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The 3D shape, size and orientation data for white mica grains sampled along two transects of increasing metamorphic grade in the Otago Schist, New Zealand, reveal that metamorphic foliation, as defined by mica shape‐preferred orientation (SPO), developed rapidly at sub‐greenschist facies conditions early in the deformation history. The onset of penetrative strain metamorphism is marked by the rapid elimination of poorly oriented large clastic mica in favour of numerous new smaller grains of contrasting composition, higher aspect ratios and a strong preferred orientation. The metamorphic mica is blade shaped with long axes defining the linear aspect of the foliation and intermediate axes a partial girdle about the lineation. Once initiated, foliation progressively intensified by an increase in the aspect ratio, size and alignment of grains, although highest grade samples within the chlorite zone record a decrease in aspect ratio and reduction in SPO strength despite continued increase in grain size. These trends are interpreted in terms of progressive competitive anisotropic growth of blade‐shaped grains so that the fastest growth directions and blade lengths tend to parallel the extension direction during deformation. The competitive nature of mica growth is indicated by the progressive increase in size and resultant decrease in number of metamorphic mica with increasing grade, from c. 1000 relatively small mica grains per square millimetre of thin section at lower grades, to c. 100 relatively large grains per square millimetre in higher grade samples. Reversal of SPO intensity and grain aspect ratio trends in higher grade samples may reflect a reduction in the strain rate or reduction in the deviatoric component of the stress field.  相似文献   

In the present study, the grain size (d) and shape of 225 magnetite grains, that crystallized at T>600°C in a syntectonic granite (Godhra Granite, India) are evaluated and implications of data to decipher deformation mechanism of magnetite are discussed. Fractal (ruler) dimension (D) analysis of magnetite grains is performed and it is demonstrated that they show fractal behaviour. Smaller magnetite grains tend to be more serrated than the larger ones, which is manifested in the higher fractal (ruler) dimension (D) of the former. Assuming a natural strain rate ranging between 10−10 s−1 and 10−14 s−1, the grain size data fall dominantly in the dislocation creep field of the existing deformation mechanism map of magnetite for 630°C. However, SEM-EBSD studies reveal that subgrains are absent in the magnetite grains and they did not undergo dislocation creep. Thus it is inferred that the shape of magnetite grains was not controlled by dislocation creep. It is concluded that the higher serration and increased fractal dimension of finer magnetite grains implies the importance of diffusion creep as an important deformation mechanism at high-T for magnetite in polymineralic rocks.  相似文献   

The fundamental assumption in the fibre loading theory proposed by Cox was used to develop a new theoretical model that predicts the location of tensile fracture within rigid-brittle inclusions embedded in a continuous ductile flowing matrix. Both theoretical prediction and microstructural observations show that fracture location depends strongly on inclusion shape. Successive mid-point fracturing occurs within cylindrical grains, while the circular, truncated, conical grains sequentially fragment into two segments of unequal length, the longer of which has the greater diameter.  相似文献   

Nodular monazite occurs in metamorphic rocks worldwide and has zonal REE patterns. This paper focuses on the composition of nodular monazite hosted by Permian black shales of the Kular Ridge in the Kular-Nera terrane. This monazite variety (called kularite in the Russian literature) reaches commercial amounts in placers of the area. The contents of Ce, Nd, and La in the analyzed monazite nodules show correlations at Ce/Nd = 14.39La + 0.0919 (in apfu) and Ce/Nd = 0.2318La + 0.1135 (in wt.%) and vary regularly from core to rim. All monazite compositions fall on this trend, but specific grains may plot in its different parts. Thermodynamic calculations indicate that monazite forms via an intermediate precursor (LnPO4·2H2O). The Ce:La:Nd changes in different grains record Eh-pH variations during nucleation and a gradual temperature increase during subsequent growth. The Ce:La:Nd ratio changes partly in grain rims as a result of oxidative dissolution. Judging by the tectonic setting, REE came to the Kular-Nera rocks from the weathered Tomtor Nb-REE deposit, being transported by the Paleo-Khatanga River with monazite nanoparticles bound to the surface of clay minerals.  相似文献   

Shape, size and orientation measurements of quartz grains sampled along two transects that cross zones of increasing metamorphic grade in the Otago Schist, New Zealand, reveal the role of quartz in the progressive development of metamorphic foliation. Sedimentary compaction and diagenesis contributed little to the formation of a shape‐preferred orientation (SPO) within the analysed samples. Metamorphic foliation was initiated at sub‐greenschist facies conditions as part of a composite S1‐bedding structure parallel to the axial planes of tight to isoclinal F1 folds. An important component of this foliation is a pronounced quartz SPO that formed dominantly by the effect of dissolution–precipitation creep on detrital grains in association with F1 strain. With increasing grade, the following trends are evident from the SPO data: (i) a progressive increase in the aspect ratio of grains in sections parallel to lineation, and the development of blade‐shaped grains; (ii) the early development of a strong shape preferred orientation so that blade lengths define the linear aspect of the foliation (lineation) and the intermediate axes of the blades define a partial girdle about the lineation; (iii) a slight thinning and reduction in volume of grains in the one transect; and (iv) an actual increase in thickness and volume in the survivor grains of the second transect. The highest‐grade samples, within the chlorite zone of the greenschist facies, record segregation into quartz‐ and mica‐rich layers. This segregation resulted largely from F2 crenulation and marks a key change in the distribution, deformation and SPO of the quartz grains. The contribution of quartz SPO to defining the foliation lessens as the previously discrete and aligned detrital quartz grains are replaced by aggregates and layers of dynamically recrystallized quartz grains of reduced aspect ratio and reduced alignment. Pressure solution now affects the margins of quartz‐rich layers rather than individual grains. In higher‐grade samples, therefore, the rock structure is characterized increasingly by segregation layering parallel to a foliation defined predominantly by mica SPO.  相似文献   

Important to grain entrainment by a flowing fluid is the pivoting angle of the grain about its contact point with an underlying grain. A series of experiments has been undertaken to determine how this angle depends on grain shape (rollability and angularity), on the ratio of the size of the pivoting grain to those beneath, and on factors such as imbrication. The experiments involved gravel-sized spheres (ball-bearings and marbles), natural pebbles selected for their approximately triaxial ellipsoid shapes, and angular crushed basalt pebbles. The pivoting angles for these grains were measured on an apparatus consisting of a board which can be progressively inclined, the angle of the board being equal to the pivoting angle at the instant of grain movement. The pivoting angles of spheres showed reasonable agreement with a theoretically derived equation, showing much better agreement than in previous studies which utilized sand-sized spheres. A series of measurements with spheres ranging from sand to gravel sizes reveals that the pivoting angles decrease with increasing particle size. Our results are therefore consistent with the earlier studies limited to sand-size spheres. The cause of this size dependence is unknown since moisture and electrostatic binding can be ruled out. Similar size dependencies are also found for the ellipsoidal pebbles and angular gravel. The experiments with ellipsoidal pebbles demonstrated a strong shape dependence for the pivoting angle, being a function of the ratio of the pebble's smallest to intermediate axial diameters. This ratio controls the grain's ability to roll and pivot; with small ratios of these diameters the pebbles tended to slide out of position, whereas with ratios closer to unity (circular cross-section) true pivoting took place and the angles were smaller. Experiments with flat pebbles placed in an imbricated arrangement yielded much larger angles than when the pebbles lay in a horizontal position, the pivoting angle being increased approximately by the imbrication angle. The angular crushed gravel also required high pivoting angles, apparently due to interlocking of the grains resulting from their angularity. Other factors being equal, the measurements of pivoting angles demonstrate that the order of increasing difficulty of entrainment is spheres, ellipsoidal grains, angular grains, and imbricated grains. The results obtained here make possible the quantitative evaluation of these shape effects on grain threshold, as well as evaluation of the selective entrainment of grains from a bed of mixed sizes.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the statistical parameters of the sand grain size distribution of Al-Ubaylah barchan dunes applying the sieving technique and Folk and Ward, and Trask's equation. The results of the sieving analysis divulged that nearly over 90% of the sand particles fall in the size ranging between 1.50ø and 3.ø. Insignificant amount of sand grains also fall in the size ranging from 0.0ø to 1.50ø and from 3.0ø to 4.0ø respectively. The statistical analysis reveals that the sand is characteristically fine grained, moderately to moderately well sorted with an average diameter of 2.4ø and a standard deviation of 0.64ø. The sand distribution is positively fine skewed and mesokurtic to leptokurtic in nature. No significant variation in the statistical parameters (median, mean, sorting, skewness and kurtosis) of the sand grains samples used in this research is detected. The sand grain size distribution of all the samples can also be considered symmetrical and unimodal in nature. Those abovementioned characteristics are found to be nearly similar to that of other Saudi dune deserts. The miscroscopic investigation undertaken by this researcher displays that quartz represents often more than 99% of the samples. Felsic, mafic and calcium carbonates minerals represent less than 1% of the mineralogical constituents. The sand grains are subrounded to subangular and iron and calcium carbonates coated.  相似文献   

With a new type of ion microprobe, the NanoSIMS, we determined the oxygen isotopic compositions of small (<1μm) oxide grains in chemical separates from two CM2 carbonaceous meteorites, Murray and Murchison. Among 628 grains from Murray separate CF (mean diameter 0.15 μm) we discovered 15 presolar spinel and 3 presolar corundum grains, among 753 grains from Murray separate CG (mean diameter 0.45 μm) 9 presolar spinel grains, and among 473 grains from Murchison separate KIE (mean diameter 0.5 μm) 2 presolar spinel and 4 presolar corundum grains. The abundance of presolar spinel is highest (2.4%) in the smallest size fraction. The total abundance in the whole meteorite is at least 1 ppm, which makes spinel the third-most abundant presolar grain species after nanodiamonds (if indeed a significant fraction of them are presolar) and silicon carbide. The O-isotopic distribution of the spinel grains is very similar to that of presolar corundum, the only statistically significant difference being that there is a larger fraction of corundum grains with large 17O excesses (17O/16O > 1.5 × 10−3), which indicates parent stars with masses between 1.8 and 4.5 M.  相似文献   

In this paper interference phenomena between particle flattening and particle rounding during the free vertical sedimentation of natural particles are investigated. Particle flattening is measured by the Corey Shape Factor (CSF), particle rounding by the Powers Index (P). Using Dietrich's equation, the effect of the flattening and the effect of the rounding on the terminal fall velocity of the particle can be studied separately. This is done by examining the influence of particle flattening and particle rounding on the Particle Sedimentation Coefficient (PSC), which is the ratio of the nominal diameter Dn of the particle to the equivalent sedimentation diameter Db. It appears that particle flattening and particle rounding are interdependent so that interference phenomena occur. In the case of positive interference, the combined effect of flattening and rounding on the PSC is larger than the sum of the effects of both parameters separately. If, on the other hand, the combined effect is smaller than the sum of the single effects, negative interference occurs. For fine-grained particles, the more the shape of a particle differs from a sphere in one variable (flattening or rounding), the higher will be the influence of the other variable on the free vertical fall. For coarse-grained particles, the inverse occurs. For very fine-grained particles (Dn < 200 μm (air) or < 370 μm (water)) the influence of particle rounding on free vertical settling is negligibly small. For coarser grained particles, flattening is the most important parameter if the grains are strongly flattened. If not, rounding will be the governing parameter.  相似文献   

Petrological evidence is provided for anatexis of ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic quartzite in the Sulu orogen. Some feldspar grains exhibit elongated, highly cuspate shapes or occur as interstitial, cuspate phases constituting interconnected networks along grain boundaries. Elongated veinlets composed of plagioclase + quartz ± K‐feldspar also occur in grain boundaries. These features provide compelling evidence for anatexis of the UHP quartzite. Zircon grains from impure quartzite are all metamorphic growth with highly irregular shape. They contain inclusions of coesite, jadeite, rutile and lower pressure minerals, including multiphase solid inclusions that are composed of two or more phases of muscovite, quartz, K‐feldspar and plagioclase. All zircon grains exhibit steep REE patterns, similar U–Pb ages and Hf isotope compositions with a weighted mean of 218 ± 2 Ma. Most grains have similar δ18O values of ?0.6 to 0.1‰, but a few fall in the range ?5.2 to ?4.3‰. Thus, these grains would have grown from anatectic melts at various pressures. Zircon O isotope differences indicate that anatectic melts were derived from different sources with contrasting O isotopes, but similar Hf isotopes, that is, one from the quartzite itself and the other probably from the country‐rock granitic gneiss. Zircon grains from pure quartzite contain relict magmatic cores and significant metamorphic overgrowths. Domains that contain eclogite facies minerals exhibit flat HREE patterns, no Eu anomalies and concordant U–Pb ages of c. 220 Ma. Similar U–Pb ages are also obtained for domains that contain lower pressure minerals and exhibit steep REE patterns and marked negative Eu anomalies. These observations indicate that zircon records subsolidus overgrowth at eclogite facies conditions but suprasolidus growth at lower pressures. Zircon enclosed by garnet gave consistent U–Pb ages of c. 214 Ma. Such garnet is interpreted as a peritectic product of the anatectic reaction that involves felsic minerals and possibly amphibole and titanite. The REE patterns of epidote and titanite also record multistage growth and metasomatism by anatectic melts. Therefore, the anatexis of UHP metamorphic rocks is evident during continental collision in the Triassic.  相似文献   

李杨  佘成学 《岩土力学》2018,39(8):2951-2959
围绕堆石料单粒强度尺寸效应的颗粒流模拟方法展开研究。首先,基于FISH二次开发建立了堆石料的随机不规则单粒模型,充分考虑堆石料的形状特征和破碎现象;然后,建立了堆石料单粒强度尺寸效应的等效模拟方法,以单粒强度随其粒径的变化规律为基础,推导了堆石料模型中细观黏结强度与堆石料等效粒径的负指数经验公式;其次,基于建立的数值模型对堆石料的室内单粒压缩试验进行仿真模拟,验证数值模型的正确性和合理性,并对较大粒径堆石料的单粒强度进行模拟预测,突出数值试验的优势;最后,基于建立的数值模型对相同粒径不同形状特征堆石料的单粒强度分布特征进行模拟研究。研究结果表明:(1)堆石料内部缺陷含量和尺寸随粒径增加对其单粒强度所产生的尺寸效应,可通过堆石料模型中细观强度参数随粒径折减进行等效模拟;(2)形状特征对堆石料的破裂机制具有重要影响,方形颗粒为压剪破裂,单粒强度较高,而随机不规则颗粒和圆形颗粒为拉剪或劈裂,单粒强度相对较低;(3)拉剪或劈裂条件下,堆石料形状越不规则,其单粒强度的离散程度越高,反之则离散程度越低。相关研究成果可为进一步研究荷载作用下堆石体内各粒径段堆石料的破碎量奠定基础,从而更加真实地反映堆石体的级配演化规律。  相似文献   

In this study, the chemistry and microstructure of garnet aggregates within a metamorphic vein are investigated. Garnet‐bearing veins in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, Japan, occur subparallel to the foliation of a host mafic schist, but some cut the foliation at low angle. Backscattered electron image and compositional mapping using EPMA and crystallographic orientation maps from electron‐backscattered diffraction (EBSD) reveal that numerous small garnet (10–100 μm diameter) coalesce to form large porphyroblasts within the vein. Individual small garnet commonly exhibits xenomorphic shape at garnet/garnet grain boundaries, whereas it is idiomorphic at garnet/quartz boundaries. EBSD microstructural analysis of the garnet porphyroblasts reveals that misorientation angles of neighbour‐pair garnet grains within the vein have a random distribution. This contrasts with previous studies that found coalescence of garnet in mica schist leads to an increased frequency of low angle misorientation boundaries by misorientation‐driven rotation. As garnet nucleated with random orientation, the difference in misorientation between the two studies is due to the difference in the extent of grain rotation. A simple kinetic model that assumes grain rotation of garnet is rate‐limited by grain boundary diffusion creep of matrix quartz, shows that (i) the substantial rotation of a fine garnet grain could occur for the conditions of the Sanbagawa metamorphism, but (ii) the rotation rate drastically decreased as garnet grains formed large clusters during growth. Therefore, the random misorientation distribution of garnet porphyroblasts in the Sanbagawa vein is interpreted as follows: (i) garnet within the vein grew so fast that substantial grain rotation did not occur through porphyroblast formation, and thus (ii) random orientations at the nucleation stage were preserved. The extent of misorientation‐driven rotation indicated by deviation from random orientation distribution may be useful to constrain the growth rate of constituent grains of porphyroblast that formed by multiple nucleation and coalescence.  相似文献   

为了区分农作物与野生草类的淀粉粒形态,对现代粟(Setariaitalica)、黍(Panicummiliaceum)和狗尾草(Setariaviridis)的淀粉粒形态进行了比较。观察结果表明,粟的淀粉粒以圆球形单粒为主,脐点位于中央,大部分由脐点向外有1~3条放射线,表面光滑,淀粉粒平均长度约19m。黍的淀粉粒以多角形单粒为主,脐点位于中央,但很多淀粉粒的脐点不是很明显。在一些脐点形成1~3条射线,表面光滑,淀粉粒平均长度约为19m。狗尾草淀粉粒以卵形为主,脐点位于中央,表面可见层纹,边缘凹凸不平且常有裂隙形成,淀粉粒平均长度约为18m。研究证明,利用粟、黍和狗尾草的淀粉粒形态特征,可以有效地对考古遗存中的这几种禾本科植物遗迹进行区分。  相似文献   

颗粒形状是影响碎石料密实特性及力学、渗流特性的因素之一。选取粒径为2~5 mm和5~10 mm的两组灰岩碎石颗粒样本作为研究对象,采用影像测量仪和特制夹具,获取不同旋转角度下的颗粒轮廓影像;使用图形处理软件获得颗粒几何尺寸测值;计算获得各旋转角度下常用颗粒形状评定参数值,运用其平均值进行统计分析,避免了依据单一角度测值评定伴随的人为因素影响。结果表明,灰岩碎石颗粒与标准圆有较大差异, 且粒径大者差异性更明显;两组样本颗粒形状参数均服从偏态分布;长宽比、扁平度和球形度能够更敏感地反映颗粒偏离球形颗粒的程度,而长宽比和球形度便于获取,因而更具优势。  相似文献   

利用高铝粉煤灰制备氢氧化铝的实验   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以无水碳酸钠为助剂,分解高铝粉煤灰中的莫来石和铝硅酸盐玻璃相。经中温烧结、酸浸使硅铝分离,调节pH值为5~6纯化含铝滤液,通入CO2气体酸化等工序,可制备氢氧化铝粉体。采用X射线粉末衍射、扫描电镜、化学分析方法对制品进行表征,结果表明:制备的氢氧化铝为球形颗粒,其粒径为200 nm左右,性能达到GB/T4294-1997的三级标准。实验所采用的工艺路线是高铝粉煤灰资源化高效利用的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

Experimental deformation by pressure solution was performed on an aggregate of small grains subjected to deviatoric stress (50 MPa) for a long time (several weeks or months) at relatively high temperature and pressure in contact with various fluids (air, water, 0.1 to 1 N NaOH for quartz, water and 5% NH4Cl for calcite). The change in shape of the grains by solution—deposition depended; on the duration of the experiment (with the same fluid) and on the concentration of the solid in solution (with the same duration but various fluids). Significant shape changes were obtained for quartz grains, but only with both long duration and very good solvents (1 N NaOH). By comparison with previously obtained results on the change of shape of fluid inclusions (where the kinetics of dissolution was the rate controlling process), the limiting process of the deformation of the quartz grains was inferred to be the rate of diffusion along grain boundaries saturated with trapped fluid.  相似文献   

Terminal settling velocity of commonly occurring sand grains   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Published measurements of terminal settling velocity for commonly occurring sands are used to develop three equations which join into a single segmented curve of dimensionless form. Results are noticeably different from those for spheres of similar diameter, and permit calculation of the settling velocity for usual sand grains without specification of exact grain shape. For quartz in water, the three equations of different settling regimes correspond approximately to: very fine sand; fine to coarse sand; and very coarse sand.  相似文献   

Currently popular line and ribbon methods yield grain counts that are differentially biassed in regard to sizes and orientations of the maximum projection diameter of the grains in the sample. Bias correction factors covering the entire range of counting situations are obtained using probability theory and coordinate geometry. The corrected numbers are true unbiassed Fleet counts that are suitable for estimating true statistical measures and for estimating economic potential of mineral(s). Irregular grains can be counted by classifying them into either elliptical or rectangular shapes by means of nondimensional discriminant equations based on area or length measurements. Wadell roundness (ρ) for elliptical and rectangular outlines shows inconsistency, but the modified Wadell roundness (ρ′) proposed herein is a consistent measure of roundness for all types of shapes, and hence the latter is recommended for use. Theoretically, roundness is linearly correlated with the form factor (B/A) for elliptical outlines and hence, a linear correlation of average roundness and average form factor in sediments is to be expected. The entire spectrum of shape comprising two continuous variables, form factor and modified Wadell roundness, may be classified into two discrete shape states (elliptical and rectangular) or into several discrete shape states having ranges of ρ′ and B/A values.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A measure of grain shape is needed for incorporation in calculations of the behaviour of grain populations (for example during transport by fluids). Many shape measures have been proposed, most of them for application to single grains rather than to populations. In this paper three such shape parameters are evaluated for samples taken by size fraction from each of three parent sands. The chosen parameters are the maximum projection sphericity of Sneed & Folk (based on triaxial measurements made on the grains), the dynamic shape factor of Briggs (based on settling velocity in water), and rollability, after Winkelmolen (based on rolling behaviour in a specially mounted rotating cylinder).
It is shown that the Sneed & Folk parameter and rollability both discriminate clearly between the shape characteristics of the three sands over the size range 150-500 μm. Moreover the discrimination of the two parameters is mutually consistent. However, dynamic shape factor gives results which for sizes smaller than 300 μm are inconsistent with those of the other two methods and which do not discriminate reliably between the populations. This is inevitable because the differences between drag on spheres and on other shapes become very small at Reynolds Numbers corresponding to those which obtain in settling tests on grains smaller than 300 μm.  相似文献   

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