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The research on skilled international migration focuses primarily on the experiences of male migrants. Little work has been done on female migrants, especially those who migrated as dependents of highly skilled males. This paper presents some data on Asian Indian women in the US, and argues that these women suffer from cumulative disadvantage. The paper emphasizes that it is necessary to adopt a complex model involving the interaction of gendered/racialised immigration laws, workplace and household experiences in order to understand the experiences of these women.  相似文献   

This paper contemplates the relationship between the discipline of geography, and the making of public policy. It is particularly concerned with the compatibilities and incompatibilities of the nature of academic knowledge production and public policy development. As such, we contribute to an ongoing debate among geographers regarding whether and how they should engage with policy, and utilize examples from our involvement in the Metropolis Project, a Canadian initiative based on interdisciplinary research networks linked to government and public service agencies involved in immigrant settlement. We argue ultimately that geographers do need to engage politically with policymaking, but that the manner in which to do this is never straightforward, but rather takes place across institutional, ideological, and political landscapes that are perpetually shifting. Finally we suggest some helpful tools from feminist methodologies with which to approach policy-related issues.  相似文献   

The burgeoning literature on transnationalism involving skilled migrants--based largely on the view from the developed world--have generally paid little heed to “elite” women and the reproductive sphere. We argue that women play many roles in elite transnational migration streams and must be given full consideration as part of the “transnational elite.” Attention is given to the way women--both “tied” and “lead” migrants--negotiate gendered identities as they participate in Singapore's regionalisation process, a state-driven initiative to extend the national economy by leveraging on growth in the region. Empirical material for the paper is mainly based on in-depth interviews with married women who were part of a larger project involving interviews with 150 Singaporeans who had lived, or were living, in China. In examining the movements through transnational space between Singapore and China, it is clear that patriarchal norms continue to shape women's understandings of their own identities vis--vis men's. Singapore women who move as accompanying spouses (the majority) find themselves giving up careers to focus on their domestic role in China (in the absence of access to “suitable” paid domestic service), and are not so much “deskilled” but “re-domesticated”. The exceptional few women who ventured into China as entrepreneurs experienced considerable strain holding together geographically separate spheres of productive and reproductive work across the transnational terrain. Both sets of “stories” alert us to the need to include “elite” women--whether accompanying spouses or independent entrepreneurs--in our understanding of “transnational elites.” This will contribute to the urgent task of ensuring that both productive and reproductive work are valorized in equal measure in conceptualizing transnationalism.  相似文献   

The intensity of rural depopulation in Catalonia has diminished since the 1980s. New population growth patterns are occurring in rural areas, basically due to immigration. Although there has been a certain awareness of the magnitude of this process and its territorial distribution, little is known about the protagonists in this immigration and the impact on rural municipalities. Results are presented from a study of the immigration process in a group of rural inland municipalities close to the Costa Brava, a Mediterranean coastal region with extensive tourism. The great beauty of the landscape and the existence of housing stock that is being abandoned but remains desirable have led to a population influx from Catalonia’s large urban areas, especially Barcelona, purchasing these homes as a primary or secondary residence.This has led to rehabilitation of the housing stock, but also to higher housing prices and the resulting exodus of the young local population that cannot afford them; a potential source of conflict between the local population and the newcomers. The study is based on census data and statistical records, as well as extensive fieldwork, including interviews with local residents, newcomers and key informants.  相似文献   

Michael Ekers 《Geoforum》2009,40(3):303-315
This article attempts to empirically demonstrate how the struggle for bourgeois hegemony in depression-era British Columbia, Canada, was fought for through the production of new natures. Bringing together Antonio Gramsci’s conceptualization of hegemony with marxist understandings of political ecology, I examine how the legitimacy of particular groups’ dominance over subordinate groups and the survival of specific social relations was built and contested through the (re)making of the material-symbolic landscape. However, I also take seriously Stuart Hall’s argument that we must take note of the multi-dimensional character of hegemony by paying attention to the entanglement of class, gender and ecological relations during the 1930s. In order to demonstrate these arguments I examine the economic, social, moral and ecological crisis that rippled across the socionatural fabric of B.C. during the depression years. I detail how the federal and provincial states responded to the interlaced crises of class, gender and ecological relations through launching a series of public works programs and training programs. These projects were intended to modernize the forestry industry and remake unemployed men in body and soul. In doing so, I demonstrate how ideologies regarding nature come to be both enrolled in the struggle for hegemony and materialized in the making of the forestscape. By weaving theoretical insights through the socionatural history of British Columbia, I demonstrate how a gramscian sensibility pushes us to take seriously the relationality of socionatural processes and the embededdness of concepts in material histories.  相似文献   

The landscape evolution of the Mepal area from Late Devensian Block Fen Terrace times to the beginning of the Flandrian, a period of ca. 8000 radiocarbon years, is reconstructed. Stratigraphy is based on borehole transects and single boreholes, centred on a depression between the Block Fen Terrace and the Isle of Ely. Within the depression is a Devensian late‐glacial sequence, with the Windermere Interstadial represented by radiocarbon‐dated organic sediments. Pollen and plant macroscopic remains of the late‐glacial sediments are analysed. Plant communities with Betula developed in the interstadial. Before and after the interstadial there is much reworked pollen in the inorganic sediments, derived from local pre‐Devensian Pleistocene sediments, including temperate Ipswichian Stage sediments, and from mass‐wasting of the local Jurassic bedrock. Periods of such mass‐movement occur before and after the deposition of the late‐glacial lake sediments. Deposition of aeolian sediment occurs later than the main period of mass movement, but before the Windermere Interstadial. The relationship of the aeolian sediments in time and space to permafrost, indicated by local contraction polygons and cracks, is discussed. Solifluction diverted the flow of the River Great Ouse from a northeast direction in Block Fen Terrace times to a southwest direction as a channel developed to the west of the Chatteris–March ‘island’. This led to a drainage divide in Flandrian times. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Igor Vojnovic 《GeoJournal》2007,69(4):271-300
Throughout the 20th century, government in the U.S. has gone through significant changes; initially responding to the disorder of early capitalism, and later, to the economic crisis of the 1970s. This article will explore the changes in the U.S. political landscape over the last century, as well as the recent rise of neo-liberalism. In addition, with the analysis of the model laissez-faire municipal government, the City of Houston, the article will illustrate how the basic weaknesses of neoliberalism at the national level are also evident at the local scale of government.
Igor VojnovicEmail:

铁在地壳中的含量位列第四,在海洋中常以微量元素的身份出现。铁拥有多变的价态和多样的功能,是调节海洋初级生产力和驱动海洋生物地球化学循环的重要力量。以往的研究表明,铁在维持初级生产力、耦合物质循环以及调节生源要素转化中具有重要作用。近年来微生物生态学的发展将铁的研究推向了新的高度,包括微生物驱动的铁氧化-还原行为、代谢过程以及与主要元素(C/N/P)的交互关系等。以近15年发表的文献为重点,尝试综述铁的最新进展。首先梳理了海洋中铁的来源和赋存状态(溶解态、胶体态、颗粒态和有机态);其次阐释了微生物介导的铁氧化还原类型和过程机制(如硝酸盐氧化、生物还原等);最后总结了铁与C/N/P循环的耦合关系以及在特定生态事件中的生态效应。此外,对海洋铁研究的“化学-生物-物理”理论框架也进行了展望,旨在为更好地认识铁循环及其在海洋微生态过程的作用提供资料借鉴。  相似文献   

乐华—德兴成矿带成矿作用研究的进展,问题及展望   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
张德会 《地质论评》1998,44(5):502-510
赣东北乐华-德兴成矿带位于江南地块东南缘,带内有超大型的德兴斑岩铜矿床,金山金矿床,银山多金属矿床以及许多中小型矿床,其中铜储量和伴生金储分别占全国的17.5%和37%,深入研究乐华-德兴成矿带内典型矿床和区域成矿作用,对深刻揭示大型-超大型矿床的成因矿床分带的形成机理以及发展中国的金属成矿学理论等都有重要意义,本文讨论了近年来对该成矿带成矿作用的研究进展,存在问题,并对研究前景作了展望。  相似文献   

Iron is the fourth most abundant element in the earth's crust, and it often appears as a trace element in the ocean. Iron has a variable valence and diverse functions, and is an important force to regulate marine primary productivity and drive the geochemical cycle in the ocean. Previous studies have shown that iron plays an important role in maintaining primary productivity, coupling matter cycles, and regulating the transformation of biogenic factors. In recent years, with the development of microbial ecology, iron research has enter more in-depth levels, including microbial-driven iron oxidation-reduction behavior, metabolic processes, and interactions with other major elements(C/N/P). This paper attempts to review the latest progress of iron, focusing on the published literatures of the past fifteen years. Firstly, we explained the sources and occurrence states of iron in the ocean (such as dissolved, colloidal, granular and organic state); Secondly, we reviewed the types and process mechanisms of microbial-mediated iron redoxbehavior (for example nitrate oxidation, and biological reduction, etc.); Finally, we summarized the coupling relationship between iron and C/N/P cycle. Additionally, the ecological roles of iron in specific ecological event (for instance algal bloom) has also been described. Furthermore, the "chemical-biological-physical" theoretical framework for marine iron research is also discussed. The purpose of this paper is to provide more information for marine microecological research and their effects on iron cycle under changing environment, such as global change.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Cadiz is swept by the strong saline Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). On the Algarve Margin (South Portugal), this current has constructed fine-grained contourite drifts. This margin is dissected by the Portimao Canyon and three short channels that only incise the upper slope, and are absent on a terrace located at mid-slope depths along the Algarve Margin. High-resolution seismic profiles and sediment cores highlight the original architecture of the sedimentary deposits on this terrace. Coarse-grained lenticular chaotic bodies formed during major relative sea-level lowstands are intercalated within the drift. The lobate shape and sandy nature of the lenticular chaotic bodies and their location at the mouths of the three short channels suggest they are gravity-generated deposits that are perched on the middle continental slope.In the Gulf of Cadiz, the interaction between contour current and gravity processes is strongly controlled by climatic variations and relative sea-level changes during the late Quaternary. During cold periods when sea-level was low, erosion intensified on the continental shelf and the deepest part of MOW was active. Sediment was transported downslope through the channels and deposited on sedimentary lobes perched on the mid-slope terrace. During warm periods when relative sea-level was high, the supply of sediment from the shelf was shut off and the shallowest part of MOW was more active. Contourite drifts fill the channels and bury the sandy lobes.  相似文献   

Petrographical and geochemical methods were combined to investigate the provenance, geodynamic and weathering history of the Shurijeh sandstones, Kopet-Dagh Basin. The point-counting method and XRF technique are used for modal and geochemical analyses. Based on petrographical examinations, it seems that the Shurijeh sandstones are mainly deposited in the craton interior and recycled orogen belts. In addition to petrographical investigation, geochemical analyses (major oxides and trace elements) of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rocks reveal that the sedimentation processes are performed in a passive continental margin. Such interpretation is supported with geodynamic and paleogeographical studies of the Kopeh-Dagh basin during this time. The geochemical investigations suggested that the composition of probable source rocks mostly was acidic-intermediate with minor mafic igneous rocks. Based on the above, Paleo-Tethys remnants and their collision-related granitoids, in the south and west of Mashhad, may have been the source area for these rocks. CIA values, which range from 63.8 to 94.9 in samples, are suggesting a moderate to relatively high degree of alteration (weathering) in the source area. Therefore, petrographical and paleogeographical studies of siliciclastic rocks can be used for the provenance, tectonic setting and paleoweathering studies in the source area.  相似文献   

以美国内华达山脉复合岩基为例,系统评述了与大型花岗岩基的形成、演化相关的深部地球动力学过程及构造地貌学响应。在大陆岛弧环境下,基性岩浆的底侵作用促使下地壳发生角闪岩脱水部分熔融,在岩基根部形成高密度的石榴辉石岩,岩基根部最终发生重力失稳,形成滴水构造;在地貌上反映为滴水构造对应区域的沉降和相应的张性构造,在岩浆作用上则表现为软流圈地幔上涌和残余富集岩石圈地幔的低程度部分熔融,形成钾质火山岩。这种高度动态的深部动力学过程是维持大型花岗岩基地区较高高程或促使这些区域高程骤然增加的重要因素。  相似文献   

The Jiama deposit is a large copper deposit in Tibet. Mineralization occurs in three different host rocks: skarn, hornfels and porphyry. A detailed fluid inclusion study was conducted for veins in the different host rocks to investigate the relationship between fluid evolution and ore-forming processes. Based on examination of cores from 36 drill holes, three types of veins(A, B and D) were identified in the porphyries, four types(Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ andⅣ) in the skarn, and three(a, b and c) in the hornfels. The crosscutting relationships of the veins and that of the host rocks suggest two hydrothermal stages, one early and one late stage. Fluid inclusions indicate that the Jiama hydrothermal fluid system underwent at least two episodes of fluid boiling. The first boiling event occurred during the early hydrothermal stage, as recorded by fluid inclusions hosted in type A veins in the porphyries, type a veins in the hornfels, and wollastonite in the skarns. This fluid boiling event was associated with relatively weak mineralization. The second boiling event occurred in the late hydrothermal stage, as determined from fluid inclusions hosted in type B and D veins in the porphyries, type Ⅰ to Ⅳ veins in the skarns, and type b and c veins in the hornfels. This late boiling event, together with mixing with meteoric water, was responsible for more than 90% of the metal accumulation in the deposit. The first boiling only occurred in the central part of the deposit and the second boiling event took place across an entire interlayered structural zone between hornfels and marble. A spatial zoning of ore-elements is evident, and appears to be related to different migration pathways and precipitation temperatures of Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, Au and Ag.  相似文献   

Deuterium, δ 18O, major ions and dissolved silica in groundwater from semi-arid Mayo-Tsanaga river basin in the Far North Province, Cameroon were used to trace hydrogeochemical processes that control their concentrations and to explore for usability of the water. Electrical conductivity ranges from 57–2,581 μs/cm with alternating low and high values along the hydraulic gradient. Waters from piedmont alluvium show low concentrations in major cations, which peak in Mg within basalt, Na within plain alluvium, and Ca within basalt and the sandy Limani-Yagoua ridge. The initial dominant groundwater composition is CaHCO3, which did not evolve within the basalt and piedmont alluvium, but evolved to NaHCO3 in the granite and plain alluvium. The main processes controlling the major ions composition include the following: (1) dissolution of silicates and fluorite; (2) precipitation of fluorite and carbonate; (3) cation exchange of Ca in water for Na in clay; (4) and anthropogenic activities. The δD and δ 18O ratios vary from −35 to 0.7 and −5.3 to 1.1‰, respectively. The lowest and highest isotope ratios are observed in groundwater within the downstream sandy Limani-Yagoua ridge and the upstream graintes respectively. Variation in isotope ratios depends on altitude effect of −0.48‰ per 100 m between 600 and 850 m asl, and on evaporation, which had insignificant effect on the water salinity. Seventy percent of the groundwater shows poor drinking quality and 90% is suitable for irrigation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

David Rain 《GeoJournal》1997,43(2):175-187
Kano State in northern Nigeria has been presented as a region which has undergone adaptation to rapid demographic growth without adverse ecological effects (Mortimore 1993a). The population has grown by natural increase and by in-migration, fueled partially by growth of the Kano urban and peri-urban zones and sustained by manure-fed upland and irrigated lowland agriculture. This paper presents demographic data for Kano State, collected through the 1990 Demographic and Health Survey (Macro International 1992) for Nigeria, to explore some possible demographic consequences of the population growth observed there. Covered will be sections on women's work and mobility, child nutrition and mortality, birth intervals, and weaning age. By presenting this data, I will suggest two points. First, there is perhaps an alternate hypothesis to the rosy though incomplete picture presented by Mortimore and others. The agricultural transformation in Kano seems to have put progressively more stress on women as domestic producers, which reflects in the demographic data. Second, there is a need for more temporally and spatially robust datasets on health and demography, as well as more concerted efforts to link, via more integrated analyses, agricultural production and health outcomes.  相似文献   

北衙金多金属矿田是藏东-金沙江-哀牢山新生代富碱斑岩成矿带中南段的代表性矿床之一,发育一个与富碱斑岩密切相关的金多金属成矿系统.本文较为系统地分析了矿田内的成岩成矿作用特征及其演化过程,并探讨其与印-亚碰撞造山过程的响应关系.富碱斑岩具有埃达克岩的地球化学亲合性,其源区是喜马拉雅期印-亚碰撞造山造成的软流圈向东挤出江聚使大规模走滑断裂活化,诱发玄武质下地壳部分熔融的壳幔过渡层,成岩年龄可分为第一期(65~59Ma)、第二期(36~32Ma)、第三期(26~24Ma)和最晚期(3.8~3.6Ma)等4期,其中第二、三期与富碱岩带北段的两期岩浆集中活动时期基本吻合,形成的斑岩对金多金属成矿较为有利.区内金多金属矿床可划分为三个矿床类型和七个矿床亚类,即与喜马拉雅早-中期斑岩有关的金多金属矿床(Ⅰ),包括接触带夕卡岩型、斑岩型和热液充填型(及熔浆型)金多金属矿床;与喜马拉雅第三期斑岩有关的金多金属矿床(Ⅱ),包括爆破角砾岩型和叠加热液改造型金多金属矿床;以及与喜马拉雅期表生作用有关的风化堆积型金矿床(Ⅲ),包括古砂矿型和红色粘土型金矿床.Ⅰ、Ⅱ类型矿床受富碱斑岩及伴生的NE到NNE向断裂控制,赋存于富碱斑岩体内、内外接触带及其附近围岩的层间破碎带或构造裂隙带中,在成因和空间上与斑岩及隐爆角砾岩等密切有行关.成矿物质和成矿流体主要来源于地幔,围岩地层只是提供了成矿的空间,不同类型的矿体之间呈"贯通式"的时间和空间关系,构成了一个统一的喜马拉雅期富碱斑岩-热液型金多金属成矿系统.先期形成矿床明显受后期岩浆热液的叠加改造,但矿化分布和成矿元素组合仍表现为以斑岩为中心,存在CuAu(Mo)多金属→FeCuAuPbZn多金属→AuPbZnAg多金属的分带特征.从最早期含金铁矿床形成之后,原生金矿的次生富集和表生成矿作用就已开始,并形成不同成因类型的风化-堆积型金矿床.其中,古红色粘土型金矿床的成矿主要发生在始新世到渐新世,河-湖相古砂金矿床形成于23~5Ma期间,红色粘土型(残坡积型)金矿床可从始新世一直延续至今.通过与区域斑岩成岩成矿演化时序的对比,提出与藏东-金沙江-哀牢山斑岩成矿带上的众多矿床一样,北衙矿田内的成岩成矿作也是喜马拉雅期印-亚陆陆碰撞造山带成岩成矿作用在东南缘构造转换带的远程效应,记录了印-亚大陆碰撞造山的详细过程.因而,该矿田深部及外围地区,仍存在巨大的找矿潜力.盐源-丽江断裂带可能也是一条与藏东-金沙江-哀牢山斑岩成矿带联系密切而又相对独立的富碱斑岩成矿带.  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸年轻贝壳堤:形态,结构及多成因过程   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王宏  李建芬 《地质论评》2000,46(3):276-287
渤海湾西岸年轻贝壳堤的横截面呈上凸形态,堤的底板向海倾斜。年轻贝壳堤可分为底部-下部(前缘基足)、中部和上部三部分。底部-下部为形成于水不的(潮间带至 下带上部)贝屑质砂坝。中部为障壁岛,岛后为泻湖环境;当岛后泥质充填迅速时,障壁岛可转化为沿岸堤。上部为风成沙丘。水下砂坝→障壁岛→沿岩堤→风成沙丘反映了贝壳堤多成因的、复杂的形成过程。障壁岛-泻湖体系是渤海湾西岸沿海平原形成的重要因素。  相似文献   

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