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Hamzah Muzaini 《GeoJournal》2006,66(3):211-222
Despite the salience of the Second World War in paving the way for Singapore to attain formal independent status in 1965, it was not until the 1990s that war events were inserted into the state’s narratives, and ‘mapped’ onto its spaces as visible national fodder to bind citizens together. Since then, memoryscapes in many forms have proliferated over the state’s cityscape. After tracing the genesis of official war commemorative gestures within Singapore, the paper examines the ways in which Singaporeans have responded to them. Specifically, the paper argues that, while Singaporeans recognize the importance of remembering the war as nationally significant, this has not translated into any physical attempt or desire—beyond the discursive—to participate in the state’s commemorative endeavours. In analyzing factors that may have hindered the actual bodily practice of war remembrance in Singapore, nationalized war memoryscapes are also seen as embodying numerous politics due to tensions arising from a collision between what the state and its people perceive to be ideal means of remembering and representing the war within national discourses in the context of the present.  相似文献   

Detachment structures occur widely in the crust, and it is the commonest and most important deformation type developed in the region between orogenic belts and basins. The ‘comb-like’ and ‘tough-like’ fold belts in eastern Sichuan are caused by multi-layer detachment. The duplex structure is the most important deformation style in the region, exhibiting different characteristics from typical detachment structures. Different deformation styles, scales, and shortenings resulting from independent deformations of various detachment systems would lead to the phenomenon whereby most of the topographical heights in the region do not correspond to the structural heights in depth. Based on systematic structural analysis and combined with practical oil/gas prospecting, four types of structural traps are described from eastern Sichuan Province, which are: detachment and thrust trap; detachment folding trap; fault-flat blocking trap; and detachment layer trap. Meticulous studies on the deformation and distribution of detachment layers in the eastern Sichuan Province will contribute to oil/gas prospecting and selection of potential regions of marine-origin oil/gas prospecting in South China.  相似文献   

Gold-bearing albite-amphibole-pyroxene rodingites of the Agardag ultramafic massif (southern Tuva, Russia) are confined to the E-W striking serpentinite crush zone. A zone of gold-bearing nephritoids is localized at the contact of rodingites with serpentinites. Optical and scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis, and fluorescent, chemical, ICP MS, and X-ray phase analyses were applied to study Au-Cu-Ag mineralization in the serpentinites, rodingites, and nephritoids. Copper sulfides, chalcocite and digenite, are present in the serpentinites, whereas gold and silver minerals are absent. Copper impurity is found in antigorite, Cr-spinel, and magnetite (up to 0.1-0.3 wt.%) as well as parkerite (up to 1.2 wt.%) and millerite (up to 7.9 wt.%). A wide variety of native gold and copper minerals has been identified in the rodingites: (1) cuproauride and tetra-auricupride free of or containing silver impurities (0.1 to 1.2 wt.%); (2) electrum of composition Ag0.50-0.49Au0.50-0.51 (650-660%c) intergrown with AuCu, sometimes as exsolution structures; (3) electrum of composition Ag0.70-0.64Au0.30-0.36 (440-510%c), with inclusions of AuCu and copper sulfides (geerite and yarrowite); (4) high-fineness gold (750-990%c) as veinlets in electrum; and (5) native copper. The composition of copper sulfides varies from chalcocite to covellite. Submicron inclusions of hessite Ag2Te were found in chalcocite. The amount of copper, gold, and silver minerals in the nephritoids is much less than that in the rodingites. The nephritoids contain chalcocite, electrum of composition Ag0.64-0.63Au0.36-0.37 (530-540%c), cuproauride, and tetra-auricupride. The detected hypergene minerals are auricuzite, apachite, brochantite, high-fineness gold, native copper, and cuprite. The sequence of mineral formation in the Agardag ore occurrence has been established on the basis of mineral structures and mineral relations in the rodingites and nephritoids. It is proved that Au-Cu-Ag mineralization formed with the participation of Au- and Ag-bearing chloride-free low-sulfur carbon dioxide alkaline fluids in reducing conditions.  相似文献   

Katherine Brickell   《Geoforum》2008,39(5):1667-1675
After decades of turmoil and international isolation, Cambodia has embarked on a threefold transition: from armed conflict to peace, from political authoritarianism to liberal democracy, and from a socialist economic system to one based on market-driven capitalist growth. In this context of transition, the paper explores the perceived linkages that exist between drinking, drunkenness and gender-based violence in rural and urban Siem Reap, home to the global tourism site of Angkor. By considering the ways in which men and women relate alcohol use with violence, the paper questions what implications these social constructions have for tackling gender-based violence and concludes that challenging such external explanations for violence is needed in order for gender-based violence to be understood as the struggle for equality in men and women’s everyday lives.  相似文献   

彭阳  陈安泽  钱方 《地质论评》2014,60(5):1109-1112
云南石林世界地质公园阿诗玛石柱,其岩石地层是呈水平产状的中二叠统茅口组厚层块状灰岩,但其构成岩石的具体岩性却未见做过详细工作。笔者等经公园管理部门同意,自下而上分别在阿诗玛石柱背侧底部、下部、中部、上部和顶部共采集样品五块,对其岩石学特征及沉积微相作了详细研究,弄清了这一世界著名景点自下而上的岩石构成及沉积相。底部为高能浅滩相灰色厚层块状具平行层理生屑颗粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛脚部。下部为中能浅潮下灰色厚层块状虫筳生屑泥粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛腿部。中部为中能浅潮下灰色厚层块状砂屑泥粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛腰部。上部为中能浅潮下灰色厚层块状具生物扰动含砂屑生屑泥粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛胸部;顶部为高能浅滩相灰色厚层块状砂屑生屑颗粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛头部。其中含有大量生物化石碎屑:有孔虫、三叶虫、藻类、介形虫、腕足、苔藓虫、虫筳、海百合茎、双壳类,为高能浅滩相和中等能量浅潮下环境。希能为石林形成过程研究和科学普及提供参考。  相似文献   

赞皇变质杂岩位于华北克拉通中部造山带中南段、太行山东麓低山区。出露于该变质杂岩区中南部的含石榴石的斜长角闪片麻岩、泥质片麻岩,均保存了三期矿物组合:进变质、峰期变质和退变质矿物组合。这两大类变质岩石中,进变质阶段矿物组合(M1)以石榴石变斑晶核部的包裹体矿物组合为代表,变质高峰期矿物组合(M2)由石榴石变斑晶"边部"和基质矿物组成,退变质阶段矿物组合(M3)主要是环绕石榴石边部发育的"白眼圈"状后成合晶矿物组合。泥质片麻岩中的石榴石变斑晶均保存了明显的成分环带,且在边部很窄的范围内XMn有所增加、Mg/(Mg+Fe)有所降低,指示存在变质高峰期后的退变质过程。温度与压力计算结果表明,赞皇斜长角闪片麻岩所经历的进变质阶段(M1)温度约为640~710℃、 压力约为8.2~8.6kbar;高峰期(M2)变质温度超过810℃,压力大于12.1kbar;退变质阶段(M3)的温压范围为590~670℃和3.2~5.6kbar。此前的研究已说明泥质片麻岩的进变质阶段(M1)变质温度为660~690℃,压力为9.0~9.2kbar;高峰期(M2)变质温度超过780℃,压力大于12.5kbar。变质高峰属于中压相系的顶部至高压相系的底部。斜长角闪片麻岩、泥质片麻岩均记录了典型的顺时针P-T轨迹,并显示近等温减压(ITD)的退变质片段。对泥质片麻岩中多颗锆石的变质增生边的SHRIMP U-Pb定年表明,变质高峰期时代为1821±17Ma。变质作用历史说明赞皇变质岩区卷入了华北克拉通东部陆块和西部陆块之间的俯冲-碰撞、随后的快速隆升过程,为华北克拉通中部造山带早元古代末期(~1850Ma)存在的造山事件提供了新的证据 。  相似文献   

The Derba block is one of the largest Precambrian terranes of the Sayan-Yenisei accretionary belt in the southwestern margin of the Siberian Platform. It is composed of metamorphosed terrigenous-carbonate rocks of the Sayan Group, injected by granitoids. The geochemical features of gneiss-schist associations indicate the low maturity of their sedimentary protoliths corresponding in composition mainly to graywackes and terrigenous-carbonate rocks (marls). According to the results of U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) dating of detrital zircons from gneisses and schists, the sedimentary protolith formed in the Vendian. Neoproterozoic subduction complexes were probably the major provenance for terrigenous material, and Early Precambrian rocks made a limited contribution. The Ar-Ar and U-Pb isotope data testify to nearly coeval and multistage events of metamorphism (up to the amphibolite facies) and granitoid magmatism (~ 510-500 and 480-465 Ma) in the Derba block. These processes were reflective of the Early Caledonian orogenic processes in the structures of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The similarity in the composition, time of sedimentation, and provenances of metaterrigenous-carbonate complexes of the Derba block (Sayan Group), West Sangilen block of the Tuva-Mongolian massif (Erzin and Moren complexes), and the Khamar-Daban terrane (Slyudyanka Group) suggests that these structures were a single Vendian continental margin with lateral variations in depositional environments and the sources of terrigenous material.  相似文献   

西昆仑布伦阔勒群变质岩是西昆仑造山带的重要组成部分,但其成因一直存在争议.在塔什库尔干县的马尔洋地区,布伦阔勒群主要由石榴斜长角闪片麻岩和孔兹岩组成.根据地球化学特征,石榴斜长角闪片麻岩稀土元素配分曲线可以分为两种类型:一种稀土总量较高(∑REE=190.2×10-6 ~ 359.1×10-6),从轻稀土到重稀土逐渐亏损((La/Yb)N =4.28~5.79),与E-MORB类似;另一种稀土总量较低(∑REE=89.28×10-6~113.0×10-6),轻稀土亏损((La/Yb)N=0.59 ~0.84),重稀土曲线平坦((Gd/Yb)N =0.99 ~ 1.07),与N-MORB类似.微量元素蛛网图中石榴斜长角闪片麻岩具有Ba正异常,Sm、Cr、Zr、Hf和Ti的负异常,轻微的Nb、Ta的负异常,显示为岛弧拉斑玄武岩的特征.孔兹岩的原岩判别图解显示其原岩可能为岛弧环境沉积的页岩和硬砂岩.因此,推测塔什库尔干布伦阔勒群的石榴斜长角闪片麻岩和孔兹岩的原岩形成于岛弧环境.根据岩相学观察、矿物化学分析和温压计算,石榴斜长角闪片麻岩经历了三个变质阶段:M1为高压变质阶段,矿物组合为Grt+ Hbl(1)+ Pl1+ Qtz,变质温压条件为850~ 870℃/12.9 ~13.3kb;M2和M3为两期角闪岩相退变质阶段,矿物组合分别为Hbl2+ Pl2+Qtz和Hbl3+ Pl3+ Kfs+ Bt+ Qtz,变质温压条件分别为730 ~ 770℃/7.3~7.8kb和680 ~ 740℃/4.7 ~5.7kb.孔兹岩也经历了三个变质阶段,推测其早期M1阶段变质温压条件可能与石榴斜长角闪片麻岩的峰期变质阶段相同(850~870℃/12.9 ~ 13.3kb);峰期M2和峰期后M3阶段变质矿物组合分别为Grt2+ Pl2+ Bt2+ Sil+ Qtz和Grt3+ Pl3+ Bt3+Sil+ Mus+ Qtz,温压计算结果分别为800~830℃/7.9~9.2kb和670~700℃/5.1~5.6kb.孔兹岩的M1、M2和M3变质阶段对应于石榴斜长角闪片麻岩的M1、M2和M3变质阶段.上述温压计算结果形成顺时针的P-T轨迹,表现为峰期高压变质作用后叠加了由高角闪岩相-中压麻粒岩相到低角闪岩相的退变质作用,反映了西昆仑与碰撞相关的大地构造背景,这可能与海西期古特提斯洋的闭合有关,之后叠加了印支期构造抬升过程中的剪切作用.  相似文献   

三岔口夕线堇青石榴二长片麻岩出露于华北克拉通孔兹岩带东部的集宁变质杂岩中,该岩石保留了典型的减压反应结构。系统的岩相学观察和矿物化学研究结果表明,三岔口地区夕线堇青石榴二长片麻岩保存了两个阶段变质作用的矿物组合及相应的变质反应结构,其中峰期变质阶段M1的矿物组合为石榴石+夕线石+黑云母+石英+斜长石+钾长石+钛铁矿±磁铁矿;峰后减压的M2-1变质阶段矿物组合为石榴石+堇青石+夕线石+石英+斜长石+钾长石+钛铁矿±尖晶石,M2-2阶段的矿物组合为石榴石+堇青石+黑云母+石英+斜长石+钾长石+钛铁矿+磁铁矿±尖晶石。自峰期变质阶段到峰后减压阶段,典型的转变(减压)反应包括:Grt+Sil+Melt→Crd+Bt+Fe-oxide和Grt+Sil→Crd+Spl。相平衡模拟结合传统地质温压计限定峰期变质阶段的温压条件为T=852~862℃,P=9.3~10.2kbar;峰期后近等温减压的M2-1和M2-2阶段的温压条件分别为854~880℃和7.0~7.4kbar,820~848℃和5.3~6.4kbar。三岔口夕线堇青石榴二长片麻岩记录了典型的近等温减压型的顺时针P-T轨迹。阴极发光图像特征显示夕线堇青石榴二长片麻岩存在大量变质锆石,LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果表明,所有变质锆石记录了十分一致的207Pb/206Pb年龄,其变质时代为1912±11Ma。变质作用历史说明内蒙古孔兹岩带东段的集宁地体卷入了华北克拉通西部的阴山陆块和鄂尔多斯陆块之间的俯冲-碰撞,并经历了古元古代(~1912Ma)的麻粒岩相变质作用后快速折返至地表的过程。  相似文献   

The first bryolithochemical studies have been carried out within the Dukat ore field (Balygychan-Sugoi trough, northeastern Russia), in its northeast (Dukat Au-Ag deposit, Chaika site) and on its eastern flank (Au-Ag ore occurrence, Piritovyi site). Sampling was made along primary water streams draining Au-Ag ore zones, because the headstreams localized in the permafrost zone are poor in alluvial sediments or lack them, whereas the stream banks and beds are overgrown with aquatic and semiaquatic mosses. We examined samples of moss cushions with loose sediments (fine silt suspension and sand-silt material). The study has shown that moss cushions are an effective natural trap extracting finely dispersed, ultradisperse, and colloid-dispersed particles, including ore ones, from water stream suspension. The contents of major elements indicating Au-Ag mineralization (Au, Ag, Hg, Sb, As, Pb, and Zn) in the bryolithochemical and lithochemical samples were compared. The highest contents of these elements have been revealed in the bryolithochemical samples. Scintillation analysis shows a predominance of finely dispersed Au and Ag particles. The chemical composition of lithoparticles and probable species of elements indicating mineralization were studied by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. It has been concluded that the bryolithochemical stream sediments are an integral part of the lithochemical ones and can also be effectively used to reveal geochemical anomalies and identify the corresponding ores. It is shown that the bryolithochemical sediment streams bear important information about the chemical composition of primary ores, as they have the same major indicator elements (Au, Ag, Hg, Sb, As, Pb, and Zn) and nearly the same mineral composition (finely dispersed gold and silver, electrum, silver sulfosalts, and simple sulfides). The proposed bryolithochemical research is promising not only for northeastern Russia but also for other areas with similar landscapes, primarily areas where lithochemical and bryolithochemical stream sediments form in the northern subarctic and arctic environments.  相似文献   

We present a multiproxy study of land use by a pre-Columbian earth mounds culture in the Bolivian Amazon. The Monumental Mounds Region (MMR) is an archaeological sub-region characterized by hundreds of pre-Columbian habitation mounds associated with a complex network of canals and causeways, and situated in the forest–savanna mosaic of the Llanos de Moxos. Pollen, phytolith, and charcoal analyses were performed on a sediment core from a large lake (14 km2), Laguna San José (14°56.97′S, 64°29.70′W). We found evidence of high levels of anthropogenic burning from AD 400 to AD 1280, corroborating dated occupation layers in two nearby excavated habitation mounds. The charcoal decline pre-dates the arrival of Europeans by at least 100 yr, and challenges the notion that the mounds culture declined because of European colonization. We show that the surrounding savanna soils were sufficiently fertile to support crops, and the presence of maize throughout the record shows that the area was continuously cultivated despite land-use change at the end of the earth mounds culture. We suggest that burning was largely confined to the savannas, rather than forests, and that pre-Columbian deforestation was localized to the vicinity of individual habitation mounds, whereas the inter-mound areas remained largely forested.  相似文献   

This paper argues that research in political ecology would benefit from more explicit and careful attention to the question of scale and scalar politics. Although political ecologists have extensively considered scale as a methodological question, they have yet to develop an explicit theoretical approach to scale as an object of inquiry. We highlight one principal drawback to this underdeveloped approach to scale: what we call “the local trap” in which political ecologists assume that organization, policies, and action at the local scale are inherently more likely to have desired social and ecological effects than activities organized at other scales. Over the past 10 years or so, an increasingly sophisticated literature on scale has been developing among scholars in geography working in the political economy tradition. This literature has argued that scale is socially produced rather than ontologically given. Therefore, there is nothing inherent about any scale, and so the local scale cannot be intrinsically more desirable than other scales. We suggest that a greater engagement with this scale literature offers political ecology a theoretical way out of the local trap. As a first approximation of the kind of scalar analysis we advocate, we present a case study that examines the scalar politics that have shaped environmental change in the Brazilian Amazon.  相似文献   

Pant-y-ffynnon Quarry in South Wales yielded a rich cache of fossils in the early 1950s, including articulated specimens of new species (the small sauropodomorph dinosaur Pantydraco caducus and the crocodylomorph Terrestrisuchus gracilis), but no substantial study of the wider fauna of the Pant-y-ffynnon fissure systems has been published. Here, our overview of existing specimens, a few described but mostly undescribed, as well as freshly processed material, provides a comprehensive picture of the Pant-y-ffynnon palaeo-island of the Late Triassic. This was an island with a relatively impoverished fauna dominated by small clevosaurs (rhynchocephalians), including a new species, Clevosaurus cambrica, described here from a partially articulated specimen and isolated bones. The new species has a dental morphology that is intermediate between the Late Triassic Clevosaurus hudsoni, from Cromhall Quarry to the east, and the younger C. convallis from Pant Quarry to the west, suggesting adaptive radiation of clevosaurs in the palaeo-archipelago. The larger reptiles on the palaeo-island do not exceed 1.5?m in length, including a small carnivorous crocodylomorph, Terrestrisuchus, and a possible example of insular dwarfism in the basal dinosaur Pantydraco.  相似文献   

Bison (Bison spp.) occurred in eastern Washington state during the late Quaternary. This area is considered to be peripheral to the center of this taxon's natural range. Bison in the plains east of the Rocky Mountains, the heart of this range, underwent diminution during the late Quaternary, and apparently also did so in other, peripheral areas. A ratio diagram of measurement data derived from eight zooarchaeological collections of bison remains recovered from eastern Washington, in combination with the presence of both sexes and all age classes of individuals, indicate that local bison may have also undergone diminution there. There are, however, a relative paucity of bison remains during the middle Holocene and an apparent 2000-year absence of bison from eastern Washington at this time. As a result, the hypothesis that bison became smaller elsewhere and then immigrated to eastern Washington cannot be falsified. Both the diminution and the fluctuating abundance of bison appear to be responses to forage quality and quantity.  相似文献   

The Ga'erqiong‐Galale skarn–porphyry copper–gold ore‐concentrated area is located in the western part of the Bangong‐Nujiang suture zone north of the Lhasa Terrane. This paper conducted a systematic study on the magmatism and metallogenic effect in the ore‐concentrated area using techniques of isotopic geochronology, isotopic geochemistry and lithogeochemistry. According to the results, the crystallization age of quartz diorite (ore‐forming mother rock) in the Ga'erqiong deposit is 87.1 ± 0.4 Ma, which is later than the age of granodiorite (ore‐forming mother rock) in the Galale deposit (88.1 ± 1.0 Ma). The crystallization age of granite porphyry (GE granite porphyry) in the Ga'erqiong deposit is 83.2 ± 0.7 Ma, which is later than the age of granite porphyry (GL granite porphyry) in the Galale deposit (84.7 ± 0.8 Ma).The quartz diorite, granodiorite, GE granite porphyry and GL granite porphyry both main shows positive εHf(t) values, suggesting that the magmatic source of the main intrusions in the ore‐concentrated area has the characteristics of mantle source region. The Re–Os isochron age of molybdenite in the Ga'erqiong district is 86.9 ± 0.5 Ma, which is later than the mineralization age of the Galale district (88.6 ± 0.6 Ma). The main intrusive rocks in the ore‐concentrated area have similar lithogeochemical characteristics, for they both show the relative enrichment in large‐ion lithophile elements(LILE: Rb, Ba, K, etc.), more mobile highly incompatible lithophile elements(HILE: U, Th) and relatively depleted in high field strength elements (HFSE: Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, etc.), and show the characteristics of magmatic arc. The studies on the metal sulfides' S and Pb isotopes and Re content of molybdenite indicate that the metallogenic materials of the deposits in the ore‐concentrated area mainly come from the mantle source with minor crustal source contamination. Based on the regional tectonic evolution process, this paper points out that the Ga'erqiong‐Galale copper–gold ore‐concentrated area is the typical product of the Late Cretaceous magmatism and metallogenic event in the collision stage of the Bangong‐Nujiang suture zone.  相似文献   

An eclogitemafic granulite occurs as a rare boudin within a felsic kyaniteK‐feldspar granulite in a low‐strain zone. Its boundary is marked by significant metasomatism–diffusional gain of potassium at the centimetre‐scale, and probable infiltration of felsic melt on a larger scale. This converted the eclogitemafic granulite into an intermediate‐composition, ternary‐feldspar‐bearing granulite. Based on inclusions in garnet, the peak P–T conditions of the original eclogite are 18 kbar at 850950 °C, with later matrix re‐equilibration at 12 kbar and 950 °C. Four samples from the transition of the eclogitemafic granulite through to the intermediate granulite were studied. In the eclogite, REE patterns in the garnet core show no Eu anomaly, compatible with crystallization in the absence of plagioclase and consistent with eclogite facies conditions. Towards the rim of garnet, LREE decrease, and a weak negative Eu anomaly appears, reflecting passage into HP granulite facies conditions with plagioclase present. The rims of garnet next to ternary feldspar in the intermediate granulite show the lowest LREE and deepest Eu anomalies. Zircon from the four samples was analysed by LASS (laser ablation–split‐stream inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry). It shows U–Pb ages from 404 ± 4.0 to 331 ± 3.3 Ma, with a peak at 340 ± 4.0 Ma corresponding to the likely exhumation of the rocks to 12 kbar. Older ages from zircon with steep HREE patterns indicate the minimum age of the protolith, and ages <360 ± 4.0 Ma are interpreted to correspond to the eclogite facies metamorphism. Only some zircon grains ≤350 ± 4.0 Ma have flat HREE patterns, suggesting that these are primarily modified protolith grains, rather than new zircon crystallized in the eclogite‐ or granulite facies. The metasomatic processes that converted the eclogitemafic granulite to an intermediate granulite may have facilitated zircon modification as zircon in the intermediate granulite has flat HREE and ages of 340 ± 4.0 Ma. The difference between the oldest and youngest ages with flat REE patterns indicates a 16 ± 5.6 Ma period of zircon modification in the presence of garnet.  相似文献   

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