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尚海洋  苏芳 《冰川冻土》2012,34(4):983-989
随着生态补偿研究的不断深入与生态补偿工程的广泛实施, 提高了人们对于环境问题的认识, 遏制了生态脆弱地区环境的进一步退化.实施生态补偿的环境保护作用显而易见, 不乏论述, 但对于改善农户生计水平, 提高生计资本的效用却鲜有论及.从农户生计入手, 评估农户的生计资本, 量化实施生态补偿对农户生计资本的影响, 分析生态补偿方式对农户生计资本的影响作用, 有利于揭示与评估生态补偿实施的有效性.对于地处黑河流域中游地区的张掖市来讲, 可以通过提高人力资本、 物质资本和金融资本的水平, 从而整体上提高农户的生计资本水平. 政策支持和资金支持两种补偿方式被多数农户作为首先的补偿方式, 而将物质支持作为首先的补偿方式人数较少; 技术补偿和物质补偿对物质资本、 物质补偿和政策补偿对社会资本显著, 且对于各生计资本的组份有正向拉动作用. 此外, 尝试分析了对各种补偿方式对生计资本拉动作用原因的推断.  相似文献   

针对甘南黄河水源补给区实施的退牧还草工程, 基于"可持续生计框架", 建立生计资本指标, 利用农户调查资料, 测算生态补偿前后农户的生计资本, 采用均值比较分析和协方差分析评估生态补偿对农户生计资本的影响, 最后提出应建立多样化、差别化的补偿方式, 来提高不同地区农户的生计资本. 结果表明: 与退牧前相比, 农户的生计总资本显著增加, 由退牧前的0.216增至目前的0.277, 其中人力资本、物质资本、金融资本、社会资本分别增加了0.094、0.075、0.115、0.040, 自然资本显著下降, 降低了0.023. 生态补偿对农户生计资本结构的影响具有区域差异性, 生计资本总指数增幅最大的是半农半牧区, 依次是农区、纯牧区; 生态补偿对农户各生计资本关系的影响具有区域差异性, 实施生态补偿后纯牧区农户各生计资本之间的相关程度增强, 而半农半牧区和农区农户各生计资本之间的相关程度减弱.  相似文献   

苏芳 《冰川冻土》2014,36(6):1591-1598
通过对不同生态补偿方式的对比分析, 可知生态补偿能够在一定程度上提升农户的生活水平, 促进农户五种生计资本的合理均衡分布. 而资金支持的补偿方式对于农户生活的提升最为有效, 技术支持的补偿方式对促进农户生计资本的合理分布更为有效. 从对农户人力资本的影响来看, 政府可以通过对农户给予资金支持, 从而有效促进农户人力资本的提高; 从对农户物质资本的影响来看, 政府可以通过对农户给予技术支持, 从而有效促进农户物质资本的提高; 从对农户金融资本的影响来看, 政府可以通过对农户给予资金和技术支持, 从而有效促进农户金融资本的提高, 弥补农户由于实施生态补偿后所损失的利益, 提高农户的生计水平.  相似文献   

本文以武汉市中心城区和远城区为实证,通过问卷调查的方式获得相关数据,在对农户样本特征和生态效益认知进行描述性分析的基础上,应用意愿调查法构建模拟假想的补偿政策和交易市场,从耕地产生正外部效益角度对农民进行补偿,测算出农户参与耕地保护的受偿意愿及额度,并对农户获得耕地补偿后能否真正执行与实施耕地保护行为的影响因素进行分析。研究表明:农户对耕地的生态效益认知较薄弱;测算出武汉市农户参与耕地保护受偿意愿平均为每年每亩450.95元;农户耕地保护行为的参与意愿与个体的文化特征、经济特征和耕地保护政策认知有较强的相关性。因此,耕地资源保护不仅要给予农户经济激励补偿,也要从意识上提高生态环境认知,实现农业生产方式和生产结构的转变,充分调动农民保护耕地的积极性和主动性,落实耕地的最终保护责任,才能最终解决耕地生态服务供给不足的问题。  相似文献   

苏芳 《冰川冻土》2016,38(2):549-557
新型城镇化建设鼓励农村剩余劳动力向城市转移,同时农村劳动力转移的持续发展又进一步加大了对新型城镇化建设的支持力度.由于劳动者的整体素质较低以及务工领域低端化等因素的存在,农村劳动力转移具有一定的脆弱性.甘肃省城镇化水平滞后、城乡差距较大等问题依然突出,农户作为农村地区最主要的经济活动主体与最基本的决策单位,劳动力转移的状况直接影响到其生计水平和区域生态安全.以甘肃省14个地州市为研究区,通过对可持续生计框架的应用,揭示劳动力转移的关键性因素,定量评估劳动力转移对农户生计资本的影响程度,总结出有利于提高甘肃省农户发展能力、改善农户生计水平的政策建议,从而为促进西部地区可持续发展、缓解贫困、实现精准扶贫提供参考依据.  相似文献   

苏芳  李景坤  许韶华 《冰川冻土》2017,39(6):1381-1390
当今,农户生计风险在农村社会建设的过程中是最为重要和核心的问题之一。作为基本的社会经济单元,农户正面临着来自经济、社会和自然等各方面的风险。石羊河流域农户由于面临着严峻的风险冲击使其生计脆弱性进一步加剧。所以,急需辨明流域农户面临的主要风险类型,并依此找寻提高农户风险应对能力的对策措施。针对流域农户生计风险的非线性关系和复杂性特征,以及BP神经网络的适用性范围,建立了基于BP神经网络的农户生计风险评价指标体系。并基于入户调查数据,运用熵权法计算得出流域农户生计风险评价指标体系中各种生计风险变量。同时,根据石羊河流域农户所面临生计风险的特征,基于BP神经网络结构模型,确定了其评价结果的表征方法。最终对模型的可行性进行了验证。研究表明:基于BP神经网络的生计风险评价模型对定量化测度农户生计风险的适用性较强,这可为决策部门定量评估农户生计风险提供依据。  相似文献   

杨林  汪磊 《上海国土资源》2021,(1):58-62,83
易地扶贫搬迁改变了搬迁农户生计策略,同时影响了其土地利用行为,二者之间的耦合协调度直接影响着农户的可持续生计。本文以贵州省习水县易地搬迁农户调研数据为基础,构建以农户生计策略和土地利用行为为子系统的耦合协调度模型,分析2个子系统之间的耦合关系和耦合协调关系。研究表明:纯农型农户、农兼型农户、兼农型农户生计策略与土地利用行为之间的耦合度值介于0.4~0.5之间,水平较低,处于拮抗状态;不同类型农户生计策略与土地利用行为系统耦合协调度值均处于0.39~0.49之间,处于濒临失调阶段,存在较大优化空间;传统的农业生产形式对于改善农户生计无明显效果,引导农户向专业农业型农户转变对于促进移民安置区“人地系统”协调发展大有裨益。研究结果可为农户生计与土地利用的可持续发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

可持续生计分析研究综述   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
可持续生计分析框架是围绕可持续发展而提出的一种新的研究工具,是一种旨在分析社会和物质环境之间多维复杂关系的框架。通过对可持续生计研究中的国外进展的系统阐述和理论总结,较为清晰和全面地把握了可持续生计分析框架的发展轨迹和重要成果,重点阐明了可持续生计分析框架中的脆弱性背景、生计资本、生计战略和生计输出、结构和过程的转变等组分以及它们之间的相互关系,显示出人们如何利用大量的资本、权利和可能的策略去追求某种生计出路的途径。并在此基础上,讨论了可持续生计分析框架在规划确认和设计、规划新的项目和检查评估现有发展活动中的应用;这些研究在扶贫领域具有较强的参照和指导意义。  相似文献   

条件价值法是目前资源环境经济价值货币评估中较为广泛的应用方法,其经济理论基础虽已趋完善,但准确性仍受质疑,而双边界二分式条件价值法是可以最大限度地减少偏差的支付诱导方式。本文将双边界二分式CVM模型引入农民对耕地资源保护补偿意愿的经济价值评估研究中,为平衡同一主体受偿意愿与支付意愿存在较大的差异性,基于不同的假想市场,以武汉市450份农村居民意愿为例,进行农户对耕地资源保护的接受意愿和支付意愿的实证分析,以探索条件价值评估法双边界二分式意愿引导技术在我国应用的适用性。研究表明:农户的受偿意愿每亩在309.30~650.39元之间,其点估计值为477.47元;支付意愿在206.87~380.38元之间,其点估计值为290.86元。根据我国国情、补偿时空差异性和实施的可操作性,确定具有一定弹性的耕地资源保护补偿意愿标准为每亩290.86~477.47元之间。  相似文献   

一、宣传主题 土地与转变发展方式——依法管地集约用地二、宣传口号1.十分珍惜、合理利用每寸土地,切实保护耕地是我国的基本国策2.严守18亿亩耕地红线不动摇3.保护耕地,就是保护我们的生命线3.保护耕地,就是保护我们的生命线4.珍惜土地资源,构建和谐社会5.保护耕地是国策,科学用地是职责6.坚持和落实最严格的耕地保护制度和最严格的节约用地制度7.严格保护基本农田,确保国家粮食安全  相似文献   

Elsa DaCosta 《Geoforum》2007,38(1):190-206
Central Vi?t Nam is one of the most vulnerable areas in the country to natural disasters. In 1985 a major typhoon hit the Tam Giang Lagoon coastal area in the province of Th?a Tiên-Hu?, Central Vi?t Nam, with severe impacts on the sampan dwellers who lived there on boats and fished for their livelihoods. Since then, the government has attempted to resettle them on land in order to decrease their vulnerability to such events. Consequently, this process has changed the livelihood options as well as the social networks of the sampan dwellers. This study of the resettlement village of Th?y ?i?n analyses the social networks and different forms of social capital being utilised by the resettled sampan dwellers as part of their changing livelihoods and questions whether the social capital formed will indeed lead to a long term decrease in vulnerability. It is found that while bonding and linking social capital have been newly formed, the trust required for bridging social capital formation is still missing, and this in turn is hindering the possibilities of sustainable livelihood formation.  相似文献   

刘晓梅  赵丰民 《山东地质》2010,(12):34-35,38
近年来,基本农田植树的现象越来越严重,耕地保护的形式日益严峻。以莱芜市莱城区张家洼街道办事处为例,分析其中的原因,主要为部分农民耕地保护意识淡薄;而种树投入少却见效快;此外,还有农村劳动力减少等原因,建议要改变现状应加快政策研究,使法律更加完善;出台地方保护政策,建立奖惩制度;成立专门工作班子,采取强制措施,加大宣传力度,营造良好氛围等措施。  相似文献   

What started as a media-driven hype about the global land rush has developed into a well-established academic debate on land governance and an important domain for policy intervention. Research over the past decade has deepened our understanding of how land, water and forests, which were once considered to be local assets and the sources of livelihoods, are transformed into global goods and the focus of capital investments. We are now clearly aware that such transformation generates significant impacts on the livelihood security of vulnerable groups. In response to this, a variety of policy interventions have been devised to minimize the negative impacts (‘do not harm’) and create new opportunities (‘do good’). Yet, it is still unclear how actual policy implementations play out on the ground, what the real impacts are at the local level and whether these interventions help people to improve their livelihoods. In this paper, we present an overview of the existing intervention approaches and their theoretical underpinnings, and discuss how to optimize the developmental outcomes. We argue that the once popular livelihood research framework should be revised and then incorporated more robustly in the existing intervention approaches, as it could help investors and governmental actors to engage in making their investments more relevant to local development.  相似文献   

张广安  王坤  张伟 《山东地质》2010,(4):34-35,38
泰安市泰山区积极探索强化动态巡查,有效发现制止违法用地行为,组织联合执法,把各种国土资源违法行为消灭在萌芽状态。组建国土城建联合执法中队,采用及时发现、快速制止、依法拆除的有效手段;组建国土资源信息协管员队伍,以形成耕地保护网络组织;组建泰山国土资源保护青年志愿者队伍,以带动广大青年积极参与国土资源管理工作,有效形成了国土资源监管共同责任机制,延伸了国土资源管理的触角,共同营造了珍爱国土、保护耕地的良好氛围。  相似文献   

In the recent explosion of attention given to the land grabbing phenomenon, contract farming has been identified as a potentially inclusive alternative for smallholders to outright acquisition of farm land by agri-business capital. This paper responds to these claims by resituating contract farming as an equally important form of land control. The focus of the paper is a case study of potato contract farming in Maharashtra, India. While there is ‘nothing new’ about contract farming as a mode of agriculture production in India, its influence on patterns of agrarian change is poorly understood. Adopting an agrarian political economy-informed livelihoods approach, the paper argues that rather than an inclusive alternative to land grabbing, contract farming in the study site represents another way that capital is coming to control land in rural India, with just as important implications for agrarian livelihoods. While some individual households have improved their livelihoods through participation, the contract scheme acts to reinforce already existing patterns of inequality. In particular, the unequal power relations between firm and farmer skew the capture of benefits towards the firm, and render participating households vulnerable to indebtedness and loss of autonomy over land and livelihood decisions.  相似文献   

The livelihood strategies of former rubber tappers in the Amazon region are rapidly shifting from extraction of non-timber forest products to mixed systems based on agriculture and small scale cattle ranching. Using a combination of participatory methods and Geographical Information Systems, a case study in western Acre, Brazil explores how rubber tapper livelihood strategies may be changing, and the implications of these changes for land use and forest cover. Field (cattle pasture and agriculture) expansion and the decline of forest extractivism present challenges to many regional conservation and development projects such as sustainable settlement projects and extractive reserves seeking to develop forest-based livelihood alternatives to limit deforestation. Sustainability goals require researchers and policy makers to address the still experimental status of these forest-based organizational units, the heterogeneity and dynamism of extractivist livelihoods, and the necessary importance of small-scale cattle ranching for insurance and income generation among many former and current extractivists.  相似文献   

The transition from one system to another as a mechanism of adaptation to an external disturbance is widely discussed in terms of ‘regime shifts’ in resilience research. But occupational transitions by communities due to coastal hazards such as coastal erosion and strong waves have not been studied in depth from a systems perspective. Such a perspective can contribute towards a better understanding of the process and pattern behind transformation among coastal societies. The present case study of coastal occupational communities in Central Java province, Indonesia, includes fishers, brackish pond farmers and labourers. It investigates the historical occupational transitions and the factors that drive them. The study draws on Participatory Rural Appraisal exercises such as historical timeline analysis and participatory discussions along with a socio-economic survey to study the factors and processes that led these communities to transitional pathways. Historical narratives of the community reveal the significance and influence of livelihood capitals such as social, human, financial, physical and natural capital in the transitions. Through the ‘Marble and Cup’ conceptual framework of the systems transitions, the irreversibility of occupational transitions due to the destruction of natural assets is outlined. This depicts a multi-locale and one-dimensional transition to a singular occupational mode (essentially labourers) in the face of a disturbance like sea level rise, necessitating transformation and building of the livelihood capitals across geographical scales.  相似文献   

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