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Chemical compositions were determined on mineral inclusions recovered from 290 microdiamonds (<1 mm) from 8 operating diamond mines in Yakutia. The sampled diamond mines include Mir, Udachnaya, Internatsionalnaya, Aykhal, Sytykanskaya, Yubileynaya, Komsomolskaya and Krasnopresnenskaya. The mineral inclusions include both ultramafic (peridotitic) suite (U-type) and eclogitic suite (E-type) examples. Olivines, chromites, Cr-pyropes, Cr-diopsides and enstatite were studied from U-type diamonds. Mg–Ca–Fe-garnets and omphacitic clinopyroxenes were studied from E-type microdiamonds. Abundances and compositions of these inclusions were compared with published and unpublished data on inclusions available from approximately 2000 macrodiamonds (>1 mm) from the same sources, and worldwide data for olivines and chromites. Although there are general similarities, notable exceptions were detected in about 10% of the inclusions from microdiamonds. For each of the pipes, anomalous compositions occur between the micro- and macrodiamond inclusions, but in different proportions, sometimes as high as 50% of the inclusions. Our study has demonstrated that mineral inclusions in microdiamonds are considerably more variable in their compositions and parageneses compared with inclusions in macrodiamonds.

Significant compositional anomalies in inclusions from microdiamonds include: (1) garnets containing pyroxene solid solution (majoritic component) both in U- and E-type microdiamonds from three pipes: Yubileynaya, Komsomolskaya and Krasnopresnenskaya. The moles of Si (pfu) in these garnets range from 3.07 to 3.13 and as high as 3.29, on the basis of 12 oxygens, along with a notable contents of Na2O in two eclogitic garnets (0.43 and 0.93 wt.%) and uniquely high Cr2O3 and CaO contents in an ultramafic garnet of wehrlitic paragenesis; (2) coexisting wehrlitic garnets in a single microdiamond, one majoritic, the other normal, both with distinct +Eu anomalies, considered as signatures of crustal protoliths for the precursors to these garnets; (3) olivines with relatively low Fo (86–89) and high-NiO contents (0.46–0.64 wt.%), from Yubileynaya and Sytykanskaya microdiamonds; (4) chromites containing high-TiO2 (up to 4.7 wt.%) and some extremely rich in MgO (Mg# 80). It is concluded that many of these compositional features observed may be related to a deeper origin for the microdiamond source region (>300 km), for at least a 10–30% portion of microdiamonds from each Yakutian pipe.  相似文献   

Syngenetic inclusions of yimengite K (Cr, Ti, Mg, Fe, Al)12O19, a potassium member of the magnetoplumbite mineral group, have been recorded in an octahedral macrodiamond from the Sese kimberlite (50 km south of Masvingo, Zimbabwe). One yimengite inclusion carries lamellae of chromite suggesting peridotitic diamond paragenesis. The diamond and inclusions were studied in situ in a plate polished parallel to (011). Cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging has shown blue colour and octahedral zonation of the diamond, lack of cracks and the location of five yimengites in different growth zones. Nitrogen (N) contents (at. ppm) in the diamond determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) steadily decrease from 576 (core) to 146 (rim). N aggregation (%1aB) is correspondingly 40% in the core and 30% in the rim. Hydrogen (H) content is high in the core, moderate in the intermediate and very high in the rim zones. Four yimengites were dated using the laser 40Ar/39Ar method. Three inclusions yielded total gas ages that agree with, or are younger than, or within error of, the Sese kimberlite eruption age (538±11 Ma) but may be compromised by gas loss. One inclusion, with the highest tapped interface gas yield, gave a total gas age of 892±21 Ma that is a likely minimum yimengite age. Time–T °C constraints from N aggregation systematics give a range of possible ages from kimberlite eruption date back to Archean and do not resolve the variable results of the 40Ar/39Ar dating. Compared with the published chemistry of yimengite from kimberlites, inclusions from the Sese diamond contain higher Al, Mg, and Sr and have lower concentration of Fe3+. The chondrite-normalised REE pattern of the yimengite shows enrichment in LREE and depletion in HREE, but LREE/HREE fractionations are lower than for lindsleyite–mathiasite series mantle titanates and rather similar to the REE concentrations in kimberlite and lamproite rocks. It is suggested that Sese yimengite formed in the lithospheric mantle from metasomatism of chrome spinel by a fluid rich in Ti, K, Ba and LREE.  相似文献   

Dimension stone is a natural rock that must fulfil high qualitative standards defined by both geology-based factors and non-geological factors. The stone itself (appearance/soundness) and the market demand are the two most important aspects in the quality assessment. The process of geological dimension stone exploration is a systematic and stepwise procedure, including individual steps of desk study, field mapping, detailed examination, geo-radar survey, and core drilling. The location of all economically feasible dimension stone deposits is strictly controlled by geological factors. Knowledge of these factors is fundamental in identifying new sites with potential for dimension stone. In this work the geological constraint on the occurrence of dimension stone in three areas, in the Precambrian of southern Finland, has been investigated. The deposits are localized to part of an area in which different geological features in combination have produced rock of good dimension stone quality. The study shows that, for example, vertical movements in the crust, magmatic evolution of an intrusion, and metamorphic grade define the location of rocks suitable for dimension stone.  相似文献   

The enzyme leach and MMI (mobile metal ion) selective digestions are rapidly gaining popularity in the exploration community because of their successful track record in non-glaciated, arid and tropical climatic regions. Few successful case studies from high-latitude, temperate regions have been published to date. Also lacking is a comprehensive discussion of the constraints and limitations of these geochemical methods and how they affect the successful interpretation of selective-leach survey results in glaciated regions. This paper evaluates each method using specific examples from four case studies undertaken in the glaciated region of northern Ontario. The case studies clearly demonstrate that both the MMI and enzyme leach selective digestions provide the explorationist with useful information, which, when used in conjunction with other exploration tools, can assist with the identification of potential diamond drill targets. Notwithstanding this, the techniques do not appear to work well as ‘stand alone' methods. The importance of following strict sampling protocols and obtaining high-quality observational information on the sampling site and media collected cannot be overstressed. It is only by filtering out the many variables that arise in any sampling program that a sound interpretation of the data can be made. The case studies have drawn attention to some of the apparent shortfalls of the techniques. Of these, issues such as the ability to reproduce survey results from year to year and the recognition of anomalous element associations which specifically target blind mineralisation are probably those which require significant follow-up work. Clearly, additional case studies are required from the glaciated regions of the world to assist with the optimisation of geochemical response of MMI and enzyme leach selective extractions. The mechanisms responsible for the formation of surface geochemical anomalies over deeply buried mineralisation are not well understood. The observed patterns of geochemical response in surface soils and both shallow and deep ground waters over concealed mineralisation should assist with the development of new dispersion models.  相似文献   

Anomalously high values of light hydrocarbons (C1–C4) have been detected in carbonate rocks hosting base metal mineralization, and have a potential use in mineral exploration. Development of an exploration method based on such anomalies requires an understanding of the controls on the hydrocarbon content of the rocks, other than by mineralization, i.e. the hydrocarbons present in background areas. This study uses gas chromatography to investigate the light hydrocarbons present in rocks from such a background area, the Carboniferous Limestone of the Mendip Hills, in order to determine the extent to which different carbonate lithologies affect the quantity and nature of hydrocarbons present. It appears that the lithological effects are minimal when compared to the anomalous values from mineralized areas. The limited effects are due to variations in the depositional and diagenetic regimes of the original sediments.  相似文献   

Changes in tree density are estimated for the northern forest‐limit region of Finnish Lapland over the past seven and a half millennia. This is done using dendrochronologically dated Scots pine megafossils and their tree‐ring series. Direct and indirect estimates of past tree density are derived from chronology sample size (CSS) and growth trend modelling (GTM) respectively. The latter is a new method, where the past levels of growth competition (the influence of nearby trees) are extracted from the behaviour of growth trends in cross‐dated tree‐ring series, trends that are expected to be driven by tree‐density control. Two records constructed from the same original data set but by different means (independently) correlate significantly. Both records show a tree‐density maximum around 3000–1750 BC , indicating relative warmth during that time. Another positive tree‐density anomaly occurred in accordance with the ‘Medieval Warm Period’, preceding the thinning at the forest‐limit due to the ‘Little Ice Age’. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peat is known to show metal enrichment. The geochemical enrichment factor (GEF) of U on peat humic acid is, for example, 10,000. Apart from U, peat accumulates a large number of metals including Cu, V, Ni, Cr, Zn, Pb, Zr, Mo, etc.

A large laterite bound peat deposit in Sri Lanka was studied for its distribution of metals. Most metals, in particular Be, Zr, Li and the majority of the transition series metals, exhibit a strong positive correlation with K, Al, Fe and Mn. A noteworthy feature observed was the poor correlation of the metals with organic carbon, as contrasted with a very good correlation with elemental components of clay. The laterites found around the peat deposit appear to be the possible source materials for the metals in the peat deposit. The geochemical distribution of metals in the peat is governed by:

1. (1) the nature of the organic matter;

2. (2) clay component;

3. (3) pH and Eh changes;

4. (4) marine-continental sediment mixing;

5. (5) nature of source materials for the metals.

Most of the metals appeared to be bound to the clay matrix, coated perhaps with hydrous Fe- and Mn-oxides. The existence of brine-rich marine-based sediments in the peat deposit had an important bearing on the geochemical distribution of the metals, as evidenced by the fact that in saline conditions most metals form chloride complexes, particularly under the prevailing acidic conditions. The metals thus mobilized interact with humic acids. The peat deposit under investigation provides an ideal setting for the study of the distribution of metals in a laterite-clay-peat mixture.  相似文献   

A spatially distributed physically based slope stability model combined with a hydrological model is presented and applied to a 350-km2 area located in Dhading district, Nepal. Land slide safety factor maps are generated for five cases, including three steady state conditions assuming either completely dry soils, half saturated soils, or fully saturated soils, and two quasi-dynamic conditions, i.e. soil wetness resulting from storm events with, respectively a 2 or 25-year return period. For the quasi-dynamic cases, two methods are used, one based on accumulation of groundwater flow from upstream areas, and the other on accumulation of soil water from direct infiltration. The methodology delineates areas most prone to shallow land sliding in function of readily available data as topography, land-use and soil types. For the study area only 29% of the soils are unconditionally stable, while 25% of the soils are found to be unstable under fully saturated conditions. The comparison between the methods based on contributing area or on infiltration for quasi-dynamic conditions show that the approach based on infiltration is more reliable for the study area. The proposed methodology for predicting landslide susceptibility on a regional scale, based on basic data in GIS form, may be useful for other remote regions where detailed information is not available.  相似文献   

Sediment successions in coastal cliffs around Mezen Bay, southeastern White Sea, record an unusually detailed history of former glaciations, interstadial marine and fluvial events from the Weichselian. A regional glaciation model for the Weichselian is based on new data from the Mezen Bay area and previously published data from adjacent areas. Following the Mikulinian (Eemian) interglacial a shelf‐centred glaciation in the Kara Sea is reflected in proglacial conditions at 100–90 ka. A local ice‐cap over the Timan ridge existed between 75 and 65 ka. Renewed glaciation in the Kara Sea spread southwestwards around 60 ka only, interrupted by a marine inundation, before it advanced to its maximum position at about 55–50 ka. After a prolonged ice‐free period, the Scandinavian ice‐sheet invaded the area from the west and terminated east of Mezen Bay about 17 ka. The previously published evidence of a large ice‐dammed lake in the central Arkhangelsk region, Lake Komi, finds no support in this study. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a record of peatland development in relation to climate changes and human activities from the Palomaa mire, a remote site in northern Finland. We used fine‐resolution and continuous sampling to analyse several proxies including pollen (for vegetation on and around the mire), testate amoebae (TA; for mire‐wetness changes), oxygen and carbon isotopes from Sphagnum cellulose (δ18O and δ13C; for humidity and temperature changes), peat‐accumulation rates and peat‐colour changes. In spite of an excellent accumulation model (30 14C dates and estimated standard deviation of sample ages <1 year in the most recent part), the potential to determine cause–effect (or lead–lag) relationships between environmental changes and biotic responses is limited by proxy‐specific incorporation processes below the actively growing Sphagnum surface. Nevertheless, what emerges is that mire development was closely related to water‐table changes rather than to summer temperature and that water‐table decreases were associated with increasing peat‐accumulation rates and more abundant mire vegetation. A rapid fen‐to‐bog transition occurred within a few years around AD 1960 when the water table decreased beyond the historical minimum, supporting the notion that mires can rapidly shift into bogs in response to allogenic factors. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The behavior and properties of sediments depend on their compositional characteristics and formation processes, as well as the environmental conditions during their geological history, i.e. post-formation processes. A vertical cut made in a hill in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, reveals a vivid picture of the inherent heterogeneity of sediments that have been deposited at different geological ages. A review of the geology of the area, as well as laboratory tests, help to determine the possible causes of the variability of soil types and properties in the area. Laboratory tests include basic geotechnical tests, chemical tests, X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and thermal analysis. These tests are used to identify different rock types and soils from the face of the cut. The results of this study indicate that the material from this cut varies from clayey shale and limestone rock (Tertiary, lower Eocene) formed some 52 M.Y. to calcite-cemented sand and pure calcite rock formed in the Quaternary age.  相似文献   

In order to quantify the reservoir age in Baltic Sea sediment, one sedimentary sequence from an isostatically isolated basin was subject to high-resolution AMS radiocarbon dates. Diatom analysis confirmed deposition during the Litorina Sea stage and later, in a freshwater lake. Macrofossils from well preserved seeds and other remnants from terrestrial plants were used for AMS datings. It is assumed that these fragile plant remains are not redeposited or affected by internal ages. The ages obtained from the macrofossils range from 6460±125 to 5580±75 14C yr BP. By comparing these radiocarbon ages with those obtained by bulk sediment dates, it was obvious that the bulk samples were affected by reservoir ages, resulting in too old ages. The reservoir ages varied within the sediment column; during the most saline phase, the reservoir age was approximately 750 yr, shortly after the isolation ca 400 yr and in the freshwater lake, the age differences between the two series were neglectable.  相似文献   

Termite mounds are conventionally surmised as one of the best bio-geological indicator for groundwater occurrence in places where they inhibit. Ground magnetic survey was carried out to prove the assumption about termite mounds as an important indicator for groundwater exploration. Occurrences of 18 Termite mounds were mapped using handheld GPS to identify the suitable trend for magnetic survey. After considering all the criteria such as power lines, fences and fracture system, termite mound 2, 12 and 18 were selected in the NNE-SSW trend, and the ground magnetic survey was conducted in ESE-WNW direction which is perpendicular to the trend of the termite mounds using Proton Precession Magnetometer. Totally, 99 samples were collected with 5 m sampling interval and 50 m profile interval over an area of 22 500 sq.m. The magnetic values varied from –7 363 nT to 898 nT with the mean of –331 nT. Processed map of reduction to Equator indicates the presence of NNE-SSW and WNW-ESE magnetic breaks. Analytical signal map designated the presence of magnetic low in the WNW-ESE direction which coincides spatially with the magnetic breaks. The magnetic profile lines have also brought to light the structurally weak zones. Causative body depth range was estimated using power spectrum and Euler method which are from 120 m to 40 m and <20 m to >100 m, respectively. The present study appreciably brings out the spatial relationship between the termite mounds and the hydro-fractures. This confirms the assertion with regard to termite mounds as an effective tool for groundwater exploration.  相似文献   

Generally the seismic hazard of an area of interest is considered independent of time. However, its seismic risk or vulnerability, respectively, increases with the population and developing state of economy of the area. Therefore, many areas of moderate seismic hazard gain increasing importance with respect to seismic hazard and risk analysis. However, these areas mostly have a weak earthquake database, i.e., they are characterised by relative low seismicity and uncertain information concerning historical earthquakes. In a case study for Eastern Thuringia (Germany), acting as example for similar places in the world, seismic hazard is estimated using the probabilistic approach. Because of the lack of earthquakes occurring in the recent past, mainly historical earthquakes have to be used. But for these the actual earthquake sources or active faults, needed for the analysis, are imprecisely known. Therefore, the earthquake locations are represented by areal sources, a common practice. The definition of these sources is performed carefully, because their geometrical shape and size (apart from the earthquake occurrence model) influence the results significantly. Using analysis tools such as density maps of earthquake epicentres, seismic strain and energy release support this. Oversizing of areal sources leads to underestimation of seismic hazard and should therefore be avoided. Large location errors of historical earthquakes on the other hand are represented by several alternative areal sources with final superimposition of the different results. In a very similar way information known from macroseismic observations interpreted as source rather than as site effects are taken into account in order to achieve a seismic hazard assessment as realistic as possible. In very local cases the meaning of source effects exceeds those of site effects very likely. The influence of attenuation parameter variations on the result of estimated local seismic hazard is relatively low. Generally, the results obtained by the seismic hazard assessment coincide well with macroseismic observations from the thoroughly investigated largest earthquake in the region.  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge rates calculated with the GROWA model have been applied as the recharge boundary condition for the regional groundwater model Rurscholle. This model simulates groundwater dynamics in the Pleistocene aquifers of the Lower Rhine lignite mining area (Germany). GROWA uses an area-differentiated approach to calculate recharge rates depending on runoff-relevant site characteristics, which are represented by a set of baseflow indices. The regional accuracy of the coupled groundwater and GROWA models has been checked using groundwater hydrographs as validation criteria. The results suggest that the current (unadjusted) version of GROWA underestimates the regional groundwater recharge rate by 10–20 mm/yr. The comparative analysis identified areas where recharge calculations could be improved by adjusting the baseflow indices for areas where runoff is dominated by slope, low water-logging and a low degree of sealing. Using the adjusted set of baseflow indices, the mean groundwater recharge rate of the Rurscholle region was modelled as approx. 170 mm/yr. This study highlights the benefit of using a coupled approach and being able to independently calibrate and validate groundwater recharge boundary conditions in regional groundwater models.  相似文献   

Pedogenic needle-fiber calcite was studied regarding its morphology, texture and stable isotope composition from the paleosol of the Quaternary Várhegy travertine (Budapest, Hungary). The needle-fiber calcite is composed of 40–200 μm long monocrystals. Smooth rods as well as serrated-edged crystals with calcite overgrowths were identified by SEM. Needles have several textural varieties: randomly distributed crystals in vugs and pores with calcite hypocoatings, bundles of subparallel crystals forming coatings around grains and alveolar structure with bridging needles in vugs.The morphological study of needle-fiber calcite suggests that needles are calcified fungal sheaths and produced by fungal biomineralization, a common process in recent and fossil soils and calcretes. The stable isotope composition of needle-fiber calcite (average: δ18O=-7.1‰ and δ13C=-7.3‰ vs. V-PDB) indicates significant incorporation of organically derived CO2 and probably biological influence on needle genesis. Dissolved host rock travertine and/or atmospheric CO2 could also contribute some carbon to the acicular calcite.  相似文献   

This paper presents and validates a workflow that provides for the rapid collection of reliable and robust portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) data in a regolith-dominated exploration setting. The analysis of regolith material by pXRF is challenging because of its variable Fe content (e.g. 0 to >70 wt%) that results in large matrix effects, which can be mitigated with appropriate standards. Here, we present a dataset from the Western Mount Isa Inlier, Queensland, Australia, comprising soil, lag, rock and rotary air blast (RAB) samples. In the soil dataset, comparison of the laboratory and pXRF datasets for Cu, Pb and Zn have R2 > 0.9, and Cu and Zn fall within 2% of the laboratory data, while Pb is 77% less than the corresponding laboratory analyses. Iron, Al, K and Ca by pXRF perform reasonably well when compared with the laboratory data (R2 = 0.59 for Al, R2 > 0.9 for Fe, K and Ca, <25% variation from the laboratory data), while Mn, Rb and Sr have very good correlations (<8% variation) with R2 > 0.94. Titanium, Zr, Ni, Cr and As have poorer comparisons. Overall, the RAB dataset shows similar trends with Cu overestimated by 17%, Zn underestimated by 4% and Pb overestimated by 69%; R2 for all elements is >0.92. Since no suitable standards are available, the solid rock dataset was uncorrected; despite this limitation, the dataset shows good correlations with the laboratory data for many elements, and Cu is overestimated by 9.8% with an R2 = 0.87. The poor analytical performance of Pb in all datasets is associated with erroneous Bi concentrations being reported by the pXRF unit. When high Fe and Pb amounts are present in a sample, erroneous Pb and Bi concentrations are reported, owing to a pile-up of the Fe Kα peak (6.405 keV) at ~12.8 keV, which is proximal to the Pb Lβ (12.614 keV) and Bi Lβ (13.023 keV) peaks. Despite the care that is required in validating data, by using pXRF there is substantial opportunity for dynamic exploration campaigns in regolith-dominated terranes with rapid turnaround times, additional elements that may not otherwise be analysed for and low analytical costs. Decisions to stop, continue or infill drill holes while the drill rig is present can be made in near-real time, and not after laboratory results are available and the drill rig has left the area.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(6):941-948
The aim of this study was to seek the origin of a B peak found in two sediment profiles from a small lake close to a small-sized town in Finland. The peak was found by chance when an environmental multielement study was performed. Altogether 51 chemical elements were determined with ICP-MS, after aqua regia digestion. None of the other determined elements were enriched or depleted in the B rich layer, including elements derived from sea-salt inclusions (Na and Sr) and anthropogenic sources (Pb, Cu, Cd, Hg, etc.). Boron stable isotopes, dating of the sediment cores, and the B concentrations found in possible source materials suggest that the B rich layer is the result of leaching of wood ash produced in a fire that destroyed half of the nearby wooden town in the early 19th century. The results imply that the concentrations and isotopic signatures of B in lacustrine environments (sediments) can be used to detect historic fires.  相似文献   

青藏高原盐湖中的锂、硼等矿产资源具有极高的经济价值.锂、硼等矿产资源的含量及其空间分布是盐湖观测的重点,对于盐湖资源的开发利用具有重要的指导意义.利用遥感技术开展盐湖观测可以克服传统观测站观测空间上数据不连续、费时费力等缺点,而机器学习等人工智能算法可以快速高效地挖掘遥感数据信息,因此本文基于Landsat-8遥感影像...  相似文献   

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