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1998年舟山市海洋产业稳步发展,在全市国民经济中所占比重继续增加。 1.渔业生产稳步发展,养殖短腿逐渐拉长 1998年,全市渔业结构调整力度加大,机动渔船继续倾向大吨位,迈向远洋、境外,并向一船多网、一人多技方向发展。虽然全市机动渔船比上年减少2.8%,但总吨位和总功率均比上年增长  相似文献   

一、兴办群众渔业公司的概况与基因在深化渔业改革中,舟山市普陀区渔民群众兴办了一批海洋渔业公司,它已成为渔村优化生产要素组合,实行适度规模经营的一种较佳形式。据调查,1984~1989年全区新组建群众渔业公司12家(桃花二渔公司于1989年4月并入桃花渔业公司),共招收渔民职工9857名,占全区渔业总劳力24.5%;拥有大中型机动渔船323艘,载重量28781吨,船机功率45646千瓦,分别占全区机动渔船、载重量和船机功率总数  相似文献   

山东省海洋渔业结构调整研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对山东省海洋渔业现状进行了全面调查、研究与分析的基础上,用灰色模型理论,模拟预测山东省渔业发展的特性与趋势;运用平衡产量和经济模型分别评估了山东省海洋捕捞的最高持续渔产量与最大持续经济产量及其相应努力量;运用线性规划的理论与方法,测算了各档次渔船的功率和船只匹配的优化估算值。依据该数值模型所作的评估结果,提出了对山东海洋渔业结构的调整意见。  相似文献   

山东省海洋捕捞业结构调整研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文论述了我国海洋渔业半个世纪来的发展情况和取得的巨大成就。分析了山东省海洋渔业的发展、渔获量的变化、渔船数量及其结构的变化、渔具渔法等情况。指出了山东省海洋捕捞业存在的主要问题 :渔业资源严重衰退、渔捞努力量过大且结构不合理、渔捞作业方式单一、国际渔业形势严峻等。提出了山东省海洋捕捞业结构调整的建议 :将渔船总功率压缩到 76× 10 4kw,调整结构的具体方案 ;更新木质渔船为玻璃钢渔船 ;适度发展远洋渔船等措施。  相似文献   

海洋经济对沿海地区社会经济的发展具有巨大的推动作用,二者关系是否协调对沿海地区的发展至关重要。文章构建海洋经济和社会经济发展水平评价指标体系,评价辽宁省沿海6市海洋经济与社会经济发展状况,并利用协调度模型对各市2000—2011年间海洋经济与社会经济发展的协调关系进行分析,研究表明:辽宁省沿海地区海洋经济与社会经济基本处于优度协调状态,个别年份出现其他协调类型;大连市二者的协调关系为最优。最后提出了优化海洋经济和社会经济发展水平及更好地协调二者关系的相关对策建议。  相似文献   

文章在阐述海洋产业结构优化理论的基础上,通过定性、定量两方面来说明金融支持与海洋产业结构优化升级之间的关联机制。以辽宁省1999—2006年的数据建立格兰杰因果分析模型进行实证研究,得出金融支持对海洋产业结构优化升级具有单向因果关系的结论,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

文章针对海洋渔业由于过度捕捞造成渔业资源枯竭的问题,提出了一种基于海洋遥感(ORS)、全球定位系统(GPS)和海洋地理信息系统(MGIS)等高新技术的海洋捕捞与海水养殖监管系统设计方案,可以远程自动对海洋渔业区域的水质多参数信息和养殖环境视频信息进行综合采集、传输及监控,也可以自动采集传输渔船RFID身份识别信息、渔船AIS自动识别信息、渔船GPS定位信息和捕捞生产视频信息等,并通过海洋精细渔业专家系统ES进行渔业养殖监控、渔业环境资源监测评估、渔船船数和功率数控制和海洋捕捞生产渔情监测等。该系统可以实现海洋渔业精细化捕捞和海洋渔业精细化养殖,促进海洋渔业可持续发展。  相似文献   

1995年改进了浮游植物表面积的酸碱滴定测定法,其中应用改进BET方程对酸滴定曲线拟合求最大表面酸量,由此测定了18种海洋浮游植物(包括8种绿藻,7种硅藻,2种甲藻,1种红藻)的细胞表面积。结果表明,该方法精密度为15.2%,所测定的18种海洋浮游植物的表面积为2.78×10-8—6.9×10-6m2,变异系数为0.9%—31.3%,较传统的用光/电子显微镜粗略估算的方法,更为精确,并且设备简单,操作方便。  相似文献   

本文是在对两国渔业发展情况调查研究的基础上,对比了两国渔船在性能方面的差异,分析了日本渔船的发展趋势,提出了中国渔船近期发展的方向。日本渔船改为节能型后,两国渔船的船型相近,其稳定与适航性指标亦相差不大。日本渔船的装备优于中国的渔船,平均单船功率为46.5kW/艘,中国的平均单船功率为23.03kw/艘。日本渔船的助渔设备、机电设备、制冷设备均较先进,主机推进系统多采用可变螺距螺旋浆或多级减速,中国渔船的推进方式多为定距浆,现在正推广多级减速装置。日本渔船业的发展趋势为:控制规模,提高性能,确保安全,改善适居性。我国渔船的发展方向是:减少渔船的数量,适度发展外海和远洋作业渔船,改善渔船装备,改造小型渔船,大力发展FRP渔船。  相似文献   

在研究辽宁省滨海湿地地理结构、功能与特征的基础上,针对辽宁省滨海湿地资源开发利用存在着的一系列问题,通过以滨海湿地为基础的辽宁省海洋产业分析,对海洋经济产业结构调整升级问题进行了初步探讨,最后对辽宁省滨海湿地在海洋经济开发中的作用给出了定位。  相似文献   

国内小型木质渔船(几十kW)常见利用潮差将船舶搁置在浅滩上对水线下部分进行必要的修理,而中型渔船(441kW-735kW)极少见利用潮差对船舶水线下部分进行修理.本文介绍在西非塞拉里昂的中国水产集团公司塞拉里昂代表处利用当地条件根据潮差对441kW-588kW渔船进行水线下的修理.  相似文献   

A detailed understanding of fishing activity in Scottish waters is required to inform marine spatial planning. Larger fishing vessels are fitted with Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) offering spatial information on fishing activity. VMS does not cover smaller vessels (under 15 m), which fish predominantly in inshore waters where the competition for space is often greatest. To improve knowledge of the distribution of fishing activity and value of fisheries in Scotland's inshore waters, Marine Scotland conducted a participatory fisheries mapping project, known as ScotMap. The data were collected during face-to-face interviews with 1090 fishermen of Scottish registered commercial fishing vessels under 15 m in overall length and relate to fishing activity for the period 2007–2011. Interviewees were asked to identify the areas in which they fish, estimate the contribution these areas make to vessel earnings, and to provide associated information. The majority of interviews relate to creel fishing. The data collected were aggregated to provide mapped outputs of the monetary value, relative importance to fishermen and the usage of the seas around Scotland (number of fishing vessels and number of crew). ScotMap outputs provide information on the locations of inshore fishing activities and the economic importance of different sea areas at a much higher spatial resolution than was previously possible. Outputs have informed marine policy development, provide a valuable resource for marine spatial planning in Scotland and illustrate how participatory mapping can generate useful resources on the location and importance of inshore fishing areas.  相似文献   

The Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island is a complex mosaic of human activities and environmental features and while spatial distributions of physical, chemical, and biological elements are well documented in the Bay, there are limited data on spatial distributions of human activities. In this study, human uses of coastal waters in the upper Narragansett Bay are examined using an approach for characterizing and analyzing fine scale spatial and temporal data on human activities. Shipboard transect surveys of active water activities were conducted in the upper Bay on 50 days during the summer months of 2006–2007. The composition and configuration of different vessel types (recreational motor, recreational sail, row boat, commercial fishing, industrial, service, and official) were analyzed, and the impacts of proposed changes in land use policies and wastewater treatment technologies were investigated. Results indicated that recreational boaters comprised almost two-thirds of the upper Bay's users and used over one-half of the study area. Industrial activity was concentrated near Providence where RI's main port is located, and there was an active commercial fishery in the southern portion of the study area. Conditions like increasing cloud cover, weekend days, and the July 4th holiday were related to increased recreational use, while the closure of an upper Bay beach to swimming was associated with fewer commercial fishing vessels and more official boats, recreational motor boats, and service vessels. Findings indicated that upper Bay waters near land converted from industrial zones to zones where residential housing or marinas are encouraged are likely to see a change in composition of vessels, with fewer industrial and official boats and more recreational motor boats, row boats, and service vessels. Enhanced wastewater treatment technologies and the resulting improvements in water quality are likely to make more waters in the upper Bay available to shellfish harvesting, spreading out existing fishing grounds and potential pressures on the ecosystem and on other users. By characterizing the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of human uses in the marine environment and analyzing how these uses relate to the complex human and natural systems in which they are embedded, this study and others like it can positively contribute to marine spatial planning and management efforts designed to achieve ecological, economic, and social objectives.  相似文献   

Between 1972 and 1974 plastic marine litter on ten 1-km beaches at Amchitka Island increased from 2,221 to 5,367 items—a 2·4 x increase in a two-year period. Most litter originated from Japanese and Soviet fishing vessels, but some items were from the Asian coast, at least 1,150 km distant. In 1974 there were 345 kg of common items of plastic litter per kilometre of beach. In 1972, an estimated 1,664 metric tons of plastic litter was lost or dumped from fishing vessels in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean. Stranded plastic litter persists indefinitely but rapidly becomes buried in beach material or is blown inland and covered with vegetation. The most serious environmental impact is probably entanglement of marine mammals and birds in some types of litter. The accelerating accumulation of litter could be reduced through unilateral action by countries that regulate coastal fishing privileges if these countries make litter control a condition for permission to fish.  相似文献   

The marine ecological environment and fishery resources can be severely polluted or destroyed by waste oil from fishing vessels if they are emitted directly into the ocean without any proper pre-treatment process. International conventions such as MARPOL 73/78 regulate waste-oil emissions and require the installation of a waste oil–water separator only for ocean-going ships of over 400 gross tons. Hence, these international conventions are not applicable to most fishing ships due to their low gross tonnages. In addition, space on most fishing vessels is too limited to allow waste-oil storage tanks or a waste oil-water separator to comply with international maritime regulations. Because a significant amount of waste oil is produced by fishing vessels around the world every day, effective strategies or measures are needed to prevent this waste oil from polluting the marine environment. This study thus investigates strategies and measures for improving the effectiveness of waste-oil collection from fishing vessels. This study found that existing procedures for the collection and treatment of waste lubricating oil on land could be applied to the management of waste oil and bilge water from fishing vessels. Sufficient oil–water separators and storage facilities for the collection of waste oil should be placed at each fishing port and shipyard. Fishermen should then be required to deliver their waste oil to these storage facilities, from where it can be transported to legal recycling companies for further treatment. In addition, fishing harbor authorities should bear definitive responsibility for monitoring the illegal dumping of waste oil and for checking the waste-oil record books of fishing vessels. Each maritime country should enforce relevant laws and regulations to reduce the emission of waste oil from fishing vessels into the ocean.  相似文献   

为了从海量渔船轨迹数据中挖掘隐含的信息和知识,进而为渔业行政主管部门的决策提供科学依据,本研究以AIS渔船轨迹数据为研究对象,提出了一种基于深度学习和面向时空特征融合的海洋渔船密度预测方法:首先,利用渔船轨迹数据集对渔船行驶区域进行网格划分;其次,筛选出渔船高密度区域进行研究,避免数据稀疏性问题;再次,根据渔船轨迹数据的时空分析,构建三维时空融合矩阵;最后,通过卷积循环神经网络模型捕获渔船分布的时间和空间特征,并利用卷积神经网络的堆叠加强对空间特征的学习。实验通过东海海域渔船真实轨迹数据进行具体测试,结果表明渔船密度预测值与真实值非常接近,平均绝对误差为4×10-4,模型较好地拟合了渔船密度分布特征,有效地提高了渔船捕捞热点预测的准确性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

The peak-to-peak (PTP) and data envelopment analyses (DEA) methods were used in a quantitative study of the marine fishing capacity in China. The results showed that: the better input index in the PTP methodology is total power rather than number of ships when measuring the Chinese marine fishing capacity. urther analyses made it clearer that the excess of marine fishing capacity in China is primarily an excess of total power of fishing ships. This paper then suggests that the number of ships should be reduced by 35.2 percent, the gross tonnage should be reduced by 29.8 percent and the total power by 37.3 percent in China, if the current marine catch stays at the 1999 base line level. The discussion proposes the idea of supplement peak year. We also discovered that the PTP methodology is suitable for market economics and is better as a longitudinal analysis in time arrays, but the DEA approach is useful for the transverse comparison of fishing capacity in a given time period. The analyses also showed that the capacity, which has been based on the practical catch, is commonly underestimated. Therefore the fishing capacity reduction required in practice is generally larger than the value given by calculation.  相似文献   

It is widely documented that marine debris is detrimental to the marine ecological environment. While there are various sources of marine debris, that generated by ships constitutes a significant proportion. Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 is to regulate the discharge of garbage from ships; in particular, it prohibits all kinds of plastics from being discharged into ocean. However, most fishing vessels are virtually exempt from such regulations due to their low gross tonnage, below 400 t. Given the great number of fishing vessels operating around the world, it can be argued that fishing vessels are a common source of marine debris. This paper aims to propose measures that will fill the gap in international regulations in addressing the problem of vessel-source garbage pollution. An understanding of what constitutes the underlying causes leading to fishers' decision on debris disposal is needed when designing effective measures to reduce garbage pollution from ships. Thus, this paper seeks to identify factors that have the potential to influence fishers' disposal behavior and investigate the association between factors and fishers' intention of bringing garbage back to port. Major factors of a well-developed recycling practice, adequate collection facilities placed at port, fishers' positive views towards marine environments and provision of rewards are identified, which have significant implications for management strategies. Finally, the papers offers suggestions regarding future efforts focusing on debris reduction strategies to further address the problem of garbage pollution from fishing vessels.  相似文献   

厄尔尼诺现象对广西海洋捕捞产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厄尔尼诺现象是一种对世界渔业有重要影响的气候事件,它的形成,使得海洋气候、水温、海流等因子也相应发生了不同的变化。本文对1980-2009年的Nino3.4区的海表温度(SST)和广西海洋捕捞产量的增长率进行了线性回归并经F检验分析,得出了它们在α=0.05的水平上回归效果显著的结论(F>Fα=0.05),且随着厄尔尼诺强度的增强、持续时间的增长,广西海洋捕捞产量的增长率也随之增大。因此,可将Nino3.4区的海表温度作为预测广西海洋捕捞产量的一个重要指标。  相似文献   

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