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日食为射电天文提供了一维高空间分辨率太阳射电观测机会,日食射电观测在太阳射电物理的发展上起过重要的作用,文中对日食射电观测的若干重要因素作了介绍和分析,日食射电观测在我国太阳射电天文台发展上也起了重要作用,文中简要介绍了在我国组织观测的1958年,1968年,1980年及1987年太阳射电日食观测及其主要结果。  相似文献   

本文介绍了日食射电观测及其资料预处理的基本方法。其中包括日食观测点的选址、观测前的准备、日食观测和食后资料的预处理等。通过资料预处理 ,可得到归一化天线温度和斜率食变曲线 ,为研究日面亮度温度分布和射电源参数等基本物理量提供基本数据和资料  相似文献   

本文介绍了1997年3月9日,紫金山天文台在3.2cm波段上日偏食观测概况及所得到的结果。  相似文献   

太阳射电三频率高时间分辨率三年同步观测的结果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

在分析了近年来对太阳射电爆发与高能质子观测的基础上指出,既非II型也非米波IV型而是强微波爆发几乎总是同高能质子共生的;这一结果否定了以前长期所持的观点。同高能质子共生的微波爆发可分成两类:强脉冲型和强微波IV型,前者共生的被俘质子或相互作用质子要多于逃逸质子,后者则常共生有更多的逃逸质子.作者对每种情况中质子的有效加速过程进行了考虑,并对强微波爆发为何几乎总是有高能质子共生的缘由作了解释.  相似文献   

本文对针太阳射电时间分辨率观测研究中的普遍关心的事件证认问题,分析了精细构事件与干扰信号在“空域”上的特征差异,在“10cm波段高时间分辨率太阳强度纹”上,采取了抗干扰和识别干扰的技术措施,极大的抑制了雷达干扰,提高了事件的置信度。在缺乏同地域精细结构同时性事件情况下,本文介绍的措施,对事件的自证认不失为一种有效的手段。  相似文献   

1990年7月30日射电爆发中spike辐射的观测和讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

在太阳射电动态频谱图上,II型暴表现为缓慢频率漂移的窄带信号;这些信号为能量电子激发的等离子体辐射,其基频辐射的频率接近当地等离子体频率.II型暴在太阳暴驱动激波、激波加速产生能量电子以及空间天气预报方面具有重要的研究意义.有些II型暴的频谱形态比较丰富,存在多种精细结构;按照频谱形态和成因大致分为频带分裂、多支、鱼骨...  相似文献   

Radio observation is one of important methods in solar physics and space science. Sometimes, it is almost the sole approach to observe the physical processes such as the acceleration, emission, and propagation of non-thermal energetic particles, etc. So far, more than 100 solar radio telescopes have been built in the world, including solar radiometers, dynamic spectrometers, and radioheliographs. Some of them have been closed after the fulfillment of their primary scientific objectives, or for their malfunctions, and thus replaced by other advanced instruments. At the same time, based on some new technologies and scientific ideas, various kinds of new and much more complicated solar radio telescopes are being constructed by solar radio astronomers and space scientists, such as the American E-OVSA and the solar radio observing system under the framework of Chinese Meridian Project II, etc. When we plan to develop a new solar radio telescope, it is crucial to design the most suitable technical parameters, e.g., the observing frequency range and bandwidth, temporal resolution, frequency resolution, spatial resolution, polarization degree, and dynamic range. Then, how do we select a rational set of these parameters? The long-term observation and study revealed that a large strong solar radio burst is frequently composed of a series of small bursts with different time scales. Among them, the radio spike burst is the smallest one with the shortest lifetime, the narrowest bandwidth, and the smallest source region. Solar radio spikes are considered to be related to a single magnetic energy release process, and can be regarded as an elementary burst in solar flares. It is a basic requirement for the new solar radio telescope to observe and discriminate these solar radio spike bursts, even though the temporal and spatial scales of radio spike bursts actually vary with the observing frequency. This paper presents the scaling laws of the lifetime and bandwidth of solar radio spike bursts with respect to the observing frequency, which provide some constraints for the new solar radio telescopes, and help us to select the rational telescope parameters. Besides, we propose a spectrum-image combination mode as the best observation mode for the next-generation solar radio telescopes with high temporal, spectral, and spatial resolutions, which may have an important significance for revealing the physical essence of the various non-thermal processes in violent solar eruptions.  相似文献   

An improved Solar Radio Spectrometer working at 1.10-2.06 GHz with much improved spectral and temporal resolution, has been accomplished by the National Astronomical Observatories and Hebei Semiconductor Research Institute, based on an old spectrometer at 1-2 GHz. The new spectrometer has a spectral resolution of 4 MHz and a temporal resolution of 5ms, with an instantaneous detectable range from 0.02 to 10 times of the quiet Sun flux. It can measure both left and right circular polarization with an accuracy of 10% in degree of polarization. Some results of preliminary observations that could not be recorded by the old spectrometer at 1-2 GHz are presented.  相似文献   

1 ObservationsandDataProcessing1 1 RadioObservationsAparticularradiomicroflarewasobservedduring 0 6 4 5~ 0 72 0UTonJanuary 5 ,1 994bytheYunnanObservatoryhightimeresolutionsolarradiotelescope .Itoccurredat 1 42GHzdur ingasmall4S/Ftypeburst.Theobservationwasalsomadebyth…  相似文献   

太阳活动周期的小波分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用小波技术对太阳射电流量2800 MHz,太阳黑子数和太阳黑子面积数周期进行分析.其结果表明: (1)这3个系列的数据显示最显著的周期是10.69年,其他周期并不明显.(2)小波功率谱给出了全部时间-周期范围的功率谱变化,它显示了在某个周期处于某个时段的局部功率的变化,小波功率谱分析表明,小于1年的周期仅仅在太阳活动最大期附近比较明显.(3)太阳射电2800 MHz,太阳黑子数和太阳黑子面积数的几个周期(10.69年,5.11年, 155.5天)的小波功率谱比较相似,出现峰值的时间相同;曲线的起伏相似,周期越小,曲线起伏的频率越大.  相似文献   

Wavelet Cleaning of Solar Dynamic Radio Spectrograms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
By applying the state-of-the-art mathematical apparatus, the wavelet transformation, we explore the possibillity of a dynamic cleaning of raw data obtained with the Chinese solar radio spectrographs over a wide wavelength range (from 0.7 to 7.6 GHz). We consider the problem of eliminating the interference caused by combination rates of data sampling (10-20ms), and the low-frequency interference (4-30s) caused by the receiving equipment changing its characteristics with time. It is shown that the best choice to reconstruct a signal suffering from amplitude, frequency and phase instabilities, is by means of wavelet transformation at both high and low frequencies. We analysed observational data which contained interferences of nonsolar origin such as instrumental effects and other man-made signals. A subsequent comparison of the reference data obtained with the acoustooptical receiver of the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (SSRT) with the “cleaned” spectra confirms the correctness of this approach.  相似文献   

This paper presents general relations for the intensity of the resonant transition radiation (RTR) and their detailed analysis. This analysis shows that the spectrum amplitude of the x-mode at some frequencies for high-energy electrons can grow with the magnetic field increase in some interval from zero value; it can even dominate over that for the o-mode. With further magnetic field increase, the intensity of the RTR x-mode decreases in comparison with the intensity of the o-mode and this decrease is higher for higher velocities of energetic electrons. The polarization of the RTR depends on the velocity of energetic electrons, too. For velocities lower than some velocity limit v<v i the RTR emission is unpolarized in a broad interval of magnetic field intensities in the radio source. For reasonable values of indices of the power-law distribution functions of energetic electrons, the RTR is broadband in frequencies (df/f≈0.2−0.4). Furthermore, we show various dependencies of the RTR and its spectral characteristics. Assuming the same radio flux of the transition radiation and the gyro-synchrotron one at the Razin frequency, we estimate the limit magnetic field in the radio source of the transition radiation. Then, we analyze possible sources of small-scale inhomogeneities (thermal density fluctuations, Langmuir and ion-sound waves), which are necessary for the transition radiation. Although the small-scale inhomogeneities connected with the Langmuir waves lead to the plasma radiation, which is essentially stronger than RTR, the inhomogeneities of the ion-sound waves are suitable for the RTR without any other radiation. We present the relations describing the RTR for anisotropic distribution functions of fast electrons. We consider the distribution functions of fast electrons in the form of the Legendre polynomials which depend on the pitch-angle. We analyze the influence of the degree of the anisotropy (an increase of the number of terms in the Legendre polynomial) on spectral characteristics of the RTR. A comparison with previous studies is made. As an example of the use of the derived formulas for the RTR, the 24 December 1991 event is studied. It is shown that the observed decimetric burst can be generated by the RTR in the plasma with the density inhomogeneities at the level 〈ΔN 2〉/N 2=2.5⋅10−5.  相似文献   

F10.7太阳辐射通量作为输入参数被广泛运用于大气经验模型、电离层模型等空间环境模型,其预报精度直接影响航天器轨道预报精度.采用时间序列法统计了太阳辐射通量F10.7指数和太阳黑子数(SSN)的关系,给出了两者之间的线性关系,在此基础上提出了一种基于长短时记忆神经网络(Long and Short Term Memory,LSTM)的预报方法,方法结合了54 d太阳辐射通量指数和SSN历史数据来对F10.7进行未来7 d短期预报,并与其他预报方法的预报结果进行了比较,结果表明:(1)所建短期预报7 d方法模型的性能优于美国空间天气预报中心(Space Weather Prediction Center, SWPC)的方法,预测值和观测值的相关系数(CC)达到0.96,同时其均方根误差约为11.62个太阳辐射通量单位(sfu),预报结果的均方根误差(RMSE)低于SWPC,下降约11%;(2)对预测的23、24周太阳活动年结果统计表明,太阳活动高年的第7 d F10.7指数预报平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)最优可达12.9%以内,低年最优可达2...  相似文献   

2008年8月1日,在我国西北的新疆、内蒙、甘肃等地区可以观测到一次日全食的天象,紫金山天文台太阳射电团组在甘肃省金塔用两架太阳射电望远镜对这次日全食进行了观测,并成功地取得了观测资料.为了科学分析观测资料,在日全食的前两天,实测了当地的大气吸收.着重分析这些观测数据,结合太阳射电方法,测得在λ=2.4 cm和λ=8....  相似文献   

Total solar eclipses are rare events, but the publicity surrounding them is generating a lot of interest. These events can be used to popularize astronomy and promote science awareness. The internet is gaining popularity as a medium to view eclipses remotely as is evidenced by the number of websites devoted to the 2001 solar eclipse. More internet webcasts are needed to meet the demand that these events generate. The attempt by a team from the Astronomy Department at the University of South Africa to broadcast a streaming video of the 21 June 2001 total eclipse from Lusaka on the internet are described. All the necessary equipment is commercially available. Lessons learnt from this eclipse can be used to prepare for future events. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

1993年5月30日22GHz的缓变型射电事件的时间轮廓特征,以及在3GHz、10GHz频率上没有对应射电事件的观测特征等,可用Matzler的热模型得到合理的解释。  相似文献   

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