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Despite the suspected binarity for a significant fraction of Galactic lenses, the current photometric surveys detected binary microlensing events only for a small fraction of the total events. The detection efficiency is especially low for non-caustic crossing events, which comprise the majority of the binary lensing events, as a result of the absence of distinctive features in their light curves combined with small deviations from the standard light curve of a single point-mass event. In addition, even if they are detected, it will be difficult to determine the solution of the binary lens parameters owing to the severe degeneracy problem. In this paper, we investigate the properties of binary lensing event expected when they are astrometrically observed by using high-precision interferometers. For this, we construct vector field maps of excess centroid shifts, which represent the deviations of the binary lensing centroid shifts from those of a single lensing event as a function of source position. From the analysis of the maps, we find that the excess centroid shifts are substantial in a considerably large area around caustics. In addition, they have characteristic sizes and directions depending strongly on the source positions with respect to the caustics and the resulting trajectories of the light centroid (astrometric trajectories) have distinctive features, which can be distinguished from the deviations caused by other reasons. We classify the types of the deviations and investigate where they occur. Because of the strong dependence of the centroid shifts on the lens system geometry combined with the distinctive features in the observed astrometric trajectories, astrometric binary lensing observations will provide an important tool that can probe the properties of the Galactic binary lens population.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the intrinsic bias in detecting caustic crossings between the Galactic halo and self-lensing gravitational microlensing events in the Magellanic Clouds. For this, we determine the region for optimal caustic-crossing detection in the parameter space of the physical binary separations, ℓ, and the total binary lens mass, M , and find that the optimal regions for both populations of events are similar to each other. In particular, if the Galactic halo is composed of lenses with the claimed average mass of 〈 M 〉∼0.5 M, the optimal binary separation range of Galactic halo events of 3.5 au≲ℓ≲14 au matches well with that of a Magellanic Cloud self-lensing event caused by a binary lens with a total mass of M ∼1 M; well within the mass range of the most probable lens population of stars in the Magellanic Clouds. Therefore, our computation implies that if the binary fractions and the distributions of binary separations of the two populations of lenses are not significantly different from each other, there is no strong detection bias against Galactic halo caustic-crossing events.  相似文献   

Despite the same multiplicity of lenses and sources, the frequency of detection of binary source events is relatively very low compared with that of binary lens events. Dominik pointed out that the rarity of binary source events is caused mainly by the large difference in amplification between the component stars. In this paper, we determine that the fraction of events with similar source star amplifications is as large as ∼8 per cent, and thus show that the very low detection rate for binary source events cannot be explained by this effect alone. By carrying out realistic simulations of binary source events, we find that a significant number of binary source events are additionally missed from detection for various other reasons. First, if the flux ratio between the component stars is very large, the light curve of the bright star is hardly affected by the light from the faint star. Secondly, if the separation is too small, the binary source stars behave like a single star, making it difficult to separate the binary source event from a single source event. Finally, although the probability of detecting binary source events increases as the source separation increases, some fraction of binary source events will still be missed because the light curves of these events will mimic those of single source events with longer time-scales and larger values of the impact parameter.  相似文献   

Gaudi & Gould showed that close companions of remote binary systems can be efficiently detected by using gravitational microlensing via the deviations in the lensing light curves induced by the existence of the lens companions. In this paper, we introduce another channel to detect faint close-in binary companions by using microlensing. This method utilizes a caustic-crossing binary lens event with a source also composed of binary stars, where the companion is a faint star. Detection of the companion is possible because the flux of the companion can be highly amplified when it crosses the lens caustic. The detection is facilitated since the companion is more amplified than the primary because it, in general, has a smaller size than the primary, and thus experiences less finite source effect. The method is an extension of the previous one suggested to detect close-in giant planets by Graff & Gaudi and Lewis & Ibata and further developed by Ashton & Lewis. From the simulations of realistic Galactic bulge events, we find that companions of K-type main-sequence or brighter stars can be efficiently detected from the current type of microlensing follow-up observations by using the proposed method. We also find that compared with the method of detecting lens companions for which the efficiency drops significantly for binaries with separations ≲0.2 of the angular Einstein ring radius, θ E, the proposed method has an important advantage of being able to detect companions with substantially smaller separations down to ∼     .  相似文献   

In the general three-body problem, in a rotating frame of reference, a symmetric periodic solution with a binary collision is determined by the abscissa of one body and the energy of the system. For different values of the masses of the three bodies, the symmetric periodic collision orbits form a two-parametric family. In the case of equal masses of the two bodies and small mass of the third body, we found several symmetric periodic collision orbits similar to the corresponding orbits in the restricted three-body problem. Starting with one symmetric periodic collision orbit we obtained two families of such orbits. Also starting with one collision orbit in the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system we obtained, for a constant value of the mass ratio of two bodies, a family of symmetric periodic collision orbits.  相似文献   

P. Pravec  A.W. Harris 《Icarus》2007,190(1):250-259
We compiled a list of estimated parameters of binary systems among asteroids from near-Earth to trojan orbits. In this paper, we describe the construction of the list, and we present results of our study of angular momentum content in binary asteroids. The most abundant binary population is that of close binary systems among near-Earth, Mars-crossing, and main belt asteroids that have a primary diameter of about 10 km or smaller. They have a total angular momentum very close to, but not generally exceeding, the critical limit for a single body in a gravity regime. This suggests that they formed from parent bodies spinning at the critical rate (at the gravity spin limit for asteroids in the size range) by some sort of fission or mass shedding. The Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect is a candidate to be the dominant source of spin-up to instability. Gravitational interactions during close approaches to the terrestrial planets cannot be a primary mechanism of formation of the binaries, but it may affect properties of the NEA part of the binary population.  相似文献   

Single close encounters between Jupiter and about 3000 hypothetical minor bodies, initially on elliptical orbits, have been studied computing the evolution of the three-body system Sun-Jupiter-object, by means of a new numerical method of integration. The fictitious population processed contains almost all the orbits which allow a close approach to the planet. The efficiency of a single encounter in varying the orbital parameters of the objects resulted to be generally poor, as it is shown by the distributions of the orbital parameter variations. Collisions and ejections from the solar system on hyperbolic orbits are little numerous; some temporary satellite capture have been recognised. The results of this work show that any attempt to study the close encounter event by means of two distinct two-body problems is physically meaningless because the mid-range perturbations, disregarded in such cases, are very far from being negligible.  相似文献   

We present a halo model prediction of the image separation distribution of strong lenses. Our model takes into account the subhalo population, which has been ignored in previous studies, as well as the conventional halo population. Haloes and subhaloes are linked to central and satellite galaxies by adopting a universal scaling relation between masses of (sub)haloes and luminosities of galaxies. Our model predicts that 10–20 per cent of lenses should be caused by the subhalo population. The fraction of lensing by satellite galaxies (subhaloes) peaks at ∼1 arcsec and decreases rapidly with increasing image separations. We compute fractions of lenses which lie in groups and clusters and find them to be ∼14 and ∼4 per cent, respectively; nearly half of such lenses are expected to be produced by satellite galaxies, rather than central parts of haloes. We also study mass distributions of lensing haloes and find that, even at image separations of ∼3 arcsec, the deviation of lens mass distributions from isothermal profiles is large; at or beyond ∼3 arcsec, image separations are enhanced significantly by surrounding haloes. Our model prediction agrees reasonably well with observed image separation distributions from galaxy to cluster scales.  相似文献   

T. Gold 《Icarus》1975,25(3):489-491
Grains, an abundant constituent of the former solar system, will have had a high probability of being driven into orbits resonant with major bodies already formed. This arises because of the presence of gas drag and Poynting-Robertson drag on small grains, providing the dissipation necessary to concentrate matter into special orbits. Since the mean density in resonant orbits can be built up by such a process without limit, these may become the favored orbits for gravitational contraction to gather material into major bodies. Satellite formation processes may therefore depend upon the buildup of resonant lanes of dust grains around the parent body. Saturn's rings are possibly one example of such lanes, though an unsuitable one for the final step of satellite formation on account of their being too close to Saturn.  相似文献   

The Hamiltonian of three point masses is averaged over fast variablel and ll (mean anomalies) The problem is non-planar and it is assumed that two of the bodies form a close pair (stellar three-body problem). Only terms up to the order of (a/á)4 are taken into account in the Hamiltonian, wherea andá are the corresponding semi-major axes. Employing the method of elimination of the nodes, the problem may be reduced to one degree of freedom. Assuming in addition that the angular momentum of the close binary is much smaller than the angular momentum of the motion of the binary around a third body, we were able to solve the equation for the eccentricity changes in terms of the Jacobian elliptic functions.  相似文献   

The convergence of Lagrange series is studied on a part of the elliptical orbit for values of eccentricity exceeding the Laplace limit. The regions in the vicinity of the two apses of the orbit are identified in which the Lagrange series converge absolutely and uniformly for the values of the eccentricity greater than the Laplace limit. The obtained results are of practical interest for astronomy when studying motions of stellar bodies in orbits with high eccentricity. In particular, these series may be used to calculate the orbits of comets or asteroids with high eccentricity as they pass through the neighborhood of perihelion or to calculate the orbits of artificial satellites with high eccentricity “hanging” in the vicinity of apogee. In stellar dynamics, these series may be used in cases of close binary stars, many of which move in orbits with an eccentricity greater than the Laplace limit.  相似文献   

Gravitational lensing provides a unique and powerful probe of the mass distributions of distant galaxies. Four-image lens systems with fold and cusp configurations have two or three bright images near a critical point. Within the framework of singularity theory, we derive analytic relations that are satisfied for a light source that lies a small but finite distance from the astroid caustic of a four-image lens. Using a perturbative expansion of the image positions, we show that the time delay between the close pair of images in a fold lens scales with the cube of the image separation, with a constant of proportionality that depends on a particular third derivative of the lens potential. We also apply our formalism to cusp lenses, where we develop perturbative expressions for the image positions, magnifications and time delays of the images in a cusp triplet. Some of these results were derived previously for a source asymptotically close to a cusp point, but using a simplified form of the lens equation whose validity may be in doubt for sources that lie at astrophysically relevant distances from the caustic. Along with the work of Keeton, Gaudi & Petters, this paper demonstrates that perturbation theory plays an important role in theoretical lensing studies.  相似文献   

The pulsar timing residuals induced by gravitational waves from non- evolving single binary sources are affected by many parameters related to the relative positions of the pulsar and the gravitational wave sources. We will analyze the various effects due to different parameters. The standard deviations of the timing residuals will be calculated with a variable parameter fixing a set of other parameters. The or- bits of the binary sources will be generally assumed to be elliptical. The influences of different eccentricities on the pulsar timing residuals will also be studied in detail. We find that the effects of the related parameters are quite different, and some of them display certain regularities.  相似文献   

Several families of the planar general three-body problem for fixed values of the three masses are found, in a rotating frame of reference, where the mass of two of the bodies is small compared to the mass of the third body. These families were obtained by the continuation of a degenerate family of periodic orbits of three bodies where two of the bodies have zero masses and describe circular orbits around a third body with finite mass, in the same direction.The above families represent planetary systems with the body with the large mass representing the Sun and the two small bodies representing two planets or comets. One section of a family is shown to represent the Jupiter family of comets and also a model for the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system is found.The stability analysis revealed that stability exists for small masses and small eccentricities of the two planets. Planetary systems with relatively large masses and eccentricities are proved to be unstable. In particular, the Jupiter family of comets, for small masses of the two small bodies, and the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system are proved to be stable. Also, it was shown that resonances are not necessarily associated with instabilities.  相似文献   

We present FUSE H Lyman series spectroscopy of the hot white dwarf companion to the 4th magnitude A1 III star β  Crt, which shows that it has an unusually low mass,     , and has almost certainly evolved through binary interaction. This system could be a long-sought remnant of Algol-type evolution, although radial velocity measurements appear to show that the pair are not close. Instead, micro-variations in the proper motion of β  Crt as measured by Hipparcos suggest that the period could be as high as ∼10 yr. However, a low-mass white dwarf in a system with a period ≳3 yr is difficult to explain by conventional models for binary evolution. We speculate on alternative models for the evolution of this system which involve an eccentric binary or multiple components.  相似文献   

A method is developed to study the stability of periodic motions of the three-body problem in a rotating frame of reference, based on the notion of surface of section. The method is linear and involves the computation of a 4×4 variational matrix by integrating numerically the differential equations for time intervals of the order of a period. Several properties of this matrix are proved and also it is shown that for a symmetric periodic motion it can be computed by integrating for half the period only.This linear stability analysis is used to study the stability of a family of periodic motions of three bodies with equal masses, in a rotating frame of reference. This family represents motion such that two bodies revolve around each other and the third body revolves around this binary system in the same direction to a distance which varies along the members of the family. It was found that a large part of the family, corresponding to the case where the distance of the third body from the binary system is larger than the dimensions of the binary system, represents stable motion. The nonlinear effects to the linear stability analysis are studied by computing the intersections of several perturbed orbits with the surface of sectiony 3=0. In some cases more than 1000 intersections are computed. These numerical results indicate that linear stability implies stability to all orders, and this is true for quite large perturbations.  相似文献   

A high angular resolution near-infrared image that shows the intensity of polarization for the GG Tau A binary system was obtained with the Subaru Telescope.The image shows a circumbinary disk scattering the light from the central binary. The azimuthal profile of the intensity of polarization for the circumbinary disk is roughly reproduced by a simple disk model with the Henyey-Greenstein phase function and the Rayleigh function, indicating there are small dust grains at the surface of the disk.Combined with a previous observation of the circumbinary disk, our image indicates that the gap structure in the circumbinary disk orbits counterclockwise, but material in the disk orbits clockwise. We propose that there is a shadow caused by material located between the central binary and the circumbinary disk. The separations and position angles of the stellar components of the binary in the past 20 yr are consistent with the binary orbit with a = 33.4 AU and e = 0.34.  相似文献   

Microlensing events are usually selected among single-peaked non-repeating light curves in order to avoid confusion with variable stars. However, a microlensing event may exhibit a second microlensing brightening episode when the source or/and the lens is a binary system. A careful analysis of these repeating events provides an independent way to study the statistics of wide binary stars and to detect extrasolar planets. Previous theoretical studies predicted that 0.5–2 per cent of events should repeat due to wide binary lenses. We present a systematic search for such events in about 4000 light curves of microlensing candidates detected by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) towards the Galactic bulge from 1992 to 2007. The search reveals a total of 19 repeating candidates, with six clearly due to a wide binary lens. As a by-product, we find that 64 events (∼2 per cent of the total OGLE-III sample) have been misclassified as microlensing; these misclassified events are mostly nova or other types of eruptive stars. The number and importance of repeating events will increase considerably when the next-generation wide-field microlensing experiments become fully operational in the future.  相似文献   

The dynamical stability of a bound triple system composed of a small binary or minor planetary system moving on a orbit inclined to a central third body is discussed in terms of Hill stability for the full three-body problem. The situation arises in the determination of stability of triple star systems against disruption and component exchange and the determination of stability of extrasolar planetary systems and minor planetary systems against disruption, component exchange or capture. The Hill stability criterion is applied to triple star systems and extrasolar planetary systems, the Sun-Earth-Moon system and Kuiper Belt binary systems to determine the critical distances for stable orbits. It is found that increasing the inclination of the third body decreases the Hill regions of stability. Increasing the eccentricity of the binary also produces similar effects.These type of changes make exchange or disruption of the component masses more likely. Increasing the eccentricity of the binary orbit relative to the third body substantially decreases stability regions as the eccentricity reaches higher values. The Kuiper Belt binaries were found to be stable if they move on circular orbits. Taking into account the eccentricity, it is less clear that all the systems are stable.  相似文献   

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