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Around the thermocline, difference in the depth of the maximum concentration between particulate manganese and iron was observed above the basin located at the south-western corner of the Beppu Bay, along with the remarkable difference in pH and Eh.  相似文献   

粤东柘林湾柱状沉积物中氮、磷的垂直分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对柘林湾代表性水区柱状样沉积物中不同形态氮、磷的含量进行了分析,研究了其垂直分布规律及其历史演变趋势。研究结果显示,除湾西北三百门(S2站)和湾中央大规模网箱渔排养殖区中心(S6站)外,其余各测站柱状沉积物中的有机氮(TOM)、凯氏氮(TKN)及各形态磷含量基本呈现"沉降-降解-堆积"三阶段的分布特征,反映了成岩作用的结果。S2、S6测站柱状沉积物中的多项氮磷指标,在表层10 cm以深不降反升与这两测站的高污染压力和弱水体交换能力导致的污染物快速堆积有关。底栖动物对沉积物垂直方向的扰动可能是各氮磷指标在沉降和降解阶段产生波动变化的重要原因之一,但生物扰动对NH4 的垂直变化影响最大。自生磷(Au-P)与有机磷(OP)在表层以下随深度呈一定的镜像关系,与Au-P和OP在成岩过程中的相互转化有关。Au-P随深度的变化幅度比OP的大,表明磷在Au-P和OP之间的转移并不是磷再分配的唯一途径,其它形态的磷也可能参与磷的再分配,而两者在表层不呈镜像关系主要与微生物对两者的降解有关。  相似文献   

From July to November, the thermocline which has strong temperature gradient (0.7C m–1) is formed in the bottom water of Beppu Bay, and it prevents the downward mixing of surface water. This has caused the bottom water of the basin to become depleted in oxygen, and in November the bottom water below about 60 m depth becomes anoxic. Accordingly manganese and iron are reduced and more soluble under the anoxic condition, those concentrations are high relative to surface water, and the maximums are 1,240g l–1 and 80g l–1. Under the anoxic condition, the flux of dissolved manganese from the sediment is about 10g cm–2 day–1.  相似文献   

Detailed vertical profiles of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrogen (DON) and DOC/DON ratios in the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean (56°–65°S around 140°W transect) were obtained by a high-temperature catalytic oxidation method with a modified Shimadzu TOC-5000 unit. The simultaneous analyses of DOC and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) gave high precision results (±0.7 μMC and ±0.3 μMN). In surface layers, DOC concentrations were lower (45–55 μM) than those generally obtained from other oceanic environments (60–90 μM). The surface concentrations of DON varied from 4 to 9 μM, but within the range generally reported for other ocean regions. Surface excesses of DOC and DON were calculated against nearly constant subsurface concentrations. A consistent contribution of low C/N ratio (2.7–5.0) was found in the mid-surface layer (30–75 m), suggesting more extensive degradation of carbon-enriched materials and/or enhanced supply of nitrogen-enriched ones.  相似文献   

利用中国多次南极科学考察获得的沉积物样品,对普里兹湾沉积物中有机碳(OC)、总氮(TN)的含量和分布以及OC/TN进行了分析。结果表明:普里兹湾表层沉积物中OC和TN的含量变化范围分别为0.14%~1.20%和0.02%~0.20%,平均值分别为0.63%和0.11%。OC/TN的变化范围为5.5~8.2,平均值为6.8。OC和TN含量呈现明显的正相关性,表明有机质来源相同,比值接近6.6,说明有机质主要为海洋生源沉积。两者平面分布趋势非常一致,且与沉积物中泥质含量呈显著正相关,湾内73°E以西区域OC和TN含量较低,而以东区域含量较高,这是上层水体生产过程和冰川携带陆源砂等因素共同作用的结果。垂直分布上,OC和TN含量总体上表层高于深层,OC含量随深度增加逐渐降低,达到一定深度后趋于稳定。较高的沉积速率加速OC的埋藏,5根柱样中OC的埋藏率为39%~91%,平均为66%,表明普里兹湾是重要的碳汇区。  相似文献   

Izmir Bay is one of the most polluted estuaries in the Mediterranean Sea. The extent of pollution due to anthropogenic inputs in the Izmir Bay is investigated on the basis of nutrients together with basic oceanographic parameters. Significant phosphate, nitrogen (N) and iron (Fe) enrichment has been found in the water of inner Izmir Bay. The situation of middle Izmir Bay is also similar but not as critical as in inner Izmir Bay, whereas outer Izmir Bay shows 'typical Mediterranean coastal marine ecosystem' characteristics. The average atomic ratios of apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) and nutrient fractions (N and phosphorous [P]) have been found as AOU:P (49:1), AOU:N (48:1) and N:P (5:1). A comparative evaluation of these ratios leads to the conclusion that they are too low; e.g. such a low AOU:P ratio supports fairly high P enrichment. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicates that 31% of the variation in the data is related to enrichment parameters, i.e. dissolved inorganic phosphate, NH4+, reactive Fe, 15% is related to NO3-, pH and 13% is related to temperature and total Fe. Additionally, PCA shows that the middle Izmir Bay has an ecological transient character between the inner and outer Izmir Bay.  相似文献   

Based on the measurements of particulate phosphorus(PP) in the Jiaozhou Bay from May 2003 to April 2004,the spatial distribution,seasonal variation and biogeochemical characteristics of PP were investigated to understand the fates and roles of phosphorus in the Jiaozhou Bay ecosystem.The concentration of the total PP ranged from 0.07 to 2.09 μmol/dm3.The concentration of POP was from 0.01 to 1.83 μmol/dm3,with an average of 0.32 μmol/dm3,which accounted for 49.6% in total PP.The concentration of PIP was fro...  相似文献   

From September 20 to 22 in 1994, the vertical profiles of echo intensity and three-component velocities were measured with a bottom-mounted 300 kHz broadband acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) in Beppu Bay in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan. A very strong thermocline was observed from 50 to 60 m. A pronounced diurnal cycle of backscatter strength (BS) was found above the thermocline. However, it was not found under the thermocline where there was a lack of dissolved oxygen. We suggest that the diurnal cycle of BS is caused by the vertical migration of zooplankton. The downward and upward migration occurred in early morning and late afternoon, respectively. The migration speeds estimated from BS isopleth displacements were about 1 cm s–1. Further, the contribution of turbidity (Tur) to BS was examined by separating out the effect of migrating zooplankton. There was a significant correlation between BS and turbidity under the thermocline. The maximum contributions of the Tur, migrating zooplankton and non-migrating plankton on BS were estimated at 3, 12, 25 dB, respectively. These data suggest that when using an ADCP to estimate Tur, it is very important to consider carefully the backscatter signal from zooplankton.  相似文献   

基于2009年6–9月,2014年5月,2014年7–8月在乳山湾外邻近海域的综合调查资料,分析了该开放海域水体与沉积物中氮、磷营养盐的组成和分布,并在潮汐潮流数值模式计算水通量的基础上分析了近岸开放区域无机氮(DIN)和无机磷(DIP)的循环与收支的主要过程,量化了潮汐潮流、初级生产的消耗与转化、底界面过程与内部循环等过程对氮和磷营养盐循环与收支的影响。结果表明,夏季乳山湾外邻近海域水体DIN和DIP的浓度与分布受陆源输入和潮汐潮流的共同影响,高值均出现在湾口区域;沉积物-水界面存在DIN和DIP从沉积物向上覆水释放的现象,使得底层水体的氮、磷营养盐浓度高于表层水体。氮的收支表明,研究海域水体内部循环过程是初级生产所需DIN的主要来源,占初级生产总消耗量的86%,其次是水交换作用(11%),底界面扩散对初级生产的贡献相对较小(3%);水体DIN的移出主要是通过埋藏、向外海的输送和水体反硝化作用,其比例分别为80%、16%和4%。磷的收支显示,研究海域水体内部循环过程贡献了初级生产所需DIP的91%,其次是水交换作用(9%),底界面扩散对初级生产的贡献小于1%;水体DIP支出主要是通过沉积埋藏和向外海的输送,其比例分别为67%和33%。研究结果表明内部循环过程是近海水体氮和磷获得补充的主要途径,不过外部来源的氮、磷营养盐结构与系统内部具有显著的差异,且系统内磷的埋藏效率要高于氮,其必将对乳山湾外邻近海域营养盐结构和初级生产产生长远的影响。  相似文献   

This study determined the factors contributing to the spatial distribution of 14 metal concentrations in the surface sediments of Beppu Bay on the basis of comparisons of the organic geochemical properties and environmental parameters through principal component analysis (PCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA). The results of PCA and RDA showed that the concentrations of V, Cr, Co, and As were closely related to the distances between the sampling sites and the Oita River. This indicated that these metals originated from the river's drainage area. The Mn, Cu, Mo, and Cd concentrations were related to the water depth. These results indicated that the Mo, Cd, and Cu deposition processes were controlled by oxygen depletion, and that these elements accumulated in the deeper parts of the bay under anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

通过对目前生态动力学模型的总结和综合,以生态系统中氮、磷营养盐循环为主线,建立了适用于海洋围隔浮游生态系统的多变量的营养盐迁移-转化动力学模型.该模型包括浮游植物、浮游动物、溶解无机态营养盐、溶解有机态营养盐和生物碎屑5个模块,涉及溶解无机氮、磷酸盐、溶解有机氮、溶解有机磷、浮游植物、浮游动物和生物碎屑7个状态变量.分别利用1999年秋季和2000年夏季胶州湾围隔生态实验数据进行了模型和验证工作,成功地模拟了富加营养盐条件下围隔浮游生态系统中氮、磷营养盐生物化学迁移-转化过程,并确定了20余个参数的量值.  相似文献   

惠州大亚湾春夏季大气氮磷沉降的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对惠州大亚湾春夏季大气沉降的采样分析,探讨了大亚湾大气干湿沉降中氮磷营养盐的特征。结果表明,观测期间总氮和总磷的月均沉降通量分别为257.45和1.79kg·km-2·月-1,均以湿沉降为主。氮的干湿沉降都表现出了明显的春夏季变化差异,干沉降通量夏季比春季大,而湿沉降的结果与此相反;磷的干湿沉降在两季的观测结果均趋于稳定,无明显变化。在降雨冲刷、季风气候引起的大气传输和局部污染的共同作用下,大亚湾大气中的营养盐主要以NO3--N的形式存在。大亚湾大气中的氮盐是该地区大气污染的主要控制目标。  相似文献   

近岸海域水体和沉积物是营养盐迁移转化的重要场所。2016年8月对渤海湾水体和沉积物进行采样监测,分析了渤海湾水体和沉积物中不同形态氮、磷的含量,并研究了营养盐在水体和沉积物中的分布特征及其相互关系。结果表明:渤海湾水体中的营养盐在西部近岸地区含量较高,而在离海岸线较远的开阔海域含量较低,表现出一个明显的质量浓度梯度。说明人类活动对近岸海域水体中营养盐含量的贡献较为明显。水体中营养盐主要是以无机态为主,无机氮和无机磷分别占到总氮和总磷的76.65%和76.46%。沉积物中氮、磷营养盐表现出和水体中营养盐含量类似的空间分布特征,但形态主要以有机氮为主,无机磷的含量也仅占到30.42%。这说明夏季渤海湾水体中氮、磷营养盐主要由水中有机体通过同化作用将无机态营养盐合成为有机态营养盐进入沉积物,渤海湾西北海域的富营养化过程是水体中营养盐向沉积物迁移的一个主要驱动力。  相似文献   

2007年夏季航次对南海越南上升流区的三个站位进行现场采样,利用微电极技术测定了沉积物间隙水中的溶解氧(DO溶解氧分子)、锰(Mn2+)、铁(Fe2+)的浓度和氧化还原电位,估算了DO的通量、消耗速率和有机碳的消耗速率.在沉积物间隙水中DO浓度随深度的增加而迅速降低,渗透深度为9-48mm.在沉积物深处还检测到Mn2+和Fe2+.采用元素分析仪测定了沉积物中总有机碳(TOC)含量和总氮(TN)含量,三个站位沉积物中的TOC含量为0.7%-1.03%,TN含量为0.052%-0.10%,C/N为10.5-16.0.从C/N可以看出,该研究区域沉积物中的有机物有部分来源于陆源输入,其中一个站位位于湄公河冲淡水区域,其C/N最大.从氧化还原电位来看,三个站位的沉积环境都属于还原性环境.此研究首次测量了南海越南上升流区沉积物的氧化还原化学成分,对于认识该海区海底生物地球化学具有重要意义.  相似文献   

A nitrogen and phosphorus dynamic model of mesocosm pelagic ecosystem was established according to the summary and synthesis of the models available, in which seven state variables (DIN, PO4-P, DON, DOP, phytoplankton, zooplankton and detritus) were included. Logically it had five modules--phytoplankton, zooplankton, dissolved inorganic nutrients, dissolved organic nutrients and detritus. The results showed that this model could simulate the variations of DIN, PO4-P, DON, DOP, POC and phytoplankton biomass in pelagic ecosystem in mesocosm properly, based on the site experiment data in the Jiaozhou Bay in the autumn of 1999 and the summer of 2000. Not only the logical structure but also the model parameters were feasible, and about 20 parameters were made to fit for the Jiaozhou Bay during the simulation. All of these are necessary to study the control mechanism of nutrients biogeochemical cycling in the Jiaozhou Bay and other China' s coastal waters.  相似文献   

球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystis globosa)是我国北部湾海域主要的有害藻华原因种,囊体的生长是藻华发生和持续的关键。为了研究在富营养化日趋严重的钦州湾海域中营养盐输入对球形棕囊藻藻华形成的影响,采集钦州湾含球形棕囊藻的表层海水进行了添加不同营养盐的室内培养实验。根据钦州湾历史调查数据,进行了不同营养盐、不同氮磷比和不同添加方式的培养。结果表明,同时添加氮和磷显著促进浮游植物的生长,球形棕囊藻囊体继浮游植物细胞密度高峰期后大量形成。一次性添加磷对囊体生长的刺激作用较添加氮时强,丰度最高可达4.8×103 colonies·L-1,囊体平均直径为(115±84)μm,且具有较高囊体细胞密度,但囊体衰退较快。单独添加氮时,囊体细胞分布稀疏,囊体数量及直径皆较低。每天添加磷的方式相比一次性添加更有利于囊体丰度的维持。总体上,磷营养的添加能刺激囊体数量、囊体细胞数和囊体直径的生长。在具有较高N/P比值的钦州湾,应加强磷的排放管理,避免突发性磷污染对球形棕囊藻囊体生长的刺激作用。  相似文献   

柘林湾是粤东地区规模最大的海水增养殖区,近20年来水体富营养化情况日益加重,赤潮频繁发生。2002年7月至2003年7月对该湾9个站位表层沉积物中的含水量(W)、有机质(TOM)和不同形态的氮(TkN,NH4+)与磷(Ex-P,Fe-P,Au-P,De-P,OP)进行每月一次的周年调查。结果显示,表层沉积物中的含水量和有机质及不同形态的氮、磷均呈现极显著意义的正相关关系,今后可用含水量直接对这些指标进行粗略估算。有机质与氮、磷呈显著意义的正相关关系,表明有机质是影响氮、磷含量和分布的重要因素之一。凯氏氮(TkN)和总磷(TP)的总平均值分别为(1113.1±382.5)μg/g和(567.2±223.3)μg/g,显著高于国内外许多同类型的海湾。各形态氮、磷含量年均值的平面分布呈现湾内(除S1,S7站外)高于湾外、养殖区高于非养殖区、网箱渔排养殖区高于牡蛎养殖区的总体趋势,说明湾内大规模增养殖业对海湾富营养化进程起着重要的作用。各形态氮、磷含量均于盛夏至初秋的高温季节(7-9月)处于年度峰值,这与该季节养殖动物处于生长旺期与高死亡率所造成的生物碎屑增多和有机质分解加速有关。与2002年7月相比,2003年7月的TkN和TP均出现大幅升高,与水体富营养化程度不断加重的趋势相符。此外,自生磷(Au-P)年平均占TP的49.2%,是该湾沉积物中最主要的磷形态。由于水体富营养化能导致沉积物的pH降低,继而促进Au-P中的自生钙氟磷灰石和碳酸钙所结合的磷释放进入水体,因而表层沉积物中高浓度的Au-P可能成为此类海湾富营养化水平加剧和赤潮大规模暴发加剧的隐患。  相似文献   

长江口及邻近水域氮、磷的形态特征及分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据近几年大面调查的监测资料,对长江口及邻近水域氮、磷营养盐的形态组成、时空分布及氮磷比的变动规律及其影响因素进行了分析研究。结果表明,长江口及邻近水域中硝酸盐是水体无机氮存在的主要形态,其约占总无机氮的90%,无机氮含量河口高,向东南方向愈来愈低;从该水域总磷的形态组成来看,磷营养盐主要以溶解态和颗粒态共存的形式存在,TDP略高于TPP,无机磷的平面分布与无机氮十分相似,春季无机磷含量高于夏季;N/P值变动范围大和平均值较高是该水域的主要特征,N/P值与长江径流量的大小有关系,夏季N/P值比春季高,综合分析来看,磷营养盐和光照都有可能成为该水域浮游植物生长的重要限制因子。  相似文献   

三沙湾盐田港养殖海域沉积物中的有机碳、氮和磷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2012年8月(夏季)、11月(秋季)和2013年2月(冬季)、5月(春季)共4个航次对三沙湾盐田港养殖海域表层沉积物组成成分及其变化趋势进行调查分析,并采用单因子污染指数(Pi)对沉积物质量进行评价。结果表明不同功能区沉积物中有机氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和有机碳(OC)含量差异显著(P0.05),TN和TP含量4季变化范围分别是0.15~1.39 g/kg和0.11~1.08 g/kg,平均值分别为(0.89±0.36)g/kg和(0.56±0.26)g/kg。OC含量在1.00~14.71 g/kg之间,平均值为(8.26±3.78)g/kg。各站位沉积物中TN污染指数4季变化范围为0.25~2.53,4季超标率分别为67%、81%、80%和90%;各站位TP污染指数4季变化范围为0.18~2.63,4个季节超标率分别为35%、80%、40%和51%;各季节OC含量均未超标;OC/N原子比全年变化范围在8.4~10.3之间,平均值为8.9±0.6。较弱的水流交换条件和海水养殖,特别是海水网箱养殖,是造成沉积物污染的主要原因,开展多营养层次的综合养殖模式是促进盐田港海水养殖可持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distributions of nutrients (N and P) and heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd) in the intertidal sediments at Dongtan wetland of the Changjiang River (Yangtze River) Estuary were examined by laying one transect running seaward to landward during January, April, June, August and October of 2005. Total nitrogen (TN) and heavy metal concentrations in the intertidal sediment showed an increasing trend from open bare °at to the high marsh, with the maximum concentrations in the high marsh and the minimum values in open bare °at. In contrast, sediment total phosphorus (TP) concentrations changed little among sampling sites. One-way ANOVA found that there were signiˉcantly temporal variations of nutrients and heavy metals concentrations in the intertidal sediment (P <0.05). The concentrations of heavy metals generally showed an increasing trend from January to October. As compared with other large estuaries, heavy metal contamination in the intertidal sediment of the Changjiang River Estuary was relatively low.  相似文献   

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