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We determined biomarker concentrations and distributions for surface sediments from 54 sites in the Pearl River Estuary, China. We focus on a suite of four biomarker-based indicators for relative terrestrial to marine organic matter (OM) source: the branched-isoprenoid tetraether (BIT) index, the ratio of high/low molecular weight n-alcohols [(ΣC26–34/(ΣC16+18 + ΣC26–34)], an analogous ratio for n-fatty acids and the ΣC29-steroids/(ΣC29-steroids + brassicasterol) ratio. All four exhibit the same terrestrial to marine transition seen in previous bulk δ13C studies, but with an abrupt decrease in the relative terrestrial contribution across the delta front to pro-delta transition. Concentrations of terrestrially-derived biomarkers show no systematic decrease across the transition. Instead, the decrease in the proportion of terrestrial OM is due to a decrease in the sedimentation rate and associated terrestrial OM burial across the delta toe. This suggests that diagenetic controls on the fate of terrestrial OM, such as increased biodegradation where sedimentation rate is low, are subordinate to sedimentological processes. Biomarker-derived temperature values are cooler than expected for the lower Pearl River catchment, suggesting that the dominant component of the terrestrial OM is derived from the cooler upland regions of the catchment. The dominance of input from more distal terrain with greater topographic relief is evidence for the importance of geomorphological control on terrigenous OM transport. Collectively, the results demonstrate the importance of sedimentological processes in the supply, deposition and transport of terrestrial OM.  相似文献   

In order to determine the primary factors related to the accumulation of phosphorus in estuarine sediments, a study of phosphorus fractions in sediments of the Delaware River Estuary was undertaken. A correlation matrix between the phosphorus fractions, determined by serial extraction, and 14 sediment variables was computed. Total phosphorus and total inorganic phosphorus in the sediment-phosphorus reservoir decreases with increasing salinity. This variation is correlated with decreasing iron oxyhydroxide content in the sediment. Neither clay content nor calcium carbonate content appear to be significantly correlated with variation in total inorganic phosphorus content in the fine-grained sediments of this estuary. Although calcium phosphate is concluded to be a major constituent of the sediment-phosphorus reservoir, there was no evidence found that it is authigenic in this environment.  相似文献   

To examine the role of physical disturbance on the long-term preservation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments, cores were collected from two sites removed from point sources of PAHs and representing contrasting seabed mixing regimes. Although ΣPAH concentrations in sediments over the past 50 years were not significantly different between the two sites, several PAH isomer ratios were significantly different (P<0.05) between the two sites. Downcore changes in PAH isomer ratios resulted from preferential losses of the more linear PAH isomers. Thus, episodic, intense seabed mixing contributes to more efficient removal of selected PAHs. However, PAHs are still sufficiently stable relative to mixing events that historical PAH profiles can be used to reconstruct major resuspension events.  相似文献   

Terrestrially-derived organic matter in sediments of the Delaware Estuary originates from riverine transport of soils and fresh litter, sewage and industrial wastes, and marsh export of organic matter. The quantity, composition, and spatial distribution of terrigenous organic matter in sediments was determined by elemental (C and N), lignin, and stable carbon isotope analyses. Sediments in the upper Delaware Estuary had low organic carbon content and high lignin content. In contrast, sediments in the lower Delaware Estuary had high organic carbon content and low lignin content. There was a slight decrease in the proportion of syringyl and cinnamyl phenols relative to vanillyl phenols between the upper estuary and lower estuary. Differences in lignin and stable carbon isotope compositions between sediments of the Delaware Estuary and sediments of the Broadkill River estuary (an adjoining salt-marsh estuary) supported previous observations that marshes do not export substantial quantities of organic matter to estuaries. Additional results suggested that lignin-rich sediments were concentrated in the upper estuary, most likely in the zone of high turbidity. Furthermore, algal material diluted lignin-rich sediments, particularly in the lower estuary. The weaker algal signal in bottom sediments compared to that in suspended particulate matter suggested algal material was decomposed either in the water column or at the sediment-water interface. Physical sorting of sediments prior to deposition was also indicated by observations of compositional differences between the upper and lower estuary bottom sediments. Finally, seasonal variations in primary productivity strongly influenced the relative abundance of terrestrial organic matter. In fall, however, the proportion of lignin was greatest because of a combination of greater inputs of terrestrially-derived organic matter, lower river discharge, and a decrease in algal biomass.  相似文献   

Surface sediments from the subtropical Pearl River estuary and adjacent South China Sea were investigated by molecular organic geochemical methods to determine the composition, distribution and origin of extractable lipids (n-alkanes, n-alkanols and sterols). The absolute and organic C normalized concentrations of total alkane, n-alkanol, and sterol ranged from 0.16 to 2.67 μg g−1 and 0.9 to 12.3 μg g−1 OC, 24.4 to 427.3 ng g−1 and 63.2 to 1966.7 ng g−1 OC, and 9.0 to 493.5 ng g−1 and 58.4 to 1042.4 ng g−1 OC, respectively. The spatial distributions of these biomarkers indicated that terrestrial-derived molecular biomarkers such as long-chain n-alkanes, n-alkanols and plant-derived sterols were higher at the river mouth and along the coastline, suggesting that a higher proportion of terrestrial particulate organic matter was deposited there. Relatively lower amounts of marine-derived biomarkers such as short-chain n-alkanes, algal sterols at the river mouth reflected the lower primary productivity due to high turbidity. The spatial patterns of these biomarkers were partially related to the estuarine processes and conditions, evidencing an increased terrestrial signal from the Pearl River mouth to the inner estuary, and enhanced marine conditions further offshore.  相似文献   

Herein, lipid biomarker analysis is applied to surface sediments from the southeastern Niger Delta region for the quantitative determination of aliphatic lipids, steroids and triterpenoids in order to differentiate between natural (autochthonous vs. allochthonous) and anthropogenic organic matter (OM) inputs to this deltaic environment. This ecosystem, composed of the Cross, Great Kwa and Calabar Rivers, is receiving new attention due to increased human and industrial development activities and the potential effects of these activities impacting its environmental health. While the presence of low molecular weight n-alkanes (<C22) and the fossil biomarkers pristane and phytane in all samples, are indicative of a minor petroleum related input, the total extractable organic component of the surface sediments of these rivers remains predominantly of a natural origin as characterized by the variety and predominance of lipid classes that are mainly derived from the epicuticular waxes of vascular plants and include n-alkanes, n-alkanols, n-alkan-2-ones, n-alkanoic acids, steroids and triterpenoids. In addition, recent OM inputs from microorganisms are indicated by the presence of lower molecular weight n-alkanoic acids (Cmax = 16), while the major triterpenoids of the sediments, taraxerol and friedelin, and the major sterol, sitosterol, indicate recent OM inputs from vascular plants. Plankton-derived sterols, such as fucosterol and dinosterol, are also found in sediments from the Cross and Great Kwa Rivers and likely originate from autochthonous primary productivity. Furthermore, the coprosterols coprostanol and 24-ethylcoprostanol are present in most samples and indicate measurable anthropogenic contributions from domestic untreated sewage inputs and agricultural run-off, respectively. Of the three rivers studied, the Cross River system was excessively influenced by human and industrial development activities, including drivers such as urbanization and population center growth, land-use change to support agricultural production and animal husbandry, and petroleum exploration and production. These influences were found to be regionally specific as controlled by point sources of pollution based on the relative distributions measured and on the fact that the molecular characteristics of sedimentary OM were not distributed smoothly along a gradient.  相似文献   

The clay mineral composition, the concentrations of carbonates, the proportions of carbon and oxygen isotopes in carbonates and organic matter, as well as the concentrations of different nonanthropogenic metals were used to determine the origin of different grain size fractions of sediments and suspended matter in the Elbe estuary. Analysis of the smectite/kaolinite proportion revealed that solid material ≤2 μm from the North Sea is transported up the river, about 40 km beyond the most upstream position of the salt wedge. In the 2–20 μm fraction, the16O/18O ratio in carbonates and the kaolinite/chlorite proportion demonstrate a transport of North Sea material between 40 and 20 km upstream of the marine water limit. The transport behaviour of the 20–63 μm grain size fraction could be determined by the hafnium concentration, representative for the heavy mineral zircon. In this case, the transport distance beyond the salt wedge was up to 20 km. No information was available on the origin of the fine organic matter, whereas the coarser fractions were derived primarily from debris of salt marsh vegetation. The results demonstrate that in the Elbe estuary mixing between marine and fluvial solid material occurs upstream of the salt wedge and is significantly responsible for the observed decrease in the concentration of various pollutants in sediments and suspended matter along the estuary. The cause of the upstream particle transport is probably a scour lag mechanism based on asymmetries of the flood- and ebb-tide current distribution, especially their differing maximum velocities.  相似文献   

A model study of turbidity maxima in the York River estuary,Virginia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A three-dimensional numerical model is used to investigate the mechanisms that contribute to the formation of the turbidity maxima in the York River, Virginia (U.S.). The model reproduces the basic features in both salinity and total suspended sediments (TSS) fields for three different patterns. Both the prominent estuary turbidity maximum (ETM) and the newly discovered secondary turbidity maximum (STM) are simulated when river discharge is relatively low. At higher river inflow, the two turbidity maxima move closer to each other. During very high river discharge event, only the prominent turbidity maximum is simulated. Diagnostic model studies also suggest that bottom resuspension is an important source of TSS in both the ETM and the STM, and confirm the observed association between the turbidity maxima and the stratification patterns in the York River estuary. The ETM is usually located near the head of salt intrusion and the STM is often associated with a transition zone between upriver well mixed and downriver more stratified water columns. Analysis of the model results from the diagnostic studies indicates that the location of the ETM is well associated with the null point of bottom residual flow. Convergent bottom residual flow, as well as tidal asymmetry, is the most important mechanisms that contribute to the formation of the STM. the STM often exists in a region with landward decrease of bottom residual flow and net landward sediment flux due to tidal asymmetry. The channel depth of this region usually decreases sharply upriver. As channel depth decreases, vertical mixing increases and hence the water column is better mixed landward of the STM.  相似文献   

We investigated seasonal and tidal-monthly, suspended particulate matter (SPM) dynamics in the Columbia River estuary from May to December 1997 using acoustic backscatter (ABS) and velocity data from four long-term Acoustic Doppler Profiler (ADP) moorings in or near the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM). ABS profiles were calibrated and converted to total SPM profiles using pumped SPM samples and optical backscatter (OBS) data obtained during three seasonal cruises. Four characteristic settling velocity (W s) classes were defined from Owen Tube samples collected during the cruises. An inverse analysis, in the form of a non-negative least squares minimization, was used to determine the contribution of the four,W s-classes to each, total SPM profile. The outputs from the inverse analyses were 6–8 mo time-series ofW s-specific SPM concentration and transport profiles at each mooring. The profiles extended from the free surface to 1.8–2.7 m from the bed, with 0.25–0.50 m resolution. These time series, along with Owen Tube results and disaggregated size data, were used to investigate SPM dynamics. Three non-dimensional parameters were defined to investigate how river flow and tidal forcing affect particle trapping: Rouse numberP (balance between vertical mixing and settling) trapping efficiencyE (ratio of maximum SPM concentration in the estuary to fluvial source concentration), and advection numberA (ratio of height of maximum SPM concentration to friction velocity). The most effective particle trapping (maximum values ofE) occurs on low-flow neap tides. The location of the ETM and the maximal trapping migrated seasonally in a manner consistent with the increase in salinity intrusion length after the spring freshet. Maximum advection (high values ofA) occurred during highly stratified neap tides.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic radionuclides (137Cs,134Cs,60Co) have been introduced to the James River estuary as a result of low-level releases from the Surry Reactor site since 1973 and worldwide atmospheric fallout from nuclear weapons tests since the early 1950s The total radionuclide burden in the estuary sediments has been estimated by integrating radionuclide activities in 29 box cores and extrapolating these integrated values over surface areas subdivided on the basis of sediment type, rates of accumulation, and proximity to the reactor release site. Our results indicate that 30% of the60Co, but only 15% of the134Cs released from the reactor site, has been retained in the estuary sediments, and about 40% of the134Cs and60Co sediment inventory is in areas that represent less than 5% of the total estuarine surface area. Depletion of the134Cs in downstream sediments forms a noticeable trend in the James River estuary, and we postulate that seawater cation competition and exchange is primarily responsible.  相似文献   

The lateral variability of main geochemical parameters of dispersed organic matter (DOM) in the bottoms sediments of the Ob Bay was studied using materials of areal geological survey. It was found that they correspond to background compositions of estuarine-delta facies of the Western Arctic shelf, being mainly determined by the influx of river run-off and coastal abrasion. The distribution of DOM and its components is controlled by the hydrodynamic regime of the water area and grain-size composition of sediments. The molecular composition of hydrocarbon markers (n-alkanes, cyclanes, and arenes) confirms the dominant role of terrigenous humic material in the formation of DOM of the bottom sediments, while temporal stability of quantitative and qualitative geochemical characteristics indicates the stability of the Ob Bay ecosystem.  相似文献   

There was a net influx of suspended particulate matter to the uppermost part of the Rhode River estuary during the several years of this study. Most of the influx was due to episodic discharges of suspended sediment from the watershed during heavy rains. In contrast, tidal exchange of particulate matter was not related to rainstorms. Sediment composition data and historical records indicate that marsh accretion accounts for only 13% of the sediment trapping although marshes occupy 60% of the study area. Influx of particulate matter to the marshes is directly related to the amount of time they are submerged during tidal cycles.  相似文献   

Iron and manganese redox cycling in the sediment — water interface region in the Kalix River estuary was investigated by using sediment trap data, pore-water and solid-phase sediment data. Nondetrital phases (presumably reactive Fe and Mn oxides) form substantial fractions of the total settling flux of Fe and Mn (51% of Fetotal and 84% of Mntotal). A steady-state box model reveals that nondetrital Fe and Mn differ considerably in reactivity during post-depositional redox cycling in the sediment. The production rate of dissolved Mn (1.6 mmol m–2 d–1) exceeded the depositional flux of nondetrital Mn (0.27 mmol m–2 d–1) by a factor of about 6. In contrast, the production rate of upwardly diffusing pore-water Fe (0.77 mmol m–2 d–1) amounted to only 22% of the depositional flux of nondetrital Fe (3.5 mmol m–2 d–1). Upwardly diffusing pore-water Fe and Mn are effectively oxidized and trapped in the oxic surface layer of the sediment, resulting in negligible benthic effluxes of Fe and Mn. Consequently, the concentrations of nondetrital Fe and Mn in permanently deposited, anoxic sediment are similar to those in the settling material. Reactive Fe oxides appear to form a substantial fraction of this buried, non-detrital Fe. The in-situ oxidation rates of Fe and Mn are tentatively estimated to be 0.51 and 0.16–1.7 mol cm–3 d–1, respectively.  相似文献   

The particulate organic matter in < 63 µm surface sediments from the Mackenzie River and its main tributaries was studied using Rock-Eval pyrolysis and organic petrology. The organic matter in the sediments is dominated by refractory residual organic carbon (RC) of mainly terrigenous nature, as indicated by abundant inertinite, vitrinite, and type III kerogen. Sediments from the tributaries contained significantly more algal-derived organic matter than from the main channel of the river, highlighting the importance of low-energy system dynamics in the tributaries, which allows modest algal production, more accumulation, and better preservation of autochthonous organic matter. This is particularly true for tributaries fed by lacustrine systems, which showed the highest S1 and S2 fractions, and consequently higher total particulate organic carbon (POC) in the basin. Organic petrology of the sediment samples confirms abundant liptinitic materials (i.e., fat-rich structured algae, spores and pollen, cuticles, and resins). Forest fire and coal deposits are also confirmed to contribute to the basin. Assuming that suspended and fine surfacial sediments have a similar OC composition, the Mackenzie River is estimated to deliver a total POC flux of 1.1 Mt C/yr to its delta, of which 85% is residual carbon with liptinitic OC (S1 + S2) and S3 accounting for another 9% and 6%, respectively.  相似文献   

The contents of different organic matter components and dissolved organic matter (DOM) release kinetics of the sediments from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region were investigated, and their relationships discussed. The results show that organic C (OC) ranged from 8.14 to 43.65 g kg−1, dissolved organic C (DOC) from 0.38 to 1.38 g kg−1, active organic C (AOC) from 1.12 to 4.45 g kg−1, heavy fraction organic C (HFOC) from 6.86 to 39.08 g kg−1, accounting for 2.42-9.34%, 8.66-29.72% and 84.29-93.18% of OC, respectively. With increasing of OC content the ratios of DOC to OC and AOC to OC decreased. The contents of AOC, DOC, light fraction organic C (LFOC) and their contribution ratios to OC in studied sediments were higher than those reported in soils. The DOM release process of the studied sediments includes rapid and slow stages, and the rapid release occurred within 30 min, mainly in 5 min. The DOM release kinetic data in this investigation can be best fitted by the Power Function model. The correlations between total N (TN), total P (TP), OC, DOC, AOC, LFOC, HFOC and the DOM release kinetic parameters (k, c, a, b, rate30) of the sediments were significant. There were also significant correlations between TN, TP, OC, DOC, LFOC and HFOC in sediments. So the DOM release from sediment was not only related to the OC content, but also related to the organic matter composition characteristics, especially the contents of DOC, AOC and LFOC.  相似文献   

放射性碳同位素(14C)是含碳物质年代测定的有效手段,它的半衰期是5730年.研究了珠江口及南海沉积物碳黑的放射性碳年龄,碳黑样品采取化学氧化方法提取,用加速器质谱仪(AMS)测定珠江三角洲沉积柱中碳黑的放射性碳同位素剂量.研究结果表明,位于珠江口的钻孔3的碳黑的14C年龄是倒置的,邻近香港的钻孔30的碳黑14C年龄旱现老.新.老的趋势,而钻孔E2的碳黑的14C年龄则儿乎是不变的.碳黑的这种14C年龄的变化趋势与碳黑的来源相关,化石燃料来源的碳黑的增加使得碳黑的14C年龄偏老.  相似文献   

Much uncertainty exists in the phosphorus (P) cycle in the marshes of the intertidal zone. This study explored the P cycling in the two Suaeda salsa marshes [middle S. salsa marsh (MSM) and low S. salsa marsh (LSM)] of the Yellow River estuary during April 2008 to November 2009. Results showed seasonal fluctuations and vertical distributions of P in different S. salsa marsh soils, and variations in P content in different parts of plants due to water and salinity status. The N/P ratios of the different S. salsa were 9.87 ± 1.23 and 15.73 ± 1.77, respectively, indicating that plant growth in MSM was limited by N, while that in LSM was limited by both N and P. The S. salsa litter in MSM released P to the environment throughout the year, while that in LSM immobilized P from the environment at all times. The P absorption coefficients of S. salsa in MSM and LSM were very low (0.0010 and 0.0001, respectively), while the biological cycle coefficients were high (0.739 and 0.812, respectively). The P turnovers among compartments of MSM and LSM showed that the uptake amounts of roots were 0.4275 and 0.0469 g m?2 year?1 and the values of aboveground parts were 1.1702 and 0.1833 g m?2 year?1, the re-translocation quantities from aboveground parts to roots were 0.8544 and 0.1452 g m?2 year?1, the translocation amounts from roots to soil were 0.0137 and 0.0012 g m?2 year?1, the translocation quantities from aboveground living bodies to litter were 0.3157 and 0.0381 g m?2 year?1, and the annual return quantities from litter to soil were less than 0.0626 and ?0.0728 g m?2 year?1 (minus represented immobilization), respectively. P was an important limiting factor in S. salsa marshes, especially in LSM. S. salsa was seemingly well adapted to the low-nutrient condition and the vulnerable habitat, and the nutrient enrichment due to the import of N and P from the Yellow River estuary would be a potential threat to the S. salsa marshes.  相似文献   

The emigration of juvenile Atlantic menhaden,Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe), from the York River Estuary, Virginia, was studied during the years 1981 and 1982. Concurrent observations of menhaden catch, water temperature, and phytoplankton abundance suggested that the migration began in response to environmental events in the estuary. Juvenile menhaden appeared to begin their migration five days after the sustained onset of water temperatures below 24 °C. The temperature change was hypothesized as the proximate factor that initiates the migration. Coincident with the migrations, phytoplankton communities in the estuary bloomed, suggesting that the ultimate factor that initiates the migration may be the occurrence of sufficient food for the emigrating menhaden as they moved down and out of the estuary. Migration timing may have evolved as a mechanism to enhance the survival of migrating juvenile menhaden during a period of physiologic stress.  相似文献   

In this study rates of oxygen, ammonium (NH4 +), nitrate (NO3 ), nitrite (NO2 ), and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes, nitrogen (N) fixation, nitrification, and denitrification were compared between two intertidal sites for which there is an abundant global literature, muddy and sandy sediments, and two sites representing the rocky intertidal zone where biogeochemical processes have scarcely been investigated. In almost all sites oxygen production rates greatly exceeded oxygen consumption rates. During daylight, NH4 + and NO3 uptake rates together with ammonification could supply the different N requirements of the primary producer communities at all four sites; N assimilation by benthic or epilithic primary producers was the major process of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) removal; N fixation, nitrification, and denitrification were minor processes in the overall light DIN cycle. At night, distinct DIN cycling processes took place in the four environments, denitrification rates ranged from 9 ± 2 to 360 ± 30 μmol N2 m−2 h−1, accounting for 10–48% of the water column NO3 uptake; nitrification rates varied from 0 to 1712 ± 666 μmol NH4 + m−2 h−1. A conceptual model of N cycle dynamics showed major differences between intertidal sediment and rocky sites in terms of the mean rates of DIN net fluxes and the processes involved, with rocky biofilm showing generally higher fluxes. Of particular significance, the intertidal rocky biofilms released 10 times the amount of N2O produced in intertidal sediments (up to 17 ± 6 μmol N2O m−2 h−1), representing the highest N2O release rates ever recorded for marine systems. The biogeochemical contributions of intertidal rocky substrata to estuarine and coastal processes warrant future detailed investigation.  相似文献   

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