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Since the mass development of halophilic bacteria in 1980 and the subsequent decline of the community in 1982, no new mass development of bacteria has occurred in the Dead Sea, and bacterial numbers have remained extremely low. The lake’s salinity, and more specifically the divalent cation concentration, have increased greatly during the last ten years. To quantitate the activity of the community of heterotrophic bacteria in the Dead Sea water column, rates of incorporation of amino acids, glycerol, and acetate were measured, both during the 1980–1981 bloom and in recent years. With the development of the bloom, rates of incorporation amino acids, glycerol and acetate increased. Concomitant with the decline in bacterial numbers, the incorporation rates of amino acids and acetate decreased at the end of 1980-beginning of 1981, while glycerol incorporation rates remained high for one more year. Measurements in 1989 and in 1991 showed very low but significant incorporation rates (three to four orders of magnitude lower than during the 1980–1981 bloom). By the use of specific inhibitors, it was shown that the remaining activity was due to halophilic archaeobacteria. The mechanism of the long-term survival of a small active bacterial community in the Dead Sea in the absence of primary producers and other obvious sources of organic carbon, and at divalent cation concentrations greatly exceeding those enabling growth, is still unknown.  相似文献   

The crustal structure of the Dead Sea Transform   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

郭如新 《盐湖研究》2005,13(4):61-66
对以色列和约旦死海中溴镁资源的开发综合利用进行了解述。包括死海卤水组成,资源储量,溴及其衍生物的镁化学制品生产现状。  相似文献   

刘爽  白洁  罗格平  吕娜娜  吴淼 《地理学报》2021,76(5):1257-1273
1960年以来咸海流域大规模的水土资源开发使得社会经济用水激增,致使至1990年咸海面积萎缩50%,引发咸海生态危机.目前对引起咸海生态危机的社会经济用水的时空变化特征和趋势尚不清楚.本文在整合了多途径获取的1960-2016年咸海流域国家/州级水资源和社会经济数据的基础上,利用系统动力学模型,仿真模拟和分析了 196...  相似文献   

The dramatic lake level drop of the Dead Sea during the twentieth century ( 30 m) provides a field-scale experiment in transport-limited incision of gravel-bed channels in response to quasi-continuous base level fall at approximately constant rate. We apply a one-dimensional numerical incision model based on a linear diffusion equation to seven ephemeral channels draining into the Dead Sea. The model inputs include the measured twentieth century lake level curve, annual shoreline location (i.e., annual channel lengthening following the lake level drop), reconstructed longitudinal profiles of each of the channels based on mapped and surveyed terraces, and the current profiles of the active channels. The model parameters included the diffusion coefficient and the upstream-derived sediment flux. Both were first calibrated using a set of longitudinal profiles of known ages and then validated using additional sets of longitudinal profiles.The maximum at-station total incision observed at each of the studied channels was significantly less then the total lake level drop and varied in response to both drainage area and lake bathymetry. The model applied predicted degradation rates and the pattern of degradation with high accuracy. This suggests that sediment flux in the modeled channels is indeed linearly dependent on slope. Further support for this linear dependency is provided by a linear correlation between the diffusion coefficient and the mean annual rain volume over each basin (a proxy for discharge). The model presented could be a valuable tool for planning in rapid base level fall environments where incision may risk infrastructure.  相似文献   

胡舒娅  任婕  李吉庆  赵全升 《地理科学》2022,42(11):2039-2046
通过野外抽水试验方法,确定了柴达木盆地马海盐湖储卤层渗透系数,并结合地下卤水赋存特征与沉积环境对其渗透性能进行分析。结果表明:本地区石盐层大多不纯,石盐晶体内包裹有泥、砂,且晶体间也有泥、砂充填。在石盐沉积期间,由于受到洪水与间歇性河流影响,导致地质环境演化过程中沉积形成的储卤层渗透性能在各处相差较大,区域地下卤水的连通性相对较弱。根据试验开采区27口开采井钻孔资料和地下卤水监测数据,进行了储卤层差异性分类,将钻孔所揭露储卤层划分为3种类型,不同类型储卤层卤水富集性能具有较大差异,表现为渗透系数和单井涌水量在平面分布上的较大数值差距。通过对钻孔岩心岩性、孔隙特征及补给条件等方面进行分析,得出卤水富集性能强的基本条件:储卤层具备天然良好的颗粒骨架和稳定的卤水补给来源与通道。依据储卤层渗透性能和卤水富集规律,将马海盐湖试验开采区划分出不同地下卤水富集区段。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地盐湖卤水层给水度分布变化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
选择柴达木盆地马海盐湖作为研究对象,在研究区布置给水度采样点11处,采样深度1.61~148.5 m,采集给水度样品75件。结合研究区以往37处采样点的72个测试数据,共计取得48处采样点145个测试数据。根据给水度实测数据,采用数理统计方法分析了柴达木盆地马海盐湖卤水层给水度分布变化。其主要特征表现为:① 给水度在水平方向上表现出较大的差异性,卤水层W至W的给水度分别介于0~0.263 5、0.009 4~0.209 9、0~0.277 8、0.006 2~0.135 9、0~0.107 7。在采样点MHK-022~MHK-026处,各卤水层给水度值较小,均小于0.06。在盐湖东北部,各卤水层给水度值较大,均大于0.08。给水度在垂直方向上受地层静压力的影响随着深度的增加而减小,上部卤水层W的给水度均值为0.105,下部卤水层W的给水度均值已降至0.038 7,不足卤水层W给水度均值的40%。给水度在垂直方向上还表现出旋回性的变化特征,这种沉积旋回的出现可能是对成盐期间气候波动的反映。  相似文献   

Investigation of a >6-km-thick succession of Cretaceous to Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in the Tajik Basin reveals that this depocentre consists of three stacked basin systems that are interpreted to reflect different mechanisms of subsidence associated with tectonics in the Pamir Mountains: a Lower to mid-Cretaceous succession, an Upper Cretaceous–Lower Eocene succession and an Eocene–Neogene succession. The Lower to mid-Cretaceous succession consists of fluvial deposits that were primarily derived from the Triassic Karakul–Mazar subduction–accretion complex in the northern Pamir. This succession is characterized by a convex-up (accelerating) subsidence curve, thickens towards the Pamir and is interpreted as a retroarc foreland basin system associated with northward subduction of Tethyan oceanic lithosphere. The Upper Cretaceous to early Eocene succession consists of fine-grained, marginal marine and sabkha deposits. The succession is characterized by a concave-up subsidence curve. Regionally extensive limestone beds in the succession are consistent with late stage thermal relaxation and relative sea-level rise following lithospheric extension, potentially in response to Tethyan slab rollback/foundering. The Upper Cretaceous–early Eocene succession is capped by a middle Eocene to early Oligocene (ca. 50–30 Ma) disconformity, which is interpreted to record the passage of a flexural forebulge. The disconformity is represented by a depositional hiatus, which is 10–30 Myr younger than estimates for the initiation of India–Asia collision and overlaps in age with the start of prograde metamorphism recorded in the Pamir gneiss domes. Overlying the disconformity, a >4-km-thick upper Eocene–Neogene succession displays a classic, coarsening upward unroofing sequence characterized by accelerating subsidence, which is interpreted as a retro-foreland basin associated with crustal thickening of the Pamir during India–Asia collision. Thus, the Tajik Basin provides an example of a long-lived composite basin in a retrowedge position that displays a sensitivity to plate margin processes. Subsidence, sediment accumulation and basin-forming mechanisms are influenced by subduction dynamics, including periods of slab-shallowing and retreat.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Nof et al. (J Paleolimnol 35:417–439, 2006) suggest a physical mechanism which could account for the formation of ice on Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) in northern Israel. Based on the sea surface temperature record of sediment cores from the Mediterranean Sea the authors argue that centennial-scale cold events had the potential to trigger local ‘springs ice’ formation on the lake in the past. Here, we demonstrate that a closer inspection of the paleoceanographic record in combination with correlation and regression analyses of meteorological data provides no evidence for such cold events in the lake region during the last 10,000 years. Thus, the formation of ‘springs ice’ on Lake Kinneret was unlikely at least since the beginning of the Neolithic.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic sedimentary succession of Bangladesh provides an archive of Himalayan erosion. However, its potential as an archive is currently hampered by a poor lithostratigaphic framework with limited age control. We focus on the Hatia Trough of the Bengal Basin and the adjacent fold belt of the Chittagong Hill Tracts which forms the outermost part of the west‐propagating Indo‐Burmese wedge. We present a basin‐wide seismic stratigraphic framework for the Neogene rocks, calibrated by biostratigraphy, which divides the succession into three seismically distinct and regionally correlatable Megasequences (MS). MS1 extends to NN15‐NN16 (ca. 2.5–3.9 Ma), MS2 to NN19‐NN20 (ca. 0.4–1.9 Ma) and MS3 to present day. Our seismic mapping, thermochronological analyses of detrital mineral grains, isotopic analyses of bulk rock, heavy mineral and petrographic data, show that the Neogene rocks of the Hatia Trough and Chittagong Hill Tracts are predominantly Himalayan‐derived, with a subordinate arc‐derived input possibly from the Paleogene IndoBurman Ranges as well as the Trans‐Himalaya. Our seismic data allow us to concur with previous work that suggests folding of the outer part of the west‐propagating wedge only commenced recently, within the last few million years. We suggest that it could have been the westward encroachment and final abutment of the Chittagong Hill Tracts fold belt onto the already‐uplifted Shillong Plateau that caused diversion of the palaeo‐Brahmaputra to the west of the plateau as the north‐east drainage route closed.  相似文献   

The post-glacial history of the Great Lakes has involved changes in lake levels that are equivalent in vertical extent to the Pleistocene changes in global sea level and changes in sediment accumulation by at least two orders of magnitude. In the sediments of the northern Lake Michigan basin, these radical changes in base level and sediment supply are preserved in detailed records of changing depositional environment and the impact of these changes on depositional architecture. The seismic sequences of the sediment fill previously described in Lake Huron have been carried into northern Lake Michigan and used to map the history and architecture of basinal deposition. As the Laurentide Ice Sheet retreated northward in the early Holocene, it opened progressively deeper channels to the east that allowed the larger lakes to drain through the North Channel, Huron, and Georgian Bay basins. At the end of the Main Algonquin highstand, about 10,200 (radiocarbon) yrs ago, the eastern drainage passage deepened in a series of steps that defined four seismic sequences and lowered lake levels by over 100 m. Near the same time a new source of sediment and meltwaters poured across the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and into the northern Lake Michigan basin from the Superior basin ice lobe. A marked increase in deposition is seen first in the northern part of the study area, and slightly later in the Whitefish Fan area at the southern end of the study area. Accumulation rates in the area gradually decreased even as lake levels continued to fall. Drainage directly from the Superior basin ended before the beginning of the main Mattawa phase about 9,200 (radiocarbon) yrs ago.Although individual lowstand systems tracts are at the most a few hundred yrs in duration, their geometries and seismic character are comparable to marine systems tracts associated with sea level falls of similar magnitudes. In some of the thicker lowstand deposits a second order cyclicity in sedimentation can be detected in the high resolution seismic records.  相似文献   

基于1950~2011年的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对渤海10 m风场的风速与风向变化进行多尺度分析。利用小波分析、交叉谱分析等方法对渤海海域的海表风速、风向的变化趋势以及周期进行研究。分析发现:渤海地区海表风的风向与风速除了存在显著的季节性变化特征外,在年际、年代际的变化尺度上也有明显的周期性。风向存在1 a、8.7 a、15.8 a的显著周期,风速存在1 a、6.3 a、15 a的显著周期。风向与风速在时间尺度分别为20 a、5.71 a、2.67 a时存在显著共振周期;共振周期受东亚季风、西太平副热带高压的年际、年代际变化的影响呈现出多尺度变化周期。  相似文献   

An extensive, reprocessed two‐dimensional (2D) seismic data set was utilized together with available well data to study the Tiddlybanken Basin in the southeastern Norwegian Barents Sea, which is revealed to be an excellent example of base salt rift structures, evaporite accumulations and evolution of salt structures. Late Devonian–early Carboniferous NE‐SW regional extensional stress affected the study area and gave rise to three half‐grabens that are separated by a NW‐SE to NNW‐SSE trending horst and an affiliated interference transfer zone. The arcuate nature of the horst is believed to be the effect of pre‐existing Timanian basement grain, whereas the interference zone formed due to the combined effect of a Timanian (basement) lineament and the geometrical arrangement of the opposing master faults. The interference transfer zone acted as a physical barrier, controlling the facies distribution and sedimentary thickness of three‐layered evaporitic sequences (LES). During the late Triassic, the northwestern part of a salt wall was developed due to passive diapirism and its evolution was influenced by halite lithology between the three‐LES. The central and southeastern parts of the salt wall did not progress beyond the pedestal stage due to lack of halite in the deepest evaporitic sequence. During the Triassic–Jurassic transition, far‐field stresses from the Novaya Zemlya fold‐and‐thrust belt reactivated the pre‐salt Carboniferous rift structures. The reactivation led to the development of the Signalhorn Dome, rejuvenated the northwestern part of the salt wall and affected the sedimentation rates in the southeastern broad basin. The salt wall together with the Signalhorn Dome and the Carboniferous pre‐salt structures were again reactivated during post‐Early Cretaceous, in response to regional compressional stresses. During this main tectonic inversion phase, the northwestern and southeastern parts of the salt wall were rejuvenated; however, salt reactivation was minimized towards the interference transfer zone beneath the centre of the salt wall.  相似文献   

A radiocarbon-dated core, NC, taken in the alpine Blue Lake in the Snowy Mountains of southeastern Australia provides a Holocene record of sedimentation that consists mainly of organic clays. Two types of quartz grains are recovered from 81 samples from the core. One type consists of angular grains, with frequently shattered faces, which originates from granitic lithologies present within the small catchment area of the lake. The other type is characteristically rounded to subrounded, often textured with frequent silica coating and is considered to have been deposited within the lake and its catchment by aeolian processes. These aeolian grains are thought to have been transported along the main dust path that ferries aeolian dust from the Mallee region, west of the Snowy Mountains, as far as the southeastern Tasman Sea. Aeolian grains with the largest size occur over approximately the last 1.6 ka of the Holocene and this indicates an increase of climatic instability, with arid phases that commenced about 3.5 ka. At 2 ka, a wet period in southeastern Australia coincided with low aeolian input at Blue Lake. The period of consistent reduced aeolian activity spans the 7.6 to 5.5 ka interval at Blue Lake.  相似文献   

Global fallout is the main source of anthropogenic radionuclides in the Mediterranean Sea. This work presents 137Cs, 239+240Pu and 241Am concentrations in the water column in the southwest Alboran Sea, which was sampled in December 1999. A sediment core was taken at 800 m depth in the area (35°47′ N, 04°48′ W). 210Pb, 226Ra, 137Cs and 239+240Pu specific activities were measured at multiple depths in the core for dating purposes. 137Cs and 239+240Pu profiles did not show defined peaks that could be used as time markers, and they extended up to depths for which the 210Pb-based constant rate of supply (CRS) dating model provided inconsistent dates. These profiles can be useful to test dating models, understood as particular solutions of a general advection–diffusion problem, if the time series of radionuclide inputs into the sediment is provided. Thus, historical records of depth-averaged 137Cs and 239+240Pu concentrations in water, and their corresponding fluxes into the sediment, were reconstructed. A simple water-column model was used for this purpose, involving atmospheric fallout, measured distribution coefficient (k d) values, and a first-estimate of sedimentation rates. A dating model of constant mixing with constant sedimentation rate was applied successfully to three independent records (unsupported 210Pb, 137Cs and 239+240Pu), and provided the objective determination of mixing parameters and mass sedimentation rate. These results provide some insight into the fate of atmospheric inputs to this marine environment and, particularly, into the contribution from the Chernobyl accident.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to arrive at a consistent interpretation of (1) the age model, (2) the grain size record, and (3) seismic reflection data from Lake Hovsgol (a.k.a Khubsugul or Hövsgöl), Mongolia, reported by Fedotov et al. (2007, earlier by Fedotov et al. 2002, 2004). In their most recent contribution, the grain size record of the KDP-01 drill core is interpreted as a climatic signal while little consideration is given to lake-level changes and hence to basin-wide changes in depositional setting evident from seismic profiles; also, a nearly linear age model is at odds with the seismic evidence for a major angular unconformity in the sediment strata. The lack of regional seismic stratigraphic analysis has thus led to an improbable interpretation of the Lake Hovsgol sediment grain size record and ultimately to an improbable scenario of Mongolian glaciation history. Using the available seismic profiles, here we show that the drill core penetrated several transgressive/regressive sedimentary sequences and a major angular unconformity. Therefore, the drilled sediment section cannot represent continuous sediment accumulation and the Brunhes age model across the unconformity cannot be nearly linear; the time interval representing a hiatus remains to be determined. The assumed nearly linear age/depth relationship in the upper 23 m above the angular unconformity is also an unlikely relationship, given the evidence of repeated changes in lake level, and hence in the depositional setting and sedimentation rates. We further propose a qualitative reference model for changes in the Lake Hovsgol depositional setting (presented as a step-by-step animation – see supplementary material) based on manually ‘backstripping and rebuilding’ the seismic pattern. We argue that this model provides a useful template of the likely sediment facies changes in the deep axial part of the Hovsgol basin: our crude model in fact captures the major depositional trends in the KDP-01 drill core section located some 10 km NW along the seismic line. We contend that changes in the depositional setting provide the first-order control on sediment grain size in the Hovsgol record. Our study provides important new constraints on the nature of sedimentary proxy records in Lake Hovsgol and on their interpretation as a record of Mongolian glaciation history.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCP) extracted from lake sediments provide an unambiguous record of the distributions of fossil-fuel derived pollutants. When applied to sediment cores taken from Lake Baikal spatial patterns show good agreement with the distribution of industry, with the highest concentrations found in the southern basin nearest to Irkutsk. SCP were found to occur in all cores from all areas of the lake in contrast to metal results where anthropogenically enhanced deposition was only demonstrable in the southern basin. SCP distribution within the sediments of Lake Baikal is seen to be distinctly regional and therefore long distance transport is not thought to be an important pathway for these pollutants. Temporal patterns of SCP show trends that reflect the development of industry in the area since the 1940s. Settling rates in the 1600 m water column suggest that the SCP sediment record may be approximately an order of magnitude more sensitive to depositional changes than that of trace metals.  相似文献   

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