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This compilation and summary of geochemical exploration conditions in Norden is the second in a series of special issues on exploration geochemistry. The first issue dealt with the Canadian Cordillera and Canadian Shield. The conceptual models from the Canadian Shield form an integral part of the present volume. These studies are an attempt to pull together very extensive exploration geochemical information and define it in terms of a limited number of conceptual models.A total of 45 case histories are presented in this volume which cover various aspects of collection, analysis and interpretation of data from glacial till, stratified drift, organic deposits, stream sediments and water. These data are described in a relationship to the conceptual models outlined by Bradshaw (1975). An overall summary is given with respect to these models and also a summary is given of the relative importance of frost heave, transport by glaciation, transport by water and wind, multiple glacial transport, ion and molecular dispersion, groundwater transport, transport by capillary water, electrochemical transport and mixed dispersion.The final section contains 13 short articles dealing with methods of geochemical exploration which are presently used in the different countries of Norden.  相似文献   

Veronica Crossa 《GeoJournal》2012,77(2):167-183
Latin American scholars have recently discussed the privatization of urban public space. A fundamental aspect of this process is the disintegration of communities because it often targets and affects a peculiarly Latin American kind of public space: the plaza. Plazas have traditionally functioned as cultural centres in Latin American cites. They are central meeting points for political groups, sites of civic expression and public resistance, as well as places to purchase relatively cheap goods and services. Plazas are, therefore, sites in which families, neighbours, and political organizations mingle, interact, and also challenge authority. This paper uses these sorts of insights on public space in Latin America to develop a conceptualization of the plaza as a community centre. However, the multiple practices and interactions that occur in these forms of public space have been disrupted by state-led strategies which seek to privatize and sanitize public space, thereby disrupting??or even destroying??the community centre. I use primary materials on Mexico City??s Historic centre and its plaza to explore the ways in which this specific type of urban public space has been affected physically and symbolically by a regeneration scheme known as the Programa de Rescate.  相似文献   

In real world what we are able to see is just because of light or energy reflected or emitted from the viewing object is falling upon retina of human eye. The variations in intensity of light reflected back from any object in different wavelengths are sensed and provide ability of discriminating different objects having similar size and shape. In the same way, in spectroscopy we sense the reflected light through artificial sensors and record as image (in airborne and satellite spectroscopy) or as spectrum (in field spectroscopy). In remote sensing discrimination of different object mainly depends on difference in reflection of energy in different wavelength region of light. Considering this behaviour of light, in hyperspectral remote sensing the reflected light coming from object is split into multiple continuous and small-small wavelength bands and are sensed in each wave band separately. Therefore we are having reflection response of object in multiple and narrow wavelength regions, which can be used in discrimination of different objects that are not separable in multispectral remote sensing due to less number of broad range wave bands. Collection of data is one aspect of the technology but as soon as these data are collected, a question arises how to and where to use this data? To answer where to use, a list of applications like discrimination, mapping and monitoring of different features and process of landforms in ecosystem have been reported, and forestry is one of them. And question of how to use these data in each applications involve converting the raw data into useful information using a multistep process of atmospheric, radiometric and geometric correction, removal of bad data and data redundancy, transformation and extraction of most useful data, data segmentation and extraction of useful information. For this purpose variety of data processing techniques, algorithms, concepts and schemes have been reported from time to time. In this review article we have summarized the available technical developments in hyperspectral remote sensing during the last three decades and tried to discuss the opportunities and challenges in hyperspectral remote sensing applications in the forestry sector.  相似文献   

This volume summarizes the exploration geochemical conditions in the secondary environment, in the Canadian Cordillera and the Canadian Shield. This is achieved by a number of conceptual models which describe the principles and mechanisms of formation of anomalies, which govern the use of exploration geochemistry. These models have been constructed by drawing together information already existing in the literature plus 38 individual case histories contained in this volume.The formation of anomalies is described for: (1) residual overburden, (2) overburden of local origin (e.g. till), and (3) transported overburden of remote origin (e.g. stratified glacial drift and alluvium). Within each of these categories the effect of element mobility, seepage zones, bogs, variation in overburden thickness, rock type change and soil type change are also described.An attempt has been made, not only to summarize both these conditions where geochemistry can be used as a reliable exploration tool, but also to identify areas where the use of geochemistry is unreliable.A summary is also given of the length of anomalous dispersion and contrast in both soil and sediments for all the case histories quoted, both in this volume and in the literature. This summary is divided according to the type of deposit, i.e. porphyry copper, massive sulphide, etc., and provides a guide for planning the optimum sampling interval.  相似文献   

A new conceptual model for release rate of radionuclides from the proposed repository for high level nuclear waste located at Yucca Mountain, Nevada is developed. The model predicts that heat generated from radioactive decay combined with the unsaturated environment will lead to an inward flow system that, under many relevant conditions, will slow the release of and sometimes sequester radionuclides at locations of higher heat release and lower water percolation. The amount of protection will be greatest for more concentrated waste forms such as spent fuel and less for glass waste forms. The redistribution and concentration of the radionuclides is anticipated to significantly delay radionuclide release and create a tendency towards gradual release over time that is independent of localized penetrations of metallic barriers.  相似文献   

一、公司介绍中国电力工程顾问集团公司(以下简称集团公司)是2002年底根据国家电力体制改革的要求在原国家电力公司所属中国电力工程顾问(集团)有限公司基础上组建、由国资委管理的全民所有制企业。集团公司下属东北、华东、中南、西北、西南五家电力设计院和中国电力建设工程咨询公司(以下简称咨询公司)、华北电力设计院工程有限公司共七家全资子企业和电力规划设计总院一家事业单位。集团现有在职员工8000余人,其中国家级勘察设计大师14人,享受政府特殊津贴的专家136人,专业技术人员6000余人。集团技术力量雄厚,专业配套齐全,具有坚实的综…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONQuantitativebasinmodelinghasbecomeoneofthefrontiersinsedimentarybasinanalySis.Alargevarietyofnumericalmodelsconcerningbasinformation,basinfillingprocess,thermalhistory,hydrocarbongenerationandaCCUmulationhavebeenformulatedoverthelastdecadetondAnctheprocessesandevollltionofsedimentarybasins(Mckenzie,1978,signeretal.,1990;Ungereretal.,1990).Thebasinmodeling,utilizingcomputersimulationtechnique,isapowerfultoolforbasinanalySisandhasincreasinglybeenintegratedintoconventionalbasi…  相似文献   

Rolf Monheim 《GeoJournal》1998,45(4):273-287
Counting pedestrians on a street and visitors entering a store is a method used to measure the attractiveness of these places. Their volumes are governed by daily, weekly, monthly and yearly cycles and are subject to random influences. This must be taken into account especially where comparison counts reveal changes. When single streets or stores are counted, it must be ascertained whether this figure is representative of the whole city centre and its retailing. Pedestrian volumes can be used for adjusting interview samples to the distribution in time and space of the city centre visitors. Counts of the qualitative characteristics of the pedestrian with respect to composition of groups reveal that surveys among pedestrians are biased in relation to the size of the group. Special attention in surveys should be given to the linking of activities. Whereas much emphasis is given to the accessibility of the city centre from outside, the ‘inner accessibility’ of the city centre is just as important. Long distances are often walked and many destinations visited. This is best recorded by conducting interviews at public transport stops and car parks. The attractiveness of the city centre depends not only on its physical structures but very much on the subjective perception of them; therefore judgements on accessibility, goods and services offered and the urban ambiance should be recorded. Retailer's attitudes concerning the qualities of the city centre should also be compiled for comparison. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sustainable management of groundwater resources is vital for development of areas at risk from water-resource over-exploitation. In northeast Thailand, the Phu Thok aquifer is an important water source, particularly in the Thaphra area, where increased groundwater withdrawals may result in water-level decline and saline-water upconing. Three-dimensional finite-difference flow models were developed with MODFLOW to predict the impacts of future pumping on hydraulic heads. Four scenarios of pumping and recharge were defined to evaluate the system response to future usage and climate conditions. Primary model simulations show that groundwater heads will continue to decrease by 4–12?m by the year 2040 at the center of the highly exploited area, under conditions of both increasing pumping and drought. To quantify predictive uncertainty in these estimates, in addition to the primary conceptual model, three alternative conceptual models were used in the simulation of sustainable yields. These alternative models show that, for this case study, a reasonable degree of uncertainty in hydrostratigraphic interpretation is more impactful than uncertainty in recharge distribution or boundary conditions. The uncertainty-analysis results strongly support addressing conceptual-model uncertainty in the practice of groundwater-management modeling. Doing so will better assist decision makers in selecting and implementing robust sustainable strategies.  相似文献   

Hydrograph Separation of the Amazon River: A Methodological Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hydrograph separation of the Amazon river was performed using three different methodologies. Were applied isotopic, filter-separation, and mixing methods to estimate the contributions of the surface runoff (event water) and baseflow (pre-event water) components to the total river flow, during the 1973–1974 hydrological years. The importance of the baseflow contribution, mainly during the peak discharge, suggesting that the groundwater plays a much more active and important role in the storm dynamics, was verified. Similar results were obtained for all the methods used, and the applicability of each one was discussed in detail. For the Amazon river basin, the average contribution of the baseflow was 56% of the total river flow, at peak discharge. The average surface runoff contribution, which represents the water capable of mechanical erosion in drainage basins, expressed in terms of the surface runoff coefficient (Kr), was 31.9%, while the mean contribution of the baseflow, expressed by the baseflow coefficient (Kb), was 68.1%.  相似文献   

高精度热敏电阻温度传感器的技术改进及使用特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘继民  沈颖  赵淑萍 《冰川冻土》2011,33(4):765-771
详细介绍高精度热敏电阻温度传感器的制作和标定技术改进及使用特点.该温度传感器使用热敏电阻作为主要元件,利用其电阻值随温度变化而显著变化的特点,直接将温度的变化转为电量的变化.改进后的热敏电阻温度传感器具有体积小、使用方便、对引线及二次仪表的要求低、标定时间短、测温精度高、稳定可靠、使用范围广、重复性好、能够实现远距离测...  相似文献   

Conceptual models are applied during the various stages of the scientific method and are part of the numerous techniques employed in geologic field, laboratory and interpretative work. Uses of models are manifold, e.g., to show complex relationships, to help in memorizing complicated phenomena and in formulizing meaningful research programmes, to improve critical appraisal of hypotheses and theories, to compel investigators to consider all parameters and all possible alternative interpretations, to visualize phenomena in teaching, to prepare flow charts in computer geology, and to predict concealed and unexplored stratigraphic sections.Nine conceptual models are offered here which cover: (1) hierarchy of factors determining the origin of sediments; (2) depositional sedimentary environments; (3) limestone environments; (4) reef genesis; (5) soil genesis; (6) chemical sedimentary ores; (7) placer sedimentary ores, exemplified by: (8) the Witwatersrand uranium—gold deposits; and (9) an idealized stratigraphic-environmental model.  相似文献   

The tectonic position of Egypt in the northeastern corner of the African continent suggests that it may possess significant geothermal resources, especially along its eastern margin. The most of the thermal springs in Egypt are located along the shores of Gulf of Suez and Red Sea. These springs are probably tectonic or nonvolcanic origin associated with the opening of the Red Sea—Gulf of Suez rifts, where the eastern shore of the Gulf of Suez is characterized by superficial thermal manifestations including a cluster of hot springs with varied temperatures. Hammam Faraun area consists of the hottest spring in Egypt where the water temperature is 70°C. Conceptual as well as numerical models were made on the Hammam Faraun hot spring based on geological, geochemical, and geophysical data. The models show that the heat source of the hot spring is probably derived from high heat flow and deep water circulation controlled by faults associated with the opening of the Red Sea and Gulf of Suez rifts.  相似文献   

研究区钻探施工难度主要表现为:强风化地层占三分二以上,异常松散、破碎,遇冲洗液冲刷即成泥、流沙状,坍塌、埋孔情况频繁;钻孔上段涌水、中段全漏失;钻具因沙埋孔,经常不能到底,下套管、岩矿心采取亦因此而显得异常困难。以ZK4608孔为主,结合ZZ4404孔,对整个矿区的钻探技术研究结果进行了介绍,总结出该区段的钻探工艺为:跟管钻进、安装飞管、及时取粉、边钻边封、双液双泵速效封堵、无水泵干钻卡取等,从而圆满完成了区内18孔计4260m钻探施工任务。  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene, dominantly micritic, Amuri Limestone Group (ALG) was deposited in an approximately NW trending trough, in eastern Marlborough, New Zealand. The ALG comprises: the Mead Hill Formation; the Teredo, Lower and Middle Limestone formations; and the Upper and Lower Marl formations. Chert and dolomite are concentrated in the Mead Hill Formation, which contains five of six recognized diagenetic zones: Zone I at the base of the ALG consists almost entirely of chert; Zone II consists solely of chert and dolomite; Zone III comprises chert and limestone; Zone IV is composed of chert plus dolomite; Zone V is a chertified mudstone; and the minor amounts of chert found in the Middle Limestone Formation comprise Zone VI. With the exception of Zones IV and V, chert decreases stratigraphically upwards and away from the basin centre. All the dolomites are composed of <1 mm diameter rhombohedra in discontinuous beds and lenses. Generally Ca-rich, and non- to slightly ferroan, the dolomite contains approximately 500–900 ppm Mn and 200–400 ppm Sr. δ13C values average 1–2%PDB with δ18O ratios of about -4%PDB. Mass balance calculations indicate that the Mg2+ for dolomitization was derived from sea water. Sr, Fe and Mn concentrations are interpreted as indicating dolomite formation in the marine environment, with no influence from meteoric waters. The intimate association with pyrite implies dolomite formation in association with sulphate reduction, in the upper sediment column. δ18O data show that the bulk of the dolomite formed at temperatures below 50°C. All chert samples contain in excess of 90 wt% SiO2, about 1 wt% Al2O3 and 1 wt% from losses on ignition. Generally all other major elements total less than 2 wt% oxide. δ18O values range from 26·8 to 29·0%SMOW. Chert chemistry is consistent with the replacement of host carbonate and expulsion of carbonate-bound components from the site of chertification, and the effective dilution by SiO2 of non-carbonate-bound insoluble residues. δ18O data indicate that chert formed in fluids of similar composition and temperature as the dolomite. The abundance of disseminated pyrite in cherts implies an association with sulphate reduction. Silica for chertification is thought to have initially come from dissolution of siliceous organisms. However, there is insufficient biogenic silica available to form the volumes of chert observed. It is suggested that the bulk of the silica came from SiO2-rich pore waters generated by clay mineral reactions in the thick underlying mudstones. The ALG compacted down through these pore waters. Chert and dolomite nucleation are considered to have been penecontemporaneous. Dolomitization was initially probably the faster process, continuing as long as sulphate reduction prevailed and there was an adequate supply of Mg2+. The nucleation of chert, although initially slower (probably due to a relatively lower initial SiO2 supply), continued after cessation of dolomitization to the extent of completely chertifying the dolomite intercrystalline matrix. The amount of chertification decreased progressively as SiO2 supplies diminished, both stratigraphically upwards and away from the basin centre.  相似文献   

Regional planning in the U.S.S.R. is part of a comprehensive and hierarchical spatial and sectoral planning system. Four levels are described: (a) the national level, involving the total settlement system; (b) the major regional level, handling major development schemes; (c) the minor regional level, with plans for administrative districts; and (d) the urban level, where city master plans are produced. The amount of detail and scale of working increased downwards through the hierarchy. The most pressing problem is planning for the emergence and growth of cities of 100,000 population or more. Moscow city-region is used as an illustration.  相似文献   

The study of septal patterns in ammonoids has been centered on functional and/or constructional issues. Complexly fluted septa have been considered as complementary structures that reinforce the ammonite shell, their frilled sutures possibly manifesting the demand for strength. Ammonitic sutures display features that denote typical fractal behavior, since they can present very long perimeters relative to the contiguous shell areas, and most provide evidence of statistical self-similarity when observed at varying scales of magnification. However, there is a lower limit of scale measurements below which the fractal behavior of the curve no longer holds, and the perimeter length/step size relationship approaches an Euclidean geometry. This paper describes a new methodology that allows the accurate characterization of suture complexity in ammonoids using the technique of fractal analysis (step-line procedure). The proposed methodology helps to fix the position of this cut-off point, allowing for independent estimates of the fractal dimensions of the curve for both large and small measurement scales (i.e., first and second orders of suture complexity). This approach improves the resolution of fractals in the analysis of suture complexity, thus facilitating the potential interpretation of suture patterns in functional/constructional, evolutionary and paleoecological terms.  相似文献   

断距纵剖面图 (T H图)是指以断层的垂直断距为横轴、以地层或地质年龄为纵轴所绘制的随地层或地质年龄所变化的断距分布图。断距纵剖面图为确定正断层类型、断层形成时间和断层的纵向演化史提供了一个简单迅捷的工具。概念模型表明,断距纵剖面图可以明确无误地区分出简单后沉积型正断层、后沉积拱顶拉张型正断层、同沉积生长型正断层及其复合型正断层。简单后沉积型正断层的断距不随地层年龄的变化而变化, 其断距纵剖面图为一垂直线段。后沉积拱顶拉张型正断层的断距随地层年龄的增大而减小并趋向零值,同沉积生长型正断层的断距随地层年龄的增大而增大,复合型正断层则具其组合型断距纵剖面形态。除简单后沉积型正断层外,断距纵剖面图中的最大断距点代表了该断层的起始形成年代。  相似文献   

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