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该文以提高车载激光扫描数据高程精度为出发点,分析了扫描数据的误差来源。该文提出多种控制点布设方案,以京沪高速部分路段激光扫描数据为例,统计并分析各个控制点布设方案改正结果,为以后车载激光数据外业控制点布设提供参考。  相似文献   

无人机摄影测量具有快速获取信息、地面分辨率高的优势,本文介绍了无人机系统及工作流程,并介绍了无人机摄影测量在1:2 000地形图中的测试应用,得出该系统在1:2 000地形图测绘中可行性结论。  相似文献   

为解决传统的人工野外矿山地质环境调查易受交通、地形影响,且劳动强度大、效率低、成本高等问题,将无人机摄影测量技术应用在矿山地质环境调查中。以长春市净月东升采石场为研究区,利用RTK(实时动态差分技术)获取地面控制点坐标,采用大疆精灵4无人机进行航空摄影,在Pix4Dmapper建立的研究区三维模型上经量测、解译等,提取研究区内矿坑面积、边坡方位、长度、高度、体积和表面积以及滑坡、崩塌堆积体和断层等矿山地质环境相关的几何信息,制作了研究区地形图、DOM(数字正射影像)和DSM(数字表面模型),同时解译了边坡大量随机结构面迹线和产状信息。结果表明,基于无人机摄影测量技术的矿山地质环境调查可以快速获取矿山地质环境信息,获取的结构面倾向、倾角误差分别在5°和4°以内,可满足矿山地质环境调查精度要求。  相似文献   

近年来矿区地质灾害愈发严重。为准确监测尾矿坝地表沉陷变形,以地形地貌复杂的尾矿坝为研究实例,开展无人机低空摄影的形式进行监测数据收集。无人机原始POS数据存在系统误差的问题,文章利用误差改正模型纠正原始POS数据,并设计7种像控点布设方案,并对获取的尾矿坝高分辨率正射影像及DEM进行了精度评价。结果显示,当布设像控点数量为8个时,数据误差可以控制在3 mm以内;用两期DEM数据差值覆于地面模型,生成尾矿坝沉降图,沿Y=350 m、Y=100 m和X=60 m剖面线做剖面图。基于测量结果发现,尾矿坝已出现整体沉降,其中南部尾矿坝下坡沉降范围最大,沉降范围在0.16 m之内。这次应用验证了在尾矿坝地表监测中无人机低空摄影测量的精度是可靠的。利用无人机的高精度成图方法对尾矿坝变形进行监测,对应急响应溃坝可能导致的绿洲地区及周边河湖生态灾难地形和矿区安全生产起到一定的预警作用。  相似文献   

为了研究倾斜摄影测量对测图精度的提高作用,以A、B两个测区为例,分别以双片和多片前方交会、竖直和倾斜影像为对比条件,建立立体模型与实景三维模型,并通过对模型和数字线划图中检查点的误差统计,对平面精度和高程精度进行对比分析。相比于基于双片前方交会生成的立体模型,基于多片前方交会生成的实景三维模型精度更高;在地形为高山地的A测区,平面和高程中误差均由分米级提高至厘米级,结合《数字航空摄影测量空中三角测量规范》可以达到1:500比例尺的成图标准。相比于竖直摄影测量,倾斜摄影测量的交会光线更多,因而其模型精度也更高;在地形为山地的B测区,高程精度可与平面精度相当,中误差均在5 cm以内,解决了航空摄影测量因影像采集方式而高程精度较差的难题,基于倾斜实景三维模型进行三维测图,数字线划图中等高线中误差满足《1:500 1:1 000 1:2 000地形图航空摄影测量内业规范》中对1:500比例尺的精度要求。  相似文献   

马玉勤 《贵州地质》2005,22(3):217-219
根据有关资料概述了GPS测量误差的主要来源和它的改正措施.  相似文献   

随着现代社会科学技术的不断发展,实景三维中国建设在当前社会生产活动中扮演着越来越重要的角色——逐渐成为数字经济的重要战略性数据资源和生产要素。而近年来兴起的无人机倾斜摄影测量技术通过与三维建模技术结合,在实现实景三维模拟方面表现出色。从无人机机型、三维地质模型和建模软件三个方面进行对比与总结。认为:在进行小范围测量或对航飞数据有高精度要求的情况下,建议优先选择旋翼无人机;ContextCapture具有自动化程度高、一站式建模、操作简单、性能稳定的优点,在建立面模型时建议优先选择该软件。  相似文献   

无人机以其机动灵活、受天气影响小、快速获取目标区域影像的优势已成为矿区地表形变监测的重要方法,如何提升无人机测量精度是亟需解决的关键问题。在系统分析无人机监测地表点精度影响因素基础上,重点研究了像控点质量对空三点误差分布、精度的影响规律。首先采用大量的重复观测实验的方法,研究揭示了在四周均匀布设像控点条件下,监测点平面位置、高程的误差特性及其分布特征;在此基础上,通过对像控点平面坐标、高程坐标施加随机误差,研究了像控点平面、高程精度与监测点平面、高程精度的对应关系。最后,依据前述研究成果,给出了提升无人机地表沉陷监测精度的策略。研究结果表明,在四周均匀布设像控点条件下,无人机测量点位平面、高程误差符合正态分布规律,但存在一定的系统误差影响;像控点平面坐标、高程坐标对空三解算平面坐标、高程坐标影响具有独立性;通过对多次测量结果进行数字平均可以有效提升测量精度。研究成果为采煤塌陷区无人机高精度监测方案设计提供理论与技术支撑。  相似文献   

吴章亮 《福建地质》2021,40(2):158-164
采用无人机倾斜摄影测量方法以屋顶平改坡规划设计应用为研究对象,进行屋顶平改坡的三维测图与倾斜三维模型展示任务.首先采用无人机搭载高清相机获取测区的影像数据,然后通过无人机影像数据构建数字正射影像和倾斜实景三维模型,最后基于倾斜实景三维模型进行屋顶二维线划图的绘制,获取屋顶完整信息.应用结果表明,无人机摄影测量方法能够快...  相似文献   

根据水准测量资料绘制了昆明南市区地面沉降等值线图,说明了区内地面沉降特征.然后对断陷盆地沉降模式进行探讨,阐明了岩溶水抽汲致使第四系土层固结压缩而产生沉降的原因.进而就地面沉降制约因素进行分析,得出了各制约因素的权重,明确指出地下水抽汲是地面沉降的主要诱发因素.最后,着重分析了小板桥沉降漏斗中心的形成机制,完成了极限沉降量估算,并预测了该沉降中心的发展趋势.  相似文献   

地面沉降是中国乃至世界许多地区面临的严重环境地质问题,合成孔雷达干涉测量(In SAR)技术是地面沉降监测的主要手段。雅加达与中国上海、广州等城市在环境上具有相似性,也是21世纪海上丝绸之路的重要节点城市。以雅加达为例研究地面沉降监测方法技术,既为中国沿海城市的地面沉降防治提供借鉴,又为"一带一路"战略提供有用数据。基于2010年6月—2011年3月期间获取的12景3m空间分辨率的Terra SAR-X数据,围绕小基线子集(SBAS)和两轨法开展了研究。SBAS获取的平均沉降速率图显示,在雅加达西北部、东部及靠近东雅加达的勿加泗市北侧有5个明显的沉降中心,最大沉降速率可达9cm/a。对两轨法差分干涉图序列的分析发现,勿加泗市北侧沉降中心2010年12月—2011年1月期间44天的沉降量达到6cm,具有显著的非线性形变特征。研究表明,采用高分辨率SAR数据,合理应用In SAR技术,能够为雅加达及其类似城市的地面沉降防控提供支持。  相似文献   

In order to overcome the shortage that point-based data acquisition techniques cannot retrieve the whole basin subsidence caused by underground mining, and to avoid complex splicing of terrestrial 3D laser scanner (TLS) point cloud data and the errors caused by such splicing, GPS/TLS combined technology is employed for mining subsidence monitoring. The basic idea of the monitoring technology is put forward. In this article, an application of the method to a coal mining area in China is presented. Support vector machine (SVM) model for GPS level conversion in the mining area is established, and a comparative analysis of SVM, BP neural network and polynomial established local quasi-geoid in the mining area is conducted. Ground surface digital elevation model (DEM) of the mining area is established by using TLS point cloud data, and the ground surface dynamic subsidence basin is obtained through a subtraction of two DEMs. The results indicate that the quasi-geoid established by using SVM model features a relatively high level of stability and accuracy and that the established mining surface DEM and subsidence basin can provide the fundamental data for the reconstruction of ecological environment in the mining area. GPS/TLS combined monitoring technology is a new monitoring technology, which entangles the advantages of both GPS and TLS and could offset their disadvantages, thus obtaining complementary advantages. According to analysis on its application in the mining area, we conclude that the technology is feasible and has a great application prospect for the mining area purposes.  相似文献   

 Several areas of Nakuru Town and its environs often undergo subsidence along the parallel fault zones during and after heavy rainfall. During the rainy season, when most of the subsidence occurs, the overlying unconsolidated volcanoclastic sediments become oversaturated with water. The water reduces the shear strength of the sediments and also introduces extra loading through saturation leading to subterranean erosion along faults. The unconsolidated sediments then collapse into the subsurface water channels which closely follow the fault zones, leading to formation of “sinkholes”. The frequent incidences of ground subsidence in the study area, have caused several fatalities, destroyed settlements and physical infrastructure. Furthermore persistent subsidence has increased the cost of construction and the repair of the destroyed properties. Apart from being hazardous, ground subsidence degrades environment when sewage water, refuse and garbage enter into the groundwater systems through the sinkholes. The fissures formed after subsidence also stand prominently as ugly features from the rest of the terrain. Mitigation measures including control, channelizing of drainage, proper engineering practices and appropriate land use are suggested in this paper. Received: 1 December 1998 · Accepted: 8 March 1999  相似文献   

探索采煤地表沉陷的高新监测技术方法是推动采煤沉陷监测的重要工作,无人机载LiDAR采煤塌陷监测技术是无人机与LiDAR构建的一种新型低空三维空间测量技术。以宁东煤炭基地马莲台煤矿采煤沉陷区为例,采用无人机机载LiDAR监测技术获取了2017年4月及8月2期三维点云数据,通过数据三维建模和沉降信息提取,得到了地面沉陷情况的三维立体图,监测出了3处地面沉降区,并利用实测水准点和已有GPS自动监测站数据,对该技术监测地面沉降的精度进行评估。研究结果表明,无人机机载LiDAR监测技术方法可满足采煤塌陷的立体监测需求,具有机动灵活、成本低、效率高、精度高等特点,未来可在类似地区推广应用。  相似文献   

Wang  Xin  Luo  Zujiang  Li  Zhao  Zhao  Qian  Dai  Jing 《Hydrogeology Journal》2023,31(3):813-825

Groundwater recharge has become a method to prevent the expansion of land subsidence. A groundwater pumping–recharge test in Cangzhou city, Hebei Province (China), is taken as a representative example in order to monitor the changes in borehole water levels and land subsidence. The aquifer system consists of three main confined aquifers interspersed with silt and clays. Based on the lithology, the test and the Biot consolidation theory, a three-dimensional fully coupled numerical model is established to analyse the influence of groundwater recharge on the seepage field and displacement field. The results show that, due to recharge of the deeper confined aquifers (III1 and III2), the water levels rise rapidly and remain stable for a long time. By 163 days, the water-level rise is approximately 0.5 m, and the land also shows an obvious rebound. Therefore, groundwater recharge takes a long time to control land subsidence. Groundwater recharge controls the occurrence of land subsidence by increasing pore-water pressure and changing the characteristics of the aquifer system. However, the limitation is that the scope of impact of single-well recharge is limited, which is still a challenge to the governance of large areas.


H.G. Henneberg 《Tectonophysics》1986,130(1-4):105-124
The study area is one section of the Tia Juana Oilfield on the east shore of Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela. It has an area of about 45 km2. The absolute vertical subsidence component attains 4 m, due to the oil extraction in the last 50 years. Some years ago, the boundary area of the subsidence cone showed cracks in the earth's surface. The length of the crackline is about 4 km. Strong horizontal movements were observed along this rupture zone. To study the horizontal component of the earth-surface movement, a high-precision traverse network was installed and measured, the first time in June 1978 and reobserved in December 1978. In 1984 another measurement compaign was carried out which permitted a comparison of the results of the two epochs. To know the behavior of the affected field better, a three-dimensional representation of horizontal and vertical measurements, including the orientation of the resultant vector, was made.  相似文献   

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