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Sulfur isotope compositions of pumice and adsorbed volatiles on ash from the first historical eruption of Anatahan volcano (Mariana arc) are presented in order to constrain the sources of sulfur erupted during the period 10-21 May, 2003. The isotopic composition of S extracted from erupted pumice has a narrow range, from δ34SV-CDT +2.6‰ to +3.2‰, while the composition of sulfur adsorbed onto ash has a larger range (+2.8‰ to +5.3‰). Fractionation modeling for closed and open system scenarios suggests that degassing of SO2 raised the δ34SV-CDT value of S dissolved in the melt from an initial composition of between +1.6‰ and +2.6‰ for closed-system degassing, or between −0.5‰ and +1.5‰ for open-system degassing, however closed-system degassing is the preferred model. The calculated values for the initial composition of the magma represent a MORB-like (δ34SV-CDT ∼ 0‰) mantle source with limited contamination by subducted seawater sulfate (δ34SV-CDT +21‰). Modeling also suggests that the δ34SV-CDT value of SO2 gas in closed-system equilibrium with the degassed magma was between +0.9‰ and +2.5‰. The δ34SV-CDT value of sulfate adsorbed onto ash in the eruption plume (+2.8‰ to +5.1‰) is consistent with sulfate formation by oxidation of magmatic SO2 in the eruption column. The sulfur isotope composition of sulfate adsorbed to ash changes from lower δ34S values for ash erupted early in the eruption to higher δ34S values for ash erupted later in the eruption. We interpret the temporal/stratigraphic change in sulfate isotopic composition to primarily reflect a change in the isotopic composition of magmatic SO2 released from the progressively degassing magma and is attributed to the expulsion of an accumulated gas phase at the beginning of the eruption. More efficient oxidation of magmatic SO2 gas to sulfate in the early water-rich eruption plume probably contributed to the change in S isotope compositions observed in the ash leachates.  相似文献   

This study investigates the sulfur and oxygen isotope fractionations of dissimilatory sulfate reduction and works to reconcile the relationships between the oxygen and sulfur isotopic and elemental systems. We report results of experiments with natural populations of sulfate-reducing bacteria using sediment and seawater from a marine lagoon at Fællestrand on the northern shore of the island of Fyn, Denmark. The experiments yielded relatively large magnitude sulfur isotope fractionations for dissimilatory sulfate reduction (up to approximately 45‰ for 34S/32S) with higher δ18O accompanying higher δ34S, similar to that observed in previous studies. The seawater used in the experiments was spiked by addition of 17O-labeled water and the 17O content of residual sulfate was found to depend on the fraction of sulfate reduced in the experiments. The 17O data provides evidence for recycling of sulfur from metabolic intermediates and for an 18O/16O fractionation of ∼25-30‰ for dissimilatory sulfate reduction. The close correlation between the 17O data and the sulfur isotope data suggests that isotopic exchange between cell water and external water (reactor water) was rapid under experimental conditions. The molar ratio of oxygen exchange to sulfate reduction was found to be about 2.5. This value is slightly lower than observed in studies of natural ecosystems [e.g., Wortmann U. G., Chernyavsky B., Bernasconi S. M., Brunner B., Böttcher M. E. and Swart P. K. (2007) Oxygen isotope biogeochemistry of pore water sulfate in the deep biosphere: dominance of isotope exchange reactions with ambient water during microbial sulfate reduction (ODP Site 1130). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta71, 4221-4232]. Using recent models of sulfur isotope fractionations we find that our combined sulfur and oxygen isotopic data places constraints on the proportion of sulfate recycled to the medium (78-96%), the proportion of sulfur intermediate sulfite that was recycled by way of APS to sulfate and released back to the external sulfate pool (∼70%), and also that a fraction of the sulfur intermediates between sulfite and sulfide were recycled to sulfate. These parameters can be constrained because of the independent information provided by δ18O, δ34S, δ17O labels, and Δ33S.  相似文献   

At Lucky Strike near the Azores Triple Junction, the seafloor setting of the hydrothermal field in a caldera system with abundant low-permeability layers of cemented breccia, provides a unique opportunity to study the influence of subsurface geological conditions on the hydrothermal fluid evolution. Coupled analyses of S isotopes performed in conjunction with Se and Fe isotopes have been applied for the first time to the study of seafloor hydrothermal systems. These data provide a tool for resolving the different abiotic and potential biotic near-surface hydrothermal reactions. The δ34S (between 1.5‰ and 4.6‰) and Se values (between 213 and 1640 ppm) of chalcopyrite suggest a high temperature end-member hydrothermal fluid with a dual source of sulfur: sulfur that was leached from basaltic rocks, and sulfur derived from the reduction of seawater sulfate. In contrast, pyrite and marcasite generally have lower δ34S within the range of magmatic values (0 ± 1‰) and are characterized by low concentrations of Se (<50 ppm). For 82Se/76Se ratios, the δ82Se values range from basaltic values of near −1.5‰ to −7‰. The large range and highly negative values of hydrothermal deposits observed cannot be explained by simple mixing between Se leached from igneous rock and Se derived from seawater. We interpret the Se isotope signature to be a result of leaching and mixing of a fractionated Se source located beneath hydrothermal chimneys in the hydrothermal fluid. At Lucky Strike we consider two sources for S and Se: (1) the “end-member” hydrothermal fluid with basaltic Se isotopic values (−1.5‰) and typical S isotope hydrothermal values of 1.5‰; (2) a fractionated source hosted in subsurface environment with negative δ34S values, probably from bacterial reduction of seawater sulfate and negative δ82Se values possibly derived from inorganic reduction of Se oxyanions. Fluid trapped in the subsurface environment is conductively cooled and has restricted mixing and provide favorable conditions for subsurface microbial activity which is potentially recorded by S isotopes. Fe isotope systematic reveals that Se-rich high temperature samples have δ57Fe values close to basaltic values (∼0‰) whereas Se-depleted samples precipitated at medium to low temperature are systematically lighter (δ57Fe values between −1 to −3‰). An important implication of our finding is that light Fe isotope composition down to −3.2‰ may be explained entirely by abiotic fractionation, in which a reservoir effect during sulfide precipitation was able to produce highly fractionated compositions.  相似文献   

The discovery of 33S anomalies in Archean sedimentary rocks has established that the early Earth before ∼2.2 Ga (billion years ago) had a very different sulfur cycle than today. The origin of the anomalies and the nature of early sulfur cycle are, however, poorly known and debated. In this study, we analyzed the total sulfur and oxygen isotope compositions, the δ18O, Δ17O, δ34S, Δ33S, and Δ36S, for the >3.2 Ga Fig Tree barite deposits from the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. The goal is to address two questions: (1) was Archean barite sulfate a mixture of 33S-anomalous sulfate of photolysis origin and 33S-normal sulfate of other origins? (2) did the underlying photochemical reactions that generated the observed 33S anomalies for sulfide and sulfate also generate 17O anomalies for sulfate?We developed a new method in which pure barite sulfate is extracted for oxygen and sulfur isotope measurements from a mixture of barite sands, cherts, and other oxygen-bearing silicates. The isotope data reveal that (1) there is no distinct 17O anomaly for Fig Tree barite, with an average Δ17O value the same as that of the bulk Earth (−0.02 ± 0.07‰, N = 49); and (2) the average δ18O value is +10.6 ± 1.1‰, close to that of the modern seawater sulfate value (+9.3‰). Evidence from petrography and from the δ18O of barites and co-existing cherts suggest minimum overprinting of later metamorphism on the sulfate’s oxygen isotope composition. Assuming no other processes (e.g., biological) independently induced oxygen isotope exchange between sulfate and water, the lack of reasonable correlation between the δ18O and Δ33S or between the δ34S and Δ33S suggests two mutually exclusive scenarios: (1) An overwhelming majority of the sulfate in the Archean ocean was of photolysis origin, or (2) The early Archean sulfate was a mixture of 33S-normal sulfates and a small portion (<5%?) of 33S-anomalous sulfate of photolysis origin from the atmosphere. Scenario 1 requires that sulfate of photolysis origin must have had only small 33S or 36S anomalies and no 17O anomaly. Scenario 2 requires that the photolysis sulfate have had highly negative δ34S and Δ33S values, recommending future theoretical and experimental work to look into photochemical processes that generate sulfate in Quadrant I and sulfide in Quadrant III in a δ34S (X)-Δ33S (Y) Cartesian plane. A total sulfur and oxygen isotope analysis has provided constraints on the underlying chemical reactions that produced the observed sulfate isotope signature as well as the accompanying atmospheric, oceanic, and biological conditions.  相似文献   

The coexistence of magmatic anhydrite and sulfide minerals in non-arc-related mafic magmas has only rarely been documented. Likewise the S isotope fractionation between sulfate and sulfide in mafic rocks has infrequently been measured. In the Kharaelakh intrusion associated with the world-famous Noril’sk ore district in Siberia coexisting magmatic anhydrite and sulfide minerals have been identified. Sulfur isotope compositions of the anhydrite-sulfide assemblages have been measured via both ion microprobe and conventional analyses to help elucidate the origin of the anhydrite-sulfide pairs. Magmatic anhydrite and chalcopyrite are characterized by δ34S values between 18.8‰ and 22.8‰, and 9.3‰ and 13.2‰, respectfully. Coexisting anhydrite and chalcopyrite show Δ values that fall between 8.5‰ and 11.9‰. Anhydrite in the Kharaelakh intrusion is most readily explained by the assimilation of sulfate from country rocks; partial reduction to sulfide led to mixing between sulfate-derived sulfide and sulfide of mantle origin. The variable anhydrite and sulfide δ34S values are a function of differing degrees of sulfate reduction, variable mixing of sulfate-derived and mantle sulfide, incomplete isotopic homogenization of the magma, and a lack of uniform attainment of isotopic equilibrium during subsolidus cooling. The δ34S values of sulfide minerals have changed much less with cooling than have anhydrite values due in large part to the high sulfide/sulfate ratio. Variations in both sulfide and anhydrite δ34S values indicate that isotopically distinct domains existed on a centimeter scale. Late stage hydrothermal anhydrite and pyrite also occur associated with Ca-rich hydrous alteration assemblages (e.g., thomsonite, prehnite, pectolite, epidote, xonotlite). δ34S values of secondary hydrothermal anhydrite and pyrite determined by conventional analyses are in the same range as those of the magmatic minerals. Anhydrite-pyrite Δ values are in the 9.1-10.1‰ range, and are smaller than anticipated for the low temperatures indicated by the silicate alteration assemblages. The small Δ values are suggestive of either sulfate-sulfide isotopic disequilibrium or closure of the system to further exchange between ∼550 and 600 °C. Our results confirm the importance of the assimilation of externally derived sulfur in the generation of the elevated δ34S values in the Kharaelakh intrusion, but highlight the sulfur isotopic variability that may occur in magmatic systems. In addition, our results confirm the need for more precise experimental determination of sulfate-sulfide sulfur isotope fractionation factors in high-T systems.  相似文献   

An anomalous enrichment in marine sulfate δ34SSO4 is preserved in globally-distributed latest Ediacaran-early Cambrian strata. The proximity of this anomaly to the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary and the associated evolutionary radiation has invited speculation that the two are causally related. Here we present a high-resolution record of paired sulfate (δ34SSO4) and pyrite (δ34Spyr) from sediments spanning ca. 547-540 million years ago (Ma) from the Ara Group of the Huqf Supergroup, Sultanate of Oman. We observe an increase in δ34SSO4 from ∼20‰ to ∼42‰, beginning at ca. 550 Ma and continuing at least through ca. 540 Ma. There is a concomitant increase in δ34Spyr over this interval from ∼ −15‰ to 10‰. This globally correlative enrichment, here termed the Ara anomaly, constitutes a major perturbation to the sulfur cycle. The absolute values of δ34Spyr reported here and in equivalent sections around the world, require the isotopic composition of material entering the ocean (δ34Sin) to be significantly more enriched than modern (∼3‰) values, likely in excess of 12‰ during the late Ediacaran-early Cambrian. Against this background of elevated δ34Sin, the Ara anomaly is explained not by increased fractionation between sulfate and pyrite (Δδ34S), but by an increase in pyrite burial (fpyr), most likely driven by enhanced primary production and sequestration of organic carbon, consistent with earlier reports of elevated organic carbon burial and widespread phosphorite deposition.  相似文献   

Previous efforts to constrain the timing of Paleoproterozoic atmospheric oxygenation have documented the disappearance of large, mass-independent sulfur isotope fractionation and an increase in mass-dependent sulfur isotope fractionation associated with multiple glaciations. At least one of these glacial events is preserved in diamictites of the ∼2.4 Ga Meteorite Bore Member of the Kungarra Formation, Turee Creek Group, Western Australia. Outcrop exposures of this unit show the transition from the Boolgeeda Iron Formation of the upper Hamersley Group into clastic, glaciomarine sedimentary rocks of the Turee Creek Group. Here we report in situ multiple sulfur isotope and elemental abundance measurements of sedimentary pyrite at high spatial resolution, as well as the occurrence of detrital pyrite in the Meteorite Bore Member. The 15.3‰ range of Δ33S in one sample containing detrital pyrite (−3.6‰ to 11.7‰) is larger than previously reported worldwide, and there is evidence for mass-independent sulfur isotope fractionation in authigenic pyrite throughout the section (Δ33S from −0.8‰ to 1.0‰). The 90‰ range in δ34S observed (−45.5‰ to 46.4‰) strongly suggests microbial sulfate reduction under non-sulfate limiting conditions, indicating significant oxidative weathering of sulfides on the continents. Multiple generations of pyrite are preserved, typically represented by primary cores with low δ34S (<−20‰) overgrown by euhedral rims with higher δ34S (4-7‰) and enrichments in As, Ni, and Co. The preservation of extremely sharp sulfur isotope gradients (30‰/<4 μm) implies limited sulfur diffusion and provides time and temperature constraints on the metamorphic history of the Meteorite Bore Member. Together, these results suggest that the Meteorite Bore Member was deposited during the final stages of the “Great Oxidation Event,” when pO2 first became sufficiently high to permit pervasive oxidative weathering of continental sulfides, yet remained low enough to permit the production and preservation of mass-independent sulfur isotope fractionation.  相似文献   

Although carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS) is used widely as a proxy for the sulfur isotope composition of ancient seawater, little is known about the effects of diagenesis on retention of primary δ34S signals. Our case study of the Key Largo Limestone, Pleistocene, Florida, is the first systematic assessment of the impact of meteoric diagenesis on CAS properties. Geochemical and petrographic data show that meteoric diagenesis has affected the exposed coralline facies to varying degrees, yielding differences now expressed as sharp reaction fronts between primary and secondary carbonate minerals within individual coral heads. Specifically, analyses across high-resolution transects in the Key Largo Limestone show that concentrations of strontium and sodium decrease across the recrystallization front from original aragonite to meteoric low-magnesium calcite by factors of roughly 5 and 10, respectively. Predictably, δ18O values decrease across these same fronts. The δ13C relationships are more complex, with the most depleted values observed in the latest-formed calcite. Such trends likely reflect carbon isotope buffering capacity that decreased as reaction progressed, as well as protracted development of soil profiles and the associated terrestrial biomass and thus depleted δ13C during sea-level lowstand. Conversely, δ34S values of CAS vary within a narrow ‘buffered’ range from 20.6 to 22.6‰ (compared to 20.8-22.0‰ of coeval Pleistocene seawater) across the same mineralogical transition, despite sulfate concentrations that drop in the diagenetic calcite by an average factor of 12. Collectively, these data point to robust preservation of primary δ34S for carbonates that have experienced intense meteoric diagenesis, which is encouraging news for those using the isotopic composition of CAS as a paleoceanographic proxy. At the same time, the vulnerability of CAS concentrations to diagenetic resetting is clear.  相似文献   

Substantial isotopic fractionations are associated with many microbial sulfur metabolisms and measurements of the bulk δ34S isotopic composition of sulfur species (predominantly sulfates and/or sulfides) have been a key component in developing our understanding of both modern and ancient biogeochemical cycling. However, the interpretations of bulk δ34S measurements are often non-unique, making reconstructions of paleoenvironmental conditions or microbial ecology challenging. In particular, the link between the μm-scale microbial activity that generates isotopic signatures and their eventual preservation as a bulk rock value in the geologic record has remained elusive, in large part because of the difficulty of extracting sufficient material at small scales. Here we investigate the potential for small-scale (∼100 μm-1 cm) δ34S variability to provide additional constraints for environmental and/or ecological reconstructions. We have investigated the impact of sulfate concentrations (0.2, 1, and 80 mM SO4) on the δ34S composition of hydrogen sulfide produced over the diurnal (day/night) cycle in cyanobacterial mats from Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Sulfide was captured as silver sulfide on the surface of a 2.5 cm metallic silver disk partially submerged beneath the mat surface. Subsequent analyses were conducted on a Cameca 7f-GEO secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) to record spatial δ34S variability within the mats under different environmental conditions. Isotope measurements were made in a 2-dimensional grid for each incubation, documenting both lateral and vertical isotopic variation within the mats. Typical grids consisted of ∼400-800 individual measurements covering a lateral distance of ∼1 mm and a vertical depth of ∼5-15 mm. There is a large isotopic enrichment (∼10-20‰) in the uppermost mm of sulfide in those mats where [SO4] was non-limiting (field and lab incubations at 80 mM). This is attributed to rapid recycling of sulfur (elevated sulfate reduction rates and extensive sulfide oxidation) at and above the chemocline. This isotopic gradient is observed in both day and night enrichments and suggests that, despite the close physical association between cyanobacteria and select sulfate-reducing bacteria, photosynthetic forcing has no substantive impact on δ34S in these cyanobacterial mats. Perhaps equally surprising, large, spatially-coherent δ34S oscillations (∼20-30‰ over 1 mm) occurred at depths up to ∼1.5 cm below the mat surface. These gradients must arise in situ from differential microbial metabolic activity and fractionation during sulfide production at depth. Sulfate concentrations were the dominant control on the spatial variability of sulfide δ34S. Decreased sulfate concentrations diminished both vertical and lateral δ34S variability, suggesting that small-scale variations of δ34S can be diagnostic for reconstructing past sulfate concentrations, even when original sulfate δ34S is unknown.  相似文献   

Banded iron formations (BIFs) are chemical marine sediments dominantly composed of alternating iron-rich (oxide, carbonate, sulfide) and silicon-rich (chert, jasper) layers. Isotope ratios of iron, carbon, and sulfur in BIF iron-bearing minerals are biosignatures that reflect microbial cycling for these elements in BIFs. While much attention has focused on iron, banded iron formations are equally banded silica formations. Thus, silicon isotope ratios for quartz can provide insight on the sources and cycling of silicon in BIFs. BIFs are banded by definition, and microlaminae, or sub-mm banding, are characteristic of many BIFs. In situ microanalysis including secondary ion mass spectrometry is well-suited for analyzing such small features. In this study we used a CAMECA IMS-1280 ion microprobe to obtain highly accurate (±0.3‰) and spatially resolved (∼10 μm spot size) analyses of silicon and oxygen isotope ratios for quartz from several well known BIFs: Isua, southwest Greenland (∼3.8 Ga); Hamersley Group, Western Australia (∼2.5 Ga); Transvaal Group, South Africa (∼2.5 Ga); and Biwabik Iron Formation, Minnesota, USA (∼1.9 Ga). Values of δ18O range from +7.9‰ to +27.5‰ and include the highest reported δ18O values for BIF quartz. Values of δ30Si have a range of ∼5‰ from −3.7‰ to +1.2‰ and extend to the lowest δ30Si values for Precambrian cherts. Isua BIF samples are homogeneous in δ18O to ±0.3‰ at mm- to cm-scale, but are heterogeneous in δ30Si up to 3‰, similar to the range in δ30Si found in BIFs that have not experienced high temperature metamorphism (up to 300 °C). Values of δ30Si for quartz are homogeneous to ±0.3‰ in individual sub-mm laminae, but vary by up to 3‰ between multiple laminae over mm-to-cm of vertical banding. The scale of exchange for Si in quartz in BIFs is thus limited to the size of microlaminae, or less than ∼1 mm. We interpret differences in δ30Si between microlaminae as preserved from primary deposition. Silicon in BIF quartz is mostly of marine hydrothermal origin (δ30Si < −0.5‰) but silicon from continental weathering (δ30Si ∼ 1‰) was an important source as early as 3.8 Ga.  相似文献   

Sulfur isotopic compositions were determined by ion microprobe for 36 spots on anhydrite crystals in trachyandesitic pumices erupted from El Chichón Volcano in 1982. Individual anhydrite crystals are homogeneous in δ34S, within the ±1‰ (2σ) uncertainty of the method, but crystal-to-crystal variations are large (+2.5 to +10.9‰). The mean δ34S for anhydrite (+6.4 ± 2.1‰, 1σ) is significantly lower than earlier results for bulk anhydrite separates (+9.0 to +9.2‰). The difference between the mean δ34S values in these two populations may reflect a grain-size effect, with heavier sulfur concentrated in smaller anhydrite crystals, few of which were analyzed by ion microprobe. Variations in δ34S show no correlation with complex textures in anhydrite revealed by cathodoluminescence color. Ion-microprobe analyses of δ34S were also obtained on six ovoid-shaped inclusions of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and/or intermediate sulfide solid solution hosted by silicate or oxide crystals, interpreted to be magmatic (δ34S = −0.1 to +2.7‰; mean +0.7‰), and on four irregularly shaped multiphase sulfide fragments in the matrix, interpreted as xenocrystic, which range widely in δ34S (−3.7 to +5.5‰). We evaluate four different mixing scenarios involving (1) magmatic anhydrite and sedimentary sulfate, (2) magmatic anhydrite and hydrothermal anhydrite, and anhydrite and coexisting sulfide crystals precipitated in different domains of a common magma reservoir that were affected by (3) different degrees of degassing or (4) different degrees of crustal sulfur contamination. The model involving physical contamination of sedimentary sulfate is considered untenable. The other three models are considered to be viable, but none of them can explain all observations. The results of this study and other recent investigations prompt a re-evaluation of the sulfur budget for the 1982 El Chichón eruption. We estimate that 2.2 × 1013 g of S was emitted, and that 58 wt.% of the sulfur was present as anhydrite prior to eruption, with the remainder in a vapor phase, with H2S/SO2 ≈ 9. The bulk magmatic δ34S value for the 1982 El Chichón trachyandesite is estimated as +4.1 to +5.8‰, typical of the relatively heavy sulfur isotopic compositions that characterize subduction-related magmas.  相似文献   

The sulfur isotopic composition of carbonate associated sulfate (CAS) has been used to investigate the geochemistry of ancient seawater sulfate. However, few studies have quantified the reliability of δ34S of CAS as a seawater sulfate proxy, especially with respect to later diagenetic overprinting. Pyrite, which typically has depleted δ34S values due to authigenic fractionation associated with bacterial sulfate reduction, is a common constituent of marine sedimentary rocks. The oxidation of pyrite, whether during diagenesis or sample preparation, could thus adversely influence the sulfur isotopic composition of CAS. Here, we report the results of CAS extractions using HCl and acetic acid with samples spiked with varying amounts of pyrite. The results show a very strong linear relationship between the abundance of fine-grained pyrite added to the sample and the resultant abundance and δ34S value of CAS. This data represents the first unequivocal evidence that pyrite is oxidized during the CAS extraction process. Our mixing models indicate that in samples with much less than 1 wt.% pyrite and relatively high δ34Spyrite values, the isotopic offset imparted by oxidation of pyrite should be much less than ? 4‰. A wealth of literature exists on the oxidation of pyrite by Fe3+ and we believe this mechanism drives the oxidation of pyrite during CAS extraction, during which the oxygen used to form sulfate is taken from H2O, not O2. Consequently, extracting CAS under anaerobic conditions would only slow, but not halt, the oxidation of pyrite. Future studies of CAS should attempt to quantify pyrite abundance and isotopic composition.  相似文献   

Multiple sulfur isotope system is a powerful new tracer for atmospheric, volcanic, and biological influences on sulfur cycles in the anoxic early Earth. Here, we report high-precision quadruple sulfur isotope analyses (32S/33S/34S/36S) of barite, pyrite in barite, and sulfides in related hydrothermal and igneous rocks occurring in the ca. 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation, Western Australia. Our results indicate that observed isotopic variations are mainly controlled by mixing of mass-dependently (MD) and non-mass-dependently fractionated (non-MD) sulfur reservoirs. Based on the quadruple sulfur isotope systematics (δ34S-Δ33S-Δ36S) for these minerals, four end-member sulfur reservoirs have been recognized: (1) non-MD sulfate (δ34S = −5 ± 2‰; Δ33S = −3 ± 1‰); (2) MD sulfate (δ34S = +10 ± 3‰); (3) non-MD sulfur (δ34S > +6‰; Δ33S > +4‰); and (4) igneous MD sulfur (δ34S = Δ33S = 0‰). The first and third components show a clear non-MD signatures, thus probably represent sulfate and sulfur aerosol inputs. The MD sulfate component (2) is enriched in 34S (+10 ± 3‰) and may have originated from microbial and/or abiotic disproportionation of volcanic S or SO2. Our results reconfirm that the Dresser barites contain small amounts of pyrite depleted in 34S by 15-22‰ relative to the host barite. These barite-pyrite pairs exhibit a mass-dependent relationship of δ33S/δ34S with slope less than 0.512, which is consistent with that expected for microbial sulfate reduction and is significantly different from that of equilibrium fractionation (0.515). The barite-pyrite pairs also show up to 1‰ difference in Δ36S values and steep Δ36S/Δ33S slopes, which deviate from the main Archean array (Δ36S/Δ33S = −0.9) and are comparable to isotope effects exhibited by sulfate reducing microbes (Δ36S/Δ33S = −5 to −11). These new lines of evidence support the existence of sulfate reducers at ca. 3.5 Ga, whereas microbial sulfur disproportionation may have been more limited than recently suggested.  相似文献   

Silicon (Si) isotope variability in Precambrian chert deposits is significant, but proposed explanations for the observed heterogeneity are incomplete in terms of silica provenance and fractionation mechanisms involved. To address these issues we investigated Si isotope systematics, in conjunction with geochemical and mineralogical data, in three well-characterised and approximately contemporaneous, ∼3.5 Ga chert units from the Pilbara greenstone terrane (Western Australia).We show that Si isotope variation in these cherts is large (−2.4‰ to +1.3‰) and was induced by near-surface processes that were controlled by ambient conditions. Cherts that formed by chemical precipitation of silica show the largest spread in δ30Si (−2.4‰ to +0.6‰) and are characterised by positive Eu, La and Y anomalies and overall depletions in lithophile trace elements. Silicon isotope systematics in these orthochemical deposits are explained by (1) mixing between hydrothermal fluids and seawater, and/or (2) fractionation of hydrothermal fluids by subsurface losses of silica due to conductive cooling. Rayleigh-type fractionation of hydrothermal fluids was largely controlled by temperature differences between these fluids and seawater. Lamina-scale Si isotope heterogeneity within individual chemical chert samples up to 2.2‰ is considered to reflect the dynamic nature of hydrothermal activity. Silicified volcanogenic sediments lack diagnostic REE+Y anomalies, are enriched in lithophile elements, and exhibit a much more restricted range of positive δ30Si (+0.1‰ to +1.1‰), which points to seawater as the dominant source of silica.The proposed model for Si isotope variability in the Early Archaean implies that chemical cherts with the most negative δ30Si formed from pristine hydrothermal fluids, whereas silicified or chemical sediments with positive δ30Si are closest to pure seawater deposits. Taking the most positive value found in this study (+1.3‰), and assuming that the Si isotope composition of seawater is governed by input of fractionated hydrothermal fluids, we infer that the temperature of ∼3.5 Ga seawater was below ∼55 °C.  相似文献   

In order to reconstruct paleo-environmental conditions for the saline playa lakes of the Rio Grande Rift, we investigated sediment sulfate sources using sulfur isotope compositions of dissolved ions in modern surface water, groundwater, and precipitated in the form of gypsum sediments deposited during the Pleistocene and Holocene in the Tularosa and Estancia Basins. The major sulfate sources are Lower and Middle Permian marine evaporites (δ34S of 10.9-14.4‰), but the diverse physiography of the Tularosa Basin led to a complex drainage system which contributed sulfates from various sources depending on the climate at the time of sedimentation. As inferred from sulfur isotope mass balance constraints, weathering of sulfides of magmatic/hydrothermal and sedimentary origin associated with climate oscillations during Last Glacial Maximum contributed about 35-50% of the sulfates and led to deposition of gypsum with δ34S values of −1.2‰ to 2.2‰ which are substantially lower than Permian evaporates. In the Estancia Basin, microbial sulfate reduction appears to overprint sulfur isotopic signatures that might elucidate past groundwater flows. A Rayleigh distillation model indicates that about 3-18% of sulfates from an inorganic groundwater pool (δ34S of 12.6-13.8‰) have been metabolized by bacteria and preserved as partially to fully reduced sulfur-bearing minerals species (elemental sulfur, monosulfides, disulfides) with distinctly negative δ34S values (−42.3‰ to −20.3‰) compared to co-existing gypsum (−3.8‰ to 22.4‰). For the Tularosa Basin microbial sulfate reduction had negligible effect on δ34S value of the gypsiferous sediments most likely because of higher annual temperatures (15-33 °C) and lower organic carbon content (median 0.09%) in those sediments leading to more efficient oxidation of H2S and/or smaller rates of sulfate reduction compared to the saline playas of the Estancia Basin (5-28 °C; median 0.46% of organic carbon).The White Sands region of the Tularosa Basin is frequently posited as a hydrothermal analogue for Mars. High temperatures of groundwater (33.3 °C) and high δ18O(H2O) values (1.1‰) in White Sands, however, are controlled predominantly by seasonal evaporation rather than the modern influx of hydrothermal fluids. Nevertheless, it is possible that some of the geochemical processes in White Sands, such as sulfide weathering during climate oscillations and upwelling of highly mineralized waters, might be considered as valid terrestrial analogues for the sulfate cycle in places such as Meridiani Planum on Mars.  相似文献   

Previous studies of both ore and non-ore-bearing intrusives in the Permo-Triassic flood basalts of the Siberian platform in the Noril’sk area have shown that high-grade Ni-Cu-platinum group elements (PGE) mineralization is associated with anomalously high δ34S values of ∼8 to 12‰. In addition, several researchers have proposed that observed depletions in the Cu, Ni, and PGE content of basaltic lavas of the Nadezhdinsky (Nd) Formation are related to diffusional exchange with, and upgrading in metal tenor of, sulfides in the volcanic conduit system. Sulfur isotopic studies of the lavas at Noril’sk were initiated to determine if interaction with crustally derived sulfur in the conduit system was evident, and if the Nd lavas in particular were characterized by an anomalous isotopic signature. δ34S values of the lavas range from −4.5 to 8.7‰ Vienna Cañon Diablo Troilite (VCDT), with S concentrations from <40 to 1373 ppm. The majority of δ34S values range from 0 to 4‰, and are similar to those from S-poor intrusions in the Noril’sk area. Although textural data are not supportive of early sulfide saturation and the presence of immiscible sulfide droplets in the lavas, recrystallization may have erased expected mineralogical and textural evidence. Mineralogical data indicate that hydrothermal alteration of the lavas has occurred, but S redistribution has been restricted to localized areas and δ34S values have not been affected. The relatively low S concentrations of the lavas are thought to be due in large part to degassing of the lavas in the shallow conduit system and during eruption. Our calculations are consistent with the premise that degassing of basaltic magmas at temperatures in excess of ∼900°C at QFM leads to only minor 34S-depletion of sulfur remaining in the melt, and decreases in δ34S values of less than 2‰ at 90% degassing. For this reason all lavas with δ34S values in excess of ∼ 2‰ require a contribution of 34S-enriched country rock sulfur. Because of the high S content and δ34S value (∼ 16-20‰) of evaporites in the country rocks at Noril’sk, contamination of less than 0.5% is required to explain the most 34S-enriched lavas. The Nd lavas have an average δ34S of 2.9‰, but show no difference in S isotopic composition relative to the other lavas, suggesting that metal depletion involved only limited S transfer, or that exchange between mantle-derived S and S of crustal origin buffered δ34S values to less than ∼5‰. Anomalously positive δ34S values, similar to those of the ore-bearing intrusives in the Noril’sk region, are not consistently found in low-S rocks, either lavas or intrusives. Although the mechanism for the derivation of sulfide in the ore-bearing intrusions remain speculative, it is clear that the formation of sulfide ores characterized by high metal tenors proceeded only in the presence of sulfur of crustal origin.  相似文献   

The opaque mineralogy and the contents and isotope compositions of sulfur in serpentinized peridotites from the MARK (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Kane Fracture Zone) area were examined to understand the conditions of serpentinization and evaluate this process as a sink for seawater sulfur. The serpentinites contain a sulfur-rich secondary mineral assemblage and have high sulfur contents (up to 1 wt.%) and elevated δ34Ssulfide (3.7 to 12.7‰). Geochemical reaction modeling indicates that seawater-peridotite interaction at 300 to 400°C alone cannot account for both the high sulfur contents and high δ34Ssulfide. These require a multistage reaction with leaching of sulfide from subjacent gabbro during higher temperature (∼400°C) reactions with seawater and subsequent deposition of sulfide during serpentinization of peridotite at ∼300°C. Serpentinization produces highly reducing conditions and significant amounts of H2 and results in the partial reduction of seawater carbonate to methane. The latter is documented by formation of carbonate veins enriched in 13C (up to 4.5‰) at temperatures above 250°C. Although different processes produce variable sulfur isotope effects in other oceanic serpentinites, sulfur is consistently added to abyssal peridotites during serpentinization. Data for serpentinites drilled and dredged from oceanic crust and from ophiolites indicate that oceanic peridotites are a sink for up to 0.4 to 6.0 × 1012 g seawater S yr−1. This is comparable to sulfur exchange that occurs in hydrothermal systems in mafic oceanic crust at midocean ridges and on ridge flanks and amounts to 2 to 30% of the riverine sulfate source and sedimentary sulfide sink in the oceans. The high concentrations and modified isotope compositions of sulfur in serpentinites could be important for mantle metasomatism during subduction of crust generated at slow spreading rates.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the extent of volatile element recycling in convergent margin volcanism requires delineating likely source(s) of magmatic volatiles through stable isotopic characterization of sulfur, hydrogen and oxygen in erupted tephra with appropriate assessment of modification by degassing. The climactic eruption of Mt. Mazama ejected approximately 50 km3 of rhyodacitic magma into the atmosphere and resulted in formation of a 10-km diameter caldera now occupied by Crater Lake, Oregon (lat. 43°N, long. 122°W). Isotopic compositions of whole-rocks, matrix glasses and minerals from Mt. Mazama climactic, pre-climactic and postcaldera tephra were determined to identify the likely source(s) of H2O and S. Integration of stable isotopic data with petrologic data from melt inclusions has allowed for estimation of pre-eruptive dissolved volatile concentrations and placed constraints on the extent, conditions and style of degassing.Sulfur isotope analyses of climactic rhyodacitic whole rocks yield δ34S values of 2.8-14.8‰ with corresponding matrix glass values of 2.4-13.2‰. δ34S tends to increase with stratigraphic height through climactic eruptive units, consistent with open-system degassing. Dissolved sulfur concentrations in melt inclusions (MIs) from pre-climactic and climactic rhyodacitic pumices varies from 80 to 330 ppm, with highest concentrations in inclusions with 4.8-5.2 wt% H2O (by FTIR). Up to 50% of the initial S may have been lost through pre-eruptive degassing at depths of 4-5 km. Ion microprobe analyses of pyrrhotite in climactic rhyodacitic tephra and andesitic scoria indicate a range in δ34S from −0.4‰ to 5.8‰ and from −0.1‰ to 3.5‰, respectively. Initial δ34S values of rhyodacitic and andesitic magmas were likely near the mantle value of 0‰. Hydrogen isotope (δD) and total H2O analyses of rhyodacitic obsidian (and vitrophyre) from the climactic fall deposit yielded values οf −103 to −53‰ and 0.23-1.74 wt%, respectively. Values of δD and wt% H2O of obsidian decrease towards the top of the fall deposit. Samples with depleted δD, and mantle δ18O values, have elevated δ34S values consistent with open-system degassing. These results imply that more mantle-derived sulfur is degassed to the Earth’s atmosphere/hydrosphere through convergent margin volcanism than previously attributed. Magmatic degassing can modify initial isotopic compositions of sulfur by >14‰ (to δ34S values of 14‰ or more here) and hydrogen isotopic compositions by 90‰ (to δD values of −127‰ in this case).  相似文献   

Hydrous pyrolysis experiments at 200 to 365°C were carried out on a thermally immature organic-rich limestone containing Type-IIS kerogen from the Ghareb Limestone in North Negev, Israel. This work focuses on the thermal behavior of both organic and inorganic sulfur species and the partitioning of their stable sulfur isotopes among organic and inorganic phases generated during hydrous pyrolyses. Most of the sulfur in the rock (85%) is organic sulfur. The most dominant sulfur transformation is cleavage of organic-bound sulfur to form H2S(gas). Up to 70% of this organic sulfur is released as H2S(gas) that is isotopically lighter than the sulfur in the kerogen. Organic sulfur is enriched by up to 2‰ in 34S during thermal maturation compared with the initial δ34S values. The δ34S values of the three main organic fractions (kerogen, bitumen and expelled oil) are within 1‰ of one another. No thermochemical sulfate reduction or sulfate formation was observed during the experiments. The early released sulfur reacted with available iron to form secondary pyrite and is the most 34S depleted phase, which is 21‰ lighter than the bulk organic sulfur. The large isotopic fractionation for the early formed H2S is a result of the system not being in equilibrium. As partial pressure of H2S(gas) increases, retro reactions with the organic sulfur in the closed system may cause isotope exchange and isotopic homogenization. Part of the δ34S-enriched secondary pyrite decomposes above 300°C resulting in a corresponding decrease in the δ34S of the remaining pyrite. These results are relevant to interpreting thermal maturation processes and their effect on kerogen-oil-H2S-pyrite correlations. In particular, the use of pyrite-kerogen δ34S relations in reconstructing diagenetic conditions of thermally mature rocks is questionable because formation of secondary pyrite during thermal maturation can mask the isotopic signature and quantity of the original diagenetic pyrite. The main transformations of kerogen to bitumen and bitumen to oil can be recorded by using both sulfur content and δ34S of each phase including the H2S(gas). H2S generated in association with oil should be isotopically lighter or similar to oil. It is concluded that small isotopic differentiation obtained between organic and inorganic sulfur species suggests closed-system conditions. Conversely, open-system conditions may cause significant isotopic discrimination between the oil and its source kerogen. The magnitude of this discrimination is suggested to be highly dependent on the availability of iron in a source rock resulting in secondary formation of pyrite.  相似文献   

The latest Permian was a time of major change in ocean chemistry, accompanying the greatest mass extinction of the Phanerozoic. To examine the nature of these changes, samples from two well-studied marine sections that span the Permian-Triassic boundary have been analyzed: the Meishan and Shangsi sections located in Southern China. Isotopic analysis of the carbonate-associated sulfate in these samples provides a detailed record of several isotopic shifts in δ34SCAS approaching and across the PTB, ranging from +30 to −15‰ (VCDT), with repeated asynchronous fluctuations at the two locations. We interpret the patterns of isotopic shifts, in conjunction with other data, to indicate a shallow unstable chemocline overlying euxinic deep-water which periodically upwelled into the photic zone. These chemocline upward excursion events introduced sulfide to the photic zone stimulating a bloom of phototrophic sulfur oxidizing bacteria. We hypothesize that elemental sulfur globules produced by these organisms and 34S-depleted pyrite produced in the euxinic water column were deposited in the sediment; later oxidation led to incorporation as CAS. This created the large changes to the δ34SCAS observed in the latest Permian at these locations.  相似文献   

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