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Destruction mechanisms connected with thermodynamical behaviour of cometary material are reviewed with a special consideration of their effects on activity of comets. Consequences of thermal stresses which occur in the interior of a comet are discussed with reference to changes in the cometary brightness. Moreover, thermal destruction of grains placed in the head of the comet as well as on the surface of the nucleus is considered. It has been shown that the destruction of the cometary material can lead to an essential increase in the activity of the comet. Calculations have been carried out for a large assumed range of cometary parameters. The obtained simulated changes in the brightness of comets are consistent with the ones observed during the real variations and outbursts of brightness. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The paper presents an analysis of the actual brightness change of comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann, which took place in 1995. The consequence of a cometary outburst is the destruction of a fragment of its surface. This causes the emission of comet material from both the surface and from exposed subsurface layers. Therefore, the calculations take into account the scattering cross-sections that come from ice and dust particles. It was assumed that the dust particles are silicates which are characterized by high irregularity of their structure. This assumption is a consequence of the analysis of the results provided by the Rosetta mission to the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The main factor determining the amplitude of a cometary outburst is the mass ejected as well as the loss of ice that holds the individual nucleus structures together. Consequently, this phenomenon can significantly contribute to the destruction and even decay of the cometary nucleus.  相似文献   

This paper deals with obtaining the maximum size of cometary grains ejected from nuclei of different shapes. Two mechanisms in terms of grain ejection from comets are taken into consideration. The first one is dragging of particles by outflowing gas molecules released by gentle sublimation from the comets. The second one is related with gas jets from the cavities in a nucleus by cometary jet‐like phenomena. We focused on ellipsoidal shapes of cometary nuclei but with different flattening. Calculations have been carried out for a large range of cometary parameters. It has been shown that for fixed mass of the nucleus the maximum size of grains is an increasing function of the nucleus flattening. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The catastrophic thermodynamic destruction of large cometary heterogeneous grains lying on the surface of a comet nucleus is examined. The core–mantle grain-structure model is assumed. Grain fragmentation as an explanation of sudden changes in cometary brightness is proposed. The approach presented to the problem of cometary outbursts is a development of a previous author's paper. The proposed mechanism is based on the idea of thermodynamical destruction of heterogeneous cometary grains. Numerical simulations have been carried out for a wide range of values of physical characteristics of cometary material. The results obtained are consistent with observational data. The main conclusion of this paper is that thermodynamical fragmentation of large grains can explain variations in brightness and also outbursts of comets.  相似文献   

To try to define specific physical properties of the dust of Jupiter-family comets (JFCs), we compare the light scattered by them. Amongst the more than 1000 JFCs, less than 200 are numbered, 40 of them being rather bright. In the present work we use data from the latter. In situ observations of three nuclei show low albedo surfaces. The albedo of the dust particles in the coma is low, with generally a red colour. The A(α) product is a measure of cometary activity and secular changes. Images of different regions (jets and fans) give indications on the nucleus rotation and position of the emitting areas, as compared to the position of the rotation axis. Differences in physical properties between the particles in different regions are pointed out by differences in the linear polarization of the scattered light and by spectral variations in brightness and polarization. Jupiter family comets are considered as dust-poor comets. Tails and trails’ studies give an estimation of the size distribution of the particles. However the dust production rates depend on the largest particles (up to centimetre size), which are mainly observed in the trails where large dark compact particles are found. These dark particles are also responsible for the high polarization in the inner most coma of some comets. The meaning, in terms of physical properties, of the linear polarization is discussed through different examples such as 2P/Encke, 9P/Tempel 1 or the fragments of 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3. Cometary outbursts and splitting events show that the properties of the dust ejected from the interior of the nucleus are similar to the ones of more active comets (new or with larger semi-major axis).  相似文献   

We consider the estimates of the main forces acting on dust particles near a cometary nucleus. On the basis of these estimates, the motion of dust particles of different structure and mass is analyzed. We consider the following forces: (1) the cometary nucleus gravity, (2) the solar radiation pressure, and (3) the drag on dust particles by a flow of gas produced in the sublimation of cometary ice. These forces are important for modeling the motion of dust particles relative to the cometary nucleus and may substantially influence the dust transfer over its surface. In the simulations, solid silicate spheres and homogeneous ballistic aggregates are used as model particles. Moreover, we propose a technique to build hierarchic aggregates—a new model of quasi-spherical porous particles. A hierarchic type of aggregates makes it possible to model rather large dust particles, up to a millimeter in size and larger, while no important requirements for computer resources are imposed. We have shown that the properties of such particles differ from those of classical porous ballistic aggregates, which are usually considered in the cometary physics problems, and considering the microscopic structure of particles is of crucial significance for the analysis of the observational data. With the described models, we study the dust dynamics near the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko at an early stage of the Rosetta probe observations when the comet was approximately at 3.2 AU from the Sun. The interrelations between the main forces acting on dust aggregates at difference distances from the nucleus have been obtained. The dependence of the velocity of dust aggregates on their mass has been found. The numerical modeling results and the data of spaceborne observations with the Grain Impact Analyzer and Dust Accumulator (GIADA) and the Cometary Secondary Ion Mass Analyzer (COSIMA) onboard the Rosetta probe are compared at a quantitative level.  相似文献   

Cometary outbursts, sudden increases in luminosity have not been clearly explained so far and their source is still a mystery. Various possible mechanisms as a source of cometary outbursts at large distances from the Sun have been considered. It has been stated that plausible mechanisms are the polymerization of HCN and the amorphous water ice transformation combined with electrostatic destruction of cometary grains in the head of the comet. The calculations have been carried out for a large range of cometary parameters and it has been shown that the proposed scenario of the outburst gives a jump in the comet brightness which is consistent with the real jump observed during the 29P/Schwassmann‐Wachmann 1 outbursts.  相似文献   

One explanation of the sudden changes in the brightness of comets is proposed based on the author's earlier suggestions involving the fragmentation of cometary grains. Within the inner coma, a core‐mantle model of the structure of grains is assumed. The proposed mechanism is a combination of electrostatic stress and thermodynamical fragmentation of the cometary grains water‐ice mantle. It has been shown that the vapour pressure of volatile inclusions placed in the waterice mantle of grains can increase sufficiently to cause their fragmentation. It takes place before grains can completely sublime into the vacuum away. Numerical calculations have been carried out for a large range of values of probable physical characteristics of cometary material. The proposed approach yields increases in cometary brightness consistent with observations of typical cometary outbursts. It is concluded that this approach can provide an explanation of the sudden change in activity of comets for a wide range of heliocentric distances (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The polarimetric and spectrophotometric data of observations, the results of laboratory simulations, and theoretical calculations are considered as evidence in favor of the presence of large irregular particles in cometary atmospheres. The attempt is made to define more precisely the particle parameters. In particular, observations of some comets at small phase angles can be interpreted by light scattering on large icy grains. The results of laboratory experiments with ice at low temperatures and pressures are adduced; this can be explain the formation of a large icy grain cloud near the cometary nucleus. Changes of these particles under the effects of solar radiation are considered.  相似文献   

Comet C/1999 S4 was observed with the 2m-telescopes of the Bulgarian National Observatory and Pik Terskol Observatory, Northern Caucasus, Russia, at the time of its disintegration. Maps of the dust brightness and color were constructed from images obtained in red and blue continuum windows, free from cometary molecular emissions. We analyze the dust environment of Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) taking into account the observed changes apparent in the brightness images and in plots of Afρ profiles as function of the projected distance ρ from the nucleus. We also make use of the syndyne-synchrone formalism and of a Monte Carlo model based on the Finson-Probstein theory of dusty comets. The brightness and color of individual dust particles, which is needed to derive theoretical brightness and color maps of the cometary dust coma from the Monte Carlo model, is determined from calculations of the light scattering properties of randomly oriented oblate spheroids. In general, the dust of Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) is strongly reddened, with reddening values up to 30%/1000 Å in some locations. Often the reddening is higher in envelopes further away from the nucleus. We observed two outbursts of the comet with brightness peaks on July 14 and just before July 24, 2000, when the final disintegration of the comet started. During both outbursts an excess of small particles was released. Shortly after both outbursts the dust coma “turns blue.” After the first outburst, the whole coma was affected; after the second one only a narrow band of reduced color close to the tail axis was formed. This difference is explained by different terminal ejection speeds, which were much lower than normal in case of the second outburst. In particular in the second, final outburst the excess small particles could originate from fragmentation of “fresh” larger particles.  相似文献   

It is examined whether the destruction of heterogeneous cometary grains can explain the variation of cometary brightness and comet outburst.Calculations were carried out for water ice grains with carbonoxideinclusions. It was shown that for realistic chosen values of parametersthe comet luminosity can increase by even a few stellar magnitudes.  相似文献   

A calculation of the non-steady development of a multi-species atmosphere of a comet moving in a near-parabolic heliocentric orbit is presented. The monochromatic brightness variations of the characteristic cometary emission bands due to OH, CN and C2 are then evaluated assuming that the parent molecules of these chemically unstable species are respectively H2O, HCN and H2C2 present in a homogeneous H2O clathrate nucleus. For small heliocentric distances where a quasi-steady approximation is valid, the brightness variations follow Levin's (1943) law, provided all the destruction mechanisms of the cometary molecules vary as the inverse square of the heliocentric distance. On the other hand, at large heliocentric distances Levin's law breaks down, essentially due to the large time-scales of residence of the emitting species in the cometary atmosphere. This large residence time at large heliocentric distance also produces an asymmetry between the brightness profiles of the inbound and outbound passages, such that the brightness declines less steeply with distance on the outbound passage than on the inbound. Consequently, the monochromatic brightness of OH at 4 AU outbound is about twice as large as the corresponding value inbound. While some comets show such an effect, others show just the opposite effect. These deviations, which show the limitations of our simple homogeneous model, are discussed qualitatively in terms of the plausible time varying physical structure of the cometary nucleus. The variations of the relative monochromatic brightnesses of the various emissions are also discussed, and the need for extending monochromatic brightness measurements to larger heliocentric distances is stressed.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the dynamical behavior of large dust grains in the vicinity of a cometary nucleus. To this end we consider the gravitational field of the irregularly shaped body, as well as its electric and magnetic fields. Without considering the effect of gas friction and solar radiation, we find that there exist grains which are static relative to the cometary nucleus; the positions of these grains are the stable equilibria. There also exist grains in the stable periodic orbits close to the cometary nucleus. The grains in the stable equilibria or the stable periodic orbits won’t escape or impact on the surface of the cometary nucleus. The results are applicable for large charge dusts with small area-mass ratio which are near the cometary nucleus and far from the Solar. It is found that the resonant periodic orbit can be stable, and there exist stable non-resonant periodic orbits, stable resonant periodic orbits and unstable resonant periodic orbits in the potential field of cometary nuclei. The comet gravity force, solar gravity force, electric force, magnetic force, solar radiation pressure, as well as the gas drag force are all considered to analyze the order of magnitude of these forces acting on the grains with different parameters. Let the distance of the dust grain relative to the mass centre of the cometary nucleus, the charge and the mass of the dust grain vary, respectively, fix other parameters, we calculated the strengths of different forces. The motion of the dust grain depends on the area-mass ratio, the charge, and the distance relative to the comet’s mass center. For a large dust grain (> 1 mm) close to the cometary nucleus which has a small value of area-mass ratio, the comet gravity is the largest force acting on the dust grain. For a small dust grain (< 1 mm) close to the cometary nucleus with large value of area-mass ratio, both the solar radiation pressure and the comet gravity are two major forces. If the a small dust grain which is close to the cometary nucleus have the large value of charge, the magnetic force, the solar radiation pressure, and the electric force are all major forces. When the large dust grain is far away from the cometary nucleus, the solar gravity and solar radiation pressure are both major forces.  相似文献   

There are many aspects of observational evidence that cometary nuclei have irregular or nonspherical shape. The triaxial figure of the Halley's Comet nucleus is a well known fact. Therefore, the nucleus shape plays a significant role in consideration of the formation and evolution of comets and several attempts have been made to explain their nonsphericity. These studies were mainly based on the random-walk schemes for the aggregation processes. Although some results indeed lead to irregularities and deviation from sphericity, the spherical or irregular shape seem to be prevailing results. On the other hand the triaxial figure can be formed by the tidal and rotational forces. Thus, the assumption that the shape of the cometary nucleus due to some of these effects is in principle acceptable. In here assumed scenario already evolved cometary nucleus is situated as a satellite in the gravitation field of a planetary-like body. Since the rigidity of the nucleus is low, it may be easily transferred in the state of a synchronous satellite and in its shape could be imprinted the dynamical effects from this epoch. Here presented results indicate, that such a possibility should be seriously considered. The theory of this process is applied to the nucleus of comet Halley. It is shown, that the nucleus might be synchronously orbiting around a planetary-like hypothetical body with a period of 0.7 days. The minimal bulk tensile strength of the cometary material of about 102 N m–2 is estimated.  相似文献   

We present the study of dust environment of dynamically new Comet C/2003 WT42 (LINEAR) based on spectroscopic and photometric observations. The comet was observed before and after the perihelion passage at heliocentric distances from 5.2 to 9.5 AU. Although the comet moved beyond the zone where water ice sublimation could be significant, its bright coma and extended dust tail evidenced the high level of physical activity. Afρ values exceeded 3000 cm likely reaching its maximum before the perihelion passage. At the same time, the spectrum of the comet did not reveal molecular emission features above the reflected continuum. Reddening of the continuum derived from the cometary spectrum is nonlinear along the dispersion with the steeper slop in the blue region. The pair of the blue and red continuum images was analyzed to estimate a color of the comet. The mean normalized reflectivity gradient derived from the innermost part of the cometary coma equals to 8% per 1000 Å that is typical for Oort cloud objects. However, the color map shows that the reddening of the cometary dust varies over the coma increasing to 15% per 1000 Å along the tail axis. The photometric images were fitted with a Monte Carlo model to construct the theoretical brightness distribution of the cometary coma and tail and to investigate the development of the cometary activity along the orbit. As the dust particles of distant comets are expected to be icy, we propose here the model, which describes the tail formation taking into account sublimation of grains along their orbits. The chemical composition and structure of these particles are assumed to correspond with Greenberg’s interstellar dust model of comet dust. All images were fitted with the close values of the model parameters. According to the results of the modeling, the physical activity of the comet is mainly determined by two active areas with outflows into the wide cones. The obliquity of the rotation axis of the nucleus equals to 20° relative to the comet’s orbital plane. The grains occupying the coma and tail are rather large amounting to 1 mm in size, with the exponential size distribution of a−4.5. The outflow velocities of the dust particles vary from a few centimeters to tens of meters per second depending on their sizes. Our observations and the model findings evidence that the activity of the nucleus decreased sharply to a low-level phase at the end of April–beginning of May 2007. About 190 days later, in the first half of November 2007 the nucleus stopped any activity, however, the remnant tail did not disappear for more than 1.5 years at least.  相似文献   

We give an overview of the main results of our works on the revision of cometary light curves and on the search for new patterns and features in the evolution of the integrated brightness of comets as they move in circumsolar space. These works revealed several new, previously unknown phenomena in the integrated-brightness variations and outburst activity of comets. Our results supplement and expand the body of observational data that provides a basis for constructing a model of the cometary nucleus and developing a theory of the cometary evolution.  相似文献   

The wavelength dependence of the polarization (“polarization spectra”) of cometary dust is discussed. It is shown that, in the case of large phase angles, the wavelength dependence of the polarization is mainly controlled by the complex refractive index of the particle material, whereas the spectral dependence of the intensity is also sensitive to the size of the particles. This suggests that observations of “polarization spectra” may determine the composition of cometary dust. An attempt is made to find the composition of the cometary dust material by comparing the observed polarimetric data with laboratory measurements of complex refractive indices of possible cometary constituents. Silicates, graphite, metals, organics, water ice and their mixtures are considered. It is shown that astronomical silicate must be the most abundant constituent of cometary dust in the range of heliocentric distances from 0.8 to 1.8 AU, whereas the volume fraction of pure graphite or pure metals is less then 1%. A substance similar to that of F-type asteroids may be present in comets. There is evidence for an organic material that is being destroyed between heliocentric distances of 0.8–1.8 AU.  相似文献   

We show that plowing of the lunar and mercurian regoliths by dense meteoroid swarms (the remnants of degassed comet nuclei) can be considered as the most probable mechanism of swirl formation. Frequently discussed mechanical and thermal effects of coma gas in cometary encounters with the Moon or Mercury are shown to be negligible as compared to those of the impact of a compact cometary nucleus. The result of such an impact does not differ substantially from that of denser impactors, so impacts of comets with compact nuclei can hardly be the mechanism of swirl formation. On the other hand, the projectile swarm consisting of numerous fragments of previously disrupted cometary nucleus produces many small craters and ejecta in a large area. The particles of the ejecta go through numerous collisions with each other. This may result in formation of the characteristic swirl pattern and dust component of the regolith. This can also decrease surface micro-roughness, which is consistent with photometric observations. Regolith plowing to depths up to a few meters excavates the immature regolith to the surface but cannot noticeably change the initial chemical composition of the upper layers in the area of swarm fall. This is generally in agreement with the results obtained from Clementine spectral data. Swirls are expected to be more numerous on Mercury due to more frequent swarm encounters and more dense clouds of debris in the vicinity of the Sun.  相似文献   

Condensation of ice particles in the vicinity of a cometary nucleus as pointed out by Yamamoto and Ashihara (1985, Astron. Astrophys. 152, L17–L20) is fully studied by solving the hydrodynamic equations for ice particles and H2O gas. Formulation is presented for the hydrodynamics including condensation and sublimation of ice particles, and energy exchange between ice particles and the gas in a dustless comet. It is shown that sublimation of ice particles condensed leads to heating of the ambient gas, resulting in the higher gas temperature than those predicted by the models proposed so far. Compared with the previous calculation carried out under the conditions at the encounter of the spacecraft to Halley's Comet, the present results have revealed that the survival distance of ice particles against sublimation is longer, but that their size, which attains its maximum of 6.4 Å at 51 km from the center of the nucleus, is smaller, resulting in a larger fraction of uncondensed H2O gas. Discussion is given on the physical conditions under which condensation of ice particles can take place in cometary comae.  相似文献   

The mechanism of brightness outbursts of comets based on selective absorption of solar ultraviolet radiation by hydrogen atoms in the cometary head is considered. Due to this process, influence of the radiation on parent and daughter molecules in the near-nucleus region of the cometary head is different. As a result, under certain physical conditions in the cometary coma, the electronic-temperature increase may cause an outburst in the brightness of the comet.  相似文献   

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