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The work is aimed at summarizing data on Late Cretaceous radiolarians from the Crimean and West Sakhalin mountains. The Cenomanian-lower Coniacian stratigraphic interval of the Crimean Mountains yields 215 radiolarian species, and 80 concurrent species are known from the West Sakhalin Maintains. According to results of comparative analysis, there are 62 species in common from two regions, i.e., most of the species occurring in the West Sakhalin Mountains are also known from southerly regions, which is a good premise for correlation.  相似文献   

Reexamination of radiolarians from the Naiba and Bykovo formations of the Naiba reference section (West Sakhalin Mountains) is carried out. Distinguished in the section are the Cromyomma (?) nodosa-Amphipyndax sp. A (terminal early Cenomanian), Cuboctostylus kasinzovae-C. sakhalinensis (Middle Cenomanian), Cuboctostylus trifurcatus-Cassideus yoloensis (terminal middle-late Cenomanian), and Spongodiscus concentricus-Multastrum robustum (late Turonian to early Coniacian probably) assemblages. According to results of comparative analysis for North Pacific regions, concurrent radiolarian assemblages from the Naiba section and California contain up to 40% of species in common, whereas taxonomic similarity with assemblages from Japan is insignifican in contrast.  相似文献   

本文系统梳理了中国地层表(2014)中—新元古界尚存的地层学问题,并以十多年来有关专家及本课题组地层年代学成果为基础,结合地质事件的时空发育和对比关系,重点研究了中元古界底界、中元古界待建系、中—新元古代过渡时期地层关系、成冰系底界的划分及震旦系罗圈冰期的时代归属。在此基础上提出了中—新元古代地层划分和对比方案建议,并进一步讨论和对比了中国华北、扬子和塔里木三大陆块中—新元古代地质特征异同。研究表明:中国中元古界以1800 Ma(或1780 Ma)为底界,比1600 Ma更合理;中元古界待建系虽在华北陆块北缘和南缘、扬子陆块北缘和南缘均发育,但以扬子陆块北缘神农架地区神农架群最佳,建议暂以神农架群为待建系候选层型进行重点研究;华北胶辽徐淮吉豫的原青白口纪地层很可能跨越了1000 Ma界线,有一部分地层属于中元古界;建议与国际接轨,原南华系与成冰系对应(720~635 Ma);青白口系以820 Ma构造面为界两分,下部称青白口系下统(1000~820 Ma),上部称青白口系上统(820~720 Ma),待以后证据更充分时再决定是否分为两个系;华北陆块南缘以罗圈冰川为代表的罗圈组及相应地层...  相似文献   

The geological structure and conditions of formation of a Lower Cretaceous clinoform complex in West Siberia are examined based on sequence stratigraphy. The regional Berriasian-Hauterivian clinoforms are interpreted as third-order sequences, and their formation should be considered in terms of the Depositional Sequence III model. Productive beds of both shallow and deep marine as well as continental genesis formed mostly in a regressive basin and belong to the highstand systems tracts.  相似文献   

Biostratigraphy of the Berriasian Stage in the Crimean Mountains is specified and substantiated. Fragments of all the standard stage zones (jacobi, occitanica, and boissieri) are distinguished based on the found index species, and position of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary is targeted. According to verified distribution of ammonites, the jacobi Zone is divided into the jacobi and grandis subzones crowned by the Malbosiceras chaperi Beds. The Tirnovella occitanica-Retowskiceras retowskyi Beds and overlying Dalmasiceras tauricum Subzone are recognized in deposits of the occitanica Zone. The upward succession of biostratigraphic units established in the boissieri Zone includes the Euthymiceras-Neocosmoceras Beds, Riasanites crassicostatus Subzone, Symphythyris arguinensis and Jabronella sf. paquieri-Berriasella callisto Beds. The last biostratigraphic unit is suggested in this work instead the former Zeillerina baksanensis Beds. Except for the jacobi Zone, the substantiated ammonoid zonation is practically identical to the Berriasian biostratigraphic scale of the northern Caucasus, although the Berriasian-Valanginian boundary has not been defined in the Crimean Mountains based on ammonites. Several marker levels of bivalve mollusks and four biostratigraphic subdivisions of brachiopod scale are distinguishable here. As for the latter, these are (from the base upward) the Tonasirhynchia janini, Belbekella airgulensis-Sellithyris uniplicata, Symphythyris arguinensis, and Zeillerina baksanensis beds.  相似文献   

The sedimentary cycles of the Cenomanian to Maastrichtian were investigated in the Basco-Cantabrian Basin (BCB) in northern Spain (Provinces of Alava, Vizcaya and Burgos). The depositional area was a distally steepened carbonate ramp which extended from Catalonia northwestwards to the Basque country. The investigated sediments range from calciturbidites and pelagic marls to marl-limestone alternations deposited on a distal carbonate ramp. Shallow marine limestones, marls and intertidal clastics and carbonates were deposited on the proximal part of the carbonate ramp. The establishment of a regional sequence analysis is based on the investigation of seismic profiles, well logs and outcrop sections. Examples of outcrop sections are interpreted in terms of sequence stratigraphy (unconformities of third- and second-order cycles, depositional geometries, systems tracts). The sequence stratigraphic interpretation of outcrop sections is based on facies analysis, interpretation of observed depositional geometries and correlation of unconformities and marine flooding surfaces through the basin. A biostratigraphic framework is established based on ammonites, inoceramids, planktonic and benthic foraminifera. As a result, a regional sequence stratigraphic cycle chart is presented and compared with published global cycle charts. The correlation of the regional cycle chart with published cycle charts is good. In the Cenomanian and Turonian, several sequence boundaries in the BCB are shifted by up to one biozone compared with the global chart. Some type 1 boundaries of the standard chart are only type 2 in the BCB. Important type 1 boundaries in the BCB are: top Geslinianum Zone with a 100 m lowstand wedge at the basis of the sequence (sequence boundary 92.2) ; base Petrocoriense Zone with a 250 m shallowing-upwards lowstand wedge at the basis (sequence boundary 89.2); and within the Syrtale Zone (sequence boundary 85.0).The Campanian-Maastrichtian sequence record is strongly disturbed by local compressive tectonics. Several sequences are recognizable and can be correlated with the global cycle chart. Correlation is hampered by the low biostratigraphic resolution in the western basin part. Subsidence analysis of several sections of the Upper Cretaceous of the BCB and its interpretation in the regional tectonic context leads to a discussion of the causes of the observed cyclicity. A regional eustatic curve is presented for the Upper Cretaceous of the BCB. Stage and substage names were used according Code-Committee (1977). Correspondence to: K.-U. Gräfe  相似文献   

昌都-类乌齐地区的三叠系发育较好,尤其是上三叠统建组剖面多。以露头剖面为基础,在晚三叠世地层中可识别出4个三级层序界面,其中1个Ⅰ类界面与3个Ⅱ类界面;划分出4个三级层序,分别为1个Ⅰ类层序和3个Ⅱ类层序。笔者研究认为,该区克拉通盆地三级层序的类型、结构与数量等方面具有可对比性。  相似文献   

The existing lithostratigraphic nomenclature of the late Carboniferous succession of Staffordshire and Shropshire is reviewed in the light of boreholes drilled since 1950. Four lithostratigrahic units are recognized on the basis of sandstone composition, assemblages of detrital clay minerals and geophysical log response. A regionally developed lithostratigraphic marker formed by a palustrine sequence with a distinctive gamma ray response is identified. Recognition of these features permits the identification of former incorrect correlations, and allows revisions to the lithostratigraphy to be proposed. A revision of the macroflora indicates a late Westphalian D to Cantabrian age for the higher part of the succession. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ammonite biostratigraphy plays a central role in the definition of Jurassic stratigraphy. Nevertheless, the strong provincialism of European ammonite species during the Kimmeridgian is a long-standing problem in correlation attempts between the boreal and Tethyan faunal realms. Moreover, the sequence-stratigraphic interpretations for northern and southern Europe given in the Jurassic chronostratigraphic chart of Hardenbol et al. in SEPM Publ. 60 (chart) (1998) are different. The present study aims to resolve this correlation problem in order to better understand the connections between the boreal and the Tethyan realms during the Kimmeridgian. A sedimentological and high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic interpretation is presented for two unpublished sections (Cras d’Hermont and Roche de Mars) in the northern Swiss Jura, where recently discovered ammonites display both boreal and Tethyan influences. Then, these sections are correlated with the same time interval in the central Swiss Jura and Vocontian Basin, which belong to the Tethyan realm. Lastly, a long-distance transect is constructed between the Vocontian Basin, Swiss Jura, northern France, and southern England, the last two areas being part of the sub-boreal realm. The main results of this work are that: (1) third-order depositional sequences, and also higher-frequency sequences, can be correlated from the Tethyan to the boreal realm; (2) the sequence-stratigraphic interpretation given by Hardenbol et al. in SEPM Publ 60 (chart) (1998) for northern Europe seems to be accurate and agrees with the sequence-stratigraphic framework established in the Swiss Jura; (3) the Late Kimmeridgian of the Swiss Jura displays boreal influences; (4) integrated high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic studies are a valuable approach for bridging the correlation gap between northern and southern Europe.  相似文献   

Diverse radiolarians (over 70 species) are detected in cherty rocks above the bituminous shale horizon, the marker of anoxic event OAE-2 recorded across the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary in the upper part of the Ananuri Formation of flyschoid deposits, the Lazarevskoe area of the western Caucasus. The radiolarian assemblages studied are comparable in composition with radiolarians from concurrent Cenomanian-Turonian boundary strata in other Mediterranean regions (e.g., in the Crimea and Turkey). The lower radiolarian assemblage includes index species Dactyliosphaera silviae of synonymous Cenomanian zone. Alievium superbum present in the upper assemblage is index species of the relevant Turonian zone. Within the studied flyschoid sequence, sediments indicative of the above event (bituminous shales and cherts) are confined to upper elements of flysch rhythms.  相似文献   

Sequence stratigraphic analysis of four widely spaced outcrops of middle Cenomanian to middle Turonian strata deposited in the Western Interior foreland basin in southern New Mexico, USA, defines ten sequence boundaries in a marine shale‐rich interval ca 200 m thick. The majority of sequence boundaries are based on basinward shifts in lithofacies characterized by either a non‐Waltherian contact between distal‐bar or lower shoreface sandstone and underlying lower offshore shale, or an erosional contact between distal‐bar or lower shoreface sandstone and underlying upper offshore shale. The sequence boundaries commonly correlate basinward to packages of storm‐deposited sandstone and to beds of sandy grainstone composed of winnowed inoceramid shell fragments. In several cases, however, the sequence boundaries pass basinward into presumably conformable successions of lower offshore shale. Maximum flooding surfaces within the sequences are represented by one or more beds of locally phosphatized globiginerid wackestone and packstone or exist within a conformable succession of lower offshore shale. Following initial south/south‐westward transgression into the study area, the regional trend of palaeoeshorelines was north‐west to south‐east, although isopach data indicate that lobes of sandstone periodically spread south‐eastward across the study area. The ten sequences in the study area are arranged into a third‐order composite megasequence that is characterized by overall upward‐deepening followed by upward‐shallowing of sequences. The composite megasequence is similar but not identical to the previously established T‐1 transgression and R‐1 regression in New Mexico. Based on radioisotopic dates of bentonites, the average frequency of the sequences within the study area was ca 327 kyr, which is consistent with fourth‐order cycles of ca 400 kyr interpreted in coeval marine strata elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

A chart of infrazonal biostratigraphic subdivision of Cenomanian-Coniacian deposits in the East European paleobiogeographic province is based on distribution of benthic foraminifers. The suggested chart characterizes successive trend of changes in ecologic assemblages of benthic foraminifers and morphologic evolution of certain agglutinated (Gaudryina, Bolivinopsis, Heterostomella, Arenobulimina, Ataxophragmium, Ataxoorbignyna, Marssonella) and secretory (Globorotalites, Valvulinera, Gyroidinoides, Stensioeina, Osangularia, Berthelina, Pseudovalvulineria, Gavelinella, Cibicides, Praebulimina, Reussella) foraminiferal genera. The chart includes 7 zones and 13 subzones, most of which are recognizable over the vast territory from the Mangyshalk to southern Baltic areas. It is correlated with the acknowledged ammonoid and inoceramid zonations. Five stadia of taxonomic changes in foraminiferal assemblages, which are substantiated in this work, show that principal biotic events took place in the mid-late Cenomanian, during the Cenomanian-Turonian and early-middle Turonian transitions, in the late Turonian, and at the early-middle Coniacian boundary time.  相似文献   

本文对坪北油田长62油层组3种主要类型的短期基准面旋回结构特征及分布进行了详细描述。在高分辨率层序地层划分对比的基础上,建立了长62油层组高分辨率等时地层格架,分析了沉积演化过程、沉积相演化序列及砂体的空间展布规律。  相似文献   

The section of Mesozoic terrigenous deposits over 1200 m thick has been described, and a new geological map of the Stolbovoi Island southern half has been compiled. The inference has been made that the sedimentary sequence represents a single uniform turbidite complex, which is indivisible into lithological units and which does not show transition to shallow-marine facies either in the visible foot section or visible roof section. The complex accumulated in the foreland basin emerged on the margin of the Novosibirsk-Chukchi continental block during the Anyuian orogeny. The presence of upper Volgian deposits (Upper Jurassic) with a visible thickness of 640 m, Berriasian (Ryazanian) deposits about 100-m thick, and lower Valanginian deposits with a visible thickness of ~200 m has been established on the basis of identification of fossils represented by remains of bivalve mollusks (the genus Buchia). Finds of upper Volgian buchias in the southeastern part of the island are inconsistent with field geological observations of the sequence of deposits. Paleontological data acquired for the island southern part suggest the presence of a transverse thrust fault, along which upper Volgian rocks were thrust over lower Neocomian rocks. The possibility of another interpretation of the data has also been considered. The correlation of the Buchia Beds of the Stolbovoi Island, Nordvik Peninsula, the basin of the Anyui River, and northern California has been carried out. The inference about a close relationship between the biota of the Stolbovoi Island and the North Pacific paleobiogeographic realm has been drawn.  相似文献   

Shallow-water carbonates are invaluable archives of past global change. They hold the record of how neritic biologic communities reacted to palaeoenvironmental changes. However, attempts to decipher these geological archives are often severely hampered by the low stratigraphic resolution attained by biostratigraphy. This is particularly the case for the Upper Cretaceous carbonate platforms of the central Tethyan realm: their biostratigraphy suffers from very low resolution and poor correlation with the standard biochronologic scales based on ammonites, planktic foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton.In this paper we show how this problem can be tackled by integrating biostratigraphy with isotope stratigraphy. We present a detailed record of the benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and carbon and strontium isotope stratigraphy of three upper Cenomanian-middle Campanian sections belonging to the Apennine Carbonate Platform of southern Italy. For the upper Cenomanian-Turonian interval, the carbon isotope curves of the studied sections are easily correlated to the reference curve of the English Chalk. The correlation is facilitated by the matching of the prominent positive excursion corresponding to the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. For the Coniacian-middle Campanian interval, the correlation is mainly based on strontium isotope stratigraphy. We use the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the low-Mg calcite of well preserved rudist shells to obtain accurate chronostratigraphic ages for many levels of the three studied sections. The ages obtained by Sr isotope stratigraphy are then used to better constrain the matching of the carbon isotope curves.From the high-resolution chronostratigraphic age-model stablished by isotope stratigraphy, we derive the chronostratigraphic calibration of benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphic events. For the first time the benthic foraminiferal biozones of the Apennine Carbonate Platform can be accurately correlated to the standard ammonite biozonation. This result is of great relevance because the biostratigraphic schemes of other carbonate platforms in the central and southern Tethyan realm are largely based on the same biostratigraphic events.  相似文献   

Early and early middle Cenomanian turrilitid ammonoids from the upper part of the Albian–Cenomanian Aitamir Formation of the Koppeh Dagh (northeast Iran) are described, illustrated and placed in an integrated stratigraphic context. The Aitamir Formation represents a graded siliciclastic shelf system and the turrilitid faunas comprise eight different species. Representatives of Mariella and Hypoturrilites have been recorded from a lower Cenomanian horizon in the Ghorghoreh section, corresponding to the Mantelliceras mantelli ammonite biozone. Mariella bicarinata (Kner, 1852) and H. wiedmanni Collignon, 1964 are recorded for the first time from Iran and the larger palaeobiogeographical area, respectively. The horizons with Turrilites costatus and T. scheuchzerianus at Taherabad can be dated as early middle Cenomanian Acanthoceras rhotomagense Zone, T. costatus Subzone. Concentrations of ammonoids commonly occur above regressive sandstone units, at the transition into overlying deeper marine shale units and in their lower parts, respectively. Such intervals represent the early transgressive systems tract of depositional sequences and may thus be regarded as early transgressive, slightly condensed shell accumulations. The uppermost lower to lower middle Cenomanian succession at Taherabad is of striking bio-, event- and sequence stratigraphic similarity to contemporaneous sections in northwest Europe. It reflects deposition during falling and low sea-level associated with the latest early Cenomanian unconformity SB Ce 3 as well as the pulsating transgressive development during the early middle Cenomanian, including levels correlative to the arlesiensis, primus and Mid-Cenomanian events in northwest Europe.  相似文献   

以高分辨率层序地层学理论及其技术方法为指导,通过地表露头、岩心、测井和地震资料的综合分析,在白马庙气田上侏罗统蓬莱镇组识别出3类不同成因类型和发育规模的层序界面、3个级别的湖泛面,划分出2个长期、6个中期、38~40个短期基准面旋回层序,并对不同级次旋回层序的特征进行了详细讨论.同时,发现中期基准面旋回层序近顶部的薄层灰岩和钙质泥岩也是识别中期基准面旋回的重要标志之一.在此基础上,运用旋回等时对比法则对各级次旋回层序进行对比,建立了3个不同时间尺度的等时地层格架,认为开展高分辨率层序地层分析对深化白马庙气田蓬莱镇组气藏的勘探开发工作具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of the conchostracan genus Tenuestheria from the Lanxi Formation in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province in Southeast China is revised following an examination of the type species under a scanning electron microscope, which revealed some morphological features on the carapace that had not been recognized previously. The importance of the Tenuestheria Fauna is considered in the context of correlation of six Turonian–Santonian formations in this region of China. The value of the Cenomanian Nemestheria and Turonian Linhaiella faunas in correlating the underlying early Late Cretaceous formations is also noted.  相似文献   

The first data on the distribution of planktonic foraminifers and radiolarians in the Mt. Ak-Kaya section, the central Crimean Mountains, are considered. According to the analyzed distribution of foraminifers, the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the section are subdivided into three biostratigraphic units: the Marginotruncana austinensis-Globotruncana desioi (presumably upper Coniacian), Sigalia carpatica (uppermost Coniacian-lower Santonian), and Contusotruncana fornicata-Marginotruncana marginata (upper Santonian) beds. Subdivisions substantiated by distribution of radiolarians are the Alievium praegallowayi-Crucella plana (upper Coniacian-lower Santonian), Alievium gallowayi-Crucella espartoensis (the upper Santonian excluding its uppermost part), and Dictyocephalus (Dictyocryphalus) (?) legumen-Spongosaturninus parvulus (the uppermost Santonian) beds. The Contusotruncana fornicata-Marginotruncana marginata Beds are concurrent to the middle part of the Marsupites laevigatus Zone coupled with the Marsupites testudinarius Zone (the uppermost Santonian). The Alievium gallowayi-Crucella espartoensis Beds are correlative with the upper part of the Alievium gallowayi Zone in the Californian radiolarian zonation. The cooccurring assemblages of planktonic foraminifers and radiolarians provide a possibility to correlate the Coniacian-Santonian deposits within the Crimea-Caucasus region.  相似文献   

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