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《Astroparticle Physics》2001,14(4):245-260
Measurements of electron, muon and hadron lateral distributions of extensive air showers as recorded in the Karlsruhe shower core and array detector experiment are presented. The data cover the energy range from 5×1014 eV up to almost 1017 eV and extend from the inner core region to distances of 200 m. The electron and muon distributions are corrected for mutual contaminations by taking into account the detector properties in the experiment. All distributions are well described by NKG functions. The scale radii describing the electron and hadron data best are 30 and 10 m, respectively. We discuss the correlation between the scale radii and the ‘age' parameter as well as their dependence on shower size, zenith angle, and particle energy threshold.  相似文献   

《Astroparticle Physics》2003,19(6):715-728
The KASCADE experiment measures a high number of EAS observables with a large degree of sampling of the electron–photon, muon, and hadron components. It provides accurate data for an event-by-event analysis of the primary cosmic ray flux in the energy range around the knee. The possibility of selecting samples of enriched proton and iron induced extensive air showers by applying the statistical techniques of multivariate analyses is scrutinized using detailed Monte Carlo simulations of three different primaries. The purity and efficiency of the proton and iron classification probability is investigated. After obtaining enriched samples from the measured data by application of the procedures the reconstructed number of hadrons, hadronic energy and other parameters are investigated in the primary energy range 1015–1016 eV. By comparing these shower parameters for purified proton and iron events, respectively, with simulated distributions an attempt is made to check the validity of strong interaction models at high energies.  相似文献   

Measuring radio emission from air showers provides excellent opportunities to directly measure all air shower properties, including the shower development. To exploit this in large-scale experiments, a simple and analytic parameterization of the distribution of the radio signal at ground level is needed. Data taken with the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) show a complex two-dimensional pattern of pulse powers, which is sensitive to the shower geometry. Earlier parameterizations of the lateral signal distribution have proven insufficient to describe these data. In this article, we present a parameterization derived from air-shower simulations. We are able to fit the two-dimensional distribution with a double Gaussian, requiring five fit parameters. All parameters show strong correlations with air shower properties, such as the energy of the shower, the arrival direction, and the shower maximum. We successfully apply the parameterization to data taken with LOFAR and discuss implications for air shower experiments.  相似文献   

《Astroparticle Physics》2003,19(6):703-714
The attenuation of the electron shower size beyond the shower maximum is studied with the KASCADE extensive air shower (EAS) experiment in the primary energy range of about 1014–1016 eV. Attenuation and absorption lengths are determined by applying different approaches, including the method of constant intensity, the decrease of the flux of EASs with increasing zenith angle, and its variation with ground pressure. We observe a significant dependence of the results on the applied method. The determined values of the attenuation length ranges from 175 to 196 g/cm2 and of the absorption length from 100 to 120 g/cm2. The origin of these differences is discussed emphasizing the influence of intrinsic shower fluctuations.  相似文献   

The evolution of the cosmic ray primary composition in the energy range 106–107 GeV (i.e. the “knee” region) is studied by means of the e.m. and muon data of the Extensive Air Shower EAS-TOP array (Campo Imperatore, National Gran Sasso Laboratories). The measurement is performed through: (a) the correlated muon number (Nμ) and shower size (Ne) spectra, and (b) the evolution of the average muon numbers and their distributions as a function of the shower size. From analysis (a) the dominance of helium primaries at the knee, and therefore the possibility that the knee itself is due to a break in their energy spectrum (at EkHe=(3.5±0.3)×106 GeV) are deduced. Concerning analysis (b), the measurement accuracies allow the classification in terms of three mass groups: light (p,He), intermediate (CNO), and heavy (Fe). At primary energies E0≈106 GeV the results are consistent with the extrapolations of the data from direct experiments. In the knee region the obtained evolution of the energy spectra leads to: (i) an average steep spectrum of the light mass group (γp,He>3.1), (ii) a spectrum of the intermediate mass group harder than the one of the light component (γCNO2.75, possibly bending at EkCNO≈(6–7)×106 GeV), (iii) a constant slope for the spectrum of the heavy primaries (γFe2.3–2.7) consistent with the direct measurements. In the investigated energy range, the average primary mass increases from lnA=1.6–1.9 at E01.5×106 GeV to lnA=2.8–3.1 at E01.5×107 GeV. The result supports the standard acceleration and propagation models of galactic cosmic rays that predict rigidity dependent cut-offs for the primary spectra of the different nuclei. The uncertainties connected to the hadronic interaction model (QGSJET in CORSIKA) used for the interpretation are discussed.  相似文献   

We propose to build a large water-Cherenkov-type muon-detector array (Tibet MD array) around the 37 000 m2 Tibet air shower array (Tibet AS array) already constructed at 4300 m above sea level in Tibet, China. Each muon detector is a waterproof concrete pool, 6 m wide × 6 m long × 1.5 m deep in size, equipped with a 20 inch-in-diameter PMT. The Tibet MD array consists of 240 muon detectors set up 2.5 m underground. Its total effective area will be 8640 m2 for muon detection. The Tibet MD array will significantly improve gamma-ray sensitivity of the Tibet AS array in the 100 TeV region (10–1000 TeV) by means of gamma/hadron separation based on counting the number of muons accompanying an air shower. The Tibet AS+MD array will have the sensitivity to gamma rays in the 100 TeV region by an order of magnitude better than any other previous existing detectors in the world. The Tibet ASγ Collaboration.  相似文献   

We consider the galactic population of gamma-ray pulsars as possible sources of cosmic rays at and just above the “knee” in the observed cosmic ray spectrum at 1015–1016 eV. We suggest that iron nuclei may be accelerated in the outer gaps of pulsars, and then suffer partial photo-disintegration in the non-thermal radiation fields of the outer gaps. As a result, protons, neutrons, and surviving heavier nuclei are injected into the expanding supernova remnant. We compute the spectra of nuclei escaping from supernova remnants into the interstellar medium, taking into account the observed population of radio pulsars.

Our calculations, which include a realistic model for acceleration and propagation of nuclei in pulsar magnetospheres and supernova remnants, predict that heavy nuclei accelerated directly by gamma-ray pulsars could contribute about 20% of the observed cosmic rays in the knee region. Such a contribution of heavy nuclei to the cosmic ray spectrum at the knee can significantly increase the average value of lnA with increasing energy as is suggested by recent observations.  相似文献   

At present there are still several open questions about the origin of the ultra high energy cosmic rays. However, great progress in this area has been made in recent years due to the data collected by the present generation of ground based detectors like the Pierre Auger Observatory and Telescope Array. In particular, it is believed that the study of the composition of the cosmic rays as a function of energy can play a fundamental role for the understanding of the origin of the cosmic rays.The observatories belonging to this generation are composed of arrays of surface detectors and fluorescence telescopes. The duty cycle of the fluorescence telescopes is ∼10% in contrast with the ∼100% of the surface detectors. Therefore, the energy calibration of the events observed by the surface detectors is performed by using a calibration curve obtained from a set of high quality events observed in coincidence by both types of detectors. The advantage of this method is that the reconstructed energy of the events observed by the surface detectors becomes almost independent of simulations of the showers because just a small part of the reconstructed energy (the missing energy), obtained from the fluorescence telescopes, comes from simulations. However, the calibration curve obtained in this way depends on the composition of the cosmic rays, which can introduce biases in composition analyses when parameters with a strong dependence on primary energy are considered. In this work we develop an analytical method to study these effects. We consider AMIGA (Auger Muons and Infill for the Ground Array), the low energy extension of the Pierre Auger Observatory corresponding to the surface detectors, to illustrate the use of the method. In particular, we study the biases introduced by an energy calibration dependent on composition on the determination of the mean value of the number of muons, at a given distance to the showers axis, which is one of the parameters most sensitive to primary mass and has an almost linear dependence with primary energy.  相似文献   

The origin of relativistic solar protons during large flare/CME events has not been uniquely identified so far. We perform a detailed comparative analysis of the time profiles of relativistic protons detected by the worldwide network of neutron monitors at Earth with electromagnetic signatures of particle acceleration in the solar corona during the large particle event of 20 January 2005. The intensity – time profile of the relativistic protons derived from the neutron monitor data indicates two successive peaks. We show that microwave, hard X-ray, and γ-ray emissions display several episodes of particle acceleration within the impulsive flare phase. The first relativistic protons detected at Earth are accelerated together with relativistic electrons and with protons that produce pion-decay γ rays during the second episode. The second peak in the relativistic proton profile at Earth is accompanied by new signatures of particle acceleration in the corona within ≈1R above the photosphere, revealed by hard X-ray and microwave emissions of low intensity and by the renewed radio emission of electron beams and of a coronal shock wave. We discuss the observations in terms of different scenarios of particle acceleration in the corona.  相似文献   

A comparative study of simulated air shower longitudinal profiles is presented. An appropriate thinning level for the calculations is first determined empirically. High statistics results are then provided, over a wide energy range (1014.0–1020.5 eV), for proton and iron primaries, using four combinations of the and program frameworks, and the SIBYLL and QGSjet high energy hadronic interaction models. These results are compared to existing experimental data. The way in which the first interaction controls Xmax is investigated, as is the distribution of Xmax.  相似文献   

Due to the action of the intervening cosmic magnetic fields, ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) can be deflected in such a way as to create clustered energy-ordered filamentary structures in the arrival direction of these particles, the so-called multiplets. In this work we propose a new method based on the spherical wavelet transform to identify multiplets in sky maps containing arrival directions of UHECRs. The method is illustrated in simulations with a multiplet embedded in isotropic backgrounds with different numbers of events. The efficiency of the algorithm is assessed through the calculation of Type I and II errors.  相似文献   

The generation of hydrodynamic radiation in interactions of pulsed proton and laser beams with matter is explored. The beams were directed into a water target and the resulting acoustic signals were recorded with pressure sensitive sensors. Measurements were performed with varying pulse energies, sensor positions, beam diameters and temperatures. The obtained data are matched by simulation results based on the thermo-acoustic model with uncertainties at a level of 10%. The results imply that the primary mechanism for sound generation by the energy deposition of particles propagating in water is the local heating of the medium. The heating results in a fast expansion or contraction and a pressure pulse of bipolar shape is emitted into the surrounding medium. An interesting, widely discussed application of this effect could be the detection of ultra-high energetic cosmic neutrinos in future large-scale acoustic neutrino detectors. For this application a validation of the sound generation mechanism to high accuracy, as achieved with the experiments discussed in this article, is of high importance.  相似文献   

We have studied Extensive Air Showers (EAS) with two small arraysof 1 m2 scintillation detectors inTehran, 1200 m above sea level.The distribution of air showersin zenith and azimuth angles has been studied and a cosnΘdistribution with n = 7.2±0.2 was obtained for zenith angledistribution. An asymmetry has been observed in the azimuthaldistribution of EAS of cosmic rays because of magnetic field ofthe Earth. Amplitudes of the first and the second harmonics ofobserved distribution depend on zenith angle as A I ≈ (0.02 + 0.35 sin2Θ)±0.02, and A II ≈ (0.03 + 0.42 sin4Θ)±0.03. Meanwhile, the uncertainties arising from the instrument, transit location of shower particles in the scintillator and fluctuations in the shower front have been calculated.  相似文献   

Close to 2000 laboratory measurements of the microwave opacity and refractivity of gaseous NH3 in an H2/He atmosphere have been conducted in the 1.1-20 cm wavelength range (1.5-27 GHz) at pressures from 30 mbar to 12 bar and at temperatures from 184 to 450 K. The mole fraction of NH3 ranged from 0.06 to 6% with some additional measurements of pure NH3. The high accuracy of these results have enabled development of a new model for the opacity of NH3 in a H2/He atmosphere under jovian conditions. The model employs the Ben-Reuven lineshape applied to the published inversion line center frequencies and intensities of NH3 (JPL Catalog—[Pickett, H.M., Poynter, R.L., Cohen, E.A., Delitsky, M.L., Pearson, J.C., Müller, H.S.P., 1998. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Trans. 60, 883-890]) with empirically-fitted line parameters for H2 and He broadening, and for the self-broadening of some previously unmeasured ammonia inversion lines. The new model for ammonia opacity will provide reliable results for temperatures from 150 to 500 K, at pressures up to 50 bar and at frequencies up to 40 GHz. These results directly impact the retrieval of jovian atmospheric constituent abundances from the Galileo Probe radio signal absorption measurements, from microwave emission measurements conducted with Earth-based radio telescopes and with the future NASA Juno mission, and studies of Saturn's atmosphere conducted with the Cassini Radio Science Experiment and the Cassini RADAR 2.1 cm passive radiometer.  相似文献   

Comet Hale-Bopp was imaged at wavelengths from 1.87 to 2.22 μm by HST/NICMOS in post-perihelion observations starting on UT 1997 August 27.95. Diffraction-limited (∼02) images were obtained at high signal-to-noise (∼1500) to probe the composition and dynamics of the inner coma and also the size and activity of the nucleus. The velocities of several unusual morphological features over a 1.7 h period, indicate that a significant outburst occurred 7.4 h prior to these images while the comet was at a heliocentric distance of 2.49 AU. Similar features are also apparent after re-analysis of pre-perihelion ground-based images. The inner coma (radius ?2500 km) is dominated by an “arc” feature, which expanded and became more diffuse with time. This feature can be modeled as the bright central portion of a “jet of outburst” from a near-equatorial region of the nucleus. Less prominent, time-variable linear and circular morphologies are also apparent. The expansion rates of both the arc feature and the circular morphologies imply a common origin and also suggest a grain size distribution with two broad maxima. In addition, several static linear features extend to the edge of the field of view (21,100 km). Radial brightness profiles are highly asymmetric and only approach a ρ−1 decline at distances ?15,000 km. Images in a narrow-band filter at 2.04 μm exhibit a ∼4% absorption feature relative to nearly simultaneous images at wavelengths of 2.22, 1.90, and 1.87 μm. This absorption is attributed to H2O ice in the coma grains. The spatial distribution and expansion velocity of the absorption at 2.04 μm indicate that these grains are associated with the outburst. The constancy of the absorption feature indicates no appreciable sublimation over 1.7 h. The unresolved nucleus has a flux density consistent with a 40±10 km diameter assuming a 4% geometric albedo.  相似文献   

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