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The interpretation of stable isotope values hinges on precise, accurate estimates of kinetic isotope effects (α), which are equal to 1k/2k, where 1k and 2k are the reaction rate constants for the two isotopes. Kinetic isotope effects are commonly determined by monitoring the reactant concentration (C) and isotope ratio (R) relative to their initial values (C1 and R1, respectively). Values of α are estimated from the C and R values by using the Rayleigh distillation equation (RDE).
(A)  相似文献   

E. N. Kairu Dr. 《GeoJournal》1991,25(4):371-376
The problems which characterize the study of evapotranspiration are briefly discussed. Different models which have been used for estimating evapotranspiration are reviewed. They include the eddy correlation model, mass transport model, aerodynamic model, Penman-resistance model and the energy balance model. The utilization of remote sensing for regional evapotranspiration estimation is discussed at length with case studies cited from USA, France, Germany and Kenya.  相似文献   

The sub-arc mantle that experienced hydrous melting is commonly characterized by refractory geochemical compositions. Nevertheless, minor lherzolites with fertile compositions have also been reported for mantle peridotites from subduction zone. The petrogenesis and mantle source of the lherzolites are still controversial. The New Caledonia ophiolite(Peridotite Nappe) has been regarded as an allochthonous body of forearc lithosphere. This is supported by refractory compositions of its dominant mantle rocks.A few isolated lherzolitic massifs have also been observed in the northern part of New Caledonia.Those lherzolites are compositionally similar to abyssal peridotites, with negligible subduction-related modification. Here, we present new comprehensive geochemical compositions, in particular highprecision Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data, for the lherzolites. The initial176 Hf/177 Hf ratios display moderate correlations with sensitive indicators for the extent of melting(i.e., olivine Fo, whole-rock Mg# and Yb contents in clinopyroxene) and whole-rock initial187 Os/188 Os ratios. Some samples have ancient radiogenic Hf isotopes and unradiogenic Os isotope compositions, implying the preservation of ancient depletion signals in the lherzolites. The Nd isotope compositions, together with trace elements and mineral micro-textures, suggest that the lherzolites have been overprinted by a recent melt-rock interaction event. The high equilibrium temperatures of the studied samples have been estimated by the twopyroxene REE thermometer, yielding temperatures of 1066–1315 ℃. The lherzolites have more depleted Nd-Hf isotope compositions and higher equilibrium temperatures than the New Caledonia harzburgites.This indicates that the lherzolites may represent the residues of asthenosphere mantle trapped within the forearc region. Our studies on the New Caledonia lherzolites with ancient depletion signals suggest that ancient mantle domains in the convective mantle can be emplaced in forearc region by the upwelling of asthenosphere during the early stage of subduction initiation.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2003,193(3-4):155-166
The degree of partial melting of primary magmas can be estimated using the ratios of trace element concentrations of lavas with different compositions. In addition, the source concentrations of the trace elements can be estimated. Two methods are demonstrated that use either linear or hyperbolic regression of trace element pairs. The accuracy of the methods is mainly limited by the assumption of constant source concentration ratios, and the accuracy of the applied distribution coefficients. The degrees of melting of nephelinite and alkali olivine basalt from Kauai, Hawaii are estimated as about 9% and 12%, respectively. Presently, the accuracy of estimates of the degrees of partial melting is rather limited by the accuracy of the available distribution coefficients.  相似文献   

闫澍旺  朱红霞  刘润  孙万禾 《岩土力学》2007,28(8):1581-1586
根据随机场理论,对求解土层相关距离的递推空间法和相关函数法进行比较和探讨,指出两种方法所求得的相关距离值存在偏差的原因,并从理论上证明当样本容量足够大时两种方法的计算结果可以得到统一。对相关函数法作出改进,使其更易于曲线的拟合和参数的确定,最后采用实际工程的勘察测试资料进行了分析计算,验证了由计算公式推导所得的结论在实际工程中也是成立的。  相似文献   

The sulfur isotopic compositions of putative primary troilite grains within 15 ferromagnesian chondrules (10 FeO-poor and 5 FeO-rich chondrules) in the least metamorphosed ordinary chondrites, Bishunpur and Semarkona, have been measured by ion microprobe. Some troilite grains are located inside metal spherules within chondrules. Since such an occurrence is unlikely to be formed by secondary sulfidization processes in the solar nebula or on parent bodies, those troilites are most likely primary, having survived chondrule-forming high-temperature events. If they are primary, they may be the residues of evaporation at high temperatures during chondrule formation and may have recorded mass-dependent isotopic fractionations. However, the supposed primary troilites measured in this study do not show any significant sulfur isotopic fractionations (<1 ‰/amu) relative to large troilite grains in matrix. Among other chondrule troilites that we measured, only one (BI-CH22) apparently has a small excess of heavy isotopes (2.7 ± 1.4 ‰/amu) consistent with isotopic fractionation during evaporation. All other grains have isotopic fractionations of <1 ‰/amu. Because sulfur is so volatile that evaporation during chondrule formation is probably inevitable, non-Rayleigh evaporation most likely explains the lack of isotopic fractionation in putative primary troilite inside chondrules. Evaporation through the surrounding silicate melt would have suppressed the isotopic fractionation after silicate dust grains melted. At lower temperatures below extensive melting of silicates, a heating rate of >104-106 K/h would be required to avoid a large degree of sulfur isotopic fractionation in the chondrule precursors. This heating rate may provide a new constraint on the chondrule formation processes.  相似文献   

Two methods, both using data from fixed-interval-length hydraulic tests and geological mapping on different scales, have been utilised to estimate transmissivity distributions of individual fractures. Individual fracture properties are of importance in estimating transport of water and solutes; they influence the spreading of grout when sealing tunnels. One of the methods is non-parametric, while the other is based on combinatorics and the multiplication principle. The study verified the usefulness of both methods for estimating the probability of conductive and non-conductive fractures, and the transmissivity distributions. Data for estimating transmissivity distributions originate from flow logging of a borehole in Sweden. Fracture frequency data are from core logging and images using a borehole image processing system (BIPS). Estimated transmissivity distributions, based on flow log data from 3-m sections (test scale length, L: 3 m, and step length, dL: 3 m), were compared with transmissivities obtained directly from detailed, overlapping flow logging which identify individual conductive fractures (test scale, L: 0.5 m, step length, dL: 0.1 m). The latter data are considered to be an acceptable approximation of the individual fracture transmissivities; the agreement, compared with the calculated transmissivity distributions based on 3-m section data, is good for both methods.
Resumen Se han utilizado dos métodos, ambos procesando datos de pruebas hidráulicas de longitud e intervalo fijo y mapas geológicos en distintas escalas, para estimar las distribuciones de transmisividad de fracturas individuales. Las propiedades de fracturas individuales son de importancia para estimar el transporte de agua y solutos; las propiedades influyen en la propagación de lechada al sellar túneles. Uno de los métodos es no paramétrico mientras que el otro se basa en el principio de multiplicación y combinatorio. El estudio verifica la utilidad de ambos métodos para estimar la probabilidad de fracturas conductivas y no conductivas y las distribuciones de transmisividad. Los datos para estimar las distribuciones de transmisividad se originan del registro de flujo de un pozo en Suecia. Los datos de frecuencia de fracturas provienen de registros de núcleo e imágenes usando un Sistema de Procesamiento de Imágenes de Pozo (BIPS). Se compararon las distribuciones estimadas de transmisividad basadas en datos del registro de flujo en secciones de 3 m (longitud de escala de la prueba L: 3 m, y escalón de longitud dL: 3 m), con transmisividades obtenidas directamente de registros detallados de flujo superpuesto el cual identifica fracturas conductivas individuales (escala de la prueba, L: 0.5 m, escalón de longitud, dL: 0.1 m). Los últimos datos se consideran una aproximación aceptable de las transmisividades de fracturas individuales; la consistencia, comparada con las distribuciones de transmisividad calculada basadas en datos de sección de 3 m, es buena para ambos métodos.

Résumé Deux méthodes ont été testées afin d’estimer la distribution des transmissivités de fractures unitaires; toutes deux utilisent des données issues de tests hydrauliques effectués à intervalles réguliers et de cartographies géologiques à plusieurs échelles. La connaissance des propriétés des fractures unitaires est importante pour estimer le transport d’eau et de solutés; elles influencent en outre l’étalement du coulis lors du scellement des tunnels. La première méthode est non-paramétrique, et la seconde repose sur l’analyse combinatoire et le principe de multiplication. Cette étude a vérifié l’utilité des deux méthodes pour estimer la probabilité d’occurrence de fractures conductrices et non-conductrices, et la distribution des transmissivités. Les distributions des transmissivités ont été estimées à partir de diagraphies effectuées sur un forage situé en Suède. Les densités de fracturation proviennent de carottages et d’imagerie BIPS (Borehole Image Processing System). Les distributions estimées des transmissivités, basées sur des diagraphies de flux effectuées sur des sections de 3 m (échelle du test L:3 m; pas dL:3 m), ont été comparées aux transmissivités obtenues sur des diagraphies de flux détaillées et se chevauchant, identifiant les fractures conductrices unitaires (échelle du test L: 0.5 m ; pas dL: 0.1 m). Il est admis que ces dernières données représentent une approximation satisfaisante des transmissivités des fractures unitaires; les deux méthodes sont en accord avec les distributions des transmissivités calculées à partir des données acquises sur des sections de 3 m.

基性岩斜锆石U-Pb同位素定年3种方法之比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
根据新的研究成果,结合近年来文献报道的资料,对利用3种方法,即同位素稀释-热电离质谱(ID-TIMS)法、高灵敏度高分辨率离子探针质谱(SHRIMP)法、激光烧蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICPMS)法做基性岩斜锆石U-Pb同位素定年的优点和局限性进行比较,并讨论了针对具体样品选择定年方法的基本原则。新的研究成果表明,基性岩斜锆石U-Pb同位素年龄测定的3种方法各有不同的特点及局限性。在实际工作中,根据从具体样品中分选得到的斜锆石的数量、粒度大小、年龄范围、U-Pb含量、测年精度要求等因素,灵活地选择测年方法,对于获得比较理想的测年结果是非常重要的。  相似文献   

Carbon isotope and molecular compositions of Mississippian to Upper Cretaceous mud gases have been examined from four depth profiles across the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB). The profiles range from the shallow oil sands in the east (R0 = 0.25) to the very mature sediments in the overthrust zone to the west (R0 = 2.5). In the undisturbed WCSB, δ13C1δ13C2 and δ13C2δ13C3 cross-plots show three maturity and alteration trends: (1) pre-Cretaceous gas sourced from type II kerogen; (2) Cretaceous Colorado Group gas; and (3) Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group biodegraded gas. A fourth set of distinctly different maturity trends is recognized for Lower Cretaceous gas sourced from type III kerogen in the disturbed belt of the WCSB. Displacement of these latter maturity trends to high δ13C2 values suggests that the sampled gas was trapped after earlier formed gas escaped, probably as a result of overthrusting. Unusually 13C-enriched gas (δ13C1 = −34‰, δ13C2 = −13‰, and δ13C3 = 0‰), from the Gething Formation in the disturbed belt, is the result of late stage gas cracking in a closed system. In general, gas maturity is consistent with the maturity of the host sediments in the WCSB, suggesting that migration and mixing of gases was not pervasive on a broad regional and stratigraphic scale. The ‘Deep Basin’ portion of the WCSB is an exception. Here extensive cross-formational homogenization of gases has occurred, in addition to updip migration along the most permeable stratigraphic units.  相似文献   

The biogenic contents of marine sediment cores are useful proxies for revealing past oceanic and climatic variability. Color reflectance spectral methods provide a rapid and non-destructive avenue for acquiring high-resolution biogenic content data from the split surfaces of marine sediment cores. This study presents new results on the applications of color reflectance methods for determining the biogenic contents of sediment cores retrieved from the South China Sea (SCS), a dynamic setting that receives biogenic components such as carbonate, total organic carbon (TOC), and opal from the sea, and terrestrial sediments transported by the Pearl River and Kao-Ping River from the north, and the Sunda Shelf from the south. Our study found that the color reflectance methods that are based on a regionally limited calibration provide more optimal estimates of the biogenic content of marine cores from the SCS than do basin-scale calibration methods. Though the regional calibrations appear to be successful, our analyses indicate the complexity of applying color reflectance methods in marine sediment core studies. We also performed a controlled experiment that was designed to quantitatively test how the carbonate content increased the influence of color reflectance changes, using outcropped, Pleistocene-aged sediment samples taken from the “Moon World (MW)” in southwestern Taiwan as control data. The results of this experiment suggest that the regression equations for estimating CaCO3 content based on core data are not solely driven by input variables responding directly to CaCO3 content changes, and that the composition of terrestrial sediment inputs into the SCS are complicated both spatially and temporally. Our studies also suggest that a better understanding of the compositional changes of terrestrial sediment inputs into the SCS will be required to minimize the uncertainties of biogenic content estimations by color reflectance methods.  相似文献   

Stable isotope composition of syngenetic and epigenetic ice wedges, radiocarbon age, and pollen spectra of the surrounding deposits were studied during long term investigations at the "Belyi Klyuch" site on the first(6-8 m height) terrace of the Chara River(720 m.a.s.l.) in northern Transbaikalia to assess climatic conditions during ice-wedge formation. It was revealed that Holocene ice wedges had been formed from 10 to 7.5 ka 14 C BP. The isotope composition(δ~(18)O, δ~2 H) of relict ice wedges is the lightest and amounts-23‰ and-185‰, correspondingly. The isotopic compositions of ice lenses from sandy loam above ice wedges are-15.7‰, and-133‰; of small ice wedge in peat and sand are-15.3‰ and-117.9‰, accordingly.Interpretation of the ice wedge isotope composition has yielded that mean winter temperatures during cold stages of Holocene optimum were lower than today, during warm stages they were close to modern ones. During the coldest stages of Holocene optimum the total annual freezing index varied from-5100 to-5700 ℃ degree days, i.e. 300-600 ℃ degree days colder than during extremely severe modern winters. The total annual thawing index varied from 1300 to 1800 ℃ degree days, which was slightly higher than modern ones.  相似文献   

《Computers and Geotechnics》2006,33(6-7):294-304
When the slope geometry, unit weight and pore water pressure distribution in a homogeneous soil slope are given, the location of the critical slip surface for a particular method of slices is related only to the ratio of c′ (cohesion) and tan ϕ′ (internal friction angle). To utilize this relationship in back calculating c′ and ϕ′ values, two slope models with circular slip mechanism are presented to represent shear failures in simple fill or cut slopes and long natural slopes, and for each of the models, two dimensionless parameters regarding c′/tan ϕ′ and maximum depth of the critical slip surface are introduced. Based on the new findings from limit equilibrium analysis of slope models, charts are plotted to show the relationships of the two dimensionless parameters and ϕ′ values for a safety factor of unity. Using the charts can make a rapid estimate of the magnitude of both c′ and ϕ′ from a known position of the failure surface in a homogeneous slope.  相似文献   

利用毛细管理论推导了特定粒径颗粒堆积物中毛细水的上升高度,据此建立了土体级配与非饱和土土-水特征曲线的联系,构造了一个近似确定土-水特征曲线的新的物理经验模型。对大部分土而言,模型中引入的修正参数ouR与吸力水头h在对数坐标下呈现明显的线性相关性,可以使用ouln R?aln(h/m)?b进行拟合;利用非饱和土数据库UNSODA中406种土样的测量数据(包括干燥过程的土-水特征曲线和级配曲线)对拟合参数a、b进行了参数分析,统计了a、b的分布规律;计算显示,a、b与级配和孔隙比无关,可能受矿物组成影响。利用提出的模型进行预测时,可以用矿物组成类似的土样试验结果计算a、b值以确定修正参数ouR,在资料缺乏时也可使用统计得到的a、b平均值。该模型为间接确定土-水特征曲线提供了思路。  相似文献   

罗超  楼梦麟  桂国庆 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):414-422
以上海某大跨度连续钢构桥梁的场地为例,讨论动水压力对河谷场地土层地震响应的影响,通过对建筑结构抗震规范反应谱生成时程,采用一维、二维模型分别计算得到场地地震动输入时程。对比可以看出,考虑动水压力将会大大减小场地的竖向地震动反应,而动水压力对水平向的地震响应影响不大;反应谱生成时程的方法与一维模型计算得到的时程均与采用考虑场地地形变化的二维模型的计算结果有较大的区别;二维模型计算得到的时程反应谱的卓越周期超出规范反应谱的平台段。最后,讨论了河谷场地对周围场地的影响范围,结果表明河水及河谷对周围场地水平方向的影响范围是沿河谷外侧5倍土层深度或140倍河谷深度,在该范围内的建筑物均应考虑河谷的影响。  相似文献   

Oxygen-isotope profiles for the Devon Island ice cap and Camp Century Greenland are affected by a number of variables, some of which must have been the same for both sites. The two δ(18O) records spanning about 120,000 years are brought into relative alignment by comparison of major δ features, and subsequent verification that the insoluble particulate concentration records were also in phase for this alignment. The difference between the δ profiles is shown to be mainly a function of the altitude of the accumulation area for Camp Century. This altitude seems to have been higher than present for the last 100,000 years, suggesting the present flow line through the site has never been shorter. The maximum altitude for the Camp Century accumulation area is 1500 m above the present site and is almost synchronous with the maximum in particulate concentration that occurs at 16,000 yr B.P. The synchronism is likely due to the maximum sea-level lowering that exposed vast areas of continental shelf to wind erosion.  相似文献   

三种方法测试岩溶水样氢氧同位素的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨会  王华  吴夏  唐伟  蓝高勇  涂林玲 《中国岩溶》2018,37(4):632-637
通过高温热转换元素-同位素比值质谱法(TC/EA-IRMS)、多用途气体制备仪-同位素比值质谱法(GasbenchⅡ-IRMS)以及激光光谱法对岩溶水样进行对比检测,其结果显示:对于氢同位素,TC/EA-IRMS的精密度达到0.3 ‰,激光光谱法的精密度达到0.1 ‰,均优于GasbenchⅡ-IRMS的精密度1.4 ‰;对于氧同位素,GasbenchⅡ-IRMS的精密度达到0.02 ‰,激光光谱法的精密度达到0.04 ‰,优于TC/EA-IRMS的精密度0.16 ‰。使用激光光谱法测定岩溶水样的氢氧同位素,所需要的样品量少,精密度高,能够满足岩溶区样品的高精度测试要求。   相似文献   

Arabian Journal of Geosciences - The uniaxial compressive and tensile strength of rocks are crucial parameters in the design stage of geotechnical structures. However, direct determination of these...  相似文献   

Hamidi  Nahon  McKenzie  Michard  Colin  & Kamel 《地学学报》1999,11(4):157-161
Carbonate commonly accumulates in weathering profiles developed on noncalcareous parent material under arid and semiarid climatic conditions. Such weathering profile types are widespread in Morocco, making it critical to know the sources of the calcium in order to understand the genesis of carbonate-rich soils. In this study, we use 87Sr/86Sr as a geochemical tracer of the Ca sources in weathering profiles developed on volcanic rocks (basalt, tuff, andesite and latite) in the Mediterranean coast of Morocco. The results show that the most of the Sr, and hence Ca, is of an external origin, derived from (i) sea-water for the profiles located near to the coast or (ii) sea-water plus Liassic carbonate outcropping in the catchment for the profiles more distant from the coastline. The contribution of the host rock is small, being less than 25%. The ratio of the Sr (Ca) from the parent material to that from the external sources is controlled by the degree of porosity developed in the profile.  相似文献   

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