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Oxygen isotope equilibrium fractionation constants (β18O-factors) of cassiterite were evaluated on the basis of heat capacity and X-ray resonant (Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray inelastic scattering) data.The low-temperature heat capacity of cassiterite was measured in the range from 13 to 340 K using an adiabatic calorimeter. Results of measurements of two samples agree very closely but deviate more than 5% from previous heat capacity data used for calculation of thermodynamic functions. The temperature dependence of heat capacity was treated using the modern version of the Thirring expansion, and the appropriate temperature dependence of the vibrational kinetic energy was found.Measurements of temperature-dependent Mössbauer parameters of cassiterite were conducted in the range from 300 to 900 K. The attempt to describe Mössbauer fraction and the second order Doppler (SOD) shift on the basis of the Debye model failed. The first term of the Thirring expansion of the Mössbauer SOD shift agrees with that calculated from the Sn sublattice vibration density of states (VDOS) obtained via synchrotron X-ray scattering. Based on this agreement we calculated the kinetic energy of the cassiterite Sn sublattice from VDOS.From the kinetic energy of the total cassiterite crystalline lattice and its Sn sublattice, β18O-factors of cassiterite were computed in the temperature range 300-1500 K by the method of Polyakov and Mineev (2000). Appropriate polynomials, which are valid at temperatures above 400 K, are the following:

Oxygen isotope partitioning between calcite and tremolite was experimentally calibrated in the presence of small amounts of a supercritical CO2–H2O fluid at temperatures from 520 to 680° C and pressures from 3 to 10 kbar. The experiments were carried out within the stability field of the calcite-tremolite assemblage based on phase equilibrium relationships in the system CaO–MgO–SiO2–CO2–H2O, so that decomposition of calcite and tremolite was avoided under the experimental conditions. Appropriate proportions of carbon dioxide to water were used to meet this requirement. Large weight ratios of mineral to fluid were employed in order to make the isotopic exchange between calcite and tremolite in the presence of a fluid close to that without fluid. The data processing method for isotopic exchange in a three-phase system has been applied to extrapolate partial equilibrium data to equilibrium values. The determined fractionation factors between calcite (Cc) and tremolite (Tr) are expressed as:1031n Cc-Tr=3.80 × 106/T 2-1.67By combining the present data with the experimental calibrations of Clayton et al. (1989) on the calcite-quartz system, we obtain the fractionation for the quartztremolite system: 1031n Qz-Tr=4.18 × 106/T 2-1.67Our experimental calibrations are in good agreement with the theoretical calculations of Hoffbauer et al. (1994) and the empirical estimates of Bottinga and Javoy (1975) based on isotopic data from naturall assemblages. At 700 C good agreement also exists between our experimental data and theoretical values calculated by Zheng (1993b). With decreasing temperature, however, an increasing difference between these data appears.Retrograde isotopic reequilibration by oxygen diffusion may be common for amphibole relative to diopside in metamorphic rocks. However, isotopic equilibrium in amphibole can be preserved in cases of rapid cooling.  相似文献   

Carbon isotopic exchange between graphite and three polymorphs of CaCO3 was investigated at temperatures of 600-1400 °C and at pressures from 1.4 to 2.3 GPa. Fractionation factors at all temperatures were determined by the partial exchange treatment of Northrop and Clayton (1966).Graphite starting material for the majority of the experiments was milled in water for 20-25 h, producing aggregates of nanosheets. The sheets range in width from 50 to 1000 nm and in thickness from 20 to 30 nm, and they retain hexagonal symmetry.Isotopic exchange appears to be the sum of surface exchange and interior exchange. At 1100-1400 °C, interior exchange exceeded surface exchange, probably by a combination of grain growth, as determined by increase in crystallite size, recrystallization, as observed in FESEM images, and diffusion. In some runs at 1200 and 1400 °C with an isotopic contrast between the initial graphite and calcite of close to 50‰, equilibrium fractionation was actually overstepped due to a kinetic effect. A weighted regression of fractionation factors from the high-temperature runs yields the line of equilibrium interior exchange:

Traditionally, the application of stable isotopes in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects has focused on δ13C values of CO2 to trace the migration of injected CO2 in the subsurface. More recently the use of δ18O values of both CO2 and reservoir fluids has been proposed as a method for quantifying in situ CO2 reservoir saturations due to O isotope exchange between CO2 and H2O and subsequent changes in δ18OH2O values in the presence of high concentrations of CO2. To verify that O isotope exchange between CO2 and H2O reaches equilibrium within days, and that δ18OH2O values indeed change predictably due to the presence of CO2, a laboratory study was conducted during which the isotope composition of H2O, CO2, and dissolved inorganic C (DIC) was determined at representative reservoir conditions (50 °C and up to 19 MPa) and varying CO2 pressures. Conditions typical for the Pembina Cardium CO2 Monitoring Pilot in Alberta (Canada) were chosen for the experiments. Results obtained showed that δ18O values of CO2 were on average 36.4 ± 2.2‰ (1σ, n = 15) higher than those of water at all pressures up to and including reservoir pressure (19 MPa), in excellent agreement with the theoretically predicted isotope enrichment factor of 35.5‰ for the experimental temperatures of 50 °C. By using 18O enriched water for the experiments it was demonstrated that changes in the δ18O values of water were predictably related to the fraction of O in the system sourced from CO2 in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. Since the fraction of O sourced from CO2 is related to the total volumetric saturation of CO2 and water as a fraction of the total volume of the system, it is concluded that changes in δ18O values of reservoir fluids can be used to calculate reservoir saturations of CO2 in CCS settings given that the δ18O values of CO2 and water are sufficiently distinct.  相似文献   

The magnitude of equilibrium iron isotope fractionation between Fe(H2O)63+ and Fe(H2O)62+ is calculated using density functional theory (DFT) and compared to prior theoretical and experimental results. DFT is a quantum chemical approach that permits a priori estimation of all vibrational modes and frequencies of these complexes and the effects of isotopic substitution. This information is used to calculate reduced partition function ratios of the complexes (103 · ln(β)), and hence, the equilibrium isotope fractionation factor (103 · ln(α)). Solvent effects are considered using the polarization continuum model (PCM). DFT calculations predict fractionations of several per mil in 56Fe/54Fe favoring partitioning of heavy isotopes in the ferric complex. Quantitatively, 103 · ln(α) predicted at 22°C, ∼ 3 , agrees with experimental determinations but is roughly half the size predicted by prior theoretical results using the Modified Urey-Bradley Force Field (MUBFF) model. Similar comparisons are seen at other temperatures. MUBFF makes a number of simplifying assumptions about molecular geometry and requires as input IR spectroscopic data. The difference between DFT and MUBFF results is primarily due to the difference between the DFT-predicted frequency for the ν4 mode (O-Fe-O deformation) of Fe(H2O)63+ and spectroscopic determinations of this frequency used as input for MUBFF models (185-190 cm−1 vs. 304 cm−1, respectively). Hence, DFT-PCM estimates of 103 · ln(β) for this complex are ∼ 20% smaller than MUBFF estimates. The DFT derived values can be used to refine predictions of equilibrium fractionation between ferric minerals and dissolved ferric iron, important for the interpretation of Fe isotope variations in ancient sediments. Our findings increase confidence in experimental determinations of the Fe(H2O)63+ − Fe(H2O)62+ fractionation factor and demonstrate the utility of DFT for applications in “heavy” stable isotope geochemistry.  相似文献   

In addition to equilibrium isotopic fractionation factors experimentally derived, theoretical predictions are needed for interpreting isotopic compositions measured on natural samples because they allow exploring more easily a broader range of temperature and composition. For iron isotopes, only aqueous species were studied by first-principles methods and the combination of these data with those obtained by different methods for minerals leads to discrepancies between theoretical and experimental isotopic fractionation factors. In this paper, equilibrium iron isotope fractionation factors for the common minerals pyrite, hematite, and siderite were determined as a function of temperature, using first-principles methods based on the density functional theory (DFT). In these minerals belonging to the sulfide, oxide and carbonate class, iron is present under two different oxidation states and is involved in contrasted types of interatomic bonds. Equilibrium fractionation factors calculated between hematite and siderite compare well with the one estimated from experimental data (ln α57Fe/54Fe = 4.59 ± 0.30‰ and 5.46 ± 0.63‰ at 20 °C for theoretical and experimental data, respectively) while those for Fe(III)aq-hematite and Fe(II)aq-siderite are significantly higher that experimental values. This suggests that the absolute values of the reduced partition functions (β-factors) of aqueous species are not accurate enough to be combined with those calculated for minerals. When compared to previous predictions derived from Mössbauer or INRXS data [Polyakov V. B., Clayton R. N., Horita J. and Mineev S. D. (2007) Equilibrium iron isotope fractionation factors of minerals: reevaluation from the data of nuclear inelastic resonant X-ray scattering and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta71, 3833-3846], our iron β-factors are in good agreement for siderite and hematite while a discrepancy is observed for pyrite. However, the detailed investigation of the structural, electronic and vibrational properties of pyrite as well as the study of sulfur isotope fractionation between pyrite and two other sulfides (sphalerite and galena) indicate that DFT-derived β-factors of pyrite are as accurate as for hematite and siderite. We thus suggest that experimental vibrational density of states of pyrite should be re-examined.  相似文献   

The stable boron isotope ratio (11B/10B) in marine carbonates is used as a paleo-pH recorder and is one of the most promising paleo-carbonate chemistry proxies. Understanding the thermodynamic basis of the proxy is of fundamental importance, including knowledge on the equilibrium fractionation factor between dissolved boric acid, B(OH)3, and borate ion, B(OH)4 (, hereafter α(B3-B4)). However, this factor has hitherto not been determined experimentally and a theoretically calculated value (Kakihana and Kotaka, 1977, hereafter KK77) has therefore been widely used. I examine the calculations underlying this value. Using the same spectroscopic data and methods as KK77, I calculate the same α(B3−B4) = 1.0193 at 300 K. Unfortunately, it turns out that in general the result is sensitive to the experimentally determined vibrational frequencies and the theoretical methods used to calculate the molecular forces. Using analytical techniques and ab initio molecular orbital theory, the outcome for α(B3-B4) varies between ∼1.020 and ∼1.050 at 300 K. However, several arguments suggest that α(B3-B4) ? 1.030. Measured isotopic shifts in various 10B-, 2D-, and 18O-labeled isotopomers do not provide a constraint on stable boron isotope fractionation. I conclude that in order to anchor the fundamentals of the boron pH proxy, experimental work is required. The critics of the boron pH proxy should note, however, that uncertainties in α(B3-B4) do not bias pH reconstructions provided that organism-specific calibrations are used.  相似文献   

The partitioning of stable carbon isotopes between calcite, graphite and CO2 was experimentally determined at temperatures from 500 to 1200 °C and 1 to 15 kbar pressure. Attainment of carbon isotope equilibrium in CO2-calcite runs was proven by achieving the same fractionation from isotopically opposite directions. The resultant CO2-calcite fractionation curve for carbon differs from Bottinga's calculation by 1.2 and confirms recent experiments of Chacko et al. and Mattey et al. In CO2-graphite experiments equilibrium fractions were extrapolated by applying the partial-exchange technique of Northrop and Clayton and by optimizing the contribution of surface reaction in graphite. CO2-graphite fractionations at temperatures up to 800 °C are in fair agreement with Bottinga's calculation, but yield a surprisingly high fractionation of 5 at upper mantle temperatures. The combination of CO2-calcite (carbon) and CO2-graphite fractionation results in a new experimentally determined calcite-grapite fractionation curve, expressed by the equation:

The experiments were conducted in the open CO2 system to find out the equilibrium fractionation between the carbonate ion and CO2(g). The existence of isotopic equilibrium was checked using the two-direction approach by passing the CO2−N2 gases with different δ13C compositions (− 1.5‰ and − 23‰) through the carbonate solution with δ13C = − 4.2‰. The ΔCO3T2−−CO2(g) equilibrium fractionation is given as 6.03 ± 0.17‰ at 25 °C. Discussion is provided about the significance of carbonate complexing in determination of ΔCO3T2−−CO2(g) and ΔHCO3T−CO2(g) fractionations. Finally, an isotope numerical model of flow and kinetics of hydration and dehydroxylation is built to predict the isotopic behaviour of the system with time.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(11-12):1781-1786
Oxygen isotope exchange between calcite and forsterite were investigated in the presence of a large amount of supercritical fluid. The experiments were conducted in standard cold-seal pressure vessels at 680°C and 500 MPa in the T-P-XCO2 stability field of the calcite-forsterite assemblage for 2, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 days, respectively. The weight ratio of mineral to fluid in the starting mixture is 1.46; the fluid was a mixture of H2O and CO2 with the mole fraction of CO2 being 0.1. The results show that the oxygen isotope exchange between the minerals was accomplished via mineral-fluid exchange by a dual-mechanism, i.e. initial rapid exchange due to Ostwald ripening of both calcite and forsterite, followed by a slower diffusion-controlled process. Furthermore, for the given fluid composition, calcite shows a greater rate of dissolution-recrystallization and oxygen isotope exchange with fluid than forsterite. As a result, oxygen isotope fractionations between calcite and forsterite and between the minerals and the fluid can simply pass the equilibrium fractionations with time and even lead to crossover behavior. Once diffusion becomes a primary mechanism for further isotope exchange in the three-phase system, the rate of oxygen diffusion in calcite is equal to, or slightly less than that in forsterite.  相似文献   

The effects of phosphate speciation on both rates of isotopic exchange and oxygen isotope equilibrium fractionation factors between aqueous phosphate and water were examined over the temperature range 70 to 180°C. Exchange between phosphate and water is much faster at low pH than at high pH, an observation that is similar to what has been observed in the analogous sulfate-water system. Oxygen isotope fractionations between protonated species like H3PO4 and H2PO4 that are dominant at relatively low pH and species like PO43− and ion pairs like KHPO4 that are dominant at relatively high pH, range between 5 and 8‰ at the temperatures of the experiments. In aqueous phosphate systems at equilibrium, 18O/16O ratios increase with increasing degree of protonation of phosphate. This effect can be explained in part by the relative magnitudes of the dissociation constants of the protonated species. Under equilibrium conditions, carbonate in solution or in solid phases concentrates 18O relative to orthophosphate in solution or in solid phases at all temperatures, supporting the traditional view that biogenic phosphate is precipitated in near oxygen isotope equilibrium with body/ambient aqueous fluids with no attendant vital effects.  相似文献   

Rhodochrosite crystals were precipitated from Na-Mn-Cl-HCO3 parent solutions following passive, forced and combined passive-to-forced CO2 degassing methods. Forced and combined passive-to-forced CO2 degassing produced rhodochrosite crystals with a small non-equilibrium oxygen isotope effect whereas passive CO2 degassing protocols yielded rhodochrosite in apparent isotopic equilibrium with water. On the basis of the apparent equilibrium isotopic data, a new temperature-dependent relation is proposed for the oxygen isotope fractionation between rhodochrosite and water between 10 and 40 °C:
1000lnαrhodochrosite-water=17.84±0.18(103/T)-30.24±0.62  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope exchange between H2O and H4SiO4 was modeled with ab initio calculations on H4SiO4 + 7H2O. Constrained optimizations were performed with the B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) method to determine reactants, transition states, and intermediates. Long-range solvation was accounted for using self-consistent reaction field calculations. The mechanism for exchange involves two steps, a concerted proton transfer from H4SiO4 forming a 5-coordinated Si followed by a concerted proton transfer from the 5-coordinated Si forming another H4SiO4. The 5-coordinated Si intermediate is C2 symmetric. At 298K and with implicit solvation included, the Gibbs free energy of activation from transition state theory is 66 kJ/mol and the predicted rate constant is 16 s−1. Equilibrium calculations between 298K and 673K yield αH4SiO4-H2O that are uniformly less than, but similar to, αqtz-H2O, and therefore αqtz-H4SiO4 is expected to be relatively small in this temperature range.  相似文献   

We report results of experiments constraining oxygen isotope fractionations between CO2 vapor and Na-rich melilitic melt at 1 bar and 1250 and 1400°C. The fractionation factor constrained by bracketed experiments, 1000.lnαCO2-Na melilitic melt, is 2.65±0.25 ‰ (±2σ; n=92) at 1250°C and 2.16±0.16 ‰ (2σ; n=16) at 1400°C. These values are independent of Na content over the range investigated (7.5 to 13.0 wt. % Na2O). We combine these data with the known reduced partition function ratio of CO2 to obtain an equation describing the reduced partition function ratio of Na-rich melilite melt as a function of temperature. We also fit previously measured CO2-melt or -glass fractionations to obtain temperature-dependent reduced partition function ratios for all experimentally studied melts and glasses (including silica, rhyolite, albite, anorthite, Na-rich melilite, and basalt). The systematics of these data suggest that reduced partition function ratios of silicate melts can be approximated either by using the Garlick index (a measure of the polymerization of the melt) or by describing melts as mixtures of normative minerals or equivalent melt compositions. These systematics suggest oxygen isotope fractionation between basalt and olivine at 1300°C of approximately 0.4 to 0.5‰, consistent with most (but not all) basalt glass-olivine fractionations measured in terrestrial and lunar basalts.  相似文献   

Rates of steady exchange of oxygens between bulk solution and the largest known aluminum polyoxocation: Al2O8Al28(OH)56(H2O)2618+(aq) (Al30) are reported at pH≈4.7 and 32-40°C. The Al30 molecule is a useful model for geochemists because it is ≈2 nm in length, comparable to the smallest colloidal solids, and it has structural complexity greater than the surfaces of most aluminum (hydr)oxide minerals. The Al30 molecule has 15 distinct hydroxyl sites and eight symmetrically distinct bound waters. Among the hydroxyl bridges are two sets of μ3-OH, which are not present in any of the other aluminum polyoxocations that have yet been studied by NMR methods. Rates of isotopic equilibration of the μ2-OH and μ3-OH hydroxyls and bound water molecules fall within the same range as we have determined for other aluminum solutes, although it is impossible to determine rate laws for exchange at the large number of individual oxygen sites. After injection of 17O-enriched water, growth of the 17O-NMR peak near 37 ppm, which is assigned to μ2-OH and μ3-OH hydroxyl bridges, indicates that these bridges equilibrate within two weeks at temperatures near 35°C. The peak at +22 ppm in the 17O-NMR spectra, assigned to bound water molecules (η-OH2), varies in width with temperature in a similar fashion as for other aluminum solutes, suggesting that most of the η-OH2 sites exchange with bulk solution at rates that fall within the range observed for other aluminum complexes. Signal from one anomalous group of four η-OH2 sites is not observed, indicating that these sites exchange at least a factor of ten more rapidly than the other η-OH2 sites on the Al30.  相似文献   

We report rates of oxygen exchange with bulk solution for an aqueous complex, IVGeO4Al12(OH)24(OH2)128+(aq) (GeAl12), that is similar in structure to both the IVAlO4Al12(OH)24(OH2)127+(aq) (Al13) and IVGaO4Al12(OH)24(OH2)127+(aq) (GaAl12) molecules studied previously. All of these molecules have ε-Keggin-like structures, but in the GeAl12 molecule, occupancy of the central tetrahedral metal site by Ge(IV) results in a molecular charge of +8, rather than +7, as in the Al13 and GaAl12. Rates of exchange between oxygen sites in this molecule and bulk solution were measured over a temperature range of 274.5 to 289.5 K and 2.95 < pH < 4.58 using 17O-NMR.Apparent rate parameters for exchange of the bound water molecules (η-OH2) are kex298 = 200 (±100) s−1, ΔH = 46 (±8) kJ · mol−1, and ΔS = −46 (±24) J · mol−1 K−1 and are similar to those we measured previously for the GaAl12 and Al13 complexes. In contrast to the Al13 and GaAl12 molecules, we observe a small but significant pH dependence on rates of solvolysis that is not yet fully constrained and that indicates a contribution from the partly deprotonated GeAl12 species.The two topologically distinct μ2-OH sites in the GeAl12 molecule exchange at greatly differing rates. The more labile set of μ2-OH sites in the GeAl12 molecule exchange at a rate that is faster than can be measured by the 17O-NMR isotopic-equilibration technique. The second set of μ2-OH sites have rate parameters of kex298 = 6.6 (±0.2) · 10−4 s−1, ΔH = 82 (±2) kJ · mol−1, and ΔS = −29 (±7) J · mol−1 · K−1, corresponding to exchanges ≈40 and ≈1550 times, respectively, more rapid than the less labile μ2-OH sites in the Al13 and GaAl12 molecules. We find evidence of nearly first-order pH dependence on the rate of exchange of this μ2-OH site with bulk solution for the GeAl12 molecule, which contrasts with Al13 and GaAl12 molecules.  相似文献   

Hydrogen isotope exchange between water and orthosilicic acid (H4SiO4) was modeled using B3LYP calculations and classical transition-state theory. Configurations of 1, 2, 3 and 7 water molecules and H4SiO4 were used to investigate energetically viable reaction pathways. An upper-bound of 71 kJ/mol was assumed for the zero-point energy corrected barrier (ZPECB) because this is the experimentally determined activation energy for Si-O bond breaking (Rimstidt and Barnes, 1980) and ZPECB is expected to be close to this value. Long range solvation forces were accounted for using the integral equation formalism polarized continuum model (IEFPCM; Cancès et al., 1997). Primary and secondary isotope effects were computed by exchanging hydrogen atoms with deuterium. Results show that reaction mechanisms involving 3 and 7 water molecules have ZPECB of 34 to 38 kJ/mol, whereas those involving 1 and 2 water molecules have ZPECB in excess of the set upper-bound. The lower range of ZPECB with 3 or 7 water molecules is reasonable to explain rapid hydrogen isotope exchange with silicates. Rate constant calculations accounting for tunneling, anharmonicity and scaling factors indicate that the reaction is fast and equilibrium can be assumed under most geologic conditions.  相似文献   

A detailed experimental study was conducted to investigate mechanisms of pyrite oxidation by determining product yields and oxygen isotopic fractionation during reactions between powdered pyrite (FeS2) with aqueous hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Sealed silica-tube experiments utilized aliquots of pyrite that were reacted with 0.2 M H2O2 for 7 to 14 days at 4 to 150 °C. No volatile sulfur species were detected in any experiment. The only gaseous product recovered was elemental oxygen inferred to result from decomposition of H2O2. Aqueous sulfate (Saq) was the only sulfur product recovered from solution. Solid hydrated ferric iron sulfates (i.e., water-soluble sulfate fraction, Sws) were recovered from all experiments. Ferric oxide (hematite) was detected only in high temperature experiments.Reactants were selected with large differences in initial δ18O values. The oxygen isotopic compositions of oxygen-bearing reactants and products were analyzed for each experiment. Subsequent isotopic mass-balances were used to identify sources of oxygen for reaction products and to implicate specific chemical reaction mechanisms. δ18O of water did not show detectable change during any experiment. δ18O of sulfate was similar for Saq and Sws and indicated that both H2O and H2O2 were sources of oxygen in sulfate. Low-temperature experiments suggest that H2O-derived oxygen was incorporated into sulfate via Fe3+ oxidation, whereas H2O2-derived oxygen was incorporated into sulfate via oxidation by hydroxyl radicals (HO). These two competing mechanisms for oxygen incorporation into sulfate express comparable influences at 25 °C. With increasing reaction temperatures from 4 to 100 °C, it appears that accelerated thermal decomposition and diminished residence time of H2O2 limit the oxygen transfer from H2O2 into sulfate and enhance the relative importance of H2O-derived oxygen for incorporation into sulfate. Notably, at temperatures between 100 and 150 °C there is a reversal in the lower temperature trend resulting in dominance of H2O2-derived oxygen over H2O-derived oxygen. At such high temperatures, complete thermal decomposition of H2O2 to water and molecular oxygen (O2) occurs within minutes in mineral-blank experiments and suggests little possibility for direct oxidation of pyrite by H2O2 above 100 °C. We hypothesize that a Fe-O2 mechanism is responsible for oxygenating pyrite to sulfate using O2 from the preceding thermal decomposition of H2O2.  相似文献   

硅酸盐和金属氧化物矿物氧同位素组成的CO2激光氟化分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我室采用MIR-10型CO2激光器,在一种富BrF5的氛围中使激光对硅酸盐和氧化物矿物样品加热形成O2,经多次纯化后用5A的分子筛吸收,再直接送至气体质谱仪进行氧同位素比值测定.这个实验流程与传统方法相比的改进不仅在使用激光加热技术及样品的放置上,而且在直接采用O2而不是CO2进行质谱测定.采用O2进行直接分析的优点不仅避免了向CO2转化过程中的潜在同位素分馏,而且能够得到样品的δ17O值,因此为宇宙样品分析提供了可能.CO2激光氟化技术的优点是所需样品量小(可低达1~2 mg),因此能够分析微小岩石区域或单矿物晶体内的氧同位素分布.同时,激光可以达到非常高的温度(>4000K),因此能够对某些难熔矿物(如锆石、蓝晶石、橄榄石等)进行氧同位素分析.  相似文献   

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