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主要是利用非线性发展方程丰富的解析解,基于含有散射项和微扰项的Korteweg-de Vries方程对台湾东北部东海海域内波的传播特性进行研究,并着重分析海洋内波在SAR图像上的信号特征,进而讨论耗散项和微扰项对海洋内波所引起的表层流速变化的影响.  相似文献   

本文主要是利用含有散射项和微扰项的变系数Korteweg-de Vries方程的双孤子解对海洋内孤立波的非线性相互作用进行研究.在南海东沙群岛海域,着重分析该弹性碰撞在合成孔径雷达图像上的信号特征,同时研究耗散项和微扰项对海洋内孤立波的弹性碰撞引起的表层流速的影响.  相似文献   

讨论AKNS完全可积分系的一种2+1维一般化。给出对应的Kdv方程及SineGordan方程的一种2+1维一般化,导出其Hamilton形式。证明了经变量变换后,这类2+1维完全可积分系可化为1+1维已知可积分系。  相似文献   

本研究通过设置温度突变组(15°C、25°C、31°C)和盐度突变组(5、15、25、35),探讨了温度、盐度变化胁迫对海洋青鳉鱼(Oryzias melastigma)摄食行为及抗氧化生理的影响。结果表明,在温度为15°C和31°C(盐度为25)时以及盐度为5和35(温度为25°C)条件下,青鳉鱼摄食响应时间增长,摄食量、摄食效率和摄食成功率显著下降(P0.05)。超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)酶活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量在15—31°C时随温度增加先降低后增加。SOD酶活性31°C时第7天显著性低于对照组(P0.05)。MDA含量在15°C和31°C时在显著性高于对照组,第7天显著性升高(P0.05)。不同盐度处理组,SOD、CAT活性和MDA含量均随盐度增加先降低后增加,MDA含量在盐度为5和35时均显著高于对照组(P0.05)。综上,海洋青鳉鱼在盐度15—25,水温25°C条件下摄食及游动行为活跃,抗氧化活性最低,生长良好。当温度高于31°C或低于15°C;盐度高于35或低于5时胁迫对青鳉鱼摄食行为及抗氧化性造成明显影响。  相似文献   

Toll样受体是一类重要的蛋白质分子,参与固有免疫系统,在哺乳动物在受到细菌感染的时候,TLR1和TLR2基因可以形成异源二聚体,进而启动宿主的固有免疫。本文应用实时荧光定量PCR的技术,检测了TLR1和TLR2基因在牙鲆健康组织以及牙鲆腹腔注射迟缓型爱德华氏菌(Edwardsiella tarda)后各组织中的表达变化,并探讨了它们与牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)固有免疫反应的关系。结果表明,TLR1和TLR2基因广泛表达于健康牙鲆的各种组织中,其中,TLR1在脾脏组织中表达量最高,其次是心脏、肌肉;TLR2在小肠组织中表达量最高,其次是肝脏、心脏。免疫刺激实验表明,多数组织在感染病原6h后TLR1基因表达达到峰值,其中脾脏中基因的表达量最大,是0时间点的290倍(P0.01)。TLR2基因在感染病原1h后在脾脏中表达量最高,为0时间点的17.8倍(P0.01),在感染病原1d后心脏组织中基因的表达量为对照组的14倍(P0.01),其余时间点表达变化不明显。结果表明TLR1和TLR2参与了牙鲆对迟缓型爱德华氏菌的免疫应答反应。实验结果还显示,在牙鲆感染迟缓型爱德华氏菌后,MyD88、TNF-α和IL-1基因的表达也都同步上调,暗示迟缓型爱德华氏菌有可能通过TLR1通路上调MyD88的表达,并最终导致炎症因子TNF-α和IL-1的基因表达上调,以应答病原菌的感染。  相似文献   

以1月龄棘胸蛙蝌蚪[体长(1.694±0.121)cm,体重(0.548±0.062)g]为实验对象,在观察水温对蝌蚪行为和尾部皮肤表观色泽Hunter L、A、B值影响的基础上,设置19°C(对照组)、21.5°C、23°C、24.5°C、26°C五个水温梯度,并以96h为水温胁迫时长,12d为水温恢复时长,研究了水温胁迫及恢复条件下棘胸蛙蝌蚪尾部皮肤ATP酶和抗氧化酶(SOD和CAT),以及肝脏抗氧化酶(SOD,CAT,GSH)活力的变化特征。结果表明:(1)棘胸蛙蝌蚪分布水层、集群状况、个体移动率均与其培育水温关系密切,14°C和26°C分别为可显著改变蝌蚪分布水层和个体移动率的水温临界;(2)L值可作为表征蝌蚪尾部皮肤感应培育水温的指示色差,水温26°C为致其发生显著改变的高温临界;(3)蝌蚪尾部皮肤ATP酶耐受水温的最适高限为24.5°C,适宜范围为21.5—24.5°C;(4)蝌蚪尾部皮肤和肝脏表露SOD酶活力的最适水温均为23°C,而表露CAT酶活力的最适水温则分别为23°C和24.5°C,水温26°C时肝脏SOD酶已表露受损;(5)蝌蚪肝脏表露GSH酶活力的最适水温为24.5°C,水温26°C为该酶表露受损的高温临界。  相似文献   

赵业  杨红生  李秉钧 《海洋科学》2018,42(4):120-126
夏眠是刺参(Apostichopusjaponicas)应对夏季高温低氧等不良环境的重要生存策略,而抑制高耗能的蛋白合成则是夏眠期机体有效降低能耗的重要环节。真核翻译起始因子eIF2是启动蛋白翻译的关键因子,在蛋白合成调控中发挥了重要作用。本研究克隆分析了刺参翻译起始因子eIF2α亚基(eif2s1基因)全长cDNA序列及结构特征,并测定了其在夏眠期间的时空表达模式。结果表明:刺参eif2s1基因序列较保守,与紫海胆该基因同源性最高。同时,刺参eif2s1基因在深度夏眠期组织中出现了不同程度的表达抑制,可能参与了刺参夏眠蛋白抑制调控。  相似文献   

合成了稀土硝酸盐与希夫碱 2 -羟基 - 1 -萘醛缩 4-氨基安替吡啉 (以 HL表示 )的 3种配合物。通过元素分析、IR、UV和摩尔电导分析等方法 ,确定配合物的组成为 [Ln(HL) (C2 H5OH)(H2 O) 2 ] (NO3 ) 3 (Ln=La,Nd,Eu) ,并用非等温热重法研究了 Eu( )配合物的热分解反应动力学 ,推断出第 3步热分解动力学方程为 :dα/dt=A· e-E /RT· 1 /2 (1 -α) [- ln(1 -α) ] -1 。  相似文献   

应用中国近海及邻近海域海洋再分析资料(简称CORA)研究南海北部第一模态内波场运动学参数的地理分布特征及其季节变化。首先分析了Brunt-Väisälä频率的统计特征;其次,基于弱非线性变系数扩展Kortewed-de Vries (veKdv)方程模型,计算了它的输入系数,即线性长波相速度,平方和立方非线性系数和频散系数,这些参数可用于定性评估内孤立波传播可能的极性,内孤立波的形态,幅度限制以及传播速度等。分析结果表明,南海北部季节性密度跃层从2月开始出现,最大浮力频率约在20 m。它在6—7月达到最强,自8月开始减弱,在10月消退。另一密度跃层出现在8—11月,最大浮力频率约在80 m,冬季大致在120 m。季节性密度跃层在4—9月十分明显,而8—10月双跃层现象显著,冬季仅出现较弱的第二密度跃层。在1—3月和10—12月海盆深水区最大Brunt-Väisälä频率值要大于陆架浅水区;而在5—9月情况则相反。Brunt-Väisälä频率最大值所在深度随季节变化显著,冬季最深,6—7月则最浅。计算的线性内波相速度、频散系数和幅度放大因子的空间特征主要取决于地形变化;平方(立方)非线性系数与地形关系较小,随季节变化明显,它们主要取决于局地海洋环境特征。通过分析veKdv方程的系数特征,解释了为何在夏季南海北部最容易观测到大振幅内孤立波和在吕宋海峡以东海域难以观测到孤立波的原因。  相似文献   

分数阶混沌系统与整数阶混沌系统之间的同步   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周平  邝菲 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):6851-6858
基于追踪控制的思想,利用分数阶系统稳定性理论,实现了分数阶混沌系统与整数阶混沌系统之间的混沌同步,给出了补偿器和反馈控制器的选择方法. 以三维分数阶Chen系统和三维整数阶Lorenz混沌系统之间的混沌同步为例进行了数值仿真和电路仿真. 研究表明了该同步方法的有效性.  相似文献   

By means of the classical method, we investigate the (3+1)-dimensional Zakharov--Kuznetsov equation. The symmetry group of the (3+1)-dimensional Zakharov--Kuznetsov equation is studied first and the theorem of group invariant solutions is constructed. Then using the associated vector fields of the obtained symmetry, we give the one-, two-, and three-parameter optimal systems of group-invariant solutions. Based on the optimal system, we derive the reductions and some new solutions of the (3+1)-dimensional Zakharov--Kuznetsov equation.  相似文献   

A theory of (1+1)-dimensional gravity is constructed on the basis of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity. The fundamental field variables are the tetrad fields eiμ and the gravity is attributed to the torsion. A dilatonic spherically symmetric exact solution of the gravitational field equations characterized by two parameters M and Q is derived. The energy associated with this solution is calculated using the two-dimensional gravitational energy--momentum formula.  相似文献   

Since the past two decades, the time delay feedback control method has attracted more and more attention in chaos control studies because of its simplicity and efficiency compared with other chaos control schemes. Recently, it has been proposed to suppress low-dimensional chaos with the notch filter feedback control method, which can be implemented in a laser system. In this work, we have analytically determined the controllable conditions for notch filter feedback controlling of Chen chaotic system in terms of the Hopf bifurcation theory. The conditions for notch filter feedback controlled Chen chaoitc system having a stable limit cycle solution are given. Meanwhile, we also analysed the Hopf bifurcation direction, which is very important for parameter settings in notch filter feedback control applications. Finally, we apply the notch filter feedback control methods to the electronic circuit experiments and numerical simulations based on the theoretical analysis. The controlling results of notch filter feedback control method well prove the feasibility and reliability of the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

研究1类具有2个零特征根和1个4n2 2n 1阶奇点的2n 1次系统,并给出了极限环存在与否的条件。  相似文献   

We examined the carbonate system, mainly the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TAlk) in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary based on four field surveys conducted in Sep.–Oct. 2005, Dec. 2005, Jan. 2006 and Apr. 2006. Together with our reported pCO2 data collected in Aug.–Sep. 2003, this study provides, for the first time, a full seasonal coverage with regards to CO2 outgassing fluxes in this world major river–estuarine system. Surface pCO2 ranged 650–1440 μatm in the upper reach of the Changjiang River Estuary, 1000–4600 μatm in the Huangpujiang River, an urbanized and major tributary of the Changjiang downstream which was characterized by a very high respiration rate, and 200–1000 μatm in the estuarine mixing zone. Both DIC and TAlk overall behaved conservatively during the estuarine mixing, and the seasonal coverage of these carbonate parameters allowed us to estimate the annual DIC export flux from the Changjiang River as ∼ 1.54 × 1012 mol. The highly polluted Huangpujiang River appeared to have a significant impact on DIC, TAlk and pCO2 in the lower reaches of the inner estuary. CO2 emission flux from the main stream of the Changjiang Estuary was at a low level of 15.5–34.2 mol m− 2 yr− 1. Including the Huangpujiang River and the adjacent Shanghai inland waters, CO2 degassing flux from the Changjiang Estuary may have represented only 2.0%–4.6% of the DIC exported from the Changjiang River into the East China Sea.  相似文献   

本研究对成年雄性孔鳐(Okamejei kenojei)的生殖系统进行解剖学和组织学观察,结果表明,孔鳐的生殖系统主要由精巢、附睾、输精管、储精囊、间质腺、鳍脚腺和鳍脚组成。其中孔鳐的精巢中的精小囊,按照成熟度依次由中心向小叶外周辐射状排列,其精子发育成熟过程根据精巢支持细胞的位置、精小囊的大小和精小囊中的生精细胞所处的状态可划分为7个时期:精巢支持细胞未迁移期、精巢支持细胞迁移期、精巢支持细胞定植早期、精巢支持细胞定植晚期、精子变形期、精子迁移期、精子聚拢期。变态成熟的精子最终每59~64根精子组成精子束进入附睾。精子束在附睾中经历“游离-聚拢-游离”3个过程后,最终储存在储精囊中。鳍脚是孔鳐的外生殖器,主要有鳍扇、扇盾等结构组成,它与储精囊相连,是将精液输送至体外的器官。  相似文献   

This study aims at unravelling the diagenetic history and its effect on the pore system evolution of the Triassic redbeds exposed in SE Spain (TIBEM1), an outcrop analogue of the TAGI (Trias Argilo-Gréseux Inférieur) reservoir (Berkine-Ghadames Basin, Algeria). Similar climatic, base level and tectonic conditions of aforementioned alluvial formations developed analogue fluvial facies stacking patterns. Furthermore, interplay of similar detrital composition and depositional facies in both formations resulted in analogue early diagenetic features. Petrographic observations indicate lithic subarkosic (floodplain facies) and subarkosic (braidplain facies) compositions which are considered suitable frameworks for potential reservoir rocks. Primary porosity is mainly reduced during early diagenesis through moderate mechanical compaction and formation of K-feldspar overgrowth, gypsum, dolomite and phyllosilicate cements. Early mesodiagenesis is testified by low chemical compaction and quartz cementation. Telodiagenetic calcite filling fractures and K-feldspar dissolution determined the final configuration of analysed sandstones. Mercury injection-capillary pressure technique reveals overbank deposits in the floodplain as the least suitable potential reservoirs because of their lowest open porosity (OP < 16%), permeability (k < 5 mD) and small dimensions. On the other hand, braidplain deposits show the highest values of such properties (OP up to 31.6% and k > 95 mD) and greater thickness and lateral continuity, so being considered the best potential reservoir. The accurate estimation of TIBEM microscale attributes can provide important input for appraisal and enhanced oil recovery performance in TAGI and in others reservoirs consisting on similar fluvial sandy facies.  相似文献   

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