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在中国共产党十三大改革开放方针的指引下,为使我国地震科学沿着民主化、科学化、制度化的轨道发展,国家地震局政策研究室于1987年11月10日至14日在广东省中山市召开了全国地震科学新技术发展战略第一次研讨会。——地震预报发展战略研讨会。国家地震局周锐副局长在会上作了重要讲话。参加会议的有国家地震局的有关职能部门、直属研究所和部分省地震局的负责同志和专家共28人,国家科委政策局也派员参加会议并讲了话。 周锐副局长在讲话中指出:这次会议是在改革开放的背景下召开的。现代科学技术突飞  相似文献   

地震预测研究发展战略几点思考   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
2004年12月13—14日,中国地震局在北京召开了《地震预报发展战略研讨会》,近80位院士、专家参加了会议。会议分二个阶段进行,第一阶段是专题报告,第二阶段是自由发言。专题报告观点明确,内容丰富,论述详实。自由发言踊跃,提出了很多很好的建议。陈建民局长、宋瑞祥同志分别到会发表了重要讲话。与会院士、专家一致认为,这是一次学术空气、讨论氛围都很好的会议。院士、专家们的很多建议对制定我国地震预报发展战略都具有十分重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

概述了1995年8月在满州里召开的中国地震预报战略研讨会所涉及的主要问题和取得的共识:近30年来初步形成了一套符合中国大陆的地震预测科学思路、方法,并在一定程度上成功预报了某些中、强地震。  相似文献   

中国地震学会地震预报专业委员会、中国地震局地震预报协调组和山西省地震局于2006年5月21—23日在山西太原联合举办了2006年度地震预报研讨会。本次会议的主要内容为:(1)地震预报新方法探索(特别是数字地震资料的应用)。(2)“十一五”攻关内容研讨。(3)会商会制度改革讨论与地  相似文献   

地震预报攻关现已进入“战略相持”阶段。在新阶段,需要倡导多元化的科学观,全面地认识地下流体的作用,正确提出地震预报科学研究的基本课题;重大工作任务是,积累高质量的长期观测资料,开展5方面的基础与应用研究,促进多学科大综合。此阶段研究工作的前景是十分广阔的。  相似文献   

详细叙述了自1966年邢台地震以来,我国地震预报研究与实践的主要进展:建设成了多学科的地震观测系统,为地震预报打下了良好基础;进行了大量震例研究,初步建立了地震预报的判据和指标体系;进行了地震预报理论的实验和研究,提出了多种地震孕育发生模型及前兆机理;通过20多年的5次地震预报攻关研究,形成了数十种地震预报方法;边研究,边预报,几十年来成功地预报了20多次破坏性地震,并取得了减灾实效,使我国地震预报的科学水平居于世界前列。本文还对地震预报尚需解决的科学难题进行探讨。  相似文献   

2004年12月13—14日,中国地震局监测预报司在北京召开地震预报发展战略研讨会。这次会议受到中国地震局党组、局领导的高度重视。会上散发了由中国地震局监测预报司主编的《国外地震预报文献汇编》,收录了国外地震学家在地震预报思路方面的重要论文34篇,在地震预报方法方面的重要论文31篇,在地震机理研究方面的重要论文15篇。在所收录的重要论文中,相当一部分论文来自《世界地震译丛》。它们是:  相似文献   

1983—1985年进行的“清理攻关”,是我国地震预报研究过程中的一项重要部署。当时的任务要求是:对十多年来地震预报的观测技术、观测资料和预报方法从科学上进行全面的清理。它不是一般的工作总结,而是通过广泛深入地科学研究,作出科学鉴别的评价,所以叫做清理攻关。现在提出的科学攻关,则是在认清现有科学技术现状的基础上,分析地震预报研究发展的动态,提出新的科学目标,跨出新的步子,既要研究利用已有  相似文献   

1引言1999年11月29日,在辽宁省岫岩-海城交界处发生了5.6级地震,震前做出了准确的预报,也采取了有效的预防措施,因而取得了显著的经济效益、社会效益和很好的政治影响,受到了中国地震局和辽宁省人民政府的表彰,也受到了广大地震工作者的关注.可以说,这次地震预报成功是我国东部经济发达、人口稠密地区继1975年海城7.3级地震预报成功后,二十多年中又一次成功的地震预报事件.这既让广大地震工作者为地震预报多年含辛茹苦地探索,终于又一次取得进展而欢欣鼓舞,同时也都在思考,为什么辽宁的地震工作者这么幸运,1975年海城地震预…  相似文献   

中国地震学会地震预报委员会成立大会暨中国地震预报战略研讨会于1996年1月13—15日在太原市召开。28个单位近70名学者和代表出席了会议。中国地震学会副理事长马宗晋院士代表中国地震学会宣布第四届常务理事会第2次会议关于地震前兆专业委员会更名为地震预报专业委员会,任命罗灼礼为主任的决定。罗灼礼主任宣布了本届委员聘任名单。会议共收到专题报告摘要60余篇、会议报告40余篇。马宗晋作了从全球应力场寻求场源关系的报告,梅世蓉论述了板内强震孕育模式与物理预报的可能性。  相似文献   

《Astronomy& Geophysics》2008,49(2):2.39-2.39
Now that the Society has returned to Burlington House, normal life can resume, and that includes Saturday opening of the Library.  相似文献   

This review covers several aspects of magnetopause research during the two-year period from mid-1991 to mid-1993. It focusses upon three topics which received renewed attention: the structure of the steady-state magnetopause, the origin of the transient events which are superimposed upon it, and the cause of transient signatures observed by high-latitude dayside ground magnetometers. Case and statistical studies defined the relatively unknown characteristics of the magnetosheath plasma layers lying outside the magnetopause, while theoretical studies provided alternative explanations for the presence of magnetosheath plasma within the LLBL. Evidence was presented for a steady transition from magnetosheath to magnetospheric plasma parameters. Detailed studies described the plasma, energetic particle, and magnetic field characteristics of transient events in the outer dayside magnetosphere, and multipoint studies provided important new information concerning the ionospheric response to sudden changes in solar wind parameters. This review emphasizes the competing explanations which have been advanced to explain these phenomena.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of a hydrogeological survey aimed to substantiate the engineering recultivation of accumulation ponds of lignin mud by inwashing it with coal ash. The ash bed causes compression consolidation of lignin bed, leading to an increase in the pond seal margin. The mass exchange between the ash and the lignin mud is accompanied by changes in the hydrogeochemical conditions: the mineralization of the liquid phase of technogenic soils increases by a factor of up to 8, and the concentration of microcomplex increases to very high values. The analysis of the qualitative state of groundwater showed it to be tolerant to the effect of accumulation ponds. The moderate deviation from the local natural background is due to other pollution sources. The applied recultivation technology is effective and environmentally safe, though it needs modernization. The alternative technology, proposed by OOO VEB-Inzhiniiring, i.e., grouting the pond content, is extremely hazardous, and the implementation of the project involves considerable environmental risk because of the possible loss of pond containment.  相似文献   

《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2002,64(12-14):1525-1529
Almost no new theoretical work has been conducted in the area of mid-latitude F-region plasma instabilities since Perkin's (J. Geophys. Res. 78 (1973) 218) linear theory. New experimental data now suggest that the nonlinear development of mid-latitude F-region structures includes large polarization electric fields which dominate the final state. Airglow and radar data show that ΣP is greatly depleted in some regions, which is in agreement with a polarization hypothesis. We hope these new results will inspire new simulations with some anticipation of solving this perplexing but fascinating problem.  相似文献   

The development and utilization of telescopes for educational purposes were discussed on 18 August at a special session of the IAU in Manchester. The session, which was organized by Barrie Jones and Alan Pickwick of the RAS Education Committee, was entitled "Astronomy Research Projects for School and University Students". Peter Bond summarizes.  相似文献   

Summary from earth-current observations made at Mogadiscio the lunar-diurnal variation has been derived for the northward component, and by means of a special method lunar variations during daylight hours and night hours have been determined separately. The results have been compared with corresponding results from other observatories.
Zusammenfassung Für die Nordkomponente des Erdstromes in Mogadiscio ist die mondentägige Variation abgeleitet worden, und ferner sind die lunaren Variationen dieser Komponente, für die Stunden des Tages und des Nachts getrennt, durch eine spezielle Methode hergeleitet worden. Die Resultate sind mit entsprechenden Resultaten anderer Observatorien verglichen worden.

The magnetopause separates the geomagnetic field from the interplanetary plasma and performs finite motions under the action of the solar wind pressure variable in time. Accelerations originating in this case result in that the necessary condition for the development of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability is formed at quite a definite motion phase. We can anticipate that the instability will develop during compression of the magnetosphere. It should be taken into account that the magnetopause is a potential tangential discontinuity. On the one hand, a plasma flow along the magnetopause results in a decrease in the Rayleigh-Taylor instability threshold. On the other hand, the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability threshold, typical of the tangential discontinuity, also decreases during the magnetosphere compression phase. Thus, if we speak about the magnetopause, it is natural and necessary to jointly consider both types of instability. Main information on the combined Rayleigh-Taylor-Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is presented, the dispersion equation determining the evolution of small perturbations is considered, and the possible geophysical applications to the theory (e.g., penetration of the solar plasma into the magnetosphere, excitation of global Pc5 oscillations) are indicated.  相似文献   

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