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The Havran-Bal?kesir Fault Zone (HBFZ) is one of the major active structures of the Southern Marmara Region, which has been shaped by the southern branch of North Anatolian fault since the Pliocene. HBFZ is a 10–12 km wide, 120 km long, right-lateral strike-slip fault zone that consists of two ENE-striking main faults, namely, the Havran-Balya and Bal?kesir faults. The 90-km-long Havran-Balya fault exhibits right-stepping en echelon geometry and is made up of (1) Havran, (2) Osmanlar, (3) Turplu and (4) Ovac?k fault segments. On the eastern part, the 70-km-long Bal?kesir fault is divided into two fault segments; (1) Gökçeyaz? and (2) Kepsut. We estimated the long-term slip rate between 3.59 and 3.78 mm/yr using river offset. The Kepsut, Gökçeyaz? and Ovac?k fault segments are capable of generating an earthquake with a moment magnitude of up to 7.2. Detailed palaeoseismological studies show that the HBFZ is responsible for some surface faulting earthquakes with an average recurrence interval of 1000–2000 years during the late Holocene. Considering the fact that there was no evidence of a surface-ruptured earthquake for 2000 years, it can be stated that there is a seismic gap on the Gökçeyaz? fault segment.  相似文献   

A palaeomagnetic study is reported from the lavas of Eocene, Miocene and Pliocene age cropping out immediately to the north of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) in the Re?adiye–Mesudiye region of central-eastern Anatolia. Rock magnetic investigations identify a high percentage of multi-domained magnetite as the dominant ferromagnet in these rocks and this probably accounts for a relatively poor response to alternating field and thermal demagnetisation. Thirty of 37 units yielded acceptable groupings of characteristic magnetisation directions. An earlier study indicated small anticlockwise crustal block rotation in this region since Upper Cretaceous times (D/I?=?347/50°), and our study indicates that this was overtaken by clockwise rotation in Eocene times (D/I?=?40/47°), although sample size control from the Palaeogene is poor. Results from later Miocene (D/I?=?2/62°) and Pliocene (D/I?=?0/53°) volcanic rocks indicate that no significant tectonic rotation has occurred in the north of the NAFZ in Neogene times. This contrasts with rotations in the weaker crust comprising the Anatolian collage south of the NAFZ, where differential and sometimes large anticlockwise rotations occurred during the latter part of the Neogene.  相似文献   

Numerical modelling techniques enable forcing function at the point of contact in a hail impact to be predicted, but many models available in commercial software have not been verified by experiments. A recently developed deterministic model is only able to simulate the impact action of an idealised spherical hailstone. Results recorded from the impact testing of non-spherical simulated hail ice specimens show wide scatters and are different to spherical specimens. A stochastic model has been developed in this study to incorporate the variability of the modelling parameters representing the behaviour of non-spherical ice specimens and to generate time histories of contact force for given impact scenarios. A probabilistic model which was developed previously to provide predictions of the distribution of the size of hailstones in a severe category hailstorm has also been further developed to provide predictions of the maximum contact force values in probabilistic terms. For any given pre-defined forcing function denting into the surface of a steel plate can be estimated by finite element analysis or experimentally on a test machine. The new knowledge base introduced in this paper can be used by manufacturers and designers to re-assess existing products and in making improvements to future installations taking into account cost–benefit considerations.  相似文献   

Burdur city is located on lacustrine sedimentary deposits at the northeastern end of the Fethiye–Burdur Fault Zone (FBFZ) in SW Turkey. Fault steps were formed in response to vertical displacement along normal fault zones in these deposits. Soft sediment deformation structures were identified at five sites in lacustrine sediments located on both sides of the FBFZ. The deformed sediments are composed of unconsolidated alternations of sands, silts and clay layers and show different morphological types. The soft sediment deformation structures include load structures, flame structures, slumps, dykes, neptunian dykes, drops and pseudonodules, intercalated layers, ball and pillow structures, minor faults and water escape structures of varying geometry and dimension. These structures are a direct response to fluid escape during liquefaction and fluidization mechanism. The driving forces inferred include gravitational instabilities and hydraulic processes. Geological, tectonic, mineralogical investigations and age analysis were carried out to identify the cause for these soft sediment deformations. OSL dating indicated an age ranging from 15161±744 to 17434±896 years for the soft sediment deformation structures. Geological investigations of the soft sediment deformation structures and tectonic history of the basin indicate that the main factor for deformation is past seismic activity.  相似文献   

Despite reduced anthropogenic deposition during the last decades, deposition sulphate may still play an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of S and many catchments may act as net sources of S that may remain for several decades. The aim of this study is to elucidate the temporal and spatial dynamics of both SO42− and δ34SSO4 in stream water from catchments with varying percentage of wetland and forest coverage and to determine their relative importance for catchment losses of S. Stream water samples were collected from 15 subcatchments ranging in size from 3 to 6780 ha, in a boreal stream network, northern Sweden. In forested catchments (<2% wetland cover) S-SO42− concentrations in stream water averaged 1.7 mg L−1 whereas in wetland dominated catchments (>30% wetland cover) the concentrations averaged 0.3 mg L−1. A significant negative relationship was observed between S-SO42− and percentage wetland coverage (r2 = 0.77, p < 0.001) and the annual export of stream water SO42− and wetland coverage (r2 = 0.76, p < 0.001). The percentage forest coverage was on the other hand positively related to stream water SO42− concentrations and the annual export of stream water SO42− (r2 = 0.77 and r2 = 0.79, respectively). The annual average δ34SSO4 value in wetland dominated streams was +7.6‰ and in streams of forested catchments +6.7‰. At spring flood the δ34SSO4 values decreased in all streams by 1‰ to 5‰. The δ34SSO4 values in all streams were higher than the δ34SSO4 value of +4.7‰ in precipitation (snow). The export of S ranged from 0.5 kg S ha−1 yr−1 (wetland headwater stream) to 3.8 kg S ha−1 yr−1 (forested headwater stream). With an average S deposition in open field of 1.3 kg S ha−1 yr−1 (2002-2006) the mass balance results in a net export of S from all catchments, except in catchments with >30% wetland. The high temporal and spatial resolution of this study demonstrates that the reducing environments of wetlands play a key role for the biogeochemistry of S in boreal landscapes and are net sinks of S. Forested areas, on the other hand were net sources of S.  相似文献   

I present a numerical diffusion-advection-reaction model to simulate CO2 chemistry, δ13C, and oxidation of organic carbon and methane in sediment porewater. The model takes into account detailed reaction kinetics of dissolved CO2 compounds, H2O, H+, OH, boron and sulfide compounds. These reactions are usually assumed to be in local equilibrium, which is shown to be a good approximation in most cases. The model also includes a diffusive boundary layer across which chemical species are transported between bottom water and the sediment-water interface. While chemical concentrations and δ13CTCO2 at these locations are frequently assumed equal, I demonstrate that they can be quite different. In this case, shells of benthic foraminifera do not reflect the desired properties of bottom water, even for species living at the sediment-water interface (z = 0 cm). Environmental conditions recorded in their shells are strongly influenced by processes occurring within the sediment. The model is then applied to settings in the Santa Barbara Basin and at Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia Margin), locations of strong organic carbon and methane oxidation. In contrast to earlier studies, I show that a limited contribution of methane-derived carbon to porewater TCO2 in the Santa Barbara Basin cannot be ruled out. Simulation of methane venting shows that at oxidation rates greater than , the δ13C of porewater TCO2 at z > 1 cm is depleted by more than 15‰ relative to bottom water. Depletions of this magnitude have not been observed in living benthic foraminifera, even at methane vents with much higher oxidation rates. This suggests that foraminifera at these sites either calcify at very shallow sediment depth or during times when oxidation rates are much lower than ∼50 μmol cm−2 y−1.  相似文献   


The Genç District is located on the Bingöl Seismic Gap (BSG) of the Eastern Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ) with its?~?34.000 residents. The Karl?ova Triple Junction, where the EAFZ, the North Anatolian Fault Zone, and the Varto Fault Zone meet, is only 80 km NE of the Genç District. To make an earthquake disaster damage prediction of the Genç District, carrying a high risk of disaster, we have (1) prepared a new geological map, and (2) conducted a single-station microtremor survey. We defined that three SW-NE trending active faults of the sinistral Genç Fault Zone are cutting through the District. We have obtained dominant period (T) as?<?0.2 s, the amplification factor (A) between 8 and 10, the average shear wave velocity for the first 30 m (Vs30) as?<?300 m/s, and the seismic vulnerability index (Kg) as?>?20, in the central part of the Genç District. We have also prepared damage prediction maps for three bedrock acceleration values (0.25, 0.50, 0.75 g). Our earthquake damage prediction scenarios evidenced that as the bedrock acceleration values increase, the area of soil plastic behavior expands linearly. Here we report that if the average expected peak ground acceleration value (0.55–0.625 g) is exceeded during an earthquake, significant damage would be inevitable for the central part of the Genç District where most of the schools, mosques, public buildings, and hospitals are settled-down.


δ18 O and δ13C of G.sacculifer have been measured in five cores from the northern Indian Ocean. In addition, high resolution analysis (1 to 2 cm) was performed on one core (SK-20-185) for both δ18O and gd13C in five species of planktonic foraminifera. CaCO3 variation was measured in two cores. The results, presented here, show that
–  • the summer monsoon was weaker during 18 ka and was stronger during 9 ka, relative to modern conditions;
–  • δ13C variations are consistent with independent evidence that shows that during the last glacial maximum (LGM; 18 ka) the upwelling was reduced while during 9 ka it was vigorous;
–  • calculation of CaCO3 flux shows that the LGM was characterized by low biogenic productivity in the Arabian Sea while during the Holocene productivity increased by ∼65%, as a direct consequence of the changes in upwelling. Similar changes (of lesser magnitude) are also seen in the equatorial Indian Ocean. The amount of terrigenous input into the Arabian Sea doubled during LGM possibly due to the higher erosion rate along the west coast.
–  • δ18O values indicate that the Arabian Sea was saltier by 1 to 2%o during LGM. The northern part was dominated by evaporation while in the equatorial part there was an increased precipitation.

Seasonal and spatial variations in the δ13C and δ18O values of the modern endogenic (thermogene) travertine deposited in a calcite-depositing canal at Baishuitai, Yunnan, SW China were examined to understand their potential for paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental implications. The sampling sites were set in the upstream, middle reach and downstream of the canal, and the modern endogenic travertine samples were collected semimonthly to measure their δ13C and δ18O values. It was found that both δ13C and δ18O values of the endogenic travertine were low in the warm rainy season and high in the cold dry season, and correlated with each other. The low δ18O values in warm rainy season were mainly related to the higher water temperature and the lower δ18O values of rainwater, and the low δ13C values are caused by the dilution effect of overland flow with low δ13C values in the warm rainy season and the reduced CO2-degassing of canal-water caused by the dilution effect of the overland flow. The linear negative correlation between the travertine δ18O (or δ13C) values and rainfall amount may be used for paleo-rainfall reconstruction if one knows the δ18O (or δ13C) values of the fossil endogenic travertine at Baishuitai though the reconstruction was not straightforward. It was also found that there was a progressive downstream increase of the δ18O and δ13C values of the travertine along the canal, the former being mainly due to the preferential evaporation of H216O to the atmosphere and the latter to the preferential release of 12CO2 to the atmosphere during CO2-degassing. However, the downstream increase of the travertine δ18O and δ13C values was less intensive in rainy season because of the reduced evaporation and CO2-degassing during the rainy season. To conclude, the downstream travertine sites could be more favorable for the paleo-rainfall reconstruction while the upstream travertine sites are more favorable for the paleo-temperature reconstruction. So, this study demonstrates that endogenic travertine, like epigenic (meteogene) tufa, could also be a good candidate for high-resolution paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstruction.  相似文献   

Silica phytoliths, which are deposits of opal-A that precipitate in the intra- and intercellular spaces of plant tissues during transpiration, commonly contain small amounts of occluded organic matter. In this paper, we investigate whether the δ13C values of phytoliths from a C4 grass, Calamovilfa longifolia, vary in response to climatic variables that can affect the carbon-isotope composition of plant tissues. There is no significant correlation (r2 < 0.3) between climate variables and the δ13C values of C. longifolia tissues (average δ13Ctissue = −13.1 ± 0.6 ‰; n = 70) across the North American prairies. However, plant tissue δ13C values are lower for grasses collected in populated areas where the δ13C value of atmospheric CO2 is expected to be lower because of fossil fuel burning. Phytolith δ13C values are more variable (δ13C = −27.3 to −23.0‰; average = −25.1 ± 1.3‰; n = 34) and more sensitive to changes in aridity than whole tissue δ13C values. The strongest correlations are obtained between the δ13C values of stem or sheath phytoliths and humidity (r2 = 0.3), latitude (r2 = 0.4) and amount of precipitation (r2 = 0.5). However, use of these relationships is limited by the wide spread in δ13C values of phytoliths from different plant tissues at the same location. We have been unable to infer any relationship between δ13C values of phytoliths and expected variations in the δ13C values of atmospheric CO2. The C. longifolia phytoliths are depleted of 13C relative to tissue carbon by 10-14‰. This means that the phytoliths examined in this study have carbon isotopic compositions within the range reported previously for phytoliths from C3 plants. This observation may further limit the usefulness of soil-phytolith assemblage δ13C values for identifying shifts in grassland C3:C4 ratios.  相似文献   

The high temperature volume and axial parameters for six C2/c clinopyroxenes along the NaAlSi2O6–NaFe3+Si2O6 and NaAlSi2O6–CaFe2+Si2O6 joins were determined from room T up to 800°C, using integrated diffraction profiles from in situ high temperature single crystal data collections. The thermal expansion coefficient was determined by fitting the experimental data according to the relation: ln(V/V 0) = α(T T 0). The thermal expansion coefficient increases by about 15% along the jadeite–hedenbergite join, whereas it is almost constant between jadeite and aegirine. The increase is related to the Ca for Na substitution into the M2 site; the same behaviour was observed along the jadeite–diopside solid solution, which presents the same substitution at the M2 site. Strain tensor analysis shows that the major deformation with temperature occurs in all samples along the b axis; on the (010) plane the higher deformation occurs in jadeite and aegirine at a direction almost normal to the tetrahedral–octahedral planes, and in hedenbergite along the projection of the longer M2–O bonds. The orientation of the strain ellipsoid with temperature in hedenbergite is close to that observed with pressure in pyroxenes. Along the jadeite–aegirine join instead the high-temperature and high-pressure strain are differently oriented.  相似文献   

The Feidong district is located in the southern segment of the Tan–Lu fault zone that separates the South China Block (NCB) from the North China Craton (NCC). We report zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotope data, as well as whole-rock geochemistry for Xishanyi granodiorite and Jianshan granite in the Feidong district. Zircon U-Pb dating results show that the emplacement ages of the Xishanyi and Jianshan intrusions are 124 ± 3 Ma and 130 ± 1 Ma respectively, coeval with magmatic events linked to large-scale lithospheric thinning in eastern China. The whole-rock geochemistry of the Xishanyi and Jianshan intrusions demonstrate that they are peraluminous, high potassium calc-alkaline I-type granites with adakitic characteristics. Both intrusions underwent weak crustal assimilation during emplacement. The in situ zircon εHf(t) values of the Xishanyi granodiorites range from ?26.4 to ?21.8, with TDM2 model ages of 2552 to 2841 Ma. The in situ zircon εHf(t) values of the Jianshan granite are from ?27.5 to ?23.0 with TDM2 model ages of 2632 to 2904 Ma. The peak age of inherited zircon grains from the Xishanyi granodiorite and the Jianshan granite were ~2.07 Ga and ~1.94 Ga, respectively. After compared with the regional magmatism, we suggest that both the Xishanyi and Jianshan granitoid intrusions were derived from partial melting of the NCC lower crust.  相似文献   

The structural variations along the solid solution Sr2−x Ba x MgSi2O7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 2), combined to the high-pressure characterization of the two end-members, have been studied. A topological change from the tetragonal (melilite-type) to the monoclinic (melilite-related) structure along the join Sr2MgSi2O7 (e.g., P[`4]21 m P\bar{4}2_{1} m )–Ba2MgSi2O7 (e.g., C2/c) occurs with a Ba content higher than 1.6 apfu. Favored in the crystallization from a melt, the tetragonal form has a tetrahedral sheet topology exclusively based on five-membered rings, which provide a regular “4 up + 4 down” ligand arrangement. In contrast, the melilite-related structure, favored by solid-state reaction synthesis, is made by alternating six- and four-membered tetrahedral rings, which give an asymmetric arrangement of alternated “5 up + 3 down” and “3 up + 5 down” ligands around Sr or Ba. This latter configuration is characterized by an additional degree of freedom with Ba polyhedra hosted in the interlayer with a more irregular and compact coordination and longer Ba–O bond distances. Further insights into the relationships between the two melilite typologies were achieved by investigating the in situ high-pressure behavior of these systems. The synchrotron high-pressure experiments allowed to calculate the elastic moduli for the Sr melilite-type end-member and for the Ba monoclinic polymorph (Sr2MgSi2O7: K T0 = 107, K a=b  = 121, and K c  = 84 GPa; m-Ba2MgSi2O7: K T0 = 85, K a  = 96, K b  = 72, and K c  = 117 GPa) and compare them with those reported in the literature for ?kermanite (Ca2MgSi2O7). The results show that, although the volume of Ba polyhedron in tetragonal polymorphs is larger than in the monoclinic forms, the interlayer compressibility is significantly lower in the former structures due to the occurrence of very short Ba–O distances. This unfavored Ba environment also makes tetragonal Ba2MgSi2O7 a metastable phase at room conditions, possibly favored by high pressure. However, no phase transition occurs from monoclinic to tetragonal form due to kinetic hindrance in reconstructing the sheet topology.  相似文献   

It is assumed in the theories of Earth formation that the composition of gases extracted by primary planetary magmas is formed by the large-scale melting of the early mantle, which occurred in the presence of a metallic Fe phase. The molten Fe metal and silicate materials underwent gravitational migration, which affected the fractionation of siderophile elements. Volatile compounds had to form simultaneously in the zones of large-scale melting of the early Earth; their compositions were controlled by interaction with silicate and metallic melts. This process remains poorly understood.  相似文献   

Lakes along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are unique shallow lake group faced with serious problems of eutrophication. In shallow lakes, there are strong interactions between surface sediment and overlying water, and the chemical, biol…  相似文献   

Lakes along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are unique shallow lake group faced with serious problems of eutrophication. In shallow lakes, there are strong interactions between surface sediment and overlying water, and the chemical, biological processes are complicated in the system. The mechanism of shallow lake eutrophication is still insufficient to instruct the harness practice. Water samples were collected quarterly in each lake center from 2000 to 2003. Chemical variables and ionic concentrations were measured in laboratory. This paper focused on the seasonal variations of NO2-N, NO3-N, NH4-N, DIP, chlorophyll a and TN : TP ratios in 49 lakes along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The cooperating mechanisms between N and P were investigated through the analysis of their relationships at different nutrient levels.  相似文献   

The reaction path in the MgO–CO2–H2O system at ambient temperatures and atmospheric CO2 partial pressure(s), especially in high-ionic-strength brines, is of both geological interest and practical significance. Its practical importance lies mainly in the field of nuclear waste isolation. In the USA, industrial-grade MgO, consisting mainly of the mineral periclase, is the only engineered barrier certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for emplacement in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for defense-related transuranic waste. The German Asse repository will employ a Mg(OH)2-based engineered barrier consisting mainly of the mineral brucite. Therefore, the reaction of periclase or brucite with carbonated brines with high-ionic-strength is an important process likely to occur in nuclear waste repositories in salt formations where bulk MgO or Mg(OH)2 will be employed as an engineered barrier. The reaction path in the system MgO–CO2–H2O in solutions with a wide range of ionic strengths was investigated experimentally in this study. The experimental results at ambient laboratory temperature and ambient laboratory atmospheric CO2 partial pressure demonstrate that hydromagnesite (5424) (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2 · 4H2O) forms during the carbonation of brucite in a series of solutions with different ionic strengths. In Na–Mg–Cl-dominated brines such as Generic Weep Brine (GWB), a synthetic WIPP Salado Formation brine, Mg chloride hydroxide hydrate (Mg3(OH)5Cl · 4H2O) also forms in addition to hydromagnesite (5424).  相似文献   

Any progress in our understanding of low-temperature mineral assemblages and of quantitative physico-chemical modeling of stability conditions of mineral phases, especially those containing toxic elements like selenium, strongly depends on the knowledge of structural and thermodynamic properties of coexisting mineral phases. Interrelation of crystal chemistry/structure and thermodynamic properties of selenium-containing minerals is not systematically studied so far and thus any essential generalization might be difficult, inaccurate or even impossible and erroneous. Disagreement even exists regarding the crystal chemistry of some natural and synthetic selenium-containing phases. Hence, a systematic study was performed by synthesizing ferric selenite hydrates and subsequent thermal analysis to examine the thermal stability of synthetic analogues of the natural hydrous ferric selenite mandarinoite and its dehydration and dissociation to unravel controversial issues regarding the crystal chemistry. Dehydration of synthesized analogues of mandarinoite starts at 56–87?°C and ends at 226–237?°C. The dehydration happens in two stages and two possible schemes of dehydration exist: (a) mandarinoite loses three molecules of water in the first stage of the dehydration (up to 180?°C) and the remaining two molecules of water will be lost in the second stage (>180?°C) or (b) four molecules of water will be lost in the first stage up to 180?°C and the last molecule of water will be lost at a temperature above 180?°C. Based on XRD measurements and thermal analyses we were able to deduce Fe2(SeO3)3·(6-x)H2O (x?=?0.0–1.0) as formula of the hydrous ferric selenite mandarinoite. The total amount of water apparently affects the crystallinity, and possibly the stability of crystals: the less the x value, the higher crystallinity could be expected.  相似文献   

Calbuco volcano is a Late Pleistocene-Holocene composite stratovolcano located at 41°20 S, in the southern region of the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes (SSVZ; 37°–46° S). In contrast to basalt and basaltic andesite, which are the dominant lava types on the volcanic front from 37° to 42° S, Calbuco lavas are porphyritic andesites which contain a wide variety of crustal xenoliths. They have SiO2 contents in the 55–60% range, and have comparatively low K2O, Rb, Ba, Th and LREF abundances relative to other SSVZ centers. Incompatible element abundance ratios are similar to those of most SSVZ volcanics, but 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd are respectively higher and lower than those of adjacent volcanic centers. Basalts from nearby Osorno stratovolcano, 25 km to the northeast, are similar to other basaltic SSVZ volcanoes. However, basalts from several minor eruptive centers (MEC), located east of Calbuco and Osorno volcano along the Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone (LOFZ), are enriched in Ba, Nb, Th and LREE, and have higher La/Yb and lower Ba/La, K/La and Rb/La. 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd in MEC basalts are respectively lower and higher than those of Osorno and Calbuco lavas. We suggest that MEC basalts were produced by lower extents of mantle melting than basalts from Osorno and other SSVZ stratovolcanoes, probably as a result of lower water content in the source of MEC basalts. Calbuco andesites formed from basaltic parents similar to Osorno basalts, by moderate pressure crystallization of a hornblende-bearing assemblage accompanied by crustal assimilation. Hornblende stability in the Calbuco andesites was promoted by the assimilation of hydrous metasedimentary crustal rocks, which are also an appropriate endmember for isotopic trends, together with magma storage at mid-crustal depths. The unique characteristics of Calbuco volcano, i.e. the stability of hornblende at andesitic SiO2 contents, low 143Nd/144Nd and high 87Sr/86Sr, and abundant crustal xenoliths, provide evidence for crustal assimilation that is not apparent at more northerly volcanoes in the SSVZ.  相似文献   

Tectonic stress fields are the key drivers of tectonic events and the evolution of regional structures. The tectonic stress field evolution of the Tanlu fault zone in Shandong Province, located in the east of the North China Craton (NCC), may have preserved records of the NCC’s tectonic history. Borehole television survey and hydraulic fracturing were conducted to analyze the paleo and present tectonic stress fields. Three groups of tensile fractures were identified via borehole television, their azimuths being NNW–SSE, NW–SE and NE–SW, representing multiple stages of tectonic events. Hydraulic fracturing data indicates that the study region is experiencing NEE–SWW-oriented compression and nearly-N–S-oriented extension, in accordance with strike-slip and compression. Since the Cretaceous, the orientation of the extensional stress has evolved counterclockwise and sequentially from nearly-NW–SE-oriented to NE–SW-oriented and even nearly N–S-oriented, the stress state having transitioned from strike-slip-extension to strike-slip-compression, in association with the rotating and oblique subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the NCC, with the participation of the Indian Plate.  相似文献   

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