The coal seam B10 was chosen as the key protective seam and was mined first; then adjacent seams were mined from bottom to top by layer within the roof of B10 and from top-to-bottom within the floor of B10 to guarantee each adjacent coal seam received the good effects of pressure-relief and increasing permeability. (4) The main methods of gas extraction in each protected seam are surface boreholes and net-like penetrating boreholes in the floor roadway, and related technical parameters were determined according to the degree of pressure-relief in coal seam. This in situ experiment indicates a method aiding the gas control problem and guaranteeing safe and highly efficient exploitation of high-gas outburst seams.  相似文献   

三角洲平原沉积环境是陕北侏罗纪煤田煤炭资源的主要形成环境之一,为获得不同环境煤层顶板岩石力学参数特征,进一步探究沉积环境与岩石力学特征之间的关系,首先从区域沉积环境分析入手,然后运用岩心精细描述、沉积构造分析、地球物理测井分析等技术,识别微相、划分顶板沉积微相类型及其组合特征;之后对不同沉积环境中不同位置、不同岩性的岩石进行系统地分层采样和测试分析;最后综合分析煤层顶板各沉积微相的岩石力学特征。结果表明,煤层直接顶板以泥岩、粉砂质泥岩为主,形成于三角洲平原亚相中的沼泽、湖泊沉积微相,局部见粉砂岩、细粒砂岩形成于分流河道和天然堤微相;基本顶主要以中-细粒砂岩为主,形成于分流河道沉积微相;沉积环境不仅控制煤层顶板岩性分布而且控制岩石力学参数及其含水层富水性的分布,其中,湖泊、沼泽相泥岩顶板区是顶板支护的重点部位,多期分流河道砂岩叠置顶板区是未来矿井防治水以及探放水的重点区域。   相似文献   

Fossil plant compressions and impressions are abundantly associated with coals of Mississippian and Pennsylvanian age in the central Appalachians, Illinois Basin, and elsewhere in the United States. Remains of the aerial plant parts occur most commonly in shale directly overlying coal, especially in the vicinity of contemporaneous paleochannels. Most roots and a few stumps are found preserved in situ; however, most aerial plant fossils were transported prior to burial. There is good evidence that fossil plants preserved in roof shales are mostly the same types of plants from which the coal formed. Mississippian coal floras are lower in diversity than later ones. Quantitatively important plants include only 2 lycopod genera, 1 arthrophyte genus, 1 fern genus, and 5 seed fern genera. Pennsylvanian floras, on the other hand, include abundant representatives of 5 lycopod genera, 2 arthrophyte genera, 4 fern genera, 5 seed fern genera, and 1 coniferophytic genus. The swamp floras were never in equilibrium, though change appears to have been particulary rapid near the boundary between the Mississippian and the Pennsylvanian.  相似文献   

煤层顶板的含水性对煤层气的开采有重要影响。沁水盆地南部上石炭统太原组15号煤层直接或间接顶板多为灰岩,其中以K2灰岩为主,连续分布。顶板泥岩较少,呈零散分布。灰岩的富水性对煤层气的排水降压有影响。因此,主要从灰岩的厚度展布、裂隙发育、与煤层的接触关系以及区域水文地质条件讨论其含水性对煤层气产能的影响。研究结果表明:(1)灰岩的含水性一般较弱,但当遇到断层或岩溶陷落柱较发育的部位,可能与其他含水层沟通,富水性较强。(2)15号煤层顶板灰岩的厚度与煤层气井的产水量并无直接关系,其裂隙较发育,但大多被方解石充填,导水和储水性能较差。(3)灰岩与15号煤层的接触关系有两种:一种是直接接触型,灰岩直接覆于15号煤层之上;另一种是间接接触型,灰岩与15号煤之间夹有泥岩、砂岩或14号煤层。直接接触型煤层气井的产水量、产气量比间接接触型高。间接接触型15号煤层直接顶板的岩性、厚度对产气、产水都没有太大影响。  相似文献   

随着煤矿开采强度的不断增大,矿井逐渐向深部转移,冲击地压灾害日益严峻。而深部冲击地压矿井往往存在一层或多层坚硬厚岩层,这些坚硬顶板厚度较大,整体性强,突然断裂时会释放大量弹性能,易引发冲击地压事故,严重制约矿井安全生产。以陕西彬长矿区孟村矿为例,针对矿区内煤层埋藏深、普遍存在多种坚硬厚岩层的特殊情况,提出针对性治理措施:对顶板上方0~80 m范围内厚度超过10 m的坚硬厚岩层进行破断、弱化处理,对煤层上方0~30 m范围的低位岩层采取顶板深孔爆破预裂措施,对煤层上方30~60 m范围内的中位坚硬岩层采取顶板定向长钻孔水力压裂措施,对煤层60 m以上高位坚硬岩层采取地面水平井分段压裂措施;使高、中、低位顶板产生的裂缝在垂向上实现贯穿,将顶板“切割”成相对规则的“块状”结构,使上覆岩层应力由“硬传递”转化为“软传递”;并结合煤层大直径孔卸压、煤层爆破等煤层卸压措施,形成了区域与局部相结合、煤层与岩层全覆盖的“井上下”立体防治模式。工程实践证明:采用“井上下”立体防治模式后,工作面103 J以上微震事件降低88%,周期来压强度降低23%,来压持续时间缩短61%,防冲效果良好。该技术模式的成功...  相似文献   

The Western Kentucky No. 4 coal is a high-volatile B to high-volatile C bituminous coal that has been heavily mined along the southern margin of the Western Kentucky Coal Field. The seam has a reputation for rolling floor elevation. Elongate trends of floor depressions are referred to as “dips” and “rolls” by miners. Some are relatively narrow and straight to slightly curvilinear in plan view, with generally symmetric to slightly asymmetric cross-sections. Others are broader and asymmetric in section, with sharp dips on one limb and gradual, ramp-like dips on the other. Some limbs change laterally from gradual dip, to sharp dip, to offset of the coal. Lateral changes in the rate of floor elevation dip are often associated with changes in coal thickness, and in underground mines, changes in floor elevation are sometimes associated with roof falls and haulage problems. In order to test if coal thickness changes within floor depressions were associated with changes in palynology, petrography and coal quality, the coal was sampled at a surface mine across a broad, ramp-like depression that showed down-dip coal thickening. Increment samples of coal from a thick (150 cm), down-ramp and thinner (127 cm), up-ramp position at one surface mine correlate well between sample sites (a distance of 60 m) except for a single increment. The anomalous increment (31 cm) in the lower-middle part of the thick coal bed contained 20% more Lycospora orbicula spores.The rolling floor elevations noted in the study mines are inferred to have been formed as a result of pre-peat paleotopographic depressions, syn-depositional faulting, fault-controlled pre-peat paleotopography, and from compaction beneath post-depositional channels and slumps. Although the association of thick coal with linear trends and inferred faults has been used in other basins to infer syn-depositional faulting, changes in palynology within increment samples of the seam along a structural ramp in this study provide subtle evidence of faulting within a specific increment of the coal itself. The sudden increase in L. orbicula (produced by Paralycopodites) in a single increment of a down-ramp sample of the Western Kentucky No. 4 coal records the reestablishment of a rheotrophic mire following a sudden change in edaphic conditions. Paralycopodites was a colonizing lycopod, which in this case became locally abundant after the peat was well established along a fault with obvious growth during peat accumulation. Because many coal-mire plants were susceptible to sudden edaphic changes as might accompany faulting or flooding, changes in palynology would be expected in coals affected by syn-depositional faulting.  相似文献   

Geologic structures can represent planes of preferential weakness that, by dismembering the roof beam, may contribute to the failure of roof spans. However, beam deflection and roof failure also occur in rocks where no visible geologic discontinuities are present. This suggests that roof failure may depend on rock strength, which in turn depends on intrinsic textural properties inherent to the rock. In this study, rock samples were collected from horizontal stress-related roof fall material in coal mines for petrographic characterization and compressive strength testing. Brittle, stress failure-prone rock types include thinly interlaminated siltstone and shale, and black shale that had been lightly recrystallized. Samples exhibit a narrow range of density values between approximately 2.5–3.0 g/cm3 but exhibit a wide range of unconfined compressive strength values, between approximately 20–70 MPa. Results of laboratory observations suggest that for samples of coal mine immediate roof shale, compressive strength is not well correlated with density, grain size, sutured grain boundaries, or quartz content. These results for shale are generally at odds with the results of similar studies for sandstone. The great variability of strength, texture, and mineralogy documented in these samples may be an indication of their complexity and the need for specialized methodology in the study of shale strength.  相似文献   

Coals from the D-2 and D-3 boreholes in the Grove Center 7 1/2 min quadrangle, Union County, KY, have been found to be highly brecciated and mineralized. The mineralization is dominated by a carbonate assemblage with minor sulfides and sulfates. Included among the secondary minerals is the lead selenide, clausthalite. Overall, the emplacement of secondary vein minerals was responsible for raising the rank of the coals from the 0.6–0.7% Rmax range found in the area to as high as 0.95–0.99% Rmax.A 1.3-m-thick coal found in one of the boreholes is unique among known Western Kentucky coals in having less than 50% vitrinite. Semifusinite and fusinite dominate the maceral assemblages. The coal is also low in sulfur coal, which is unusual for the Illinois Basin. It has an ash yield of less than 10%; much of it dominated by pervasive carbonate veining. The age of the thick coal in core D-2 is similar to that of the Elm Lick coal bed, found elsewhere in the Western Kentucky coalfield. The coals in D-3 are younger, having Stephanian palynomorph assemblages.  相似文献   

通过对沁水盆地安泽区块煤层气地质条件和储层条件的深入分析,探讨了该区煤层气的富集规律及主要影响因素。研究发现,煤的岩石学特征、构造、顶底板岩性是影响煤层气富集的主要因素。总体上,安泽区块煤储层含气量受煤阶影响,表现为:煤的变质程度越高,吸附能力整体增强,含气量增大。局部区域,煤层气含量受煤层埋深、断层、褶皱及煤层顶底板岩性等综合因素的影响。在构造平缓带,煤层气含量随埋深增大而增大;在构造活动带,正断层上升盘含气量明显低于下降盘含气量,断层对煤层气的逸散作用明显。此外,泥岩顶底板封盖较砂岩顶底板封盖能力强。   相似文献   

Palynological samples, plant megafossils, and fossil wood taken from the upper Lipovtsy Subformation (Porechye open-pit coal mine in the Il’ichevka coalfield, Razdol’naya River Basin, southern Primorye), as well as coal samples for determining coal-forming plants from dispersed cuticles are analyzed. The taxonomic composition of the identified palynomorphs from the coals and interstratal clastic sediments indicates the Aptian age of host deposits. The palynological spectra from the lower humic–rhabdopissite coal seam are dominated by Gleicheniaceae and Cyatheaceae accompanied by Dicksoniaceae and Ginkgocycadophytus. In the palynological spectra from the upper coal seam, the share of Gleicheniaceae substantially decreases, though they remain dominant; simultaneously, single angiosperm pollen grains appear in them. The spectra from the clastic rocks are dominated by Polypodiaceae and Cyatheaceae. The taxonomical composition of the gymnosperms is relatively diverse, although their abundance is low. The share of angiosperms increases with respect to both their diversity and abundance. The angiosperm pollen, found for the first time in the Aptian deposits of the Razdol’naya River Basin, provides grounds to assume that these pants appeared earlier than previously thought (early Albian). The coal-forming plants of the Il’ichevka coalfield are determined.  相似文献   

通过理论分析和部分实际资料的计算发现,多频点电透视技术对判定工作面顶底板含水构造 的深度有较明显的反映,这种结果为利用电透视探查顶底板含水构造埋深问题指明了研究方向。   相似文献   

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