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Mafic rocks of Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) belong to two greenstone cycles of Sargur Group (3.1–3.3 Ga) and Dharwar Supergroup (2.6–2.8 Ga), belonging to different depositional environments. Proterozoic mafic dyke swarms (2.4, 2.0–2.2 and 1.6 Ga) constitute the third important cycle. Mafic rocks of Sargur Group mainly constitute a komatiitic-tholeiite suite, closely associated with layered basic-ultrabasic complexes. They form linear ultramaficmafic belts, and scattered enclaves associated with orthoquartzite-carbonate-pelite-BIF suite. Since the country rocks of Peninsular Gneiss intrude these rocks and dismember them, stratigraphy of Sargur Group is largely conceptual and its tectonic environment speculative. It is believed that the Sargur tholeiites are not fractionated from komatiites, but might have been generated and evolved from a similar mantle source at shallower depths. The layered basic-ultrabasic complexes are believed to be products of fractionation from tholeiitic parent magma. The Dharwar mafic rocks are essentially a bimodal basalt-rhyolite association that is dominated by Fe-rich and normal tholeiites. Calc-alkaline basalts and andesites are nearly absent, but reference to their presence in literature pertains mainly to carbonated, spilitized and altered tholeiitic suites. Geochemical discrimination diagrams of Dharwar lavas favour island arc settings that include fore-, intra- and back-arcs. The Dharwar mafic rocks are possibly derived by partial melting of a lherzolite mantle source and involved in fractionation of olivine and pyroxene followed by plagioclase. Distinctive differences in the petrography and geochemistry of mafic rocks across regional unconformities between Sargur Group and Dharwar Supergroup provide clinching evidences in favour of distinguishing two greenstone cycles in the craton. This has also negated the earlier preliminary attempts to lump together all mafic volcanics into a single contemporaneous suite, leading to erroneous interpretations. After giving allowances for differences in depositional and tectonic settings, the chemical distinction between Sargur and Dharwar mafic suites throws light on secular variations and crustal evolution. Proterozoic mafic dyke swarms of three major periods (2.4, 2.0–2.2 and 1.6 Ga) occur around Tiptur and Hunsur. The dykes also conform to the regional metamorphic gradient, with greenschist facies in the north and granulite facies in the south, resulting from the tilt of the craton towards north, exposing progressively deeper crustal levels towards the south. The low-grade terrain in the north does not have recognizable swarms, but the Tiptur swarm consists essentially of amphibolites and Hunsur swarm mainly of basic granulites, all of them preserving cross-cutting relations with host rocks, chilled margins and relict igneous textures. There are also younger dolerite dykes scattered throughout the craton that are unaffected by this metamorphic zonation. Large-scale geochemical, geochronological and palaeomagnetic data acquisition through state-of-the-art instrumentation is urgently needed in the Dharwar craton to catch up with contemporary advancements in the classical greenstone terrains of the world.  相似文献   

The chromite deposits in the Archean Nuggihalli schist belt are part of a layered ultramafic–mafic sequence within the Western Dharwar Craton of the Indian shield. The 3.1-Ga ultramafic–mafic units occur as sill-like intrusions within the volcano-sedimentary sequences of the Nuggihalli greenstone belt that are surrounded by the tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) suite of rocks. The entire succession is exposed in the Tagdur mining district. The succession has been divided into the lower and the upper ultramafic units, separated by a middle gabbro unit. The ultramafic units comprise of deformed massive chromitite bodies that are hosted within chromite-bearing serpentinites. The chromitite bodies occur in the form of pods and elongated lenses (~60–500 m by ~15 m). Detailed electron microprobe studies reveal intense compositional variability of the chromite grains in silicate-rich chromitite (~50% modal chromite) and serpentinite (~2% modal chromite) throughout the entire ultramafic sequence. However, the primary composition of chromite is preserved in the massive chromitites (~60–75% modal chromite) from the Byrapur and the Bhaktarhalli mining district of the Nuggihalli schist belt. These are characterized by high Cr-ratios (Cr/(Cr + Al) = 0.78–0.86) and moderate Mg-ratios (Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) = 0.38–0.58). The compositional variability occurs due to sub-solidus re-equilibration in the accessory chromite in the serpentinite (Mg-ratio = 0.01–0.38; Cr-ratio = 0.02–0.99) and in silicate-rich chromitite (Mg-ratio = 0.06–0.48; Cr-ratio = 0.60–0.99). In the massive chromitites, the sub-solidus re-equilibration for chromite is less or absent. However, the re-equilibration is prominent in the co-existing interstitial and included olivine (Fo96–98) and pyroxene grains (Mg-numbers = 97–99). Compositional variability on the scale of a single chromite grain occurs in the form of zoning, and it is common in the accessory chromite grains in serpentinite and in the altered grains in chromitite. In the zoned grains, the composition of the core is modified and the rim is ferritchromit. In general, ferritchromit occurs as irregular patches along the grain boundaries and fractures of the zoned grains. In this case, ferritchromit formation is not very extensive. This indicates a secondary low temperature hydrothermal origin of ferritchromit during serpentinization. In some occurrences, the ferritchromit rim is very well developed, and only a small relict core appears to remain in the chromite grain. However, complete alteration of the chromite grains to ferritchromit without any remnant core is also present. The regular, well-developed and continuous occurrence of ferritchromit rims around the chromite grain boundaries, the complete alteration of the chromite grains and the modification of the core composition indicate the alteration in the Nuggihalli schist belt to be intense, pervasive and affected by later low-grade metamorphism. The primary composition of chromite has been used to compute the nature of the parental melt. The parental melt calculations indicate derivation from a high-Mg komatiitic basalt that is similar to the composition of the komatiitic rocks reported from the greenstone sequences of the Western Dharwar Craton. Tectonic discrimination diagrams using the primary composition of chromites indicate a supra-subduction zone setting (SSZ) for the Archean chromitites of Nuggihalli and derivation from a boninitic magma. The composition of the komatiitic basalts resembles those of boninites that occur in subduction zones and back-arc rift settings. Formation of the massive chromitites in Nuggihalli may be due to magma mixing process involving hydrous high-Mg magmas or may be related to intrusions of chromite crystal laden magma; however, there is little scope to test these models because the host rocks are highly altered, serpentinized and deformed. The present configurations of the chromitite bodies are related to the multistage deformation processes that are common in Archean greenstone belts.  相似文献   

Deep Crustal Electrical Signatures of Eastern Dharwar Craton, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wide band magnetotelluric (MT) investigations were carried out along a profile from Kavali in the east to Anantapur towards west across the Eastern Ghat Granulite Terrain (EGGT), Eastern Dhanvar Craton (EDC) and a Proterozoic Cuddapah Basin. This 300 km long profile was covered with 20 stations at an interval of 12–18 km. The MT data is subjected to robust processing, decomposition and static shift correction before deriving a 2-D model. The model shows a resistive crust (−10,000–30,000 ohm-m) to a depth of 8–10 km towards west of the Cuddapah basin. The mid crust is less resistive (about 500 ohm-m) and the lower crust with a slight increase in resistivity (about 1,500 ohm-m) in the depth range of 20–22 km. The resistivity picture to the east of the Cuddapah basin also showed a different deep crustal structure. The resistivity of upper crust is about 5,000 ohm-m and about 200 ohm-m for mid and lower crust. The sediment resistivity of Cuddapah basin is of the order of 15–20 ohm-m. MT model has shown good correlation with results from other geophysical studies like deep seismic sounding (DSS), gravity and magnetics. The results indicate that the lower crustal layers are of intermediate type showing hydrous composition in Eastern Dhanvar Craton.  相似文献   

Turbidite hosted orogenic gold mineralization in the Archean Gadag greenstone belt of the Western Dharwar Craton, forms a major auriferous zone (Central Auriferous Zone) extending over a strike length of about 12 km in the Gadag duplex. The turbidite sequence comprises thick inter-bedded, medium to coarse grained lithic graywacke and thin laminated layers of fine grained carbonaceous phyllite. Gold bearing quartz veins impregnate preferentially along the en-echelon shear planes, fractures and schistosity planes. Auriferous quartz veins are enveloped by the altered wall rocks.Mineralogy of the auriferous zone is dominated by gangue minerals like quartz, ankerite, chlorite, sericite and carbonaceous matter, with subordinate plagioclase. Monazite and xenotime are the important accessory minerals. Arsenopyrite and pyrite are the major sulfide minerals, but pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and scheelite are also present. Gold in native state occurs within quartz, silicates and arsenopyrite.Notable distinctions in mineral assemblage, texture and in chemical compositions of altered wall rocks compared to the precursor host rock in the study area implies that the metasomatism and wall rock alterations are the results of pervasive infiltration and intense interaction between hydrothermal fluids and the surrounding host rocks over a prolonged period.Sulfides, carbonates, carbonaceous matter, K2O, MgO, CaO, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn, As and higher values of gold (0.98–4.72 ppm) are added into the altered wall rocks, immediately enveloping the auriferous quartz vein bodies. The chondrite normalized REE pattern of altered wall rocks exhibits enriched LREE (LaN/YbN = av. 9.54), with prominent negative Eu anomaly. The observed variation in geochemical characteristics and mineral assemblages in the alteration zones indicates differential response of the host rock and intensity of alteration depending on the composition of host rocks and hydrothermal fluids.The auriferous hydrothermal fluids were of low salinity (2.0 to 6.6 wt.% NaCl), dominated by CO2–H2O (about 30 mol% CO2) with moderate densities (0.7 to 1.04 g/cm3), and gold deposition occurred over a wide temperature range between 175 °C and 325 °C. Gold deposition was influenced by fluid mixing, phase separation and redox reactions. Mixing between CO2–H2O fluids and more reduced fluids, which evolved during fluid reaction with adjacent carbonaceous wall rocks, was the key factor causing gold deposition.The formation of the Gadag duplex, deformation, folds and reverse strike slip faults (discontinuities) was caused by the compression associated with subduction related tectonic processes. During the initial period of intrusive magmatism (2,555 ± 6 Ma), regional metamorphism occurred in the entire greenstone belt, while during later period, hydrothermal fluids responsible for gold mineralization probably were derived from metamorphic processes as well as from intrusive granites. Such fluids channeled through the thrust in host turbidite sequence carrying dissolved gold, associated metals and sulfur, ultimately were precipitated in a reducing environment in the splays to the thrust in the Gadag duplex at about 2,522 ± 6 Ma, resulting in retrograde alteration assemblages.  相似文献   

Diamond exploration in India over the past decade has led to the discovery of over 80 kimberlite-inferred and lamproite-related intrusions in three of the four major Archean cratons that dominate the subcontinent. These intrusions are Proterozoic (1.1 Ga), and are structurally controlled: locally (at the intersections of faults); regionally (in a 200 km wide, 1000 km long diamond corridor); and globally (in the reconstructed supercontinent of Rodinia). The geochemistry of 57 samples from 13 intrusions in the southern Dharwar Craton of Andhra Pradesh has been determined by XRF spectrometry. The bodies are iron-rich with mg#=50–70 and are neither archetypal kimberlites nor ideal lamproites; this may be the underlying reason that conventional exploration techniques have thus far failed to locate the primary sources of India's historically famous diamonds. The two major fields of kimberlite-clan rocks (KCR) in the Dharwar Craton, Wajrakur and Narayanpet, are separated by a NW–SE trending, transcontinental (Mumbai-Chennai) gravity lineament. About 80% of intrusions in Wajrakur are diamondiferous, but diamonds have not yet been reported in Narayanpet. The gravity anomaly may mark the boundary of an architectural modification in the keel of the sub-continental lithosphere, a suggestion that is supported by differences in kimberlite mineralogy, chemistry, mantle xenoliths, structural setting and crustal host rocks.  相似文献   

The Dharwar Craton is a composite Archean cratonic collage that preserves important records of crustal evolution on the early Earth. Here we present results from a multidisciplinary study involving field investigations, petrology, zircon SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology with in-situ Hf isotope analyses, and whole-rock geochemistry, including Nd isotope data on migmatitic TTG (tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite) gneisses, dark grey banded gneisses, calc-alkaline and anatectic granitoids, together with synplutonic mafic dykes along a wide Northwest – Southeast corridor forming a wide time window in the Central and Eastern blocks of the Dharwar Craton. The dark grey banded gneisses are transitional between TTGs and calc-alkaline granitoids, and are referred to as ‘transitional TTGs’, whereas the calc-alkaline granitoids show sanukitoid affinity. Our zircon U–Pb data, together with published results, reveal four major periods of crustal growth (ca. 3360-3200 Ma, 3000-2960 Ma, 2700-2600 Ma and 2570-2520 Ma) in this region. The first two periods correspond to TTG generation and accretion that is confined to the western part of the corridor, whereas widespread 2670-2600 Ma transitional TTG, together with a major outburst of 2570–2520 Ma juvenile calc-alkaline magmatism of sanukitoid affinity contributed to peak continental growth. The transitional TTGs were preceded by greenstone volcanism between 2746 Ma and 2700 Ma, whereas the calc-alkaline magmatism was contemporaneous with 2570–2545 Ma felsic volcanism. The terminal stage of all four major accretion events was marked by thermal events reflected by amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism at ca. 3200 Ma, 2960 Ma, 2620 Ma and 2520 Ma. Elemental ratios [(La/Yb)N, Sr/Y, Nb/Ta, Hf/Sm)] and Hf-Nd isotope data suggest that the magmatic protoliths of the TTGs emplaced at different time periods formed by melting of thickened oceanic arc crust at different depths with plagioclase + amphibole ± garnet + titanite/ilmenite in the source residue, whereas the elemental (Ba–Sr, [(La/Yb)N, Sr/Y, Nb/Ta, Hf/Sm)] and Hf-Nd isotope data [εHf(T) = −0.67 to 5.61; εNd(T) = 0.52 to 4.23; ] of the transitional TTGs suggest that their protoliths formed by melting of composite sources involving mantle and overlying arc crust with amphibole + garnet + clinopyroxene ± plagioclase + ilmenite in the residue. The highly incompatible and compatible element contents (REE, K–Ba–Sr, Mg, Ni, Cr), together with Hf and Nd isotope data [εHf(T) = 4.5 to −3.2; εNd(T) = 1.93 to −1.26; ], of the sanukitoids and synplutonic dykes suggest their derivation from enriched mantle reservoirs with minor crustal contamination. Field, elemental and isotope data [εHf(T) = −4.3 to −15.0; εNd(T) = −0.5 to −7.0] of the anatectic granites suggest their derivation through reworking of ancient as well as newly formed juvenile crust. Secular increase in incompatible as well as compatible element contents in the transitional TTGs to sanukitoids imply progressive enrichment of Neoarchean mantle reservoirs, possibly through melting of continent-derived detritus in a subduction zone setting, resulting in the establishment of a sizable continental mass by 2700 Ma, which in turn is linked to the evolving Earth. The Neoarchean geodynamic evolution is attributed to westward convergence of hot oceanic lithosphere, with continued convergence resulted in the assembly of micro-blocks, with eventual slab break-off leading to asthenosphere upwelling caused extensive mantle melting and hot juvenile magma additions to the crust. This led to lateral flow of hot ductile crust and 3D mass distribution and formation of an orogenic plateaux with subdued topography, as indicated by strain fabric data and strong seismic reflectivity along an E-W crustal profile in the Central and Eastern blocks of the Dharwar Craton.  相似文献   

Late Archaean metagreywackes of the Ranibennur Formation, Dharwar Supergroup, in the Dharwar–Shimoga schist belt of the Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) are texturally and mineralogically immature of the quartz-intermediate type. The SiO2 content in them ranges from 60.58 to 65.26 wt.%. Chemical Index of weathering (CIW) values varies between 50 and 65. 4 indicating a low degree of chemical alteration of the provenance rocks. A high degree of correlation between K2O and Al2O3 (r = ? 0.73) and low Rb/Sr ratios also suggest a low degree of alteration of provenance rocks. Abundances of transition group elements (Cr = 118–221; N = 89–154; V = 89–192 and Sc = 11–16 ppm) as well Zr (132–191 ppm) suggest a mixed mafic–felsic provenance for the metagreywackes. Low HREE and Y content, and low Tb/Yb ratios (0.23–0.41) suggest the presence of tonalite as an important component in the provenance areas. Values of Eu/Eu?(0.78) and Th/Sc (0.55) suggest that the granodioritic upper crust had evolved prior to serving as the provenance. Mixing calculations suggest 50–55 vol.% tonalite, 20–25 vol.% granite, 18–20 vol.% basalt and ~ 5 vol.% komatiite composition for the provenance. Geochemical characteristics of the Ranibennur metagreywackes suggest that sedimentary basin formed in the vicinity of a magmatic arc in a continental island arc setting, and the detritus were shed from the arc rock.  相似文献   

The occurrence of rhythmic layering of chromite and host serpentinites in the deformed layered igneous complexes has been noticed in the Nuggihalli schist belt (NSB) in the western Dharwar craton, Karnataka, South India. For this study, the chromitite rock samples were collected from Jambur, Tagadur, Bhakatarhalli, Ranganbetta and Byrapur in the NSB. Petrography and ore microscopic studies on chromite show intense cataclasis and alteration to ferritchromite. The ferritchromite compositions are characterized by higher Cr number (Cr/[Cr+Al]) (0.68–0.98) and lower Mg number (Mg/[Mg+Fe]) (0.33–0.82) ratios in ferritchromite compared to that of parent chromite. The formation process for the ferritchromite is thought to be related to the exchange of Mg, Al, Cr, and Fe between the chromite, surrounding silicates (serpentines, chlorites), and fluid during serpentinization.  相似文献   

A new map of structural architecture has been compiled involving modern mapping techniques at the cratonmobile belt interface in the Western Ghats around the Coorg granulite massif revealing the occurrence of important shear zones. The shear zones are linked to the Moyar-Bhavani Shear Zone in Southern India. The nature, geometry and kinematics of the shear zones in the granulitic crust and the cratonic part are distinctly different.  相似文献   

Proterozoic mafic potassic and ultrapotassic igneous rocks emplacedin the Cuddapah Basin and Dharwar Craton of the southern Indianshield are among the earliest recorded on Earth. Lamproitesintrude the basin and its NE margin, whereas kimberlites intrudethe craton to the west of the basin. Kimberlites occur in twospatially separate groups: the non-diamondiferous Mahbubnagarcluster that was emplaced at 1400 Ma and is of a similar ageto the Cuddapah lamproites, and the predominantly diamondiferousAnantapur cluster, emplaced at  相似文献   

Gold mineralization at Hutti is confined to a series of nine parallel, N–S to NNW–SSE trending, steeply dipping shear zones. The host rocks are amphibolites and meta-rhyolites metamorphosed at peak conditions of 660±40°C and 4±1 kbar. They are weakly foliated (S1) and contain barren quartz extension veins. The auriferous shear zones (reefs) are typically characterized by four alteration assemblages and laminated quartz veins, which, in places, occupy the entire reef width of 2–10 m, and contain the bulk of gold mineralization. A <1.5 m wide distal chlorite-sericite (+biotite, calcite, plagioclase) alteration zone can be distinguished from a 3–5 m wide proximal biotite-plagioclase (+quartz, muscovite, calcite) alteration zone. Gold is both spatially and temporally associated with disseminated arsenopyrite and pyrite mineralization. An inner chlorite-K-feldspar (+quartz, calcite, scheelite, tourmaline, sphene, epidote, sericite) alteration halo, which rims the laminated quartz veins, is characterized by a pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, ilmenite, rutile, and gold paragenesis. The distal chlorite-sericite and proximal biotite-plagioclase alteration assemblages are developed in microlithons of the S2–S3 crenulation cleavage and are replaced along S3 by the inner chlorite-K-feldspar alteration, indicating a two-stage evolution for gold mineralization. Ductile D2 shearing, alteration, and gold mineralization formed the reefs during retrograde evolution and fluid infiltration under upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions (560±60°C, 2±1 kbar). The reefs were reactivated in the D3 dextral strike-slip to oblique-slip environment by fault-valve behavior at lower greenschist facies conditions (ca. 300–350°C), which formed the auriferous laminated quartz veins. Later D4 crosscutting veins and D5 faults overprint the gold mineralization. The alteration mineralogy and the structural control of the deposit clearly points to an orogenic style of gold mineralization, which took place either during isobaric cooling or at different levels of the Archean crust. From overlaps in the tectono-metamorphic history, it is concluded that gold mineralization occurred during two tectonic events, affecting the eastern Dharwar craton in south India between ca. 2550 – 2530 Ma: (1) The assemblage of various terranes of the eastern block, and (2) a tectono-magmatic event, which caused late- to posttectonic plutonism and a thermal perturbation. It differs, however, from the pre-peak metamorphic gold mineralization at Kolar and the single-stage mineralization at Ramagiri. Notably, greenschist facies gold mineralization occurred at Hutti 35–90 million years later than in the western Dharwar craton. Editorial handling: G. Beaudoin  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2002,5(2):453-465
The Kunduru Betta Ring Complex (KRC), at the southern margin of Dharwar craton, South India, comprises metaluminous sub-solvus syenites and quartz monzonite with a concentric disposition younging towards the center. An outer mafic syenite (of lamprophyric affinity) is followed by porphyritic monzonite, quartz monzodiorite and finally a quartz monzonitic stock at the centre.SiO2, Al2O3 and Na2O increase from the primitive lamprophyric mafic syenite to the quartz monzonite through the intermediate members, while CaO, MgO, Fe2O3T, TiO2, P2O5 and MnO show an opposite trend suggesting fractionation of hornblende, clinopyroxene, biotite, apatite, sphene, and iron oxide minerals. Rb, Th and U increase with a complementary decrease in Sc, V, Cr, Co, Cu, Sr and Ba from the outer mafic syenite to the inner quartz monzonite. Y, Zr and Hf decrease from lamprophyric mafic syenite to quartz monzodiorite and the trend is reversed in the final quartz monzonite phase. However, the suite is characterised by a compositional gap between quartz monzodiorite and quartz monzonite. Total REE gradually decrease from the mafic syenite to quartz monzonite and the REE distribution patterns show LREE-enriched and HREE-depleted parallel distributions with negligible Eu anomalies.The geochemical data suggest that the rock types were formed as products of progressive differentiation by crystal fractionation of calc-alkaline lamprophyric parent magma which was derived by partial melting of metasomatically enriched mantle in the Kabini lineament. Although the quartz monzonites conform to the trend of differentiated Kunduru Betta suite, the compositional gap between them and the quartz monzodiorite precludes their origin by simple differentiation. It is suggested that convective liquid fractionation might have resulted in the discrete body of quartz monzonite.  相似文献   

High ground magnetic anomalies are observed at western basin of the Sandur schist belt (SSB) near Muraripura village, Karnataka. Sources for these anomalies are inferred due to presence of exposed banded iron formations hosted by metabasalts, arenaous and argillaceous rocks associated with the Donimali Formation of the schist belt. Two varieties of BIF bands are observed in the study area viz. Band 1 and Band 2. The bands 1 and 2 are displaced by lateral strike-slip fault. Band 1 is dominantly composed of banded iron formation, rich in iron ore minerals and silica chert. Band 2 is largely composed of ferruginous quartzite and quartz arenites. Qualitative analysis of the magnetic data indicates that the study area can be divided into three lithologically important BIF/BQ formations. Spectral and quantitative analysis of the magnetic data indicates, the average depth of band 1 is 70 m and band 2 is 130 m. The magnetic data results are well correlated with chemical analysis of borehole and surface rock samples data.  相似文献   

印度铁矿储量约占全球的7%,矿石类型以前寒武纪BIF铁矿为主,其中产于绿岩带以及绿片岩相岩石中的BIF型铁矿是印度最重要的铁矿类型。南印度地盾达尔瓦尔克拉通发育众多绿岩带,绿岩带中发育大规模BIF铁矿,BIF铁矿属于不同的地层序列,有不同的岩石组合关系。笔者对吉德勒杜尔加绿岩带和库斯赫塔吉绿岩带BIF地球化学分析表明,根据Al2O3含量,BIF分为页岩BIF(Al2O3≥2%)和石英岩BIF(Al2O3≤2%),BIF呈石英氧化物相,碳酸盐相和硫化物相BIF主量和微量元素表明BIF为陆源碎屑沉积和火山碎屑沉积共同作用形成;稀土元素表明BIF铁矿呈Ce负异常和Eu正异常。达尔瓦尔克拉通测年数据表明,经过2.7~2.65 Ga和2.58~2.54 Ga两期主要的火山作用,2.7~2.6 Ga和2.58~2.52 Ga 2个阶段的大陆增生作用,形成了达尔瓦尔克拉通和绿岩带。BIF成矿来源上,AMOR的高温热液提供大量的Fe和SiO2,海洋中生物光合作用提供了O2,在化学沉积和碎屑沉积共同作用下,形成了BIF铁矿。  相似文献   

The Banded Iron-Formation (BIF) of the Kushtagi schist belt, Dharwar Craton is interbedded with metavolcanics. The oxide fades cherty (Al2O3 < 2%) and shaley (Al2O3 > 2%) BIFs show large-scale variations in their major and trace elements abundance. Cherty Banded Iron-Formation (CBIF) is depleted in Al2O3, TiO2, Zr, Hf and other trace elements like Cr, Ni, Co, Rb, Sr, V, Y and REE in comparison to Shaley Banded Iron-Formation (SBIF). Depleted REE, positive Eu anomalies and the flat to HREE-enriched pattern of CBIF indicate that Fe and SiO2 for these BIFs were added to ambient ocean water by hydrothermal solutions at the AMOR vent sites. It is inferred that the higher amount of hydrothermal fluid flux with a higher exit temperature provided enormous quantities of iron and silica. Fine-grained sedimentation in the basin gave rise to the observed variability in the composition of BIF. During transgression a wave base was raised up, consequently deposition of CBIF became possible, whereas, during the regressive stage, these chemical sediments were buried by and/or mixed with the terrigenous sediments resulting in deposition of SBIF and interbedded shales. Volcaniclastic activity within the basin appears to have contributed significantly to the composition of some SBIF and shales. The hydrothermal exhalative hypothesis combined with the Archaean miniplate model explains most of the chemical features of the BIFs of greenstone belts.  相似文献   

We present a first overview of the synplutonic mafic dykes (mafic injections) from the 2.56–2.52 Ga calcalkaline to potassic plutons in the Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC). The host plutons comprise voluminous intrusive facies (dark grey clinopyroxene-amphibole rich monzodiorite and quartz monzonite, pinkish grey porphyritic monzogranite and grey granodiorite) located in the central part of individual pluton, whilst subordinate anatectic facies (light grey and pink granite) confined to the periphery. The enclaves found in the plutons include highly angular screens of xenoliths of the basement, rounded to pillowed mafic magmatic enclaves (MME) and most spectacular synplutonic mafic dykes. The similar textures of MME and adjoining synplutonic mafic dykes together with their spatial association and occasional transition of MME to dismembered synplutonic mafic dykes imply a genetic link between them. The synplutonic dykes occur in varying dimension ranging from a few centimeter width upto 200 meters width and are generally dismembered or disrupted and rarely continuous. Necking of dyke along its length and back veining of more leucocratic variant of the host is common feature. They show lobate as well as sharp contacts with chilled margins suggesting their injection during different stages of crystallization of host plutons in magma chamber. Local interaction, mixing and mingling processes are documented in all the studied crustal corridors in the EDC. The observed mixing, mingling, partial hybridization, MME and emplacement of synplutonic mafic dykes can be explained by four stage processes: (1) Mafic magma injected during very early stage of crystallization of host felsic magma, mixing of mafic and felsic host magma results in hybridization with occasional MME; (2) Mafic magma introduced slightly later, the viscosities of two magmas may be different and permit only mingling where by each component retain their identity; (3) When mafic magma injected into crystallizing granitic host magma with significant crystal content, the mafic magma is channeled into early fractures and form dismembered synplutonic mafic dykes and (4) Mafic injections enter into largely crystallized (>80% crystals) granitic host results in continuous dykes with sharp contacts. The origin of mafic magmas may be related to development of fractures to mantle depth during crystallization of host magmas which results in the decompression melting of mantle source. The resultant hot mafic melts with low viscosity rise rapidly into the crystallizing host magma chamber where they interact depending upon the crystallinity and viscosity of the host. These hot mafic injections locally cause reversal of crystallization of the felsic host and induce melting and resultant melts in turn penetrate the crystallizing mafic body as back veining. Field chronology indicates injection of mafic magmas is synchronous with emplacement of anatectic melts and slightly predates the 2.5 Ga metamorphic event which affected the whole Archaean crust. The injection of mafic magmas into the crystallizing host plutons forms the terminal Archaean magmatic event and spatially associated with reworking and cratonization of Archaean crust in the EDC.  相似文献   

Gold mineralization of the Hutti mine, southern India, is situated in closely spaced laminated quartz veins and associated alteration haloes along steeply dipping shear zones within a sequence of rather uniform amphibolites. Intense shearing has resulted in large-scale mylonitization of the wall rocks. Anastomosing shear zones, with intervening lensoid bodies of unsheared amphibolites, are characteristic features of the deposit. The general pattern of symmetrical alteration comprises a distal zone of chlorite-rich rock, with a proximal biotite-rich zone adjacent to laminated quartz veins. Arsenopyrite thermometry yielded a temperature range of 350-477 °C for the biotite alteration zone, which preceded the formation of the laminated quartz veins. Mass balance calculations on the alteration zones indicate a gradual mass and volume loss during alteration. The alteration is accompanied by intense potash metasomatism and addition of sulfur, which resulted in the formation of arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, and pyrite. Results of fluid inclusion studies suggest that low salinity (3.9-13.5 wt% NaCl equivalent) H2O-CO2 rich fluids were responsible for gold-rich laminated quartz vein formation in the Hutti deposit. These fluids constituted a later counterpart of the protracted fluid activity that first formed the biotite alteration zone. The estimated P-T values range from 1.0 to 1.7 kbar at 280-320 °C. These data, along with the alteration assemblages and the characteristic gold-sulfide association, both in the altered wall rock and laminated quartz veins, suggest that gold, transported as reduced bisulfide complexes, was deposited in response to sulfidation reactions in the wall rocks. Comparison of P-T conditions of formation of gold-quartz veins at Hutti with two other large gold deposits in the eastern Dharwar Craton, namely Kolar (1.8 kbar/280 °C) and western Ramagiri (1.45-1.7 kbar/240-270 °C), indicates broadly similar lode-gold forming conditions in the Dharwar Craton.  相似文献   

The sulfur isotope composition of sulfides (mainly pyrite and arsenopyrite) from gold deposits/prospects of the Dharwar Craton such as Hutti, Hira-Buddini, Uti, Kolar (Chigargunta), Ajjanahalli, and Jonnagiri has a narrow range (δ34S = +1.1 to +7.1‰). Such craton-scale uniformity of the above gold camps is noteworthy, in spite of the wide diversity in host rock compositions and their metamorphic conditions, and suggests a magmatic or average crustal source of sulfur for all deposits studied. In addition, our study points towards gold precipitation from reduced ore fluids, with near-homogeneous sulfur isotope compositions.  相似文献   

The late Archaean Shimoga schist belt in the Western Dharwar Craton, with its huge dimensions and varied lithological associations of different age groups, is an ideal terrane to study Archean crustal evolution. The rock types in this belt are divided into Bababudhan Group and Chitradurga Group. The Bababudhan Group is dominated by mafic volcanic rocks followed by shallow marine sedimentary rocks while the Chitradurga Group is dominated by greywackes, pillowed basalts, and deep marine sedimentary rocks with occasional felsic volcanics. The Nb/Th and Nb/La ratios of the studied metabasalts of the Bababudhan Group indicate crustal contamination. They were extruded onto the vast Peninsular Gneisses through the rifting of the basement gneiss. The Nb/Yb ratios of high-magnesium basalts and tholeiitic basalts of Chitradurga Group suggest the enrichment of their source magma. Based on the flat primitive mantle-normalized multi-element plot with negative Nb anomalies and Th/Ta-La/Yb ratios, the high-magnesium basalts and tholeiitic basalts are considered to have erupted in an oceanic plateau setting with minor crustal contamination. The high-magnesium basalts and tholeiitic basalts formed two different pulses of same magma type, in which the first pulse of magma gave rise to high-magnesium basalts which were derived from deep mantle sources and underwent minor crustal contamination en route to the surface, while the second pulse of magma gave rise to tholeiitic basalts formed at similar depths to that of high-magnesium basalts and escaped crustal contamination. The associated lithological units found with the studied metavolcanic rock types of Bababudan and Chitradurga Groups of Dharwar Supergroup of rocks in Shimoga schist belt of Western Dharwar Craton confirm the mixed-mode basin development with a transition from shallow marine to deep marine settings.  相似文献   

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