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In order to test the chronometer qualities of speculante for the (U + Th)/He dating method, 4He release experiments by stepwise heating of two specularites from the Rimbach mineralization locality in the southern Vosgues (France) have been carried out. The diffusion coefficients define linear Arrhenius plots within a temperature interval of 250 to 830 °C, which is suggestive of volume diffusion. Extrapolation of the diffusion behavior to 20° C yields diffusion coefficients (D20 values) smaller than 10?26 [cm2 s?1] for both hematites with activation energies at 116 [kJ/mole]. The results of our study suggest that specularite is a very helium retentive hematite variety which is capable of quantitatively retaining radiogenic helium over geologic periods of time.  相似文献   

Hematite is a common primary/secondary mineral in mine drainage and mine waste settings that can adsorb dissolved metals and metalloids. This study explored the ability of synthetic hematite to retain one such contaminant, molybdate, on its surfaces under highly alkaline (pH = ∼10) conditions. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy (RS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and specific surface area (BET) analyses show that synthetic hematite particles are stable and able to adsorb molybdate. Raman spectra show that the hematite efficiently adsorbs molybdate and retains it on its surfaces via strong inner-sphere surface complexation. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) data indicate that hematite aged (7 and 9 days) at high and room temperatures (75 and 25 °C) retains adsorbed molybdate and that molybdate sorption increases with aging. SEM images show that aged hematite particles with adsorbed molybdate are similar in size and shape to pure hematite and exhibit no significant reduction in surface area. These findings are valuable for understanding the fate of Mo in mine wastes and mill tailings environments where the 2-line ferrihydrite to which it is adsorbed can transform to hematite.  相似文献   

We examined the reduction of different size hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles (average diameter of 11, 12, 30, 43, and 99 nm) by the dissimilatory iron reducing bacteria (DIRB), Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, to determine how S. oneidensis MR-1 may utilize these environmentally relevant solid-phase electron acceptors. The surface-area-normalized-bacterial Fe(III) reduction rate for the larger nanoparticles (99 nm) was one order of magnitude higher than the rate observed for the smallest nanoparticles (11 nm). The Fe(III) reduction rates for the 12, 30, and 43 nm nanoparticles fell between these two extremes. Whole-cell TEM images showed that the mode of Fe2O3 nanoparticle attachment to bacterial cells was different for the aggregated, pseudo-hexagonal/irregular and platey 11, 12, and 99 nm nanoparticles compared to the non-aggregated 30 and 43 nm rhombohedral nanoparticles. Due to differences in aggregation, the 11, 12, and 99 nm nanoparticles exhibited less cell contact and less cell coverage than did the 30 and 43 nm nanoparticles. We hypothesize that S. oneidensis MR-1 employs both indirect and direct mechanisms of electron transfer to Fe(III)-oxide nanoparticles and that the bioreduction mechanisms employed and Fe(III) reduction rates depend on the nanoparticles’ aggregation state, size, shape and exposed crystal faces.  相似文献   

This work reports new findings on the physisorption of Foron Blue 291 on natural bentonite under both static and dynamic flow conditions of the aqueous solution that may prove important when using the adsorption technique for wastewater treatment. The quantity of dye retained by the solid matrix under both ideal exchange conditions between dyes and adsorbents given in a batch reactor and a pulse injection of dissolved azo dye in a soil column composed of a mixture of mean grain-sized sand and bentonite at different flow rates and at various mass fractions of bentonite was studied. Column experiments involving the use of a non-reactive tracer (Fluorescein) were performed to examine hydrodynamic behaviours of the clay/sand mixture studied. It is shown that advective–dispersive transport across a clay/sand mixture may be characterized by a double porosity medium. The results obtained on the reactive transport of Foron Blue 291 underscore that Foron Blue 291 adsorption depends heavily on the mass fraction of clay in a clay/sand mixture. With a clay mass fraction of 30 %, 77 % of the dissolved Foron Blue 291 mass was irreversibly removed by the adsorbent. At low flow rates, removal ratios obtained from the dynamic reactive system were similar to those obtained through previous static reactor experiments.  相似文献   

The topotactic oxidation and delithiation reaction from triphylite, Li(Fe,Mn)PO4, leading to ferrisicklerite, Li<1(Fe3+,Mn2+)PO4, was investigated under hydrothermal conditions. A cuboid cut from a triphylite single-crystal (Palermo Mine, New Hampshire, USA) with the composition Li0.93(3)(Fe2+ 0.733(6),Fe3+ 0.015(1),Mn2+ 0.210(4),Mg0.063(2))1.021(8)P1.00(2)O4 in addition with ground bulk material were treated with KMnO4 and 30 % H2O2(aq) as oxidizing agent in a 0.1 N hydrochloric acid solution in the temperature range between 60 and 200 °C. At 120 °C a rim of 0.1 mm thickness of ferrisicklerite had formed around the core of unreacted triphylite. The sharp reaction boundary was clearly visible, due to the reddish brown absorption colors of ferrisicklerite, compared to colorless triphylite. Using single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA) and 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy the product ferrisicklerite was characterized and its composition determined as Li0.30(7)(Fe2+ 0.049(1)Fe3+ 0.65(2)Mn2+ 0.218(5)Mg0.062(2))0.98(1)P1.01(3)O4, with unit cell parameters a?=?4.795(1), b?=?9.992(4), and c?=?5.886(2) Å. EPMA investigations across the reaction boundary showed no changes in the concentrations of Fe, Mn, Mg, and P. In contrast, SIMS measurements clearly proved the delithiated state of the ferrisicklerite product. Polarization microscopy revealed that the orientation of the ferrisicklerite rim was the same as that of the original triphylite single-crystal, confirming the strictly topotactic character of the reaction.  相似文献   

Steady-state radial flow in three-dimensional heterogeneous media is investigated using a geostatistical approach. The goal of the study is to develop a model of the relationship between corescale hydraulic conductivities measured at the wellbore and the conductivity of the surrounding drainage region as measured by a larger scale flow experiment such as a pump test. Conductivity at the point or core-scale is modeled as a stationary and multivariate lognormal spatial random function. Conductivity of the drainage region is obtained by a weighted nonlinear spatial average over the point-scale values within. This empirical spatial averaging process is shown to yield excellent approximations of true effective drainage region conductivities calculated using a numerical flow model. The geostatistical model for point-scale conductivity and the spatial averaging process are used to determine the first and second order ensemble moments of drainage region conductivity. In particular, an expression is derived for the conditional expectation of drainage region conductivity given point-scale values measured at the wellbore. The results are illustrated in a case study of a well from a sandstone oil reservoir where both core and transient-test conductivity data from the same interval are available for comparison.  相似文献   

Hematite is one of the most important carriers of remanent magnetization in natural samples. Its strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy makes it difficult to determine one single value for the magnetic anisotropy constant and other magnetic properties. In particular, the anisotropy of hematite within its basal plane is controversial because an assumed triaxial anisotropy compatible with the crystallographic structure has not always been detected. This study presents a comparative analysis of rock magnetic properties, compositional analysis and determination of the magnetic anisotropy constant. Different models with anisotropy constant within the basal plane ranging from 0 to 13 (J m−3) are considered in the evaluation of the factors that control the presence or absence of a triaxial anisotropy. A linear relationship between saturation magnetization (M s ) and coercitivity (B c ) in measurements at increasing temperatures is observed in samples where anisotropy is either uniaxial or biaxial while those with significant triaxial anisotropies have a power–law relationship between M s and B c .  相似文献   

Natural dams formed by landslides may produce disastrous debris flows after dam outburst. However, studies on the critical conditions required for the formation of outburst debris flow resulting from natural dam failure are still at an early stage. In this paper, we present the results of a series of laboratory tests that assessed three different materials, five different flume bed slope angles (2°, 7°, 9°, 10°, and 13°), two in-flow rates, and four types of dam geometric shapes. The results showed that the unit weight of downstream fluid increased with increasing bed channel slope. Additionally, a critical flume bed angle was found for debris flow formation. Furthermore, the combination of lake volume and flume bed angle was found to influence the formation of debris flow. A nonlinear trend was observed between the unit weights of debris flow and the uniformity coefficients of solid material. Based on the theory of stream power, a critical condition for debris flow formation from natural dam failure was established. Based on two case studies, the results indicate that the condition that was established for debris flow formation following natural dam failure agrees well with reality.  相似文献   

Batch and column experiments were conducted to examine the capability of naturally formed hematite and siderite to remove As from drinking water. Results show that both minerals were able to remove As from aqueous solutions, but with different efficiencies. In general, each material removed arsenate much more efficiently than As–DMA (dimethylarsinic acid), with the lowest adsorption efficiency for arsenite. The best removal efficiency for As species was obtained using a hematite, with a grain size range between 0.25 and 0.50 mm. The adsorption capacity for inorganic As(V) reached 202 μg/g. The pH generally had a great impact on the arsenate removal by the Fe minerals studied, while arsenite removal was slightly dependent on the initial pH of between 3 and 10. The presence of phosphate always had a negative effect on arsenate adsorption, due to competitive adsorption between them. A column packed with hematite in the upper half and siderite in the lower half with a grain size range of 0.25–0.5 mm proved to be an efficient reactive filter for the removal of all As species, causing a decrease in As concentration from 500 μg/L (including 200 μg/L As(V) as arsenate, 200 μg/L As(III) as arsenite and 100 μg/L As(V) as DMA) to less than 10 μg/L after 1055 pore volumes of water were filtered at a flow rate of 0.51 mL/min. After 2340 pore volumes passed through the column filter, the total inorganic As in the effluent was less than 5 μg/L. The total As load in the column filter was estimated to be 0.164 mg/g. Results of μ-synchrotron X-ray fluorescence analysis (μ-XRFA) suggest that coatings of fresh Fe(III) oxides, formed on the surface of the siderite grains after two weeks of operation, greatly increased the adsorption capacity of the filling material towards As.  相似文献   

Hematite is a very abundant mineral in natural rock samples. Despite being one of the most important carriers of remanent magnetization, its magnetic anisotropy is not well understood partially due to its high coercivity and complex behavior. In particular, the field intensity beyond which the Rayleigh relation no longer holds varies from one crystal to another. This field threshold is usually less than the field used in most commercial instruments. The nonlinear behavior of low-field susceptibility may thus hinder the magnetic fabric analysis. We have carried out an intensive study of the low-field bulk susceptibility and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) at increasing low fields in the range of 2–450 A/m (effective value) in a collection of hematite natural crystals. Standard rock magnetic properties, X-ray diffraction, and mass spectrometry have also been determined in order to discover the parameters influencing the low-field susceptibility variations with field. The AMS principal directions, the shape of the AMS ellipsoid, and the degree of anisotropy are the parameters that can vary with different applied fields. It has been found that there is no correlation between magnetic properties like coercivity or saturation magnetization and the range in which the Rayleigh approximation is valid. However, there seems to be a correlation with the peak width determined from X-ray diffraction, suggesting that the Rayleigh region in hematite crystals is related to the spatial orientation of the physical domains within the basal plane.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of the maximum thickness of a stationary buoyant oil-mass, trapped under an angled incline, when subjected to hydrodynamic, surface tension and buoyancy forces. For high water-flow speeds down the aquifer, with upward buoyancy forces dominantly combating hydrodynamic pressure, it is shown that the maximum oil thickness occurs at about 60% of the length of the oil stringer measured from the upward end. The length of the oil stringer then is roughly proportional to the square root of the oil-mass contained, as is the maximum thickness. For low water-flow speeds, in which buoyancy and surface tension are dominantly balanced (with only lesser contributions from hydrodynamic pressure), the oil length is effectively constant, whereas the maximum thickness grows proportionately to the 3/4 power of the contained oil mass at low oil masses, and proportionately to the oil mass at high mass values. As the water-flow velocity increases, the shaping of the oil stringer shifts from the small bubble form to the long oil stringer form. Analytic formulae are given to provide approximate methods from which to estimate oil and gas accumulations under more complex conditions.  相似文献   

为研究自然与饱水状态下不同粒径砂岩损伤破坏过程中的力学特性和声发射特征,对自然和饱水状态下3种粒径砂岩进行单轴压缩试验和声发射试验,研究其单轴应力状态下力学特性和声发射特征。试验结果表明:在自然状态下,粗粒砂岩平均抗压强度为54.23 MPa,中粒砂岩为53.56 MPa,细粒砂岩为59.46 MPa;饱水后,粗粒砂岩平均抗压强度为35.62 MPa;中粒砂岩为31.79 MPa,细粒砂岩为29.10 MPa。饱水后,粗粒砂岩、中粒砂岩和细粒砂岩的弹性模量分别降低19.6%、32.7%和33.7%;泊松比分别增加9.6%、10.4%和19.5%。所有试样各阶段声发射能量曲线变化趋势与各阶段受力破坏程度具有较高的一致性,声发射能量峰值都出现在应力峰值附近,其中饱水后弹性变形阶段声发射总能量发生不同程度的减少,粗粒砂岩为67.4%,中粒砂岩为32.4%,细粒砂岩为29.3%。饱水试样损伤演化阶段较自然状态声发射总能量发生明显下降,粗粒砂岩最为明显,降幅为73.5%,中粒砂岩为36.0%,细粒砂岩为62.0%。饱水后失稳破裂阶段声发射能量值较自然状态依旧出现不同程度的减少,粗粒砂岩为30.7%,中粒砂岩为29.5%,细粒砂岩为38.3%。砂岩饱水后力学特性与声发射特征变化是试样微观结构变化在宏观层面的体现;用砂岩单轴破坏过程中声发射能量峰值可以很好地表征砂岩脆性,将为岩石脆性研究提供新的思路。   相似文献   

The objective was to assess the interaction of Fe coprecipitated with dissolved organic matter (DOM) and its effect on Fe (hydr)oxide crystallinity and DOM retention under abiotic reducing conditions. A Fe-based coagulant was reacted with DOM from an agricultural drain and the resulting precipitate (floc) was exposed to S(-II) and Fe(II). Solution concentrations of Fe(II/III) and DOM were monitored, floc crystallinity was determined using X-ray diffraction, and the composition and distribution of functional groups were assessed using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) and near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy. Results indicate coprecipitation of Fe(III) with DOM forms a non-crystalline floc that withstands crystallization regardless of change in pH, Fe:DOM ratio and type of reductant added. There was no evidence that exposure to reducing conditions led to release of DOM from the floc, indicating that coprecipitation with complex natural DOM in aquatic environments may stabilize Fe (hydr)oxides against crystallization upon reaction with reduced species and lead to long term sequestration of the DOM. STXM analysis identified spatially distinct regions with remarkable functional group purity, contrary to the model of DOM as a relatively uniform complex polymer lacking identifiable organic compounds. Polysaccharide-like OM was strongly and directly correlated with the presence of Fe but showed different Fe binding strength depending on the presence of carboxylic acid functional groups, whereas amide and aromatic functional groups were inversely correlated with Fe content.  相似文献   

模拟降雨条件下坡面流水动力学特性研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
为探明降雨条件下沙黄土坡面水流水动力学特性,以流体力学和泥沙运动力学理论为依据,通过5个坡度和5个雨强组合条件下室内模拟降雨试验,系统研究了坡面水流水力参数的变化规律。结果表明,降雨条件下坡面薄层水流雷诺数均小于580,处于层流失稳区;水流流型随雨强和坡度的变化而发生转捩,当坡度较缓、雨强较小时,床面形态处于低能态区和过渡区,床面出现沙纹现象,水流宏观上呈缓流,反之,坡度较陡、雨强较大时,床面由沙纹和沙垄向动平床过渡,宏观上多呈急流;并根据薄层水流阻力组成特点,推导出沙黄土坡面薄层水流阻力计算公式。验证结果表明,该式误差较小,可为坡面侵蚀预报模型的构建提供参考。  相似文献   

This study assesses a simple sediment source tracing method using major- (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Si, Ti) and trace-element (Ba, Be, Ce, Co, Cr, Mo, Nd, Pb, Sr, Th, V, Y, Zn) signatures of stream suspended particulate matter (SPM), bed sediments and soils in a small agricultural catchment in NE Scotland. Whilst most erosion studies characterise the large amounts of material mobilised at the highest flows, this study aimed to assess properties of sediments during moderate to low flow periods. These occur more frequent than intense storms and are important in linking stream sediments, near-channel sources and aquatic ecosystem impacts. Data were transformed by multivariate statistical methods to compare elemental signatures of SPM (ranging from 3 to 53 mg L−1 in the stream) and stream bed sediments with a limited number of near-channel source soils. Increased concentrations of Ce, Nd, Th and Y in subsoils contributed to the ability to discriminate between surface fieldslope and stream bank erosion sources. Stream bed sediments showed close matches with compositions of stream bank and arable surface soils, but signatures of SPM differed greatly from any of the sources. Large concentrations of Cr, Pb and Zn in SPM, particularly during summer (677, 177 and 661 mg kg−1, respectively) exceeded water quality standards and were linked to an accumulation of trace elements associated with biological material. The potential for within-stream alteration of SPM in relation to erosion sources was confirmed by changes in the nature of the SPM organic matter observed by IR spectroscopy. Thus the potential is shown for multi-element signatures to give information on catchment sediment sources to aid land management decisions, given careful consideration of the effects of in-stream alteration of eroded material. However, this combined information may be beneficial to process understanding linking land use and stream ecosystems at critical ecological periods.  相似文献   

First principles calculations have been used to investigate the condensation reactions of hydrated calcium bicarbonate monomers in a simulated aqueous environment. The reaction pathway for the calcium bicarbonate dimerization process has been computed at the density functional theory-PBE level with the COSMO dielectric continuum model to simulate the hydrated environment. The results indicate that calcium bicarbonate dimers form via an associative mechanism: the first step involves a sevenfold calcium bicarbonate intermediate followed by the loss of one water molecule from the first coordination shell of calcium. Both steps are characterised by a low energy barrier of approximately 2 kcal mol−1, suggesting that the dimerization process is not kinetically hindered in aqueous solution. However, the Gibbs free energies for the condensation reactions to form the calcium bicarbonate dimers and the species Ca(HCO3)2(H2O)4, Ca(HCO3)3(H2O)3 and Ca2(HCO3)(H2O)103+, computed using the PBE and mPW1B95 density functional theory levels for the gas-phase component and the UAHF-CPCM solvation model for the hydration contribution, are all positive, which indicates that the formation of these early calcium bicarbonate clusters is thermodynamically unfavourable in aqueous solutions. Our calculations therefore suggest that the oligomerization of calcium carbonate is not spontaneous in water, at the conditions considered in our simulations, i.e. T = 298 K and neutral pH, which indicates that the nucleation of calcium carbonate cannot occur through a homogeneous process when calcium-bicarbonate ion pairs are the major source of CaCO3 in the aqueous environment.  相似文献   

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