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An 18 million year record of the Ca isotopic composition (δ44/42Ca) of planktonic foraminiferans from ODP site 925, in the Atlantic, on the Ceara Rise, provides the opportunity for critical analysis of Ca isotope-based reconstructions of the Ca cycle. δ44/42Ca in this record averages +0.37 ± 0.05 (1σ SD) and ranges from +0.21‰ to +0.52‰. The record is a good match to previously published Neogene Ca isotope records based on foraminiferans, but is not similar to the record based on bulk carbonates, which has values that are as much as 0.25‰ lower. Bulk carbonate and planktonic foraminiferans from core tops differ slightly in their δ44/42Ca (i.e., by 0.06 ± 0.06‰ (n = 5)), while the difference between bulk carbonate and foraminiferan values further back in time is markedly larger, leaving open the question of the cause of the difference. Modeling the global Ca cycle from downcore variations in δ44/42Ca by assuming fixed values for the isotopic composition of weathering inputs (δ44/42Caw) and for isotope fractionation associated with the production of carbonate sediments (Δsed) results in unrealistically large variations in the total mass of Ca2+ in the oceans over the Neogene. Alternatively, variations of ±0.05‰ in the Ca isotope composition of weathering inputs or in the extent of fractionation of Ca isotopes during calcareous sediment formation could entirely account for variations in the Ca isotopic composition of marine carbonates. Ca isotope fractionation during continental weathering, such as has been recently observed, could easily result in variations in δ44/42Caw of a few tenths of permil. Likewise a difference in the fractionation factors associated with aragonite versus calcite formation could drive shifts in Δsed of tenths of permil with shifts in the relative output of calcite and aragonite from the ocean. Until better constraints on variations in δ44/42Caw and Δsed have been established, modeling the Ca2+ content of seawater from Ca isotope curves should be approached cautiously.  相似文献   

We present a model of bacterial sulfate reduction that includes equations describing the fractionation relationship between the sulfur and the oxygen isotope composition of residual sulfate (δ34SSO4_residual, δ18OSO4_residual) and the amount of residual sulfate. The model is based exclusively on oxygen isotope exchange between cell-internal sulfur compounds and ambient water as the dominating mechanism controlling oxygen isotope fractionation processes. We show that our model explains δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual patterns observed from natural environments and from laboratory experiments, whereas other models, favoring kinetic isotope fractionation processes as dominant process, fail to explain many (but not all) observed δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual patterns. Moreover, we show that a “typical” δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual slope does not exist. We postulate that measurements of δ34SSO4_residual and δ18OSO4_residual can be used as a tool to determine cell-specific sulfate reduction rates, oxygen isotope exchange rates, and equilibrium oxygen isotope exchange factors. Data from culture experiments are used to determine the range of sulfur isotope fractionation factors in which a simplified set of equations can be used. Numerical examples demonstrate the application of the equations. We postulate that, during denitrification, the oxygen isotope effects in residual nitrate are also the result of oxygen isotope exchange with ambient water. Consequently, the equations for the relationship between δ34SSO4_residual, δ18OSO4_residual, and the amount of residual sulfate could be modified and used to calculate the fractionation-relationship between δ15NNO3_residual, δ18ONO3_residual, and the amount of residual nitrate during denitrification.  相似文献   

We present analyses of stable isotopic ratios 17O/16O, 18O/16O, 34S/32S, and 33S/32S, 36S/32S in sulfate leached from volcanic ash of a series of well known, large and small volcanic eruptions. We consider eruptions of Mt. St. Helens (Washington, 1980, ∼1 km3), Mt. Spurr (Alaska, 1953, <1 km3), Gjalp (Iceland, 1996, 1998, <1 km3), Pinatubo (Phillipines, 1991, 10 km3), Bishop tuff (Long Valley, California, 0.76 Ma, 750 km3), Lower Bandelier tuff (Toledo Caldera, New Mexico, 1.61 Ma, 600 km3), and Lava Creek and Huckleberry Ridge tuffs (Yellowstone, Wyoming, 0.64 Ma, 1000 km3 and 2.04 Ma 2500 km3, respectively). This list covers much of the diversity of sizes and the character of silicic volcanic eruptions. Particular emphasis is paid to the Lava Creek tuff for which we present wide geographic sample coverage.This global dataset spans a significant range in δ34S, δ18O, and Δ17O of sulfate (29‰, 30‰, and 3.3‰, respectively) with oxygen isotopes recording mass-independent (Δ17O > 0.2‰) and sulfur isotopes exhibiting mass-dependent behavior. Products of large eruptions account for most of‘ these isotopic ranges. Sulfate with Δ17O > 0.2‰ is present as 1-10 μm gypsum crystals on distal ash particles and records the isotopic signature of stratospheric photochemical reactions. Sediments that embed ash layers do not contain sulfate or contain little sulfate with Δ17O near 0‰, suggesting that the observed sulfate in ash is of volcanic origin.Mass-dependent fractionation of sulfur isotopic ratios suggests that sulfate-forming reactions did not involve photolysis of SO2, like that inferred for pre-2.3 Ga sulfates from Archean sediments or Antarctic ice-core sulfate associated with few dated eruptions. Even though the sulfate sulfur isotopic compositions reflect mass-dependent processes, the products of caldera-forming eruptions display a large δ34S range and exhibit fractionation relationships that do not follow the expected equilibrium slopes of 0.515 and 1.90 for 33S/32S vs. 34S/32S and 36S/32S vs. 34S/32S, respectively. The data presented here are consistent with modification of a chemical mass-dependent fractionation of sulfur isotopes in the volcanic plume by either a kinetic gas phase reaction of volcanic SO2 with OH and/or a Rayleigh processes involving a residual Rayleigh reactant—volcanic SO2 gas, rather than a Rayleigh product. These results may also imply at least two removal pathways for SO2 in volcanic plumes.Above-zero Δ17O values and their positive correlation with δ18O in sulfate can be explained by oxidation by high-δ18O and high-Δ17O compounds such as ozone and radicals such as OH that result from ozone break down. Large caldera-forming eruptions have the highest Δ17O values, and the largest range of δ18O, which can be explained by stratospheric reaction with ozone-derived OH radicals. These results suggest that massive eruptions are capable of causing a temporary depletion of the ozone layer. Such depletion may be many times that of the measured 3-8% depletion following 1991 Pinatubo eruption, if the amount of sulfur dioxide released scales with the amount of ozone depletion.  相似文献   

Although carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS) is used widely as a proxy for the sulfur isotope composition of ancient seawater, little is known about the effects of diagenesis on retention of primary δ34S signals. Our case study of the Key Largo Limestone, Pleistocene, Florida, is the first systematic assessment of the impact of meteoric diagenesis on CAS properties. Geochemical and petrographic data show that meteoric diagenesis has affected the exposed coralline facies to varying degrees, yielding differences now expressed as sharp reaction fronts between primary and secondary carbonate minerals within individual coral heads. Specifically, analyses across high-resolution transects in the Key Largo Limestone show that concentrations of strontium and sodium decrease across the recrystallization front from original aragonite to meteoric low-magnesium calcite by factors of roughly 5 and 10, respectively. Predictably, δ18O values decrease across these same fronts. The δ13C relationships are more complex, with the most depleted values observed in the latest-formed calcite. Such trends likely reflect carbon isotope buffering capacity that decreased as reaction progressed, as well as protracted development of soil profiles and the associated terrestrial biomass and thus depleted δ13C during sea-level lowstand. Conversely, δ34S values of CAS vary within a narrow ‘buffered’ range from 20.6 to 22.6‰ (compared to 20.8-22.0‰ of coeval Pleistocene seawater) across the same mineralogical transition, despite sulfate concentrations that drop in the diagenetic calcite by an average factor of 12. Collectively, these data point to robust preservation of primary δ34S for carbonates that have experienced intense meteoric diagenesis, which is encouraging news for those using the isotopic composition of CAS as a paleoceanographic proxy. At the same time, the vulnerability of CAS concentrations to diagenetic resetting is clear.  相似文献   

Sulfur isotope composition (δ34S) profiles in sediment pore waters often show an offset between sulfate and sulfide much greater in magnitude than S isotope fractionations observed in pure cultures. A number of workers have invoked an additional reaction, microbial disproportionation of sulfur intermediates, to explain the offset between experimental and natural systems. Here, we present an alternative explanation based on modeling of pore water sulfate and sulfide concentrations and stable isotope data from the Cariaco Basin (ODP Leg 165, Site 1002B). The use of unique diffusion coefficients for and , based on their unequal molecular masses, resulted in an increase in the computed fractionation by almost 10‰, when compared to the common assumption of equal diffusion coefficients for the two species. These small differences in diffusion coefficients yield calculated isotopic offsets between coeval sediment pore water sulfate and sulfide without disproportionation (up to 53.4‰) that exceed the largest fractionations observed in experimental cultures. Furthermore, the diffusion of sulfide within sediment pore waters leads to values that are even greater than those predicted by our model for sulfate reduction with unique diffusion coefficients. These diffusive effects on the sulfur isotope composition of pore water sulfate and sulfide can impact our interpretations of geologic records of sulfate and sulfide minerals, and should be considered in future studies.  相似文献   

研制了一种新型硫化物及硫酸盐中硫同位素制样装置及其反应器。实验证明,采用该装置及其反应器制样具有真空度好、使用方便、无污染、制样效率高和成本低等优点。所生成的二氧化硫具有纯度高,分析结果准确、可靠等特点,完全能满足硫化物和硫酸盐中硫同位素分析测试的制样要求。  相似文献   

To better understand reaction pathways of pyrite oxidation and biogeochemical controls on δ18O and δ34S values of the generated sulfate in acid mine drainage (AMD) and other natural environments, we conducted a series of pyrite oxidation experiments in the laboratory. Our biological and abiotic experiments were conducted under aerobic conditions by using O2 as an oxidizing agent and under anaerobic conditions by using dissolved Fe(III)aq as an oxidant with varying δ18OH2O values in the presence and absence of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. In addition, aerobic biological experiments were designed as short- and long-term experiments where the final pH was controlled at ∼2.7 and 2.2, respectively. Due to the slower kinetics of abiotic sulfide oxidation, the aerobic abiotic experiments were only conducted as long term with a final pH of ∼2.7. The δ34SSO4 values from both the biological and abiotic anaerobic experiments indicated a small but significant sulfur isotope fractionation (∼−0.7‰) in contrast to no significant fractionation observed from any of the aerobic experiments. Relative percentages of the incorporation of water-derived oxygen and dissolved oxygen (O2) to sulfate were estimated, in addition to the oxygen isotope fractionation between sulfate and water, and dissolved oxygen. As expected, during the biological and abiotic anaerobic experiments all of the sulfate oxygen was derived from water. The percentage incorporation of water-derived oxygen into sulfate during the oxidation experiments by O2 varied with longer incubation and lower pH, but not due to the presence or absence of bacteria. These percentages were estimated as 85%, 92% and 87% from the short-term biological, long-term biological and abiotic control experiments, respectively. An oxygen isotope fractionation effect between sulfate and water (ε18OSO4-H2O) of ∼3.5‰ was determined for the anaerobic (biological and abiotic) experiments. This measured value was then used to estimate the oxygen isotope fractionation effects between sulfate and dissolved oxygen in the aerobic experiments which were −10.0‰, −10.8‰, and −9.8‰ for the short-term biological, long-term biological and abiotic control experiments, respectively. Based on the similarity between δ18OSO4 values in the biological and abiotic experiments, it is suggested that δ18OSO4 values cannot be used to distinguish biological and abiotic mechanisms of pyrite oxidation. The results presented here suggest that Fe(III)aq is the primary oxidant for pyrite at pH < 3, even in the presence of dissolved oxygen, and that the main oxygen source of sulfate is water-oxygen under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Assuming stability of the Black Sea system and conservative behavior of sulfate in relation to salinity outside the bottom convective layer (BCL), the influence of shelf-modified Mediterranean water (SMMW) on the water column of the Black Sea below the core of the cold intermediate layer (CIL) was estimated on the basis of variations in the sulfur isotope composition of sulfate. As a result of construction of the model of mixing of three water masses, it was shown that the SMMW fraction in the area of hydrogen sulfide onset at a salinity of 20.8–20.9 was 5–7 times higher than the amount of water produced by mixing of the CIL and the BCL. The SMMW fraction decreased with depth rapidly and was only 10% at a depth of 1000 m. Significant supply of SMMW to the pycnocline area provided a high renewal rate of water, which prevented accumulation of 32S-rich sulfate resulted from hydrogen sulfide oxidation.  相似文献   

Ana M. 《Earth》2003,60(3-4):261-298
Interest in palustrine carbonates and calcretes has increased over the last 20 years since they contain significant environmental information. Much of the work performed in this area has focused on either of two types of terrestrial carbonate—palustrine carbonates or calcretes (pedogenic and groundwater)—yet their simultaneous study shows there may be a gradual transition from one form to the other, revealing the interplay between pedogenic, sedimentary, and diagenetic processes. Three main factors control the formation of these carbonates: the position of the water table, the host rock, and the period of sub-aerial exposure. In pedogenic calcretes, precipitation of carbonate takes places mostly in the vadose zone above the water table, and within a previous host rock or sediment. In groundwater calcretes, the precipitation of carbonate also occurs within a previous host rock and around the groundwater table. In palustrine carbonates, however, the precipitation of lime mud occurs in a lacustrine water body. Palustrine carbonates necessarily form on previous lacustrine mud, whereas both types of calcretes may form on any type of sediment or soil. The sub-aerial exposure time needed to form palustrine carbonates may by relatively short (even a season), whereas pedogenic calcretes need more time (several years to millions of years). Groundwater calcretes do not form on the topographic surfaces, so there is no need of sub-aerial exposure. However, stable surfaces favour the development of thick groundwater calcretes. Small fluctuations in the water table cause gradual transitions of these three types of terrestrial carbonates and the subsequent mixture of their characteristic features, causing difficulties in the interpretation of these carbonates.

The formation of these carbonates is controlled by palaeoenvironmental factors. Both commonly form in semi-arid climates. Arid climates are also suitable for calcretes, but sub-humid conditions are more suitable for palustrine carbonates. More indications of climatic conditions may be obtained through the analysis of the δ18O content of both calcretes and palustrine carbonates, and from the depth of the horizon containing carbonate nodules in pedogenic calcretes. Vegetation is also important in the formation of these types of carbonates. Data on the prevailing vegetation can be obtained from the analysis of the micro and macrofabric as well as from the δ13C signal of the primary carbonates, which, in pedogenic carbonates, has also been used to estimate atmospheric pCO2 during the Phanerozoic. These terrestrial carbonates are widely distributed on floodplains and distal areas of alluvial basins. Their presence and characteristics can be used as indicators of aggradation, subsidence or accommodation rates, and therefore as indicators of different tectonic regimes.

Even though the study of these carbonates has notably increased in recent years, much less is known about them than about marine carbonates. Presently, there is much emphasis on obtaining a general model for sequence stratigraphy in terrestrial basins, with a need to include the carbonates analysed in this paper.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1995,10(2):161-173
The isotope compositions of sulfate in bulk precipitation near Munich (Germany) and of seepage water and soil sulfate in five acid forest soils representative of southern Germany were determined in order to ascertain the sources and dynamics of sulfur. While the δ34 S-values of inorganic sulfate in soil solution and solid phases were found to be nearly identical to those of precipitation sulfate, a depletion of several per mil was observed for the δ18 O-values of sulfate within the uppermost 30 cm of the investigated soils. Mineralization of carbon-bonded sulfur to SO42− in the forest floor and humic mineral soil horizons is the only known process which can explain the observed shifts in δ18Osulfate. The fact that this18O-depleted sulfate recharges the groundwater under forests must be considered, when sulfur and oxygen isotope data of sulfate are used for interpretations of the past geochemistry of groundwater systems.Since the δ34S-values of precipitation sulfate were barely altered during percolation through the soils, sulfate mobilities were inferred from a lysimeter experiment with undisturbed soil cores from the same sites, using the stable isotope composition of the irrigation sulfate as a tracer. Fifteen cores of each of the five forest soils, were repeatedly irrigated over 20 months with34S- and18O-enriched sulfate in three different treatments (35, 63, and 131 kg S ha−1 respectively). Despite the fact that the mean residence time of the seepage water was of the order of only a few months, the throughput of irrigation sulfate did not exceed 34% for all soils and irrigation treatments during the experiment. The low recovery of irrigation sulfate in the seepage water implies mean residence times for sulfur in the uppermost 60 cm of the forest soils of the order of decades, much longer than previously suggested.  相似文献   

Sedimentary S cycling is usually conceptualized and interpreted within the context of steadily accreting (1-D) transport-reaction regimes. Unsteady processes, however, are common in many sedimentary systems and can result in dramatically different S reaction balances and diagenetic products than steady conditions. Globally important common examples include tropical deltaic topset and inner shelf muds such as those extending from the Amazon River ∼1600 km along the Guianas coast of South America. These deposits are characterized by episodic reworking of the surface seabed over vertical depths of ∼0.1-3 m. Reworked surface sediments act as unsteady, suboxic batch reactors, unconformably overlying relict anoxic, often methanic deposits, and have diagenetic properties largely decoupled from net accumulation of sediment. Despite well-oxygenated water and an abundant reactive organic matter supply, physical disturbance inhibits macrofauna, and benthic communities are dominated by microbial biomass across immense areas. In the surficial suboxic layer, molecular biological analyses, tracer experiments, sediment C/S/Fe compositions, and δ34S, δ18O of pore water indicate close coupling of anaerobic C, S, and Fe cycles. δ18O- can increase by 2-3‰ during anaerobic recycling without net change in δ34S-, demonstrating reduction coupled to complete anaerobic reoxidation to and a δ18O- reduction + reoxidation fractionation factor?12‰ (summed magnitudes). S reoxidation must be coupled to Fe-oxide reduction, contributing to high dissolved Fe2+ (∼1 mM) and Fe mobilization-export. The reworking of Amazon-Guianas shelf muds alone may isotopically alter δ18O- equivalent in mass to?25% of the annual riverine delivery of to the global ocean. Unsteady conditions result in preservation of unusually heavy δ34S isotopic compositions of residual Cr reducible S, ranging from 0‰ to >30‰ in physically reworked deposits. In contrast, bioturbated facies adjacent to physically reworked regions accumulate isotopically light S (δ34S to −20‰) in otherwise similar decomposition regimes. The isotopic patterns of both physically and biologically reworked regions can be simulated with simple diagenetic models. Heavy S isotopic signatures are largely a consequence of unsteady diffusion and progressive anaerobic burndown into underlying deposits, whereas isotopically depleted bioturbated deposits predominantly reflect biogenic diffusive scaling and isotopic distillation/diffusive pumping associated with reoxidation in burrow walls immediately adjacent to reduced zones. The S isotopic transition from unsteady physically controlled regions of the Amazon delta moving laterally into bioturbated facies mimics the transition of S isotopic patterns temporally in the geologic record during the rise of bioturbation. No special role for S disproportionation is required to explain these differences. The potential role of unsteady, suboxic diagenesis and dynamic reworking of sediments has been largely ignored in models of the evolution of surficial elemental cycling and interpretations of the geologic record.  相似文献   

Sulfur and carbon contents and isotope ratios are reported for five Archean iron-formations, Helen, Nakina and Finlayson, Lumby and Bending Lake areas, distributed across 850 km of the Canadian shield all 2.7 Ga-old.A δ34S profile through a complete stratigraphic column (oxide facies excluded) of the Helen iron-formation shows a δ34S range of 30.2‰, mean δ34S value of 2.5‰ and a standard deviation (δi) of 7.3‰ In sharp contrast to the sulfide and siderite facies, the oxide facies in the column shows a uniform δ34S value close to zero. The δ34S values obtained for the other four iron-formations are again wide ranging, highly variable in the sulfide and pyrite—siderite facies, but uniform and close to zero for the oxide facies.The carbon in the oxide, siderite, chert facies has δ13C values of +2.3 to −1.1‰ in the range of Phanerozoic marine carbonates. However, the carbonates in the graphite rich sulfide facies have δ13C values as low as −7.6‰. The mixing of reduced carbon with marine carbonate is suggested to explain the light carbonate values. The reduced carbon associated with the light carbonate is also relatively light at up to δ13Corg = 33.5‰, but is in the range of other Precambrian values. Distal, high temperature, abiogenic sulfate reduction as a source of highly fractionated sulfides in the Archean iron-formations is ruled out on the basis of both isotopic and geologic evidence. It is concluded that only the bacterial reduction of sulfate at low temperatures could produce the wide ranging, highly variable δ34S values exhibited by these sulfides over large areas.  相似文献   

A reservoir model describing the time evolution of the sedimentary cycle of sulfur over the past 800 my has been developed. As a first approximation, the ocean sulfate concentration is assumed to be time-independent. With this assumption, the model is integrated backward in time and a new initialization procedure is derived in order to calculate the present state of the system which must be compatible with both observational data and model equations. The effects of a variation of the present state of the cycle on its past evolution are investigated. It is found that, when the present gypsum reservoir content is too low or when the weathering rate constants are too high, no acceptable solution can be obtained for the evolution of the cycle, since one reservoir is forced to depletion. The sensitivity of the model to the mean isotopic composition of the sedimentary system and to the fractionation factor during pyrite formation is also studied.Moreover, a model with time-dependent ocean sulfate concentration was developed. The existence of an acceptable solution appears to be linked to the steady state hypothesis for ocean sulfate, since a model with no acceptable steady state solution may be integrated until t = −800 my without any problem of reservoir depletion when the time-dependent equations are used.A tentative evolution of the ocean sulfate concentration is calculated. It is shown that this concentration is negatively correlated to the δ34S of seawater sulfate. The carbon cycle is modelled in order to compare the calculated δ13C of carbonate deposits to the observational data.  相似文献   

Numerical modeling of the terrestrial oxygen budget based on the revised δ13Ccarb record by Veizeret al. (1980) has shown that total photosynthetic oxygen has varied between ±7% and ±10% of its average reservoir size (~3.2 × 1022 g) during the last 800 myr as a result of oscillations of the sedimentary reservoir of organic carbon. Calculated curves of oxygen evolution display a distinct minimum in the Early Paleozoic framed by two maxima in the Latest Proterozoic and the Mesozoic. The sympathetic relationship observed between the curves of total oxygen evolution and respective functions for the partial reservoir of sulfate-bound oxygen suggests that the O2 required for an additional conversion of sulfide to sulfate was most probably provided by excess burial of organic carbon, the results of the modeling thus adding credence to current interpretations proposed for the negative correlation between the secular 13C12C and 34S32S trends.  相似文献   

Calculation of sulfur isotope fractionation in sulfides   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The increment method has been successfully applied to calculate thermodynamic isotope fractionation factors of oxygen in silicates, oxides, carbonates, and sulfates. In this paper, we modified the increment method to calculate thermodynamic isotope fractionation factors of sulfur in sulfides, based on chemical features of sulfur-metal bonds and crystal features of sulfide minerals. To approximate the bond strength of sulfides, a new constant, known as the Madelung constant, was introduced. The increment method was then extended to calculate the reduced partition function ratios of sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, pyrrhotite, greenockite, bornite, cubanite, sulvanite, and violarite, as well as the isotope fractionation factors between them over the temperature range from 0 to 1000 °C. The order of 34S enrichment in these nine minerals is pyrrhotite > greenockite > sphalerite > chalcopyrite > cubanite > sulvanite > bornite > violarite > galena. Our improved method constitutes another model for calculating the thermodynamic isotope fractionation factors of sulfur in sulfides of geochemical interest.  相似文献   

Peculiar features of evaporitic process at the stage of potassium accumulation are considered on the basis of carbon and oxygen isotope data on carbonate rocks and sulfur isotope data on anhydrite from the Famennian potassium-bearing subformation of the Starobin potassic salt deposit in the Pripyat trough. It was found that potassium accumulation was accompanied by the influx of continental waters and highly concentrated brines, while the formation of thick salt-free units was related to the replenishment of fresh seawater to the basin.  相似文献   

孙嘉  段先哲  李玉彬 《矿床地质》2021,40(5):1085-1099
西藏多龙矿集区发育世界典型的斑岩铜矿系统,文章选取区内多个代表性矿床开展硫同位素研究,并结合前人数据,为探讨该成矿系统成矿物质来源、流体演化过程提供了新证据.研究表明,波龙、拿若、拿厅、拿顿和铁格隆南矿床δ34S平均值相似(接近于0),指示含矿岩浆提供了各矿床所需的硫元素.此外,区内典型矿床流体演化过程可分为2类:①流体演化主要受控于温度变化,表现为δ34S随温度降低而降低(如拿顿矿床);②流体演化受温度和氧化还原状态共同影响,表现为δ34S随温度降低而升高(如:波龙和拿若矿床),或是随温度降低,δ34S波动变化范围较大(如拿厅和铁格隆南矿床).结合岩相学证据,文章推测热液体系氧化还原状态的变化是由水岩反应所导致,最后,文章提出多龙矿集区内矿化阶段硫化物通常具有较低的δ34S,指示成矿流体为高氧化性流体,并且该特征在类似矿床的找矿勘查工作中也可发挥积极的指示作用.  相似文献   

A first study of REE + Y distribution in a variety of Neoproterozoic (Cryogenian and Ediacaran) carbonates from different settings in the Saldania, Gariep, Damara and West Congo Belts in southwestern and central Africa revealed systematic differences that can be explained by varying palaeoenvironmental factors. The majority of samples display relatively unfractionated, flat shale-normalised REE + Y patterns that cannot be ascribed solely to shale contamination but are interpreted as resulting from the incorporation of near-shore colloids, possibly related to Fe-oxihydroxide scavenging. Only few carbonate units yielded trace element distributions that conform to a typical seawater composition. Those carbonates that were affected by stratiform, syn-sedimentary hydrothermal mineralisation are distinguished by Eu anomalies. Considering the similarity in residence time between REE and carbon, the strong influence of river-born particles on the REE + Y distribution in the analysed carbonates casts considerable doubt over the usefulness of these carbonates for stratigraphic correlation of Neoproterozoic sediment successions based on carbon isotopes.  相似文献   

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