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基于GPS与三轴磁强计的联合导航算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了修正近地轨道(小于1000 km)地磁场模型,提高导航的精度,在地磁导航系统中引入GPS作为一个新的测量设备,提出了一种基于三轴磁强计与GPS的联合导航算法.该算法取卫星的位置和速度向量作为状态向量,建立状态方程;取卫星周围的磁场强度和GPS接收的信号作为观测量,建立观测方程;并以GPS确定的轨道状态量为标准量,去估计磁场模型参数的修正量,构成冷备冗余导航算法.仿真结果表明,提出的导航算法对轨道位置的估计误差小于50 m,速度的估计误差小于0.1 m/s,导航算法的精度和收敛性都优于使用单一地磁导航的系统.  相似文献   

已知e或a的先验值的初轨迭代算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论由短弧测角资料,已知偏心率e 或半长轴a 的先验值时,初轨的迭代算法。某根数的先验值可看作是对该根数的具有一定精度的观测量,在加权残差平方和达到极小意义下,本文导出了最小二乘估计的迭代算法。仿真结果显示,周期的估计精度主要取决于偏心率先验值的精度;当e 足够小时,可用园轨道计算的a′作为a 的先验值,定出的初轨有较高精度。  相似文献   

初轨的稳健估计算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾沛璋  吴连大 《天文学报》2000,41(2):123-128
讨论单测角资料(数据中包含异常值)初轨的稳健估计算法.该算法既可用于提供可靠的初轨,又可用作资料预处理,剔除异常值.稳健估计算法的崩溃点为16%至25%,可剔除6σ以上的异常值.  相似文献   

对表征频率稳定度的σy(τ)和σz(τ)方法进行了分析比较。以PSRB1 855 0 9计时观测得到的脉冲星时为例 ,用两种方法估计了其频率稳定度。计算结果和分析表明σz(τ)方法更适合于估计脉冲星时间的频率稳定度  相似文献   

当测轨数据误差不服从正态分布时,传统的最小二乘(LSE)轨道确定方法将不是最优的.为了获得高精度的定轨结果,一种可行的策略是采用基于最小p范数(Lp)的轨道确定方法.通过分析Lp估计的相关性质,得出普通Lp估计不具有良好的抗差性的结论.为抑制模型误差和异常值的影响,提出了基于数据深度加权的稳健最小p范数估计方法,并证明了相关性质,得出了其崩溃点可以达到1/2的结论.最后,通过残差分析和矩估计法自适应估计相关参数,使得估计达到最大效率.以天基空间目标监视系统为背景进行了仿真试验.结果表明,当观测数据存在系统误差或异常值时,或者当目标动力学模型存在误差或者天基观测平台存在系统误差时,即使观测数据服从正态分布,LSE也不是最优的,在这种意义下自适应稳健Lp估计轨道确定方法比传统轨道确定方法更加稳健,定轨精度也更高.  相似文献   

野值预剔除方法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴会英  吴连大 《天文学报》2005,46(4):433-440
在初轨有较大误差时,传统的光学资料野值预剔除方法——截断最小二乘L估计法不能有效地剔除野值.从门限和模型两方面改进野值预处理方法,即改用统计中误差定门限.将残差的线性模型改为2次曲线模型,结果为:对于模拟产生的所有卫星弧段,在初轨有10^-4(半长轴α为其5%,以下不再说明)误差情况下,野值比例都能降低到10%以下.  相似文献   

朱留斌  杨戟  王敏 《天文学报》2007,48(2):153-164
利用中国科学院紫金山天文台德令哈观测站13.7米望远镜在IRAS 02232 6138方向进行了13CO,C18O,HCO 和N2H 的观测.随着探针分子的激发密度从13CO到N2H 逐渐增加, IRAS02232 6138云核的尺度从13CO的2.40 pc减小到N2H 的0.54pc,云核的维里质量从13CO的2.2×103M⊙减小到N2H 的5.1×102M⊙.研究发现,该方向区域内存在双极分子外流.对云核的空间密度结构用幂函数n(r)αr-α的形式进行拟合分析,得到α=2.3-1.2;随着探测密度的增加,该指数逐渐变平.分析得到, 13CO/C18O分子丰度比值为12.4±6.9,与暗云的11.8±5.9及大质量核的9.0-15.6值一致;N2H 丰度是3.5±2.5×10-10,与暗云核的1.0-5.0×10-10和大质量核的1.2-12.8×10-10值一致;HCO 丰度为0.9±0.5×10-9,接近大质量核的1.6-2.4×10-9值,没有发现HCO 丰度增长.结合IRAS数据,得到云核的光度质量比范围为37-163(L/M)⊙,由IRAS光度估计, IRAS 02232 6138方向云核内嵌埋的大约是一颗主序O7.5星.  相似文献   

陈力  赵君亮 《天文学报》1997,38(2):113-119
本文利用最大似然原理求解移动星团问题,同时确定了昂星团的平均距离和运动学参数及其相应的弥散度·归算结果得到昂星团距离为d=135.6±0.7pc,相应弥散度。σd=7.7±08pc;昂星团平均空间速度为V=25.9±0.1km/s,相应弥散度σv=0.6±0.1km/s,以及昴星团会聚点坐标(A,D)=(6h47m24s±2m00s-47°.4±0°.3.)。  相似文献   

利用国内VLBI网跟踪大椭圆轨道卫星   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年7月,昆明VLBI站经过改造,由上海、乌鲁木齐和昆明站组成的中国VLBI网(CVN)采用统一的MARK4格式编制器和CVN硬盘记录系统,对大椭圆轨道卫星“探测1号”的2圈轨道的共同可视弧段进行了跟踪观测.软件相关处理程序已成功地用于检测卫星遥测信号的干涉条纹和数据相关处理.采用基于条纹幅度的加权最小二乘条纹拟合方法,获得了卫星VLBI观测量及其精度估计,完成了卫星VLBI观测量的3基线闭合误差检验.应用河外射电源校准方法和多频点相位校正信号提取方法,进行了台站钟差和仪器延迟等系统误差改正.经系统差改正后的卫星VLBI观测量序列已用于“探测1号”卫星的轨道确定.  相似文献   

LP估计在星载GPS运动学定轨中的应用及精度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为得到高精度的星载GPS运动学定轨,必须利用观测精度高的相位观测值,但是相位观测值预处理后,仍然存在残余小周跳.在残差服从正态分布情况下LS法是最佳参数解算方法,但该方法不能解决资料的系统误差消除问题,LP估计是处理资料残差分布含有系统误差的有效方法之一.基于LS、LP方法的有效条件和GPS数据预处理的特性,将LP估计方法引入星载GPS运动学定轨数据处理中,以CHAMP卫星资料为例,研究了LP估计在星载GPS运动学定轨中的应用及其精度分析.实践表明:在处理含有残余小周跳的相位观测值时,LP估计比LS更有效,提高了星载GPS运动学定轨精度,但随着残余周跳的进一步修复,LP估计相对于LS估计的优越性越来越弱,在资料完全没有系统误差,残差服从正态分布的情况下,LP估计不能很好地体现其优越性,精度反而低于LS估计.  相似文献   

Orbit improvement is studied via processing simulated optical data of 20 satellites. Using our criterion the fraction of outliers falls to less than 10% in most cases. Our method, which ensures the accuracy of orbit improvement, consists in using the Huber estimator twice, followed by iterating the Hampel estimator until convergence. The parameters C0 and C1 in the Hampel estimation may be given the fixed values of 2.2 and 3.6, while the value of C2 varies in a definite way with the size of the outlier considered.  相似文献   

The preliminary orbit determination with optical angular measure- ments plays an important role in the survey of space objects. The classical method of orbit computation based on the least square error estimation is not robust while outliers occur in the observation. A robust method is proposed by employing the least absolute deviation estimation. The method reduces the problem of orbit determination to a linear programming problem, and gives the variance of the estimation with the bootstrap method. Numerical check shows that the method is effective and robust, and has a high breakdown point.  相似文献   

When the errors in the initial orbit are comparatively great, the usual truncated least square L estimation can not effectively delete the outliers in the set of optical observations. This method has been modified in both the threshold and the approximation model: the threshold is now determined by the statistics on the rms, and the linear model of fitting the residuals is replaced with a quadratic model. With these modifications, the results show that when the initial orbit has an error of 10[su−4] (the error in the semi-major axis is about 5%), the proportion of outliers is reduced to below 10% for all the simulated satellite passes.  相似文献   

The traditional least square estimation (LSE) method for orbit determination will not be optimal if the error of observational data does not obey the Gaussian distribution. In order to solve this problem, the least p-norm (Lp) estimation method is presented in this paper to deal with the non-Gaussian distribution cases. We show that a suitable selection of parameter p may guarantee a reasonable orbit determination result. The character of Lp estimation is analyzed. It is shown that the traditional Lp estimation method is not a robust method. And a stable Lp estimating based on data depth weighting is put forward to deal with the model error and outlier. In the orbit determination process, the outlier of observational data and coarse model error can be quantitatively described by their weights. The farther is the data from the data center, the smaller is the value of data depth and the smaller is the weighted value accordingly. The result of the new Lp method is stabler than that of the traditional Lp estimation and the breakdown point could be up to 1/2. In addition, the orbit parameter is adaptively estimated by residual analysis and matrix estimation method, and the estimation efficiency is enhanced. Finally, by taking the Space-based Space Surveillance System as an example and performing simulation experiments, we show that if there are system error or abnormal value in the observational data or system error in satellite dynamical model and space-based observation platform, LSE will not be optimal even though the observational data obeys the Gaussian distribution, and the orbit determination precision by the self-adaptive robust Lp estimation method is much better than that by the traditional LSE method.  相似文献   

The DTM series of atmospheric density models (Barlier and Berger) have been developed for atmospheric constituent representation and precise orbit computation. They are based upon satellite drag total density data which are implicitly averaged over one or more days.

Our approach consists of refining the computation of the density model coefficients with more precise orbit computation, using the information contained in the tracking data. Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) in case of Starlette (800 km) and GFZ-1 (380 km), Doppler-DORIS in case of SPOT2 (800 km).

This has been verified by comparison of the new density values to Dynamic Explorer 2 (DE-2) measurements, as well as by precise orbit computation. In both cases, an improvement of a few percent has been achieved, showing the interest of the method.

This study has been done in preparation for the new accelerometric mission CHAMP for which we prepare a new gravity field (GRIM5) using the orbit perturbation technique, as well as an improved density model, hence improving the drag modeling.  相似文献   

The United States provide Element Sets (ELSET) database in Two-Line Element (TLE) format for public use, which plays an important role in the inversion of atmospheric density in the thermosphere, ballistic coefficient estimation, early-warning and so on. Due to large uncertainties existing in the TLE generation process, space environment changes, and space events, ELSET database contains a large number of abnormal TLE data to be filtered, such as corrected TLE, orbital element outlier, and Bstar outlier. The existing methods to filter out the outliers lack general applicability and are very complicated, which are only applicable to a few space targets in certain orbit regions. To overcome the shortcomings of the existing methods, a filtering method is proposed based on Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm employing a sliding window and polynomial fitting method, which can detect outliers for different orbital elements and space events. The research shows that the algorithm can effectively single out the outliers in TLE sequences and is suitable for all orbital debris.  相似文献   

本文讨论由短弧测角资料,已知偏心率e的先验值时,初轨的寻优算法。把偏心率的先验值看作是对e的约束条件,再固定观测弧段两端点的观测量与作为约束条件,本文导出了一维(对M_0)非线性寻优算法;针对观测资料中可能存在异常值的情形,本文提出了一种初轨的稳健寻优算法。仿真结果表明,当e的先验值有足够高的精度时,能明显提高周期P的估计精度;稳健算法还可用作剔除观测资料的异常值。  相似文献   

星载GPS卡尔曼滤波定轨算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贾沛璋  熊永清 《天文学报》2005,46(4):441-451
利用卡尔曼滤波定轨算法,处理神舟4号星载GPS伪距实测资料,重点在于研究卡尔曼滤波中模型误差方差矩阵的选取准则,GPS信号中断或连续野值对递推滤波的影响,如何自主监控滤波的运行状态,即是正常还是趋于发散,目的在于评价该算法用于星上自主定轨长期平稳运行的可靠性.  相似文献   

A modification of the Laplace method for the determination of a preliminary orbit of a body moving in the plane of the ecliptic is presented. It is shown that on the basis of three close positions on the celestial sphere, the parabolic orbit can be determined in cases, when the classical Laplace method is not suitable. The numerical estimation of the number of possible solutions is carried out, and their spatial distribution depending on initial conditions is shown. An example of the determination of an orbit for the comet C/2007 N3 (Lulin) is given.  相似文献   

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