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Multi-beam,sub-bottom and multichannel seismic data acquired from the western Nigerian continental margin are analysed and interpreted to examine the architectural characteristics of the lower parts of the submarine canyons on the margin.The presence of four canyons: Avon,Mahin,Benin,and Escravos,are confirmed from the multi-beam data map and identified as cutting across the shelf and slope areas,with morphological features ranging from axial channels,moderate to high sinuosity indices,scarps,terraces and nickpoints which are interpreted as resulting from erosional and depositional activities within and around the canyons.The Avon Canyon,in particular,is characterised by various branches and sub-branches with complex morphologies.The canyons are mostly U-shaped in these lower parts with occasional V-shapes down their courses.Their typical orientation is NE–SW.Sedimentary processes are proposed as being a major controlling factor in these canyons.Sediments appear to have been discharged directly into the canyons by rivers during the late Quaternary low sea level which allows river mouths to extend as far as the shelf edge.The current sediment supply is still primarily sourced from these rivers in the case of the Benin and Escravos Canyons,but indirectly in the case of the Avon and Mahin Canyons where the rivers discharge sediments into the lagoons and the lagoons bring the sediments on to the continental shelf before they are dispersed into the canyon heads.Ancient canyons that have long been buried underneath the Avon Canyon are identified in the multichannel seismic profile across the head of the Avon Canyon,while a number of normal faults around the walls of the Avon and Mahin Canyons are observed in the selected sub-bottom profiles.The occurrence of these faults,especially in the irregular portions of the canyon walls,suggests that they also have some effect on the canyon architecture.The formation of the canyons is attributed to the exposure of the upper marginal area to incisions from erosion during the sea level lowstand of the glacial period.The incisions are widened and lengthened by contouric currents,turbidity currents and slope failures resulting in the canyons.  相似文献   

海底峡谷广泛发育于全球大陆边缘,在地形上表现为深切于大陆边缘的凹槽,是海陆边界处最为显著的地貌之一。海底峡谷是陆缘碎屑物质由陆至深海运移的重要通道,是研究区域源—汇体系、海平面升降、构造演化的重要场所,也是海底油气资源形成与储集的重要区域,是国内外在海洋领域研究的热点之一。针对海底峡谷的成因及演化过程,进行了系统性的研究与划分,首先介绍了国内外海底峡谷研究的关键成果,其次概述了两大世界典型峡谷区南海北部海底峡谷区和蒙特利海底峡谷区的区域构造及成因,最后依据海底峡谷形成演化的主控因素,将其成因分为3种类型:强侵蚀性、河流侵蚀型、构造作用及溯源侵蚀型。通过对峡谷成因演化的研究,有助于为海底峡谷的分类提供新的思路,为海底峡谷区域的资源勘探、古气候与构造演化模式方面提供新的突破点。  相似文献   

海底不稳定性 ,如滑塌、滑坡、碎屑流和浊流等是灾难性事件的主要原因。它们对大陆边缘地貌和地层有重要影响 ,取决于有多少沉积物由于重力驱动从浅水搬运至深水中。此外 ,由于海底不稳定性是大陆边缘物理结构的延续部分 ,它们继续引发破坏 ,即使在高海面、有地震活动以及沉积物供应低的地区也是如此。因此 ,海底不稳定性成为对大陆边缘以及资源勘探和利用方面的障碍。大陆边缘上没有哪个地区不受海底不稳定性的影响 ,海底破坏位于海岸线至陆隆的深水区。然而 ,对破坏的次数和水深作图时发现 ,崩塌在大陆坡出现的几率最高。这种情况的主要原…  相似文献   

海底峡谷是大陆边缘最重要的地貌形态之一,是沉积物和陆源有机质向深海搬运的主要通道,在深海重力流沉积、全球碳循环、生物多样性、油气-水合物资源勘探及海底工程设施安全运营等方面的研究中具有重要意义。大量研究发现,海底峡谷常发育于构造活动较强烈的地区,其形成和演化与构造变形之间存在密切的关联。在文献调研基础上,着重就构造活动对海底峡谷地貌的控制作用进行综述。总结了5种与构造变形有关的海底峡谷平面分布端元模式,分别为限制型、转向型、偏转型、阻挡型及横向切穿型海底峡谷。分析了局部坡度变化对峡谷内部地貌特征的影响:构造变形引起的局部地形坡度增大会导致海底峡谷内部侵蚀作用的加剧与裂点的形成;局部地形坡度减小容易引起天然堤和决口扇的形成;坡度的变化还会引起峡谷弯曲度的动态响应。  相似文献   

在所有的大陆中,澳大利亚是最平坦的,但其海底地形被极度切割,在 5 000 m深处分布着被海水掩盖的高高的山峰。从澳大利亚最大的墨累河口开始的水下峡谷体系,在深度上超过了深达 1 5 km的美国亚利桑那州著名的科罗拉多河大峡谷。这个水下体系的地质和地貌尚未得到很好的研究。2003年 2—3 月,在这里进行了国际考察AUSCAN(澳大利亚峡谷考察),其主要目的是收集有关水下峡谷和大陆边缘演化的信息,以及找到本区在晚第四纪遭到气候变化的证据。租得的法国研究船“玛丽恩·达弗林斯”号,装备了最新技术设施。来自澳大利亚、美国、法国、德国…  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡发育众多海底峡谷,其形成、发育、演化过程都存在较大差异。本文选取南海北部陆坡典型的珠江口外海底峡谷群、东沙海底峡谷、台湾浅滩南海底峡谷和澎湖海底峡谷进行研究,通过高分辨率多道地震数据和多波束测深数据,结合前人研究成果,对4条典型海底峡谷的形态特征、沉积充填特征及结构、形成发育过程及控制因素进行研究。结果表明,南海北部陆缘各个海底峡谷的形成受多个控制因素的影响,其影响程度及方式都有差别。构造活动、海平面变化及沉积物重力流与海底峡谷的演化密切相关,而陆地河流和局部构造因素也以不同方式影响着海底峡谷的发育。对于发育在主动大陆边缘的台湾岛东南侧的澎湖海底峡谷,其板块运动和岩浆活动活跃,其上发育的海底峡谷的控制因素以内营力地质作用为主。而具有被动大陆边缘属性的其他3条峡谷,由于构造运动较少或停止,其上发育的海底峡谷的控制因素以外营力地质作用为主。  相似文献   

南海的构造演化及“南海型”大陆边缘   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

远海孤立碳酸盐台地周缘发育了碳酸盐岩峡谷,对其开展研究有助于深刻理解碳酸盐碎屑沉积物的“源-汇”体系及深水油气成藏等方面。文章利用多波束测深、高分辨率二维多道地震等数据,精细刻画南海西沙海域永乐海底峡谷的地貌形态及内部充填特征,揭示该峡谷沉积演化过程,分析峡谷成因控制因素及稳定性。永乐海底峡谷形成演化可分为萌芽、汇聚和拓展3个阶段,随着演化过程的发展,峡谷规模及对沉积物输运作用增加。永乐海底峡谷形成及演化主要受古地貌隆起形成的负地形和沉积物重力流侵蚀作用影响。峡谷在第四纪以后仍有较明显的活动迹象。分析显示永乐海底峡谷是西北次海盆的重要物质输送通道,其沉积演化过程及稳定性对研究碳酸盐台地沉积物输运等深水沉积过程及岛礁工程建设具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

东海陆坡不同类型海底峡谷的分布构造响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1997-2001年在东海海域获得的多波束全覆盖测深数据和收集的部分高分辨率单道地震剖面,对东海陆坡海底峡谷的地形要素,如长度、弯曲度、平均坡度、剖面特征、头部和末端的水深等进行了详细的分析和统计.根据平面形态将海底峡谷划分为3种类型:直线型、蛇曲型和树枝型.海底峡谷主要分布于中段和南段的东海陆坡之上,平面形态特征总体上自北向南趋于复杂(直线型→蛇曲型→树枝型),规模逐渐增大,不同平面类型代表了峡谷不同的演化阶段.峡谷的分布格局和变化趋势主要受控于冲绳海槽扩张背景下的构造活动.  相似文献   

The Yithi submarine canyons,composed of four canyons less than 60 km in length,are located on the narrowest part of the East China Sea(ECS) slope.They extend from the shelf break at 160 m down to water depth of 1 500 m with an average gradient(along the canyon axis) of 3°(<1 000 m) and 0.7°(>1000 m).The sinuosity of the canyons ranges form 1.02 to 1.14 and their pathways extend radially from the shelf break to the axis of the Okinawa Trough.Structural and evolution pattern of the Yithi canyons are mainly controlled by sediment mass-movements and turbidity current and similar with that of the canyons in Ebro continental slope.The whole canyon system consists of three parts:the canyon,the channel and the fan.Slumps and slides often develop in the upper part of canyon where the water depth is less than 1000 m,and the turbidities usually developed on the fan.The scale of turbidites becomes smaller and their inner structures become more regular towards the ends of the canyons.Canyon-fans are often associated with small angle progradational reflection.Most canyon-fans and levees were transversely cut by active normal faults with NEE-SWW trending that are coupled to the modern extension of the Okinawa Trough.According to the age of formation of canyon-fans and sediments incised by canyons,we can infer that the Yithi canyons were formed since the middle the Medio-Pleistocene.  相似文献   


A giant submarine slump, encompassing a 91‐km by 26‐km block, occurring on the continental slope offshore Iquique, Chile, was identified during a SeaMARC II survey. Utilizing SeaMARC II side‐scan imagery, bathymetry, and seismic reflection data, five morphostructural zones of the slump were identified: the fissured zone, scar zone, tensional depression, central block, and front zone. The fissured zone was developed on the crown of the slump; the scar zone is characterized by scars with the crescent‐shaped slip surfaces and throws ranging from 200 m to 50 m. The tensional depression zone is marked by an area voided by mass slumping, while the central block morphology was formed by uplift. The front zone is comprised of both compressional and tensional subzones. The compressional subzone is characterized by a relative topographic low, on the middle slope, whereas the extensional subzone is characterized by a convex pattern of alternated ridges and hollows, which may represent the debris of the slump on the lower slope. The formation of the slump was strongly influenced by the subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the Chile continental margin, which resulted in the subsidence of the continental slope with a resultant increase in the slope gradient and pore‐water pressure in the sedimentary layers. Slump formation was further facilitated by the development of a complex fault system associated with the subduction and by the triggering effect of earthquakes in the area.  相似文献   

活动大陆边缘的板片窗构造   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
正俯冲的洋中脊的持续扩张作用将会使该洋中脊两侧的洋壳板片之间形成一个持续加宽的间隙,这个间隙称为板片窗。板片窗往往形成于小于10Ma左右具浮力的大洋岩石圈俯冲时期。板片窗形态依赖于3个主要因素:板块的相对运动、俯冲前的洋脊一转换断层组合样式、俯冲角度。影响板片窗形态的次要因素还有热侵蚀、相变等因素。在板片窗出现的活动大陆边缘,软流圈、岩石圈、大气圈、水圈发生独特的多圈层相互作用,是地球系统最为活跃的地带。由于该地带的洋底消减往往与生长轴呈一定角度相交,不仅引起盆地的不对称消减,而且使得板片窗之上的活动大陆边缘的构造、岩浆、成矿和热效应明显不同于洋中脊平行于俯冲带的消减作用产生的构造、岩浆、成矿和热效应。  相似文献   

地形复杂度指数是描述地形变化程度的综合指标,本文基于南海陆坡北港隆起区的水深网格数据,采用均值变点分析法确定地形起伏度的最佳统计单元,建立计算海底地形复杂度的模型,融合研究区坡度、地形起伏度、地表切割深度和高程变异系数4种地形因子,分析研究区的地形特征和地形复杂度。结果表明,研究区地形起伏度最佳分析窗口大小为19×19网格,最佳统计窗口面积为1.768 9 km2;研究区北部及南部区域地形平坦,地形复杂程度较低,复杂度指数<2.35;中部区域存在规模不同的峡谷,地形复杂程度较高,复杂度指数平均>3.37,其中,中部偏东区域因海底峡谷最为发育,地形复杂度指数可达7.77。研究区地形复杂度的定量分析结果与海蚀作用的强弱程度呈现出较好的正相关性,这对系统开展南海海底峡谷形态特征及演化过程研究、维护海洋工程设施安全等具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

High-resolution multichannel seismic data enables the discovery of a previous, undocumented submarine canyon(Huaguang Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northwest South China Sea. The Huaguang Canyon with a NW orientation is 140 km in length, and 2.5 km to 5 km in width in its upper reach and 4.6 km to 9.5 km in width in its lower reach. The head of the Huaguang Canyon is close to the Xisha carbonate platform and its tail is adjacent to the central canyon. This buried submarine canyon is formed by gravity flows from the Xisha carbonate platform when the sea level dropped in the early stage of the late Miocene(~10.5 Ma). The internal architecture of the Huaguang Canyon is mainly characterized by high amplitude reflections, indicating that this ancient submarine canyon was filled with coarse-grained sediments. The sediment was principally scourced from the Xisha carbonate platform. In contrast to other buried large-scale submarine canyons(central canyon and Zhongjian Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, the Huaguang Canyon displays later formation time, smaller width and length, and single sediment supply. The coarse-grained deposits within Huaguang Canyon provide a good environment for reserving oil and gas, and the muddy fillings in Huaguang Canyon have been identified as regional caps. Therefore, Huaguang Canyon is potential area for future hydrocarbon exploration in the northwest South China Sea. Our results may contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of submarine canyons formed in carbonate environment.  相似文献   

High-resolution multichannel seismic data enables the discovery of a previous, undocumented submarine canyon(Huaguang Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northwestern South China Sea. The Huaguang Canyon with a NW orientation is 140 km in length, and 2.5 km to 5 km in width in its upper reach and 4.6 km to 9.5 km in width in its lower reach. The head of the Huaguang Canyon is close to the Xisha carbonate platform and its tail is adjacent to the Central Canyon. This buried submarine canyon is formed by gravity flows from the Xisha carbonate platform when the sea level dropped in the early stage of the late Miocene(around 10.5 Ma). The internal architecture of the Huaguang Canyon is mainly characterized by high amplitude reflections, indicating that this ancient submarine canyon was filled with coarse-grained sediments. The sediment was principally scourced from the Xisha carbonate platform. In contrast to other buried large-scale submarine canyons(Central Canyon and Zhongjian Canyon) in the Qiongdongnan Basin, the Huaguang Canyon displays later formation time,smaller width and length, and single sediment supply. The coarse-grained deposits within the Huaguang Canyon provide a good environment for reserving oil and gas, and the muddy fillings in the Huaguang Canyon have been identified as regional caps. Therefore, the Huaguang Canyon is a potential area for future hydrocarbon exploration in the northwestern South China Sea. The result of this paper may contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of submarine canyons formed in carbonate environment.  相似文献   

In the Eastern Mediterranean, offshore Egypt, the Nile continental margin is characterized by a large deep water turbiditic system known as the Nile Deep Sea Fan. This post-Miocene terrigenous construction covers an approximately 10 km-thick sedimentary pile, including 1–3 km of Messinian salt layers. Systematically collected swath bathymetric data proved to be the most powerful tool to discover, describe and study many sea floor features of this sedimentary construction which reflects competition between active tectonic, sedimentary, and geochemical processes. Gravity tectonics, triggered by underlying mobile salt layers, construction of channel-levee systems, the passage of turbidite flows, sedimentary slope failures at various scales, massive mud expulsions and fluid seepages are all interfering to shape the Nile Deep Sea Fan seabed.  相似文献   

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