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Measured time series were generated by small omnidirectional explosive sources in a shallow water area. A bottom-mounted hydrophone recorded sound signals that propagated over a sloping bottom. The time series in the 250-500 Hz band were analyzed with a broad-band adiabatic normal mode approach. The measured waveforms contain numerous bottom interacting multipaths that are complicated by the subbottom structure that contains high-velocity layers near the water-sediment interface. Several of the details of the geoacoustic structure and the depth of the water column at the receiver are inferred from comparisons of the measured data to simulated time series. The sensitivity of broad-band matched-field ambiguity surfaces in the range-depth plane for a single receiver to selected waveguide parameters is examined. A consistent analysis is made where the simulated time series are compared to the measured time series along with the single-receiver matched-field localization solutions for ranges out to 5 km. In this range interval, it was found that the peak cross-correlation between the measured and simulated time series varied between 0.84 and 0.69. The difference between the GPS range and the range obtained from the matched-field solution varied from 0 to 63 m. The geoacoustic structure obtained in the analysis consists of an 8-m low-velocity sediment layer over an 8-m high-velocity layer followed by a higher velocity, infinite half-space 相似文献
Abbot P. Celuzza S. Dyer I. Gomes B. Fulford J. Lynch J. Gawarkiewicz G. Volak D. 《Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of》2001,26(2):266-284
Environmental acoustics experiments were recently conducted in shallow to intermediate water depths in the Sea of Japan, east of Korea, along the shelf and slope, covering frequencies from 25 to 800 Hz. These were operational experiments carried out in three different seasons. The primary objectives of the data reported here are: (1) to characterize the Korean coastal environment during May 1998, September 1998, and February 1999 and (2) to assess how complexities of the environment might impact acoustic propagation in May and February, as measured by its transmission loss. Propagation data were obtained from broadband explosive SUS sources and sonobuoy receivers. The tests were conducted over varying bottom depths and slopes, both approximately normal and parallel to the bathymetric contours. Two different source depths were included. Environmental and acoustic data are reviewed and discussed. While many aspects of the observed propagation remain ill understood, on the whole a consistent and useful picture has emerged of acoustic propagation in this region. Environmental impacts on propagation are associated mainly with bottom properties, somewhat less so with source depth in relationship to sound speed profiles, and almost not at all with range-dependent profiles of a water mass front 相似文献
The full-wave modeling of storm seismoacoustic field propagation in oceanic waveguides and at the ocean-continent border in
the low-frequency range from 0.01 to 1 Hz using the numerical grid method is considered. The 2D model proposed by Press and
Ewing for planar waveguides above the homogeneous elastic halfspace was chosen as a basis. The influence of a layer of deposits
and features of the crust of the oceanic- and continent-type was taken into account in the more complex model. The effects
of the carrier frequency, orientation of directivity diagram of the signal source, and steepness of the continental slope
were investigated. A system of the second-order linear partial differential equations of hyperbolic type was solved in the
process of modeling. The inertia properties and attenuation in the medium were taken into consideration. Fast-operating locally
recursive nonlocally asynchronous parallel algorithms were used in the modeling, which were developed at the Keldysh Institute
of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences for modeling of plasma processes. At present, these algorithms are
adapted for modeling of geophysical fields. A computing system consisting of two computers based on eight-core processors
is used for computations. As a result, instantaneous pictures of microseism field propagation were constructed at the specified
cross sections of the medium at sequential time moments, and the microseism’s frequency spectra and synthetic seismograms
were obtained for some characteristic points of aqueous medium, bottom sediment, and land. The considered algorithms of full-wave
numerical modeling and the computing system can be easily adapted to the 3D variant of anisotropic and inhomogeneous media
specified by analytical expressions. 相似文献
基于2006年Argo资料,计算两北太平洋海域0-1 500 m声速剖面.针对声速结构分类中分类数目难以客观选取和分类结果易陷入局部最优等问题,采用聚类中心动态调整的遗传编码方案和操作算子,充分利用模糊聚类与遗传算法的优势,运用改进的遗传聚类算法对西北太平洋声速剖面进行分类区划基于声场环境区划结果,运用Kraken简正波传播模型(Kraken Normal Wave Propagation Model)模拟典型声速结构的声传播损失场,借助表征声呐效能的优质因数(FO)M),分析典型声速结构的传播损失特征及其对声呐探测、水下潜器等活动的影响 相似文献
S. N. Kulichkov I. P. Chunchuzov O. I. Popov 《Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics》2010,46(1):60-68
The results of simulating the influence of an atmospheric fine structure on the characteristics of acoustic signals propagating
throughout the atmosphere for long distances from their sources are presented. A numerical model of an atmospheric fine inhomogeneous
structure within the height range z = 20…120 km is proposed to perform calculations. This model and its numerical parameters are based on the current notions
of the formation of an atmospheric fine structure due to internal gravity waves. The numerical calculations were performed
using the parabolic-equation method. A spatial structure of the acoustic field and the structure of an acoustic signal at
long distances from a pulsed source were calculated. It is shown that the presence of an atmospheric fine structure results
in a scattering of acoustic signals and their recording in the geometric shadow region. The results of calculations of signal
forms are in a satisfactory agreement with data on signals recorded in the geometric shadow region which is formed at a distance
of about 300 km from an experimental explosion. 相似文献
Abbot P. Celuzza S. Dyer I. Gomes B. Fulford J. Lynch J. 《Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of》2003,28(2):192-211
Operational environmental acoustics experiments were conducted over the frequency range of 25 to 800 Hz in September 1997 in the East China Sea, where the water depth was about 100 m. Objectives of the data analysis reported here are to characterize this environment and to assess its complexities as they may impact acoustic propagation as measured by its transmission loss (TL). Conductivity-temperature-depths and expendable bathy-thermographs sampled the ocean, such that its spatial and temporal variability could be approximately separated. The sound-speed profiles are downward refracting, involve two water masses associated with the Kuroshio Current and Taiwan Warm Current, and have thermocline variations caused by internal tides. The bottom geoacoustic characteristics, presumed to be approximately horizontally isotropic, were based on data atlases and were estimated from the measured TL, for some interpretations. The TL data were obtained in octave bands from explosive signal underwater sound sources and sonobuoy receivers, both deployed at a depth of about 18 m. Tests were conducted in directions approximately normal and parallel to the bathymetric contours and the measured TL was, to zero order, independent of the direction of propagation. To higher order, directional differences in the TL were observed and ascribed to anisotropies in bottom properties. A state-of-the-art TL model was adopted, based on environmental idealizations typical of operational forecasting and compared with the measured TL. The comparison yields a probability density function that quantifies the uncertainty of such a TL model, caused by the stochastic variability of the environment, typically unknown a priori. For the model used, the pdf has a standard deviation of about 2 dB from 50 to 800 Hz and larger below 50 Hz. 相似文献
南海西部中尺度暖涡环境下汇聚区声传播效应分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
应用高斯束射线模型对南海西部中尺度暖涡环境下的汇聚区声传播效应进行了分析.结果表明,暖涡引起的声速场环境变化和海底地形变化的双重效应使汇聚区声道出现了复杂的变异.当水深大于临界深度时,涡引起的环境变化起主要作用.对于暖涡结构,涡中心产生的汇聚区距离最远;声波从涡中心向外侧传播时,汇聚区距离逐渐变小;声波从涡外侧向中心传播时,汇聚区距离逐渐变大.当水深小于临界深度时,海底地形变化起主要作用,地形变浅使汇聚区声道出现"截断效应",声道中的能量迅速衰减.在暖涡西侧,声速场的水平非均匀性与陆坡式的地形对声传播起着相反的效应.与声速结构不随距离变化的情况相比,暖涡环境使陆坡地形临界深度附近的汇聚区声道结构发生了明显的变异. 相似文献
Propagation of 400-Hz sound through continental-shelf internal solitary wave packets is shown by numerical simulation to be strongly influenced by coupling of normal modes. Coupling in a packet is controlled by the mode coefficients at the point where sound enters the packet, the dimensions of the waves and packet, and the ambient depth structures of temperature and salinity. In the case of a moving packet, changes of phases of the incident modes with respect to each other dominate over the other factors, altering the coupling over time and thus inducing signal fluctuations. The phasing within a moving packet varies with time scales of minutes, causing coupling and signal fluctuations with comparable time scales. The directionality of energy flux between high-order acoustic modes and (less attenuated) low-order modes determines a gain factor for long-range propagation. A significant finding is that energy flux toward low-order modes through the effect of a packet near a source favoring high-order modes will give net amplification at distant ranges. Conversely, a packet far from a source sends energy into otherwise quiet higher modes. The intermittency of the coupling and of high-mode attenuation via bottom interaction means that signal energy fluctuations and modal diversity fluctuations at a distant receiver are complementary, with energy fluctuations suggesting a source-region packet and mode fluctuations suggesting a receiver-region packet. Simulations entailing 33-km propagation are used in the analyses, imitating the SWARM experiment geometry, allowing comparison with observations 相似文献
《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(3-4):350-364
The aim of this paper is to investigate the propagation of ship waves on a sloping coast on the basis of results simulated by a 2D model. The governing equations used for the present model are the improved Boussinesq-type equations. The wave breaking process is parameterized by adding a dissipation term to the depth-integrated momentum equation. To give the boundary conditions at the ship location, the slender-ship approximation is used. It was verified that, although ship waves are essentially transient, the Snell's law can be applied to predict crest orientation of the wake system on a sloping coast. Based on simulated results, an applicable empirical formula to predict the maximum wave height on the slope is introduced. The maximum wave height estimated by the proposed method agrees well with numerical simulation results. 相似文献
环境容量是评估海域污染物最高容纳量的一个重要指标,污染物排放量控制指标的合理性取决于项目所在海域的环境容量的正确估算。本文首先根据近年来对防城港湾海水环境质量的现场调查资料,采用单因子指数法对防城港湾的水环境质量现状进行评价和分析,然后,通过模型和模拟对城港湾的水交换周期进行了计算,最后选取水质评价中出现超标的石油烃作为分析因子,采用改进的标准浓度法估算了防城港湾石油烃的环境容量。结果表明,防城港湾的水环境质量状况良好,石油烃环境容量在一、三、四类水质标准下分别为2023t/a、51334t/a、92896t/a。 相似文献
The results of model calculations and experimental research of turbulent jet propagation in a stratified environment with
reference to the Sand Island wastewater outfall (Hawaii) are considered. The jet’s emergence and initial dilution were estimated
on the basis of model calculations and experimental data of the stratified environment characteristics in 2003–2004. The reason
for the appearance of the bidirectional quasi-isopycnic structure in the waste and ocean water mixing area was clarified,
and an analysis of the TS index was carried out. The jet’s features as calculated from the model and obtained from measurements with hydrophysical
and hydrooptical instrumentation were found to closely correspond. The effects of the tides and hydrophysical conditions on
the waste water’s turbulent jet characteristics (the jet’s floating-up depth level) have been revealed. The outcomes of the
study corroborate the efficiency of the model as a tool for research of deep outfall turbulent jet propagation in the stratified
environment of coastal water areas. 相似文献
本文根据1994年9月16日台湾海峡7.3级强震序列的空间活动图象变化特征,结合历史地震资料,比较分析了台湾海峡区域史今地震活动的总体演变过程,表明该区强震发生与周边地区的台湾,日本及菲律宾大地地震,在时间进程,强度变化和地域分布关系上存在关地球物理场变化的影响。 相似文献
《Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of》1982,7(2):75-82
A triaxial set of underwater receiving coils was developed and tested. The receiving system was used jointly with an underwater, calibrated, horizontal, electric dipole source in studies of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic propagation. This paper discusses the electromechanical design of the receiver and tethering system and addresses system sensitivity and noise levels. The receiving system was used successfully in a series of measurements, in spite of serious motion noise contamination. A stationary system sensitivity of5 times 10^{-4} gamma/sqrt{Hz} was achieved. 相似文献
The offshore tide becomes strongly distorted as it propagates into shallow estuarine systems. Observations of sea surface elevation and horizontal currents over periods ranging from three days to one year, at nine stations within Nauset inlet/estuary, document the non-linear interaction of the off-shore equilibrium tidal constituents. Despite strong frictional attenuation within the estuary, the overtides and compound tides of M2, S2 and N2, in particular, reach significant amplitude, resulting in strong tidal distortion. High frequency forced constituents in sea surface are phase-locked, consistently leading the forcing tides by 60–70°, resulting in a persistent distortion where falling tide is longer than rising tide. Forced constituents in currents are more nearly in phase with equilibrium constituents, producing flood currents which are shorter but more intense than ebb currents. A compound fortnightly tide, MSf, modulates the mean water level such that lowest tides occur during neap phase instead of spring phase. This fortnightly tide can be contaminated by storm surge, changing the phase characteristics of this constituent. Implications of the overtides, compound tides, and lower frequency tides on near-bed, suspended and dissolved material transport are profound. 相似文献
The generation of tidal asymmetries is clarified via numerical integration of the one-dimensional equations for channel geometries characteristic of shallow estuaries. Channels without tidal flats develop a time asymmetry characterized by a longer falling than rising tide. This behavior is enhanced by strong friction and large channel cross-sectional area variability over a tidal cycle. Resulting tidal currents have a shorter, intense flood and a longer, weak ebb (flood-dominant). Addition of tidal flats to the channels can produce a longer rising tide and stronger ebb currents (ebb-dominant), if the area of tidal flats is large enough to overcome the effects of time-variable channel geometry. Weaker friction with flats can also produce this asymmetry.Despite the physical complexity of these systems, essential features of estuarine tidal response can be recovered from one-dimensional models. Shallow estuaries are shown to have a system response leading to stable, uniform senses of tidal asymmetry (either flood- or ebb-dominated, due to phase-locking of forced tidal constituents), with down-channel development in magnitude of asymmetry. These concepts are illustrated by modeling idealized representations of tidal channels at Nauset Inlet, MA, and Wachapreague Inlet, VA, which have flood- and ebb-dominance, respectively. 相似文献
分数阶混沌系统与整数阶混沌系统之间的同步 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于追踪控制的思想,利用分数阶系统稳定性理论,实现了分数阶混沌系统与整数阶混沌系统之间的混沌同步,给出了补偿器和反馈控制器的选择方法. 以三维分数阶Chen系统和三维整数阶Lorenz混沌系统之间的混沌同步为例进行了数值仿真和电路仿真. 研究表明了该同步方法的有效性. 相似文献
Since the past two decades, the time delay feedback control method has attracted more and more attention in chaos control studies because of its simplicity and efficiency compared with other chaos control schemes. Recently, it has been proposed to suppress low-dimensional chaos with the notch filter feedback control method, which can be implemented in a laser system. In this work, we have analytically determined the controllable conditions for notch filter feedback controlling of Chen chaotic system in terms of the Hopf bifurcation theory. The conditions for notch filter feedback controlled Chen chaoitc system having a stable limit cycle solution are given. Meanwhile, we also analysed the Hopf bifurcation direction, which is very important for parameter settings in notch filter feedback control applications. Finally, we apply the notch filter feedback control methods to the electronic circuit experiments and numerical simulations based on the theoretical analysis. The controlling results of notch filter feedback control method well prove the feasibility and reliability of the theoretical analysis. 相似文献
The effects of Coriolis force on long waves have been discussed based on gravity waves propagating in an unbounded ocean, channel and basin. In case of ocean, results show that the Coriolis effect will be significant and negligible, when the wave period is comparable to 2π/f and much shorter, respectively. Results also show in a channel, the wave amplitude and water particle velocity decrease exponentially in the positive y direction in the northern hemisphere (where f is positive). Moreover, in a basin, the Cotidal lines have been found as curves and rotate counterclockwise around the origin. 相似文献
黄茅海河口潮波的传播特征与机理研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
黄茅海位处珠三角的西南,潮波自外海向陆的传播过程中,潮差和潮波性质都发生复杂的变化,对其传播过程及背后机理的研究具有重要的理论和实际意义。采用环境流体动力学(Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code, EFDC)模型,通过不同时段的观测资料对模型进行良好验证后,分析了枯季和洪季时潮波在河口内传播过程中的潮差变化、水位与流速的相位关系的变化情况,探讨了合山水闸的存在以及黄茅海与珠三角河网的相互作用对河口潮波的影响, 结果表明地形变化、摩擦力作用、入射波与反射波的叠加是造成潮波沿程变化的主要原因,合山水闸形成的反射波影响范围可达上百千米,而黄茅海与珠三角河网的相互作用减小了河口的潮差。珠三角的磨刀门河口与伶仃洋—虎门—广州河口的潮波传播表现出与黄茅海河口的不同特征。 相似文献