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Broad-band P - and S -waves from earthquakes in South America recorded at Californian network stations are analysed to image lateral variations of the D"-discontinuity beneath the Cocos plate. We apply two array processing methods to the data set: a simplified migration method to the P -wave data set and a double-array method to both the P - and S -wave data sets, allowing us to compare results from the two methods. The double-array method images a dipping reflector at a depth range from 2650 to 2700 km in the southern part of the study area. We observe a step-like topography of 100 km to a shallower reflector at about 2600 km depth to the north, as well as evidence for a second (deeper) reflector at a depth range from 2700 to 2750 km in the north. Results from the simplified migration agree well with those from the double-array method, similarly locating a large step in reflector depth in a similar location (about 2650 km depth in the south and about 2550 km in the north) as well as the additional deeper reflector at the depth of about 2750 km in the north. Waveform modelling of the reflected waves from both methods suggests a positive velocity contrast for S waves, but a negative velocity contrast for P waves for the upper reflector in agreement with predictions from mineral physical calculations for a post-perovskite phase transition. The data also show some evidence for the existence of another deeper reflector that could indicate a double intersection of the geotherm with the post-perovskite stability field, that is, the back-transformation of post-perovskite to perovskite close to the core–mantle boundary.  相似文献   

The earthquakes in the seismicity belt extending through Indonesia, New Guinea, Vanuatu and Fiji to the Tonga–Kermadec subduction zone recorded at the 65 portable broad-band stations deployed during the Skippy experiment from 1993–1996 provide good coverage of the lithosphere and mantle under the Australian continent, Coral Sea and Tasman Sea.
The variation in structure in the upper part of the mantle is characterized by deter-mining a suite of 1-D structures from stacked record sections utilizing clear P and S arrivals, prepared for all propagation paths lying within a 10° azimuth band. The azimuth of these bands is rotated by 20° steps with four parallel corridors for each azimuth. This gives 26 separate azimuthal corridors for which 15 independent 1-D seismic velocity structures have been derived, which show significant variation in P and S structure.
The set of 1-D structures is combined to produce a 3-D representation by projecting the velocity values along the ray path using a turning point approximation and stacking into 3-D cells (5° by 50 km in depth). Even though this procedure will tend to underestimate wave-speed perturbations, S -velocity deviations from the ak135 reference model exceed 6 per cent in the lithosphere.
In the uppermost mantle the results display complex features and very high S -wave speeds beneath the Precambrian shields with a significant low-velocity zone beneath. High velocities are also found towards the base of the transition zone, with high S -wave speeds beneath the continent and high P -wave speeds beneath the ocean. The wave-speed patterns agree well with independent surface wave studies and delay time tomography studies in the zones of common coverage.  相似文献   

We describe a waveform modelling technique and demonstrate its application to determine the crust- and upper-mantle velocity structure beneath Africa. Our technique uses a parallelized reflectivity method to compute synthetic seismograms and fits the observed waveforms by a global optimization technique based on a Very Fast Simulated Annealing (VFSA). We match the S , Sp, SsPmP and shear-coupled PL phases in seismograms of deep (200–800 km), moderate-to-large magnitude (5.5–7.0) earthquakes recorded teleseismically at permanent broad-band seismic stations in Africa. Using our technique we produce P - and S -wave velocity models of crust and upper mantle beneath Africa. Additionally, our use of the shear-coupled PL phase, wherever observed, improves the constraints for lower crust- and upper-mantle velocity structure beneath the corresponding seismic stations. Our technique retains the advantages of receiver function methods, uses a different part of the seismogram, is sensitive to both P - and S -wave velocities directly, and obtains helpful constraints in model parameters in the vicinity of the Moho. The resulting range of crustal thicknesses beneath Africa (21–46 km) indicates that the crust is thicker in south Africa, thinner in east Africa and intermediate in north and west Africa. Crustal P - (4.7–8 km s−1) and S -wave velocities (2.5–4.7  km s−1) obtained in this study show that in some parts of the models, these are slower in east Africa and faster in north, west and south Africa. Anomalous crustal low-velocity zones are also observed in the models for seismic stations in the cratonic regions of north, west and south Africa. Overall, the results of our study are consistent with earlier models and regional tectonics of Africa.  相似文献   

We invert differential SdS-SS traveltime residuals measured from stacked waveforms and finite-frequency sensitivity kernels for topography on the 410- and 660-km discontinuities. This approach yields higher resolution images of transition zone thickness than previous stacking methods, which simply average/smooth over topographic features. Apparent structure measured using simple stacking is highly dependent upon the bin size of each stack. By inverting for discontinuity topography with a variety of bin sizes, we can more accurately calculate the true structure. The inverted transition zone model is similar to simple stack models with an average thickness of 242 km, but the lateral variations in thickness are larger in amplitude and smaller in scale. Fast seismic velocities in 3-D mantle models such as SB4L18 correlate with areas of thicker transition zone. The elongated curvilinear regions of thickened transition zone that occur near subduction zones are narrow and high amplitude, which suggests relatively little lateral spreading and warming of subducted lithosphere within the transition zone. The anomalously thin transition zone regions are laterally narrow, and not broadly continuous. If these variations in transition zone thickness are interpreted as thermal in nature, then this model suggests significant temperature variations on small lateral scales.  相似文献   

Broad-band data from South American earthquakes recorded by Californian seismic networks are analysed using a newly developed seismic wave migration method—the slowness backazimuth weighted migration (SBWM). Using the SBWM, out-of-plane seismic P -wave reflections have been observed. The reflection locations extend throughout the Earth's lower mantle, down to the core–mantle boundary (CMB) and coincide with the edges of tomographically mapped high seismic velocities. Modelling using synthetic seismograms suggests that a narrow (10–15 km) low- or high-velocity lamella with about 2 per cent velocity contrast can reproduce the observed reflected waveforms, but other explanations may exist. Considering the reflection locations and synthetic modelling, the observed out-of-plane energy is well explained by underside reflections off a sharp reflector at the base of the subducted lithosphere. We also detect weaker reflections corresponding to the tomographically mapped top of the slab, which may arise from the boundary between the Nazca plate and the overlying former basaltic oceanic crust. The joint interpretation of the waveform modelling and geodynamic considerations indicate mass flux of the former oceanic lithosphere and basaltic crust across the 660 km discontinuity, linking processes and structure at the top and bottom of the Earth's mantle, supporting the idea of whole mantle convection.  相似文献   

Summary. A new method of moment tensor inversion is developed, which combines surface wave data and P -wave first motion data in a linear programming approach. Once surface wave spectra and first motion data are given, the method automatically obtains the solution that satisfies first motion data and minimizes the L1 norm of the surface wave spectra. We show the results of eight events in which the method works and is stable even for shallow events. We also show one event in which surface wave data and P -wave first motion data seem to be incompatible. In such cases, our method does not converge or converges to a solution which has a large minor (second) double couple component. It is an advantage that the method can determine the compatibility of two data sets without trial and error.
Laterally heterogeneous phase velocity corrections are used to obtain spectra at the source. The method is also applied to invert moment tensors of eight events in two recent three-dimensional (3-D) upper mantle structures. In both 3-D models, variances of spectra are smaller than those in a laterally homogeneous model at 256 s. Statistical tests show that those reductions are significant at a high confidence level for five events out of eight examined. For three events, we examined those reductions at shorter periods, 197 and 151 s. The reduction of variances is comparable to the results at 256 s and is again statistically significant at a high confidence level. Orientation of fault planes does not change very much by incorporation of lateral variations of phase velocity or by doing inversions at different periods. This is mainly because of the constraints from P -wave first motion data. Scatter of phase spectra at shorter periods, especially at 151 s, is great and suggests that surface wave ray paths deviate from great circle paths substantially and these effects cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

Long-period data of the Global Digital Seismograph Network (GDSN) recorded over the three-year period from 1984 to 1986 were studied for the occurrence of S-P and P-S conversions from the upper mantle transition zone that appear as precursors to teleseismic S arrivals. Conversions of this type were identified on a large number of single-station records. Simple stacking of many records enhanced the appearance of converted phases and demonstrated that no major lateral variations in the nature of the transition zone exist between various tectonic regions. S-P and P-S conversions from the 400 km discontinuity were best observed at distances between 70 and 85 while conversions from the 670 km discontinuity showed up best at distances beyond 87. The analysis of published source mechanisms and comparison with synthetic seismograms suggests that the appearance of converted phases is primarily governed by the earthquake radiation pattern. Phases that have undergone S-P conversions beneath the receiver are best observed from dip-slip events that radiate strong SV - and weak P -waves towards the station. P-S conversions beneath the source area, on the other hand, are frequently observed from events that radiate strong P and little SV energy towards the station, and also from some strike-slip events. Comparison of observed with synthetic seismograms suggests that the PREM model of Dziewonski & Anderson (1981) explains most of the observations. Observed S-P and P-S conversions from the 670 km discontinuity, however, often have larger amplitudes than in the synthetics. Constructive interference of converted waves with the P -wave coda, source radiation effects and a velocity contrast across the 670 km discontinuity which is higher than in PREM may all contribute to the discrepancy.  相似文献   

This paper presents a geometrically based algorithm for computing synthetic seismograms for energy transmitted through a 3-D velocity distribution. 3-D ray tracing is performed to compute the traveltimes and geometrical spreading (amplitude). The formulations of both kinematic and dynamic ray-tracing systems are presented. The two-point ray-tracing problem is solved by systematically updating the initial conditions and adjusting the ray direction until the ray intersects the specified endpoint. The amount of adjustment required depends on the derivatives of the position with respect to the given starting angles between consecutive rays. The algorithm uses derivatives to define the steepest-descent direction and to update the initial directions. The convergence rate depends on the complexity of the model.
Test seismograms compare favourably with those from a 2-D asymptotic ray theory algorithm and a 3-D Gaussian-beam algorithm. The algorithm is flexible in modelling arbitrary source and recorder geometries for various smoothly varying 3-D velocity distributions. The algorithm is further tested by simulating surface-to-tunnel vibroseis field data. Shear waves as well as compressional waves may be approximately included. Application of the algorithm to a data set from the Rainier Mesa of the Nevada Test Site produced a good fit to the transmitted (first arrival) traveltimes and amplitudes, with approximately 15 per cent variation in the local 3-D velocity.  相似文献   

The S receiver functions: synthetics and data example   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Recently, the S receiver function method has been successfully developed to identify upper mantle interfaces. S receiver functions have the advantage of being free of S -wave multiple reflections and can be more suitable than P receiver functions for studying mantle lithosphere. However, because of specific ray geometry and interference of diverse phases, the S receiver function method has some technical difficulties and limitations. We use synthetic seismograms to demonstrate the feasibility and limitations of S receiver functions for studying mantle structures. Full-wavefield seismograms were calculated using the reflectivity method and processed to generate synthetic S receiver functions for S , SKS and ScS waves. Results show that S receiver functions can be obtained from waveforms of S , SKS and ScS waves. The synthetic S receiver functions for these incident waves show S -to- P converted phases at all discontinuities in the crust and upper mantle. Useful ranges of epicentral distances for calculation of S receiver functions are: 55°–85° for S , >85° for SKS and 50°–75° for ScS waves. We apply both the S and P receiver function methods to data recorded at broadband station YKW3 in Northwest Canada. The study shows that there is significant agreement among different receiver function methods, and demonstrates the usefulness of S receiver functions for imaging the mantle lithosphere.  相似文献   

Summary. Numerical modelling is one of the most efficient methods for an investigation of the relationship between structural features and peculiarities of observed wavefields. It is practically the only method for 2-D and 3-D inhomogeneous media.
An algorithm based on ray theory has been developed for calculations of travel times and amplitudes of seismic waves in 3-D inhomogeneous media with curved interfaces. It was applied for numerical modelling of kinematic and dynamic characteristics of seismic waves propagating in laterally inhomogeneous media.
Travel-time and amplitude patterns were studied in the 2-D and 3-D models of a geosyncline, in which velocity distribution was given by an analytical function of the coordinates. For a more complicated model representing a subducting high-velocity lithospheric plate in a transition zone between oceanic and continental upper mantle, the velocity distribution was given by discrete values on a 2-D non-rectangular grid. It was shown that when a source was placed above the lithospheric plate, a shadow zone appeared along a strike of the structure, i.e. in the direction which is perpendicular to a strong lateral velocity gradient. Travel-time residuals were calculated along the seismological profile for a 3-D velocity distribution in the upper mantle beneath Central Asia, obtained as a result of inversion of travel times by the Backus-Gilbert method. They were found to be in a good agreement with the observed data.  相似文献   

The inverse tomography method has been used to study the P - and S -waves velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle underneath Iran. The method, based on the principle of source–receiver reciprocity, allows for tomographic studies of regions with sparse distribution of seismic stations if the region has sufficient seismicity. The arrival times of body waves from earthquakes in the study area as reported in the ISC catalogue (1964–1996) at all available epicentral distances are used for calculation of residual arrival times. Prior to inversion we have relocated hypocentres based on a 1-D spherical earth's model taking into account variable crustal thickness and surface topography. During the inversion seismic sources are further relocated simultaneously with the calculation of velocity perturbations. With a series of synthetic tests we demonstrate the power of the algorithm and the data to reconstruct introduced anomalies using the ray paths of the real data set and taking into account the measurement errors and outliers. The velocity anomalies show that the crust and upper mantle beneath the Iranian Plateau comprises a low velocity domain between the Arabian Plate and the Caspian Block. This is in agreement with global tomographic models, and also tectonic models, in which active Iranian plateau is trapped between the stable Turan plate in the north and the Arabian shield in the south. Our results show clear evidence of the mainly aseismic subduction of the oceanic crust of the Oman Sea underneath the Iranian Plateau. However, along the Zagros suture zone, the subduction pattern is more complex than at Makran where the collision of the two plates is highly seismic.  相似文献   

We compare 3-D upper mantle anisotropic structures beneath the North American continent obtained using standard and improved crustal corrections in the framework of Non-linear Asymptotic Coupling Theory (NACT) applied to long period three component fundamental and higher mode surface waveform data. Our improved approach to correct for crustal structure in high-resolution regional waveform tomographic models goes beyond the linear perturbation approximation, and is therefore more accurate in accounting for large variations in Moho topography within short distances as observed, for instance, at ocean–continent margins. This improved methodology decomposes the shallow-layer correction into a linear and non-linear part and makes use of 1-D sensitivity kernels defined according to local tectonic structure, both for the forward computation and for the computation of sensitivity kernels for inversion. The comparison of the 3-D upper mantle anisotropic structures derived using the standard and improved crustal correction approaches shows that the model norm is not strongly affected. However, significant variations are observed in the retrieved 3-D perturbations. The largest differences in the velocity models are present below 250 km depth and not in the uppermost mantle, as would be expected. We suggest that inaccurate crustal corrections preferentially map into the least constrained part of the model and therefore accurate corrections for shallow-layer structure are essential to improve our knowledge of parts of the upper mantle where our data have the smallest sensitivity.  相似文献   

Summary. In order to examine the development of the oceanic crust in the neighbourhood of a slowly spreading ridge, a seismic refraction experiment was carried out at 59° 30'N on the Reykjanes Ridge. Three 120 km long overlapped split profiles were shot parallel to the trend of the ridge, on the eastern flank, and recorded on up to five recording sonobuoys. The profiles were at distances of 0, 30 and 90km from the ridge axis, corresponding to approximate crustal ages of 0, 3 and 9 Myr. Data from the main profiles were supplemented by using a large chamber air gun during recovery of the buoys.
The analysis of the data combined standard travel-time interpretation, the 'tau' method of systematic travel-time inversion and detailed amplitude modelling using the Reflectivity Method to calculate synthetic seismograms. Detailed velocity-depth models were constructed for each of the profiles.
There is no indication of a significant magma chamber at the ridge crest, although a slight velocity inversion in layer 3 suggests a zone of elevated temperature. Away from the crest there was a slight positive velocity gradient in layer 3. Layer 2 was most effectively modelled by a region of varying velocity gradients, which thinned with age and the transition to layer 3 is marked by a sharp change in velocity gradient. The transition to mantle velocities is also best modelled by a high velocity gradient rather than an interface.
Although some lateral variation in properties is apparent along the profiles, the lateral velocity gradients were sufficiently weak to allow an effective analysis in terms of laterally uniform models.  相似文献   

A crustal seismic velocity model for the UK, Ireland and surrounding seas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A regional model of the 3-D variation in seismic P -wave velocity structure in the crust of NW Europe has been compiled from wide-angle reflection/refraction profiles. Along each 2-D profile a velocity–depth function has been digitised at 5 km intervals. These 1-D velocity functions were mapped into three dimensions using ordinary kriging with weights determined to minimise the difference between digitised and interpolated values. An analysis of variograms of the digitised data suggested a radial isotropic weighting scheme was most appropriate. Horizontal dimensions of the model cells are optimised at 40 × 40 km and the vertical dimension at 1 km. The resulting model provides a higher resolution image of the 3-D variation in seismic velocity structure of the UK, Ireland and surrounding areas than existing models. The construction of the model through kriging allows the uncertainty in the velocity structure to be assessed. This uncertainty indicates the high density of data required to confidently interpolate the crustal velocity structure, and shows that for this region the velocity is poorly constrained for large areas away from the input data.  相似文献   

We have been developing an accurate and efficient numerical scheme, which uses the finite-difference method (FDM) in spherical coordinates, for the computation of global seismic wave propagation through laterally heterogeneous realistic Earth models. In the field of global seismology, traditional axisymmetric modeling has been used widely as an efficient approach since it can solve the 3-D elastodynamic equation in spherical coordinates on a 2-D cross-section of the Earth, assuming structures to be invariant with respect to the axis through the seismic source. However, it has the severe disadvantages that asymmetric structures about the axis cannot be incorporated and the source mechanisms with arbitrary shear dislocation have not been attempted for a long time. Our scheme is based on the framework of axisymmetric modeling but has been extended to treat asymmetric structures, arbitrary moment-tensor point sources, anelastic attenuation, and the Earth center which is a singularity of wave equations in spherical coordinates. All these types of schemes which solve 3-D wavefields on a 2-D model cross-section are classified as 2.5-D modeling, so we have named our scheme the spherical 2.5-D FDM. In this study, we compare synthetic seismograms calculated using our FDM scheme with three-component observed long-period seismograms including data from stations newly installed in Antarctica in conjunction with the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007–2008. Seismic data from inland Antarctica are expected to reveal images of the Earth's deep interior with enhanced resolution because of the high signal-to-noise ratio and wide extent of this region, in addition to the rarity of sampling paths along the rotation axis of the Earth. We calculate synthetic seismograms through the preliminary reference earth model (PREM) including attenuation using a moment-tensor point source for the November 9, 2009 Fiji earthquake. Our results show quite good agreement between synthetic and observed seismograms, which indicates the accuracy of observations in the Antarctica, as well as the feasibility of the spherical 2.5-D modeling scheme.  相似文献   

We present the extension of stereotomography to P - and S -wave velocity estimation from PP - and PS -reflected/diffracted waves. In this new context, we greatly benefit from the use of locally coherent events by stereotomography. In particular, when applied to S -wave velocity estimation from PS -data, no pairing of PP - and PS -events is a priori required. In our procedure the P -wave velocity model is obtained first using stereotomography on PP -arrivals. Then the S -wave velocity model is obtained using PS -stereotomography on PS -arrivals fixing the P -wave velocity model. We present an application to an 'ideal' synthetic data set demonstrating the relevance of the approach, which allows us to recover depth consistent P - and S -waves velocity models even if no pairing of PP - and PS -events is introduced. Finally, results to a real data set from the Gulf of Mexico are presented demonstrating the potential of the method in a noisy data context.  相似文献   

This study describes an examination of surface gravity changes caused by dislocations within a 3-D heterogeneous earth. This new theory is described using six independent dislocations: a vertical strike-slip, two vertical dip-slips perpendicular to each other, and three tensile openings on three perpendicular planes. A combination of the six independent dislocations is useful to compute coseismic gravity changes resulting from an arbitrary seismic source at an arbitrary position. Based on the 3-D lateral inhomogeneous P -wave velocity model, we deduce the 3-D density and S -wave velocity models using the relation of Karato. Finally, numerical computations are performed for a location south of Japan (30°N, 135°E). We calculate the coseismic gravity changes resulting from the six independent dislocations for source depths of 100, 300 and 637 km, respectively. Numerical results show that the maximum 3-D effect varies concomitantly with the dislocation type and the source depth. For seismic problems, the effect of elastic parameter  μ  is dominant.  相似文献   

A lower mantle S-wave triplication and the shear velocity structure of D"   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary. A lower mantle S-wave triplication detected with short- and long-period WWSSN and CSN recordings indicates a substantial shear velocity discontinuity near 280 km above the core–mantle boundary. The triplication can be observed in rotated SH seismograms from intermediate and deep focus events throughout the distance range from 70° to 95°. Three distinct source region–receiver array combinations that have been investigated in detail demonstrate consistent travel time and relative amplitude behaviour of the triplication, with slight systematic shifts in the triplication indicating up to 40 km variations in the depth of the discontinuity. Modelling of the observations with synthetic seismograms produced with the Cagniard de Hoop and reflectivity methods constrains the shear velocity increase to be 235 ± 0.25 per cent, comparable to upper mantle discontinuities. Short-period observations indicate that the velocity increase may be a sharp first-order discontinuity, or may extend over a transition zone no more than 50 km thick. The shear velocity gradient below the discontinuity, within the D" layer, is not well-constrained by the SH data, but slightly positive or near zero velocity gradients are consistent with the long-period amplitude ratios of ScSH/SH .  相似文献   

Summary. P -wave relative teleseismic residuals were measured for a network of seismological stations along a 300 km profile across the Adamawa Plateau and the Central African Shear Zone of central Cameroon, to determine the variation in crust and upper mantle velocity associated with these structures. A plot of the mean relative residuals for the stations shows a long wavelength (> 300 km) variation of amplitude 0.45 s. the slowest arrivals are located over and just to the north, of the faulted northern margin of the Adamawa Plateau. the residuals do not correlate with topography, surface geology or the previously determined crustal structure, in any simple way.
The Aki inversion technique has been used to invert the relative residuals into a 3-D model of velocity perturbations from a mean earth model. the results show the region is divided roughly into three blocks by two subvertical boundaries, striking ENE and traversing both the crust and upper mantle down to depths greater than 190km. the central block, which is 2 per cent slower than the adjacent blocks, roughly corresponds to the Central African Shear Zone. the Adamawa Plateau, as an individual uplifted area, is explained by the interaction of a regional anomalous upper mantle associated with the West African Rift System, and the Central African Shear Zone, which provided a conduit for heat flow to the surface.  相似文献   

On crustal corrections in surface wave tomography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mantle models from surface waves rely on good crustal corrections. We investigated how far ray theoretical and finite frequency approximations can predict crustal corrections for fundamental mode surface waves. Using a spectral element method, we calculated synthetic seismograms in transversely isotropic PREM and in the 3-D crustal model Crust2.0 on top of PREM, and measured the corresponding time-shifts as a function of period. We then applied phase corrections to the PREM seismograms using ray theory and finite frequency theory with exact local phase velocity perturbations from Crust2.0 and looked at the residual time-shifts. After crustal corrections, residuals fall within the uncertainty of measured phase velocities for periods longer than 60 and 80 s for Rayleigh and Love waves, respectively. Rayleigh and Love waves are affected in a highly non-linear way by the crustal type. Oceanic crust affects Love waves stronger, while Rayleigh waves change most in continental crust. As a consequence, we find that the imperfect crustal corrections could have a large impact on our inferences of radial anisotropy. If we want to map anisotropy correctly, we should invert simultaneously for mantle and crust. The latter can only be achieved by using perturbation theory from a good 3-D starting model, or implementing full non-linearity from a 1-D starting model.  相似文献   

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