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Dissolved cadmium and copper concentrations have been determined in 76 surface water samples in coastal and ocean waters around Scotland by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV). A trace metal/salinity ‘front’ is observed to the west, north and north-east of Scotland separating high salinity ocean water (>35 × 10−3) with low concentrations of dissolved Cd and Cu from lower salinity (<35 × 10−3) coastal water containing higher concentrations of Cd and Cu. Mean Cd concentrations in ocean and coastal waters are 7 ng dm−3 (0·06 n ) and 11 ng dm−3 (0·10 n ) respectively; for Cu the respective levels are 60 ng dm−3 (0·95 n ) and 170 ng dm−3 (2·68 n ). The observed distribution is attributed principally to freshwater runoff and the advection of contaminated Irish Sea water into the study area.  相似文献   

The use of barnacles as biomonitors of metal contamination in coastal waters worldwide is reviewed as a critique compilation of the reported studies and presents resume-tables of available data for future reference. The barnacle body reflects both short and long-term metal level environmental variations and the metal bioaccumulation occurs mainly in their granules (relatively inactive pools). The barnacle body is considered as good biomonitoring material and different barnacle species could bioaccumulate metal concentration ranges of 40–153,000 μg/g of Zn, 20–22,230 μg/g de Fe, 1.5–21,800 μg/g of Cu, 5.9–4742 μg/g of Mn, 0.1–1000 μg/g of Pb, 0.7–330 μg/g of Cd, 0.4–99 μg/g of Ni and 0.2–49 μg/g of Cr. However, as the plates (‘shells’) of barnacle exoskeletons can be affected by metal levels in coastal waters, mainly in their composition and morphology, they are not considered good biomonitoring material. Despite this, the use of a specific barnacle species or group of species in a specific region must firstly be carefully validated and the interpretation of the contaminant bioaccumulation levels should involve specific environmental variations of the region, physiological parameters of the barnacle species and the relationship between the potential toxicity of the contaminant for the environment and their significance for the barnacle species. Barnacles, particularly a widespread cosmopolitan species such as Amphibalanus amphitrite, have a great potential as biomonitors of anthropogenic contamination in coastal waters and have been used worldwide, including Europe (United Kingdom, Turkey, Poland, Croatia, Spain and Portugal), Asia (India and China), Oceania (Australia), North America (Florida, Massachusetts and Mexico) and South America (Brazil). The use of barnacle species as biomonitors of metal contamination in coastal waters is considered an important and valuable tool to evaluate and predict the ecological quality of an ecosystem.  相似文献   

何丽斌  周宸  黄瑞芳  林琪 《台湾海峡》2010,29(4):473-477,594,594
采用鱼鳍细胞空气干燥法制片,Giemsa染色,对厦门沿岸海域2种虾虎鱼的染色体核型进行了分析研究.其中,犬牙缰虾虎鱼(Amoya caninus)的染色体数目为2n=50,臂数为NF=84,有8对中部着丝点染色体(M),7对亚中部着丝点染色体(SM),2对亚端部着丝点染色体(ST)和8对端部着丝点染色体(T).髭缟虾虎鱼(Tridentiger barbatus)的染色体数目为2n=44,臂数为NF=68,有5对中部着丝点染色体(M),6对亚中部着丝点染色体(SM),1对亚端部着丝点染色体(ST)和10对端部着丝点染色体(T).未发现有异形染色体.其中犬牙缰虾虎鱼的染色体数目是文献中尚未报道的1类虾虎鱼染色体类型.  相似文献   

厦门海域鱼类群落分类学多样性的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
根据厦门海域鱼类种类组成历史资料和调查资料,系统整理了厦门海域的鱼类总名录和现有名录,并应用分类学等级多样性指数和分类差异变异指数分析了厦门海域鱼类群落分类学多样性的时空变化。结果表明:厦门海域有记录鱼类共649种;现有鱼类有331种,隶属2纲22目90科181属,其中软骨鱼纲共5目9科9属15种,辐鳍鱼纲共17目81科172属316种。厦门海域鱼类总名录的等级多样性指数Δ+和分类差异变异指数Λ+分别为79.267和220.96;现有鱼类群落分类多样性指数Δ+和分类差异指数Λ+分别为77.504和245.34。分类多样性指数Δ+在冬、春季较高,秋季次之,而夏季最低;而分类差异指数Λ+夏季较高,秋季次之,冬春季较低。秋季和冬季鱼类组成的相似度最高,其次为夏季,最后为春季。与历史总名录相比,厦门海域的现有鱼类群落分类学范围较小,生态幅变窄,群落稳定性较差。  相似文献   

2017年6月和8月,通过对秦皇岛海域的超微型浮游植物进行现场调查和流式细胞仪分析,发现了聚球藻(Synechococcus)和超微型真核藻类(picoeukaryotes)两大类群,其中聚球藻又分为聚球藻Ⅰ和聚球藻Ⅱ两个亚群。调研期间,正处于秦皇岛海域褐潮高发期。通过分析超微型浮游植物细胞丰度、碳生物量及分布特点,研究了秦皇岛海域在褐潮高发期超微型浮游植物分布及相关环境因子影响。结果表明,6月份超微型真核藻、聚球藻Ⅰ和聚球藻Ⅱ平均丰度分别为1.14×104个/mL、4.02×104个/mL和1.04×104个/mL,碳生物量均值分别为27.22μg/L、8.49μg/L和2.27μg/L;在8月份超微型真核藻、聚球藻Ⅰ和聚球藻Ⅱ平均丰度分别为3.27×103个/mL、5.79×104个/mL和2.58×104个/mL,碳生物量均值分别为6.35μg/L、13.41μg/L和5.83μg/L。超微型真核藻、聚球藻Ⅰ和聚球藻Ⅱ在6月份和8月份表现出不同的分布...  相似文献   

鱼类群落结构和功能群组成是了解水域生态系统的结构和功能的基础,本研究基于2018年4月、6—11月底拖网鱼类资源调查数据,分析了天津近海鱼类群落结构和功能群组成。调查共捕获鱼类23种,隶属于6目14科20属,主要以暖温性底层鱼类和中上层鱼类为主。优势种以矛尾鰕虎鱼(Chaetueichthysstigmatias)、六丝矛尾鰕虎鱼(Chaetueichthyshexanema)、短吻红舌鳎(Cynoglossusjoyneri)等小型鱼类为主,其中矛尾鰕虎鱼为各月共有优势种。根据月间CLUSTER聚类分析结果,可将天津近海鱼类群落分为3个组,其中,4月为一组,6—9月为一组,10—11月为一组。根据各鱼种饵料组成进行聚类分析,天津近海鱼类群落由浮游动物食性功能群、广食性功能群、杂食性功能群、虾/鱼食性功能群、鱼食性功能群和底栖动物食性功能群,其中杂食性功能群、虾/鱼食性功能群和广食性功能群为主要功能群。  相似文献   

Coastal areas are prone to varying degrees of anthropogenic chemical contamination. In many coastal environments experiencing reducing conditions in the water column, nitrite is produced as a result of denitrification. With a view to determining the effect of a natural stress such as the presence of nitrite in water on the xenobiotic metabolism in fish, the euryhaline cichlid Oreochromis mossambicus was exposed for up to 9 days to environmentally relevant concentrations of water-borne nitrite and phenanthrene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.Analyses of different biomarkers in the treated fish indicated significant increase in the metabolism of phenanthrene as a result of exposure to nitrite. For example, the activity of the biotransformation enzyme measured as 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity was, in the presence of 1 μM nitrite, nearly twice that produced by phenanthrene alone. Similarly, biliary fixed fluorescence values reflecting phenanthrene and its metabolites were rendered 1.7 times higher when exposed simultaneously to nitrite. Contact with nitrite and phenanthrene together also led to severe hepatic damage with possible cell death as inferred from the large enhancement in sorbitol dehydrogenase activity in the serum and reduced liver somatic index.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the different uses and the functional roles of shallow habitats for fish fauna in the Venice Lagoon, by applying the functional guilds approach. Temporal (seasons) and spatial (location) changes within the lagoon show different habitat uses by fish assemblages, not influenced by local factors. Unvegetated mud habitats (salt marsh creeks and sub-tidal mud flats) and sparsely vegetated (seagrass) habitats show a common nursery role, especially for marine migrant fishes; but, contrary to other similar areas elsewhere shallow seagrass beds in the Venice Lagoon do not have a primary nursery role. This latter habitat has a more important role as a spawning ground for a resident, highly specialized component of the fish community. The habitat uses and their role to fish fauna illustrate the balance between predation risk and foraging profitability, as major factors structuring the fish assemblages. Spatial effects at a larger scale also highlight general characteristics of the fish assemblages in the Venice Lagoon. These indicate differences between the Northern sub-basin and the other two lagoon sub-basins, due to differences in the hydrodynamic regime, habitats distribution, and contributions from land and sea.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》2002,25(1):31-38
Offward transport of surface coastal waters was studied in the Eastern Mediterranean from 31° to 37° N between 31° to 36° E using cluster analysis of water-leaving radiance spectra from SeaWiFS color scanner imagery for spring-summer period of 1998. Some types of spectra were found to be characteristic of products of mixing of coastal and offshore waters and served as a quasiconservative tracer of water transport. Three sectors of the eastern coastal zone supplied colored and suspended matter into the open sea areas as occasional pulse discharges of 3-5 week periodicity. The Haifa sector was the most powerful source of such matter producing traceable separate radiance inhomogeneities as far as 200 km west of Haifa. It appears that the discharges were triggered when a set of specific conditions took place and that evolution and life time of discharged waters depended on currents and horizontal mixing. Advantages of cluster approach to imagery analysis are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

An extensive trial to examine physiological and biochemical changes in perch (Perca fluviatilis) inhabiting coastal waters polluted by bleached kraft mill effluents has been carried out. The results from this investigation show profound effects of bleached kraft mill effluents on several fundamental biochemical and physiological functions on four different sampling occasions. Typical symptoms in perch from the polluted areas were reduced gonad growth, enlarged liver, and very strong induction of certain cytochrome P-450-dependent activities. Elevated content of ascorbic acid in liver tissue and strongly affected carbohydrate metabolism show that the effluent causes metabolic disorders. Marked effects on the white blood cell pattern indicate a suppressed immune defence. Alterations in the red blood cell status and the ion balance suggest an impaired gill function. This extensive symptom picture is strengthened by the relatively good agreement with the effects previously observed in fish exposed to bleached kraft mill effluents (BKME) in the laboratory.1–3  相似文献   

基于2006~2007年福建沿岸海域4个航次的底拖网调查,分析了福建沿岸海域石首鱼科鱼类的资源现状.结果表明:4个航次共捕获石首鱼类16种,其中春季捕获石首鱼类10种,夏季和冬季均捕获14种,秋季捕获12种.不同航次捕获的石首鱼类占所有鱼类总渔获量的比例为10.43%~23.23%,平均15.71%.平均资源密度和平均个体密度分别为81.49 kg/km2和3 663.06 ind./km2.平均资源密度和平均个体密度均以秋季最高,分别为130.02 kg/km2和5 702.64 ind./km2.闽东沿岸海域、闽江口及其附近海域、闽中沿岸海域和厦门沿岸海域石首鱼类的全年平均资源密度分别为70.75、96.23、22.54和84.57 kg/km2.在各种石首鱼类中,叫姑鱼(Johnius belengerii)的资源密度和个体密度最大,其次是丁氏(Wak tingi).叫姑鱼的相对重要性指数最高,为871.01,仅叫姑鱼为优势种.与近20 a前的调查资料相比较,石首鱼类的渔获量占鱼类总渔获量的比例升高,但资源密度显著下降,必须采取措施,避免开发强度的继续增加,以利于其资源的可持续利用.  相似文献   

In this study we identified spatial and temporal patterns in the distribution and abundance of larval stages of several fish species in nearshore waters off central Chile. Larvae were sampled monthly at two close (20 km apart) but contrasting localities, El Quisco and Las Cruces. Surveys corresponded to standard plankton tows stratified according to bathymetry and distance from shore. Our results indicate that at both localities: (1) there is a seasonal reproductive pattern for most of the species studied; (2) there is a seasonal-related change in larval species composition and abundance, with austral Winter–Spring being the time of greatest diversity; (3) larval stages of several species that, as adults occupy intertidal, estuarine–riverine, subtidal, benthic-demersal, epipelagic or mesopelagic habitats, are found within these coastal environments; (4) there is a distinctive cross-shelf pattern of larval distribution, which seems to correspond, at least for the intertidal species, with the shallower (<30 m depth) portion of area surveyed; and (5) there is a coupling between the patterns of distribution and abundance of the entire ichthyoplankton assemblage with short-term physical features such as wind forcing, Ekman transport, and local currents. Our findings suggest that both the specific composition as well as the abundance of larval fish species varies spatially and temporally and that this variability may result from the interaction of physical and biological factors at different scales.  相似文献   

In situ experiments using isotopically labeled mercury species (199Hg(II) and Me201Hg) are used to investigate mercury transformation mechanisms, such as methylation, demethylation and reduction, in coastal and marine surface waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The aim of this work is to assess the relative contribution of photochemical versus biological processes to Hg transformation mechanisms. For this purpose, potential transformation rates measured under diurnal and dark incubation conditions are compared with major biogeochemical parameters (i.e. hydrological and biological data) in order to obtain the relative contribution of various biotic and abiotic mechanisms in both surface (high light) and bottom (low light) waters of the euphotic zone. The results demonstrate that coastal and marine euphotic zones are significant reactors for all Hg transformations investigated (i.e. methylation, demethylation, reduction). A major outcome demonstrates that Hg methylation is taking place in oxic surface seawater (0.3–6.3% day− 1) and is mainly influenced by pelagic microorganism abundance and activities (phyto- and bacterioplankton). This evidences a new potential MeHg source in the marine water column, especially in oligotrophic deep-sea basins in which biogeochemistry is mostly governed by heterotrophic activity. For coastal and marine surface waters, although MeHg is mainly photochemically degraded (6.4–24.5% day− 1), demethylation yields observed under dark condition may be attributed to microbial or chemical pathways (2.8–10.9% day− 1). Photoreduction and photochemical reactions are the major mechanisms involved in DGM production for surface waters (3.2–16.9% day− 1) but bacterial or phytoplanktonic reduction of Hg(II) cannot be excluded deeper in the euphotic zone (2.2–12.3% day− 1). At the bottom of the euphotic zone, photochemical processes are thus avoided due to the attenuation of UV-visible sunlight radiation allowing biotic processes to be the most significant. These results suggest a new potential route for Hg species cycling in surface seawater and especially at the maximum biomass depth located at the bottom of the euphotic zone (i.e. maximum chlorophyll fluorescence). In this environment, DGM production and demethylation mechanisms are thus probably reduced whereas Hg methylation is enhanced by autotrophic and heterotrophic processes. Experimental results on mercury species uptake during these investigations further evidenced the strong affinity of MeHg for biogenic particles (i.e. microorganisms) that correspond to the first trophic level of the pelagic food web.  相似文献   

Since the first coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) capture in Tanzania in 2003 there have been about 35 other captures. With increasing call for protection, imposing ban on gill net fishery, which has resulted in the accidental captures is being considered off Kigombe, northern Tanzania. There is however, a dilemma because the gill net fishery is just recent, having been introduced towards attaining poverty eradication and food security goals. On the basis of the assessment of the environmental conditions of the coelacanth it is suggested that a total ban on bottom set shark nets may not be necessary except during the cooler SE monsoon period when coelacanth can easily venture into the cool shallow waters in search for food.  相似文献   

Variability of fish assemblages across habitat structures can depend on spatial scales. A hierarchical sampling design was used to assess the spatial variability of temperate fish assemblages in different habitats and at multiple scales. Underwater visual censuses were carried out along the coasts of Elba Island (NW Mediterranean) on Posidonia oceanica beds, rocky algal reefs and sandy habitat at three spatial scales, namely tens of metres (individual replicates), hundreds of metres (sites) and tens of kilometres (locations). At the assemblage level, there was a clear relationship between fish and habitat type and the observed habitat‐related differences were largely dependent on species identity. Fish assemblages on P. oceanica beds and rocky reefs shared a high number of species, whereas overlap with sandy assemblages was negligible. Multivariate analyses revealed significant differences in fish assemblages among habitats, although there was also a significant habitat × site interaction. These differences relied mainly upon assemblage composition and species richness. Assemblages on rocky reefs and P. oceanica meadows usually harboured a higher number of species and individuals compared with sandy assemblages. Nevertheless, the patterns of habitat‐related differences in species richness and, especially, in the total number of fish, changed significantly from site to site. Eight species showed significant differences over habitats, but they were not consistent due to the interaction of habitat with site. Predictability of fish at both assemblage and population levels decreased with the scale of observation, and the spatial pattern of fish observed at the smallest scale was likely dependent on factors other than habitat type.  相似文献   

Both water and suspended particulate matter in the deep water of the Gulf of St. Lawrence are greatly enriched in manganese. Maximum dissolved manganese concentrations are encountered close to the sediment-water interface whereas the particulate matter with highest manganese content occurs 30–100 m above the bottom. The elevated concentrations are attributed to the diagenetic release of dissolved manganese from the underlying fine-grained sediments and its subsequent precipitation in the water column. The rate of manganese precipitation is rapid compared to the rates of diffusion and mixing in the bottom water. Part of the manganese-enriched particulate matter becomes mixed throughout the water column by advection and diffusion. Thus, particles enriched in manganese can ultimately be carried into the open ocean by prevailing currents. This process, which appears to be widespread in eastern Canadian coastal waters, enables manganese originally associated with rapidly settling terrigenous particles to be transferred to slowly settling fine-grained suspended particles entering the ocean from coastal environments. In this way, riverborne manganese of terrigenous origin may well account for a major proportion of the excess manganese in pelagic sediments.  相似文献   

长江口以南我国沿岸海域经济贝类中的重金属   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文报道了长江口以南我国沿岸海域经济贝类中各重金属的含量及其分布趋势。结果表明,各种贝类体内Zn的含量总是最高,Hg的含量总是最低。各重金属平均含量一般呈Zn>Cu>As≈Cd>Cr≈Pb>Hg的排列顺序。该海域牡蛎的Hg、Pb、Cr、As的含量低,区域分布较均匀;Cu、Zn、Cd的含量相差悬殊,以珠海海区牡蛎的Cu、Zn、Cd含量最高,分别为431×10-6~474×106,864×10-6~1044×10-6,7.02×10-6~8.25×10-6(m/m),其主要原因可能是工业排污造成的。本调查牡蛎分布较广,对Cu、Zn、Cd有较强的积累能力,推荐它为我国局部海域海洋污染监测Cu、Zn、Cd的指示生物。  相似文献   

Monthly sampling for ichthyoplankton was conducted at three stations very near to the coast (near to shore shallow stations before the surf zone in direction to the shoreline) of Atlantic northwestern Portugal within contrasting localities: rocky shore, in front of a sandy beach receiving an estuary and a fishing port with heavy anthropogenic impact. Sampling was conducted from August 2002 to October 2003, always at full moon, at low tide and high tide in daylight hours, at the water column using a 48 cm diameter plankton net with 335 μm mesh. Analysis of the physico-chemical parameters pointed out the spatial (horizontal) homogeneity of the sampling area. Fish larvae from 41 taxa belonging to 17 families were identified; Blenniidae, Labridae, Ammodytidae, Clupeidae, Gobiidae, Soleidae and Gobiesocidae were the most representative during the study period. Parablennius gattorugine, Ammodytes tobianus, Symphodus melops, Sardina pilchardus, Lipophrys pholis and Coryphoblennius galerita were the most representative species (percentage contribution to total abundance). Peak abundance of fish eggs occurred during May, June and August 2003 and fish larvae occurred during May and July 2003 and August 2002 and 2003; there was a pronounced winter/early spring (March 2003) peak in larval abundance dominated by the small sandeel A. tobianus. This study identifies the occurrence of a conspicuous assemblage of larval fishes at very nearshore shallow environments of a variety of species with different adult habitats: the fish larvae assemblage was dominated by intertidal species. The present study has shown that temporal and spatial variations in the larval fish assemblage are related to environmental conditions and biological dynamics: the results suggest that abiotic conditions mediate biotic parameters, and that both abiotic and biotic characteristics regulated the larval fishes at very nearshore shallow environments.  相似文献   

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