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We present the full VRI light curves and the times of minima of TY UMa to provide a complete photometric solution and a long-term trend of period variation. The light curves show a high degree of asymmetry (the O'Connell effect). The maxima at 0.25 phase (Max I) are 0.021, 0.015, and 0.020 mag fainter than those at 0.75 phase (Max II) in V , R , and I , respectively. The period of TY UMa has varied in a sinusoidal way, superimposed on the long-term upward parabolic variation. The secularly increasing rate of the period is deduced as 1.83 s per century  ( P˙ / P =5.788×10-10 d d-1)  . The period of sinusoidal variation is about 57.4 yr. The spot model has been applied to fit the asymmetric light curves of TY UMa, to explain light variations. By changing only the spot parameters, the model light curves can fit the observed light curves for three epochs. This indicates that the variation of the spot location and size is the main reason for changing the shape of light curves, including two different maxima and the interchanging depths of occultation and transit minima.  相似文献   

The short-period, eclipsing, magnetically active binary system XY UMa has been observed over several orbital cycles at X-ray wavelengths. The X-ray light curves vary owing to obvious flares and other lower level activity on time-scales of days. These data caution against deducing coronal structure on the basis of a single orbit of X-ray data. In contrast to similar binary systems, XY UMa shows no significant X-ray eclipses. This is interpreted as evidence for either extended (> 1  R ) coronae or a compact corona at high, uneclipsed latitudes on the primary star. The extended coronal scenario is favoured by some observational features of other systems such as extended radio coronae, long-duration X-ray flares and cool prominences, but unfavoured by others such as high coronal densities from EUV spectroscopy. A high-latitude compact corona might be associated with the high-latitude starspots seen in many active stars. Nearly simultaneous optical light curves suggest that some equatorial spots were present at the time of the X-ray observations, but fewer than in previous or subsequent years and that high-latitude spots must also be present. It is speculated that the lack of X-ray eclipses and dearth of equatorial, compact coronal regions are associated with a minimum in XY UMa's magnetic activity cycle.  相似文献   

The contact binary AW UMa has an extreme mass ratio, with the more-massive component (the current primary) close to the main sequence, while the low-mass star at   q ≈ 0.1  (the current secondary) has a much larger radius than a main-sequence star of a comparable mass. We propose that the current secondary has almost exhausted hydrogen in its centre and is much more advanced in its evolution, as suggested by Stpień. Presumably the current secondary lost most of its mass during its evolution with part of it transferred to the current primary. After losing a large fraction of its angular momentum, the binary may evolve into a system of FK Com type.  相似文献   

We have used maximum entropy eclipse-mapping to recover images of the visual surface brightness distribution of the primary component of the RS CVn eclipsing binary SV Cam, using high-precision photometry data obtained during three primary eclipses with Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ). These were augmented by contemporaneous ground-based photometry secured around the rest of the orbit. The goal of these observations was to determine the filling factor and size distribution of star-spots too small to be resolved by Doppler imaging. The information content of the final image and the fit to the data were optimized with respect to various system parameters using the χ2 landscape method, using an eclipse-mapping code that solves for large-scale spot coverage. It is only with the unprecedented photometric precision of the HST data (0.000 15 mag) that it is possible to see strong discontinuities at the four contact points in the residuals of the fit to the light curve. These features can only be removed from the residual light curve by the reduction of the photospheric temperature, to synthesize high unresolvable spot coverage, and the inclusion of a polar spot. We show that this spottedness of the stellar surface can have a significant impact on the determination of the stellar binary parameters and the fit to the light curve by reducing the secondary radius from  0.794 ± 0.009  to  0.727 ± 0.009 R  . This new technique can also be applied to other binary systems with high-precision spectrophotometric observations.  相似文献   

Broad-band V and I photometry of the short-period W UMa-type contact binaries V523 Cas and TY UMa are reported. From the light curves, the system parameters have been determined and evidence is presented for extensive spot activity in both systems, with V523 Cas being the more active system. A compilation of all the available photoelectric and CCD-based timings of eclipse minima is made; the O–C diagrams show evidence for an increasing period in the case of V523 Cas and a decreasing period in TY UMa. In addition we derive a more accurate astrometric position for V523 Cas from our CCD images.  相似文献   

The Wilson–Devinney program is used to model 27 light curves (our own and others) for CF Tuc. We find new parameters for the binary system, and estimate the longitudes and radii of the spots on the cooler secondary star. We also find a strong tendency for spots on the cooler star to appear in a limited range of longitudes, rather than to migrate fairly rapidly as for other RS CVn systems. There is evidence that the mean light level of the cooler star is varying cyclically.
The orbital period clearly changes discontinuously. We discuss this, and the apparently cyclic variations in mean light level, in relation to the model proposed by Applegate.  相似文献   

We present surface spot maps of the K2V primary star in the pre-cataclysmic variable binary system, V471 Tau. The spot maps show the presence of large high-latitude spots located at the sub-white dwarf longitude region. By tracking the relative movement of spot groups over the course of four nights (eight rotation cycles), we measure the surface differential rotation rate of the system. Our results reveal that the star is rotating rigidly with a surface shear rate,  dΩ= 1.6 ± 6 mrad d−1  . The single active star AB Dor has a similar spectral type, rotation period and activity level as the K star in V471 Tau, but displays much stronger surface shear  (46 < dΩ < 58 mrad d−1)  . Our results suggest that tidal locking may inhibit differential rotation; this reduced shear, however, does not affect the overall magnetic activity levels in active K dwarfs.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of BV R light curves of an eclipsing binary CK Bootis, a system with a very small mass ratio. The light curves appear to exhibit a typical O'Connell effect. The light curves are analyzed by means of the latest version of the WD program. The asymmetry of the light curves is explained by a cool star spot model. The simultaneous BV R synthetic light curve analysis gives a tiny mass ratio of 0.12, an extremely large fill‐out factor of 0.65, and a very small difference between the component temperatures of 90 K. The absolute parameters of the system were also derived by combining the photometric solutions with the radial velocity data. The mass of the secondary is very low (0.15 M) and it continues losing mass. Thirty seven new times of minimum are reported. It is found that the orbital period of the system has a quasi periodic variation, superimposed on a period increase. The long‐term period increase rate is deduced to be dP/dt = 3.54x10–7 d yr–1, which can be interpreted as being due to mass transfer from the less massive star to the more massive component. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report the 6-cm radio-continuum detection of a previously unknown radio star, HIP 68718, identified by the Hipparcos satellite as an EB or β-Lyrae type optical variable. Only five prior radio detections of this type are reported in the literature. The radio source (VLA J140402−002145) was detected at the 6σ level, with an associated <1 arcsec position error. The radio-optical separation is 0.2 arcsec and is well within the position errors. A ROSAT X-ray source (RXJ 1404.0−0021) is located 4.5 arcsec from the radio position. Based on the component spectral types (F5V + G5V), 1.52 d period, variations in the peak of the light curve and the X-ray and 6-cm radio luminosities, we conclude the star is a candidate RS CVn. The binary is in a near-contact phase based on the asymmetric light curve (O'Connell effect). Evidence of two faint possible companion objects was also found in the J - and K -band Two-Micron All-Sky Survey images.  相似文献   

XMM-Newton was used to observe two eclipsing, magnetic cataclysmic variables, DP Leo and WW Hor, continuously for three orbital cycles each. Both systems were in an intermediate state of accretion. For WW Hor we also obtained optical light curves with the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor and from ground-based observations. Our analysis of the X-ray and optical light curves allows us to constrain physical and geometrical parameters of the accretion regions and derive orbital parameters and eclipse ephemerides of the systems. For WW Hor we directly measure horizontal and vertical temperature variations in the accretion column. From comparisons with previous observations we find that changes in the accretion spot longitude are correlated with the accretion rate. For DP Leo the shape of the hard X-ray light curve is not as expected for optically thin emission, showing the importance of optical depth effects in the post-shock region. We find that the spin period of the white dwarf is slightly shorter than the orbital period and that the orbital period is decreasing faster than expected for energy loss by gravitational radiation alone.  相似文献   

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