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Based on the geological tectonics, aftershock activity, earthquake surface rupture and peak ground motion, the geometric and dynamic characteristics of seismogenic tectonics about the 1995 Hanshin earthquake are analysed. Nojima fault and Rokko fault have the same trending direction, but opposite dips. Their rising and falling plates are in symmetrically diagonal distribution. The two faults can be defined as thrust-strike slip faults and constitute a pivotal strike-slip fault. The earthquake just occurred at the pivot, which is the seismotectonics for the earthquake to develop and occur. The pivotal movement along a strike-slip fault often leads to the occurrence of large earthquakes, whose dynamic process can be demonstrated by the stress analysis on the torsion of a beam with rectangle section. The displacement of earthquake surface rupture, aftershock density and peak acceleration change in a certain range of epicentral distance just similar as the shear stress changes from the center to the sides in the rectangle section. The distribution characteristics of the heaviest damage areas are also discussed in the article from the aspects of special geological tectonics and seismotectonic condition. The result obtained from the article can be applied not only to realizing the potencial earthquake sources in middle-long time, but also to build reasonably the prediction model about earthquake hazard.  相似文献   

2021年5月22日青海玛多发生了M7.4级地震,造成了共和至玉树高速公路部分损毁。首先,基于地震现场考察及资料查阅,介绍了该条公路在此次地震中主要的震害类型及总体的震害情况;其次,统计分析了共玉高速上桥梁震害情况与结构形式等的关系。发现此次地震大桥震害远比中小桥要严重,简支空心板梁桥震害要比连续箱梁严重。鉴于此次地震在极震区缺少强震记录,本文提出一种基于衰减关系和台站土层条件的推测地震动简化方法,从地震动特征角度分析玛多地震对共玉高速破坏机理。最后讨论了此次地震对我国高原地区交通结构抗震的经验与启示。  相似文献   

从余震序列分布、震源机制、断裂构造、地震烈度和发震构造,简要论述九寨沟MS7.0地震及构造背景,在此基础上,整理此次地震198条强震动记录,分析强震动峰值加速度分布特征(衰减规律)及构造影响因素,发现峰值加速度在发震断层两侧的衰减具有明显的不对称性,其中NE向衰减缓慢,SW向衰减迅速,该现象不仅与发震断层的倾向、倾角有关,还与不同构造块体的介质差异密切相关。  相似文献   


2017年11月18日,我国西藏林芝市米林县发生M6.9地震.其东南220 km距离处,1950年发生了察隅8.6级大地震.二者同处喜马拉雅东构造结大拐弯处,周边分布多条活动断裂带.察隅地震作为20世纪我国内陆最大的地震,它的发生对周边断层活动性的影响目前研究尚少.本文基于分层半无限空间黏弹性地球模型,计算了察隅地震对周围活动断裂带和米林地震的影响,同时利用有限断层破裂模型计算了米林地震对周边活动断层产生的同震库仑应力变化,并分析了两次地震的关系,讨论了下地壳及以下介质的黏滞系数和断层有效摩擦系数对计算结果的影响.结果表明,察隅地震影响范围广、强度大且持续时间长,对喜马拉雅东构造结周边活动断层均产生了较大的影响,库仑应力变化达到数MPa量级.在下地壳黏滞系数为1.0×1020 Pa·s、摩擦系数为0.4情况下,按照青藏高原主要活动断裂每年由正常构造运动应力累积1~4 kPa计算,察隅地震的发生使米林地震提前了相当于2.79~11.15年的时间.米林6.9级地震影响范围和强度有限,只对震源附近的活动断层产生一定影响,库仑应力变化最大为数十kPa量级,对远处的断层影响较小.下地壳及以下介质的黏滞系数在震后黏滞松弛过程中影响逐渐明显,断层有效摩擦系数对同震库仑应力计算影响较大.


The great Sanhe-Pinggu M8 earthquake occurred in 1679 was the largest surface rupture event recorded in history in the northern part of North China plain. This study determines the fault geometry of this earthquake by inverting seismological data of present-day moderate-small earthquakes in the focal area. We relocated those earthquakes with the double-difference method. Based on the assumption that clustered small earthquakes often occur in the vicinity of fault plane of large earthquake, and referring to the morphology of the long axis of the isoseismal line obtained by the predecessors, we selected a strip-shaped zone from the relocated earthquake catalog in the period from 1980 to 2009 to invert fault plane parameters of this earthquake. The inversion results are as follows: the strike is 38.23°, the dip angle is 82.54°, the slip angle is -156.08°, the fault length is about 80 km, the lower-boundary depth is about 23 km and the buried depth of upper boundary is about 3 km. This shows that the seismogenic fault is a NNE-trending normal dip-slip fault, southeast wall downward and northwest wall uplift, with the right-lateral strike-slip component. Moreover, the surface rupture zone, intensity distribution of the earthquake and seismic-wave velocity profile in the focal area all verified our study result.  相似文献   

Strong ground motions caused by earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 3.5 to 6.9 and hypocentral distances of up to 300 km were recorded by local broadband stations and three-component accelerograms within Georgia’s enhanced digital seismic network. Such data mixing is particularly effective in areas where strong ground motion data are lacking. The data were used to produce models based on ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs), one benefit of which is that they take into consideration information from waveforms across a wide range of frequencies. In this study, models were developed to predict ground motions for peak ground acceleration and 5%-damped pseudo-absolute-acceleration spectra for periods between 0.01 and 10 s. Short-period ground motions decayed faster than long-period motions, though decay was still in the order of approximately 1/r. Faulting mechanisms and local soil conditions greatly influence GMPEs. The spectral acceleration (SA) of thrust faults was higher than that for either strike-slip or normal faults but the influence of strike-slip faulting on SA was slightly greater than that for normal faults. Soft soils also caused significantly more amplification than rocky sites.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of multi-temporal and multi-spectral satellite images for North China region, we have found that one year and more before the occurrence of 1976 Tangshan earthquake, the anomalies of electro-magnetic radiation on the satellite images indicated that the NE-trending Tangshan fault zone was dissected by the NNW-trending Nantai-Tangshan fault, and the Changping-Fengnan fault was dragged to form an arcuate bending at Fengnan. All these indicate the right-lateral translation along the Tangshan fault in NE direction. In order to gain an insight into the features of these faults, a shallow seismic exploration along the Tangshan and Changping-Fengnan faults has been carried out. The results have indicated that the NE-trending Tangshan fault is a high angle right-lateral strike-slip normal fault, dipping northwest, while the NWW-trending Changping-Fengnan fault is a southwest-dipping left-lateral strike-slip normal fault. The project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49672170).  相似文献   

利用2008年汶川M8.0地震获得的强震动记录数据,根据《仪器地震烈度计算暂行规程》计算得到各台站处的仪器地震烈度值,分析仪器地震烈度与宏观地震烈度的对应关系,研究该仪器烈度计算方法的适用性。结果表明,利用该算法所得的仪器烈度值与宏观烈度完全吻合的比率为47.5%,偏差±1度以内的比率为89.1%,说明二者对应情况较为理想,仪器烈度可在一定程度上客观反映实际的震害情况;在各宏观烈度区内仪器烈度值虽然具有一定的离散性,但其均值与宏观烈度区值的偏差相对较小,均控制在±0.3度以内。另外,文中还绘制了汶川地震仪器烈度分布图,虽然与宏观烈度在整体分布上具有一定的对应关系,但受多种因素的影响,仪器烈度分布与宏观烈度分布不可能完全一致。仪器烈度与宏观烈度的概念和属性有所差异,发挥的作用也不尽相同,不应混淆和相互替代。  相似文献   

Introduction The Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block (KAN et al, 1977) located to the southeast of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) sub-plate is one of the most seismically active tectonic regions and ac- tive region of strong earthquakes to monitor (MA et al, 1987). Af…  相似文献   

We relocated M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake and 2706 aftershocks with M⩾2.0 using double-difference algorithm and obtained relocations of 2553 events. To reduce the influence of lateral variation in crustal and upper mantle velocity structure, we used different velocity models for the east and west side of Longmenshan fault zone. In the relocation process, we added seismic data from portable seismic stations close to the shocks to constrain focal depths. The precisions in E-W, N-S, and U-D directions after relocation are 0.6, 0.7, and 2.5 km respectively. The relocation results show that the aftershock epi-centers of Wenchuan earthquake were distributed in NE-SW direction, with a total length of about 330 km. The aftershocks were concentrated on the west side of the central fault of Longmenshan fault zone, excluding those on the north of Qingchuan, which obviously deviated from the surface fault and passed through Pingwu-Qingchuan fault in the north. The dominant focal depths of the aftershocks are between 5 and 20 km, the average depth is 13.3 km, and the depth of the relocated main shock is 16.0 km. The depth profile reveals that focal depth distribution in some of the areas is characterized by high-angle westward dipping. The rupture mode of the main shock features reverse faulting in the south, with a large strike-slip component in the north. Supported by the Basic Research Project of Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (Grant No. DQJB08Z03)  相似文献   

基于近实时区域震害评估系统RED-ACT,对2021年2月23日发生在日本福岛县东部海域的7.3级地震开展了震中附近区域的地面运动破坏力分析,包括典型强震记录分析、震中附近台站周围的建筑震损、人体感受和滑坡风险分析。基于实际震害调查结果,对比了RED-ACT系统、日本NIED-CRS系统和美国PAGER系统的震害评估结果准确性。结果表明:RED-ACT系统的评估结果与实际情况较为接近,能够为震后应急响应提供重要参考。  相似文献   

The diurnal variation of the geomagnetic vertical component is exhibited mainly by changes of phase and amplitude before strong earthquakes. Based on data recorded by the network of geomagnetic observatories in China for many years, the anomalous features of the appearance time of the minima of diurnal variations (i.e, low-point time) of the geomagnetic vertical components and the variation of their spatial distribution (i.e, phenomena of low-point displacement) have been studied before the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake. The strong aftershocks after two months' quiescence of M6 aftershocks of the MS8.0 event were forecasted based on these studies. There are good correlativities between these geomagnetic anomalies and occurrences of earthquakes. It has been found that most earthquakes occur near the boundary line of sudden changes of the low-point time and generally within four days before or after the 27th or 41st day counting from the day of the appearance of the anomaly. In addition, the imminent anomalies in diurnal-variation amplitudes near the epicentral areas have also been studied before the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

2010年4月4日墨西哥Baja地区发生MW7.2地震,2人遇难; 同年4月14日中国青海省南部玉树地区发生MW6.9地震,截至2010年4月25日,已造成2 220人遇难.有报道指出,玉树地震矩震级小于Baja地震,人员伤亡却远大于后者,主要原因在于玉树地区抗震设防标准低、建筑物抗震性能差.地震造成破坏程度的大小并非仅仅取决于矩震级的大小,而同时与其释放的地震波辐射能及发震后造成的强地面运动的大小有关. 玉树地震释放的地震波辐射能约相当于Baja地震的10倍,目前玉树地震尚无实测的强震记录.针对玉树地震和Baja地震建立动态复合震源模型,分别模拟基岩上及浅层速度结构(V30,地下30 m平均剪切波速)下近断层区域的强地面运动.结果表明,基岩上及V30下玉树地震近断层区域强地面运动整体约相当于Baja地震的2倍.因此,玉树地震造成发震区域内建筑物损毁程度及人员伤亡情况均严重于Baja地震,重要原因之一在于其地震波辐射能大,且强地面运动较强.本文中所应用的动态复合震源模型,在地震矩守恒和地震波辐射能守恒的条件约束下,可以作为地震发生后补充强地面运动数据的有效手段之一。  相似文献   

采用匹配定位方法,利用大岗山水库库区及附近(29.2°—29.9°N,101.9°—102.5°E)5次已知爆破事件对2014年3月1日至2015年12月31日内连续波形进行模板检测与定位,经过人工复核后共获取23次疑爆事件,这些事件与模板事件间有较高的相关性,相关系数达0.773 4,匹配后疑爆事件数为模板数的4.6倍,提高了对疑爆事件的识别率,同时剔除了原地震目录中人工误判的8次疑爆事件,有效地提高了地震编目质量。将匹配出来的疑爆事件及距离最近的台站记录到的NS向波形分别在Google Earth上投影,从影像图上可见扫描出的事件附近存在采石场或蓄水前修建大坝的场地,较符合爆破实际情况,重定位偏离量基本在0.5 km之内。研究认为,利用匹配定位的方法,能有效地区分不同类型的地震活动。  相似文献   

2016年6月23日,河北张家口尚义县发生M 4.0地震,发震构造为尚义-平泉断裂。采用基于聚类经验模态分解(EEMD)的HHT计算方法,对尚义M4.0地震强震动记录进行EEMD分解、Hilbert谱变换及谱分析,得到强震动台站的加速度记录分量的时程、FFT谱和边际谱、瞬时能量谱及时频谱,对比分析并认识各种谱的时频特性及规律,做好灾前预防工作,以减少人民生命财产损失。  相似文献   

地震地表破裂端部的几何结构与运动学特征研究有助于科学认识断裂的破裂传播与终止过程.夏垫断裂是华北平原区最为重要的隐伏强震构造之一,于1679年发生了三河—平谷M8历史大地震,但其同震地表破裂长度及端部变形特征仍存争议.基于前人研究结果,在野外地质调查的基础上,跨1679年三河—平谷8级地震地表破裂端部布设了 2条浅层地...  相似文献   

The time-space distribution characteristics of fault deformation anomaly in the near-source region and its outlying zone in the seismogenic process of the Jingtai M s=5.9 earthquake occurred on June 6, 2000 in Gansu Province is studied preliminarily. The distribution scope of fault deformation anomaly before the earthquake is wide, the anomaly shape is complicated and the pattern anomalous zone of fault deformation (strain) information index is obvious. The shape and amplitude of fault deformation anomaly in different regions differ significantly, which is closely related with the tectonic location of anomaly. The fault deformation anomaly of α, β, and γ phases along the western segment of Haiyuan fault zone shows the process from the quasi-linearity to non-linearity of fault movement in the near-source region, matches the high-value anomalous area of fault deformation (strain) information index, and reflects the high strain accumulation in the seismogenic region. However, the anomaly of abrupt jump and cusp with a large amplitude occurred in the areas far from the earthquake, such as Liupanshan fault zone which is the tectonic convergent section does not reflect the strain accumulation of its location, maybe it is a sign that the regional tectonic stress field is strengthened in the seismogenic process. Based on the above-mentioned facts and combined with the preliminary summary of experiences and lessons in the intermediate and short-term prediction of the Jingtai M s=5.9 earthquake, we study and explore the application of fault deformation anomaly to earthquake judgment. Foundation item: National Key Basic Research Development Program (G1998040703 and G1998040705), and State Scientific and Technological Project of the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” (96-913-09-01-02-03 and 96-913-09-02-02-03), China.  相似文献   

廖洪月  董娜  王刚 《地震科学进展》2021,151(8):352-361
针对2008年汶川MS8.0地震、2013年雅安芦山MS7.0地震和2017年九寨沟MS7.0地震前后出现的热红外现象,对MODIS卫星1 km高分辨率亮度温度的原始数据进行均线差值振幅波动水平分析发现:①这3次地震前在震中附近区域均出现显著的差值振幅变化异常,先为低值异常,低至历史平均水平的50%以下,后又演变为高值异常,高值异常峰值均大于历史平均水平3倍以上;②汶川地震、雅安芦山地震、九寨沟地震分别在高值异常峰值的55天、35天、22天后发生;③异常优势分布区域并不在震中区域:汶川地震震前异常区主要位于震中西北区域的柴达木块体,雅安芦山地震、九寨沟地震震前异常区域位于震中西部的巴颜喀拉块体,其中,汶川地震震前异常区域面积远远大于后者。  相似文献   

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