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The ongoing debate about the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediternean is fuelled in part by the lack of an adequate time control. The most accurate and, at the same time, detailed constraints are nowadays provided by the astronomical dating technique. Here we present an astronomical age model for the cyclically bedded Tripoli diatomite Formation on Sicily (pre-evaporite Messinian, Italy) based on an integrated stratigraphic study of three key-sections, Falconara, Gibliscemi and Capodarso. Characteristic sedimentary cycle patterns allow (i) the sections to be cyclostratigraphically correlated, the 'bed-to-bed' correlations being confirmed by high-resolution planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, and (ii) the Tripoli cycles to be calibrated to the astronomical record. Despite minor misfits the correctness of the tuning is evident from the match between precession-obliquity interference in the astronomical target and its reflection in the sedimentary cycle record. The tuning provides absolute astronomical ages for all sedimentary cycles and planktonic foraminiferal events. The base of the Tripoli is astronomically dated at 7.005 Ma, indicating that the onset of diatomite formation is diachronous in the Mediternean since it started 300 000 years earlier on Sicily than on Gavdos, south of Crete. The top of the Tripoli, and thus the onset of the salinity crisis proper on Sicily, arrives at 5.98 Ma.  相似文献   

A very rich and diversified dasycladalean algal assemblage has been discovered from the Sylhet Limestone Formation (lower-middle Eocene) of the Bengal Basin of India for the first time. The depositional environments of the Sylhet Limestone Formation have been discussed based on the presence of the 11 species of the dasycladalean algae belonging to the three families Dasycladaceae (Cymopolia inflataramosa Segonzac, C. mayaenese Johnson and Kaska, C. paronai Raineri, Cymopolia sp.), Triploporaceae (Dissocladella lunata Segonzac, Dissocladella sp., Jodotella sloveniaensis Deloffre and Radoicic) and Acetabulariaceae (Clypeina socanensis Deloffre and Radoicic, Clypeina sp., Terquemella sp., Neomeris sp.). The lower Eocene Sylhet Limestone Formation revealed predominance of dasycladalean algal assemblage with the halimedacean and udoteacean algae and rare occurrence of coralline algae. This suggests their luxuriant growth in the open lagoonal to shelf environment at the depth of 5–6 m in the warm waters. There is a gradual decrease in the dasycladalean species and genera in the middle Eocene Sylhet Limestone Formation. The predominance of coralline algae associated with the Sporolithon indicates that the limestone of middle Eocene Sylhet Limestone Formation have been deposited at the littoral to shallow, high energy open shelf marine environments at a depth of about 40–60 m in warm tropical waters.  相似文献   

Various workers have suggested that the Upper Miocene (Messinian) evaporites of the Sicilian Basin formed in a topographic basin of considerable relief, filled with hypersaline water. Our studies indicate that this basin contained shallow water, at least during the deposition of the carbonate rocks intercalated between the gypsum beds. We recognize four basic kinds of limestone: (1) pelletal and pisolitic limestone; (2) skeletal limestone; (3) oöitic limestone, and (4) laminated lime-stone-dolostone. Modern analogs suggest that three of these four kinds of carbonate must have formed close to or above sea level. The evidence supporting this contention includes pellets with algal coatings, pisolites, quiet-water oöids, and algal laminates. Therefore we suggest that the evaporites associated with these carbonates may likewise have formed in relatively shallow water. An alternative conclusion would be that the level of the sea, and the salinity, underwent irregular patterns of profound change.  相似文献   

Ten samples from a Late Messinian section measured at Capo Rossello, a few hundred metres laterally from and stratigraphically immediately below the Miocene/ Pliocene boundary stratotype, have been investigated by various techniques: carbonate content, grain-size analysis, loss on ignition, clay mineral composition, frequency of euryhaline ostracods. Two lithological sub-units. with different palaeoenvironmental implications, are recognized. Both sub-units were deposited after the termination of evaporitic conditions, and immediately after deposition of an ash fall tuff. The lower unit is the Congeria marl which yields the ‘lago-mare’faunal assemblage, the autochthony of which is supported by biometrical analysis of Cyprides agrigentina, indicating brackish, shallow-water conditions with Paratethyan affinities, and the upper, the Arenazzolo, a thin sandy unit indicating a higher energy environment whose duration is estimated at some thousand years. Marine faunas yielded by the Arenazzolo are interpreted as allochthonous. Sedimentary structures suggest a littoral setting at the edge of the lake, or a delta lobe. The main environmental change occurs at the base of the immediately overlying Trubi Formation, where open marine conditions indicative of oceanic depths mark the termination of the Messinian salinity crisis.  相似文献   

The Maastrichtian Patti Formation, which consists of shale - claystone and sandstone members, constitutes one of the three Upper Cretaceous lithostratigraphic units of the intracratonic southeastern Bida Basin, in central Nigeria. Well exposed outcrops of this formation were investigated at various locations around the confluence of the Niger and Benue Rivers. The lithostratigraphic sections were measured and their peculiar sedimentological features such as textures, physical and biogenic sedimentary structures, facies variations and associations were documented and used to interpret the depositional environments and develop a paleogeographic model. Some selected representative samples of the sedimentary depositional facies were also subjected to grain size analysis.Three shoreline sedimentary depositional facies composed of shoreface, tidal channel, and tidal marsh to coastal swamp facies were recognized in the study area. Continental sedimentary depositional facies such as fluvial channel, swamp, and overbank were also documented. The sandstones of the shoreface and tidal channel facies are medium- to coarse-grained, moderately sorted (standard deviation ranges from 0.45–1.28 averaging 0.72), and quartzarenitic. The fluvial channel sandstone facies are coarse- to very coarse-grained, mostly poorly sorted (standard deviation ranges from 0.6–1.56 averaging 1.17), and subarkosic. Typical sedimentary structures displayed by the shoreface and tidal channel facies include burrows, clay drapes, hummocky and herringbone cross stratifications, whereas the fluvial channel sandstone facies are dominated by massive and planar cross beddings. The tidal marsh to coastal swamp shales and ferruginised siltstone facies are fossiliferous and bioturbated, whereas the nonmarine swamp siltstones contain vegetal imprints and lignite interbeds. The overbank claystone facies are massive and kaolinitic.In the study area, a regressive to transgressive model is proposed for the Patti Formation. This model correlates with stratigraphically equivalent sediments of the Ajali and Mamu Formations in the adjacent Anambra Basin to a great extent.  相似文献   

Assemblages of miospores and dinoflagellate cysts encounterd in core samples three boreholes drilled in southern Iraq an Aptian-mid Albian age-range for the Zubair Formation, the largest oil reservoir in southern Iraq and neighbouring Kuwait. Four types of palynofacies have been identified, and are interpreted to indicate delta top swamp and marsh, delta front, prodelta and marine platform environments respectively. Amorphous matter comprises more than 50% of the organic component of some of the palynofacies in the upper part of the Zubair Formation. The rocks with which they are associated are highly rated as a potential source of liquid hydrocarbons. Those deposits yielding less than this (down to 12%) are considered to have moderate potential.  相似文献   

The Asmari Formation(a giant hydrocarbon reservoir)is a thick carbonate sequence of the Oligocenee Miocene in the Zagros Basin,southwest of Iran.This formation is exposed at Tang-e-Lendeh in the Fars interior zone with a thickness of 190 m comprising medium and thick to massive bedded carbonates.The age of the Asmari Formation in the study area is the late Oligocene(Chattian)eearly Miocene(Burdigalian).Ten microfacies are defned,characterizing a gradual shallowing upward trend;the related environments are as follows:open marine(MF 8e10),restricted lagoon(MF 6e7),shoal(MF 3e5),lagoon(MF 2),and tidal fat(MF 1).Based on the environmental interpretations,a homoclinal ramp consisting of inner and middle parts prevails.MF 3e7 are characterized by the occurrence of large and small porcelaneous benthic foraminifera representing a shallow-water setting of an inner ramp,infuenced by wave and tidal processes.MF 8e10,with large particles of coral and algae,represent a deeper fair weather wave base of a middle ramp setting.  相似文献   

Low rank coals from two disparate geological settings have been subjected to petrographic and palynological analysis. The stratigraphic units studied and their locations are the Amphitheatre Formation, St Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory, of Eocene to Oligocene age; and the base of the Ravenscrag Formation, south-central Saskatchewan, of latest Cretaceous to earliest Paleocene age.The depositional setting of the Amphitheatre Formation ranges from distal sand-dominated braided stream and lacustrine environments to proximal gravel-dominated fluvial environments. The coals are low in inertinite (< 6%) and mostly high in huminite (> 85%). In localities with a dominance of angiosperm pollen the relative abundance of eu-ulminite B and densinite is greatest whereas in the ones with a dominantly coniferous pollen assemblage eu-ulminite A is the most prominent maceral. These observations suggest as an immediate cause/effect relationship, an at least partial dependance of present maceral content on floral precursors. This in turn probably reflects a certain combination of depositional environment conditions (pH, Eh, temperature, etc.), that likely controlled the plant community and the preservation of vegetal matter.The depositional environment of coals from the basal part of the Ravenscrag Formation contrasts sharply with that of the Amphitheatre. The Ravenscrag coals formed within a low energy, stable, floodplain environment. Palynological and coal maceral profiles for the basal Ravenscrag Formation coal, which spans the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, indicates that the environment of deposition progressed from an open canopied swamp forest with areas of open water, through a phase of low-lying to open water swamps with herbaceous, pterophytic vegetation to, at least locally, raised bogs. The change in coal petrography across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary is shown to be relatively minor in comparison to subsequent changes in coal petrography in the earliest Paleocene and to changes that occur in the palynological assemblages across the boundary interval.  相似文献   

Pallasites are highly differentiated meteorites and provide a unique sample from the deep interiors of solar system parent bodies. They contain evidence of the former existence of one or more residual melts. Olivine is a major phase. Its primary shape is rounded; the angular crystals in many pallasites are secondary. Tubular inclusions are widespread. They perhaps are the residence of CO2, released during laboratory heating experiments. Phosphoran olivine, a new variety of olivine containing 4–5 wt% P2O5, occurs in a few pallasites. Its Fe/Mg ratio is apparently independent of the host olivine composition.Pyroxene (not previously described from pallasites) occurs in symplectic intergrowths in seven meteorites. Compositionally, it lies in the gap between pyroxenes in chondrites and most irons. There are two groups: Fs11.6 ± 0.2 and Fs16.7 ± 0.2 The pyroxene contains exceptionally low Ca (< 0.1–0.2 wt%) and there is an indication of an inverse relation between Fe and Ca.Modal analyses and density measurements were made on all available specimens and bulk compositions were calculated. The ‘average’ pallasite contains 65 vol. % olivine and 50.5 wt % total Fe. Many of the densities of pallasites cluster around that calculated for close-packed olivine.Pallasites are exotic cumulates. Their textures resemble terrestrial cumulates, as does the presence of olivine and chromite. The metal texture resembles a solidified intercumulus liquid. Those pallasites containing olivine in excess of close-packing were subjected to adcumulus growth, thereby also explaining the widespread mutual borders.There is abundant evidence of deformation. For olivines this includes their fragmental shape and kink banding. Troilite formed a eutectic-like melt with kamacite: pieces of spalled olivine and schreibersite were injected into and captured by this melt. Troilite polycrystallinity resulted from the deformation. This deformation occurred while the pallasites were still deeply buried, resulting in incipient spheroidization of olivine fragments, including the formation of elongate, rounded crystals. A later, lower temperature deformation disrupted plessite.Pallasites formed in multiple parent bodies by processes that recurred in several places within the solar system, as shown by the mineralogical and textural similarities between pallasites that differ in their isotopic and trace element compositions. Type IIIB irons still seem the most likely associated meteorites.Two new pallasites, Dora and Rawlinna, are described briefly.  相似文献   

Dolomitized Main Limestone rocks of the Lower Carboniferous crop out in a narrow band of about three fourths of a mile along the south, east and northeast rims of the South Wales Coalfield Basin which encompasses the general regions of Miskin, Taffs Well and the Clydach, respectively. The thickness of these rocks varies from a maximum of 2,750 feet to nothing.The Ca/Mg ratio in the Main Limestone in general ranged from 1.7 : 1 to over 100 : 1 with less than 2 : 1 to 3.5 : 1 being the commonest. Magnesium content ranged from less than 5% to over 60% (mole percent MgCO3), with 40–50 mole percent p.f. MgCO3 being the commoner.Petrographic study of the Main Limestone led to recognition of six major microfacies. They are: (1) biosparite; (2) dolobiomicrite; (3) quartz-dolomicrite; (4) dolomicrite; (5) oosparite; and (6) dolorudite. In terms of their geographic distribution, dolobiomicrite predominates in the Taffs Well region, while quartz-dolobiomicrite is common in the Clydach region. In terms of their distribution in time, biosparite is common in the basal part (Lower ZC1 zone), dolobiomicrites (including the quartz-bearing variety) in the middle part (ZC1 and C2S1 zone) of the Taffs Well region and its corresponding Calcite-Mudstone Group in the Clydach region.The bulk of dolomitization in these rocks occurred in the Caninia-Seminula zone or the Calcite-Mudstone Group. In this study, it marks geochemical stage B: the sea-connected lagoonal phase similar to one observed today in South Australia. It is suggested that such a sea-connected Lagoon in the Main Limestone Sea formed largely in response to a reef barrier (or a ridge) - a remnant of which is found today between Miskin and the Taffs Well region where the transition from lime to dolomite facies occurs. The Miskin area represented the deeper-water reef flank towards the open sea whereas the Taffs Well region marked the shallow-water reef flank landward.It is concluded that the Main Limestone Series contains predominantly diagenetic dolostones whilst the syngenetic and epigenetic dolostones are restricted in time and space. The diagenetic dolostone dominates in the Taffs Well and Clydach regions.  相似文献   

The position of the Chenka Sequence in the section, original data on its clay minerals, facies and structural parageneses with consideration of volcanic and climatic events, as well as the available published information provide grounds for accepting it as Pliensbachian-Toarcian in age. It is shown that the Chenka sandstones are a facies or group of facies deposited in deltaic-plain or delta-front environments and that it cannot be ranked as an autonomous formation or other stratigraphic unit.  相似文献   

华南地区下奥陶统仑山组为奥陶系最底部的岩石地层单位之一,其以大套白云岩为主要特征,广泛分布于下扬子区。通过对安徽池州洪家剖面仑山组的系统分析,并结合下扬子区多个相关剖面的资料,进一步确定仑山组岩性为白云岩、灰质白云岩和白云质灰岩,夹有部分亮晶颗粒灰岩和亮泥晶颗粒灰岩。整体上以亮晶生屑灰岩或泥晶生屑灰岩的出现作为仑山组顶界,在下扬子区内部、北部及东南部地区以白云质灰岩或灰质白云岩出现为其底界,而在下扬子区西南部大部分地区则以白云岩化出现为其底界。整个仑山组所含生物化石种类和数量较少,自下而上可建立5个牙形石带,分别是Monocostatus sevierensis带、Acanthodus lineatus-A. costatus带、Scolopodus? pseudoplanus带、Glyptoconus quadraplicatus带和Paltodus deltifer-Tripodus proteus带,推测其时代为早奥陶世特马豆克早期。仑山组主要形成于浅潮下带至深潮下带环境中,其地层总厚度和其中的白云岩厚度受到古地理因素的控制。通过岩石学特征分析,推断仑山组白云岩主要为准同生条件下的多种白云岩化作用叠加中等埋藏条件下的白云岩化形成。  相似文献   

Outcrops, offshore wells, electric logs and seismic profiles from northern Tunisia provide an opportunity to decipher the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Strait of Sicily. Messinian deposits (including gypsum beds) near the Tellian Range reveal two successive subaerial erosional surfaces overlain by breccias and marine Zanclean clays, respectively. In the Gulf of Tunis, Messinian thick evaporites (mostly halite) are strongly eroded by a fluvial canyon infilled with Zanclean clays. The first erosional phase is referred to the intra-Messinian tectonic phase and is analogous to that found in Sicily. The second phase corresponds to the Messinian Erosional Surface that postdates the marginal evaporites, to which the entire Sicilian evaporitic series must refer. The Western and Eastern Mediterranean basins were separated during deposition of the central evaporites.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地马家滩地区石盒子组是天然气的重点勘探层位。对马家滩地区石盒子组的岩石学特征和成岩作用研究表明,石盒子组的储层岩石类型主要为石英砂岩、岩屑石英砂岩,少量的长石岩屑砂岩。储层砂岩的成岩作用类型主要有压实和压溶、石英次生加大、胶结、溶解。根据成岩作用特征,建立了研究区储层砂岩的成岩共生序列: 自生伊利石--自生绿泥石--石英次生加大--高岭石--方解石。鄂尔多斯盆地作为中国CO2 地下埋藏的潜在目标区,开展CO2 可能埋藏层段的岩石学特征和成岩作用研究,可为CO2 地质储存的数值模拟研究提供岩石学信息。  相似文献   

Special interest is attached to the Bhander Limestone because it is the only calcareous formation in the very thick elastic sequence of Precambrian age, designated informally as the “Upper” Vindhyan. The sedimentology of the Bhander Limestone was studied in the Mandalgarh-Singoli area of southeastern Rajasthan and adjoining Madhya Pradesh with a view to interpreting the depositional environments of the formation. This study has an important bearing on the exploration for oil in India and presents one of the few examples of Precambrian limestones of which thorough modern sedimentological analysis has been made.The Bhander Limestone comprises micritic limestones, crystalline dolostones, siltstones and shales that show desiccation structures (horizontal fenestrae, bird's-eye structures, mud cracks), very shallow small channels filled with flat-pebble breccia, algal lamination, palisade structure, and occasional ripple marks, ripple lamination and micro-cross-lamination. The major petrographic constituents are micrite, intraclasts, sparry-calcite cement, pseudospar and replacement dolomite. Seven environmentally significant microfacies have been recognized: micrite, silty micrite, graded micrite, dolomitized micrite, neomorphosed micrite, intrasparrudite and intramicrudite.The Bhander Limestone Formation has been divided vertically into four lithofacies: red argillaceous micritic limestones (lithofacies A), interlaminated blue micritic limestones and red dolomite (lithofacies B), olive calcareous shales (lithofacies C), and black micritic limestones (lithofacies D). Each lithofacies is characterized by certain megascopic sedimentary features and microfacies. The various lithofacies have been interpreted as representing deposition in the different subenvironments of a generally low-energy, marginal marine environment comprising tidal flats and lagoons. The vertical changes from one lithofacies to another are interpreted as reflecting the change from one subenvironment to another brought about by the landward shifting of the boundaries of these subenvironments in response to a transgression.  相似文献   

The Tamana Formation of the Central Range of Trinidad was studied in order to determine its importance in the stratigraphical and structural development of north-eastern South America. Biostratigraphical, petrological and mineralogical data, combined with field mapping show that the Tamana sediments are composed of five distinct lithofacies: inner to outer shelf, burrowed shaley mudstone; outer shelf, Fe-rich sandy limestone; submarine channel, conglomeratic mudstone; middle shelf to nearshore, algal-foram packstone/grainstone; and intertidal to nearshore, algal-stromatolite-coral boundstone with coral bioherms. Maximum thickness of the Tamana Formation is 244 m. Deposition of the Tamana limestones occurred between the Praeorbulina glomerosa (latest early Miocene) and Globorotalia fohsi robusta (middle part of the middle Miocene) planktonic foraminiferal zones, and in a more continuous trend than is seen in the current outcrop belt. Detailed biostratigraphy shows that the Tamana Formation is a facies equivalent of the shallow- and deep-water shales of the Brasso Formation, and the deep water turbidites of the Herrera Member of the Cipero Formation. The early diagenetic history of the Tamana limestones was dominated by the precipitation of authigenic glauconitic smectite, and the dissolution of skeletal grains and carbonate matrix. Late burial diagenesis was dominated by the precipitation of illite and illite/smectite. Comparative mineralogy and textural analyses indicate a minimum range of burial depth for the Tamana Formation at 800–1500m, with a maximum of 2400 m. Alteration of Fe-bearing minerals to geothite and late fracturing occurred during post-Pliocene tectonic uplift and unroofing of the Central Range. The Tamana Formation sediments can be used as a structural and stratigraphical event marker within the Late Tertiary geological history of Trinidad. These units record a phase of the tectonic interaction between the Caribbean and South American plates in the south-eastern Caribbean, and reflect the onset of contractile deformation in the Central Range.  相似文献   

The petrology and geochemistry of the Azores Islands   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Forty lavas from the Azores Islands have been analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr ratios, major elements, first transition series metals, and LIL elements. The samples belong to the alkali basalt magma series but range from transitional hy-normative basalts from Terceira to basanitoids from Santa Maria. Differentiated lavas include both typical trachytes and comenditic trachytes and comendites. Major and trace element concentrations define smooth trends on variation diagrams, and these trends can be related to phases crystallizing in the rocks. Systematic interisland differences are also apparent in these variation diagrams. LIL element concentrations in island basalts are roughly twice as high as those in tholeiites from the adjacent Mid-Atlantic Ridge which transects the Azores Plateau. 87Sr/86Sr ratios in lavas from 6 of the 9 islands range from 0.70332 to 0.70354, a range similar to that found in tholeiites from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge transect of the Azores Plateau. This suggests that lavas from these islands and this portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge may be derived from a similar source. However, lavas from the islands of Faial and Pico have 87Sr/86Sr ratios up to 0.70394 and ratios in Sao Miguel lavas range up to 0.70525, suggesting basalts from these islands are derived from a chemically distinct source. Differences in the average LIL element concentrations of the least fractionated ridge tholeiites from the Azores Plateau and alkali basalts from the islands result from differences in extent of partial melting and residual mineralogy. The alkali basalts are derived by roughly half as much melting as are the tholeiites. Trace element concentrations in Azores peralkaline lavas preclude their derivation by partial melting of peridotitic mantle or basaltic crust; rather the data suggest they are produced by fractional crystallization of a basaltic parent.  相似文献   

The Medicine Lake shield volcano is part of the Oregon high alumina plateau basalt petrologic province, as defined by Waters (1962) and Higgins (1973). The early eruptions are basaltic andesites and they constitute a significant portion of the shield-forming lavas. These lavas are characterized by a mild iron enrichment trend produced by fractionation of plagioclase and olivine, together with lesser amounts of clinopyroxene. Siliceous andesites of less areal extent form the shield-capping lavas. Their formation is initiated by the appearance of titanomagnetite as a liquidus phase which prevents further iron enrichment. Additional fractionation of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and minor olivine continued during this interval.An origin for the basaltic andesites which involves the derivation of a liquid by partial melting of lithosphere composed of low Sr87/Sr86 material previously subducted along the continental margin is favored. This magma subsequently fractionated under low pressure conditions, a conclusion supported by least squares mixing calculations.  相似文献   

Marine black shales of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in southern China host Mo–Ni–platinum group elements (PGE) mineralization confined to a phosphate- and pyrite-rich stratiform body (max. 20-cm thick). The H/C atomic ratio, carbon isotopic composition, FTIR spectra of bulk organic matter, and spectra of extractable part of organic matter indicate similar sources and thermal evolution of organic matter in barren and mineralized black shales.The morphology and relative abundance of organic particles in barren and mineralized shales are different. In barren black shales, organic particles comprise only elongated bodies and laminae 2–10 μm across or elongated larger bodies (> 10 μm) with Rmax = 2.96–5.21% (Type I particles). Mineralized black shales contain Type I particles in rock matrix (90–95 vol%), small veinlets or irregular organic accumulations (Type II particles, 1–5 vol%) that display weak to well developed mosaic texture and a variable reflectance (Rmax = 3.55–8.65%), and small (< 1 to 5 μm) rounded or irregular Type III organic particles (1–4 vol%) distributed within phosphate nodules and sulphide rip-up clasts. Type III particles show similar reflectance as particles of Type I in rock matrix. Type I particles are interpreted as remnants of in situ bacterially reworked organic matter of cyanobacteria/algal type, Type II as solidified products or oil-derived material (migrabitumen), and Type III particles as remnants of original organic matter in phosphatized or sulphidized algal/microbial oncolite-like bodies. Equivalent vitrinite reflectances of Type I and III particles in barren and mineralized rocks are similar and correspond to semi-anthracite and anthracite. Micro-Raman spectra of organic particles in rocks display a wide belt in the area of 1600 cm− 1 (G belt) and approximately the same belt in the area of 1350 cm− 1 (D belt). The ratio of integrated areas of the two belts correlate with Rmax values.The Mo–Ni–PGE mineralized body is interpreted as to represent a remnant of phosphate- and sulphide-rich subaquatic hardground supplied with organic material derived from plankton and benthic communities as well as with algal/microbial oncolite-like bodies that originated in wave-agitated, shallow-water, nearshore environment.  相似文献   

The Cambrian Araba Formation exposed in Gabal El Zeit and in the Sinai Peninsula unconformably overlies Precambrian basement rocks, and is in turn overlain unconformably by the Ordovician Naqus formation. The Araba Formation has been subdivided into three informal lithologic units: lower, middle and upper, from field observations. Seven sedimentary facies assignable to three facies associations (fluvial, tidal and coastal to open marine) are recognized within the Araba Formation. The lower unit comprises two main facies: matrix-supported conglomerate (facies-A) in the south (Gabal Araba and Wadi Feiran) and interbeds of granulestone and sandstone (facies-B) in the north (Gabal Dhalal and Taba) deposited in fluvial conditions. The middle unit includes four facies: cross-bedded sandstone (facies-C), thin laminated sandstone (facies-D), burrowed-massive sandstone (facies-E) and rhythmically bedded sandstone–mudstone (facies-F) deposited mainly under tidal conditions in the coastal zone. The upper unit consists mainly of interbeds of burrowed mudstone-siltstone, with Skolithos, probably deposited in open marine environment. The sequence records the southward transgression of the Tethys Ocean over a horst and graben system developed in the late Precambrian on the northern margin of the Arabo-Nubian continent.  相似文献   

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