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The abundance and 13C/12C ratios of carbon were analyzed in basaltic glass from twenty locations along the Juan de Fuca Ridge using a 3-step combustion/extraction technique. Carbon released during the first two combustion steps at 400-500 degrees C and 600-650 degrees C is interpreted to be secondary, and only the carbon recovered during a final combustion step at approximately 1200 degrees C is thought to be indigenous to the samples. For carbon released at approximately 1200 degrees C, glasses analyzed as 1-2 mm chips contained 23-146 ppm C with delta 13C values of -4.8 to -9.3%, whereas samples crushed to 38-63 microns or 63-90 microns yielded 56-103 ppm C with delta 13C values of -6.1 to -9.2%. The concentrations and isotopic compositions of the primary carbon dissolved in the glasses and present in the vesicles are similar to those previously reported for other ocean-ridge basalts. The Juan de Fuca basaltic magmas were not in equilibrium with respect to carbon when they erupted and quenched on the sea floor. Evidence of disequilibrium includes (1) a large range of carbon contents among glasses collected at similar depths, (2) a highly variable calculated carbon isotopic fractionation between melt and vapor determined by comparing crushed and uncrushed splits of the same sample, and (3) a lack of correlation between vesicle abundance, carbon concentration, and depth of eruption. Variations in carbon concentration and delta 13C ratios along the ridge do not correlate with major element chemistry. The observed relationship between carbon concentrations and delta 13C values may be explained by late-stage, variable degrees of open-system (Rayleigh-like) degassing.  相似文献   

Facts confirming the hypothesis of contourite sediment infill of the Equatorial Mid-Ocean Canyon (EMOC) are presented. We examined two cores recovered in Cruises 37 and 43 of the R/V Akademik Ioffe (2012, 2013). The cores recovered upper Quaternary miopelagic clays on the EMOC floor (AI-3149) and the adjacent abyssal plain (AI-2620). The study of these cores unraveled significant differences in their composition. In contrast to the lithologically homogeneous Core AI-2620, Core AI-3149 includes interlayers enriched in the biogenic CaCO3, terrigenous silt, and authigenic ferromanganese micronodules. These peculiarities are attributed to activity of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) contour currents along the EMOC.  相似文献   

The methodical principles of the analysis of biogenic silica accumulation in the pelagic zones of the Pacific and Indian oceans are considered. Two quantitative approaches of lithological analysis are compared: method of absolute mass by A.D. Arkhangel’skii and volumetric method by A.B. Ronov. It is established that the concept of “two oceans” (“ice” and “non-ice”) may be applied to both the oceans. Differences in the evolution of the silica accumulation rate in the Pleistocene between high- and low-latitude oceans are revealed.  相似文献   

New volatile data (CO2, H2O, He, Ne, and Ar) are presented for 24 submarine basaltic glasses from the Kolbeinsey Ridge, Tjörnes Fracture Zone and Mohns Ridge, North Atlantic. Low CO2 and He contents indicate that magmas were strongly outgassed with the extent of degassing increasing toward the south, as expected from shallower ridge depths. Ne and Ar are significantly more abundant in the southernmost glasses than predicted for degassed melt. The strong atmospheric isotopic signal associated with this excess Ne and Ar suggests syn- or posteruptive contamination by air. Degassing, by itself, cannot generate the large variations in δ13C values of dissolved CO2 or coupled CO2-Ar variations. This suggests that δ13C values were also affected by some other processes, most probably melt-crust interaction. Modelling indicates that degassing had a negligible influence on water owing to its higher solubility in basaltic melt than the other volatiles. Low H2O contents in the glasses reflect melting of a mantle source that is not water-rich relative to the source of N-MORB.Before eruption, Kolbeinsey Ridge melts contained ∼400 ppm CO2 with δ13C of −6‰, 0.1 to 0.35 wt.% H2O, 3He/4He ∼11 RA, and CO2/3He of ∼2 × 109. We model restored volatile characteristics and find homogeneous compositions in the source of Kolbeinsey Ridge magmas. Relative to the MORB-source, He and Ne are mildly fractionated while the 40Ar/36Ar may be low. The 3He/4He ratios in Tjörnes Fracture Zone glasses are slightly higher (13.6 RA) than on Kolbeinsey Ridge, suggesting a greater contribution of Icelandic mantle from the south, but the lack of 3He/4He variation along the Kolbeinsey Ridge is inconsistent with active dispersal of Icelandic mantle beyond the Tjörnes Fracture Zone.  相似文献   

Basalts dredged from the Mid-Indian Ocean Ridge System have rare earth, Rb, and Sr concentrations like those from other mid-ocean ridges, but have slightly higher Sr87/Sr86 ratios. Underlying gabbroic complexes are similar to the basalts in Sr87/Sr86, but are poorer K, Rb, and in rare earths. The chemical and isotopic data, as well as the geologic relations suggest a cumulate origin for the bulk of the gabbroic complexes.  相似文献   

The rare earth element (REE) contents of sixteen surficial calcareous sediments from the southwestern Carlsberg Ridge, Indian Ocean, have been determined. The total REE vary from 35 ppm to 126 ppm and are inversely related to the calcium carbonate content. REEs show a strong positive correlation with Al + Fe + K + Mg + Na (r 2= 0.98) and Mn + Fe + Cu + Ni (r 2= 0.86) suggesting that the REE is associated with a combined phase of clays (mainly illite) and Mn-Fe oxyhydroxides. The aeolian input into these sediments is suggested from the weak positive Eu/Eu* anomaly. Shale-normalized (NASC) pattern along with La(n)/Yb(n) ratio suggest enrichment of heavy REE (HREE) relative to the light REE (LREE) with a negative Ce/Ce* anomaly implying retention of a bottom water REE pattern. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Spilites from the Carlsberg Ridge, Indian Ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A dredge haul from 5°N. on the Carlsberg Ridge brought upa collection of rocks that form a coherent spilitic series.Different specimens are identified with the various parts ofa spilitic pillow lava pile; some with pillow cores, otherswith pillow margins, and yet others with the material interstitialto the pillows. Their mineralogy is of greenschist facies. Comparisonwith the fresh basalt pillow lavas of the oceans suggests thatthese spilites were formed from the basalts by low-grade metamorphism,and were neither the product of the reaction of hot basalt withsea water nor that of the crystallization of a special spiliticmagma. The pillow cores, consisting of an albite-chlorite-augite-sphene-(actinolite-epidote)assemblage are contrasted strongly with the pillow margins,composed principally of chlorite, and this contrast seems tobe controlled by the original basalt mineralogy. Calcic plagioclasehas been replaced by albite, augite may remain or may be replacedby actinolite, iron ore has been replaced by sphene, and botholivine and basalt-glass by chlorite. Thus the pillow margins,originally almost entirely glassy, are now chemically very differentfrom the originally crystalline pillow cores. This process has involved a large-scale local transport of materialbetween core and margin of the pillows. The degree of this transportcan be closely estimated because the convergent compositionof deep-ocean basalts, especially strong in this region, meansthat the composition of the basalt from which the spilite hasformed is very well known. The hypothesis that the bulk compositionof the lava pile has remained constant during the transformationto spilite can also be tested, and it appears that it does nothold. Significant amounts of CaO and A12O3 must have been lostfrom the pile, and a large amount of water gained by it. Theremay or may not have been significant gains in SiO2, total Feand Na2O. The contrast of this kind of process with the isochemicalmetamorphism more normal in metamorphic terrains is ascribedto the effect of shear on the rates of nucleation of the differentphases.  相似文献   

铂族元素在地壳、岩石和沉积物中的分布   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
迟清华  鄢明才 《地球化学》2006,35(5):461-471
随着20世纪90年代铂族元素分析测试技术的突破性进展以及大量可靠的岩石和沉积物铂族元素含量分析数据的积累,引用20世纪80年代前发表的有关铂族元素的地壳丰度和岩石、沉积物中的平均含量作为衡量标准已不适宜。根据近15年来获得的大量的有关铂族元素含量的可靠数据,综合给出了铂族元素在地壳、岩石、土壤和沉积物中的丰度。这种对地壳、岩石和沉积物中铂族元素丰度值的新认识,对理论地球化学、勘查地球化学甚至铂族元素矿产勘查工作都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Crystallization of spinel minerals in transitional and alkali basalts from Iceland can be related to the FeO, MgO, TiO2 and Cr contents of the coexisting melt. Chromian spinel occurs in glasses in which TiO2 is less than 2.8 wt.% and the weight ratio FeO/MgO is less than 2.0, whereas titanomagnetite occurs when the same parameters are greater than 4 wt.% and 2.7, respectively. In addition, chromian spinel only occurs in basalts with Cr greater than 200 ppm. It is suggested that chromian spinel crystallizes, together with olivine, from liquids with olivine liquidus temperatures ranging from above 1,200° C to approximately 1,150° C. A discontinuity in spinel crystallization follows until below 1,100° C, where titanomagnetite starts to crystallize. Compositional variations in chromian spinel attached to, or included, in homogeneous olivine phenocrysts, however, cannot be related to equilibrium relations. Textural relations suggest homogeneous nucleation for titanomagnetite, whereas chromian spinel nucleates heterogeneously, dependent on growth of olivine phenocrysts. The composition of chromian spinels cannot in detail be related to physical and compositional parameters of the average melt, but may be related to local compositional relations in the melt adjacent to growing crystals. Such compositional variation around growing olivine crystals may be the prime reason for the non-equilibrium precipitation of included chromian spinels.  相似文献   

Basaltic glasses from the three alkalic areas of Iceland (Snaefellsnes Volcanic Zone, Sudurland Volcanic Zone and Vestmannaeyjar Volcanic Area) contain plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxene, chromian spinel and titanomagnetite as phenocryst phases. The glasses are hypersthene to nepheline normative alkali basaltic with FeO/ MgO ratios between 1.4–4.7. Olivine ranges in composition from Fo90 to Fo55, plagioclase from An90 to An50 and clinopyroxene from En45Fs10Wo45 to En40Fs17Wo43. Clinopyroxene reveals systematic Ti:Al metastable crystallization trends related to the composition of the enclosing glass. Two types of phenocryst are present in most glasses and show a bimodality in size and composition. Microphenocryst phases are those most likely to have crystallized from the enclosing glass, while macrophenocrysts may have crystallized from a liquid of slightly less evolved composition. The glasses show complex phenocryst-glass relations which can be related to a polybaric effect. The normative glass compositions are related to 2-phase cotectic surfaces in the basalt tetrahedron and define the position of the 3-phase cotectic line. In general with increasing FeO/MgO in the glass the phenocryst assemblages vary from clinopyroxene, olivine and plagioclase along a clinopyroxene-olivine surface to olivine and plagioclase along an olivine-plagioclase surface. The normative glass compositions show a deflection from clinopyroxene-bearing to clinopyroxene-free glasses. The appearance of plagioclase together with clinopyroxene and olivine can be explained in the light of experimental investigations of the effect of pressure on phase relations. The major element variation of the glasses is interpreted as representing mantle derived magma batches of primary liquids, modified to some degree by high (6 kbar) and intermediate to low pressure (below 3 kbar) crystal fractionation towards equilibrium phase relations during ascent and residence in crustal magma chambers. The observed deflection in normative compositions of the glasses marks the position of the high pressure 3-phase cotectic line. The bimodality in size and composition of plagioclase and olivine phenocrysts can be related to high pressure crystal fractionation in the melt. The Fe-Ti basalt glasses from Sudurland are believed to be quenched high pressure compositions.  相似文献   

Mafic intrusions and dykes are well preserved in the Yinmin and Lanniping districts, located within the western margin of the Yangtze Block, SW China. Although these mafic rocks from the two areas formed during different periods, they share similar ranges of PGE concentration. Most of the Yinmin gabbroic dykes contain relatively high PGE concentrations (PGEs = 13.9–87.0 ppb) and low S contents (0.003 %–0.020 %), higher than the maximum PGE concentrations of mafic magmas melting from the mantle. Two exceptional Yinmin samples are characterized by relatively low PGE (PGEs = 0.31–0.37 ppb) and high S (0.114 %–0.257 %) contents. In contrast, most samples from the Lanniping gabbroic intrusion have low PGE concentrations (PGEs = 0.12–1.02 ppb) and high S contents (0.130 %–0.360 %), except that the three samples exhibit relatively high PGE (PGEs = 16.3–34.8 ppb) and low S concentrations (0.014 %–0.070 %). All the Yinmin and Lanniping samples are characterized by the enrichment of PPGE relative to IPGE in the primitive-mantle normalized diagrams, and the high-PGE samples exhibit obvious Ru anomalies. This study suggests that during the ascent of the parental magma, removal of Os–Ir–Ru alloys and/or chromite/spinel leads to high Pd/Ir ratios and Ru anomalies for the Yinmin high-PGE samples and relatively lower Pd/Ir ratios and Ru anomalies for the Lanniping low-PGE samples. We propose that the magmas parental to the Yinmin gabbroic dykes are initially S-unsaturated, and subsequently, minor evolved magma reached sulfur saturation and led to sulfide segregation. Although the Lanniping parental magmas are originally not saturated in S, the high Cu/Pd ratios (3.8 × 104 to 3.2 × 106) for most of the Lanniping samples indicate the S-saturated state and sulfide segregation. A calculation shows that the PGE-poor magmas might have experienced 0.01 %–0.1 % sulfide segregation in the magma chamber. Therefore, our study provides a possible opportunity to discover PGE-enriched sulfide mineralization somewhere near or within the Lanniping mafic intrusion.  相似文献   

This study presents Sr and Pb isotopic ratios and Rb, Sr, U, Th, and Pb concentrations of an ultrapotassic basaltic suite and related rocks from the central Sierra Nevada, California. The ultrapotassic suite yields a narrow range of Sr and Pb isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr=0.70597–0.70653; 206Pb/ 204Pb=18.862–19.018; 207Pb/204Pb=15.640–15.686; 208Pb/ 204Pb=38.833–38.950). Associated basalts containing ultramafic nodules have less radiogenic Sr (87Sr/86=0.70430–0.70521) and generally higher Rb/Sr ratios than the ultrapotassic suite. Leucitites from Deep Springs Valley, California, contain high 87Sr/86Sr (71141–0.71240) and low 206Pb/204Pb (17.169–17.234) ratios, reflecting contamination by crustal granulite.The isotopic relationships support an origin of the ultrapotassic basaltic suite by partial melting of an enriched upper mantle source. Dehydration of a gently inclined oceanic slab beneath the Sierra Nevada may have provided Ba, K, Rb, Sr, and H2O, which migrated into the overlying upper mantle lithosphere. The end of subduction 10 m.y. ago allowed increased asthenospheric heat flow into the upper mantle lithosphere. The increased heat flow enhanced fluid movement in the upper mantle and contributed towards isotopic homogenization of the upper mantle source areas. Continued heating of the enriched upper mantle caused partial melting and subsequent eruption of the ultrapotassic lavas.  相似文献   

Uranium-lead ratios (commonly represented as 238U/204Pb = μ) calculated for the sources of martian basalts preserve a record of petrogenetic processes that were active during early planetary differentiation and formation of martian geochemical reservoirs. To better define the range of μ values represented by the source regions of martian basalts, we completed U-Pb elemental and isotopic analyses on whole rock, mineral and leachate fractions from the martian meteorite Queen Alexandra Range 94201 (QUE 94201). The whole rock and silicate mineral fractions have unradiogenic Pb isotopic compositions that define a narrow range (206Pb/204Pb = 11.16-11.61). In contrast, the Pb isotopic compositions of weak HCl leachates are more variable and radiogenic. The intersection of the QUE 94201 data array with terrestrial Pb in 206Pb/204Pb-207Pb/204Pb-208Pb/204Pb compositional space is consistent with varying amounts of terrestrial contamination in these fractions. We calculate that only 1-7% contamination is present in the purified silicate mineral and whole rock fractions, whereas the HCl leachates contain up to 86% terrestrial Pb. This terrestrial Pb contamination generated a 206Pb-207Pb array in the QUE fractions that appears to represent an ancient age, which contrasts with a much younger crystallization age of 327 ± 10 Ma derived from Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isochrons (Borg L. E., Nyquist L. E., Taylor L. A., Wiesmann H. and Shih C. -Y. (1997) Constraints on Martian differentiation processes from Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic analyses of the basaltic shergottite QUE 94201. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta61, 4915-4931). Despite the contamination, and accepting 327 ± 10 Ma as the crystallization age, we use the U-Pb data to determine the initial 206Pb/204Pb of QUE 94201 to be 11.086 ± 0.008 and to calculate the μ value of its mantle source to be 1.82 ± 0.01. The μ value calculated for the QUE 94201 source is the lowest determined for any martian basalt source, and, when compared to the highest values determined for martian basalt sources, indicates that μ values in martian source reservoirs vary by at least a factor of two. Additionally, the range of source μ values indicates that the μ value of bulk silicate Mars is approximately three. The amount of variation in the μ values of the mantle sources (μ ∼ 2-4) is greater than can be explained by igneous processes involving silicate phases alone. We suggest the possibility that a small amount of sulfide crystallization may generate greater extents of U-Pb fractionation during formation of the mantle sources of martian basalts.  相似文献   

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