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The 1995 eruption of Fogo (Cape Verde Islands) differed from previous eruptions by the occurrence of evolved lavas, the SW-orientation of vents, and pre-eruptive seismicity between Fogo and the adjacent (~20 km) island of Brava. We have conducted a thermobarometric and chemical study of this eruption in order to reconstruct its magma plumbing system and to test for possible connections to Brava. The bimodal eruption produced basanites (5.2–6.7 wt% MgO) and phonotephrites (2.4–2.8 wt% MgO) that are related by fractional crystallization. Clinopyroxene-melt-barometry of phenocrysts yields pressure ranges of 460–680 MPa for the basanites and 460–520 MPa for the phonotephrites. Microthermometry of CO2-dominated fluid inclusions in olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts yields systematically lower pressure ranges of 200–310 MPa for basanites and 270–470 MPa for phonotephrites. The combined data indicate pre-eruptive storage of the 1995 magmas within the lithospheric mantle between 16 and 24 km depth. During eruption, the ascending magmas stalled temporarily at 8–11 km depth, within the lower crust, before they ascended to the surface in a few hours as indicated by zonations of olivine phenocrysts. Our data provide no evidence for magma storage at shallow levels (<200 MPa) or lateral magma movements beneath the Fogo-Brava platform. Sr–Nd–Pb isotope ratios of samples from Brava differ significantly from those of the 1995 and older Fogo lavas, which rules out contamination of the 1995 magmas by Brava material and indicates different mantle sources and magma plumbing systems for both islands.  相似文献   

Amphibole is widely employed to calculate crystallization temperature and pressure, although its potential as a geobarometer has always been debated. Recently, Ridolfi et al. (Contrib Mineral Petrol 160:45–66, 2010) and Ridolfi and Renzulli (Contrib Mineral Petrol 163:877–895, 2012) have presented calibrations for calculating temperature, pressure, fO2, melt H2O, and melt major and minor oxide composition from amphibole with a large compositional range. Using their calibrations, we have (i) calculated crystallization conditions for amphibole from eleven published experimental studies to examine the problems and the potential of the new calibrations; and (ii) calculated crystallization conditions for amphibole from basaltic–andesitic pyroclasts erupted during the paroxysmal 2010 eruption of Mount Merapi in Java, Indonesia, to infer pre-eruptive conditions. Our comparison of experimental and calculated values shows that calculated crystallization temperatures are reasonable estimates. Calculated fO2 and melt SiO2 content yields potentially useful estimates at moderately reduced to moderately oxidized conditions and intermediate to felsic melt compositions. However, calculated crystallization pressure and melt H2O content are untenable estimates that largely reflect compositional variation in the crystallizing magmas and crystallization temperature and not the calculated parameters. Amphibole from Merapi’s pyroclasts yields calculated conditions of ~200–800 MPa, ~900–1,050 °C, ~NNO + 0.3–NNO + 1.1, ~3.7–7.2 wt% melt H2O, and ~58–71 wt% melt SiO2. We interpret the variations in calculated temperature, fO2, and melt SiO2 content as reasonable estimates, but conclude that the large calculated pressure variation for amphibole from Merapi and many other arc volcanoes is evidence for thorough mixing of mafic to felsic magmas and not necessarily evidence for crystallization over a large depth range. In contrast, bimodal pressure estimates obtained for other arc magmas reflect amphibole crystallization from mafic and more evolved magmas, respectively, and should not necessarily be taken as evidence for crystallization in two reservoirs at variable depth.  相似文献   

The 1995–1999 eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano,Montserrat, has produced a crystal-rich andesite containingquench-textured mafic inclusions, which show evidence of havingbeen molten when incorporated into the host magma. Individualcrystals in the andesite record diverse histories. Amphibolephenocrysts vary from pristine and unaltered to strongly oxidizedand pseudomorphed by anhydrous reaction products. Plagioclasephenocrysts are commonly reverse zoned, often with dusty sievetextures. Reverse zoned rims are also common on orthopyroxenephenocrysts. Pyroxene geothermometry gives an average temperatureof 858 ± 20°C for orthopyroxene phenocryst cores,whereas reverse zoned rims record temperatures from about 880to 1050°C. The heterogeneity in mineral rim compositions,zoning patterns and textures is interpreted as reflecting non-uniformreheating and remobilization of the resident magma body by intrusionof hotter mafic magma. Convective remobilization results inmixing together of phenocrysts that have experienced differentthermal histories, depending on proximity to the intruding maficmagma. The low temperature and high crystallinity are interpretedas reflecting the presence of a cool, highly crystalline magmabody beneath the Soufriere Hills volcano. The petrological observations,in combination with data on seismicity, extrusion rate and SO2fluxes, indicate that the current eruption was triggered byrecent influx of hot mafic magma. KEY WORDS: Montserrat; eruption; magma mixing; mafic inclusion; sieve texture  相似文献   

The mid-Holocene eruption of Aniakchak volcano (Aniakchak II) in southwest Alaska was among the largest eruptions globally in the last 10,000 years (VEI-6). Despite evidence for possible impacts on global climate, the precise age of the eruption is not well-constrained and little is known about regional environmental impacts. A closely spaced sequence of radiocarbon dates at a peatland site over 1000 km from the volcano show that peat accumulation was greatly reduced with a hiatus of approximately 90–120 yr following tephra deposition. During this inferred hiatus no paleoenvironmental data are available but once vegetation returned the flora changed from a Cyperaceae-dominated assemblage to a Poaceae-dominated vegetation cover, suggesting a drier and/or more nutrient-rich ecosystem. Oribatid mites are extremely abundant in the peat at the depth of the ash, and show a longer-term, increasingly wet peat surface across the tephra layer. The radiocarbon sample immediately below the tephra gave a date of 1636–1446 cal yr BC suggesting that the eruption might be younger than previously thought. Our findings suggest that the eruption may have led to a widespread reduction in peatland carbon sequestration and that the impacts on ecosystem functioning were profound and long-lasting.  相似文献   

江西武功山岩浆核杂岩基本特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
江西武功山地区发育的穹窿状地质体,其组成结构和成因机制与经典的变质核杂岩似乎有相似之处,也由内核和外壳组成,并具三层式结构特征,但其内核主要为花岗岩,核内和核外的地层几乎同时代,并无"古老变质核",它的形成机制主要是岩浆底辟强力侵位引起地壳局部隆升和伸展滑覆。所以,将其改称为"武功山岩浆核杂岩"更为贴切。文章主要从武功山穹窿状地质的组成和形成时代及成因机制等方面,阐述了它的基本特征,论证了将其改称为"岩浆核杂岩"的理由,并探讨了滑覆构造的找矿意义。  相似文献   

Situated on a coastal sand bar, Pingasagruk is a habitation site with prehistoric and historic components. Data from systematic surface sampling led to analyses that show different artifact distribution patterns on and off this site and suggest the dispersals are due to storms and erosion, in addition to human activity. To explain the disparate distributions of cultural materials, this study uses a model of hydrologic artifact dispersal and, possibly, differential sorting. Differences in distribution patterns at Pingasagruk highlight the importance of considering how cultural and noncultural transformation processes affect the occurrence of sites and their artifacts. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The Palisades Site is an extensive silt-loam bluff complex on the central Yukon River preserving a nearly continuous record of the last 2 myr. Volcanic ash deposits present include the Old Crow (OCt; 140,000 yr), Sheep Creek (SCt; 190,000 yr), PA (2.02 myr), EC (ca. 2 myr), and Mining Camp (ca. 2 myr) tephras. Two new tephras, PAL and PAU, are geochemically similar to the PA and EC tephras and appear to be comagmatic. The PA tephra occurs in ice-wedge casts and solifluction deposits, marking the oldest occurrence of permafrost in central Alaska. Three buried forest horizons are present in association with dated tephras. The uppermost forest bed occurs immediately above the OCt; the middle forest horizon occurs below the SCt. The lowest forest bed occurs between the EC and the PA tephras, and correlates with the Dawson Cut Forest Bed. Plant taxa in all three peats are common elements of moist taiga forest found in lowlands of central Alaska today. Large mammal fossils are all from common late Pleistocene taxa. Those recovered in situ came from a single horizon radiocarbon dated to ca. 27,000 14C yr B.P. The incongruous small mammal assemblage in that horizon reflects a diverse landscape with both wet and mesic environments.  相似文献   

Magma mingling in late-Delamerian A-type granites at Mannum,South Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The Mannum granite forms part of the Padthaway A-type granite suite, which intruded the Adelaide fold belt along with the Black Hill gabbroic complex just after the cessation of the Delamerian Orogeny. Included within the granite are microgranite blocks, inferred to be stoped pieces of a contaminated margin facies, and numerous mafic enclaves. These enclaves display a variety of globular and tear-drop shapes, are fine-grained, lack chilled margins and enclose and react with quartz and feldspar phenocrysts from the granite, suggesting they represent contemporaneous mafic magma that was mingling with the granite magma during intrusion. Modelled temperature-viscosity relationships show that, in order for these enclaves to behave in a plastic manner, the granite magma must have had a temperature in excess of 930 °C after thermal equilibration was achieved. The contemporaneity of mafic magmas resolves any thermal budget problems arising out of the formation of these high-temperature granites, and a considerable mantle flux is implied during their genesis, consistent with gravity data and the presence of the Black Hill gabbros.The enclave compositions range from dolerite and quartz-diorite to leucocratic varieties, and, together with the Mannum granite, the other Padthaway granites and rocks from the Black Hill gabbroic complex, define a tholeiite-granophyre series (SiO2 49–74%). Although the composition of the enclaves has been modified by diffusion and hybridism; the coherency of this array augments thermal arguments for a genetic relationship between the mafic and felsic magmas. Nd and Sr isotope data on the host granite and enclaves (87Sr/86 Sri 0.7041–0.7060;Ndi + 4 to –2) do not favour a crustal origin for any of the rocks. Rather, incompatible element plots indicate the A-type granites crystallized from highly fractionated magmas, consistent with rapid decreases in Eu/Eu* at relatively constantNdi The high Eu/Eu*, highNdi end of this trend projects into the array for the associated mafic rocks. This suggests the A-type granites of the Padthaway suite may have resulted from segregation of evolved residual interstitial liquids which form chemically and isotopically similar granophyre in the Black Hill gabbroic plutons.
Magma-Mischung in spät-Delamerischen A-Typ Graniten in Mannum, Süd-Australien
Zusammenfassung Der Mannum-Granit bildet einen Teil der Padthaway Suite von A-Typ Graniten, die zusammen mit dem Black Hill Gabbro-Komplex unmittelbar nach dem Ende der Delamerischen Orogenese in den Adelaide-Fold Belt intrudiert wurden. Im Granit kommen Blöcke von Mikrogranit die als aus dem Dach stammende Teile einer kontaminierten Randfazies interpretiert werden, sowie zahlreiche mafische Enklaven vor. Letztere zeigen eine Vielfalt von rundlichen und wassertropfenförmigen Formen, sind feinkörnig, zeigen keine abgeschrägten Ränder und enthalten, und reagieren mit, Quarz und Feldspatkristallen aus dem Granit. Dies legt nahe, daß sie gleichzeitigem mafischem Magma zuzuordnen sind, das mit dem granitischen Magma während der Intrusion gemischt wurde. Modellierte Temperatur-Viskositätsbeziehungen zeigen, daß das granitische Magma eine Temperatur von mehr als 930 °C gehabt haben muß, nachdem thermisches Gleichgewicht erreicht war — sonst hätten die Enklaven sich nicht plastisch verhalten können. Die Gleichzeitigkeit der mafischen Magmen macht es möglich, Probleme des thermischen Budgets zu lösen, die sich aus der Bildung dieser Hochtemperatur-Granite ergeben. Ein beträchtlicher Mantel-Flux muß während ihrer Entstehung geherrscht haben. Dies steht in Übereinstimmung mit Schweredaten und mit dem Vorkommen der Black Hill Gabbros.Die Zusammensetzungen der Enklaven variieren von Dolerit und Quarz-Diorit bis zu leukokratischen Varietäten. Zusammen mit dem Mannum-Granit und mit den anderen Padthaway Graniten und Gesteinen aus dem Black Hill Gabbro Komplex definieren sie eine Tholeiit-Granophyr-Serie (SiO2 49–74%). Obwohl die Zusammensetzung der Enklaven durch Diffusion und Hybridisierung modifiziert wurde, treten thermale Argumente für eine genetische Beziehung zwischen dem mafischen und dem felsischen Magma in den Vordergrund. Nd und Sr Isotopen-Daten des Wirt-Granites und der Enklaven (87Sr/86Sri 0.7041–0.7060; Nd1 + 4 to –2) sprechen nicht für eine krustale Herkunft dieser Gesteine. Die Verteilungsmuster inkompatibler Elemente zeigen, daß die A-Typ Granite aus einem stark fraktionierten Magma kristallisierten, und dies stimmt mit rascher Abnahme von Eu/Eu* bei relativ konstantem Ndi überein. Die hohen Eu/Eu* und die Nd-werte dieses Trends fallen in den Bereich der assoziierten mafischen Gesteine. Dies zeigt, daß die A-Typ Granite der Padthaway-Gruppe auf die Segregation entwickelter residualer Schmelzen zurückgehen, die chemisch und isotopisch ähnlichen Granophyr in den Black Hill Gabbro-Plutonen bilden.

With 10 Figures  相似文献   

The Edgecumbe volcanics, which range from basalt through rhyodacite,have Sr contents between 125 and 370 p.p.m., Rb contents of1 to 70 p.p.m., Ba ranging from 50–550 p.p.m. and initial87Sr/86Sr ratios between 0.70291 and 0.70404. No simple correlationexists between these components and silica. The highest 87Sr/86Srvalues occur in a group of intermediate lavas (55–60 wt.per cent SiO2) while the rhyodacites have initial ratios between0.7035 and 0.7038. With increasing silica, Sr increases to amaximum in the andesites and then steadily decreases; Ba andRb increase over the same compositional range. The highest 87Sr/86Srlavas have major and trace element concentrations which departfrom trends defined by most of the lavas. The variation in strontiumisotopic compositions suggests interaction between parentalbasaltic magma and crustal material. Attempts to model the assimilationprocess using fixed end-member assimilation and assimilation-fractionalcrystallization models have failed to produce the observed chemicaltrends. Because the parental basaltic liquid underwent littlefractionation, the variability in hybrid lavas is attributedto variation in contaminant composition. Initial melts werelow in CaO, A12O3, MgO and Sr and enriched in SiO2. K2O, Na2O,Rb and Ba. As melting progressed, melts became enriched in themore refractory components. Because hybrid strontium isotopiccomposition is a function of Sr concentration as well as isotopiccompositions, the Sr content of the assimilant strongly influencesresultant isotopic systematics. The development of the assimilantssuggests plagioclase was a residual phase during early melting.This model of crustal assimilation represents one end-memberin the spectrum of processes responsible for the generationof continental volcanic suites.  相似文献   


Mount Schank, a young volcano in southeastern South Australia, has been dated by thermoluminescence. The dated material was quartz from a former beach dune overlain by the lava flow. Disequilibrium in the uranium decay series required a detailed analysis of the isotopic concentrations in the sand. The samples dated yielded an average age of 4930 ± 540 years BP which is consistent with palaeomagnetic measurements. Combined thermoluminescence, palaeomagnetic and radiocarbon evidence leave unresolved the relative chronologies of Mt Schank and nearby Mt Gambier.  相似文献   

Understanding magma plumbing is essential for predicting the behaviour of explosive volcanoes. We investigate magma plumbing at the highly active Anak Krakatau volcano (Indonesia), situated on the rim of the 1883 Krakatau caldera by employing a suite of thermobarometric models. These include clinopyroxene-melt thermobarometry, plagioclase-melt thermobarometry, clinopyroxene composition barometry and olivine-melt thermometry. Petrological studies have previously identified shallow magma storage in the region of 2–8 km beneath Krakatau, while existing seismic evidence points towards mid- to deep-crustal storage zone(s), at 9 and 22 km, respectively. Our results show that clinopyroxene in Anak Krakatau lavas crystallized at a depth of 7–12 km, while plagioclase records both shallow crustal (3–7 km) and sub-Moho (23–28 km) levels of crystallization. These magma storage regions coincide with well-constrained major lithological boundaries in the crust, implying that magma ascent and storage at Anak Krakatau is strongly controlled by crustal properties. A tandem seismic tomography survey independently identified a separate upper crustal (<7 km) and a lower to mid-crustal magma storage region (>7 km). Both petrological and seismic methods are sensitive in detecting magma bodies in the crust, but suffer from various limitations. Combined geophysical and petrological surveys, in turn, offer increased potential for a comprehensive characterization of magma plumbing at active volcanic complexes.  相似文献   

The latest eruption of Haruna volcano at Futatsudake took placein the middle of the sixth century, starting with a Plinianfall, followed by pyroclastic flows, and ending with lava domeformation. Gray pumices found in the first Plinian phase (lowerfall) and the dome lavas are the products of mixing betweenfelsic (andesitic) magma having 50 vol. % phenocrysts and maficmagma. The mafic magma was aphyric in the initial phase, whereasit was relatively phyric during the final phase. The aphyricmagma is chemically equivalent to the melt part of the phyricmafic magma and probably resulted from the separation of phenocrystsat their storage depth of 15 km. The major part of the felsicmagma erupted as white pumice, without mixing and heating priorto the eruption, after the mixed magma (gray pumice) and heatedfelsic magma (white pumice) of the lower fall deposit. Althoughthe mafic magma was injected into the felsic magma reservoir(at 7 km depth), part of the product (lower fall ejecta) precedederuption of the felsic reservoir magma, as a consequence ofupward dragging by the convecting reservoir of felsic magma.The mafic magma injection made the nearly rigid felsic magmaerupt, letting low-viscosity mixed and heated magmas open theconduit and vent. Indeed the lower fall white pumices preservea record of syneruptive slow ascent of magma to 2 km depth,probably associated with conduit formation. KEY WORDS: high-crystallinity felsic magma; magma plumbing system; multistage magma mixing; upward dragging of injected magma; vent opening by low-viscosity magma  相似文献   

The Bonnifield district hosts 26 tmmined volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) occurrences. Environmental geochemical samples of water and stream sediment were collected at several occurrences, concentrating on the two best-exposed and largest deposits, Red Mountain (RM) and Sheep Creek (SC). Limited samples were also collected at the poorly exposed WTF deposit. The deposits are Late Devonian to Early Mississippian, and are hosted by felsic metavolcanic and carbonaceous schist members of the Totatlanika Schist or Keevy Peak Fm. Spring and stream waters at RM and SC have pH values commonly 〈3.5 (as low as 2.4 at RM and 2.5 at SC), high conductivity (up to 11000 μS/cm), and very high (Is to 100s mg/L) dissolved contents of Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Pb. Waters at RM are characterized by extremely high REE contents (summed REE median 3200 μg/L, n=33). At both RM and SC, pyrite oxidation and dissolution produce low pH waters that interact with and dissolve bedrock minerals, resulting in acidic, metal-laden, naturally degraded streams that are mostly devoid of aquatic life. Ferricrete is common. In contrast, WTF barely produces a surficial environmental footprint, mostly due to topography and relief. RM and SC are well exposed in the areas of relatively high relief, and both exhibit extensive areas of quartz-sericite-pyrite-alteration. While WTF shares many of the same deposit-and alteration characteristics, it is concealed by tundra in a large, nearly flat area. Surface water at WTF is absent and outcrops are sparse. Even though WTF is roughly the same size as Red Mountain (both around 3 million tonnes) and has similar base- and precious-metal grades, the surficial geochemical manifestation of WTF is minimal. However, exposure through mining of the altered, mineralized rock at WTF potentially could initiate the same processes of pyrite oxidation, acid generation, and mineral dissolution that are observed naturally at RM and SC.  相似文献   

Volcanic eruptions are usually preceded by measurable signals of growing unrest, the most evident of which are the increase in seismicity and ground deformation. It is also important to identify precursors of a possible renewal of the volcanic activity and to distinguish between an eruptive activity characterized by an intrusion (with the related destructive power) and a migration of magma stored in the main conduits. The 2005–2006 eruption at Mt. Augustine (Alaska, USA) is a good example of a massive migration of magmatic fluids from depth (about 1 km b.s.l.) under the effect of gas overpressure. The movements, recorded by High Rate GPS (HRGPS) data (15 s of sampling and processing rate) from the stations deployed on the volcano, define the dimensions and the characteristics of the shallow plumbing system. In this study, we propose a model of the different stages preceding the effusive phase (the ‘precursory phase’), where gas overpressure in the body of the volcano opens the terminal conduit.  相似文献   

A major, but gradual, reversal in the cryptic variation patternof the plagioclase and pyroxenes, of 13 mol% anorthite and 10mol% Mg/ (Mg + Fe) respectively, is documented in the Main Zoneof the western Bush veld Complex. These changes are accompaniedby a decrease in initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio from > 0.708 to< 0.707. The Pyroxenite Marker, a distinctive orthopyroxenitelayer, occurs close to the top of this reversed differentiationsequence. This is attributed to addition of less differentiatedmagma. On the basis of a mass balance calculation of the initial87Sr/ 86Sr ratios, it is estimated that the volume of magmaadded was comparable to that of the resident magma. Increases in the Fe2O3, TiO2, Al2O3, and Na2O contents of thepyroxenes above the level of magma addition indicate that thenew magma had a lower silica activity and higher fO2 than theresident magma. Quantification of the trace element and REEcontent of the two magmas is hampered by the very low proportionof trapped intercumulus component in these adcumulate rocks.However, semi-quantitative modelling indicates that the traceand REE signatures of the two magmas were similar, with moderateLREE enrichment and flat HREE profiles. The new magma had aslightly higher La/ Sm ratio than the resident magma, consistentwith its more alkaline nature. The new magma was probably added gradually, while 100–150m of cumulates formed. It probably intruded at an intermediatelevel within an existing stratified magma chamber, where itcooled and crystallized, and composite packets of liquid pluscrystals plunged to the base of the chamber. The cores of plagioclasegrains formed during this mixing interval show a wider rangeof compositions than in other sections, and plagioclase primocrystsfrom both magmas may be preserved within single samples. Therefore,although intimate physical mixing of packets of unknown sizeof the two magmas occurred, re-equilibration of the major oxidecomposition of the plagioclase primocrysts was not achieved.However, the data and calculations based on diffusion ratesindicate that partial Sr isotopic resetting of plagioclase mayhave occurred.  相似文献   

The rhyodacitic magma discharged during the 30–80 km3 DRE (dense rock equivalent) Late Bronze Age (LBA; also called ‘Minoan’) eruption of Santorini caldera is known from previous studies to have had a complex history of polybaric ascent and storage prior to eruption. We refine the timescales of these processes by modelling Mg–Fe diffusion profiles in orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene crystals. The data are integrated with previously published information on the LBA eruption (phase equilibria studies, melt inclusion volatile barometry, Mg-in-plagioclase diffusion chronometry), as well as new plagioclase crystal size distributions and the established pre-LBA history of the volcano, to reconstruct the events that led up to the assembly and discharge of the LBA magma chamber. Orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystals in the rhyodacite have compositionally distinct rims, overgrowing relict, probably source-derived, more magnesian (or calcic) cores, and record one or more crystallization (plag???opx?>?cpx) events during the few centuries to years prior to eruption. The crystallization event(s) can be explained by the rapid transfer of rhyodacitic melt from a dioritic/gabbroic region of the subcaldera pluton (mostly in the 8–12 km depth range), followed by injection, cooling and mixing in a large melt lens at 4–6 km depth (the pre-eruptive magma chamber). Since crystals from all eruptive phases yield similar timescales, the melt transfer event(s), the last of which took place less than 2 years before the eruption, must have involved most of the magma that subsequently erupted. The data are consistent with a model in which prolonged generation, storage and segregation of silicic melts were followed by gravitational instability in the subcaldera pluton, causing the rapid interconnection and amalgamation of melt-rich domains. The melts then drained to the top of the pluton, at fluxes of up to 0.1–1 km3 year??1, where steep vertical gradients of density and rheology probably caused them to inject laterally, forming a short-lived holding chamber prior to eruption. This interpretation is consistent with growing evidence that some large silicic magma chambers are transient features on geological timescales. A similar process preceded at least one earlier caldera-forming eruption on Santorini, suggesting that it may be a general feature of this rift-hosted magmatic system.  相似文献   

Diatom, pollen, foraminifera and thecamoebian assemblages from an outcrop of peat and silt at Girdwood Flats, in the upper Turnagain Arm of the Cook Inlet, Alaska, record four phases of relative land and sea-level changes. The first phase is the development of freshwater swamp above high marsh sediments during relative land uplift, caused by strain accumulation along the locked portion of the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone. In second phase, the top 2 cm of the peat, all microfossil groups record pre-seismic relative sea-level rise (relative land subsidence). The third phase is rapid land subsidence, 1.7 m, during the earthquake of March 1964 that initiated intertidal silt accumulation above the peat. The final phase is the colonisation of mudflat by salt marsh communities during post-seismic land uplift. The microfossil data compare favourably with sequences from Washington, Oregon and British Columbia that record late Holocene submergence events caused by earthquakes. The comparable changes in microfossil assemblages record the different phases of relative land and sea-level changes and the magnitude of land subsidence caused by each earthquake (expressed relative to the tidal range at the site). These results raise the question whether preseismic sea-level rise represents any kind of warning of large earthquakes.  相似文献   

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