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A method for space mission trajectory design is presented in the form of a greedy global search algorithm. It uses invariant manifolds of unstable periodic orbits and its main advantage is that it performs a global search for the suitable legs of the invariant manifolds to be connected for a preliminary transfer design, as well as the appropriate points of the legs for maneuver application. The designed indirect algorithm bases the greedy choice on the optimality conditions that are assumed for the theoretical minimum transfer cost of a spacecraft when using invariant manifolds. The method is applied to a test case space mission design project in the Earth–Moon system and is found to compare favorably with previous techniques applied to the same project.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the remarkable effectiveness of boundary value formulations coupled to numerical continuation for the computation of stable and unstable manifolds in systems of ordinary differential equations. Specifically, we consider the circular restricted three-body problem (CR3BP), which models the motion of a satellite in an Earth–Moon-like system. The CR3BP has many well-known families of periodic orbits, such as the planar Lyapunov orbits and the non-planar vertical and halo orbits. We compute the unstable manifolds of selected vertical and halo orbits, which in several cases leads to the detection of heteroclinic connections from such a periodic orbit to invariant tori. Subsequent continuation of these connecting orbits with a suitable end point condition and allowing the energy level to vary leads to the further detection of apparent homoclinic connections from the base periodic orbit to itself, or the detection of heteroclinic connections from the base periodic orbit to other periodic orbits. Some of these connecting orbits are of potential interest in space mission design.  相似文献   

We study the multiple periodic orbits of Hill’s problem with oblate secondary. In particular, the network of families of double and triple symmetric periodic orbits is determined numerically for an arbitrary value of the oblateness coefficient of the secondary. The stability of the families is computed and critical orbits are determined. Attention is paid to the critical orbits at which families of non-symmetric periodic orbits bifurcate from the families of symmetric periodic orbits. Six such bifurcations are found, one for double-periodic and five for triple-periodic orbits. Critical orbits at which families of sub-multiple symmetric periodic orbits bifurcate are also discussed. Finally, we present the full network of families of multiple periodic orbits (up to multiplicity 12) together with the parts of the space of initial conditions corresponding to escape and collision orbits, obtaining a global view of the orbital behavior of this model problem.  相似文献   

The proposed method connects two unstable periodic orbits by employing trajectories of their associated invariant manifolds that are perturbed in two levels. A first level of velocity perturbations is applied on the trajectories of the discretized manifolds at the points where they approach the nominal unstable periodic orbit in order to accelerate them. A second level of structured velocity perturbations is applied to trajectories that have already been subjected to first level perturbations in order to approximately meet the necessary conditions for a low \(\varDelta \text {V}\) transfer. Due to this two-level perturbation approach, the number of the trajectories obtained is significantly larger compared with approaches that employ traditional invariant manifolds. For this reason, the problem of connecting two unstable periodic orbits through perturbed trajectories of their manifolds is transformed into an equivalent discrete optimization problem that is solved with a very low computational complexity algorithm that is proposed in this paper. Finally, the method is applied to a lunar observation mission of practical interest and is found to perform considerably better in terms of \(\varDelta \text {V}\) cost and time of flight when compared with previous techniques applied to the same project.  相似文献   

A sixth-order accurate scheme is presented for the solution of ODE systems supplemented by two-point boundary conditions. The proposed integration scheme is a linear multi-point method of sixth-order accuracy successfully used in fluid dynamics and implemented for the first time in astrodynamics applications. A discretization molecule made up of just four grid points attains a O(h 6) accuracy which is beyond the first Dahlquist’s stability barrier. Astrodynamics applications concern the computation of libration point halo orbits, in the restricted three- and four-body models, and the design of an optimal control strategy for a low thrust libration point mission.  相似文献   

The accurate computation of families of periodic orbits is very important in the analysis of various celestial mechanics systems. The main difficulty for the computation of a family of periodic orbits of a given period is the determination within a given region of an individual member of this family which corresponds to a periodic orbit. To compute with certainty accurate individual members of a specific family we apply an efficient method using the Poincaré map on a surface of section of the considered problem. This method converges rapidly, within relatively large regions of the initial conditions. It is also independent of the local dynamics near periodic orbits which is especially useful in the case of conservative dynamical systems that possess many periodic orbits, often of the same period, close to each other in phase space. The only computable information required by this method is the signs of various function evaluations carried out during the integration of the equations of motion. This method can be applied to any system of celestial mechanics. In this contribution we apply it to the photogravitational problem.  相似文献   

We present an improved grid search method for the global computation of periodic orbits in model problems of Dynamics, and the classification of these orbits into families. The method concerns symmetric periodic orbits in problems of two degrees of freedom with a conserved quantity, and is applied here to problems of Celestial Mechanics. It consists of two main phases; a global sampling technique in a two-dimensional space of initial conditions and a data processing procedure for the classification (clustering) of the periodic orbits into families characterized by continuous evolution of the orbital parameters of member orbits. The method is tested by using it to recompute known results. It is then applied with advantage to the determination of the branch families of the family f of retrograde satellites in Hill’s Lunar problem, and to the determination of irregular families of periodic orbits in a perturbed Hill problem, a species of families which are difficult to find by continuation methods.   相似文献   

Fast Lyapunov Indicator (FLI) maps are presented as a tool for solving spacecraft preliminary trajectory design problems in multi-body environments with long-term stability requirements. In particular, the FLI maps are shown to provide a global overview of the dynamics in the restricted three-body problem that can guide mission designers in selecting long-term stable regions of phase space which are inherently more robust to model parameter perturbations. The FLI is also shown to numerically detect the normally hyperbolic manifolds associated with unstable periodic orbits. These, in turn, provide a global map of the principal heteroclinic connections between the various resonance regions which form the basic backbone of dynamical transfers design. Examples of maps and transfers are provided in the restricted three-body problem modeling the Jupiter–Europa system.  相似文献   

徐兴波 《天文学报》2022,63(4):40-31
考虑周期解的数值延拓问题并提出基于Broyden拟牛顿法来延拓周期解的一种有效算法,先后以布鲁塞尔振子、平面圆型限制性三体问题(Planar Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem, PCRTBP)的周期解为例进行了验证.这里的Broyden方法包含线性搜索、正交三角分解求线性方程组的步骤.对一般的周期解,周期性条件方程组中含有周期作为待延拓参数,可用周期来决定积分时长,将解代入周期性条件得到积分型的非线性方程组,利用Broyden方法迭代延拓直至初值收敛.根据两次垂直通过一个超平面的轨道是对称周期轨道的性质,可采用插值的方法求得再次抵达超平面的解分量,得到周期性条件方程组,再用Broyden方法求解.结合哈密顿系统的对称性和PCRTBP周期轨道的一些分类,对2/1、3/1的内共振周期解族进行了数值研究.最后,对算法和计算结果做了总结和讨论.  相似文献   

The rectilinear equal-mass and unequal-mass three-body problems are considered. The first part of the paper is a review that covers the following items: regularization of the equations of motion, integrable cases, triple collisions and their vicinities, escapes, periodic orbits and their stability, chaos and regularity of motions. The second part contains the results of our numerical simulations in this problem. A classification of orbits in correspondence with the following evolution scenarios is suggested: ejections, escapes, conditional escapes (long ejections), periodic orbits, quasi-stable long-lived systems in the vicinity of stable periodic orbits, and triple collisions. Homothetic solutions ending by triple collisions and their dependence on initial parameters are found. We study how the ejection length changes in response to the variation of the triple approach parameters. Regions of initial conditions are outlined in which escapes occur after a definite number of triple approaches or a definite time. In the vicinity of a stable Schubart periodic orbit, we reveal a region of initial parameters that corresponds to trajectories with finite motions. The regular and chaotic structure of the manifold of orbits is mostly defined by this periodic orbit. We have studied the phase space structure via Poincaré sections. Using these sections and symbolic dynamics, we study the fine structure of the region of initial conditions, in particular the chaotic scattering region.  相似文献   

In the framework of the planar restricted three-body problem we study a considerable number of resonances associated to the basic dynamical features of Kuiper belt and located between 30 and 48 a.u. Our study is based on the computation of resonant periodic orbits and their stability. Stable periodic orbits are surrounded by regular librations in phase space and in such domains the capture of trans-Neptunian object is possible. All the periodic orbits found are symmetric and there is an indication of the existence of asymmetric ones only in a few cases. In the present work first, second and third order resonances are under consideration. In the planar circular case we found that most of the periodic orbits are stable. The families of periodic orbits are temporarily interrupted by collisions but they continue up to relatively large values of the Jacobi constant and highly eccentric regular motion exists for all cases. In the elliptic problem and for a particular eccentricity value of the primary bodies, the periodic orbits are isolated. The corresponding families, where they belong to, bifurcate from specific periodic orbits of the circular problem and seem to continue up to the rectilinear problem. Both stable and unstable orbits are obtained for each case. In the elliptic problem, the unstable orbits found are associated with narrow chaotic domains in phase space. The evolution of the orbits, which are located in such chaotic domains, seems to be practically regular and bounded for long time intervals.  相似文献   

The modification of Hill’s problem where the primary is radiating and the secondary is an oblate spheroid is considered. The evolution of the network of the basic families of planar periodic orbits for various values of the parameters of the problem is studied. For specific values of the parameters these families are determined accurately together with their stability properties. The stability of retrograde satellites in an appropriate space of initial conditions is also determined by means of surface of section portraits of the Poíncare map and higher order resonances are studied. Simple asymmetric periodic orbits of the problem are also determined.  相似文献   

Lambert problem solution in the hill model of motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The goal of this paper is obtaining a solution of the Lambert problem in the restricted three-body problem described by the Hill equations. This solution is based on the use of pre determinate reference orbits of different types giving the first guess and defining the sought-for transfer type. A mathematical procedure giving the Lambert problem solution is described. This procedure provides step-by-step transformation of the reference orbit to the sought-for transfer orbit. Numerical examples of the procedure application to the transfers in the Sun–Earth system are considered. These examples include transfer between two specified positions in a given time, a periodic orbit design, a halo orbit design, halo-to-halo transfers, LEO-to-halo transfer, analysis of a family of the halo-to-halo transfer orbits. The proposed method of the Lambert problem solution can be used for the two-point boundary value problem solution in any model of motion if a set of typical reference orbits can be found.  相似文献   

The motion of a massless particle in the gravity of a binary asteroid system, referred as the restricted full three-body problem (RF3BP), is fundamental, not only for the evolution of the binary system, but also for the design of relevant space missions. In this paper, equilibrium points and associated periodic orbit families in the gravity of a binary system are investigated, with the binary (66391) 1999 KW4 as an example. The polyhedron shape model is used to describe irregular shapes and corresponding gravity fields of the primary and secondary of (66391) 1999 KW4, which is more accurate than the ellipsoid shape model in previous studies and provides a high-fidelity representation of the gravitational environment. Both of the synchronous and non-synchronous states of the binary system are considered. For the synchronous binary system, the equilibrium points and their stability are determined, and periodic orbit families emanating from each equilibrium point are generated by using the shooting (multiple shooting) method and the homotopy method, where the homotopy function connects the circular restricted three-body problem and RF3BP. In the non-synchronous binary system, trajectories of equivalent equilibrium points are calculated, and the associated periodic orbits are obtained by using the homotopy method, where the homotopy function connects the synchronous and non-synchronous systems. Although only the binary (66391) 1999 KW4 is considered, our methods will also be well applicable to other binary systems with polyhedron shape data. Our results on equilibrium points and associated periodic orbits provide general insights into the dynamical environment and orbital behaviors in proximity of small binary asteroids and enable the trajectory design and mission operations in future binary system explorations.  相似文献   

Perturbation theory based on Lie transforms is used to obtain a second-order long period solution for inclination and right ascension of ascending node, of near-equatorial circular satellite orbits. The solution includes the average effects of the Earth's oblateness and the luni-solar perturbations. Three algorithms, useful in mission analysis, are then given. The first algorithm finds the initial node location that results in a decrease of inclination to zero and it also finds the corresponding time to arrive at this zero inclination. The second algorithm determines the initial nodal band that maintains the orbital inclination below a specified value for a given time interval. The third algorithm obtains the initial node location that maximizes the time in which the satellite can be maintained within a given inclination tolerance without the use of any active control and it also obtains the corresponding maximum time. The results of the first and the third algorithms are given for 24-h near-equatorial circular satellite orbits and are cast in simple closed forms.  相似文献   

Analysis and design of low-energy transfers to the Moon has been a subject of great interest for many decades. This paper is concerned with a topological study of such transfers, with emphasis to trajectories that allow performing lunar capture and those that exhibit homoclinic connections, in the context of the circular restricted three-body problem. A fundamental theorem stated by Conley locates capture trajectories in the phase space and can be condensed in a sentence: “if a crossing asymptotic orbit exists then near any such there is a capture orbit”. In this work this fundamental theoretical assertion is used together with an original cylindrical isomorphic mapping of the phase space associated with the third body dynamics. For a given energy level, the stable and unstable invariant manifolds of the periodic Lyapunov orbit around the collinear interior Lagrange point are computed and represented in cylindrical coordinates as tubes that emanate from the transformed periodic orbit. These tubes exhibit complex geometrical features. Their intersections correspond to homoclinic orbits and determine the topological separation of long-term lunar capture orbits from short-duration capture trajectories. The isomorphic mapping is proven to allow a deep insight on the chaotic motion that characterizes the dynamics of the circular restricted three-body, and suggests an interesting interpretation, and together corroboration, of Conley’s assertion on the topological location of lunar capture orbits. Moreover, an alternative three-dimensional representation of the phase space is profitably employed to identify convenient lunar periodic orbits that can be entered with modest propellant consumption, starting from the Lyapunov orbit.  相似文献   

The problem of two-body linearized periodic relative orbits with eccentric reference orbits is studied in this paper. The periodic relative orbit in the target-orbital coordinate system can be used in fly-around and formation-flying orbit design. Based on the closed-form solutions to the Tschauner–Hempel equations, the initial condition for periodic relative orbits is obtained. Then the minimum-fuel periodic-orbit condition with a single impulse is analytically derived for given initial position and velocity vectors. When considering the initial coasting time, the impulse position of the global minimum-fuel periodic orbit is proved to be near to the perigee of the target and can be obtained by numerical optimization algorithms. Moreover, the condition for a special periodic orbit, i.e., the rectilinear relative orbit in the target-orbital frame, is obtained. Numerical simulations are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the method, and show the geometry of the periodic relative orbit and the rectilinear relative orbit.  相似文献   

Large ΔV amounts are often required to maintain the relative geometry which is needed to implement a formation flying concept. A wise use of the orbital environment makes the orbit keeping phase easier, reducing the overall propellant consumption. A first important step in this direction is the selection of formation configurations and orbits which, while still satisfying the mission requirements, are less subject to perturbations resulting naturally in closed relative motion. Within this frame, a number of studies have been recently carried out in order to identify possible sets of invariant relative orbits under the effects of the Earth oblateness, a conservative force commonly referred to as J2 which is also the most important perturbation for Low Earth Orbit. These efforts clearly marked the difficulties connected with achieving genuine periodic relative motion under J2 effect, but they also showed the existence of a set of conditions on the orbital parameters which allow for quasi-periodic J2 trajectories. This paper presents these particular trajectories, by means of deeper theoretical explanations, showing the dependency of the shape of the relative configurations on the orbital inclination. Since the quasi-periodic trajectories cannot be written analytically, and moreover, they are very sensitive with respect to the initial conditions, difficulties arise when trying to exploit these paths as reference for the control of a formation. This paper proposes a novel approach to find, from the actual quasi periodic natural trajectories, minimal control periodic reference trajectories. Next, it evaluates quantitatively the amount of propellant which is needed to control a spacecraft formation along these paths. The choice of Hill’s classical circular projected configuration as a nominal trajectory is considered as a comparison, showing the clear advantages of the proposed guidance design, which assumes low-perturbed periodic reference orbits as nominal trajectories.  相似文献   

We show by a general argument that periodic solutions of the planar problem of three bodies (with given masses) form one-parameter families. This result is confirmed by numerical investigations: two orbits found earlier by Standish and Szebehely are shown to belong to continuous one-parameter families of periodic orbits. In general these orbits have a non-zero angular momentum, and the configuration after one period is rotated with respect to the initial configuration. Similar general arguments whow that in the three-dimensional problem, periodic orbits form also one-parameter families; in the one-dimensional problem, periodic orbits are isolated.  相似文献   

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