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The fecundity of Raja clavata in British waters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Growth rate of Raia clavata in the Northeast Irish Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

深海铁锰结壳的定年对其记录的百万年尺度古海洋环境变化研究至为关键。综合运用10Be/9Be、Co经验公式、230Thex/232Th和磁性地层学,对采自加瓜海脊的铁锰结壳样品开展了系统的年代学对比研究。结果表明:相对于开阔大洋的铁锰结壳,较多的陆源物质输入造成了不同定年方法获得的年龄或生长速率的明显差异。其中,因为大量陆源物质携带的232Th以及对Co含量的稀释,铁锰结壳表层的230Thex/232Th初始通量以及样品部分层位的Co通量出现显著变化,230Thex/232Th定年方法与Co经验公式获得的结果受到碎屑物质的影响最为显著。尽管10Be/9Be初始通量也受到了陆源物质输入的影响,但是10Be/9Be初始通量变化很小,应该是本研究中最为可信的结果。而古地磁地层学定年法需要参考其他定年结果,最后也只能得到几个年龄控制点。最终得出加瓜海脊该铁锰结壳样品的年龄为7.09 Ma,而不同核素在铁锰结壳中的赋存状态应该是今后值得深入研究的一个重要方向。  相似文献   

台湾海峡海表面温度的遥感反演及精度检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海表面温度(SST)是海洋-大气系统中一个十分关键的物理量。SST为海洋学课题的研究提供了一种直观的指示量[1],在海洋捕捞中SST是寻找中心渔场的指标之一,可为渔业部门提供鱼类的回游路线和渔场的位置信息[2]。SST制约着海面和大气的热量、动量和水汽交换,是研究大气环流和气候变化[3]甚至台风移动路径[4]等气象学课题的一个重要因子。因此,SST在海洋学和气象学研究中占有非常重要的地位,此外SST对海洋运输、海洋污染、海上油气资源开发、海滨核电站建设等方面的影响近年来也倍受关注。  相似文献   

Induced swell is characterized in an experimental wave flume that is used to validate the corresponding computational model. The experiments and the numerical simulations are performed in water at several depths (h [m] of 0.2, 0.1, and 0.07), using a piston-type wave maker at set amplitudes (0.015 < Ap [m] < 0.15), accelerations-decelerations (0.3 < ap < 1.0) and average velocities (0.03 < U [m/s] < 0.3) that control the propagation velocity, the period and the wavelength of the waves. The physical effects are modelled with a 2D computational model (STAR-CCM + v11.02) with a mesh of around 630,000 cells of different adaptive sizes, depending on the region under consideration. The physical model is based on a two-phase Eulerian “Volume of Fluid” unsteady model, accounting for gravity and surface tension, that characterizes turbulence with a k-ε model. A user-defined function, based on the period and the amplitude of the vertical paddle in the wave maker, describes the cyclic motion of the linear induction motor. Both the experimental and the computational results are analyzed taking the validity limits of various wave theories as a reference (Le Méhauté). As a result, the experiments are classified within the intermediate water depth regime that corresponds to the second-order Stokes’ wave theory. In addition, both the wave propagation velocity and the period are represented as a function of the wavelength and compared with the analytical solutions from the wave theories. The experimental and the computational test campaign yielded results that confirmed the validity of the computational model and that defined the most appropriate conditions for a high-quality CFD simulation.  相似文献   

为了验证波谱仪反演二维海浪谱的功能,根据海浪波谱仪的信号形成机制,总结了机载波谱仪反演海浪的流程。利用机载波谱仪回波数据,通过自相关和互相关两种功率谱估计方法,反演了二维海浪谱。最后通过与浮标测量的二维海浪谱进行对比,验证了该机载波谱仪探测二维海浪谱的有效性。结果表明,无论采用自相关函数还是互相关函数进行功率谱估计,得到的主波波长和有效波高与实际二维海浪谱基本一致。互相关函数法得到的交叉谱能去除180°模糊现象,其在计算有效波高时相对于自相关函数会稍微偏小。在计算斜率方差时可以采用5°~12°入射角范围的后向散射系数进行公式拟合,因此定标与否并不影响最后的二维海浪谱结果,未来星载波谱仪只有靠多波束联合才能实现。  相似文献   

The skill of numerical Lagrangian drifter trajectories in three numerical models is assessed by comparing these numerically obtained paths to the trajectories of drifting buoys in the real ocean. The skill assessment is performed using the two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistical test. To demonstrate the assessment procedure, it is applied to three different models of the Agulhas region. The test can either be performed using crossing positions of one-dimensional sections in order to test model performance in specific locations, or using the total two-dimensional data set of trajectories. The test yields four quantities: a binary decision of model skill, a confidence level which can be used as a measure of goodness-of-fit of the model, a test statistic which can be used to determine the sensitivity of the confidence level, and cumulative distribution functions that aid in the qualitative analysis. The ordering of models by their confidence levels is the same as the ordering based on the qualitative analysis, which suggests that the method is suited for model validation. Only one of the three models, a 1/10° two-way nested regional ocean model, might have skill in the Agulhas region. The other two models, a 1/2° global model and a 1/8° assimilative model, might have skill only on some sections in the region.  相似文献   

在对南海石油平台所处的南海北部海域海底地形、平均海平面、风浪时空分布等进行分析基础上,利用南海石油平台水位计对Jason-2卫星高度计进行了测高绝对定标,定标结果为30.9 cm±7.8 cm,分析发现南海北部中尺度涡可能对定标结果产生影响;利用南海石油平台测波雷达对Jason-1高度计有效波高进行了精度检验,Jason-1高度计Ku波段和C波段有效波高测量的均方根误差分别为0.43 m和0.45 m。分析和检验结果表明,南海石油平台所处海洋环境条件、平台上装载的水位计和测波雷达均满足卫星雷达高度计定标与检验要求。南海石油平台定标场预期可用于中国海洋二号卫星和其他卫星高度计的定标与检验。  相似文献   

Gorgonians are important structuring species of the Mediterranean hard‐bottom communities that are threatened by disturbances such as increasing seawater temperature, mucilaginous events and destructive fishing, among others. In this study we assessed for the first time the population structure and conservation status of one of the most common gorgonians in the Eastern Adriatic Sea, the red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata. During late spring 2009, nine populations dwelling between 30 and 50 m depth were examined by SCUBA diving along 200 km of the Croatian coastline. The density ranged between 7 and 20 colonies·m?2. The mean and maximum colony heights were 31.2 ± 22.7 cm (±SD) and 138 cm, respectively. Two main patterns of P. clavata size frequency distributions were observed: the first one with a higher proportion of juveniles (~30%) observed mostly in the northernmost populations, and the second one with a higher proportion of larger colonies (>25% of colonies >40 cm in height). Regarding the disturbance impact level, the proportion of healthy colonies (with <10% of injured surface) was high in almost all of the studied populations (>60%) and the mean extent of injury (i.e. denuded axis or epibiosis) was 9.7 ± 4% (±SD), indicating low impacts. Contrasting population size structures with high recruitment in mature populations provides new insights into the demographic structure of the Mediterranean gorgonian forests dwelling in their upper bathymetric range (<50 m depth). Furthermore, these size structures and the low impact levels suggest a current favorable conservation status of the studied populations in the Eastern Adriatic Sea and provide a baseline for their monitoring in the future.  相似文献   

崂山湾潮间带食物网结构的碳稳定同位素初步研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
通过对1993年8月和1994年2和5月在崂山湾潮间带采集的底栖生物碳稳定同位素组成(δ13C值)的分析,发现该区底栖动物的主要食物来源以δ13C值大致可划分为4类:水体中的颗粒有机质(POM)、底栖硅藻、大型底栖藻类和底泥中的有机物质(SOM).研究结果表明,底栖动物的碳稳定同位素组成与其所摄食的食物的碳稳定同位素组成有密切的关系,因此,底栖动物的碳稳定同位素组成可以用于研究其食物来源.碳稳定同位素数据证实,双壳类等滤食性动物的食物来源主要是POM;甲壳动物的δ13C值的范围较大,证明其食物来源的多样性;底栖硅藻是多数腹足类食物来源的相当重要组成部分.用碳稳定同位素示踪剂对该区底栖-水体耦合作用的初步研究表明,水体中的POM是底栖动物的重要食物来源,但底泥中有机质和底栖硅藻也是许多底栖动物食物来源的相当重要的组成部分.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are often managed using several management zones, each of which allows different human-uses. Decision support tools can be applied to provide advice on potential zoning configurations. However, few studies used decision support tools to systematically determine good locations for different types of zones that accommodate multiple and often conflicting objectives. Previous studies have mostly used scores to integrate multiple objectives and identify different zoning configurations or explored priority areas for each zone separately. Neither of these approaches ensure that solutions meet both biodiversity and human-use objectives. Nor do they deal with the fact that in zoning plans the whole is not the same as the sum of the parts, the importance of a site depends on how the rest of the sites are managed. The aim of this study was to identify different zoning configurations for the Raja Ampat MPA network in Eastern Indonesia that address biodiversity, sustainable fisheries and community resource access objectives. Identifying zoning configurations is particularly difficult here given the importance of protecting high biodiversity reefs and other conservation values, and the high reliance of local communities on their marine resources. Potential areas for no-take zones were identified that have a small and equitable impact across the fishing grounds of different fishing communities whilst ensuring each community has access to a ‘sustainable fishing zone’. Access to fishing grounds for each community is complicated due to marine tenure restricting where individuals can fish and reliance on traditional types of fishing vessels that restrict long distance travel. This approach for zoning was compared to three others. The first focused on identifying areas only for the no-take zone, a traditional systematic planning approach, and the second on both zones without explicitly accounting for the issue of resource access for each community. The solutions unfairly impacted particular communities. Finally, it is demonstrated how a pre-existing zoning proposal, driven by negotiation can be integrated into systematic planning.  相似文献   

Several heat flow measurements were made during the NAT83 cruise in the central part of the Solomon Sea Basin. The average value of 87 mW/m2 (2.08 HFU) calculated from these and other data indicates that the age of the Solomon Sea Basin may range from 24 to 44 Ma. This is supported by the water depth, of approximately 4,500 m, versus age relationship. There is a possibility that the Solomon Sea Basin is not a back-arc basin associated with an arc but was formerly a relatively large oceanic plate. The agreement in age from both heat flow and water depth data favors the latter hypothesis.  相似文献   

Several heat flow measurements were made during the NAT83 cruise in the central part of the Solomon Sea Basin. The average value of 87 mW/m2 (2.08 HFU) calculated from these and other data indicates that the age of the Solomon Sea Basin may range from 24 to 44 Ma. This is supported by the water depth, of approximately 4,500 m, versus age relationship. There is a possibility that the Solomon Sea Basin is not a back-arc basin associated with an arc but was formerly a relatively large oceanic plate. The agreement in age from both heat flow and water depth data favors the latter hypothesis.  相似文献   

The effect of raindrops striking water surface and their role in modifying the prevailing sea-surface roughness is investigated. The work presents a new theoretical formulation developed to study rain-induced stress on sea-surface based on dimensional analysis. Rain parameters include drop size, rain intensity and rain duration. The influences of these rain parameters on young and mature waves were studied separately under varying wind speeds, rain intensity and rain duration. Contrary to popular belief that rain only attenuates surface waves, this study also points out rain duration under certain condition can contribute to wave growth at high wind speeds. Strong winds in conjunction with high rain intensity enhance the horizontal stress component on the sea-surface, leading to wave growth. Previous studies based on laboratory experiments and dimensional analysis do not account for rain duration when attempting to parameterize sea-surface roughness. This study signifies the importance of rain duration as an important parameter modifying sea-surface roughness. Qualitative as well quantitative support for the developed formulation is established through critical validation with reports of several researchers and satellite measurements for an extreme cyclonic event in the Indian Ocean. Based on skill assessment, it is suggested that the present formulation is superior to prior studies. Numerical experiments and validation performed by incorporating in state-of-art WAM wave model show the importance of treating rain-induced surface roughness as an essential pre-requisite for ocean wave modeling studies.  相似文献   

A regional algorithm to estimate SST fields in the western North Pacific, where small oceanographic disturbance are often found, has been developed using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS) aboard Terra and Aqua. Its associated algorithm, which includes cloud screening and SST estimation, is based on an algorithm for the Global Imager (GLI) aboard Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II (ADEOS-II) and is tuned for MODIS sensors. For atmospheric correction, we compare Multi-Channel SST (MCSST), Nonlinear SST (NLSST), Water Vapor SST (WVSST) and Quadratic SST (QDSST) techniques. For NLSST, four first-guess SSTs are investigated, including the values for MCSST, climatology with two different spatial resolutions, and near-real-time objective analysis. The results show that the NLSST method using high-resolution climatological SST as a first-guess has both good quality and high efficiency. The differences of root-mean-square error (RMSE) between the NLSST models using low-resolution climatology and those using high-resolution climatology are up to 0.25 K. RMSEs of the new algorithm are 0.70 K/0.65 K for daytime (Aqua/Terra) and 0.65 K/0.66 K for nighttime, respectively. Diurnal warming and the stratification of the ocean surface layer under low wind are discussed.  相似文献   

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