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The Onyx River (Wright Valley, Antarctica) is a dilute meltwater stream originating in the vicinity of the Wright Lower Glacier. It acquires a significant fraction of its salt content when glacial meltwaters contact Wright Valley soils at Lake Brownworth and the concentrations of all ions increase with distance along the 28-km channel down to Lake Vanda. Average millimolar concentrations of major ions at the Vanda weir during the 1980–1981 flow season were: Ca = 0.119; Mg = 0.061; Na = 0.212; K = 0.033; Q = 0.212; SO4 = 0.045; HCO3 = 0.295; and SiO2 = 0.049. Based on the flow measurements of Chinn (1982), this amounts to an annual flux (in moles) to Lake Vanda of: Ca = 0.238 × 106; Mg = 0.122 × 106; Na = 0.424 × 106; K = 0.066 × 106; Cl = 0.424 × 106; SO4 = 0.09 × 106; HCO3 = 0.59 × 106; SiO2 = 0.098 × 106.In spite of the large salt input from this source, equilibrium evaporation of Onyx River water would have resulted in early calcite deposition and in the formation of a Na-Mg-Cl-HCO3 brine rather than in the Ca-Na-Mg-Cl waters observed in Lake Vanda. The river alone could not have produced a brine having the qualitative geochemical features of the lower saline waters of Lake Vanda.It is proposed that the Vanda brine is instead the result of past ( > 1200 yrs BP) mixing events between Onyx River inflows and calcium chloride-rich deep groundwaters derived from the Don Juan Basin. The mixing model presented here shows that the Onyx River is the major contributor of K, HCO3, SO4, and (possibly) Mg found in the lake and a significant contributor (approximately one half) of the observed Na. Calcium and Cl, on the other hand, came largely from deep groundwater sources in the Don Juan Basin. All concentrations except Mg are well predicted by this model. The chemical composition of the geologically recent upper lake is explained in terms of ionic diffusion from the pre-formed brine, coupled with Onyx River inflow. Ionic ratios calculated from this latter model are in very good agreement with those observed in the lake at 35 meters.  相似文献   

Water quality in less-developed countries is often subject to substantial degradation, but is rarely studied in a systematic way. The concentration and flux of major ions, carbon, nitrogen, silicon, and trace metals in the heavily urbanized Bagmati River within Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, are reported. The concentrations of all chemical species increased with distance downstream with the exceptions of protons and nitrate, and showed strong relationships with population density adjacent to the river. Total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), dominated by NH4, was found in high concentrations along the Bagmati drainage system. The export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and TDN were 23 and 33 tons km?2 year?1, respectively, at the outlet point of the Kathmandu Valley, much higher than in relatively undeveloped watersheds. The cationic and silica fluxes were 106 and 18 tons km?2 year?1 at the outlet of the Bagmati within Kathmandu Valley, and 36 and 32 tons km?2 year?1 from the relatively pristine headwater area. The difference between headwaters and the urban site suggests that the apparent weathering flux is three times higher than the actual weathering rate in the heavily urbanized Bagmati basin. Fluxes of cations and silica are above the world average, as well as fluxes from densely populated North American and European watersheds. End-member composition of anthropogenic sources like sewage or agricultural runoff is needed to understand the drivers of this high rate of apparent weathering.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(2):318-334
To evaluate the extent of human impact on a pristine Antarctic environment, natural baseline levels of trace metals have been established in the basement rocks of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica.From a mineralogical and geochemical point of view the Larsemann Hills basement is relatively homogeneous, and contains high levels of Pb, Th and U. These may become soluble during the relatively mild Antarctic summer and be transported to lake waters by surface and subsurface melt water. Melt waters may also be locally enriched in V, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn and Sn derived from weathering of metabasite pods. With a few notable exceptions, the trace metal concentrations measured in the Larsemann Hills lake waters can be entirely accounted for by natural processes such as sea spray and surface melt water input. Thus, the amount of trace metals released by weathering of basement lithologies and dispersed into the Larsemann Hills environment, and presumably in similar Antarctic environments, is, in general, not negligible, and may locally be substantial.The Larsemann Hills sediments are coarse-grained and contain minute amounts of clay-size particles, although human activities have contributed to the generation of fine-grained material at the most impacted sites. Irrespective of their origin, these small amounts of fine-grained clastic sediments have a relatively small surface area and charge, and are not as effective metal sinks as the abundant, thick cyanobacterial algal mats that cover the lake floors. Thus, the concentration of trace metals in the Larsemann Hills lake waters is regulated by biological activity and thawing–freezing cycles, rather than by the type and amount of clastic sediment supply.  相似文献   

Pramod Singh   《Chemical Geology》2009,266(3-4):251-264
The sediments of the Ganga River from different depositional regimes in the Plain region such as the river channel, active flood-plain and the older flood-plain sediments from the inter-fluve region were analysed for major, trace and the rare earth elements (REEs). These are compared with catchment zone sediments of the river and probable source rocks in the Himalaya. The lower CIA values between 48 and 54.7 for the catchment sediments indicates that the sediments supplied to the Ganga Plain are chemically immature and subjected mostly to physical weathering due to higher erosion rates in the Himalaya. The CIA values ranging between 55 and 74, with average value of 59, 61.4 and 67 for sediments from the Plain's bed-load, active flood-plain and older flood-plain from the inter-fluve region indicates that silicate weathering of Ganga River sediments has occurred only after entering into the plains. This is likely because of higher residence time and change in the climate from cold-frigid in the Himalaya to tropical sub-humid in the plains. Therefore, the use of geochemical data on ancient system to infer climate in their source region may not always be true. Although the CIA values indicate a moderate chemical weathering in the plains, it is far from impressive. Dominance of physical weathering in the catchment region and lower degree of chemical weathering in the Plains indicate that weathering of sediments supplied by Himalayan Rivers, particularly the Ganga River may not have affected the atmospheric CO2 to a significant level as is generally believed. Thus the net effect of the Himalaya on the CO2 sequestration and consequent global cooling needs a re-evaluation.The plots of sediments in ternary diagram among La, Th, Sc and ratios involving Co/Th, La/Sc and Sc/Th indicate granitic to granodioritic source rocks to the sediments. The ratio plots involving relatively immobile Al2O3, TiO2 and FeO along with REE plots suggest that out of the major Himalayan lithologies, gneisses and Cambro-Ordovician granites of HHCS have acted as the dominant source to the sediments.The plots of LogNa2O/K2O vs. LogSiO2/Al2O3 and FeO/SiO2 vs. Al2O3/SiO2 diagrams show that the combination of processes including erosion, weathering, sorting and aeolian activity has together played a major role in progressively changing the chemistry from source rock to catchments bed-load to Plains bed-load, active flood-plains and the older inter-fluve sediments in the Ganga River system. The above plots demonstrate that as a result of above processes the ratios between the elements generally thought to be immobile and used in provenance studies does not always remain invariant and the linear trend line in the scatter gram between the two immobile elements show rotation around the fine grained end member.  相似文献   

Lake Vanda is a closed-basin, permanently ice-covered lake located in the Wright Valley of Antarctica. The lakes more important geochemical features include the fact that it is fed by a single glacial melt water stream for only 6–8weeks out of the year; that it has remained stratified for more than a millennium; and that, like other lakes in the region, it is remote from anthropogenic influence. These, together with the fact that it is among the least biologically productive lakes in the world, make it an ideal system for examining the transport, cycling and fate of trace metals in the aquatic environment. Like others before us, we view this lake as a natural geochemical laboratory, a flask in the desert. This paper presents the first set of closely spaced, vertical, profiles for dissolved and particulate Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn and Cd in the water column. Despite the absence of an outflow, metals in the fresh upper waters of the lake have extremely low concentrations, in the pico-molar to nano-molar range, and are partitioned largely into dissolved rather than particulate phases. Efficient metal scavenging by particles from these oxygen-rich waters is indicated. Significant increases in metal concentrations begin to appear at depth, between 57 and 60m, and these increases coincide with the onset of manganese oxide dissolution in oxic, but lower pH waters. Vertical profiles suggest that the entire suite of trace metals (Ni, Cu, Zn, and Cd) is being released from manganese oxide carrier phases. Thermodynamic analysis indicates that Mn3O4 (i.e., the mineral hausmannite) may be important in metal sequestration and recycling in the deeper waters of Lake Vanda. Manganese-reducing organisms reported by Bratina etal. (1998) are active in the zone of metal release and these could also contribute to the observed cycling.  相似文献   

石林  解广轰 《岩石学报》1997,13(4):488-498
利用微量元素和Sr,Nd,Pb同位素资料,得出了南极罗斯岛及泰勒谷地区火山岩来自于上地幔,五个地区火山岩具有相同的源区。岩石具有大洋岛屿玄武岩(OIB)的特征。来自地幔的火山喷发的岩浆未遭受地壳物质的混染作用。地幔源区是具有高μ(=206Pb/204Pb)比值的地幔组分HIMU与亏损地幔组分DMM混合作用的结果,其中以HIMU组分为主,原生岩浆由具HIMU组分特征的深部地幔柱与浅部的DMM混合而成。  相似文献   

This study examined the dissolved organic matter (DOM) components of cow dung using a combination of fluorescence (excitation–emission matrix, EEM) spectroscopy and parallel factor (PARAFAC) modelling along with eleven trace metals using ICP-MS and nutrients (NH4+ and NO3?) using an AA3 auto analyser. EEM–PARAFAC analysis demonstrated that cow dung predominantly contained only one fluorescent DOM component with two fluorescence peaks (Ex/Em = 275/311 nm and Ex/Em = 220/311 nm), which could be denoted as tyrosine by comparison with its standard. Occurrence of tyrosine can be further confirmed by the FTIR spectra. Trace metals analysis revealed that Na, K and Mg were significantly higher than Ca, Fe, Mn, Zn Sr, Cu, Ni and Co. The NH4+ concentrations were substantially higher than NO3?. These results thus indicate that the dissolved components of the cow dung could be useful for better understanding its future uses in various important purposes.  相似文献   

The geochemical characteristics of trace metals (As, Cr, Co, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) in PM10 in Wuhan, the biggest metropolitan in central China, as well as their sources and contributions were analyzed. As PM10 has been the principal contaminant of air in Wuhan for years, concentrations of trace metals were measured in PM10 using high-volume samplers at one urban (Hankou) and one industrial (Changqian) site in Wuhan between September 2003 and September 2004. Based on the results, PM10 in Wuhan is characterized by relatively high levels of As, Cd, Mn, Pb and Zn compared with other Asian cities. The time-series of these elements indicated that As, Cu and Zn at both sites have similar trends, whereas Pb levels showed different patterns due to different emission sources. Factor analysis was applied to the datasets focusing on the apportionment of the mass of selected trace metals. Results indicate that Pb, Cd and As have a common source (smelting) at both sites, whereas the sources of Ni vary from coal combustion and steel in Changqian to mineral and traffic in Hankou.  相似文献   

A detailed geochemical and sedimentological study of twenty-two bulk stream sediments in the Teign Valley of southwest Devon shows the influence of lithology, mineralization and contamination on such cumulative samples. K, Cu and Ni in stream sediments emerge as potential indicators of lithology. Ba and S values, as well as barytes concentrations, demonstrate the contribution of Ba, Zn and Pb mineral lodes, whilst Fe, S and heavy-mineral percentages emphasize that of Fe lodes and contamination. As, Pb and Zn anomalies are observed within Fe-oxide crusts giving evidence of Fe in the role of scavenger. High Mn values are attributed to precipitations of the metal derived largely from impregnations of the Culm.  相似文献   

The study was designed to establish the distributions of trace metals, dissolved organic carbon, and inorganic nutrients as well as to assess the extent of anthropogenic inputs into the Narmada and Tapti rivers. Water and sediment qualities are variable in the rivers, and there are major pollution problems at certain locations, mainly associated with urban and industrial centers. The metal concentrations of samples of the aquatic compartments investigated were close to the maximum permissible concentration for the survival of aquatic life, except for higher values of Cu (5–763 μg l−1), Pb (24–376 μg l−1), Zn (24–730 μg l−1), and Cr (70–740 μg l−1) and for drinking water except for elevated concentrations of metals such as Pb, Fe (850–2,060 μg l−1), Cr, and Ni (20–120 μg l−1). In general, the concentrations of trace metals in the rivers vary down stream which may affect the “health” of the aquatic ecosystem and may also affect the health of the rural community that depends on the untreated river water directly for domestic use. The assessment of EF, I geo, and PLI in the sediments reveals overall moderate pollution in the river basins.  相似文献   

根据化探分析数据结果和以往的工作成果、地质特征,分别对马思罗沟地球化学场特征、主成矿单元素异常特征、综合异常特征研究分析,从而推断解释综合异常(Hs-2)对成矿的有利性。确定该地区元素异常分布受构造的影响,确定该地区具有找金矿的潜力。  相似文献   

Chemical analyses of dissolved silica in the shallow groundwater of the lower part of the Salado River drainage basin indicate that silica values averaged 60 ppm. The groundwaters are oversaturated in relation to quartz, Na-plagioclase, K-feldspar, and the weathering of quartz and aluminosilicates appear to have little control on silica concentrations in solution. Groundwater is undersaturated with respect to amorphous silica present in the loessic sediments, and these sediments are specially important in the control of the groundwater composition. The sources of amorphous silica are volcanic glass shards and biogenic silica derived from plant (silicophytoliths, diatom frustules) or animal remains (sponge spicules) also present in the Pampean loess. Silicophytoliths and diatoms have also been reported in A soil horizon samples. The dissolution of amorphous silica most likely controls the high dissolved silica concentrations in groundwater.  相似文献   

The lower Jia Bharali catchment and adjoining areas in central part of North Brahmaputra Plain (NBP) is characterized by more than 800m thick Older and Younger Alluvium deposited by the west flowing Brahmaputra river and the south flowing trans Himalayan rivers. Unconfined, shallow alluvial aquifers of the area with a general southward flow are largely tapped for domestic use through numerous dug well attached with almost every household. Monitoring of 180 dug wells for two hydrological years show strong seasonal fluctuation of the groundwater table linked to the summer monsoon that brings more than 1500mm precipitation in the area between June-September. This study has presents the first ever systematic database on toxic trace elements viz., As, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn from the shallow aquifers in north Brahmaputra plain based on water samples from 50 monitoring wells collected in both dry and wet seasons. The data was analysed with respect to WHO standards for drinking water and significantly, 2 % of the measurements show As in excess of the WHO limit while 60% of the samples in the wet season and as much as 90 % of the same in dry season have Cr content more than the WHO permissible limit. Pb concentration is above permissible limit of 0.05 mg/L in most of the dry season samples although 88 % of the rainy season samples show Pb concentration exceeding this limit. 34 % of the samples in the wet seasons and 86 % of the samples in the dry seasons have Mn above the permissible limit of 0.1 mg/L while in case of Ni, 56 % of the aquifers in the wet season and 72 % of the aquifers in the dry season show Ni content above the permissible limit of 0.02 mg/L. Zn contents of the aquifers are however very low throughout the year.  相似文献   

To better understand the long-term climate history of Antarctica, we studied Lake Bonney in Taylor Valley, Southern Victoria Land (78°S). Helium isotope ratios and He, Ne, Ar and N2 concentration data, obtained from hydrocasts in the East (ELB) and West (WLB) Lobes of Lake Bonney, provided important constraints on the lakes Holocene evolution. Based on very low concentrations of Ar and N2 in the ELB bottom waters, ELB was free of ice until 200 ± 50 years ago. After which, low salinity water flowing over the sill from WLB to ELB, covered ELB and formed a perennial ice cover, inhibiting the exchange of gases with the atmosphere. In contrast to the ELB, the WLB retained an ice cover through the Holocene. The brine in the WLB bottom waters has meteoric N2 and Ar gas concentrations indicating that it has not been significantly modified by atmospheric exchange or ice formation. The helium concentrations in the deep water of WLB are the highest measured in non-thermal surface water. By fitting a diffusional loss to the 3He/4He, helium, and Cl profiles, we calculate a time of 3000 years for the initiation of flow over the sill separating the East and West Lobes. To supply this flux of helium to the lake, a helium-rich sediment beneath the lake must be providing the helium by diffusion. If at any time during the last million years the ice cover left WLB, there would be insufficient helium available to provide the current flux to WLB. The variations in water levels in Lake Bonney can be related to climatic events that have been documented within the Southern Victoria Land region and indicate that the lakes respond significantly to regional and, perhaps, global climate forcing.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(9):1593-1612
Sediments, mosses and algae, collected from lake catchments of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica, were analysed to establish baseline levels of trace metals (Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Sb, Pb, Se, V and Zn), and to quantify the extent of trace metal pollution in the area. Both impacted and non-impacted sites were included in the study. Four different leaching solutions (1 M MgCl2, 1 M CH3COONH4, 1 M NH4NO3, and 0.3 N HCl) were tested on the fine fraction (<63 μm) of the sediments to extract the mobile fraction of trace metals derived from human impact and from weathering of basement lithologies. Results of these tests indicate that dilute HCl partly dissolves primary minerals present in the sediment, thus leading to an overestimate of the mobile trace metal fraction. Concentrations of trace metals released using the other 3 procedures indicate negligible levels of anthropogenic contribution to the trace metal budget. Data derived from this study and a thorough characterisation of the site allowed the authors to define natural baseline levels of trace metals in sediments, mosses and algae, and their spatial variability across the area. The results show that, with a few notable exceptions, human activities at the research stations have contributed negligible levels (lower than natural variability) of trace metals to the Larsemann Hills ecosystem. This study further demonstrates that anthropogenic sources of trace metals can be correctly identified and quantified only if natural baselines, their variability, and processes controlling the mobility of trace metals in the ecosystem, have been fully characterised.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the flux of nutrients and heavy metals from the Melai sub-catchment into Lake Chini through the process of erosion. Melai River is one of the seven feeder rivers that contributed to the present water level of Lake Chini. Three properties of soils, such as particle size, organic matter content, and soil hydraulic conductivity and three chemical soil properties, such as available nutrients, dissolved nutrients, and heavy metals, were analyzed and interpreted. Potential soil loss was estimated using the revised universal soil loss equation model. The results show that the soil textures in the study area consist of clay, silty clay, clay loam, and sandy silt loam. The organic matter content ranges from 3.40 to 9.92 %, while the hydraulic conductivity ranges from 5.2 to 25.3 cm/h. Mean values of available P, K, and Mg amount was 8.5 ± 3.7 μg/g, 24.5 ± 3.4 μg/g, and 20.7 ± 18.6 μg/g, respectively. The highest concentration of soluble nutrients was SO 4 ?2 (815.8 ± 624.1 μg/g), followed by NO3 ?-N (295.5 ± 372.7 μg/g), NH4 +-N (24.5 ± 22.1 μg/g) and PO4 3? (2.0 ± 0.8 μg/g). The rainfall erosivity value was 1658.7 MJ mm/ha/h/year. The soil erodibility and slope factor ranges from 0.06 to 0.26 ton h/MJ/mm and 7.63 to 18.33, respectively. The rate of soil loss from the Melai sub-catchment in the present condition is very low (0.0028 ton/ha/year) to low (18.93 ton/ha/year), and low level flow of nutrients and heavy metals, indicating that the Melai River was not the contaminant source of sediments, nutrients, and heavy metals to the lake.  相似文献   

This study reports a multi-parameter geochemical investigation in water and sediments of a shallow hyper-eutrophic urban freshwater coastal lake, Zeekoevlei, in South Africa. Zeekoevlei receives a greater fraction of dissolved major and trace elements from natural sources (e.g., chemical weathering and sea salt). Fertilizers, agricultural wastes, raw sewage effluents and road runoff in contrast, constitute the predominant anthropogenic sources, which supply As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in this lake. The overall low dissolved metal load results from negligible industrial pollution, high pH and elevated metal uptake by phytoplankton. However, the surface sediments are highly polluted with Pb, Cd and Zn. Wind-induced sediment resuspension results in increased particulate and dissolved element concentrations in bottom waters. Low C/N ratio (10) indicates primarily an algal source for the sedimentary organic matter. Variation in sedimentary organic C content with depth indicates a change in primary productivity in response to historical events (e.g., seepage from wastewater treatment plant, dredging and urbanization). Primary productivity controls the enrichment of most of the metals in sediments, and elevated productivity with higher accumulation of planktonic debris (and siltation) results in increased element concentration in surface and deeper sediments. Aluminium, Fe and/or Mn oxy-hydroxides, clay minerals and calcareous sediments also play an important role in adsorbing metals in Zeekoevlei sediments.  相似文献   

Despite its harsh environmental conditions, terrestrial Antarctica contains a relatively large microbial biomass. Natural abundance carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures of organic materials in the dry valleys indicate mixed provenance of the soil organic matter (SOM) with varying proportions of contributions from lichens, mosses, lake-derived algae and cyanobacteria. Here we employed two complementary analytical techniques, biomarker measurements by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and solution-state 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, to provide further information at a molecular-level about the composition and possible source of SOM in the Garwood Valley, Antarctica. The predominance of branched alkanes and short-chain lipids in the solvent extracts indicates that the primary contribution to the SOM was microbial-derived. Chemical structures in the NaOH extracts from soils were also dominated by amide, peptides, and a CH3-dominating aliphatic region that were characteristic of microbial signatures. Furthermore, the SOM in the Garwood Valley contained compounds that were different from those in the cyanobacteria-dominated mat from a nearby lake (including monoethyl alkanes and enriched side-chain protons). This observation suggests that easily degradable carbon sources from the nearby lake did not dominate the SOM, which is consistent with a fast turnover of the mat-derived organic matter found in the valley. This study highlights the important role of native soil microbes in the carbon transformation and biogeochemistry in terrestrial Antarctica.  相似文献   

The continued urbanization of coastal watersheds can influence the quality of water that enters rivers and estuaries. Intelligent management of aquatic resources will require the capability to quantitatively assess and evaluate the impacts of alterations in surface waters that result from changes in patterns of land use. An aquatic ecosystem model was developed and linked to an empirical landscape model to estimate ecological risks posed by nutrients and potentially toxic trace elements (copper [Cu], cadmium [Cd], arsenic [As]) in the Patuxent River, Maryland. The empirical landscape model translated reductions in croplands within the Patuxent River watershed into corresponding changes in nitrate estimated to enter the river. Trace element concentrations were increased in relation to urbanization associated with the loss of agricultural lands in the watershed. The aquatic ecosystem model used the altered inputs of nutrients and trace elements to estimate changes in the annual production dynamics of selected producer and consumer populations within the Patuxent River. The models were implemented for four mainstem locations that defined a transect from the upper freshwater portion of the river to downstream estuarine locations. Ecological impacts were estimated for 4 hypothetical changes in land use that consisted of 10%, 7.5%, 5%, and 2.5% watershed coverage by cropland. Impacts were estimated as the probability (risk) of different magnitudes of increases or decreases in total annual production of populations representative of freshwater and estuarine food webs in the Patuxent River.  相似文献   

Geochemical stream sediment survey in Winder Valley, Balochistan, Pakistan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A pilot scale geochemical survey of sediments from the Winder Stream (SW Pakistan) and its tributaries was carried out. The Winder Stream mainly receives sediment from the southern extensions of the Mor and Pab Ranges in the District of Lasbela (Balochistan). In these two mountain ranges, rocks from Jurassic to Cretaceous age are exposed. Rocks of the Ferozabad Group comprise of carbonates and siliciclastics of Lower–Middle Jurassic age and occupy the dominant part of the Mor Range. These strata host syngenetic and epigenetic Zn–Pb–Ba mineralizations of Stratiform Sediment-Hosted (SSH) and Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) deposits.Quantitative estimates of mobile and immobile elements were made from active stream sediments of the Winder stream and its tributaries. The samples were analyzed for Ag, Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, V, Mn, Fe and Ba using atomic absorption spectroscopy. The abundance of these elements is discussed in relation to local geological conditions such as bedrock, climate, weathering, mobility and pH of the dispersing waters. A number of Zn anomalies have been distinguished in the study area. Kharrari (Zn, 360 ppm), Sand (Zn, 340 ppm) and Draber (Zn, 210 ppm) are demarcated as new areas for Zn mineralization. The present study also indicates prospects of Ag, Cu and V in the rocks of the Mor Range.Relationships between various elements have been identified from scattergrams and reflect genetic associations. Whereby the positive correlation between Cu–Zn (0.55, n=18) and Cu–Pb (0.63) is related to possible sulphide mineralization.  相似文献   

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