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Mallorca的上中新统礁复合体是一个三级沉积层序,它揭示了碳酸盐沉积对高频海平面变化旋回的响应。这个礁复合展示了一个四级至七级的多级别高频单元叠覆构成格式,其建筑块是以下整合为界的S形单元,而不是准层序。这些“S形单元”叠置成“S”形单元层系”,S形单元层系叠置成“S形单元层系组”,并由这些层系组叠置成“层系组系”。 相似文献
西沙-南海北部晚第三纪生物礁的比较沉积学研究 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
在西沙群岛琛航岛一井晚第三纪生物礁中发现了9属43种造礁钙藻和9个生物化石群落,与在南海北部陆架珠江口盆地惠州33-1-1井发现的7属16种造礁钙藻,7个生物化石群落() 及在莺歌海-琼东南盆地区莺6井发现的5属21种造礁钙藻和5个生物化石群落() 一起,并列为迄今在研究区发现生物礁的三大典型研究剖面。本文较详细地从比较沉积学的角度讨论了这三个生物礁的异同点。生物礁最为重要的鉴定标志就是它具备典型的生物骨架结构。利用有关三个生物礁化石群落的鉴定成果、分布特征、组合关系、剖面演变规律的资料,指出皮壳状与坚硬分枝状珊瑚藻(Melobesiae)、直立分节状珊瑚藻(Coralinaa)和仙掌藻(Halimeda)在成礁过程中形成格架,扮演了“开路先锋”、“主力军”、“收容队的角色;尤其绿藻门仙掌藻作为其中最为重要的骨架生物之一在西沙生物礁中形成剖面序列,对于完善成礁理论和探索中国的“Messinian”事件-“南中国海”事件具有重要的古海洋学意义。三地生物礁因陆架海与陆缘海的区别而在沉积环境方面有所不同;成礁基有碳酸盐台地、古老的前第三纪基岩或“海台”;主要成礁期为中新世不同阶段;重要的岩石类型包括珊瑚藻礁灰岩与白云。 相似文献
塔里木盆地西北缘库孜贡苏剖面晚白垩世——早中新世沉积物岩石磁学研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对塔里木盆地西北缘库孜贡苏剖面晚白垩世—早中新世沉积物进行了热退磁及岩石磁学研究,结果表明岩石热退磁及岩石磁学特征随沉积环境可分为三种类型:潮下、台地边缘浅滩相岩石主要磁性矿物为磁铁矿及少量针铁矿、磁赤铁矿,磁性矿物含量较少、颗粒较小(假单畴),其天然剩磁强度较小,一般小于1×10-2A/m,在250℃~500℃能获得稳定特征剩磁方向,特征剩磁由磁铁矿携带;潮间、潮上带岩石主要磁性矿物为磁铁矿,并含有少量磁赤铁矿、赤铁矿、针铁矿,磁性矿物颗粒为假单畴和多畴,天然剩磁强度一般在1×10-2~1 A/m之间,在250℃~580℃能获得稳定特征剩磁方向,特征剩磁由磁铁矿携带;河湖相岩石主要磁性矿物为 相似文献
南海北部陆坡深水沉积体系研究 总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23
陆源碎屑物质是深水地质研究的重要内容,在全球“从源到汇”研究计划中占有重要地位。海底峡谷-水道搬运沉积体系和块体搬运沉积体系(海底滑坡)是大陆坡最重要的两种搬运沉积过程。根据高分辨率2D、3D多道反射地震资料、多波束测深法、旁扫声纳、重力与活塞取样等资料研究发现,在南海北部陆坡地层中,广泛发育大型深水块体搬运体系和相应深水水道沉积体系。针对白云凹陷和琼东南盆地深水陆坡区的实例研究,揭示了典型深水块体搬运的平面形态、内部结构和变形过程,进而深入认识这一地质体的形成演化过程。采用2D/3D地震资料和多种数值模拟新方法发现了第四系深水高弯曲水道及其沉积相特征、上新世琼东南盆地中央水道及中新世古珠江深水水道体系。深水沉积体系对研究我国深水油气资源的成因机理和分布规律,以及深水工程的地质灾害预测和防护具有十分重要的意义。 相似文献
青藏高原在中新世晚期隆升到一定高程之后,它对东亚气候系统和风化作用的影响,通过对高原东北缘干旱、半干旱区域沉积记录的研究取得了重要的认识;然而在整体处于温暖湿润气候状态下的高原的东南缘区域,风化作用过程对高原活动的响应方式则需要更多的工作去揭示。文章选择位于南海北部琼州海峡的钻孔沉积物(QZ6,钻孔总长200.15 m,顶部3.05 m以上未取样),尝试在利用磁性地层学确定地层年代框架的基础上,探讨高原东南缘的风化作用自中新世晚期以来的基本规律。磁性地层学结果揭示,约197 m厚的沉积物发生在约7.20~3.10 Ma之间,沉积速率在约5.25 Ma从早期较低快速突变至最高,这一变化与高原东北缘红粘土堆积和河湖沉积体系的沉积速率变化一致,但是与接受高原南缘碎屑输入的南海南部和孟加拉扇的沉积速率变化相反,说明高原在中新世末期可能存在向东扩展、而南缘相对稳定的特征。风化作用的强度以4.75 Ma为界,前后两个阶段具有不同的控制因素,早期受高原构造活动影响,物理风化、剥蚀作用强烈,而后期与东亚夏季风的强度相关,化学风化作用增强。
新疆叶城晚新生代山前盆地演化与青藏高原北缘的隆升--Ⅱ沉积相与沉积盆地演化 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
叶城盆地属于塔里木盆地的西南坳陷 ,在晚新生代沉积了巨厚的磨拉石建造。盆地的演化具有阶段性 ,反映了西昆仑山不断的隆升。中新世 ,盆地的沉积环境为曲流河和辨状河等河湖相环境 ,到上新世早期变为冲积扇的远端。晚上新世 (~ 3.6 Ma)开始 ,盆地的沉积环境发生了质的变化 ,沉积物以粗颗粒砾岩为主 ,沉积环境为干旱气候条件下的冲 -洪积扇近端。沉积相的变化 ,反映了昆仑山在晚上新世有强烈的隆升。 相似文献
本文以国内少见的发育在主动大陆边缘的特殊盆地类型海沟-斜坡盆地作为研究对象,通过建立井震结合的不同沉积体系的地质-地球物理识别模板,用二维地震资料对研究区目的层的沉积体系进行了解析。结果显示,研究区发育窄的滨浅海、小规模的三角洲、浊积扇、下切谷、半深海陆坡和半深海平原等沉积体系。滨浅海、三角洲和浊积扇沉积体系发育的砂体是主要的储集体。海沟-斜坡盆地的规模较小,以生气为主,可能形成中小型断块油气藏。 相似文献
深水海底峡谷内部的粗粒碎屑沉积物不仅可以作为良好的油气储层,也可以较为完整地记录海洋地质环境变迁的相关信息,是目前海洋地质领域研究的热点.为揭示南海北部珠江口外峡谷体系沉积演化过程及其控制因素,利用多波束测深和高分辨率二维多道地震数据,对珠江口外峡谷体系地形特征、沉积充填特征、形成发育过程和控制因素进行研究.研究发现珠江口外峡谷呈三段式发育:上段为NW-SE走向,宽度超过30 km,侵蚀强度不大,横截面为不规则形态;中段为E-W走向,宽度开始变窄(25~30 km),横截面呈U型;下段为NW-SE走向,宽度达到最大(25~45 km),横截面呈U型,中段和下段以沉积作用为主.珠江口外峡谷体系沉积演化主要分为3个阶段:早期阶段(23~15.5 Ma),水道-海底扇阶段(15.5~11.6 Ma)和峡谷-海底扇/块体流阶段(11.6~0 Ma).揭示了该峡谷珠江口外峡谷体系的发育和演化主要受构造运动、海平面变化和沉积物供给的控制作用,通过以上分析,将对南海北部海洋灾害地质、深水沉积体系研究及油气资源勘探有重要的指导意义. 相似文献
Sedimentary Features of Shallow Ancient River Channels on the Northern Shelf of the South China Sea 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kou Yangqi Du Deli nd Marine Geological Investigation Party MGMR Guangzhou Guangdong Jiang M inxi 《《地质学报》英文版》1995,69(1)
Quaternary buried ancient river channels are widespread in the shallow-level sediments of the northern shelf of the South China Sea. The sedimentary sequence mainly of fluvial deposits comprise an important component part of the low-stand system tract and transgressive system tract in the study region. The plannar variation and spatial association of the sedimentary features such as incised valley fillings, deltaic foreset wedges and block slides of shelf-marginal fans reflect the palaeogeographic environment during the fall of the regional sea level in the northern part of the South China Sea. Based on the high-resolution seismic reflection data and gelogical data from boreholes, the present paper makes an integrated interpretation of the Quaternary ancient river channels in the shallow sediments of the study area, studies the sedimentary features of the ancient channels such as their spatial distribution, seismic facies reflection indicators, sedimentary facies and sand -body types, and discusses thei 相似文献
Sedimentary Features of Shallow Ancient River Channels on the Northern Shelf of the South China Sea1
Abstract Quaternary buried ancient river channels are widespread in the shallow-level sediments of the northern shelf of the South China Sea. The sedimentary sequence mainly of fluvial deposits comprise an important component part of the low-stand system tract and transgressive system tract in the study region. The plannar variation and spatial association of the sedimentary features such as incised valley fillings, deltaic foreset wedges and block slides of shelf-marginal fans reflect the palaeogeographic environment during the fall of the regional sea level in the northern part of the South China Sea. Based on the high-resolution seismic reflection data and gelogical data from boreholes, the present paper makes an integrated interpretation of the Quaternary ancient river channels in the shallow sediments of the study area, studies the sedimentary features of the ancient channels such as their spatial distribution, seismic facies reflection indicators, sedimentary facies and sand-body types, and discusses their formational setting and evolutionary model, with the main purpose to render a service to the hydrocarbon resources exploration and development and marine engineering in the northern shelf of the South China Sea. 相似文献
Sedimentary record of black carbon in the Pearl River estuary and adjacent northern South China Sea 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Xuesong Sun Pingan Peng Jianzhong Song Gan Zhang Jianfang Hu 《Applied Geochemistry》2008,23(12):3464-3472
The concentrations of black carbon (BC) and δ13CBC were determined in sediments of three dated cores from the Pearl River estuary (core PR-3) and adjacent northern South China Sea (cores SS-30, E2). For comparison, the total organic C (TOC) contents and δ13CTOC in the sediments were also measured. Relatively higher concentrations and fluxes of BC were found in sedimentary core PR-3, taken in the Pearl River estuary. The BC concentration profiles or fluxes correlated well with fossil-fuel usage in the Pearl River Delta. Maximum BC fluxes occurred in the late 1970s to early 1980s as recorded in core PR-3, and in the 1950s (core SS-30), reflecting the maximum BC emission in the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong region, respectively. After the 1980s, a rapid decrease of BC fluxes and a light δ13CBC excursion were presumably due to improvements in combustion and pollution-control technologies and a shift of energy structure from biomass and coal to a mixture of coal, gas, oil and biomass. The fossil BC that contributed to total BC in core PR-3 increased from 20–30% to 70–80% during the last five decades. The study also shows that BC correlates well with terrestrial organic matter and that the ratio of BC to TOC is a good pollution indicator in relation to anthropogenic activities. 相似文献
通过对西科1井薄片进行鉴定, 对上新世以来莺歌海组和乐东组礁滩沉积体系的古生物种类、岩石微相类型及成因相类型进行了系统剖析.研究表明: 乐东组造礁生物以珊瑚和红藻为主, 莺歌海组以红藻为主.附礁生物主要包括有孔虫、棘皮类和绿藻, 其中有孔虫为最重要的附礁生物, 绿藻只在乐东组的个别层段极发育.根据生物种类及含量、泥晶、亮晶及粒间孔含量的大小关系, 识别出10种岩石微相.在此基础上, 将礁滩体系划分为生物礁、生屑滩和泻湖3种成因相组合.生物礁包括礁基、礁核和礁盖3种成因相, 其中礁盖可见显著的溶蚀现象, 形成粒内溶孔、铸模孔等次生孔隙.在研究井段仅发育礁后滩, 靠近礁核的礁后内侧滩生屑及粒间孔含量高, 而泥晶少; 靠近泻湖的礁后外侧滩则情况相反.泻湖主要沉积大量灰泥, 生屑含量少.礁滩体系仅在海侵体系域和高位体系域发育, 各成因相之间具有相对固定的成因相垂向叠置关系.海侵体系域主要发育退积型成因相组合序列, 准层序以代表海泛面的泥晶含量较高的成因相结束; 高位体系域主要发育进积型成因相组合序列, 多以对应暴露面的礁盖结束. 相似文献
通过对南海西北次海盆新获得的地震资料进行综合解释和层序地层分析,揭示了海盆中的沉积对构造演化阶段的响应。始新世-早渐新世陆缘裂陷期,盆地以对称裂谷形式,发育地堑裂谷层序,沉积以近物源为特征,相变大,发育了冲积扇-扇三角洲-湖相沉积,沉积体系的配置受同沉积断裂控制明显,快速沉降和充分的物源供给决定了沉积体系的构成特征。晚渐新世海底扩张期,岩石圈破裂,陆缘进一步拉开并开始海底扩张,出现海相沉积,来自陆坡的陆架边缘三角洲越过陆坡进入海盆,在海盆内沉积了一套向海盆中部逐渐减薄的楔状地层,并伴有大量的火山碎屑沉积物。早-中新世以来热沉降期,随着构造沉降增大,相对海平面总体不断上升,进入深水盆地,形成陆架陆坡体系,大量的碎屑物质以重力流、深水底流等深水作用方式进入海盆;沉降晚期陆架-陆坡物源供应减弱,琼东南中央峡谷成为其主要的物质供应来源通道,在此期间二次海平面下降、回升的综合作用下,海盆内发育了多期以下切水道为特征的低水位域沉积体系。 相似文献
南海珠江深水扇系统的层序地层学研究 总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18
位于古珠江大河及其浅海陆架富砂珠江三角洲下方的陆坡深水区白云凹陷是沉积大型深水扇的有利地域,宏观认识的进展指导了白云深水陆坡区系统的层序地层学研究,并因此发现了多层序叠置的南海珠江深水扇系统,使其成为具有油气勘探潜力的新领域。南海珠江深水扇系统的层序地层学研究包含了以下关键内涵层序地层学解释中在承认各种资料的分辨率、多解性和局限性的同时,强调多学科资料的综合应用、相互印证,强调周期性海平面变化对沉积的控制作用研究,强调地震反射相位等时界面确认的有效性,强调层序界面的反复确认,强调生物地层时代、相对海平面、全球海平面与层序界面的响应研究,强调层序格架内各沉积体的相互响应关系研究等。层序地层格架的建立导致了珠江深水扇系统的发现,揭示了珠江大河流域、陆架区大型珠江三角洲系统与陆坡区珠江深水扇系统的耦合关系,揭示了珠江深水扇与海平面变化的响应关系,揭示了珠江深水扇与古地理的响应关系。珠江深水扇系统的发现有力地推动了南海陆坡深水区的油气勘探。 相似文献
对南海北部大洋钻探184航次1146站晚上新世以来底栖有孔虫属种组合的Q型因子分析, 发现底栖有孔虫组合以2.1Ma, 1.5Ma和0.7Ma为界, 分为Stilostomella-Globocassidulina subglobosa-Nodogenerina, Bulimina alazanensis, Uvigerina perigrina和Melonis barleeanus-Globobulimina affinis-Bulimina aculeata4个组合.结合底层水溶解氧含量和浮游、底栖有孔虫碳同位素分析, 认为底栖有孔虫组合的变化是南海底层水影响所致, 以及南海北部表层和底层海水营养盐含量变化的共同结果. 相似文献
Zhongxian Zhao Zhen Sun Haibo Huang Longtao Sun 《International Geology Review》2020,62(7-8):1019-1035
ABSTRACT The rapid uplift of the Tibetan plateau, the intense movement of the Ailao Shan-Red River Shear Zone (ARSZ), and the related climate change during the Cenozoic Indo-Asian collision have been widely studied; however, their timings varied considerably due to different data and methods used. As these events have been documented in the Red River sediment that came from the eastern Tibetan plateau and the Red River region and eventually deposited in the offshore Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins, here these events can be explored by calculating and analysing the Red River sediment budget, especially in the Qiongdongnan basin based on dense seismic profiles and wells. Results show that the Red River sediment mainly accumulated in the Yinggehai basin and the west part of the Qiongdongnan basin, and there are three sedimentary accumulation peaks in the Red River sediment budget during ~29.5–21, ~15.5–10.5, and ~5.5–0 Ma. By further comparing with previous studies on the timings of these events, it is inferred that the first sedimentary peak, prior to the onset of the monsoon intensification (~22 Ma), was probably driven by an intense left-lateral movement of the ARSZ in ~29.5–21 Ma. The second peak (~15.5–10.5 Ma), however, reflects a rapid uplift of the Tibetan plateau after the cessation of the left-lateral strike slip of the ARSZ. The third peak (~5.5–0 Ma) is most likely linked with a right-lateral movement of the ARSZ and the related climate change. Overall, the Red River sediment budget from the offshore Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins provides an important constraint on the timings of these tectonic events as well as the related climate change during the Cenozoic Indo-Asian collision. 相似文献