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The Maltese islands are composed of two limestone aquifers, the Upper and Lower Coralline Limestone separated by an aquitard, the ‘Blue Clay’. The Lower Coralline Limestone is overlain in part by the poorly permeable Globigerina Limestone. The upper perched aquifers are discontinuous and have very limited saturated thickness and a short water level response time to rainfall. Frequent detections of coliforms suggest a rapid route to groundwater. However, the unsaturated zone has a considerable thickness in places and the primary porosity of the Upper Coralline Limestone is high, so there is likely to be older recharge by slow matrix flow as well as rapid recharge from fractures. Measurement of SF6 from a pumping station in a deep part of one of the perched aquifers indicated a mean saturated zone age of about 15 a. The Main Sea Level aquifers (MSL) on both Malta and Gozo have a large unsaturated thickness as water levels are close to sea level. On Malta, parts of the aquifer are capped by the perched aquifers and more extensively by the Globigerina Limestone. The limited detection of coliform bacteria suggests only some rapid recharge from the surface via fractures or karst features. Transmissivity is low and 3H and CFC/SF6 data indicate that saturated zone travel times are in the range 15–40 a. On Gozo the aquifer is similar but is more-extensively capped by impermeable Blue Clay. CFC data show the saturated zone travel time is from 25 a to possibly more than 60 a. Groundwater age is clearly related to the extent of low-permeability cover. The δ13C signature of groundwater is related to the geochemical processes which occur along the flowpath and is consistent with residence time ages in the sequence; perched aquifers < Malta MSL < Gozo MSL. The 18O and 2H enriched isotopic signature of post 1983 desalinated water can be seen in more-modern groundwater, particularly the urbanized areas of the perched and Malta MSL aquifers. In all aquifers, movement of solutes from the surface travelling slowly through the matrix provide a long-term source of groundwater contaminants such as NO3.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry and environmental tracers (2H, 18O, 87Sr/86Sr) in precipitation, river and reservoir water, and groundwater have been used to determine groundwater recharge sources, and to identify mixing characteristics and mineralization processes in the Manas River Basin (MRB), which is a typical mountain–oasis–desert ecosystem in arid northwest China. The oasis component is artificial (irrigation). Groundwater with enriched stable isotope content originates from local precipitation and surface-water leakage in the piedmont alluvial–oasis plain. Groundwater with more depleted isotopes in the north oasis plain and desert is recharged by lateral flow from the adjacent mountains, for which recharge is associated with high altitude and/or paleo-water infiltrating during a period of much colder climate. Little evaporation and isotope exchange between groundwater and rock and soil minerals occurred in the mountain, piedmont and oasis plain. Groundwater δ2H and δ18O values show more homogeneous values along the groundwater flow direction and with well depths, indicating inter-aquifer mixing processes. A regional contrast of groundwater allows the 87Sr/86Sr ratios and δ18O values to be useful in a combination with Cl, Na, Mg, Ca and Sr concentrations to distinguish the groundwater mixing characteristics. Two main processes are identified: groundwater lateral-flow mixing and river leakage in the piedmont alluvial–oasis plain, and vertical mixing in the north oasis plain and the desert. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and selected ion ratios reveal that carbonate dissolution and mixing with silicate from the southern mountain area are primarily controlling the strontium isotope hydrogeochemistry.  相似文献   

This year marks the 100th birthday of Prof. Huang Jiqing (T. K. Huang) birth, a great master of ageneration. This thematic issue of Geological Review is prepared to commemorate his birth.As a pioneer and founder of modern geology of China, Prof. Huang's academic activity and works involvevarious disciplines of geosciences, with especially eminent contributions to biostratigraphy, regional geology,geological mapping, tectonics, and petroleum geology. Since the 1930s, he had been all the way one of the  相似文献   

TheInternationalSymposiumontheGSSPofthePermian TriassicBoundaryandthePaleozoic MesozoicEventswasheldinChangxingCounty ,ZhejiangProvince,ChinaonAugust 1 0 - 1 3,2 0 0 1 .Thesymposiumreceivedand printed 47abstracts.About 60geologistsfrom 1 3countriesattendedthescientifi…  相似文献   

The Denver Basin bedrock aquifer system is an important source of water for municipal and agricultural uses in the Denver and Colorado Springs metropolitan areas. The Denver area is one of the fastest growing areas in the United States with a population of 1.2 million in 1960 that has increased to over 2.4 million by 2000. This rapid population growth has produced a corresponding increase in demand for potable water. Historically, the Denver area has relied on surface water, however, in the past 10 years new housing and recreation developments have begun to rely on groundwater from the bedrock aquifers as the surface water is fully appropriated and in short supply.The Denver Basin bedrock aquifer system consists of Tertiary and Cretaceous age sedimentary rocks known as the Dawson, Denver, Arapahoe and Laramie-Fox Hills Aquifers. The number of bedrock wells has increased from 12,000 in 1985 to 33,700 in 2001 and the withdrawal of groundwater has caused water level declines of 76 m. Water level declines for the past 10 years have ranged from 3 to 12 m per year. The groundwater supplies were once thought to last 100 years but there is concern that the groundwater supplies may be essentially depleted in 10 to 15 years in areas on the west side of the basin.Extensive development of the aquifer system has occurred in the last 25 years especially near the center of the basin in Douglas and El Paso Counties where rapid urban growth continues and surface water is lacking. Groundwater is being mined from the aquifer system because the discharge by wells exceeds the rate of recharge. Concern is mounting that increased groundwater withdrawal will cause water level declines, increased costs to withdraw groundwater, reduced well yield, and reduced groundwater storage. As the long-term sustainability of the groundwater resource is in doubt, water managers believe that the life of the Denver Basin aquifers can be extended with artificial recharge, water reuse, restrictions on lawn watering, well permit restrictions and conservation measures.  相似文献   

 Groundwater plays an important role for urban and industrial water supply in northern China. More than 1000 groundwater wellfields have been explored and installed. Groundwater provides about half the total quantity of the urban water supply. Complete regulations and methods for the exploration of groundwater have been established in the P.R. China. Substantial over-exploitation of groundwater has created environmental problems in some cities. Some safeguarding measures for groundwater-resource protection have been undertaken. Received, August 1997 · Revised, February 1998 · Accepted, April 1998  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONManystudiesofglobalchangesshowthatthehydrologicalcycleofacontinentalscalecanberelatedtoclimaticchanges(Andersonetal.,2 0 0 1;KarenandDara,2 0 0 1;MichaelandMichael,1999;Hugoetal.,1996 ;Larryetal.,1996 ) .Cur rentdistributionpatternsofdeuteriumandoxygen 18concen …  相似文献   

Coastal boulder deposits and chevrons are two features whose origin have triggered controversial discussions. Boulders are often used as indicators of past tsunamis and storms, with the former interpretation in many cases preferred due to the clast size. Chevrons, defined as large parabolic sand bodies, were previously attributed to (mega-)tsunami, potentially caused by oceanic impacts, because of their dimensions, height above sea level and alignment of the central axis. This study documents that chevrons along the Quobba coast in Western Australia are parabolic dunes and not related to tsunami inundation; their age is consistent with an arid period at about 3·9 to 2·3 ka when the sea level was 1 to 2 m higher than today. The internal age distribution proves an inland migration. Weakly developed soil horizons represent phases of intermittent dune stabilization and later reactivation. The calculated velocities required for wind transport and the prevailing wind directions are consistent with on-site meteorological parameters. The boulders at Quobba are most likely to be remnants of in situ platform denudation that produces shell hash, coral clasts and boulders. An unknown portion of the boulders was certainly moved by tropical cyclones. A previously proposed tsunami origin is unsustainable because the observed features can be explained by processes other than tsunamis. Boulders were tilted during gravitative platform collapse, standing water caused dissolution of the boulder bottoms, creating ‘pseudo-rockpools’, consequently not applicable as upside-down criteria, and ages of attached encrusting organisms document their colonization at higher sea level and (sub)recent frequent inundation by wave splash during rough seas.  相似文献   

This study is focused on the management of coupled groundwater–river interaction (GRI) in the context of inter-basin transfers. The semi-coupled models, HEC-RAS and MODFLOW, were utilized in this study to replicate the River Tees experiment that had been conducted in 1976. Then the ‘surrogate’ models were applied to two “what if” scenarios in order to understand and manage GRI behavior and the nature of the reservoir control system. The results on the River Tees showed that the total temporary bankside storage volume was up to 17.5 % of the total reservoir release, given about 22 h of travel time. In addition, zones 4 and 5 of the river model with significant alluvium deposits were the best storage sites with values of 4.5 and 6.7 % of the total reservoir release, respectively, estimated as temporary losses. The final direct runoff received downstream at broken scar was about 95 % of the Cow Green total reservoir release. Furthermore, the closure rate proved to be vital to compute the effective return flow in respect of this study area. Finally, with careful reservoir and groundwater management, the River Tees proved to be an ideal natural aqueduct for inter-basin transfers when used as part of a major regional water resources scheme.  相似文献   

The experiment included ten soil columns and field investigation in 1-2 year duration. Data on the columns continuously flooded with waste water indicated that when total input of NH_4-N reached to above 70% of the NH_4-N adsorption capacity in soil the breakthrough would appear in the output . Adequate removal of nitrogen from the waste water would require at least 170 cm deep groundwater table . Fine textured soil would promote denitrification . The columns simulating discontinuous waste water irrigation indicated that denitrification existed only in the partial microenviroument of reduction . Groundwater table depth had no strong influence on nitrogen removal . The investigation in field revealed that the groundwater recharged with waste water was not polluted by nitrogen when the aeration profile was in finer textures owing to the combined contribution of nitrification and denitrification.  相似文献   

Summary Regional metamorphic petrogenetic theory is currently dominated by the hypothesis that the principal grade indicator silicates and their related minerals arise by a variety of chemical reactions. It is postulated that, with rise (or fall) in regional crustal temperature and pressure, original materials become destabilized, break down, and are dissolved in the intergranular metamorphic fluid. The resulting ions then diffuse within, and are transported by, this fluid, in due course reacting with each other to form new minerals in equilibrium with each other and the associated fluid under the new conditions and in accordance with the Phase Rule. A second mechanism, widely accepted for such as metamorphic oxide, carbonate, sulphate and sulphide minerals, but not for the principal metamorphic silicates, is that the latter form largely by in situ solid:solid transformation plus or minus SiO2 plus or minus H2O, rather than by the serial process indicated above. It is now proposed that a test of the reaction theory is whether or not chemical equilibrium has been established on a fine (grain) scale in materials metamorphosed to high grades. On the basis of some simple – but very precise – electron microprobe measurements on some high grade, but still finely bedded, exhalative metasedimentary rocks, it appears to fail the test.  相似文献   

The 100-km diameter Popigai impact crater (astrobleme), which formed 35.7?Ma ago as a result of the collision of an ordinary chondrite asteroid, was discovered in the 1970s. The impact site was studied in detail for nearly two decades, and various geological investigations were performed there. They included drilling of numerous wells (about 850), geophysical surveys, and investigations of impact breccias and impactites. This research was generally performed in connection with the identification of the unique resource of industrial impact diamonds, which were found in impact rocks for the first time in the world. The extensive research data acquired over 20–30 years include geological maps, collections of rock samples and thin sections, core samples, etc. All these materials are stored in the Russian Research Geological Institute in St Petersburg. Although a lot of data on the Popigai crater have already been published, the available materials and new analytical methods offer the opportunity to obtain some new data on mechanisms of rock-forming processes during an impact event, to improve existing geological models, and to compare in detail all these features to those established in other large craters on the Earth. Modelling of the physical processes of impact cratering has been extended and new data contribute significantly to the study of impact cratering and other problems of comparative planetology. In particular, many different hypotheses of rock-forming mechanisms are tested, especially those of impact melting of various target lithologies, homogenisation of huge volumes of melt products, and their mode of ejection, deposition, cooling, etc.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThermalgroundwaterisfoundtohaveoccurredinthebedrockcarbonateaquifersofLowerPaleozoicandMeso toNeo ProterozoicErathemsnearTianjin ,China .Thebedrockaquifersexistinthelayersbetweenabout 10 0 0mandmorethan 4 0 0 0mbelowthelandsurface .Thethermalwaterhasbeensuccessfullydevelopedoverthepast2 0yearstoprovideasourceofhotwaterforavarietyofresidentialandindustri alpurposes.Geothermalwellstappingtheaquifersarecapa bleofproducingcommercialquantitiesofhotwaterwiththetemperaturesranging…  相似文献   

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