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东平湖沉积物 210Pb、137Cs 垂直分布及年代学意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对东平湖沉积物柱状岩芯放射性年代学研究表明: 12cm处的 137Cs比活度峰值对应于1963年人工核试验高峰,9cm和6cm处的 137Cs比活度蓄积峰可能分别与1974年的全球核素散落和1986年前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站核泄漏有关; 210Pb比活度随深度呈指数衰减,利用 137Cs核素1963年对应的蓄积峰进行校正,采用 210Pb计年的CRS模式建立了1889年以来东平湖现代沉积年代序列。根据 210Pb年代序列,计算了东平湖现代沉积速率,发现近百年来东平湖地区沉积速率有明显变化: 1889~1945年,沉积速率较高,平均达0.297g/cm2•a; 1945~1963年,沉积速率整体处于下降趋势; 1963~2000年,沉积速率比较稳定,平均约0.141g/cm2•a; 约2000年以来,沉积速率有增高趋势。通过分析认为,1945年以前东平湖较高的沉积速率可能与东平湖作为黄河水的自然滞洪区有关; 1950年代国家对东平湖的治理改造,控制了黄河水的自然倒灌,导致了东平湖沉积速率的迅速下降; 1963年以后,由于黄河上中游大型水利工程设施的修建,抑制了东平湖调洪功能的发挥,导致东平湖沉积速率低而稳定; 近年来,东平湖沉积速率有增大趋势,这可能与湖区人民发展围网养殖带入较多的沉积物有关。  相似文献   

东北四海龙湾玛珥湖沉积物纹层计年与137Cs、210Pb测年   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
对东北四海龙湾玛珥湖SHLF6孔纹层沉积物的137Cs放射性测量表明:137Cs比活度的最大值出现在55cm处,对应于1963年世界原子弹试爆高峰期。纹层计年表明0~6cm共有35个纹层层偶。从75cm到65cm,137Cs比活度从256±009dpm/g急剧增加到1868±017dpm/g,可能65cm对应于1954年。通过测量226Ra子核214Pb和214Bi(能量为295keV,352keV和609keV)放射的光子数获得226Ra比活度数据,然后求得过剩210Pb比活度(210Pbuns)。210Pbuns比活度随深度增加而呈指数衰减,其异常波动可能与人类活动以及沉积速率变化有关,例如55cm处210Pb比活度较高,与137Cs的峰值对应,这可能与1963年前后人工核实验的高峰有关,因为核试验不仅产生137Cs,而且可以产生208Pb和210Pb;45cm处210Pb比活度较低,而226Ra较高,可能与人类活动加剧,导致沉积速率增加有关。根据210PbunsCRS模式,SHLF6孔0~19cm的平均沉积速率为20mg/cm2·a,或约为011cm/a。210Pb测年数据与137Cs时标及纹层计年均有很好的一致性。四海龙湾玛珥湖发育的纹层为年纹层,可以建立高分辨率时间序列。  相似文献   

吉林小龙湾沉积速率的210Pb和137Cs年代学方法测定   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
夏威岚  薛滨 《第四纪研究》2004,24(1):124-125
吉林省辉南县、靖宇县境内有很多小型湖泊(人称龙湾),属火山成因,也可称作玛珥湖[1]。其中小龙湾(42°18′N,126°22′E),位于辉南县境内,湖面海拔655m,近椭圆形,湖泊长、宽分别约400m和250m,是该区最小的一个积水玛珥湖,湖泊周围无地表径流输入,湖泊面积基本等同流域面积。周围山体海拔约700m,植被茂盛,主要由多旋回、互层的玄武质火山碎屑岩组成,包括火山角砾岩和凝灰岩。2001年6月在湖泊中心部位水深14.41m处,用重力取样器钻取湖泊沉积岩心,岩心长49cm。该孔沉积岩性均一,  相似文献   

中国陆架210Pb测年应用现状与思考   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
分析总结了中国陆架210Pb测年现状及取得的成果,评价了210Pb测定沉积速率的可靠性。由于数据处理及成果表达的不统一,得到的沉积速率只能定性—半定量地表征沉积作用强度。根据210Pb测年现状、陆架沉积环境特征探讨了改善210Pb应用的有关问题,认为合理的选区、必要的校正、统一的成果表达是提高210Pb应用水平的重要因素。  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸210Pbexc、137Cs测年与现代沉积速率   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
根据渤海湾西岸潮间带上部与堤后盐沼区三个垂直于海岸线的长剖面(L、S和Q剖面)的11个样柱的210Pbexc、137Cs的放射性强度垂直分布特征、蓄积量,以及各样柱所处的微地貌部位对现代沉积过程的制约关系,发现该地区现代沉积速率从东向西(由海向陆)依次为1~3 cm/yr、0.35 cm/yr和0.1 cm/yr,并划分了三个相应的现代沉积亚区:开放高潮坪亚区、近端盐沼亚区和远端盐沼亚区.  相似文献   

内蒙古乌梁素海~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs测年与现代沉积速率   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对乌梁素海沉积物柱心样品进行210Pb、137Cs测年分析表明,柱心剖面上有明显的1963年蓄积峰,这个蓄积峰对乌梁素海的现代沉积有明显的时标意义。根据210Pb的CRS模式,可以计算出每个样品深度所对应的年代,在该沉积柱心中与137Cs时标吻合较好。乌梁素海的沉积速率并不稳定,变化比较大,表明乌梁素海近113 a来沉积环境不稳定。210Pb、137Cs两种计年方法的结合有助于认识沉积速率变化较大的沼泽的沉积状况,也有助于对核素计年方法的理解。  相似文献   

通过对乌伦古湖2个沉积柱样的210Pb和137Cs剖面的观测,运用210Pb过剩法和137Cs时标法估算了近几十年来的平均沉积速率。研究结果表明:210Pb过剩法的CRS模式测定的沉积速率的变化范围为0.018~0.071 g/(cm2·a),137Cs时标法测定沉积速率的变化范围为0.034~0060 g/(cm2·a),两者具有较高的一致性。20世纪60年代以前,人类活动对本区影响相对较小,湖泊的沉积速率主要受自然因素的影响;20世纪60年代以后,随着乌伦古河中、下游农业的发展和调水工程的实现,人类活动逐渐成为主导湖泊演化的因素,从而影响乌伦古湖沉积速率。  相似文献   

137Cs法和210Pb法对比研究鄱阳湖近代沉积速率   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
叶崇开 《沉积学报》1991,9(1):106-114
本文报道了应用137Cs法和210Pb法对比研究鄱阳湖近代沉积速率。按黄海高程11.1-14.6m湖区的沉积速率在1.0-3.7mm·a-1之间,平均值为2.2mm·a-1。文中还讨论了用γ谱法验证137Cs法和210Pb法给出的沉积速率的结果。137Cs法给出的沉积速率与γ谱法的结果是一致的,而210Pb法给出的沉积速率比γ谱法和137Cs法的结果约偏低16%。  相似文献   

通过对渤海湾西岸L剖面中同一关键层的碳酸钙和原生腹足类壳债权的^14C测年对比研究,确定了晚全新世的2800cal BP的层位及沉积速率0.045cm/a;8个样柱的^137Cs和^210Pbex强度、蓄积量揭示了距今约120年来堤后盐沼的平均沉积速率约为0.35cm/a,而面向开放海湾的潮坪上部则达到约2-3cm/a。研究区近1个世纪以来沉积速率的加速趋势,是渤海湾西岸泥质海岸带的特征之一。  相似文献   

位于永定新河、潮白新河与蓟运河汇流处的三河岛是天津市列入国家海岛名录的唯一岛屿,其独特的地理位置记录了现代海、陆交互作用的变化过程。取自该岛南、北两侧泥质潮间带的2组现代沉积物样柱,揭示137Cs和210Pbexc的最大检出深度分别达到90~123cm和140~210cm,属于渤海湾西岸泥质海岸带现代沉积最为活跃的“面向开放海湾亚带”。  相似文献   

The distribution of 210Pb, 137Cs, and Ambrosia (ragweed) pollen in two sediment cores from Lake Ontario and in three cores from Lake Erie provides independent estimates of sediment accumulation rates. Geochronology with 210Pb is based on radioactive decay of the isotope following burial in sediments. The method can reveal with precision changes in sedimentation occurring over the past 100 yr or so. Geochronologies with 137Cs and Ambrosia are based on the occurrence of a horizon corresponding, respectively, to the onset of nuclear testing 25 yr ago and to regional forest clearance in the middle 1800s. These methods provide estimates of long-term average sediment accumulation rates. In all but one core, the distributions of 137Cs and 210Pb indicate no physical mixing of near-surface sediments. In two cores, including one from central Lake Erie collected by diver, all three estimates of sedimentation rates are in excellent agreement. In two other cores, rates based on 210Pb are significantly higher than those inferred from Ambrosia pollen profiles. Lower average rates appear to result from occasional massive losses of sediments. Such events, apparent in the distribution of 210Pb but not in pollen records, correlate with the occurrence of major storm surges on the lakes during this century. In one core from western Lake Erie, exponential distributions of both 210Pb and Ambrosia appear to be artifacts which may result from extensive biological or physical reworking of sediments in shallow water (11 m). Previous indications of increased sedimentation in Lake Erie since about 1935 based on Castanea (chestnut) pollen data are not substantiated.  相似文献   

Particle mixing rates (DB) calculated from excess 210Pb gradients in sediments of the east equatorial Pacific range from 0.04 to 0.5 cm2/y, with variation of a factor of 3–4 at a single site. Diffusion of the 236Ra daughter 222Rn may affect 210Pb distributions under conditions of slow mixing and low 210Pb flux to the seafloor, as shown by a siliceous ooze-clay core which contained the fallout radionuclides 239,240Pu and 137Cs but no excess 210Pb (relative to 226Ra). There is no clear relationship between 210Pbderived mixing rates and sediment type, accumulation rate or organic carbon flux to the sediments. Comparison of 210Pb mixing rates with those calculated from 239,240Pu and 137Cs distributions reveals better agreement for a pulse input of the fallout radionuclides (DB = 0.03?0.4 cm2/y) than for continuous input at a constant rate (DB = 0.1?1.6 cm2/y), although the Pu and 137Cs data are better fit by the latter model. The agreement may be fortuitous because 239,240Pu and 137Cs appear significantly deeper than 210Pb in at least one core. Tracer separation could be caused by particle size-selective mixing by the benthic fauna or by chemical mobilization. If the fallout radionuclides are scavenged from surface waters by large, organic-rich particles such as fecal pellets, their release and migration may result from decomposition of the carrier in surface sediments. Either a relatively unreactive form of Pu (e.g. oxidized Pu) has been released by this process or a one-dimensional model is inadequate to explain its observed penetration into the sediments. Activity ratios of 239,240Pu137Cs in the sediments decrease with increasing north latitude, and the trend reflects higher fluxes of 239,240Pu near the weapons test site at Christmas Island (2°N). The 239,240Pu137Cs ratios and fluxes to the sediment (assuming constant input) at the siliceous ooze-red clay site are consistent with published sediment trap data from a nearby site. Thus if fallout radionuclide fluxes to the sea floor were higher in the past, both 239,240Pu and 137Cs have been released from sinking particles.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of 210Pb and 210Po in the dissolved (<0.4 μm) and the paniculate (>0.4 μm) phases was measured in Crystal Lake, Wisconsin, to examine the spatial and temporal variability during the seasonal cycle of this oligotrophic lake. The concentration of unsupported 210Pb in the water column is maintained principally by atmospheric input. However, most of the 210Po in Crystal Lake is produced in situ from radioactive decay of 210Pb.Mass balance considerations indicated that the removal rates of 210Pb and 210Po from the water column to the sediment varied temporally by nearly an order of magnitude. During transient periods of high biological productivity, a large net flux of these nuclides into the sediment occurred. In addition, 210Pb was rapidly stripped from the water column during fall turnover. It was during these short-lived events that most of the annual net removal of 210Pb and 210Po occurred. The mean removal residence time was estimated to be 0.095 yr for 210Pb and 0.26 yr for 210Po. These residence times suggest that there is a difference between 210Pb and 210Po in the extent of their recycling in the water column. Calculations indicated that there was a cyclic response of the water column 210Po inventory corresponding to successive time periods where there was a net loss or net gain. This cycling is attributed to rapid biological removal and subsequent release from the sediment of freshly deposited 210Po. For 210Pb, replenishment of the water column appeared to occur mainly from atmospheric input.  相似文献   

A material balance is constructed for excess 210Pb (relative to 226Ra) as a test of the retentivity of Long Island Sound for a reactive heavy metal. Excess 210Pb is supplied to Long Island Sound chiefly by direct atmospheric deposition [1 ± 0.2(dis·min?1)cm?2·yr?1]. Rivers supply less than 20% of the atmospheric flux, and other inputs, from open ocean waters, 226Ra decay, groundwater seepage, and sewage discharge, appear to be negligible. The total input of excess 210Pb represents approximately the flux required to maintain the inventory of excess 210Pb measured in sediment cores from central Long Island Sound; that is, excess 210Pb is lost from Long Island Sound chiefly by radioactive decay. The retention of excess 210Pb within Long Island Sound is achieved in two steps: a rapid removal of soluble 210Pb onto suspended particles and the ongoing entrapment of particles in the basin by the residual bottom-water influx from the east.  相似文献   

The annual balance of radionuclides inflow/outflow was assessed for 137Cs and 90Sr isotopes in the Barents Sea, taking into account the atmospheric precipitation, inflow from the Norwegian and the White seas, as well as riverine discharge, liquid radioactive waste disposal (LRWD), and outflow to the adjacent seas. The original and published data for the period of 1950–2009 were analyzed. According to the multiyear dynamics (1960–2009), the inflow of 137Cs and 90Sr into the Barents Sea was significantly preconditioned by the Norwegian Sea currents; and precipitation played a major role in the 1950s, 1960s, and in 1986. Currently, the trans-border redeposition of 90Sr prevails over 137Cs redeposition in the Barents Sea, and constitutes about 99% of inflow of each element.  相似文献   

Controlled laboratory experiments have been used to study the diagenetic chemistry of 239,240Pu 137Cs, and 55Fe. Experiments using Buzzards Bay sediments in small tanks show that sulfate reduction is accompanied by the production of large pore water concentration gradients of alkalinity, phosphate, ammonia and dissolved organic carbon and the formation of subsurface maxima in Fe and Mn. These pore water profiles demonstrate that bacterially-mediated processes of organic matter degradation and redox reactions can be simulated in the laboratory.A vertical profile of 55Fe in pore waters is reported for the first time: it follows the profile of stable Fe and as such has a large (200 dpm/100 kg) subsurface maximum between 2–4 cm depth. Comparison of 55Fe/Fe ratios in sediments and pore waters shows that there is preferential solubilization of 55Fe over stable Fe.The pore water activities of 239,240Pu show no gradients within the large uncertainties of the counting statistics, but are two to four times higher than Buzzards Bay seawater (0.05 dpm/100 kg).The activity of 137Cs in the pore water profile is constant (40 dpm/100 kg) within the large counting uncertainties and is twice that of Buzzards Bay seawater. Cs-137 does not appear to be involved in diagenetic chemistry but may increase in pore waters as a result of ion exchange reactions.Flux estimates based on the pore water data show that remobilization and transport of 239,240 Pu in coastal sediments are not significant processes while the transport of l37Cs may be.  相似文献   

On the basis of bottom sediment core dating performed by the technogenic isotope 137Cs, the rate of sedimentation in periodically drying Zun-Torei Lake (water area is up to 300 km2) is estimated at 2.88 mm per year over the last 59 years. This value is in agreement with the data of palinological determinations (3.44 mm per year). High sedimentation rates are attributed to intensive evaporite sedimentation and probable eolian addition of terrigenous material.  相似文献   

The collection of large volumes of pore water (1–2 liters per 2 cm horizon of sediment) and low level radiochemical measurements of 239,240Pu and 137Cs have been combined to produce the first study of these fallout artificial radionuclides in marine pore waters. Profiles from box cores taken in June and September 1982 from Buzzards Bay, Mass., are reported along with profiles of many diagenetic constituents (i.e. SO42?, alkalinity, Fe, Mn, DOC, and nutrients).The 239,240Pu pore water profile is characterized by a subsurface maximum of about 0.28 dpm/100 kg lying between 3–11 cm. Overlying seawater, in contrast, has an activity of 0.01 ± 0.02 dpm/100 kg. Below about 11 cm, the pore water 239,240Pu distribution follows that of the solid phase which decreases rapidly with depth. The pore water profiles of 137Cs are characterized by a broad and deeply penetrating maximum where activities of about 35–40 dpm/100 kg extend from 3 to 20 cm. Overlying seawater, in contrast, has an activity of 17–24 dpm/100 kg. The 137Cs and 239,240Pu pore water data show that there is preferential downward transport of 137Cs and that 239,240Pu does not have an active diagenetic chemistry and is not significantly mobile in these coastal sediments.  相似文献   

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