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在干旱区,水是形成绿洲的根本要素。干旱区高寒山地是维系西北干旱区绿洲存在、是当地国民经济持续发展和生态环境稳定的水源地,山地森林生态系统具有重要的涵养水源功能,有“绿色水库”之称。气候变化将改变山地生态系统结构、组成和水循环,加剧水资源短缺,威胁干旱区绿洲安全。回顾并综述了干旱区气候变化及其对干旱区山地森林生态系统稳定性和水文过程的影响研究进展,指出了研究中存在的问题,并提出未来在干旱区山地仍需要评估优于1 km空间分辨率的气候变化趋势,从多尺度、多界面、多学科、多方法开展气候变化对干旱区山地森林生态系统稳定性和水文过程影响的综合研究,以促进干旱区山地生态学的发展,为干旱区管理部门提供适应和缓解气候变化、科学的制定气候变化条件下水资源管理方案、实现水资源的有效管理奠定理论基础,促进干旱区气候变化条件下的环境和社会经济可持续性发展。 相似文献
基于生态水文过程的塔里木河下游 植被生态需水量研究 总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15
根据2005年塔里木河下游8个断面25眼地下水位观测井和25个植物样地野外采集的数据,运用DPS统计软件计算植被物种多样性指数,进而对地下水、土壤水与植被的关系进行了分析,结果表明地下水位、土壤含水量与植被多样性之间都有极强的相关性,在此基础上确定出塔里木河下游潜水蒸发的极限埋深是5 m。并采用阿维里扬诺夫公式和群克水均衡场公式对塔里木河下游天然植被的月潜水蒸发量进行计算,将两者计算结果加以算术平均得到塔里木河下游不同埋深对应的潜水蒸发量;采用两种方法对植被面积进行分类,在此分类基础上计算生态需水量,将两个结果再次平均,得到天然植被全年最低需水量约为3.2×108 m3。通过对月生态需水量的分析发现4月到9月的生态需水量占全年的81%,尤其是5、6、7三个月占全年总需水量的47%,是生态需水的主要时期。 相似文献
干旱区绿洲生态研究及其进展 总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12
随着干旱区绿洲生态研究的进展,对绿洲内涵的认识和理解也不断得以深入和完善.在归纳总结了众多学者对干旱区域绿洲生态研究状况的基础上,从绿洲的定义、生态系统结构以及绿洲生态研究的主要方向进行了较为详尽的阐述. 相似文献
从生态经济位理论出发,提出了城市生态经济位概念及度量方法,并根据生态经济位计算模型,从社会、经济和环境因子三个层面归结了30个指标,建立了定量评价指标体系,依此测算了2002年、2003年西部干旱区6个省会城市的生态经济位,得出2002年和2003年在西部干旱区省会城市中,乌鲁木齐的生态经济位最大,西宁的生态经济位最小的结论。文章最后分析、解释了西部干旱区6省会城市生态经济位动态变化及其原因。 相似文献
生态移民是西部乡村振兴及区域生态保护与修复的有效途径之一,探究生态移民空间迁移特征与生态影响,有助于区域减贫和生态文明建设。以典型的西北干旱生态移民搬迁区域为例,从县域空间视角出发,通过计算土地利用转移矩阵、动态度、利用归一化植被指数(Normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)和植被恢复度(Vegetation restoration degree,VRD)等方法,系统分析2010—2018年古浪县生态移民空间迁移和植被恢复的时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)2010—2018年生态移民空间迁移特征表现为地势由高到低、坡度由陡到缓,交通导向和空间聚集,共计移民6.24×104人,占全县常住人口的20.20%。(2)2010—2018年研究区NDVI在时空上呈现南部迁出地持续增长,北部迁入地先降后升的“V”型趋势。整体移民区NDVI最小值从0.10增至0.15,增加50.00%、NDVI最大值从0.52增至0.72,增加38.46%;移民安置区NDVI最小值从0.10减至0.09,减少10.00%、NDVI最大值从0.66增至0.72,增加9.0... 相似文献
干旱区生态资产遥感定量评估模型研究 总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11
生态系统服务经济价值的定量评估理论和方法研究是建立生态资产定量评估体系的基础,是干旱区经济可持续发展的必然要求。在3S技术的支持下,利用地面Landsat TM数据、中巴卫星数据、气象数据和MODIS数据,以及地表覆盖类型和野外测定观测数据等生态参数,在传统生态学生态资产单位面积价值研究的基础上建立了基于遥感定量测量的生态资产价值评估模型,以2003年的昌吉州为例,对生态资产的价值进行了评估,并编制了生态资产空间分布图,分析了其空间分布特征,结果表明:昌吉州生态系统2003年的生态资产总价值为177893亿元人民币,生态资产的分布具有从高山向平原、从绿洲向荒漠逐渐减少的趋势,具有和干旱区植被地带性分布一致的特征。测量结果可以更加客观地反映干旱区生态资产及其空间分布的现实情况,为今后开展相关研究奠定了良好的基础。 相似文献
干旱区城市化过程中的生态风险评价模型及应用——以河西地区城市化过程为例 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
城市化是河西走廊可持续发展的必由之路,然而现实中城市化过程与生态环境之间存在着各种各样的矛盾与胁迫,同时也伴随着生态风险的产生,评价城市化过程中诱发的生态风险,并找出各种生态风险变化的规律性,对河西走廊城市未来的健康发展具有重要的现实意义。通过研究城市生态风险的内涵与动因,建立了生态风险评价的数学模型,并利用该模型从不同角度计算出河西走廊7个城市的生态环境风险强度,在此基础上分析了河西城市化过程中生态风险变化的规律性,即河西走廊7个城市的经济城市化诱发的生态风险大于人口城市化和社会城市化诱发的生态风险;农业用水诱发的生态风险大于工业和第三产业用水;流域下游的生态风险大于上、中游地区;从空间上,各城市的综合生态风险呈现出玉门>敦煌>武威>金昌>酒泉>嘉峪关>张掖的位次顺序。 相似文献
半干旱区湿地芦苇种群生态特征动态变化研究——以莫莫格湿地为例 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
为了研究自然状态下半干旱地区湿地芦苇(Phragmites australis)种群生态特征的季节性动态变化以及水分变化对芦苇种群生态特征的影响,基于2007年5~10月莫莫格国家级自然保护区湿地芦苇种群特征以及地表淹水情况的监测资料,分析了该区芦苇种群的盖度、高度、密度和地上生物量等生态特征的季节变化。在此基础上,进一步分析了水位变化对芦苇种群生态特征的影响。结果表明:芦苇种群的生态特征具有明显的季节性变化规律,芦苇种群的盖度随着季节的变化逐渐增高,最高值出现在9月;芦苇种群的高度则随着季节变化逐渐升高;芦苇种群的密度随着季节的变化先升高,然后下降,9月中旬以后又略有回升;芦苇种群的地上生物量随着季节的变化呈现波动状态,但单株芦苇地上生物量则随着季节变化逐渐增加,其峰值出现在9月,随后受自身生长规律的影响,地上部分生物量减少。部分淹水状态下,芦苇种群高度、密度以及地上部分生物量的相对增长速率均与淹水深度变化速率显著正相关(n=5,P〈0.05);而盖度主要受芦苇自身生长规律的影响,与地表淹水深度变化速率关系不明显。 相似文献
极端干旱区胡杨生长季水分利用效率变化特征研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在干旱区的极端环境,植物能否适应当地的极限环境条件,最主要的是看它们能否很好地协调碳同化和水分耗散之间的关系,也就是说植物水分利用效率是其生存的关键因子之一。 就生长季胡杨叶片稳定碳同位素组成(δ13C)、胡杨叶片水分利用效率及其影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,生长季胡杨叶片δ13C值在-28.16‰±0.23‰~-26.82‰±0.22‰间变化,平均值为-27.70‰±0.13‰。胡杨各月水分利用效率在84.81±2.23~(70.97±2.40)μmolCO2·mmol-1H2O间变化,平均值为(75.69±1.31)μmolCO2·mmol-1H2O;胡杨水分利用效率变化趋势是逐渐降低。最高值出现在5月,而后不断降低,7月达到最低值。造成这种变化的原因是叶片营养物亏缺导致的叶片光合速率的减小和气温升高、土壤含水量减小以及地下水埋深加深共同导致的气孔导度的变化。 相似文献
Stable isotope techniques in plant water sources:a review 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes widely exist in various kinds of natural water.Plants have to cope with various water sources:rainwater,soil water,groundwater,sea water,and mixtures.These are usually characterized by different isotopic signatures (18O/16O and D/H ratios).Because there are relative abundance variations in water,and plant roots do not discriminate against specific water isotopes during water uptake,hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope ratios of water within plants provide new information on water sources,interactions between plant species and water use patterns under natural conditions.At present,the measurement of δD,δ18O composition of various potential water sources and stem water has become significant means to identify plant water sources.Based on previous studies,this review highlights recent advances such as theory basis,methodology,as well as different spatial and temporal scales,and existed questions and prospects.Stable isotope techniques for estimating plant water sources have provided valuable tools for conducting basic and applied research.Future studies emphasize the modification of preparing methods,isotope technique combined with other measurements,and aerial organs of plant water source should be en-couraged. 相似文献
氢氧稳定同位素技术和土壤贮水量是探究区域土壤水分特征的有效手段。基于青海湖沙柳河流域土壤水氢氧稳定同位素组成(δ2H和δ^(18)O)和土壤贮水量数据,分析其在流域的空间分布特征,探讨土壤水氢氧稳定同位素组成和土壤贮水量之间的相关性。结果表明:(1)沙柳河流域土壤水δ^(18)O值从西北向东南呈现富集—贫化—富集的趋势;土壤水d-excess值在流域南部最低,在流域东北部支流上游地区最高。(2)土壤贮水量在流域空间分布上表现为北高南低的趋势。(3)土壤水δ^(18)O值、d-excess值与土壤贮水量间存在分段线性关系。当0—30 cm各土层土壤贮水量≤30 mm时,各土层土壤贮水量与土壤水δ^(18)O值分别显著负相关、与d-excess值显著正相关。青海湖沙柳河流域自然地理环境和植被特征的空间差异导致其土壤水氢氧稳定同位素组成和土壤贮水量表现出明显的空间变异性。温度变化对土壤水氢氧稳定同位素组成与土壤贮水量之间的相关性影响是通过其对土壤蒸发作用的影响来实现的。 相似文献
长江口潮滩有机质稳定碳同位素时空分布与来源分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
通过测定长江口潮滩悬浮颗粒有机质和表层沉积有机质在枯水季节 (2006年2月 )和洪水季节 (2006年8月 )的稳定碳同位素值,对有机质潜在来源及局部岸段改造作用进行了分析。结果显示,悬浮颗粒有机质稳定碳同位素值在2月明显低于8月,变化范围分别在-25.8‰~-23.4‰和-25.1‰~-22.9‰,主要是受径流量枯洪季变化和浮游生物生长季节变化两种因素的叠加作用。表层沉积有机质2月和8月的稳定碳同位素分别为-25.0‰~-20.4‰和-24.7‰~-19.5‰,季节变化不明显,主要来自悬浮颗粒物的沉降。除受大背景环境因素影响,局部环境对潮滩有机质也有一定的改造作用,污水、支流河水的输入对悬浮颗粒有机质碳同位素有一定的影响,埋藏的潮滩植物和底栖微藻则对沉积有机质有部分贡献。 相似文献
水体蒸发过程中稳定同位素的分形机制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The variations of stable isotopes in atm ospheric vapor and precipitation are caused by stableisotopic fractionation during phase changes in w ater cycle. The isotopic fractionation m ainlyhappens in the m ass transportation of stable isotopes from free w… 相似文献
Under Rayleigh equilibrium condition, stable isotopic ratio in residual water increases with the decrease of the residual water proportion f exponentially, and the fractionation rate of stable isotopes is inversely proportional to temperature. However, under kinetic evaporation condition, the fractionation of stable isotopes is not only related to the phase temperature but also influenced by the atmospheric humidity and the mass exchange between liquid and vapor phases. The ratio δ in residual water will not change with f after undergoing evaporation of a long time for great relative humidity. The rate that the evaporating water body reaches isotopic steady state is mainly dependent on the relative humidity in atmosphere. The analysis shows that the actual mean linear variety rates, about -30.0, of the δ18O in residual water versus the residual water proportion at Nagqu and Amdo stations are consistent with the simulated process under temperature of 20 oC and relative humidity of 50%. The distillation line simulated under Rayleigh equilibrium condition is analogous to the global meteoric water line (MWL) as the temperature is about 20 oC. Under non-equilibrium condition, the slope and constant values of distillation line are directly proportional to temperature and relative humidity. According to the basic data, the simulated distillation line is very consistent with the actual distillation line of Qinghai Lake. 相似文献
柴达木盆地荒漠植物水分来源定量研究——以格尔木样区为例 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
选择柴达木盆地的格尔木作为研究区域,选取沙拐枣、合头草、驼绒藜和麻黄4种典型的地带性荒漠灌木,应用稳定氢氧同位素技术定量分析典型荒漠植物的水分来源。结果表明:1柴达木盆地典型荒漠植物能灵活利用各种水源(河水、地下水、降水和土壤水等),最主要的水源是土壤水。2不同种类植物水分利用方式存在差异:驼绒藜、麻黄和沙拐枣主要利用深层土壤水和地下水,合头草以土壤水为优势水源。3植物水分来源的时间变化为:生长季初期,植物主要利用河水和地下水;生长季中后期,合头草主要利用浅层土壤水,其他3种植物主要利用较深层土壤水和地下水。 相似文献
YunFeng Ruan LiangJu Zhao HongLang Xiao GuoDong Cheng MaoXian Zhou Fang Wang 《寒旱区科学》2014,6(3):0226-0235
Stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions (δ18O and δD) of soil water and shallow groundwater of a riparian forest, an artificial shrub forest, and Gobi of the lower reaches of the Heihe River Basin are used to study the recharge water sources of those ecosystems. IsoSource software is used to determine the δ180 values for root water of Populous euphratica and Tamarix ramosissima in the riparian forest ecosystem, Haloxylon ammodendron in the artificial shrub forest, and Reaumuria soongorica in the Gobi, as well as for local soil water and groundwater, and precipitation in the upper reaches of the Heihe River Basin. Our results showed that soil water and shallow groundwater of the riparian forest and the artificial shrub forest were recharged by river water which originated from precipitation in the upper reaches, and strong evaporation occurred in the artificial shrub forest. Soil water of the Gobi was not affected by Heihe River water due to this area being far away from the river channel. The main water sources of Populous euphratica were from 40-60-cm soil water and groundwater, and of Tamarix ramosissima were from 40-80-cm soil water in the riparian forest ecosystem. In the artificial forest, Haloxylon ammodendron used 200-cm saturated-layer soil water and shallow groundwater. The Reaumuria soongorica mainly used soil water from the 175-200-cm depth in the Gobi. Therefore, soil water and groundwater are the main water sources which maintain survival and growth of the plants in the extremely arid regions of the lower reaches of the Heihe River Basin. 相似文献
东亚干旱半干旱区沙漠化与气候变化相互影响研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
气候系统主要通过气温、降水及风场等因素影响沙漠化过程,但不同区域其影响机制存在较大差异。目前的研究结果表明,总体上,降水对沙漠化的影响较为明确,降水量增加有利于沙漠化逆转。气温和风场变化对沙漠化的影响存在明显区域差异:在季风带沙漠化区,气温升高及高空盛行西南风有利于沙漠化逆转;在非季风带沙漠化区,一方面气温升高导致蒸发量增加,沙漠化发展;另一方面,其增加了冰川、冰雪融水的补给,沙漠化逆转;在高寒带沙漠化区,旱灾和寒冻灾害是沙漠化的主因。此外,沙漠化过程通过植被、地表及土壤特征等的改变影响气候系统。例如沙漠化过程的发生伴随地表植被覆盖的变化,并通过改变地表反照率、潜热通量、粗糙度等来影响气温、降水等气候因子;还通过沙尘释放量的变化来影响降水的发生。虽然沙漠化与气候系统间存在多种反馈机制,但反照率—气温—降水—植被的正反馈及沙尘—降水—植被的正反馈是其主要反馈机制。 相似文献
Understanding the variation in a plant's water sources is critical to understanding hydrological processes in water-limited environments. Here, we measured the stable-isotope ratios(δ18 O) of xylem water of Caragana microphylla, precipitation,soil water from different depths, and groundwater to quantitatively analyze the proportion of water sources for the shrub.We found that the water sources of C. microphylla differed with the plant's ages and the seasons. The main water source for young shrubs was upper-soil water, and it showed significant changes with seasonal precipitation inputs. In summer,the proportion contributed by shallow water was significantly increased with increased precipitation inputs. Then, the contribution from shallow-soil water decreased with the decline in precipitation input in spring and autumn. However, the adult shrubs resorted to deep-soil layers and groundwater as the main water sources during the whole growing season and showed much less seasonal variation. We conclude that the main water source of the young shrubs was upper-soil water and was controlled by precipitation inputs. However, once the shrub gradually grew up and the roots reached sufficient depth, the main water sources change from the upper-soil layer recharged by precipitation to deep-soil water and groundwater, which were relatively stable and abundant in the desert ecosystem. These results also suggest that desert shrubs may be able to switch their main water sources to deep and reliable water sources as their age increases, and this adjustment to water availability carries significant importance for their acclimation to the desert habitat. 相似文献
Important progress on the use of isotope techniques and methods in catchment hydrology 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The use of isotope techniques and methods in catchment hydrology in the last 50 years has generated two major types of progress: (1) Assessment of the temporal variations of the major stocks and flows of water in catchments, from which the estimation of wa-ter residence times is introduced in this paper. (2) Assessment of catchment hydrologic processes, in which the interactions be-tween different waters, hydrographical separation, and bio-geochemical process are described by using isotopes tracers. Future progress on isotope techniques and methods in hydrology is toward the understanding of the hydrological process in large river basins. Much potential also waits realization in terms of how isotope information may be used to calibrate and test distributed rainfall-runoff models and regarding aid in the quantification of sustainable water resources management. 相似文献