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Petrographic analysis and chemical analysis of major and trace elements including rare earth elements of the Neoproterozoic sandstones from the Chandarpur Group and the Tiratgarh Formation have been carried out to determine their provenance, tectonic setting and weathering conditions. All sandstone samples are highly enriched in quartz but very poor in feldspar and lithic fragments. Petrographically and geochemically these sandstones are classified as subarkose, sublitharenite and arenite. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA mean 68) and Th/U ratios (mean 4.2) for these sandstones suggest their moderate weathering nature. Generally, all sandstone samples are strongly depleted in major elements (except SiO2), trace elements (except Zr) and REE in comparison with Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS) and Upper Continental Crust (UCC). Their mineralogy and mean of elemental ratios suitable for determination of provenance and tectonic setting, e.g. Al2O3/SiO2 (0.02), K2O/Na2O (10), Eu/Eu* (0.67), (La/Lu)n (10.4), La/Sc (3), Th/Sc (1.2), La/Co (0.22), Th/Co (0.08), and Cr/Th (7.2), support a felsic source and a passive margin tectonic setting for these sandstones. Also these key elemental ratios do not show much variation over a range of SiO2. Thus we attest their significance in determining source rock characteristics of quartz rich sandstones. Chondrite‐normalized REE patterns with LREE enrichment and a strong negative Eu anomaly are also attributed to felsic source rock characteristics for these sandstones. The source rocks identified are granite and gneiss of the Bastar craton. Minor amounts may have been derived from older supracrustals of the Bastar craton. However, the major element data of the Paleoproterozoic Sakoli schists when compared with those of the Neoproterozoic sandstones indicate that the schists were derived from a mafic source and deposited in an active continental margin tectonic setting. There is, however, little difference in CIA values between the Paleoproterozoic Sakoli schists and Neoproterozoic sandstones, indicating prevailing of similar (moderate‐intense) weathering conditions throughout the Proterozoic in the Bastar craton. Our study also suggests a change in the provenance and tectonic setting of deposition of sediments from dominantly a mafic source and an active continental margin in the Paleoproterozoic to dominantly granite and gneiss (felsic source) and a passive continental margin in the Neoproterozoic in the Bastar craton.  相似文献   

Late Cenozoic volcanism in Baja California records the effects of cessation of subduction at a previously convergent, plate margin. Prior to 12.5 m.y., when subduction along the margin of Baja ceased, the predominant volcanic activity had a calc-alkaline signature, ranging in composition from basalt to rhyolite. Acidic pyroclastic activity was common, and possibly represented the westermost, distal edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental province. After 12.5 m.y., however, the style and composition of the magmatic products changed dramatically. The dominant rock type within the Jaraguay and San Borja volcanic fields is a magnesian andesite, with up to 8% MgO at 57% SiO2, low Fe/Mg ratios, and high Na/K ratios. These rocks have unusual trace-element characteristics, with high abundances of Sr (up to 3000 ppm), low contents of Rb; K/Rb ratios are very high (usually over 1000, and up to 2500), and Rb/Sr ratios are low (less than 0.01). Furthermore, Lan/Ybn ratios are high, consistent with derivation from a mantle source with fractionated REE patterns. 87Sr/86Sr ratios are less than 0.7048, and usually less than 0.7040, whereas the pre-12.5 m.y. lavas have 87Sr/86Sr ratios between 0.7038 and 0.7063. We have previously termed these rocks bajaites, in order to distinguish them from other magnesian andesites. Bajaites also occur in southernmost Chile and the Aleutian Islands, areas which also have histories of attempted or successful ridge subduction.It is proposed that the bajaite series is produced during the unusual physico-chemical conditions operating during the subduction of young oceanic lithosphere, or subduction of a spreading centre. During normal subduction, the oceanic crust dehydrates, releasing volatiles (water, Rb and other large-ion lithophile elements) into the overlying wedge. Subduction of younger crust will result in a progressive decrease, and eventual cessation of the transfer of volatiles when subduction stops. Thermal rebound of the mantle may cause the slab to melt, perhaps under eclogitestable conditions. The resulting melt will be heavy-REE-depleted, perhaps dacitic, but will otherwise inherit MORB-like Rb/Sr and K/Rb ratios. The ascending melt will react with the mantle to form the source of the bajaitic rocks. Furthermore, any amphibole in the mantle, stabilised during the higher PH2O conditions of earlier subduction, will break down and contribute a high-K/Rb ratio component.The implications of this study are that firstly, the subducted slab does not contribute a highly fractionated REE component in most modern arcs (i.e. the slab does not melt); secondly, Rb has a very short residence time in the mantle, and its abundance in arc rocks is a direct reflection of the input from the dehydrating slab; and thirdly, bajaitelike rocks may provide recognition of attempted or successful ridge subduction in the geologic past.  相似文献   

Clastic sedimentary rocks record a number of in-formation about the compositions and paleoweathering conditions of the source areas, and the tectonic setting of the depositional basin[1―6]. The traditionallypetrological study commonly utilizes the major com-ponents (Quartz, Feldspar and Lithics) of the silici-clastic sedimentary rocks to investigate the source rock composition and tectonic setting[7]. However, thepetrological method is somewhat limited, because many of the mafic components f…  相似文献   

The Zargoli granite, which extends in a northeast–southwest direction, intrudes into the Eocene–Oligocene regional metamorphic flysch‐type sediments in the northwest of Zahedan. This pluton, based on modal and geochemical classification, is composed of biotite granite and biotite granodiorite, was contaminated by country rocks during its emplacement, and is slightly changed to more aluminous. The SiO2 content of these rocks range from 62.4 to 66 wt% with an alumina saturation index of Shand [molar Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O)] ~ 1.1. Most of its chemical variations could be explained by fractionation or heterogeneous distribution of biotite. The features of the rocks resemble those which are typical to post‐collisional granitoids. Chondrite‐normalized rare‐earth element patterns of these rocks are fractionated at (La/Lu)N = 2.25–11.82 with a pronounced negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 3.25–5.26). Zircon saturation thermometry provides a good estimation of magma temperatures (767.4–789.3°C) for zircon crystallization. These characteristics together with the moderate Mg# [100Mg/(Mg + Fe)] values (44–55), Fe + Mg + Ti (millications) = 130–175, and Al–(Na + K + 2Ca) (millications) = 5–50 may suggest that these rocks have been derived from the dehydration partial melting of quartz–feldspathic meta‐igneous lower crust.  相似文献   

Granitoids and orthogneisses(1.7 Ga) from the northern part of the Banded Gneissic Complex(BGC-II domain), Aravalli Craton(NW India) are geochemically analyzed to understand the geodynamic condition and crustal evolution processes. The samples are metaluminous to peraluminous(molar A/CNK: 0.74±2.12), and characterized by Eu-anomaly ranging from 0.17 to 1.06, Fe2O3T/(Fe2O3T+MgO) from 0.8 to 0.9 and high magmatic zircon saturation t...  相似文献   

New geochemical and 40Ar/39Ar age data are presented from the Neogene volcanic units of the Karaburun Peninsula, the westernmost part of Western Anatolia. The volcanic rocks in the region are associated with Neogene lacustrine deposition and are characterized by (1) olivine-bearing basaltic-andesites to shoshonites (Karaburun volcanics), high-K calc-alkaline andesites, dacites and latites (Yaylaköy, Arma?anda? and Kocada? volcanics) of ~ 16–18 Ma, and (2) mildly-alkaline basalts (Ovac?k basalt) and rhyolites (Urla volcanics) of ~ 11–12 Ma. The first group of rocks is enriched in LILE and LREE with respect to the HREE and HFSE on N-MORB-normalised REE and multi-element spider diagrams. They are comparable geochemically with volcanic rocks in the surrounding regions such as Chios Island and other localities in Western Anatolia. The Ovac?k basalt is geochemically similar to the first stage early–middle Miocene volcanic rocks but differs from NW Anatolian late Miocene alkali basalts.  相似文献   

Meta-igneous mafic and ultramafic rocks, which constitute about 60% of the granulitic xenoliths enclosed in the Neogene alkali basalts of the Bournac pipe (French Massif Central) have well preserved magmatic trends of element variations. The meta-igneous suite was probably derived from at least two different parental magmas and it may be a part of a gabbroic complex which resembles mafic bodies associated with anorthosites. The xenoliths are also very similar to many other granulitic xenoliths and to meta-igneous mafic granulitic massifs. This indicates that the gabbroic intrusions may be widespread in the lower crust and the close association of gabbroic rocks with meta-sedimentary granulites suggests a model for the composition of the lower continental crust.  相似文献   

The Satpura Mountains of central India represents an ancient orogenic belt of the Mesoproterozoic time. It has a distinct sygmoidal (S-shaped) geometry with long EW and short NE–SW alignments. The mountain belt has been affected by tectonic activities throughout the geological past. The association of high seismicity, high heat flow and high Bouguer gravity anomaly with high topography of the region is a very distinct feature of the mountain range. Present analysis demonstrates that the average velocity for central India has a value of ~54 mm/year towards N050°. The velocity field vector can be partitioned into an eastward component parallel to the Satpura Mountain Belt and a northward component across the belt. The partitioned components provide evidence for sinistral strike–slip deformation of anomalously high shear strain rate of ~3 × 10−9/year in the region. Similar high shear strain rates are also found from the strain determined by GPS data. An extremely high rate of extensional strain (~600 × 10−9/year), which is comparable to that of the continental rift systems, is recorded from geodetic data of the Satpura Mountain Belt and the adjacent regions. Regional sinistral shape of the Satpura Mountains involved in a sinistral-slip transtension regime is interpreted to be the cause of high extensional and shear strain regime of the area. The occurrence of normal faulting detected in several deep seismic sounding profiles, the Moho upwarp, crustal thinning, high heat flow and high seismicity of the Satpura region are explained by this tectonic model.  相似文献   

In 2017, the Metal Earth multi-disciplinary exploration project acquired a total of 921 km of regional deep seismic reflection profiles and 184 km of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles in the Abitibi and Wabigoon greenstone belts of the Superior province of Canada. The Abitibi belt hosts several world-class mineral deposits, whereas the Wabigoon has sparse economic mineral deposits. Two high-resolution surveys in the Swayze area, a poorly endowed part of the western Abitibi greenstone belt, served as pioneer surveys with which to better understand subsurface geology and design a strategy to process other surveys in the near future. Swayze seismic data were acquired with crooked survey geometries along roads. Designing an effective seismic processing flow to address these geometries and complex geology required straight common midpoint lines along which both two-dimensional prestack dip-moveout correction and poststack migration processing were applied. The resulting seismic sections revealed steeply dipping and subhorizontal reflections; some correlate with folded surface rocks. An interpreted fault/deformation zone imaged in Swayze north would be a target for metal endowment if it extends the Porcupine–Destor structure. Because of the crooked line geometry of the surveys, two-dimensional /three-dimensional prestack time migration and swath three-dimensional processing were tested. The prestack time migration algorithm confirmed reflections at the interpreted base of the Abitibi greenstone belt. The swath three-dimensional images provided additional spatial details about the geometries of some reflections, but also had less resolution and did not detect many reflectors observed in two dimensions. Geological contacts between felsic, mafic and ultramafic greenstone rock layers are thought the main cause of reflectivity in the Swayze area.  相似文献   

Subduction‐related volcanic rocks are widespread in the Central Pontides of Turkey, and represented by the Hamsaros volcanic succession in the Sinop area to the north. The volcanic rocks display high‐K calc‐alkaline, shoshonitic and ultra‐K affinities. 40Ar/39Ar age data indicate that the rocks occurred during the Late Cretaceous (ca 82 Ma), and the volcanic suites were coeval. Primitive mantle‐normalized trace element patterns of all the lavas are characterized by strong enrichments in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) (Rb, Ba, K, and Sr), Th, U, Pb, and light rare earth elements (LREE; La, Ce) and prominent negative Nb, Ta, and Ti anomalies, all typical of subduction‐related lavas. There is a systematic increase in the enrichment of incompatible trace elements from the high‐K calc‐alkaline lavas through the shoshonitic to the ultra‐K lavas. In addition, the shoshonitic and ultra‐K lavas have significantly higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.70666–0.70834) and lower 143Nd/144Nd (0.51227–0.51236) initial ratios than coexisting high‐K calc‐alkaline lavas (87Sr/86Sr 0.70576–0.70613, 143Nd/144Nd 0.51245–0.51253). Geochemical and isotopic data show that the shoshonitic and ultra‐K rocks cannot be derived from the high‐K calc‐alkaline suite by any shallow level differentiation process, and point to a derivation from distinct mantle sources. The shoshonitic and ultra‐K rocks were derived from metasomatic veins related to melting of recycled subducted sediments, but the high‐K calc‐alkaline rocks from a lithospheric source metasomatized by fluids from subduction zone.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates how the Paleo-Proterozoic Wangtu Gneissic Complex (WGC) of the Lesser Himalayan Crystalline sequence experienced superposed folding and doming prior to its exhumation, with the help of integrated field, microstructural, magnetic fabric anisotropy and geochronological studies. The WGC forms the basement of the Lesser Himalaya and is bounded by Vaikrita Thrust (VT) to the northeast and Munsiari Thrust (MT) to the southwest. The regional structure consists of upright large scale early folds (D1) trending NW–SE. The mesoscopic fabric is related to axial plane foliation of the D1 folds and, to a lesser extent, late D2 folds. The axis of maximum compression for D1 and D2 folds are mutually orthogonal. The D1 folds have formed simultaneously with the major Himalayan thrusts whereas the D2 folds have developed during a later deformation event. The magnetic lineation at the hangingwall of the VT is sub-horizontal indicating stretching along the strike of the thrust. In the interior parts of the WGC, the magnetic fabric is of two types: (i) magnetic lineation demarks the intersection of mesoscopic and magnetic foliation indicating superposed deformation and (ii) scattered distribution of magnetic lineations due to D2 folding on initially curved and non-cylindrical D1 surface. 40Ar–39Ar dating of biotite from one site from the core of WGC gives an age of 9.3 ± 0.3 (2σ) Ma. It is inferred that the doming of the WGC took place at ∼9 Ma and, instead of large scale thrusting, it is characterized by superposed folding and strike-parallel stretching along the VT zone. It is suggested that the effect of superposed folding and ductile deformation of the Himalayan basement rocks has to be taken into account before cross-section balancing or any estimation of crustal shortening is attempted.  相似文献   

Mahshar  Raza  MohdShamim  Khan  MohdSafdare  Azam 《Island Arc》2007,16(4):536-552
Abstract   The northern part of the Aravalli mountain belt of northwestern Indian shield is broadly composed of three Proterozoic volcano-sedimentary domains, i.e. the Bayana, the Alwar and the Khetri basins, comprising collectively the north Delhi fold belt. Major, trace and rare earth element concentrations of mafic volcanic rocks of the three basins exhibit considerable diversity. Bayana and Alwar volcanics are typical tholeiites showing close similarity with low Ti–continental flood basalts (CFB) with the difference that the former shows enriched and the latter flat incompatible trace element and rare earth element (REE) patterns. However, the Khetri volcanics exhibit a transitional composition between tholeiite and calc-alkaline basalts. It appears that the melts of Bayana and Alwar tholeiites were generated by partial melting of a common source within the spinel stability field possibly in the presence of mantle plume. During ascent to the surface the Bayana tholeiites suffered crustal contamination but the Alwar tholeiites erupted unaffected. Geochemically, the Khetri volcanics are arc-like basalts which were generated in a segment of mantle overlying a Proterozoic subduction zone. It is suggested that at about 1800 Ma the continental lithosphere in northeastern Rajasthan stretched, attenuated and fractured in response to a rising plume. The produced rifts have undergone variable degrees of crustal extension. The extension and attenuation of the crust facilitated shallowing of the asthenosphere which suffered variable degree of melting to produce tholeiitic melts – different batches of which underwent different degrees of lithospheric contamination depending upon the thickness of the crust in different rifted basins. The occurrence of subduction-related basaltic rocks of Khetri Belt suggests that a basin on the western margin of the craton developed into a mature oceanic basin.  相似文献   

Mesozoic rocks are extensively and excellently preserved in the western Indian shield in several basins. The Kachchh Mainland Basin (KMB), comprising six small sub‐basins, is the main repository of these sediments. Habo Dome Basin, situated in the easternmost part of KMB and largest among the six basins, hosts clastics of the Chari Formation of Jurassic age. The fluctuating transgressive–regressive facies cycle, developed during the Callovian and Late Early Oxfordian in the Habo Dome Basin, was mainly controlled by local tectonics and not by global eustatic fluctuations. Near magmatic relationships are displayed by various elements of the clastic rocks of Habo Dome Basin. Two litho‐chemical groups have been identified in Habo Dome Basin, which are cyclically repeated over entire lithostratigraphic sequence, indicating alternate pulses of sediment inputs from two different sources under palpitating tectonic conditions. Provenance indicator elements and their ratios coupled with source modeling indicate predominantly felsic source with basic and alkalic components. Integrated analysis of petrograhic and geochemical characteristics suggests two source terranes for these rocks: a granitoid source with significant basic volcanics (Banded Gneissic Complex) and a granite–gneissic source with minor alkaline volcanics (Nagarparkar Massif) lying to northeast and NNW respectively. The petrochemistry of Habo Dome clastics suggests their deposition in a fault controlled sink which was influenced by sea level changes. Drifting of the Indian plate resulted in the opening of series of rifted basins in the Kachchh Mainland during Late Triassic/Early Jurassic, which were closed later during collision of Indian plate with Eurasia at early Eocene. The Habo Dome Basin which opened up as a half graben in response to the initial stress regime, remained tectonically unstable until the cessation of pre and post collisional stress regimes.  相似文献   

The late-Paleozoic mafic volcanic rocks occurring in the surrounding areas of the Gonghe basin are distributed in the A'nyêmaqên ophiolite zone, Zongwulong tectonic zone and Kuhai-Saishitang volcanic zone. The mafic volcanics in the A'nyêmaqên zone formed an ancient ridge-centered hotspot around the Majixueshan OIB, the Kuhai-Saishitang mafic rocks consist of E-MORB and continental rift basalts and the Zongwulong volcanic rocks are enriched N-MORB. The regionally low Nb/U and Ce/Pb ratios reflect the influence of the OIB material on the mafic magma source. From geochemistry, spatial distribution and tectonic relationship of the mafic rocks, an ancient triple-junction centered at the Majixueshan can be inferred. The existence of the Kuhai-Saishitang aulacogen may have provided a tectonic channel for the Majixueshan OIB materials metasomatizing the magma source for the Zongwulong rocks. The formation of the triple-junction and the rifting of the Zongwulong zone have separated the orogens and massifs in the region.  相似文献   


The late-Paleozoic mafic volcanic rocks occurring in the surrounding areas of the Gonghe basin are distributed in the A’nyêmaqên ophiolite zone, Zongwulong tectonic zone and Kuhai-Saishitang volcanic zone. The mafic volcanics in the A’nyêmaqên zone formed an ancient ridge-centered hotspot around the Majixueshan OIB, the Kuhai-Saishitang mafic rocks consist of E-MORB and continental rift basalts and the Zongwulong volcanic rocks are enriched N-MORB. The regionally low Nb/U and Ce/Pb ratios reflect the influence of the OIB material on the mafic magma source. From geochemistry, spatial distribution and tectonic relationship of the mafic rocks, an ancient triple-junction centered at the Majixueshan can be inferred. The existence of the Kuhai-Saishitang aulacogen may have provided a tectonic channel for the Majixueshan OIB materials metasomatizing the magma source for the Zongwulong rocks. The formation of the triple-junction and the rifting of the Zongwulong zone have separated the orogens and massifs in the region.


The paper summarizes the geochemical and petrogenetic aspects of an investigation of late Tertiary to Recent volcanic rocks in the Amboseli area of southern Kenya. A study of chemical variations in the Amboseli and Kilimanjaro lavas distinguishes a mildly alkaline series (alkali olivine basalts, trachybasalts/trachyandesites, trachytes, rhomb porphyries and phonolites) from a strongly alkaline series embracing subordinate nephelinitic, phonolitic and tephritic lavas. The two series probably evolved independently from a source in the mantle. A comparison of Kilimanjaro with other East African volcanoes shows that the focus of strongly alkaline volcanicity moved from eastern Uganda and western Kenya to northern Tanzania at the end of Miocene times. The Pliocene to Recent centres near the Kenya-Tanzania border show evidence of decreasing alkalinity from a western zone of nephelinite-phonolite volcanoes to an eastern region in which central volcanoes are characterized by the association of strongly and mildly alkaline suites.  相似文献   

Tuff layers are vital stratigraphic tools that allow correlations to be made between widely dispersed exposures. Despite their widespread occurrence in the central Andes, tuffs from both natural exposures and sedimentary cores extracted from the region's extensive salars (salt pans) are relatively unstudied. Here we lay the foundation for a tephrostratigraphic framework in the central Andes (14–28°S) by chemically and morphologically characterizing ash shards, and in some cases dating 36 Neogene distal tuffs. These tuffs occur in lacustrine and alluvial deposits from the southern Bolivian Altiplano and adjacent Atacama Desert. All tuffs are calc-akaline rhyolites, consistent with their setting in the Central Andean Volcanic Zone. Five of the older tuffs were 40Ar/39Ar dated and yield an age range of 6.63–0.75 Ma. Organic material associated with tuffs deposited into paleolake sediments, paleowetland deposits, or urine-encrusted rodent middens provide constraints on the age of several Late Pleistocene and Holocene tuffs.These tuffs provide key stratigraphic markers and ages for lake cycles and archeological sites on the Bolivian Altiplano and for assessing rates of surficial processes and archeology in both the Atacama and Altiplano. While modern climate, and consequently questions about geomorphic processes and climate change, differs in the hyperarid Atacama and the semi-arid Altiplano, the most extensive air-fall tuffs covered both regions, placing the Atacama and the Bolivian Altiplano in the same tephrostratigraphic province. For example, the Escara B tuff (~1.85 Ma), can be securely identified in both the Altiplano and Atacama. On the Altiplano, dates from the Escara B and E tuffs securely establish the age of the Escara Formation—representing the oldest expansive lake documented on the Bolivian Altiplano. By contrast, the presence of the Escara B tuff below ~6 m of alluvial sediment at the Blanco Encalado site in the Atacama desert yields information about sedimentation rates in this hyperarid region. Indeed, most tuffs from the Atacama Desert are older than 600,000 years, even though they occur within fluvial terraces immediately adjacent to the alluvial fans that are still active. Most of these geomorphic surfaces in the Atacama also possess well-developed saline soils that, when combined with the radiometric ages of the distal tuffs, suggest slow rates of geomorphic change and exceptional landscape stability for this area during the Quaternary.In contrast, younger tuffs are more abundant in the more recent lake records of the Altiplano. The Chita tuff was deposited at ~15,650 cal yr B.P., during the regressive phase of the region's deepest late Quaternary lake cycle—the “Tauca lake cycle”—which spanned 18.1–14.1 cal yr B.P. Two Holocene tuffs, the Sajsi tuff and the Cruzani Cocha tuff, are widespread. The Sajsi tuff was deposited just before 1700 cal yr B.P., whereas the Cruzani Cocha tuff appears to be mid-Holocene in age and shows some chemical affinities to a Holocene tuff (202B) deposited between 4420 and 5460 cal yr B.P. in a urine-encased rodent midden in the Atacama Desert.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, one of the important progresses in the study of the Qinling orogenic belt is marked by findings of numerous ophiolite zones[1—4]. On the basis of the former orogenic models of the Paleozoic colli-sional orogeny[1,5,6] and the Mesozoic collision[7—9], another orogenic evolution model from the Paleozoic subduction-collision along the Shangdan suture to the Mesozoic final collision orogeny along the Mianle suture[3,10], including the relicts of the Jining orogeny, has been pr…  相似文献   

Manganiferous rocks in the Mankwadzi area in the southernmost portion of the Kibi‐Winneba metavolcanic belt, one of several Mn occurrences in the Paleoproterozoic Birimian of Ghana, are hosted in hornblende schist and amphibolite. These rocks are, in places, intruded by hornblende dyke. In outcrop, the manganiferous rocks appear to be conformable with the host schist and amphibolite, are macroscopically dark, fine‐grained and structurally massive to distinctly banded. Observed alternating light and dark occasionally macro‐folded bands suggest post‐depositional deformation of both light and dark bands. Microscopic observations revealed that the light bands are dominantly Si‐rich and the dark bands mainly of opaque minerals. Whole rock analyses of the manganiferous rocks show high contents of MnO (16.75–27.4 wt%) suggesting that the opaque minerals are likely rich in Mn. The analyzed rock samples show moderate to strong enrichments in light rare earth elements compared to heavy rare earth elements. Whereas the manganiferous rocks show perceptibly negative Eu anomaly, host hornblende schist and hornblende dyke do not. Eu anomaly in amphibolite samples is, however, uncertain as the three samples analyzed gave positive, negative and no Eu anomalies. Based on the field characteristics, microscopic and geochemical features, we suggest that the Mn occurrence in the Mankwadzi area originated via sedimentary deposition and was later modified by metamorphism, hydrothermal and/or supergene processes similar to manganiferous occurrences at Nsuta and Tambao in the Birimian of West Africa.  相似文献   

Abstract CHIME (chemical Th-U-total Pb isochron method) ages were determined for monazite from gneisses and granitoids of the Ryoke belt in the Iwakuni area. The CHIME monazite ages are 99.6 ± 2.4, 98.9 ± 2.1 and 98.2 ± 5.7 Ma for the Ryoke gneiss, 90.7 ± 2.2, 89.7 ± 2.0 and 89.3 ± 2.2 Ma for the Tajiri Granite, 91.0 ± 3.2, 90.6 ± 3.2 and 89.9 ± 3.2 Ma for the Namera Granite, 89.3 ±3.3 and 88.6 ± 5.6 Ma for a small stock at Shimizu, and 87.3 ± 1.6 and 86.6 ± 2.1 Ma for the post-tectonic Shimokuhara Granite. The CHIME monazite ages, interpreted as the time of the first attainment at the amphibolite facies conditions for the gneisses and as the time of emplacement for the granites, respectively, agree with the field intrusive sequence. The present dating documented that the Ryoke metamorphism in the Iwakuni area reached the amphibolite facies conditions at ∼98 Ma, was complete at -87 Ma, the time of emplacement of the post-tectonic Shimokuhara Granite.  相似文献   

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