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Резюме Вaрuaцuu с nерuо?rt;ом около 50 ?rt;неŭ (коmорые ?rt;aвно обнaружены в uзмененuях nро?rt;олжumельносmu суmок u во мно uх меmеороло uческuх велuчuнaх, особенно в моменmе колuчесmвa ?rt;вuженuя amмосферы) былu рaскрыmы в солнечноŭ aкmuвносmu, оnuсaнноŭ чuслом Вольфa.   相似文献   

Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica - В зависимости от...  相似文献   

The influence of stochastic irregularities of the ionosphere on its effective conductivity has been estimated. The study was carried out for large scale inhomogeneities and quasistationary electromagnetic fields. It is found, that Pedersen conductivity sharply increases in a strong geomagnetic field even for small stochastic ionospheric irregularities of the electron density. This peculiarity has to be taken into account during analysis of ionospheric and magnetospheric measurements.  相似文献   

Summary The vertical distribution of the contribution of the energy flux density due to the Alfvén(ordinary) wave, guided by the geomagnetic field(and propagating through the ionosphere to the Earth's surface) in the horizontal direction is demonstrated in the mechanism of the horizontal propagation of the Pc1 signal. The distribution with height is shown of the variations of the polarization characteristics of the propagating wave(e.g. the rotation of the polarization plane, changes in ellipticity, attenuation, etc.), which are the result of coupling in the denser layers of the low ionosphere in which also suitable isotropic(extraordinary) modes are generated. The results obtained using the method described in[4, 13] are demonstrated on a model of the daytime ionosphere under incidence of ordinaryL-modes, frequency f=0.3 Hz, and various meridional angles at the ionosphere.
auauma anmau uaa Pc1 naa m an¶rt;u ¶rt;u nmmu ma uu uma anauu maum n n¶rt; , anma u nmu. naa m an¶rt;u uu aamumu nuauu anma (nauau nmu nuauu, uu unmumu, amau u m.¶rt;.), m m ¶rt;mu au¶rt;mu na uu u . ¶rt; mum n¶rt;¶rt;u umn() ¶rt;. mam num m¶rt; [4, 13] ¶rt;mua ¶rt;u ¶rt; u nu na¶rt;uu a u L-¶rt; amm f=0,3 n¶rt; au u¶rt;uau au.

Global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the Earths magnetosphere must be coupled with a dynamical ionospheric module in order to give realistic results. The usual approach is to compute the Reld-aligned current (FAC) from the magnetospheric MHD variables at the ionospheric boundary. The ionospheric potential is solved from an elliptic equation using the FAC as a source term. The plasma velocity at the boundary is the E × B velocity associated with the ionospheric potential. Contemporary global MHD simulations which include a serious ionospheric model use this method, which we call the electrostatic approach in this paper. We study the possibility of reversing the flow of information through the ionosphere: the magnetosphere gives the electric Reld to the ionosphere. The Reld is not necessarily electrostatic, thus we will call this scheme electromagnetic. The electric Reld determines the horizontal ionospheric current. The divergence of the horizontal current gives the FAC, which is used as a boundary condition for MHD equations. We derive the necessary formulas and discuss the validity of the approximations necessarily involved. It is concluded that the electromagnetic ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling scheme is a serious candidate for future global MHD simulators, although a few problem areas still remain. At minimum, it should be investigated further to discover whether there are any differences in the simulation using the electrostatic or the electromagnetic ionospheric coupling.  相似文献   

auuau uu muna a f>1,5 , aumua ¶rt; a nmua uu m u a ¶rt; a mau. mu a aum nm uu, umu a mauu aa (L=2,1) n¶rt; nm uu (L=5). m mmmum mu umua uu, umu a mu mau. au uu a nm m, m a um nmam a 2000–3000 u anu u a L=2,2–5,9. au mmmu nma aamumu a u nmu uu a¶rt;am u amu aua uu a L 3,5. aa, m a mauu aa u ¶rt;a a¶rt; nuu uu a , umum uuu n¶rt; a¶rt;a a nmu. au a n¶rt;num, m am a L 3,5,¶rt; aam au uu u au mmu nma aamumu a u nmu uu, aa ¶rt;amua anau a nana. m u m amu mm au anum u ¶rt; ¶rt;a ua n¶rt;u anmau u ¶rt; — ua.  相似文献   

Summary The elements of the VLF chorus, observed simultaneously at a ground station and satellite in polar orbit, can be used to determine the differences in the arrival times of waves and their dependence on latitude. Mostly does not change practically over a wide range of latitudes, however, in some cases it may increase appreciably at low value of L. Model computations of the propagation time, based on the assumption that the source of the chorus is located close to the equatorial plane, have indicated the possibility of explaining the increase in at low latitudes by the presence of a step in the electron density profile close to this plane.
a¶rt;u m a u a um nmu nun um nm n¶rt;um amu u nu¶rt;a ma a u u um auum (L). um a a m ¶rt;uana um, m a a¶rt;am aum uu a a L-a. am anmau n¶rt;nuu amua umua naam m um uu a uu uma auu mnu an¶rt;uu m mauu amua nmu.

Summary Upgoing and downgoing deuteron whistlers were found on VLF records made by Interkosmos 5, 14 and 19 satellites even at heights below 1000 km. To account for them, a slight admixture ofD + ions has been introduced into the ionospheric plasma model with the usual content of only three ion speciesH +,He + andO +. Relations derived for the calculation of characteristic frequencies in a five-component plasma (e,H +,D +,He +,O +) are given as well as the values of characteristic frequencies calculated on this basis. The observed features of upgoing and downgoing deuteron whistlers could be explained by the calculation results, and it is also possible to formulate some conclusions for the purposes of plasma diagnostics.
mu um, anmau a ma u u, u a a nmua m 5, 14 u 19 a ma ¶rt;a 1000 . u u a ¶rt;a ¶rt; u na ¶rt;au uH +,He +,O + aa nuD + u. m mm ua nma ¶rt;a ¶rt; aamumuu amm ¶rt;a ¶rt;u na. uu aamumuu amm nuu um a¶rt;a mu ¶rt;mu um. a m ¶rt; unam aamumuu ¶rt;mu um ¶rt; u¶rt;au naam na.

The data, obtained using the methods of partial reflections and ionosphere vertical sounding on the Kola Peninsula and in Scandinavia, at Tumannyi (69.0° N, 35.7° E) and Sodankyla (67.37°N, 26.63°E) observatories, have been analyzed in order to detect earthquake responses. The strong earthquakes have been considered: one earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 occurred at 0819:25 UT on July 17, 2006, on the western coast of Indonesia (9.33° S, 107.26° E), and another earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 occurred 2253:59 UT on May 26, 2006, on Yava (7.94° S, 110.32° E). These earthquakes, the epicenters of which were located in the same region and at identical depths (10 km), were observed under quiet conditions in the geomagnetic field (ΣK p = 5.7 and 6.3) and during small solar flares. The response of the ionosphere to these flares was mainly observed in the parameters of the lower ionosphere in the D and E regions. It has been found out that the period of variations in the ordinary component of the partially reflected signal at altitudes of the E region increased before the earthquake that occurred on July 17, 2006. The f min variations at Sodankyla observatory started 20 h before the earthquake. The periods of these variations were 3–6 h. The same periods were found in the variations in other ionospheric parameters (foEs and h’Es). The variations in the ordinary component of partially reflected signals with periods of 2–5 hours were observed on the day of another earthquake (May 26, 2006). Internal gravity waves with periods of several hours, which can be related to the earthquakes, were detected in the amplitude spectra of the ordinary component of partially reflected signals and in other parameters in the lower ionosphere.  相似文献   

Hourly foF2 data from over 100 ionosonde stations during 1967–89 are examined to quantify F-region ionospheric variability, and to assess to what degree the observed variability may be attributed to various sources, i.e., solar ionizing flux, meteorological influences, and changing solar wind conditions. Our findings are as follows. Under quiet geomagnetic conditions (Kp<1), the 1-σ (σ is the standard deviation) variability of Nmax about the mean is approx. ±25–35% at ‘high frequencies’ (periods of a few hours to 1–2 days) and approx. ±15–20% at ‘low frequencies’ (periods approx. 2–30 days), at all latitudes. These values provide a reasonable average estimate of ionospheric variability mainly due to “meteorological influences” at these frequencies. Changes in Nmax due to variations in solar photon flux, are, on the average, small in comparison at these frequencies. Under quiet conditions for high-frequency oscillations, Nmax is most variable at anomaly peak latitudes. This may reflect the sensitivity of anomaly peak densities to day-to-day variations in F-region winds and electric fields driven by the E-region wind dynamo. Ionospheric variability increases with magnetic activity at all latitudes and for both low and high frequency ranges, and the slopes of all curves increase with latitude. Thus, the responsiveness of the ionosphere to increased magnetic activity increases as one progresses from lower to higher latitudes. For the 25% most disturbed conditions (Kp>4), the average 1-σ variability of Nmax about the mean ranges from approx. ±35% (equator) to approx. ±45% (anomaly peak) to approx. ±55% (high-latitudes) for high frequencies, and from approx. ±25% (equator) to approx. ±45% (high-latitudes) at low frequencies. Some estimates are also provided on Nmax variability connected with annual, semiannual and 11-year solar cycle variations.  相似文献   

关于暴时电离层电流分布的南北半球不对称性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用国际上广泛认可的高层大气和电离层经验模式提供的各种参数, 通过电离层电流连续方程, 计算出强磁暴条件下6月至日和12月至日内, 磁纬±72°和磁地方时00:00~24:00之间电离层电场、电流等的分布. 计算中考虑了地磁和地理坐标间的偏离; 除中性风场感生的发电机效应外, 还包含了磁层耦合(极盖区边界的晨昏电场和二区场向电流)的驱动外源. 结果表明, 6月至日时, 磁层扰动自极光区向中低纬的穿透情况在南、北半球内基本接近, 北半球内略强; 但12月至日时, 呈现明显的不对称性, 南半球的电流穿透远强于北半球, 而电场的穿透则是在北半球更强. 无论南北半球, 在中高纬地区, 午夜至黎明时段出现较强的东向电场分量, 其[WTHX]E×B[WTBZ]的向上漂移效应, 正是解释我们以往不少研究现象中所期盼的物理机制.  相似文献   

Summary Based on the analysis of the occurrence ofSEC disturbances in the polar cap ionosphere under varying solar wind parameters, the relation between the generation ofSEC-type ionospheric disturbances and interplanetary and magnetospheric conditions is discussed. It is emphasized that the Farley-Buneman instability in the E-layer of the ionosphere, reflected in ionograms as anSEC disturbance, depends on the complex effect of the solar wind parameters, the orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field playing an important role.
a aaua nu u munaSEC n an u nu uu naama ma mam ¶rt; uu mu u, ¶rt; m, u namu u aumu uu, ¶rt;. ¶rt;uam, m maum au-aa, uaa u, u na a uaa a u munaSEC, auum m n uu naam ma, nu numau nam aum n uam aum .

Observations made by the Hinotori satellite have been analysed to determine the yearly variations of the electron density and electron temperature in the low-latitude topside ionosphere. The observations reveal the existence of an equinoctial asymmetry in the topside electron density at low latitudes, i.e. the density is higher at one equinox than at the other. The asymmetry is hemisphere-dependent with the higher electron density occurring at the March equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and at the September equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. The asymmetry becomes stronger with increasing latitude in both hemispheres. The behaviour of the asymmetry has no significant longitudinal and magnetic activity variations. A mechanism for the equinoctial asymmetry has been investigated using CTIP (coupled thermosphere ionosphere plasmasphere model). The model results reproduce the observed equinoctial asymmetry and suggest that the asymmetry is caused by the north-south imbalance of the thermosphere and ionosphere at the equinoxes due to the slow response of the thermosphere arising from the effects of the global thermospheric circulation. The observations also show that the relationship between the electron density and electron temperature is different for daytime and nighttime. During daytime the yearly variation of the electron temperature has negative correlation with the electron density, except at magnetic latitudes lower than 10°. At night, the correlation is positive.  相似文献   

Plasma vortices in the ionosphere and atmosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vortices observed in ionized clouds of thunderstorm fronts have the nature of plasma vortices. In this work, the need to account for the electrostatic instability of plasma in the origination, intensification, and decay of plasma vortices in the atmosphere is shown. Moisture condensation results in mass-energy transfer under the inhomogeneous spatial distribution of aerosols. If a phase volume of natural oscillations is transformed in the frequency-wave vector space in inhomogeneous plasma, the damping of plasma oscillations promotes an increase in the pressure gradients normal to the geomagnetic field. Excitation of the gradient instabilities is probable in atmospheric plasma formations.  相似文献   

The model of calculations of electron density profiles in D-region is suggested. The model includes four positive ions, four negative ions and electrons. The effective rate coefficients were received from detailed models of ionization-recombination cycle. The calculations, which were made, and the comparisons with experimental data (Ne-profiles and their variations, absorption of radiowaves) have showed, that in general the model described the basic features of D-region parameters.  相似文献   

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