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宁波市建筑设计研究院(NBJZY)始建于1952年8月,是具有国家首批甲级资质换证的综合勘察设计研究院,被评为浙江省勘察设计单位综合实力十强之一,连续8年名列宁波市勘察设计单位综合实力十强首位。我院下设综合设计所(共3个)、建筑创作研究所、科研所、住宅设计研究所、建筑装饰设计所、建筑智能设计研究所、计算机中心、勘察分院、测试中心和监理公司等机构。现有职工198人,专业技术人员占88%,其中,教授级高级建筑师、高级工程师7人,高级建筑师、高级工程师70人,建筑师、工程师69人,享受有国务院特殊津贴专家4人,国家一级注册建筑师19人。  相似文献   

北京市建筑设计研究院(简称B1AD),是与共和国同龄的大型国有建筑设计咨询机构,业务涉及城市规划、投资策划、大型公共及民用建筑设计、工程总承包等领域。建院50多年来,北京建筑设计院始终致力于向社会提供高品质的设计服务,伴随着新中国的发展,先后完成了许多重大项目的设计作品,如20世纪50年代象征新中国形象的人民大会堂、国家博物馆等十大建筑;  相似文献   

<正>中国城市建设研究院是我国城市建设研究的领军大院,也是行业建设研究的领军单位,作为这个团队的领军人物——徐文龙同志系中共党员,山东大学毕业,日本福冈大学资源环境专业博士,教授级高工。他于1986年进入刚刚成立的建设部城市建设研究院,  相似文献   

刘军,男,42岁,中共党员,建筑与土木工程专业硕士,天津市规划局授衔专家,国务院特殊津贴专家。现担任天津市建筑设计院院长、院党委副书记、院总建筑师,正高级建筑师,国家一级注册建筑师,中国城市规划协会理事,中国工程咨询协会理事,天津市城市规划协会副理事长,天津市工程咨询协会副会长,天津市建筑学会理事。2010年荣获"天津市‘五一’劳动奖章"、"天津市优秀科技工作者"、"天津市廉政勤政优秀领导干部";2011年荣获"天津市劳动模范"。他主持完成的《大跨度折板斜拉空间网格结构设计施工关键技术研究》科研项目获2010年市科技进步一等奖。在其主持完成的近百项工程中,先后荣获国家银奖2项、国家二等奖2项、市部级奖16项。他主持的"天津津湾广场修建性详细规划"获2009年全国城乡规划设计二等奖,"天津市天钢柳林城市副中心城市设计"获2009年全国城乡规划设计三等奖,"天津市眼科医院"获2008年全国医院建筑优秀设计奖。  相似文献   

在共和国的建设史和中国勘察设计行业发展史册上,记载着一个满载荣光的名字:天津市市政工程设计研究院(以下简称"天津市政院")。她始建于1949年10月18日,名列全国传统的八大市政院之一。与共和国同龄的天津市政院,曾先后受到党中央三代领导集体的亲切关怀:上世纪60年代初,毛泽东同志对天津市政院开展的"现场设计活动"作出了"发动所有的设计院,都投入到群众性的设计革命运动中去"的重要批示;80年代,邓小平同志视察了由天津市政院设计完成的中山门蝶式立交桥,并亲切接见了设计人员;90年代,江泽民同志先后视察并高度评价了天津市政院设计完成的一批经典工程。  相似文献   

清晨坐在办公桌前,第一件事便是打开电脑,浏览院里的网页,了解相关行业咨询,然后她照例会到各个办公室走走,跟每一个见面的人打招呼。她曾微笑着说她以前可以叫出院里所有人的名字,现在就不一定了,因为设计院发展得很快。不过,她在第二次见面的时候仍可以说出对方的名字。她常说,进入这个设计院我们就是一家人,怎么可以连自家人都不认识呢。这就是中国电子工程设计院的当家人--胡萍院长。勘察设计这个跟画笔、图纸和钢筋水泥打交道的行业,似乎跟女性的柔与美毫不相关。比肩于周围的男性同行,胡院长就像一朵傲然于物的寒梅,幽香但不太过浓重,纯美但不过分妖媚,就像是扮靓温暖冬日的寒梅一样,她的出现为勘察设计这个太过阳刚的行业增添了一抹亮色。  相似文献   

现代城市规划和建筑设计都以实体和空间为两个基本要素。但空间往往容易被人们忽视,特别场所空间,虽然人们天天生活在其中,但它常常成为设计和建设中缺乏关注的“空白地带”。本文从现代城市的弊端与建筑设计的误区出发,分析产生这种情况的原因,提出了建筑设计向城市综合设计过渡的思路。  相似文献   

2003年,正值天津市建筑设计院(以下简称"天津院")深化体制改革,加强人才队伍建设时期,一批尖子人才被选派到美国纽海文大学进行三个月的短期培训,并参与国际著名设计公司联合设计。这第一批赴美学习的业务骨干中,  相似文献   

以仁怀市中枢旧城中心区为例,通过城市空间整合的城市设计策略出发,探讨了如何在中小城市的中心区进行适度的城市改造与整治,试图寻找出一条适宜的科学发展之路。  相似文献   

如何使得建筑能够生根于所在场所并具有真正强大的生命力,是我们创作中时常需要认真思考的问题。尤其是当遇到本项目这样具有鲜明的、场所本身的自然叙事语言的时候,更需要我们静下心来,倾听场所的表述,采用"弱"设计的设计策略进行设计。  相似文献   

Environmental Geology -  相似文献   

Police, politics, and the right to the city   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mustafa Dikeç 《GeoJournal》2002,58(2-3):91-98
Space and spatiality have recently been at the core of debates concerning the political possibilities of the city. The arguments advanced in this paper might be seen as an attempt to contribute to these debates through a reflection on the spatiality of (in) justice, politics, and the right to the city. The case of French urban policy, with its focus on distressed urban areas, and the `suburban problem' in France are used as examples to make arguments more concrete.  相似文献   

Drawing on findings from a study of Indigenous housing in a regional Western Australian city, this paper examines the experiences of Indigenous peoples as a particular set of ‘right bearers’ within the right-to-the-city discourse. In settler-states, colonial discourses of absence, threat, and authenticity have informed policy frameworks that have militated against various Indigenous claims of belonging, rights, and aspiration in relation to urban places. Housing has been a representative domain of struggle in this respect. Consequently, today, Indigenous peoples have disproportionately high rates of dependence on more volatile and discriminatory forms of tenure than their non-Indigenous counterparts.The paper examines the incongruence between State aspirations to move (Indigenous) people along a housing continuum in urban environments, and the actual experiences of Indigenous urban residents, which fix discursively on barriers to such movements. It also traces the deleterious, displacing impacts for urban Indigenous households of the retreat of the State in its role as a landlord for the socio-economically disadvantaged, and in responding to market signals and particular sociological theses regarding poverty, with specific spatial logics. In so doing, we advance two interwoven arguments. First, we assert that Indigenous people face a unique precarity in the Australian urban housing system, which is a result of both colonial and racially discriminatory forces, and economically discriminating processes such as capital concentration and the commodification of land. Second, we contend that this precarity sets many Indigenous people on housing career trajectories that are antithetical to policy intentions.  相似文献   

Herman Kok 《GeoJournal》1999,49(1):53-62
After the changes of 1989, urban-to-rural migration in Poland and Hungary remained stable compared to rural-to-urban migration. This was connected to a growing importance of suburbanisation around major Hungarian and Polish cities. Suburban areas around these cities are attracting increasing numbers of migrants from the major cities. Pollution and higher crime rates, as well as rising living costs and increasing uncertainties make many people to decide to leave the city for the surrounding countryside. Not only upper middle-class people move to the suburbs, but also lower status people, for whom life in the big city became too difficult. Long-distance migration from the cities to the rural areas is declining. Economic problems together with low employment opportunities prevent people from making such a move. Though the overall level of urban-to-rural migration did not change too much, this article shows the rapidly increasing importance of suburbanisation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Conflicting rights to the city in New York's community gardens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the mid-1990s, New York City initiated what would prove to be a long, highly visible struggle involving rights claims related to property, housing, and public space in the form of community gardens. The competing discourses of rights were part of a struggle over the kind of city that New York was to become, and more specifically, whether it would be one in which difference is accepted and in which access to the city and the public realm would be guaranteed. Using interviews with participants in the conflict over community gardens, we evaluate how the resolution to the gardens crisis, which in part occurred through the privatization of what are often taken to be public or community rights to land, transform not only the legal status of the gardens but also, potentially, their role as places where different `publics' can both exercise their right to the city and solidify that right in the landscape.  相似文献   

在全省组织开展城市环境综合整治活动,用三年左右的时间打一场攻坚战,基本消除城市环境脏乱差现象,着力营造适宜创业发展和生活居住的城市环境,这是山东省委、省政府从全省经济社会发展大局出发,做出的重大战略决策。  相似文献   

Following recent scholarship on place and place-making, we identify key challenges for contemporary empirical research using the “Right to the City” as an analytic. We seek to distinguish between the aspirational “right” articulated as a political and conceptual call to arms on one hand, and the “actually existing rights” that are carved out through both formal and informal mechanisms (including political protest) in the everyday city on the other. Actually existing rights are defined not through fiat or via momentary revolutionary acts, but through the durability of relationships between multiple actors, including residents, citizens, states, and corporate agents. We re-articulate urban rights as actually contingent and agonistic properties of the relationships that citizens have with places. This paper uses the historic conflict over community gardens in New York as an illustration of how thinking of rights regimes as multiple, overlapping, and placed helps better illuminate potential political interventions. Thinking of rights and places as plural, overlapping, and contingent is analytically productive because it highlights (rather than overwriting) conflicts between competing articulations of rights and privileges in cities.  相似文献   

北京作为全国政治、文化中心,已明确提出打造中国特色世界城市的目标。北京建设世界城市,面临人口快速增长、土地资源供给紧张、水资源匮乏、能源短缺、环境污染、生态退化等问题,京津冀城市群的构想使北京建设世界城市成为可能。本文从北京建设世界城市的视角,在借鉴各有关成果的基础上,指出京津冀城市群目前存在的主要环境地质问题并针对各类地质灾害提出防灾减灾的措施。  相似文献   

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