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A study has been performed on the occurrence of pulsed ionospheric flows as detected by the CUTLASS Finland HF radar. These flows have been suggested as being created at the ionospheric footprint of newly-reconnected field lines, during episodes of magnetic flux transfer into the terrestrial magnetosphere (flux transfer events or FTEs). Two years of both high-time resolution and normal scan data from the CUTLASS Finland radar have been analysed in order to perform a statistical study of the extent and location of the pulsed ionospheric flows. We note a great similarity between the statistical pattern of the coherent radar observations of pulsed ionospheric flows and the traditional low-altitude satellite identification of the particle signature associated with the cusp/cleft region. However, the coherent scatter radar observations suggest that the merging gap is far wider than that proposed by the Newell and Meng model. The new model for cusp low-altitude particle signatures, proposed by Lockwood and Onsager and Lockwood provides a unified framework to explain the dayside precipitation regimes observed both by the low-altitude satellites and by coherent scatter radar detection.  相似文献   

Line-of-sight Doppler velocities from the SuperDARN CUTLASS HF radar pair have been combined to produce the first two-dimensional vector measurements of the convection pattern throughout the ionospheric footprint of a flux transfer event (a pulsed ionospheric flow, or PIF). Very stable and moderate interplanetary magnetic field conditions, along with a preceding prolonged period of northward interplanetary magnetic field, allow a detailed study of the spatial and the temporal evolution of the ionospheric response to magnetic reconnection. The flux tube footprint is tracked for half an hour across six hours of local time in the auroral zone, from magnetic local noon to dusk. The motion of the footprint of the newly reconnected flux tube is compared with the ionospheric convection velocity. Two primary intervals in the PIFs evolution have been determined. For the first half of its lifetime in the radar field of view the phase speed of the PIF is highly variable and the mean speed is nearly twice the ionospheric convection speed. For the final half of its lifetime the phase velocity becomes much less variable and slows down to the ionospheric convection velocity. The evolution of the flux tube in the magnetosphere has been studied using magnetic field, magnetopause and magnetosheath models. The data are consistent with an interval of azimuthally propagating magnetopause reconnection, in a manner consonant with a peeling of magnetic flux from the magnetopause, followed by an interval of anti-sunward convection of reconnected flux tubes.  相似文献   

Observations of a flux transfer event (FTE) have been made simultaneously by the Equator-S spacecraft near the dayside magnetopause whilst corresponding transient plasma flows were seen in the near-conjugate polar ionosphere by the CUTLASS Finland HF radar. Prior to the occurrence of the FTE, the magnetometer on the WIND spacecraft ≈226 RE upstream of the Earth in the solar wind detected a southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) which is estimated to have reached the subsolar magnetopause ≈77 min later. Shortly afterwards the Equator-S magnetometer observed a typical bipolar FTE signature in the magnetic field component normal to the magnetopause, just inside the magnetosphere. Almost simultaneously the CUTLASS Finland radar observed a strong transient flow in the F region plasma between 78° and 83° magnetic latitude, near the ionospheric region predicted to map along geomagnetic field lines to the spacecraft. The flow signature (and the data set as a whole) is found to be fully consistent with the view that the FTE was formed by a burst of magnetopause reconnection.  相似文献   

本文分析了2004年2月11日11:00~11:40 UT期间Cluster卫星簇的磁通门磁力计FGM)、等离子体电子及电流试验仪(PEACE)和CUTLASS 芬兰雷达对多个磁通量传输事件(FTEs)的同时观测. 在此期间,Cluster卫星簇位于北半球外极隙区附近,并于11:18 UT左右穿出磁层顶进入磁鞘,四颗卫星同时观测到了多个FTEs, 其出现具有准周期性,周期约为130 s. 利用Cluster四颗卫星的多点同时观测数据,采用最小方向微分法和时空微分方法,我们推断这些FTEs是尺度大小约为(0.87~1.81)RE的准二维结构,其运动方向为东北方向,与Cooling模型预测方向基本一致. CUTLASS芬兰雷达在相应的电离层区域观测到了明显的“极向运动雷达极光”结构,这些结构与Cluster卫星簇观测的FTEs有着很好的对应关系,它们是FTEs的雷达观测特征.  相似文献   

The ionospheric response to flux transfer events: the first few minutes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We utilise high-time resolution measurements from the PACE HF radar at Halley, Antarctica to explore the evolution of the ionospheric response during the first few minutes after enhanced reconnection occurs at the magnetopause. We show that the plasma velocity increases associated with flux transfer events (FTEs) occur first 100–200 km equatorward of the region to which magnetosheath (cusp) precipitation maps to the ionosphere. We suggest that these velocity variations start near the ionospheric footprint of the boundary between open and closed magnetic field lines. We show that these velocity variations have rise times 100 s and fall times of 10 s. When these velocity transients reach the latitude of the cusp precipitation, sometimes the equatorward boundary of the precipitation begins to move equatorward, the expected and previously reported ionospheric signature of enhanced reconnection. A hypothesis is proposed to explain the velocity variations. It involves the rapid outflow of magnetospheric electrons into the magnetosheath along the most recently reconnected field lines. Several predictions are made arising from the proposed explanation which could be tested with ground-based and space-based observations.  相似文献   

2001年3月2日磁通量传输事件特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2001年3月2日11:00 至11:15 UT 期间,Cluster Ⅱ在南半球极尖区晨侧附近磁鞘内探测到3个通量传输事件(简称FTEs). 本文利用Cluster Ⅱ星簇4颗卫星观测到的磁场和等离子体资料研究了这些通量传输事件的磁场形态和粒子特征. 并利用它们探测到的空间磁场梯度资料由安培定律直接求出星簇所在区域的电流分布. 结果指出:(1)BY占优势的行星际磁场结构在磁层顶的重联可以在极尖区附近发生;(2)FTEs通量管形成初期内外总压差和磁箍缩应力不一定平衡,达到平衡有一发展过程;(3)FTEs通量管截面在L M平面内的线度约为1.89RE;(4)FTEs通量管中等离子体主要沿轴向场方向流动,整个通量管以慢于背景等离子体的速度沿磁层顶向南向尾运动;(5)FTEs通量管中不仅有轴向电流,也存在环向电流. 轴向电流基本沿轴向磁场方向流动. 轴向和环向电流在管内均呈体分布,因而轴向电流产生的环向磁场接近管心时不断减小到零,而环向电流生成的轴向场则不断增大到极值;(6)在通量管的磁鞘部分观测到磁层能量粒子流量的增强,这表明通量管通过磁层顶将磁鞘和磁层内部连通起来了.  相似文献   

Using the Equator-S spacecraft and SuperDARN HF radars an extensive survey of bursty reconnection at the magnetopause and associated flows in the polar ionosphere has been conducted. Flux transfer event (FTE) signatures were identified in the Equator-S magnetometer data during periods of magnetopause contact in January and February 1998. Assuming the effects of the FTEs propagate to the polar ionosphere as geomagnetic field-aligned-currents and associated Alfveén-waves, appropriate field mappings to the fields-of-view of SuperDARN radars were performed. The radars observed discrete ionospheric flow channel events (FCEs) of the type previously assumed to be related to pulse reconnection. Such FCEs were associated with 80% of the FTEs and the two signatures are shown to be statistically associated with greater than 99% confidence. Exemplary case studies highlight the nature of the ionospheric flows and their relation to the high latitude convection pattern, the association methodology, and the problems caused by instrument limitations.  相似文献   

The solar wind, magnetosphere, and ionosphere are intrinsically coupled through magnetic field lines. The electrodynamic state of the high-latitude ionosphere is controlled by several geophysical processes, such as the location and rate of magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause and in the magnetotail, and the energisation and precipitation of solar wind and magnetospheric plasmas. Amongst the most observed ionospheric manifestation of solar wind/magnetospheric processes are the convection bursts associated with the so-called flux transfer events (FTEs), magnetic impulse events (MIEs), and travelling convection vortices (TCVs). Furthermore, the large-scale ionospheric convection configuration has also demonstrated a strong correspondence to variations in the interplanetary medium and substorm activity. This report briefly discusses the progress made over the past decade in studies of these transient convection phenomena and outlines some unsettled questions as well as future research directions.  相似文献   

2001年1月26日高纬磁层顶通量管事件的观测研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2001年1月26日11:10~11:40UT, ClusterⅡ卫星簇位于午后高纬磁鞘边界层和磁鞘区,此 时行星际磁场Bz为南向. 本文对在此期间观测到的多次磁通量管事件作了详细的研究 ,获得一系列的新发现:(1)高纬磁鞘边界层磁通量管的出现具有准周期性,周期约为78s ,比目前已知的磁层顶向阳面FTE的平均周期(8~11min)小得多. (2)这些通量管都具有 强的核心磁场;其主轴多数在磁场最小变化方向,少数在中间变化方向,有些无法用PAA判 定其方向(需要用电流管PAA确定),这与卫星穿越通量管的相对路径有关. (3)每个事件 都存在很好的HT参考系,在HT参考系中这些通量管是准定常态结构;所有通量管都沿磁层顶 表面运动,速度方向大体相同,都来自晨侧下方. 通量管的径向尺度为1~2RE, 与通 常的FTE通量管相当. (4)起源于磁层的强能离子大体上沿着管轴方向由磁层向磁鞘运动; 起源于太阳风的热等离子体沿管轴向磁层传输. 通量管为太阳风等离子体向磁层输运和磁层 粒子向行星际空间逃逸提供了通道. (5)每个通量管事件都伴随有晨昏电场的反转,该电 场为对流电场.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that ionospheric HF radar backscatter in the noon sector can be used to locate the footprint of the magnetospheric cusp particle precipitation. This has enabled the radar data to be used as a proxy for the location of the polar cap boundary, and hence measure the flow of plasma across it to derive the reconnection electric field in the ionosphere. This work used only single radar data sets with a field of view limited to 2 h of local time. In this case study using four of the SuperDARN radars, we examine the boundary determined over 6 h of magnetic local time around the noon sector and its relationship to the convection pattern. The variation with longitude of the latitude of the radar scatter with cusp characteristics shows a bay-like feature. It is shown that this feature is shaped by the variation with longitude of the poleward flow component of the ionospheric plasma and may be understood in terms of cusp ion time-of-flight effects. Using this interpretation, we derive the time-of-flight of the cusp ions and find that it is consistent with approximately 1 keV ions injected from a subsolar reconnection site. A method for deriving a more accurate estimate of the location of the open-closed field line boundary from HF radar data is described.  相似文献   

Coincident multi-instrument magnetospheric and ionospheric observations have made it possible to determine the position of the ionospheric footprint of the magnetospheric cusp and to monitor its evolution over time. The data used include charged particle and magnetic field measurements from the Earth-orbiting Viking and DMSP-F7 satellites, electric field measurements from Viking, interplanetary magnetic field and plasma data from IMP-8, and Sondrestrom incoherent scatter radar observations of the ionospheric plasma density, temperature, and convection. Viking detected cusp precipitation poleward of 75.5○ invariant latitude. The ionospheric response to the observed electron precipitation was simulated using an auroral model. It predicts enhanced plasma density and elevated electron temperature in the upper E- and F-regions. Sondrestrom radar observations are in agreement with the predictions. The radar detected a cusp signature on each of five consecutive antenna elevation scans covering 1.2 h local time. The cusp appeared to be about 2○ invariant latitude wide, and its ionospheric footprint shifted equatorward by nearly 2○ during this time, possibly influenced by an overall decrease in the IMF Bz component. The radar plasma drift data and the Viking magnetic and electric field data suggest that the cusp was associated with a continuous, rather than a patchy, merging between the IMF and the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

The open magnetosphere model of cusp ion injection, acceleration and precipitation is used to predict the dispersion characteristics for fully pulsed magnetic reconnection at a low-latitude magnetopause X-line. The resulting steps, as would be seen by a satellite moving meridionally and normal to the ionospheric projection of the X-line, are compared with those seen by satellites moving longitudinally, along the open/closed boundary. It is shown that two observed cases can be explained by similar magnetosheath and reconnection characteristics, and that the major differences between them are well explained by the different satellite paths through the events. Both cases were observed in association with poleward-moving transient events seen by ground-based radar, as also predicted by the theory. The results show that the reconnection is pulsed but strongly imply it cannot also be spatially patchy, in the sense of isolated X-lines which independently are intermittently active. Furthermore they show that the reconnection pulses responsible for the poleward-moving events and the cusp ion steps, must cover at least 3 h of magnetic local time, although propagation of the active reconnection region may mean that it does not extend this far at any one instant of time.  相似文献   

We report high-resolution observations of the southward-IMF cusp/cleft ionosphere made on December 16th 1998 by the EISCAT (European incoherent scatter) Svalbard radar (ESR), and compare them with observations of dayside auroral luminosity, as seen at a wavelength of 630 nm by a meridian scanning photometer at Ny Ålesund, and of plasma flows, as seen by the CUTLASS (co-operative UK twin location auroral sounding system) Finland HF radar. The optical data reveal a series of poleward-moving transient red-line (630 nm) enhancements, events that have been associated with bursts in the rate of magnetopause reconnection generating new open flux. The combined observations at this time have strong similarities to predictions of the effects of soft electron precipitation modulated by pulsed reconnection, as made by Davis and Lockwood (1996); however, the effects of rapid zonal flow in the ionosphere, caused by the magnetic curvature force on the newly opened field lines, are found to be a significant additional factor. In particular, it is shown how enhanced plasma loss rates induced by the rapid convection can explain two outstanding anomalies of the 630 nm transients, namely how minima in luminosity form between the poleward-moving events and how events can re-brighten as they move poleward. The observations show how cusp/cleft aurora and transient poleward-moving auroral forms appear in the ESR data and the conditions which cause enhanced 630 nm emission in the transients: they are an important first step in enabling the ESR to identify these features away from the winter solstice when supporting auroral observations are not available.  相似文献   

Cluster measurements of the cusp and high latitude magnetopause boundary on 26 January, 2001 confirm that the cusp is a dynamic region full of energetic charged particles and turbulence. An energetic ion layer at high-latitudes beyond and adjacent to the duskside magnetopause exists when the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) has a southward orientation. Multiple energetic ion flux bursts were observed in the energetic ion layer. Each energetic ion flux burst was closely related to a magnetic flux rope. The axes of the flux ropes lie in the direction pointing duskward/tailward and somewhat upward. An intense axis-aligned current flows inside the ropes, with the current density reaching ∼10−8 A/m2. The main components of the energetic ions are protons, helium and CNO ions, which originate from the magnetosphere, flowing out into the magnetosheath along the axis of the flux ropes. The velocity of the magnetosheath thermal plasma relative to the deHoffman-Teller (DHT) frame is found to be basically along the axis of the flux ropes also, but towards the magnetosphere. These flux ropes seem to be produced somewhere away via magnetic reconnection and move at similar DHT velocities passing over the spacecraft. These observations further confirm that the high-latitude magnetopause boundary region plays an important role in the solar wind-magnetopause coupling.  相似文献   

The Halley PACE HF radar has been operated in a new mode to provide very high time (10 s) and space (15 km) resolution measurements of the iono-spheric signatures of the cusp and the low-latitude boundary layer. The first data show that the iono-spheric signature of flux transfer events occur up to 300 km equatorward of regions showing the HF characteristics of the ionospheric cusp. Whilst larger flux transfer events are seen, on average, every 7 min, many much smaller and short-duration events have been identified. On one occasion DMSP data have been used to show that at least four flux transfer events are occurring simultaneously at the edge of the cusp over 2 h of MLT. There is strong, but not conclusive evidence, that reconnection at the magnetopause is both intermittent and patchy. These data also suggest that flux transfer events can be a significant contributor to the cross-polar cap potential.  相似文献   

The CUTLASS Finland radar has been run in a two-beam special scan mode, which offered excellent temporal and spatial information on the flows in the high-latitude ionosphere. A detailed study of one day of this data revealed a convection reversal boundary (CRB) in the CUTLASS field of view (f.o.v) on the dayside, the direction of plasma flow either side of the boundary being typical of a dawn-cell convection pattern. Poleward of the CRB a number of pulsed transients are observed, seemingly moving away from the radar. These transients are identified here as the ionospheric signature of flux transfer events (FTEs). Equatorward of the CRB continuous backscatter was observed, believed to be due to the return flow on closed field lines. The two-beam scan offered a new and innovative opportunity to determine the size and velocity of the ionospheric signatures associated with flux transfer events and the related plasma flow pattern. The transient signature was found to have an azimuthal extent of 1900 ± 900 km and an poleward extent of 250 km. The motion of the transient features was in a predominantly westward azimuthal direction, at a velocity of 7.5 ± 3 km.  相似文献   

本文分析了2001年2月和3月期间Cluster Ⅱ穿越磁层顶前后的观测资料,检测到13个通量传输事件(FTEs).用多颗卫星磁场测量资料的最小方差分析(MVAB)方法确定FTE的管轴方向(其中6个方向较可靠).FTE管轴方向的分布和低纬处不同,在磁顶法线坐标系LMN中对M轴有较大偏离,比较靠近L轴.deHoffmann Teller(HT)分析指出,13个FTEs都存在一个很好的HT参考系,表明它们以一个准稳的MHD结构运动.对垂直于管轴方向的运动分析表明FTEs并不一定和背景等离子体一起对流,它们可快于或慢于背景流,但FTEs的运动和背景流基本沿相同方向,其间可有一不大的夹角.在HT坐标系中,10个FTEs的等离子体速度接近零, 其他3个FTEs的等离子体速度约为局地Alfven波速的14%,都不符合Walen关系.其中北半球事件的Walen曲线为正斜率,南半球事件为负斜率,这说明等离子体沿磁力线(北半球顺着磁场,南半球逆着磁场)流向磁层.  相似文献   

Three SuperDARN coherent HF radars are employed to investigate the excitation of convection in the dayside high-latitude ionosphere in response to transient reconnection occurring in the cusp region. This study demonstrates the existence of transient antisunward-propagating backscatter features at the expected location of the ionospheric footprint of the cusp region, which have a repetition rate near 10 min. These are interpreted as the ionospheric signature of flux transfer events. Moreover, transient sunward-propagating regions of backscatter are observed in the convection return flow regions of both the pre- and post-noon sectors. These patches are observed to propagate towards the noon sector from at least as far around the auroral zone as 07 MLT in the pre-noon sector and 17 MLT in the post-noon sector, travelling with a veloCity of approximately 1.5 to 2 km s−1. These return flow patches have a repetition rate similar to that of the transient features observed at local noon. While providing supporting evidence for the impulsive nature of convection flow, the observation of sunward-propagating features in the return flow region is not consistent with current conceptual models of the excitation of convection.  相似文献   

A long series of polar patches was observed by ionosondes and an all-sky imager during a disturbed period (Kp = 7- and IMF Bz <0). The ionosondes measured electron densities of up to 9 × 1011 m−3 in the patch center, an increase above the density minimum between patches by a factor of ≈4.5. Bands of F-region irregularities generated at the equatorward edge of the patches were tracked by HF radars. The backscatter bands were swept northward and eastward across the polar cap in a fan-like formation as the afternoon convection cell expanded due to the IMF By > 0. Near the north magnetic pole, an all-sky imager observed the 630-nm emission patches of a distinctly band-like shape drifting northeastward to eastward. The 630-nm emission patches were associated with the density patches and backscatter bands. The patches originated in, or near, the cusp footprint where they were formed by convection bursts (flow channel events, FCEs) structuring the solar EUV-produced photoionization and the particle-produced auroral/cusp ionization by segmenting it into elongated patches. Just equatorward of the cusp footprint Pc5 field line resonances (FLRs) were observed by magnetometers, riometers and VHF/HF radars. The AC electric field associated with the FLRs resulted in a poleward-progressing zonal flow pattern and backscatter bands. The VHF radar Doppler spectra indicated the presence of steep electron density gradients which, through the gradient drift instability, can lead to the generation of the ionospheric irregularities found in patches. The FLRs and FCEs were associated with poleward-progressing DPY currents (Hall currents modulated by the IMF By) and riometer absorption enhancements. The temporal and spatial characteristics of the VHF backscatter and associated riometer absorptions closely resembled those of poleward moving auroral forms (PMAFs). In the solar wind, IMP 8 observed large amplitude Alfvén waves that were correlated with Pc5 pulsations observed by the ground magnetometers, riometers and radars. It is concluded that the FLRs and FCEs that produced patches were driven by solar wind Alfvén waves coupling to the dayside magnetosphere. During a period of southward IMF the dawn-dusk electric field associated with the Alfvén waves modulated the subsolar magnetic reconnection into pulses that resulted in convection flow bursts mapping to the ionospheric footprint of the cusp.  相似文献   

Downward precipitating ions in the cusp regularly exhibit sudden changes in ion energy distributions, forming distinctive structures that can be used to study the temporal/spatial nature of reconnection at the magnetopause. When observed simultaneously with the Polar, FAST, and Interball satellites, such cusp structures revealed remarkably similar features. These similar features could be observed for up to several hours during stable solar wind conditions. Their similarities led to the conclusion that large-scale cusp structures are spatial structures related to global ionospheric convection patterns created by magnetic merging and not the result of temporal variations in reconnection parameters. The launch of the Cluster fleet allows cusp structures to be studied in great detail and during changing solar wind conditions using three spacecraft with identical plasma and field instrumentation. In addition, Cluster cusp measurements are linked with ionospheric convection cells by combining the satellite observations with SuperDARN radar observations that are used to derive the convection patterns in the ionosphere. The combination of satellite observations with ground-based observations during variable solar wind conditions shows that large-scale cusp structures can be either spatial or temporal. Cusp structures can be described as spatial features observed by satellites crossing into spatially separated flux tubes. Cusp structures can also be observed as poleward-traveling (temporal) features within the same convection cell, most probably caused by variations in the reconnection rate at the magnetopause.  相似文献   

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