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An operational storm surge forecasting system aimed at providing warning information for storm surges has been developed and evaluated using four typhoon events. The warning system triggered by typhoon forecasts from Taiwan Cooperative Precipitation Ensemble Forecast Experiment (TAPEX) has been executed with two storm surge forecasting scenarios with and without tides. Three numerical experiments applying different meteorological inputs have been designed to assess the impact of typhoon forcing on storm surges. One uses synthetic wind fields, and the others use realistic wind fields with and without adjustments to the initial wind fields for the background circulation. Local observations from Central Weather Bureau (CWB) weather stations and tide gauge stations are used to evaluate the wind fields and storm surges from our numerical experiments. The comparison results show that the accuracy of the storm surge forecast is dominated by the track, the intensity, and the driving flow of a typhoon. When the structure of a typhoon is disturbed by Taiwan’s topography, using meteorological inputs from real wind fields can result in a better typhoon simulation than using inputs from synthetic wind fields. The driving flow also determines the impact of topography on typhoon movement. For quickly moving typhoons, storm forcing from TAPEX is reliable when a typhoon is strong enough to be relatively unaffected by environmental flows; otherwise, storm forcing from a sophisticated typhoon initialization scheme that better simulates the typhoon and environmental flows results in a more accurate prediction of storm surges. Therefore, when a typhoon moves slowly and interacts more with the topography and environmental flows, incorporating realistic wind fields with adjustments to the initial wind fields for the background circulation in the warning system will obtain better predictions for a typhoon and its resultant storm surges.  相似文献   

Two recent catastrophic earthquakes that struck the Marmara Region on 17 August 1999 (Mw=7.4) and 12 November 1999 (Mw=7.2) caused major concern about future earthquake occurrences in Istanbul and the Marmara Region. As a result of the preparations for an expected earthquake may occur around Istanbul region, an earthquake early warning system has been established in 2002 with a simple and robust algorithm, based on the exceedance of specified thresholds of time domain amplitudes and the cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) levels (Erdik et al., 2003 [1]). In order to improve the capability of Istanbul earthquake early warning system (IEEWS) for giving early warning of a damaging earthquake in the Marmara Region, we explored an alternative approach with the use of a period parameter (τc) and a high-pass filtered vertical displacement amplitude parameter (Pd) from the initial 3 s of the P waveforms as proposed by Kanamori (2005) [2] and Wu and Kanamori (2005) 3 and 4. The empirical relationships both between τc and moment magnitude (Mw), and between Pd and peak ground velocity (PGV) for the Marmara Region are presented. These relationships can be used to detect a damaging earthquake within seconds after the arrival of P waves, and can provide on-site warning in the Marmara Region.  相似文献   

重大工程地震预警初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
现代电子技术的应用使强震仪的功能大大加强,数字强震仪和电子通讯技术的应用使得地震预警能够实现,本文介绍了地震预警的传统方法和基于现代信息技术的地震预警理论和方法,以日本的UrEDAS为例,详细介绍了基于P波单台定位,定震级的方法,对我国开展相关研究具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

地震预警系统与智能应急控制系统研究   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
基于实时地震(强震动)观测台网的地震预警和地震应急控制系统是近年来国际上日益引起人们重视的防震减灾手段,它不仅可以减轻地震造成的人员伤亡和降低重大工程次生灾害的发生,而且还可为震后紧急救援和抢修提供依据。对地震预警的基本思想以及地震预警和应急控制系统的国内外建设现状进行综述。  相似文献   

江西省地震烈度速报与预警工程是对江西省现有地震监测台网进行加密和升级后,形成的地震烈度速报与预警观测网络和紧急地震信息服务网络,向社会公众和政府部门及时提供紧急地震信息服务。本文介绍了江西省地震烈度速报与预警工程基本情况,重新对江西省地震监测能力进行了计算,并对地震预警能力进行了评估。  相似文献   

An earthquake early warning (EEW) system with integration of regional and onsite approaches was installed at nine demonstration stations in several districts of Taiwan for taking advantages of both approaches. The system performance was evaluated by a 3-year experiment at schools, which experienced five major earthquakes during this period. The blind zone of warning was effectively reduced by the integrated EEW system. The predicted intensities from EEW demonstration stations showed acceptable accuracy compared to field observations. The operation experience from an earthquake event proved that students could calmly carry out correct action before the seismic wave arrived using some warning time provided by the EEW system. Through successful operation in practice, the integrated EEW system was verified as an effective tool for disaster prevention at schools.  相似文献   

本研究的主要目的是基于该区域现有的实时宽频带台站,研究地震预警系统(earthquake early warning system,EEWS)对潜在破坏性地震发出警告的可行性。研究区位于伊比利亚半岛(Iberian Peninsula)西南部的圣维森特角(Cape San Vicente,SV)和加的斯湾(Gulf of Cádiz,GC)。该区域历史地震有1755年里斯本(Lisbon)Mw8.5地震和1969年圣维森特角Mw7.8地震。本研究阐明了基于美国地质调查局(U.S. Geological Survey,USGS)的Earthworm工具,及由西班牙加泰罗尼亚地质制图研究所(Institut Cartogràfici Geològicde Catalunya,ICGC)进一步研究出的地震预警系统的设计、配置和产出结果。系统的主要功能是实时数据采集、处理(利用预先估算的峰值位移Pd和P波信号的卓越周期τc进行P波拾取、地震事件监测、地震震源定位和震级估算)、数据归档和地震预警发布。系统在完成一些模拟实验并获得最佳配置后进行运行。在运行的第一年内,该区域发生了一次有感地震。与国家地理研究所(Instituto Geográfico Nacional,IGN)地震目录相比较,定位和震级结果都相当好。对于大部分区域的预警时间都能达到几十秒,对于葡萄牙和西班牙南部沿海大部分区域来说,足以减轻由GC和SV地震所带来的损害。此系统的初步结果表明,该系统能可靠地、有效地用于伊比利亚西南部地区的可能性。   相似文献   

地震预警系统的效能评估和社会效益分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
郭凯  温瑞智  彭克银 《地震学报》2016,38(1):146-154
本文从地震预警系统可减少的人员伤亡和可挽回的经济损失两个角度出发, 研究了地震预警系统的效能和社会效益. 通过对兰州市及周边地区潜在震源各个震级档的年平均发生概率进行计算, 并结合以兰州市为中心布设的80个强震预警台站信息, 计算了有效的预警时间及地震烈度. 基于生命易损性模型方法, 计算了地震预警系统可减少的人员伤亡系数; 采用基于宏观GDP的损失评估方法, 计算了地震预警系统可减少的经济损失, 分析了地震预警系统的社会效益. 计算结果表明: 减小地震预警盲区范围对提高地震预警系统的效能非常关键; 地震预警系统的建设和台网布局应重点考虑布设区域的人口密度、 经济情况及地震发生概率.   相似文献   

日本新干线地震监测与预警系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地震是一种对高速铁路行车安全危害极大的自然灾害,为了减轻地震对高速铁路造成的灾害,建设高速铁路地震监测与预警系统是一项行之有效的手段。详细介绍了较为成熟的日本新干线地震监测与预警系统的发展历史、系统组成、紧急处置流程、报警方式、震源参数与紧急处置范围的确定方法,以及该系统在2011年3月11日东日本大地震中的紧急处置过程,旨在为中国高速铁路地震监测与预警系统的研究与建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

由削坡建房遗留的人工边坡存在大量滑坡隐患问题,在降雨引发土质边坡自身动力变化分析条件下,以稳定性评价建模为基础,提出降雨型滑坡动力学预警预报模型.文中以广东省梅州市花岗岩地区为例,使用GIS技术构建了1727个预警分析单元,并进行关键地质环境因子赋值及与气象站点数据关联;按坡高、坡度等参数,分别构建16个边坡失稳动力学...  相似文献   

为提升现地仪器地震烈度预测的准确性与连续性,研究面向地震预警的PGV连续预测模型.以中国仪器地震烈度标准的计算参数:0.1~10 Hz带通滤波三分向矢量合成速度峰值PGV为预测目标,利用日本K-net与KiK-net台网P波触发后1~10 s强震数据,基于人工智能中的机器学习方法-最小二乘支持向量机,选取7种特征参数作为输入构建最小二乘支持向量机PGV预测模型LSSVM-PGV.结果表明,本文建立的LSSVM-PGV模型在训练数据集与测试数据集上的预测误差标准差变化趋于一致,具备泛化性能;P波触发后3 s预测PGV与实测PGV即可整体符合1:1关系,随着时间窗的增长,PGV预测的误差标准差显著减小、并在P波触发后6 s趋向收敛,具备准确连续预测能力;对比同为P波触发后3 s的常用Pd-PGV模型,LSSVM-PGV模型的PGV预测误差标准差明显减小,"小值高估"与"大值低估"现象明显改善,预测准确性得到提升.熊本地震序列的震例分析表明,对于6.5级以下地震,LSSVM-PGV模型最多在P波触发后3 s即可预测出与实测PGV整体符合1:1关系的PGV;对于7.3级主震,由于其破裂过程的复杂性,P波触发后3 s的预测结果出现一定程度的低估,但随着时间窗增长至6 s时,预测PGV与实测PGV符合1:1关系、并直到10 s整体趋势保持一致.本文构建的LSSVM-PGV模型可用于现地地震预警仪器地震烈度的预测.  相似文献   

利用P波参数阈值实时估算地震预警潜在破坏区范围   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
彭朝勇  杨建思 《地震学报》2019,41(3):354-365
由于传统的潜在破坏区范围估算方法只能在已获取到震中位置和地震事件结束后才能产出,且往往需要数分钟的耗时,其实时性已无法满足地震预警要求。因此,为了快速产出潜在破坏区范围估算结果并将其用于预警,本文采用了一种结合现地预警技术和区域预警技术、基于预警参数(位移幅值Pd和特征周期τc)阈值的实时潜在破坏区范围估算方法。首先利用国内地震事件(4.0≤MS≤8.0)的记录数据和日本强震动观测事件(6.5≤MJ≤8.0)的数据拟合出特定的适应于我国的参数关系式,包括τc与震级M的相关性、Pd与峰值速度PGV的相关性以及Pdτc和震源距R的相关性;其次,根据最小震级(MS6.0)和仪器烈度(Ⅶ度)定义相应的参数阈值(Pd=0.1 cm和τc=1.1 s);最后,利用已有的3次破坏性地震事件数据开展线下模拟,对该方法的适应性和时效性进行了验证。结果表明,对于2013年MS7.0四川芦山和2014年MS6.5云南鲁甸两次中强地震,震后约10 s即可获取到比较稳定的潜在破坏区范围估计结果;而对于2008年MS8.0汶川特大地震,在其记录台站分布密度不高的情况下,震后40 s左右的估算结果始呈稳定状态。   相似文献   

He  Zhiguo  Tang  Yanling  Xia  Yuezhang  Chen  Baode  Xu  Jie  Yu  Zhuzhu  Li  Li 《Ocean Dynamics》2020,70(3):307-325
Ocean Dynamics - The Yangshan Deep-Water Harbor (YDH) consists of a northern island chain and a southern island chain, with a deep channel between these two chains. It is frequently impacted by...  相似文献   

Earthquake early warning systems (EEWS) are considered an effective and viable tool for seismic risk reduction in cities. Innovative directions for the development of novel EEWS include designing new methods for structure specific EEWS, where regional and on-site networks of seismic stations and seismological and earthquake-engineering knowledge and experience are combined. Furthermore, the design of novel EEWS can nowadays take advantage of recent technological advances involving the development of low-cost networks of wireless accelerometric stations. In this work we present a first attempt at designing a structure specific EEW procedure, which is based on the analysis of early P-wave signals recorded by wireless accelerometers placed at different levels of a structure. The procedure exploits the interferometric analysis of the recorded P-wave signals to obtain the response of the structure with respect to an impulsive input signal. This latter piece of information can be combined with an estimation of the incoming event size in order to obtain a real-time early assessment of the structural response at the different structure's levels. The procedure, named Tailor-made Earthquake Early Warning (TEEW), is composed of four steps: (1) The early event characterization through the inversion of the accelerometer spectra recorded at the base of the structure, (2) the early building response estimation through the deconvolution of P-wave signals recorded at selected levels of the structure, (3) the estimation of the expected shaking at the different levels through the convolution of the results from steps (1) and (2), and (4) a simple decisional rule based on the exceedance of a threshold value of the early estimation of the inter-story drift (i.e. the relative horizontal displacement of two adjacent floors in a building, expressed as a percentage of the story height separating the two adjacent floors) to determine whether or not to issue an alarm.A first test of the TEEW procedure is presented using recordings of three aftershocks of the L'Aquila sequence in 2009 that have been collected at the city hall of Navelli, Italy.  相似文献   

In the past several years, from May 12, 2008 Wenchuan MW8.0 earthquake in China to March 11, 2011 off the Pacific coast of Northeastern MW9.0 earthquake in Japan,the world witnessed catastrophic disasters caused by destructive earthquakes. The earthquake posed a great threat to the development of society and economy, especially in the developing countries such as China. In order to reduce the losses in peoples life and properties in maximum possibilities, there were a lots of technologies had been researched and developed, among them the earthquake early warning system(EEWS) and rapid seismic instrumental intensity report(RSIIP) are the two of the state-of-the-art technologies for the purpose. They may be used to minimize property damage and loss of life and to aid emergency response after a destructive earthquake.  相似文献   

PRESTo (PRobabilistic and Evolutionary early warning SysTem) is a software platform for regional earthquake early warning that integrates recently developed algorithms for real-time earthquake location and magnitude estimation into a highly configurable and easily portable package. The system is under active experimentation in Southern Italy on the Irpinia Seismic Network (ISNet), which is deployed in a seismogenic area that is expected to produce a large earthquake within the next 20 years. In this paper we describe the architecture of the system and test its performances using both small earthquakes (M<3.5) recorded at the ISNet and a large event recorded in Japan, through a simulation mode. The results show that, when a dense seismic network is deployed in the fault area, PRESTo can produce reliable estimates of earthquake location and size within 5–6 s from the event origin. Each estimate is provided as a probability density function, with an uncertainty that typically decreases with time: a stable solution is generally reached within 10 s from the origin.  相似文献   

根据2014年云南地区M6.1盈江地震、M6.5鲁甸地震和M6.6景谷地震的主震、余震P波初期部分的信息,研究了地震震级快速估算中3个预警参数(最大卓越周期τpmax、特征周期τc和最大位移幅值Pd)与震级的相关性,提出了云南地区的震级估计模型,并对其进行分析,再和其它地区的震级估计模型进行对比和评价。结果表明:3种方法均能在短时间内(2~4 s)有效地进行震级估算,Pd方法估算效果最优,τc方法次优,τpmax方法较弱。在震级较大的主震震级估计中,3种方法均没有出现明显的震级低估(震级饱和)现象。对于τpmax方法,云南地区的估计模型与南加州地区较为接近,但与四川地区区别较大,可能与该方法的计算稳定性有关;而τc方法的估计模型则与四川及世界其它地区均较为接近,更具有普适性和稳定性。在地震预警系统的实际应用中,由于云南地区尚未建立密集的地震监测台网系统,因此在短时间内难以得到较为准确的震中距。与震源距相独立的τpmax和τc两种算法则显得较为实用,其中:τc方法略优于τpmax方法,同时能较好地满足地震预警系统的精度要求,因此推荐使用τc方法应用于云南地区地震预警系统中的快速震级估算。  相似文献   

陕西地震烈度速报与预警系统共1000个一般站,包含国家项目485个和省级项目515个,均在2021年9月底完成了台站基础建设及仪器设备安装,并将数据传回陕西地震预警中心。试运行期间,基本符合中国地震局一般站试运行的技术要求。鉴于两个项目的组网方式、设备选型、安装场地不同,本文统计2021年11月—2022年2月共4个月项目运行率、数据延迟等数据,针对两个项目一般站运行的组网方式、运行率、通讯情况进行对比分析发现,国家一般站较之省级一般站运行率稳定但延时较大,台站密集区域延时会增大,国家和省级一般站均不能满足小于等于2 s的通讯延时。考虑到在未来的地震监测效能提升工程中,可能将一般站加密部署到省内全部乡镇街道。本文工作可为未来一般站建设组网模式等方面,形成具有一定参考价值的运行数据支撑,针对通讯延时、设备安装等方面提供一定建议。   相似文献   

We present the results of a feasibility study of an earthquake early warning system (EEWS) for the Campania region (southern Italy) using schools as specific targets. The study considered the seismogenic zones as sources of potential earthquakes for the area, the Italian accelerometric network as the recording network for seismic event occurrence, and the performances of the software platform PRESTo Plus for data analysis and processing. We analyze the distribution of lead-times for all possible threatening seismic sources for each municipality in the region under study by extracting the lead-time value corresponding to the 5th, 10th and 25th percentiles of the distributions. We discuss the results for the 5th percentile in order to analyze the worst-case scenario: in the case of a single site, the lead-time is expected to be larger than this value in the 95 % of the cases. Since the population distribution in Campania is uneven and most of the people live nearby the coast, whilst the most destructive earthquakes occur along the Apennine chain, we can conclude that an efficient EEWS can allow most of the schools in the area to undertake some mitigating actions. The testing of the EEWS was carried out in the high school ITIS ‘E. Majorana’, located at Somma Vesuviana, about 80 km from the seismogenic Irpinia region. For this purpose, the Sentinel, an actuator made up of low-cost hardware (i.e., Arduino®), was developed in close cooperation with students and teachers of the school to receive alert messages from the PRESTo Plus platform and warn the school users in case of a seismic event. The EEWS and the Sentinel were successfully tested during some blind drills performed during normal school activities.  相似文献   

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