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The problem of reconstructing past climates from a sparse network of noisy time-averaged observations is considered with a novel ensemble Kalman filter approach. Results for a sparse network of 100 idealized observations for a quasi-geostrophic model of a jet interacting with a mountain reveal that, for a wide range of observation averaging times, analysis errors are reduced by about 50% relative to the control case without assimilation. Results are robust to changes to observational error, the number of observations, and an imperfect model. Specifically, analysis errors are reduced relative to the control case for observations having errors up to three times the climatological variance for a fixed 100-station network, and for networks consisting of ten or more stations when observational errors are fixed at one-third the climatological variance. In the limit of small numbers of observations, station location becomes critically important, motivating an optimally determined network. A network of fifteen optimally determined observations reduces analysis errors by 30% relative to the control, as compared to 50% for a randomly chosen network of 100 observations.  相似文献   

We examine the global mean surface temperature and carbon cycle responses to the A1B emissions scenario for a new 57 member perturbed-parameter ensemble of simulations generated using the fully coupled atmosphere-ocean-carbon cycle climate model HadCM3C. The model variants feature simultaneous perturbation to parameters that control atmosphere, ocean, land carbon cycle and sulphur cycle processes in this Earth system model, and is the first experiment of its kind. The experimental design, based on four earlier ensembles with parameters varied within each individual Earth system component, allows the effects of interactions between uncertainties in the different components to be explored. A large spread in response is obtained, with atmospheric CO2 at the end of the twenty-first century ranging from 615 to 1,100 ppm. On average though, the mean effect of the parameter perturbations is to significantly reduce the amount of atmospheric CO2 compared to that seen in the standard HadCM3C model. Global temperature change for 2090–2099 relative to the pre-industrial period ranges from 2.2 to 7.5 °C, with large temperature responses occurring when atmospheric model versions with high climate sensitivities are combined with carbon cycle components that emit large amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere under warming. A simple climate model, tuned to reproduce the responses of the separate Earth system component ensembles, is used to demonstrate that interactions between uncertainties in the different components play a significant role in determining the spread of responses in global mean surface temperature. This ensemble explores a wide range of interactions and response, and therefore provides a useful resource for the provision of regional climate projections and associated uncertainties.  相似文献   

Climatic variability arising from the coupling between ocean temperature and sea-ice extent is studied in a spatially distributed system. A spatial degree of freedom is crudely introduced by the coupling, through energy transfer, of two box models each of which describes a different space region. The evolution equations are cast into a normal form and some qualitative features of this general class of models are predicted. It is shown, both analytically and numerically, that internally generated complexity in the form of aperiodic behaviour can be a natural consequence of spatially distributed systems.  相似文献   

 An analytic radiative-equilibrium model is formulated where both short- and longwave radiation are treated as two-stream (down- and upward) fluxes. An equilibrium state is defined in the model by the vertical temperature profile. The sensitivity of any such state to the model atmosphere’s optical properties is formulated analytically. As an example, this general formulation is applied to a single-column 11-layer model, and the model’s optical parameters are obtained from a detailed radiative parametrization of a general circulation model. The resulting simple column model is then used to study changes in the Earth-atmosphere system’s radiative equilibrium and, in particular, to infer the role of greenhouse trace gases, water vapor and aerosols in modifying the vertical temperature profile. Multiple equilibria appear when a positive surface-albedo feedback is introduced, and their stability is studied. The vertical structure of the radiative fluxes (both short- and longwave) is substantially modified as the temperature profile changes from one equilibrium to another. These equilibria and their stability are compared to those that appear in energy-balance models, which heretofore have ignored the details of the vertical temperature and radiation profiles. Received: 22 December 1995/Accepted: 17 January 1997  相似文献   

The ice-covered Earth instability found in energy balance models is studied with a zonal mean statistical dynamical atmospheric model coupled to a global mixed layer ocean model. The response of the model to changes in solar constant is examined in two parallel studies, one with and one without a fixed meridional heat transport (a Q-flux) being included in the ocean model. The Q-flux is derived so as to make the climate with the current value of the solar constant resemble the earths current climate. In both cases the climate displays a hysteresis loop as the solar constant decreases and then increases, with two equilibrium states being possible for a range of values of the solar constant. In the case without a Q-flux, as in energy balance models, one state corresponds to an ice-covered Earth, and the other is partially covered. In the case with a Q-flux, because the poleward Q-flux is stronger in the Southern Hemisphere, one state corresponds to an ice-covered Northern Hemisphere, but a Southern Hemisphere that is only partially ice-covered; the other state has much reduced ice-cover in both hemispheres. In the case when the Q-flux is present, the sensitivity of the state with smaller ice-cover is about half as much, and the hysteresis loop extends over a smaller range of values of the solar constant. Also in this case there is a strong ice-covered Earth instability that sets in when the solar constant is about 13–14% below the current value. However in the case without a Q-flux the ice-covered Earth instability virtually disappears. The different behavior is attributed to the much lower efficiency of the meridional heat transport in the case with no Q-flux. The behavior in this case may be more realistic for cold climates. The results in both cases confirm the simple analytical relation between global mean surface temperature and global ice area found in energy balance models.  相似文献   

A model of the drainage flow in a valley under calm conditions has been developed on the basis of the conservation laws of mass, momentum, and heat. The inflow of mass and heat from side-slopes is incorporated, and the momentum and sensible heat exchanges between valley drainage flow and valley floor are parameterized.The characteristic velocity of valley drainage flow is expressed in terms of the following parameters: three potential temperature differences representing the temperature field in the valey; topographic parameters of the valley; mean bulk coefficients representing the aerodynamic conditions of the valley floor; and the stability of the ambient atmosphere. The characteristic thickness includes additional parameters of side-slope flow.That the model satisfactorily predicts the characteristic thickness and velocity is shown from comparison with observations from valleys several hundred meters to a few hundred kilometers long.  相似文献   

概述了地球系统模式和综合评估模型在研究人类活动与气候变化问题上的优势和劣势,明确了将二者进行双向耦合的必要性,客观分析了综合评估模型耦合过程中存在的主要问题,同时系统总结了国际和国内解决耦合难点的主要方法和最新进展,最后分析和讨论了双向耦合模式的不确定性来源和解决方法,为我国进行地球系统模式与综合评估模型双向耦合提供新思路和方法。  相似文献   

The effect of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) on the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) was investigated using a coupled Earth system model. The location of the ITCZ (in this work represented by the center of the tropical precipitation maximum) over the tropical Atlantic was found to be sensitive to the existence of the TP. Removing the TP led to a remarkable sea surface temperature (SST) cooling (warming) in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere, which manifested clearly in the Atlantic rather than the Pacific. The locations of maximum precipitation and SST moved southwards clearly in the tropical Atlantic, forcing a southward shift of the atmospheric convection center, and thus the ITCZ. The shift in the ITCZ was also supported by the latitudinal change in the ascending branch of the tropical Hadley Cell, which moved southwards by about 2° in the boreal summer in response to the TP's removal. From the viewpoint of the energy balance between the two hemispheres, the cooling (warming) in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere requires an enhanced northward atmospheric heat transport across the equator, which can be realized by the southward displacement of the ITCZ. This study suggests that the presence of the TP may have played an important role in the climatology of the ITCZ, particularly its location over the tropical Atlantic.摘要本文利用耦合地球气候系统模式研究了青藏高原对热带辐合带 (ITCZ) 的影响. 我们研究发现热带大西洋ITCZ的位置对青藏高原存在与否有明显的敏感性. 与目前真实情况相比, 移除青藏高原会导致北半球海面降温, 南半球海面升温. 这种海面温度变化在大西洋表现得尤为明显, 导致热带大西洋最大海温中心向南移动, 从而迫使大气对流中心向南移动, 即表现为ITCZ的南移. 相应地, 夏季热带大气Hadley环流的上升支也发生明显南移. 北 (南) 半球海洋变冷 (变暖) 这种态势要求增强跨赤道向北的大气经向热量输送, 从而维持各个半球的能量平衡, 而这需要ITCZ位置的南移才能实现. 本文研究表明, 青藏高原的存在在现今ITCZ气候态的形成中可能扮演了重要角色.  相似文献   

A new Earth system model, GENIE-1, is presented which comprises a 3-D frictional geostrophic ocean, phosphate-restoring marine biogeochemistry, dynamic and thermodynamic sea-ice, land surface physics and carbon cycling, and a seasonal 2-D energy-moisture balance atmosphere. Three sets of model climate parameters are used to explore the robustness of the results and for traceability to earlier work. The model versions have climate sensitivity of 2.8–3.3°C and predict atmospheric CO2 close to present observations. Six idealized total fossil fuel CO2 emissions scenarios are used to explore a range of 1,100–15,000 GtC total emissions and the effect of rate of emissions. Atmospheric CO2 approaches equilibrium in year 3000 at 420–5,660 ppmv, giving 1.5–12.5°C global warming. The ocean is a robust carbon sink of up to 6.5 GtC year−1. Under ‘business as usual’, the land becomes a carbon source around year 2100 which peaks at up to 2.5 GtC year−1. Soil carbon is lost globally, boreal vegetation generally increases, whilst under extreme forcing, dieback of some tropical and sub-tropical vegetation occurs. Average ocean surface pH drops by up to 1.15 units. A Greenland ice sheet melt threshold of 2.6°C local warming is only briefly exceeded if total emissions are limited to 1,100 GtC, whilst 15,000 GtC emissions cause complete Greenland melt by year 3000, contributing 7 m to sea level rise. Total sea-level rise, including thermal expansion, is 0.4–10 m in year 3000 and ongoing. The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation shuts down in two out of three model versions, but only under extreme emissions including exotic fossil fuel resources.  相似文献   

Earth System Models (ESMs) are fundamental tools for understanding climate-carbon feedback. An ESM version of the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model (FGOALS) was recently developed within the IPCC AR5 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) modeling framework, and we describe the development of this model through the coupling of a dynamic global vegetation and terrestrial carbon model with FGOALS-s2. The performance of the coupled model is evaluated as follows. The simulated global total terrestrial gross primary production (GPP) is 124.4 PgC yr-I and net pri- mary production (NPP) is 50.9 PgC yr-1. The entire terrestrial carbon pools contain about 2009.9 PgC, comprising 628.2 PgC and 1381.6 PgC in vegetation and soil pools, respectively. Spatially, in the tropics, the seasonal cycle of NPP and net ecosystem production (NEP) exhibits a dipole mode across the equator due to migration of the monsoon rainbelt, while the seasonal cycle is not so significant in Leaf Area Index (LAI). In the subtropics, especially in the East Asian monsoon region, the seasonal cycle is obvious due to changes in temperature and precipitation from boreal winter to summer. Vegetation productivity in the northern mid-high latitudes is too low, possibly due to low soil moisture there. On the interannual timescale, the terrestrial ecosystem shows a strong response to ENSO. The model- simulated Nifio3.4 index and total terrestrial NEP are both characterized by a broad spectral peak in the range of 2-7 years. Further analysis indicates their correlation coefficient reaches -0.7 when NEP lags the Nifio3.4 index for about 1-2 months.  相似文献   

A sequence of numerical experiments is conducted using a linear, semi-spectral equatorial ocean model and an advanced data assimilation scheme. The numerical model is based on decomposition of the oceanic fields into Kelvin and Rossby waves belonging to the baroclinic modes of a stratified equatorial ocean. The assimilation procedure finds that solution to the model equations that best fits, in the generalized least-squares sense, all observations made within some specified space-time interval. All experiments are of the ‘identical twin’ type; synthetic data are generated by sampling the observable fields produced by a control run of the model, then the data are assimilated using the same model. The sequence of numerical experiments serves two purposes; to demonstrate the performance of the assimilation procedure in the context of a fully three-dimensional, time-varying equatorial ocean model; and to examine the utility of specified data sets, in particular, observations of sea level, in estimating the state of the equatorial ocean. The results indicate that the assimilation procedure works very well when sufficient data are provided. However, sea-level data alone are not sufficient and must be supplemented with subsurface observations if more than a few baroclinic modes are allowed in the model ocean. The required amount of supplementary subsurface data (in the form of density profiles in these experiments) can be reduced by imposing smoothness contraints on the recovered model solution.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - A two-zone model of the atmospheric circulation over a hemisphere is considered. The latitude φ of the boundary between the zone of the Rossby circulation...  相似文献   

Behaviour of Coupled Modes in a Simple Nonlinear Air-Sea Interaction ModelLiChongyinandLiaoQinghai(LASG,InstituteofAtmospheri...  相似文献   

The concept of a cold air ‘Parcel’ is introduced for describing the bulk properties of drainage flow. By means of a model based on the momentum and sensible heat transports under calm conditions, the thickness h and velocity u of the Parcel are derived in simple forms. It is shown that h and u correspond to the inversion height and maximum velocity of actual drainage flow. The governing parameters for h and u are the length and vertical drop of the slope, potential temperature difference between the ambient atmosphere and the Parcel, aerodynamic condition of the slope surface expressed by the mean bulk coefficients, and ambient stability. The mean bulk coefficients depend on the roughness lengths for the velocity and potential temperature profiles and are decreasing functions of the slope length. The Parcel Model agrees qualitatively with Manins and Sawford's (1979) model under neutral ambient stratification. But agreement is not so good under stable conditions. The thickness and velocity of drainage flow predicted by the Parcel Model agree with observations on slopes several tens of meters to several hundred kilometers long.  相似文献   

Zhaomin Wang 《Climate Dynamics》2005,25(2-3):299-314
The McGill Paleoclimate Model-2 (MPM-2) is employed to study climate–thermohaline circulation (THC) interactions in a pre -industrial climate, with a special focus on the feedbacks on the THC from other climate system components. The MPM-2, a new version of the MPM, has an extended model domain from 90S to 90N, active winds and no oceanic heat and freshwater flux adjustments. In the MPM-2, there are mainly two stable modes for the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC) under the ‘present-day’ forcing (present-day solar forcing and the pre-industrial atmospheric CO2 level of 280 ppm). The ‘on’ mode has an active North Atlantic deep water formation, while the ‘off’ mode has no such deep water formation. By comparing the ‘off’ mode climate state with its ‘on’ mode analogue, we find that there exist many large differences between the two climate states, which originate from large changes in the oceanic meridional heat transports. By suppressing or isolating each process associated with a continental ice sheet over North America, sea ice, the atmospheric hydrological cycle and vegetation, feedbacks from these components on the Atlantic MOC are investigated. Sensitivity studies investigating the role of varying continental ice growth and sea ice meridional transport in the resumption of the Atlantic MOC are also carried out. The results show that a fast ice sheet growth and an enhanced southward sea ice transport significantly favor the resumption of the Atlantic MOC in the MPM-2. In contrast to this, the feedback from the atmospheric hydrological cycle is a weak positive one. The vegetation-albedo feedback could enhance continental ice sheet growth and thus could also favor the resumption of the Atlantic MOC. However, before the shut-down of the Atlantic MOC, feedbacks from these components on the Atlantic MOC are very weak.  相似文献   

采用恒定的现代外部强迫驱动第一版NUIST地球系统模式,进行了40年全球热带气旋活动模拟,分析了热带气旋活动的气候特征,并与1977—2016年观测资料对比分析。结果表明:该模式能够模拟出与热带气旋类似的结构特征,在热带气旋活动活跃的海区,模拟热带气旋生成的空间分布和影响范围与观测基本一致,但是各个海区热带气旋的生成频数与观测还存在差异。除了北印度洋海区,各个海区热带气旋生成频数的季节变化与观测相似。模式在西北太平洋海区模拟结果最好,能模拟出热带气旋的生成范围和盛行路径;在北印度洋地区模拟结果较差,北印度洋海区的相对涡度模拟与观测存在较大差异,这是模式未能模拟出北印度洋热带气旋双峰特征的主要原因。  相似文献   

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