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镜质体反射率的演化并不是人们传统意义上认为的随着温度(深度)的增加成指数增加,而是分阶段演化的。通过对有机质热模拟实验数据和自然演化数据进行分析后发现镜质体反射率的演化可以分为明显的3段:1)缓慢变化阶段,随着温度的增加镜质体反射率缓慢地变化,2)中等快速阶段,随着温度的增加镜质体反射率相比较前一阶段增加速率有明显的加大,3)快速增加阶段,随着温度的增加镜质体反射率呈指数快速增加。这种分阶段的演化是由镜质体本身的化学组成和化学结构所决定的。镜质体反射率演化阶段的划分对于热历史的恢复以及认识镜质体的热演化机制和规律具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Burial depth, cumulative displacement, and peak temperature of frictional heat of a fault system are estimated by thermal analysis in the fold–thrust belt of the Western Foothills complex, western Taiwan based on the vitrinite reflectance technique. The regional thermal structure across the complex reveals that the rocks were exposed to maximum temperatures ranging from 100 °C to 180 °C, which corresponds to a burial depth of 3.7–6.7 km. A large thermal difference of 90 °C were observed at the Shuilikeng fault which make the eastern boundary of the fold–thrust belt where it is in contact with metamorphic rock of Hsuehshan Range. The large thermal difference corresponds to cumulative displacements on the Shuilikeng fault estimated to be in the range of 5.2–6.9 km. However, thermal differences in across the Shuangtung and Chelungpu faults cannot be determined apparently due to small vertical offsets. The large displacement observed across the Shuilikeng fault is absent at the other faults which are interpreted to be younger faults within the piggyback thrust system. Localized high temperatures adjacent to fault zones were observed in core samples penetrating the Chelungpu fault. Three major fracture zones were observed at core lengths of 225 m, 330 m, and 405 m and the two lower zones which comprise dark gray narrow shear zones. A value of vitrinite reflectance of 1.8%, higher than the background value of 0.8%, is limited at a narrow shear zone of 1 cm thickness at the fracture zone at 330 m. The estimated peak temperature in the range of 550–680 °C in the shear zone is far higher than the background temperature of 130 °C, and it is interpreted as due to frictional heating during seismic faulting.  相似文献   

The development of a qualifying system for reflectance analysis has been the scope of a working group within the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP) since 1999, when J. Koch presented a system to qualify vitrinite particles according to their size, proximity to bright components and homogeneity of the surface. After some years of work aimed at improving the classification system using photomicrographs, it was decided to run a round robin exercise on microscopy samples. The classification system tested consists of three qualifiers ranging from excellent to low quality vitrinites with an additional option for unsuitable vitrinites. This paper reports on the results obtained by 22 analysts who were asked to measure random reflectance readings on vitrinite particles assigning to each reading a qualifier. Four samples containing different organic matter types and a variety of vitrinite occurrences have been analysed. Results indicated that the reflectance of particles classified as excellent, good or poor compared to the total average reflectance did not show trends to be systematically lower or higher for the four samples analysed. The differences in reflectance between the qualifiers for any given sample were lower than the scatter of vitrinite reflectance among participants. Overall, satisfactory results were obtained in determining the reflectance of vitrinite in the four samples analysed. This was so for samples having abundant and easy to identify vitrinites (higher plant-derived organic matter) as well as for samples with scarce and difficult to identify particles (samples with dominant marine-derived organic matter). The highest discrepancies were found for the organic-rich oil shales where the selection of the vitrinite population to measure proved to be particularly difficult. Special instructions should be provided for the analysis of this sort of samples. The certainty of identification of the vitrinite associated with the vitrinite reflectance values reported has been assessed through a reliability index which takes into account the number of readings and the coefficient of variation. The same statistical approach as that followed in the ICCP vitrinite reflectance accreditation program for single seam coals has been used for data evaluation. The results indicated low to medium dispersion for 17 out of 22 participants. This, combined with data from other sets of comparative analyses over a long period, is considered an encouraging result for the establishment of an accreditation program on vitrinite reflectance measurements in dispersed organic matter.  相似文献   

针对部分应用单位在煤镜质体反射率测定中存在的对测定条件把握不准、对影响测定值准确性的因素理解不深等问题,提出了煤镜质体反射率测定必须遵守的仪器状态一致性与组分定位一致性原则,据此确立了仪器校正、样品测定和结果检验的方法与要求;分析了仪器线性度、稳定性、工作曲线、单色光、温度校正、视频窗口、油浸物镜与浸油、准焦程度和测定样品磨抛质量等对测定值准确性的影响与测定误差控制措施。在此基础上,提出了测定值精密度分级的改进建议,以及用煤镜质体反射率测定结果指导企业生产可简化的仪器条件与测定过程,即:使用50倍干物镜;勿需546 nm滤光片;用有固定反射率值的镀膜玻璃替代宝石标准片;建立工作曲线数据库等。  相似文献   

利用镜质体反射率恢复地层剥蚀厚度的新方法   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
Dow在1977年提出的利用上下构造层镜质体反射率 (Ro) 差值来估算不整合面地层剥蚀厚度的方法,在国内仍有广泛的应用。但国内有些学者已认识到了该方法的不合理性并提出了一些改进方法,其中最高古地温法因其思想合理而具有代表性。为了能更合理和更简便地利用Ro数据来估算不整合面地层剥蚀厚度,对最高古地温法作了改进,得到了一种利用Ro数据恢复剥蚀厚度的新方法。新方法不仅继承了最高古地温法的合理思想,而且大大简化了具体操作过程。对某一构造层恢复其顶面剥蚀厚度时,在使用Ro数据恢复剥蚀厚度的前提条件得到满足的情况下,直接将该构造层的ln (Ro)-H线性回归关系外推至ln (0.2) 处而得到近似的古地表位置,古地表位置和不整合面位置的差值即为剥蚀厚度。用最高古地温法和新方法对Dow (1977) 的实例数据进行了重新计算,分别得到2 735 m和2 537 m的剥蚀厚度,相近的结果说明了新方法的实际可行性,并且相比之下新方法操作起来更加简便。但与Dow (1977) 得出的500m剥蚀厚度相差甚远。从多个方面讨论了Dow (1977) 结果和原理的不合理性。新方法将广泛应用于多个地质分支学科中。  相似文献   

胡大千  韩春元  马瑞  刘越  王静  高正虹 《岩石学报》2012,28(9):3042-3050
本文使用D/max-2500X射线衍射仪研究了内蒙古锡林郭勒地区上古生界泥质岩石伊利石的成因标志,讨论了有机质镜质体反射率对变质温度的表征。研究区上古生界泥质岩石伊利石的标型特征为:伊利石结晶度分布于0.28~>0.77之间,平均值0.40;伊利石(白云母)多型以2M1型为主,2M1+1Md多型和1Md多型相对较少;伊利石(白云母)b0值变化于8.983~9.046之间,平均值9.019,指示其形成于成岩-极低级变质作用。有机质镜质体反射率具有示踪变质温度的作用,应用Barker and Pawlewiez(1986,1994)、Barker and Goldsteinl(1990)和Mullis et al.(2001)建立的镜质体反射率地质温度计,对研究区上古生界泥质岩石变质温度进行了估算,揭示古地温处于136~321℃之间,温度估算值主要分布在180~260℃之间,平均值为245℃,这表明研究区上古生界遭受了成岩-极低级变质作用,变质程度属近变质带。研究区上古生界泥质岩石的Ro值主要分布在1.01%~3.67%之间,表明有机质演化处于成熟-过成熟阶段,泥质岩石具有生烃的能力,部分层位可能具有形成油气资源的潜力。  相似文献   

海相镜质体反射率用作早古生代烃源岩成熟度指标研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
中国早古生代烃源岩由于缺乏镜质组,加之成熟度较高,常现成熟度指标较难应用,长期以来,对这套烃源岩成熟度评价一直存在问题。塔里木盆地是中国最大的以早古生代地层为主的含油气盆地,在寒武系和奥陶系生油岩中发育有海相镜质体。应用有机岩石学方法主要对塔里木盆地四口深井岩芯样品进行了研究,发现海相镜质体反射率与孔深呈正相关,且其相关性优于沥青反射率,人工热模拟实验结果进一步表明,海相镜质体成熟作用轨迹不同于镜质组。在R<1.5%时,其反射率比镜质组低;在R>1.5%时,其反射率比镜质组高。结合天然剖面与热模拟系列样品研究成果,发现R与Ro的相关性可划分为三个阶段,可分别近似用三个直线方程表示:根据海相镜质体反射率实测结果,应用这些方程计算出等价Ro,可较客观地评价早古生代烃源岩成熟度。  相似文献   

The 1989 Loma Prieta, California earthquake (moment magnitude, M=6.9) generated landslides throughout an area of about 15,000 km2 in central California. Most of these landslides occurred in an area of about 2000 km2 in the mountainous terrain around the epicenter, where they were mapped during field investigations immediately following the earthquake. The distribution of these landslides is investigated statistically, using regression and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques to determine how the occurrence of landslides correlates with distance from the earthquake source, slope steepness, and rock type. The landslide concentration (defined as the number of landslide sources per unit area) has a strong inverse correlation with distance from the earthquake source and a strong positive correlation with slope steepness. The landslide concentration differs substantially among the various geologic units in the area. The differences correlate to some degree with differences in lithology and degree of induration, but this correlation is less clear, suggesting a more complex relationship between landslide occurrence and rock properties.  相似文献   

This contribution describes the mathematical and numerical possibility to analyse heterogeneous data, e.g. experimental intensity data measured for many crystallographic but few sample directions, adaptively refined high resolution intensity data, or a mixture of diffraction intensity data and individual orientation data from scanning electron microscopy.These possibilities are put forward within the dual approach to texture analysis provided by the differential equation governing pole figures. The general solution of this differential equation is represented both in terms of spherical harmonics or characteristics. The resulting systems of equations are capable of considering such heterogeneous data as mentioned above.The eventual aim of this contribution is to show that (i) the mostly tacit ‘paradigm’ of texture analysis that additional pole figures can be calculated from experimental pole figures only by using a detour via the ODF is not correct, and (ii) any function satisfying the differential equation governing pole figures is the actual pole figure projection, or X-ray transform, of a common function defined in a higher dimensional space.Summarily, it is shown that the two dual approaches to texture analysis provided by the projection formula or the differential equation are equivalent, but put emphasis on different issues of the same problem.  相似文献   

Apatite fission track analysis and vitrinite reflectance data from outcrop and well samples in the Hodgkinson Province and Laura Basin reveal regional Cretaceous cooling. Apatite fission track analysis appears to define two discrete cooling episodes, in the mid‐Cretaceous (110–100 Ma) and Late Cretaceous (80–70 Ma), although in most samples data allow only definition of a single episode. Rocks now at outcrop cooled from Cretaceous palaeotemperatures generally between 50 and 130°C in the south of the region, and from >100°C in the north. Some samples from the Hodgkinson Province also show evidence for an Early Jurassic cooling episode, characterised by maximum palaeotemperatures varying from at least 95°C (from apatite fission track analysis) to ~200–220°C (from vitrinite reflectance), with cooling beginning at around 200 Ma. Apatite fission track analysis data do not reveal the earlier event in the Laura Basin, but on the basis of vitrinite reflectance data from Permian? units this event is also inferred to have affected the pre‐Jurassic basin units in this region. The regional extent of the Cretaceous cooling episode in the Hodgkinson Province suggests that the elevated palaeotemperatures in this region were most likely due to greater depth of burial, with subsequent cooling due to kilometre‐scale denudation. For a palaeogeothermal gradient of 30°C/km and a palaeosurface temperature of 25°C the total degree of Cretaceous cooling experienced by the samples corresponds to removal of between ~0.8 and >3.0 km of Triassic and younger section removed by denudation, beginning some time between ca 110 and 80 Ma. Higher palaeogradients would require correspondingly lower amounts of removed section. The geology of the Laura Basin suggests that an explanation of the observed Cretaceous palaeotemperatures in this region in terms of deeper burial may be untenable. Heating due to hot fluid flow may be a more realistic mechanism for producing the observed Cretaceous palaeothermal effects in the Laura Basin.  相似文献   

悬浮月尘存在污染月表就位光谱仪反射定标板的可能。文中工作模拟并分析了近红外光谱仪反射定标板在无污染、受轻度和重度污染情况下对模拟月壤矿物混合物光谱指纹特征及定量分析模型预测精确度的影响。结果表明:以受污定标板为参比的月壤矿物混合物反射光谱在反射率和指纹特征上均异于无污染样品,且污染越重差异越大;用无污染光谱数据建立的偏最小二乘(PLS)定量分析模型,预测受污样品时其预测精确度显著降低;采用受污后光谱数据重建PLS模型会在一定程度上能提高受污样品的预测准确度。该研究和获得的结论,在星表光学载荷的设计、数据校正以及定量分析模型预测能力评估等方面具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

随着遥感技术的飞速发展及图像分辨率的提高,对改善图像质量的处理技术要求越来越高,现有的处理手段已不能满足新的需求,其中遥感数据信息的完整利用尤为突出。TM数据有七个波段,一般只利用其中三个波段的信息,其它波段的信息没有被利用。基于TM数据的模拟反射率图则囊括TM数据七个波段的信息,信息利用完整,图像质量得到了很大提高。这里严格推导了基于TM数据构建模拟反射率图的原理和构建流程,并根据实验结果,总结了基于TM数据的模拟反射率图的特点主要有:①阴影区的分辨率得到了提高;②整体图像质量提高,图像处理由传统的不定量(拉伸)处理变为定量(特定处理工艺)处理;③信息利用完整;④对水体有一定程度的透视作用。  相似文献   

L. Faenza  S. Pierdominici   《Tectonophysics》2007,439(1-4):13-31
We present two examples of statistical analysis of seismicity conducted by integrating geological, geophysical and seismological data with the aim to characterize the active stress field and to define the spatio-temporal distribution of large earthquakes. Moreover, our data will help to improve the knowledge of the “seismogenic behavior” of the areas and to provide useful information for seismic hazard evaluation.The earthquakes are described by two non-parametric statistical procedures integrating also tectonic-physical parameters to study the spatio-temporal variability.The results show that the areas are characterized by: 1) a stress regime with mainly extensional kinematics; 2) tectonic structures mainly oriented with the active stress field (Shmin = N44° ± 18° in the southern Apennines and Shmin = N50° ± 17° in the central Apennines); 3) cluster distribution of seismicity and 4) a high probability of earthquake occurrence (M > 5.5) in the next 10 years.  相似文献   

刘动  林沛元  陈贤颖  黄胜  马保松 《岩土力学》2022,43(7):1899-1912
粤港澳大湾区建设是国家重大发展战略,而深圳市又是大湾区建设的核心引擎之一。深圳市岩溶地区行政区划上主要发育在龙岗区和坪山区,岩溶地质灾害给地下空间开发利用与城市安全构成极大挑战。通过收集深圳市岩溶勘察钻探数据,从地层岩性、基岩埋深与埋藏类型、地下水主要侵蚀指标、地下水埋深与年变化幅度、溶洞埋深、顶板厚度、洞高、充填情况、线溶率、见洞率、地表岩溶发育密度等方面对深圳市岩溶空间发育特征进行了统计分析。结果表明:深圳市岩溶主要为浅覆盖型,但溶洞空间特征变异性极大。从统计上讲,溶洞平均埋深约为20 m,平均洞高为2.5~4.0 m,以半充填为主,充填物主要为粉质黏土;平均线溶率约为15%,见洞率约为40%,地表岩溶发育密度超过300个/km2,综合上看,深圳场地岩溶发育等级超过90%为强发育。上述主要岩溶特征参数服从对数正态分布和Weibull分布。总体上,灰岩地层溶洞顶板厚度随着岩面埋深而呈现递减的趋势,而大理岩地层溶洞顶板厚度则与岩面埋深无关;已发育的溶洞高度与基岩面埋深、溶洞顶板厚度、地下水主要侵蚀指标及地下水埋深无关或弱正相关。研究成果为深圳市岩溶灾害风险评估提供了重要的先验信息。  相似文献   

不同地质成因岩石地应力分布规律的统计分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
景锋  盛谦  张勇慧  刘元坤 《岩土力学》2008,29(7):1877-1883
通过收集我国大陆地区大量的实测地应力资料,筛选出了受局部影响小的实测数据,建立了岩浆岩、沉积岩和变质岩地应力随埋深分布的散点图,并根据各自的分布规律进行了相应的回归分析。结果发现,三大类岩石的地应力分布规律存在差异,其主要与岩石地质成因相关。三大类岩石的垂直应力总体上随埋深呈线性增大,量值接近各自上覆岩层自重;最大水平主应力随埋深均呈线性增大,相同埋深条件下,火成岩量值最大,变质岩次之,沉积岩最小;而沉积岩浅部最小水平应力大于岩浆岩;三大类岩石的水平差应力总体上随埋深也呈线性关系,相同埋深条件下,火成岩较大,而沉积岩较小;浅部岩浆岩平均水平主应力与垂直应力之比最大,而沉积岩较小。  相似文献   

The effect of foundation embedment on settlement calculation is a widely researched topic in which there is no scientific consensus regarding the magnitude of settlement reduction. In this paper, a non-linear three dimensional Finite Element analysis has been performed with the aim of evaluating the aforementioned effect. For this purpose, 1800 models were run considering different variables, such as the depth and dimensions of the foundation and the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the soil. The settlements from models with foundations at surface level and at depth were then compared and the relationship between them established. The statistical analysis of this data allowed two new expressions, with a mean maximum error of 1.80%, for the embedment influence factor of a foundation to be proposed and these to be compared with commonly used corrections. The proposed equations were validated by comparing the settlements calculated with the proposed influence factors and the true settlements measured in several real foundations. From the comprehensive study of all modelled cases, an improved approach, when compared to those proposed by other authors, for the calculation of the true elastic settlements of an embedded foundation is proposed.  相似文献   

Petrographic investigations of serial ply samples from five high- to medium-volatile bituminous coal seams from Australia (4) and Canada (1) reveal substantial in-seam variations in the reflectance and monochromatic microfluorescence intensities of the maceral subgroup telovitrinite. The variations consist of one case of reflectance enhancement and fluorescence suppression, and four cases of reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement. The single case of reflectance enhancement and fluorescence suppression is due to the oxidation of the vitrinite nuclei at the sequence boundary between the Bayswater and Upper Wynn seams in New South Wales. The four cases of reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement result from the syn- and epigenetic absorption by the vitrinite nuclei of hydrogen donated by, presumably, anaerobic bacteria-generated lipids. Two of the coals are marine-influenced: the Liskeard Seam from the Bowen Basin by combined syngenetic and epigenetic effects, and the Greta Seam from the Sydney Basin mainly by epigenetic contact with sea water. For both coals, the results are strong vitrinite reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement. The remaining two coals, the Bulli Seam from the Sydney Basin and a coal seam from the Gates Formation in British Columbia, show moderate epigenetic effects on the optical properties of telovitrinite by fresh-water. In the Bulli Seam which was studied in two adjacent localities, the reflectance suppression and fluorescence enhancement of telovitrinite are stronger under sandstone roof than under shale roof. In some cases, the epigenetic effects are superimposed on syngenetic telovitrinite reflectance and fluorescence variations resulting from the cogeneration and mixing of different telovitrinite precursors, for example, autochthonous roots and hypautochthonous or allochthonous shoots. A measure of the degree of dispersal and mixing is the coefficient of variation of telovitrinite reflectance and/or fluorescence. This coefficient correlates well with detrital minerals and dispersed macerals, e.g., inertodetrinite and, to a lesser extent, sporinite. Some comments are made on slitted so-called pseudovitrinite which is regarded as a telovitrinite that was subjected to very weak post-coalification desiccation and possibly oxidation without losing much of its thermoplastic properties.  相似文献   

收集我国大陆地区湛江、黄岛、烟台、惠州、锦州、大连等在建和已建的地下水封洞库工程区76组地应力测试数据,建立了我国地下水封洞库库址区水平主应力 、垂直主应力 及侧压比k随埋深的分布图,参照Hoek-Brown方法对地应力特征进行回归分析。结果表明,我国大陆地区地下水封洞库库址区浅部地应力总体上随埋深H增大而增大,垂直主应力 与H线性关系良好,应力变化梯度略小于Hoek-Brown关系式中的0.027;最大主应力 及最小水平主应力 整体上随深度增大而线性增大,散点主要分布在一个倾斜的平行带内;(3) 侧压比k在H<200 m范围内分布较为分散,在H >200 m范围内较为集中,且侧压比分布包络线位于Hoek-Brown包络线之内,与全球地应力分布规律较为接近。研究分析和总结了我国地下水封洞库库址区建库深度范围内地应力场分布规律,对我国石油(气)战略储备的规划布局、建设和发展具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

All variables of several large data sets from regional geochemical and environmental surveys were tested for a normal or lognormal data distribution. As a general rule, almost all variables (up to more than 50 analysed chemical elements per data set) show neither a normal or a lognormal data distribution. Even when different transformation methods are used more than 70 % of all variables in every single data set do not approach a normal distribution. Distributions are usually skewed, have outliers and originate from more than one process. When dealing with regional geochemical or environmental data normal and/or lognormal distributions are an exception and not the rule. This observation has serious consequences for the further statistical treatment of geochemical and environmental data. The most widely used statistical methods are all based on the assumption that the studied data show a normal or lognormal distribution. Neglecting that geochemcial and environmental data show neither a normal or lognormal distribution will lead to biased or faulty results when such techniques are used. Received: 21 June 1999 · Accepted: 14 August 1999  相似文献   

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